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Altertox Academy Podcasts cover

Altertox Academy Podcasts

Altertox Academy Podcasts

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Altertox Academy Podcasts cover
Altertox Academy Podcasts cover

Altertox Academy Podcasts

Altertox Academy Podcasts



Discover the first series of podcasts produced by Altertox Academy and dedicated to the 3Rs centers in Europe. The 3Rs centers promote and encourage the replacement, reduction and refinement of animals used for scientific purposes. Jeanne Laperrouze meets the Directors of the centers and discuss progress towards the full replacement of animal testing in Europe, the legislative framework and the situation in their member states.

Altertox is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Discover the first series of podcasts produced by Altertox Academy and dedicated to the 3Rs centers in Europe. The 3Rs centers promote and encourage the replacement, reduction and refinement of animals used for scientific purposes. Jeanne Laperrouze meets the Directors of the centers and discuss progress towards the full replacement of animal testing in Europe, the legislative framework and the situation in their member states.

Altertox is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

8 episodes

    Season 2

  • Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM -  3RCC Suisse (Français) cover
    Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM -  3RCC Suisse (Français) cover
    Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM - 3RCC Suisse (Français)

    Alors qu'une consultation populaire sur l'utilisation des animaux dans la recherche se tiendra en Suisse le 13 février, Jenny Sandström, Directrice du Centre Compétence 3R en Suisse (3RCC) répond à nos questions sur les possibles conséquences de cette consultation sur la recherche dans le pays, mais aussi sur l'industries pharmaceutique ou encore l'importatation de certains produits. Au travers de cet entretien, Jenny Sandström nous renseigne sur l'utilisation des animaux dans la recherche dans son pays, mais aussi sur le statut particulier des animaux dans la legistation nationale et sur l'état des lieux des méthodes ne reposant pas sur l'experimentation animals telles que les organes sur puces, ou encore le 'machine learning'. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    13min | Published on February 9, 2022

  • Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM - Swiss 3RCC cover
    Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM - Swiss 3RCC cover
    Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM - Swiss 3RCC

    As a public vote on animal testing will take place in Switzerland on 13 February, Jenny Sandström, Executive Director of the Swiss 3R Competence Centre (3RCC) comments on the possible consequences of the consultation for the 3Rs and research in her country as well as in Europe. She also describes the role of the 3RCC to promote the 3Rs while explaining the legislation and specific statut of animals in Switzerland. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    32min | Published on January 24, 2022

  • Altertox Academy - Vera ROGIERS - IC 3Rs at VUB cover
    Altertox Academy - Vera ROGIERS - IC 3Rs at VUB cover
    Altertox Academy - Vera ROGIERS - IC 3Rs at VUB

    Vera Rogiers, Emeritus Professor of Toxicology and Chair of the Innovation Centre - 3Rs at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, explains the creation and actions of the Centre to promote the implementation of the 3Rs in scientific research by using new technology and new approach methodologies (NAMs). She describes the peculiar situation of Belgium, a federal state, when it comes to promoting NAMs and also discusses the upcoming revision of the REACH Regulation and what can be expected from the EU Green Deal. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    40min | Published on December 17, 2021

  • Altertox Academy - Bogdan SEVASTRE - Romanian 3Rs Centre cover
    Altertox Academy - Bogdan SEVASTRE - Romanian 3Rs Centre cover
    Altertox Academy - Bogdan SEVASTRE - Romanian 3Rs Centre

    In this episode, Prof. Bogdan Sevastre, Director of the RoCAM, presents the history and missions of the Romanian 3Rs centre and the impact of the EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes in his country. He also discusses the role of education and the next generation of scientists in the development and adoption of the 3Rs principles, and how animal welfare and better science go hand and hand to tackle the reproducibility crisis. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    30min | Published on October 18, 2021

  • Season 1

  • Altertox Academy - Jessica JOHANSSON - Swedish 3Rs Centre cover
    Altertox Academy - Jessica JOHANSSON - Swedish 3Rs Centre cover
    Altertox Academy - Jessica JOHANSSON - Swedish 3Rs Centre

    Jessica Johansson, operation manager at the Swedish 3Rs Centre, informs us on the agenda of the Swedish agencies and committees involved in the promotion of New Approach Methodologies. She describes the boarder scope of the legislation on animal welfare in Sweden, the strategies in place to ensure transfer of knowledge, accelerate the uptake of alternative methods and highlight the importance of cooperation and dialogue among all stakeholders to push the 3Rs. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    34min | Published on July 27, 2021

  • Altertox Academy - Philippe HUBERT - FRANCOPA cover
    Altertox Academy - Philippe HUBERT - FRANCOPA cover
    Altertox Academy - Philippe HUBERT - FRANCOPA

    Dans cet épisode en Français, Altertox Academy vous invite à écouter Philippe Hubert, Directeur de Francopa, plateforme française pour le développement des méthodes alternatives aux tests sur les animaux rassemblant le monde de la recherche, les groupes de défenses des animaux, les régulateurs et l'industrie. Philippe Hubert nous informe sur les technologies permettant de réduire et remplacer l'expérimentation animale et comment la science réglementaire agit comme cataliseur pour permettre l'adoption de ces méthodes. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    44min | Published on June 9, 2021

  • Altertox Academy - Arti AHLUWALIA - CENTRO 3R.wav cover
    Altertox Academy - Arti AHLUWALIA - CENTRO 3R.wav cover
    Altertox Academy - Arti AHLUWALIA - CENTRO 3R.wav

    Altertox Academy invites you to meet Arti Ahluwalia, Director of the Italian Centro 3R, who tells us about the difficult transposition of the EU Directive on animal used for scientific purposes in Italy. She describes the interuniversity plateform's actions to promote the replacement, reduction and refinement of animals in science and gives us insights on how to move towards the adoption of alternative solutions. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    29min | Published on May 6, 2021

  • Altertox Academy  - Adrian Smith - NORECOPA.wav cover
    Altertox Academy  - Adrian Smith - NORECOPA.wav cover
    Altertox Academy - Adrian Smith - NORECOPA.wav

    For this first episode, Altertox Academy takes you to Norway to meet Adrian Smith, Secretary of Norecopa who explains the creation of the Norwegian 3Rs Centre, the impact of the European Directive on animal used for scientific purposes and what Norecopa is doing to promote the replacement, reduction and refinement of animals in science. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    27min | Published on March 26, 2021


Discover the first series of podcasts produced by Altertox Academy and dedicated to the 3Rs centers in Europe. The 3Rs centers promote and encourage the replacement, reduction and refinement of animals used for scientific purposes. Jeanne Laperrouze meets the Directors of the centers and discuss progress towards the full replacement of animal testing in Europe, the legislative framework and the situation in their member states.

Altertox is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Discover the first series of podcasts produced by Altertox Academy and dedicated to the 3Rs centers in Europe. The 3Rs centers promote and encourage the replacement, reduction and refinement of animals used for scientific purposes. Jeanne Laperrouze meets the Directors of the centers and discuss progress towards the full replacement of animal testing in Europe, the legislative framework and the situation in their member states.

Altertox is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

8 episodes

    Season 2

  • Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM -  3RCC Suisse (Français) cover
    Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM -  3RCC Suisse (Français) cover
    Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM - 3RCC Suisse (Français)

    Alors qu'une consultation populaire sur l'utilisation des animaux dans la recherche se tiendra en Suisse le 13 février, Jenny Sandström, Directrice du Centre Compétence 3R en Suisse (3RCC) répond à nos questions sur les possibles conséquences de cette consultation sur la recherche dans le pays, mais aussi sur l'industries pharmaceutique ou encore l'importatation de certains produits. Au travers de cet entretien, Jenny Sandström nous renseigne sur l'utilisation des animaux dans la recherche dans son pays, mais aussi sur le statut particulier des animaux dans la legistation nationale et sur l'état des lieux des méthodes ne reposant pas sur l'experimentation animals telles que les organes sur puces, ou encore le 'machine learning'. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    13min | Published on February 9, 2022

  • Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM - Swiss 3RCC cover
    Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM - Swiss 3RCC cover
    Altertox Academy - Jenny SANDSTROM - Swiss 3RCC

    As a public vote on animal testing will take place in Switzerland on 13 February, Jenny Sandström, Executive Director of the Swiss 3R Competence Centre (3RCC) comments on the possible consequences of the consultation for the 3Rs and research in her country as well as in Europe. She also describes the role of the 3RCC to promote the 3Rs while explaining the legislation and specific statut of animals in Switzerland. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    32min | Published on January 24, 2022

  • Altertox Academy - Vera ROGIERS - IC 3Rs at VUB cover
    Altertox Academy - Vera ROGIERS - IC 3Rs at VUB cover
    Altertox Academy - Vera ROGIERS - IC 3Rs at VUB

    Vera Rogiers, Emeritus Professor of Toxicology and Chair of the Innovation Centre - 3Rs at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, explains the creation and actions of the Centre to promote the implementation of the 3Rs in scientific research by using new technology and new approach methodologies (NAMs). She describes the peculiar situation of Belgium, a federal state, when it comes to promoting NAMs and also discusses the upcoming revision of the REACH Regulation and what can be expected from the EU Green Deal. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    40min | Published on December 17, 2021

  • Altertox Academy - Bogdan SEVASTRE - Romanian 3Rs Centre cover
    Altertox Academy - Bogdan SEVASTRE - Romanian 3Rs Centre cover
    Altertox Academy - Bogdan SEVASTRE - Romanian 3Rs Centre

    In this episode, Prof. Bogdan Sevastre, Director of the RoCAM, presents the history and missions of the Romanian 3Rs centre and the impact of the EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes in his country. He also discusses the role of education and the next generation of scientists in the development and adoption of the 3Rs principles, and how animal welfare and better science go hand and hand to tackle the reproducibility crisis. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    30min | Published on October 18, 2021

  • Season 1

  • Altertox Academy - Jessica JOHANSSON - Swedish 3Rs Centre cover
    Altertox Academy - Jessica JOHANSSON - Swedish 3Rs Centre cover
    Altertox Academy - Jessica JOHANSSON - Swedish 3Rs Centre

    Jessica Johansson, operation manager at the Swedish 3Rs Centre, informs us on the agenda of the Swedish agencies and committees involved in the promotion of New Approach Methodologies. She describes the boarder scope of the legislation on animal welfare in Sweden, the strategies in place to ensure transfer of knowledge, accelerate the uptake of alternative methods and highlight the importance of cooperation and dialogue among all stakeholders to push the 3Rs. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    34min | Published on July 27, 2021

  • Altertox Academy - Philippe HUBERT - FRANCOPA cover
    Altertox Academy - Philippe HUBERT - FRANCOPA cover
    Altertox Academy - Philippe HUBERT - FRANCOPA

    Dans cet épisode en Français, Altertox Academy vous invite à écouter Philippe Hubert, Directeur de Francopa, plateforme française pour le développement des méthodes alternatives aux tests sur les animaux rassemblant le monde de la recherche, les groupes de défenses des animaux, les régulateurs et l'industrie. Philippe Hubert nous informe sur les technologies permettant de réduire et remplacer l'expérimentation animale et comment la science réglementaire agit comme cataliseur pour permettre l'adoption de ces méthodes. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    44min | Published on June 9, 2021

  • Altertox Academy - Arti AHLUWALIA - CENTRO 3R.wav cover
    Altertox Academy - Arti AHLUWALIA - CENTRO 3R.wav cover
    Altertox Academy - Arti AHLUWALIA - CENTRO 3R.wav

    Altertox Academy invites you to meet Arti Ahluwalia, Director of the Italian Centro 3R, who tells us about the difficult transposition of the EU Directive on animal used for scientific purposes in Italy. She describes the interuniversity plateform's actions to promote the replacement, reduction and refinement of animals in science and gives us insights on how to move towards the adoption of alternative solutions. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    29min | Published on May 6, 2021

  • Altertox Academy  - Adrian Smith - NORECOPA.wav cover
    Altertox Academy  - Adrian Smith - NORECOPA.wav cover
    Altertox Academy - Adrian Smith - NORECOPA.wav

    For this first episode, Altertox Academy takes you to Norway to meet Adrian Smith, Secretary of Norecopa who explains the creation of the Norwegian 3Rs Centre, the impact of the European Directive on animal used for scientific purposes and what Norecopa is doing to promote the replacement, reduction and refinement of animals in science. Altertox (https://academy.altertox.be) is a Belgium SME dedicated to promoting alternatives to animal testing in toxicology to protect human health, animals and the environment. Learn more on https://academy.altertox.be/  Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AltertoxAcademy) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/altertox/)  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    27min | Published on March 26, 2021