In the surreal aftermath of a devastating energy explosion, Victor is transported to an endless white void, facing the harrowing sight of a crucified and battered Sam, hinting at deeper battles within. The appearance of a suave, manipulative version of Sam, offering a knife to kill the beaten Sam in exchange for his wife's freedom, reveals a twisted maze of moral and existential dilemmas.
This encounter is shattered by the intervention of a familiar, benevolent Sam, exposing the situation as an illusion and unveiling the true antagonist, Malice, in a grotesque, defeated form. As Sam frees Sophia and faces Malice's fury, their ensuing battle transcends physical limits, showcasing a dramatic clash of wills, manipulation, and the struggle for control within this metaphysical realm, culminating in a fierce showdown that blurs the lines between reality and illusion, and between tormentor and savior.
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.