16 episodes
- Arendt We Live #10 - Unlocking private markets for retail investors
As markets began actively seeking new investor classes, there has also been demand from retail investors to access to markets and “real assets”. This trend for retailisation has brought with it plenty of challenges, as well as opportunities. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
56min | Published on October 18, 2023
- Arendt We Live #9 - 2023 : Accelerating digital trends
Digitalisation is rapidly changing human behaviour and the world we live in. How is it affecting the financial sector, and what are the main challenges and opportunities for asset managers, investors and regulators? Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
1h04 | Published on June 21, 2023
- Arendt We Live #8 The 7 myths of ESG
ESG considerations lie at the very heart of companies’ concerns but the debate about ESG is multifaceted and wide-ranging. ESG has long overcome the stage of being a mere buzzword - it has become central to the strategy and development of companies both inside and outside of the financial sector. But many myths still surround ESG. In this latest episode of the Arendt We Live podcast, four experts offer insights and clarifications as they demystify 7 of the most prominent preconceived ideas about ESG. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
57min | Published on March 30, 2023
- Arendt We Live #7 - The challenges of Economic and Financial crimes : prevention, investigations, remediation.
This Arendt We Live episode will focus on economic and financial crime. What are the risks companies need to prevent from fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing? How can these issues be properly addressed? Arendt's experts in the field, based on two concrete cases, share the answers to these questions. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
43min | Published on June 16, 2022
- Arendt We Live #6 - Outsourcing: necessary evil or opportunity for growth?
Évoluant dans un environnement de plus en plus complexe, les acteurs du secteur financier se posent régulièrement la question de l’externalisation d’activités non stratégiques pour le business. Ce nouvel épisode d’Arendt We Live se penche sur les enjeux clés en la matière. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
41min | Published on March 11, 2022
- Arendt we live #5 : Au-delà de la crise, quelle organisation du travail ?
La pandémie a considérablement modifié nos habitudes de travail. Alors que les mesures prises pour lutter contre la propagation du virus devraient progressivement être levées, les organisations s’interrogent sur la « nouvelle normalité » et la manière de mettre en œuvre l’organisation du travail de demain. Révolution ou évolution? Le cinquième épisode d'Arendt We Live répond à la question. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
55min | Published on November 11, 2021
- Arendt We Live #4 - Fusion et acquisition: bien appréhender la question de la TVA avec Bruno Gasparotto
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
16min | Published on July 8, 2021
- Arendt We Live #4 - la question de la concurrence avec Philippe-Emmanuel Partsch
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
16min | Published on July 7, 2021
- Arendt We Live #4 - Fusion et acquisition: l’emploi, vecteur de valeur, avec Philippe Schmit
La question de l’emploi est au cœur de la négociation inhérente à un projet de fusion ou d’acquisition. Comment le vendeur peut-il protéger ses équipes ? Quelles obligations s’imposent à l’acquéreur ? Le dernier Arendt We Live se penche sur ces questions. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
14min | Published on July 2, 2021
- Arendt We Live #4 - The golden rules for successful M&A in the financial sector
In the next two to three years, all players in the financial sector will be affected by a possible consolidation or reorganisation of their business, whether this takes the form of a merger or an acquisition. The current economic context, very low interest rates on the one hand, and regulations that increase costs on the other, explain this hypothesis. But in such a case, what should we look out for? What rules should be respected? What legal solutions exist? How can this transitional phase be carried out in a professional manner? Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
57min | Published on June 16, 2021