Victor's reunion with his family in a small Tibetan town unfolds with a blend of anticipation and shock, leading to a poignant moment when his wife, Sophia, initially mistaking him for a demon, highlights the depth of her anguish and the lengths to which they have been led by celestial machinations.
Guided by the angel Gabriel and confronted by Michael, Victor navigates through revelations of ancient divinity and the role his family is to play in the saga of a new god, Sam Rittenhouse, who battles an internal demon named Malice.
This narrative weaves a complex tapestry of faith, love, and destiny, placing Victor at the heart of a divine plan that challenges his understanding of reality and duty, revealing a story that transcends time and speaks to the eternal struggle between light and darkness, underscored by the power of familial bonds and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of cosmic upheaval.
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.