In an extraordinary encounter, Sam meets Ismael, an enigmatic being of light who reveals he has been with Sam through his life's darkest moments, unseen but profoundly impactful. Ismael explains that Sam's trials were necessary for his growth, akin to the violent creation of the moon being crucial for life on Earth.
This journey of hardship and loneliness was designed to prepare Sam to become a god, capable of altering the universe's fabric. The climax reveals that Malice, Sam's lifelong tormentor, is actually a reflection of Sam himself, symbolizing his inner demons and struggles.
As Ismael fades away, leaving Sam with unanswered questions and a forthcoming test by another divine entity, the narrative highlights themes of destiny, suffering, and the potential for redemption, positioning Sam on the verge of a transformation that transcends his understanding of power and purpose.
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.