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Fargo Talks cover
Fargo Talks cover

Fargo Talks

Fargo Talks

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Fargo Talks cover
Fargo Talks cover

Fargo Talks

Fargo Talks



Immerse yourself in the wild world of entrepreneurial challenges with a twist of unfiltered humor! If you're looking for a podcast that combines insightful conversations, hilarious banter, and valuable industry insights specific to Las Vegas, you've come to the right place.

Jeff Fargo, a charisma and whit combined with a Las Vegas edge, brings his unfiltered personality and great sense of humor to each episode. 

Buckle up for bold perspectives, unconventional strategies, and laugh-out-loud moments that will keep you entertained and informed throughout every episode. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Immerse yourself in the wild world of entrepreneurial challenges with a twist of unfiltered humor! If you're looking for a podcast that combines insightful conversations, hilarious banter, and valuable industry insights specific to Las Vegas, you've come to the right place.

Jeff Fargo, a charisma and whit combined with a Las Vegas edge, brings his unfiltered personality and great sense of humor to each episode. 

Buckle up for bold perspectives, unconventional strategies, and laugh-out-loud moments that will keep you entertained and informed throughout every episode. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

84 episodes

    Season 1

  • Dating in Las Vegas is Getting Scary cover
    Dating in Las Vegas is Getting Scary cover
    Dating in Las Vegas is Getting Scary

    In this episode of Fargo Talks, we dive deep into the struggles of modern dating with special guests Talia (@Tallzz_), Heather Collins (@raisedinvegas), and Sofia. As influencers navigating the fast-paced world of dating apps, they share their personal experiences with online dating, the challenges of finding genuine connections, and the difficulties of meeting someone who isn’t just interested in their status or perks of living in Las Vegas. From ghosting and breadcrumbing to the rise of situationships, we explore why finding a real relationship in today’s digital world is harder than ever. Are dating apps making it impossible to find true love, or are they just another tool for casual hookups? Tune in as these three women open up about the downsides of swiping, the red flags they avoid, and what it takes to build an authentic romantic connection in a city known for its nightlife and exclusivity. If you've ever struggled with Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, or Raya, or wondered why dating feels like a game, this is the conversation for you. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more real talk on relationships, love, and dating culture! #dating (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/dating) #onlinedating (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/onlinedating) #datingapps (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/datingapps) Stay Connected: Heather Collins:   / raisedinvegas   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbndpa1UyZ2ZBaS1kaXdQbDVYRTkybkFwQUV5Z3xBQ3Jtc0ttUS1fRVlMWHRheTFPNnhiQ25OSTc2bGdBcUFfNXYzQ0hzUFd6cFp3VzU1anNTSWIwRlQ2YlI3dGEwbUpRUXFRZGQxNzBRVDNJWFJsakk1RmFkb21uN1l0VUdsVzlFYW5zZElzOVdVT1NmcUgzb1VmYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fraisedinvegas%2F&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Talia:   / tallzz_   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHhPcHNDTGhJTkVYVXpLS1JKYy00MVB2eEJfUXxBQ3Jtc0tsdE96RG9WYkNDQ2cwb1AtVDR0OWVkaF91Q01WeGFXLWN1SnRxOVJuRXVhTS1nMHZpbThVeWF6aEJPdEhQMWIzbXdudTlCT3hRVEhzdXN1bWE5UWNxVVJRLUsyX3ludGFCRENnS1lzbmgxNjdtcm5Wcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ftallzz_%2F&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Connect with Jeff Fargo: LinkedIn:   / jefffargo   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUZzcnVPNFg2UDYxb3VWSGFpX0x6eG42Ym5IQXxBQ3Jtc0tuU09sRm1nWHNJWXBSWEVTTXBCTkw1M3NUUXlvWVQtaU5LakZFRlpsZm82cllUQ2ZSMV9aMkFUT3VLamlKSEJtYktXMFo0bmRuUzVsX08tYmZSRG5EOUZMajhnNHZveVpHSHdnSU9pZlZkNDUwV3FyYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fjefffargo&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Facebook:   / jeffreymfargo   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnRSVXpLdk1hT3BrMncxRmRTakNVZ1pLTldpd3xBQ3Jtc0tuSE1LeTFaLVFmRkt1QWZPaDRmRnd6SndDODBWMmVNSzBGbkRpQ09FcVdvT1VET2kzbk02VDZCLTljV092cElRQnJ4R3FQM3oxbUdnMGdBcDA3Z1hmdTdBNjctMWFaem1vLTZXcWs4WkNFT1h4VVljUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FJeffreyMFargo%2F&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Instagram:   / jeff.fargo   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHl2ZVhlYk5mcXVUczkyS2hwdHlEc08wd1N0Z3xBQ3Jtc0tscUt2UV81ZGZQcWxZUGU0SzhUeDMzaldOQjZURGJUdGVSa3RWZlJZYWIwS3podEhNRzJ5djBISHd4bDcyeWwwdHBheFU0V3B2OWJ1T2Q5aHpkTFFCZlRpdjNhaVNWTE9VUFNMRTA5aXVkN294UHBjUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fjeff.fargo%2F&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) TikTok:   / jeff.fargo   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDh3THVPbGd4SW9oRjNEa1hOdXVsVVVDLWpBUXxBQ3Jtc0ttUFRQWV96cTY5Y3IzeVAxbTJzLTJzTTRQM19UN0dmN0FHR3RlSC0wZl9uWHpLOHJxdjFBb3FZbmJ3QU5OdlJ5eEhXUnUtRUtBNS1BRHJxaTdCdTYzUUtSdWFDRy1Fel9RQ0JqYVJldUMyNVRVQzVaRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40jeff.fargo&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Website: https://www.fargotalks.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2XNPy9l... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjBEWVc5VE5LNmVsNUpmc01VbjVSclRnWm9FUXxBQ3Jtc0trQWFTMUNraWk5YV82ZHZHMkxVSmZnQU5QenByQ3o2UHhjdmtWZ3J6ZzY2ckM2YjI2cnB5NGNlWDA0bC01SFZnUERtYlRPOFVRRzBIRFJCanhtT2dTWWlvUEZOYzZCSGxOYzNGdHN4V0U3a2oxZEo4RQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fopen.spotify.com%2Fshow%2F2XNPy9lHShiTqLyYTVQf4w%3Fsi%3Dd3fb7d2c4d58471e&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblQzdVEzT1hrYnBUNTF1M0NUV0VYSm9GZjFfUXxBQ3Jtc0ttWERYN3JjNUtkS0RuU2Jva1gxcUU3RWwtNUhjeUJ0V0RTVGpkTGQxVTJJM3QxeWxGa3ZHaThUQ1dhTFdueHpTNzBFQXFPN29ybFVQUGRmdHhaT3NDcWR2X19XZ1ZaS2RVeVBfc0NVUi00UmhRaUxzaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.apple.com%2Fus%2Fpodcast%2Ffargo-talks%2Fid1692311068&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Support CJ's Italian Ice & Custard! This ice cream place in Las Vegas is one of the best. It's not just their custard, but all the different combinations they can make, plus with the personality! https://www.cjsitalianice.com/ EP shot by Level 9 Studios, LV https://l9slv.com/ You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks.

    1h08 | Published on March 4, 2025

  • The Life Changing Power of Hypnotherapy with Dom the Hypnotist cover
    The Life Changing Power of Hypnotherapy with Dom the Hypnotist cover
    The Life Changing Power of Hypnotherapy with Dom the Hypnotist

    Dominique Bertoncini, widely known as Dom the Hypnotist, is a professional hypnotherapist and social media influencer specializing in personal development and the power of the subconscious mind. He has collaborated with numerous high-profile individuals, including 17 NFL athletes, 15 UFC fighters, and two Olympians, one of whom is a gold medalist. Dom's journey into hypnosis began after attending a captivating stage show in Las Vegas, which transformed his initial skepticism into a passion for hypnotherapy. He emphasizes the importance of removing unconscious limiting beliefs and focusing the reticular activating system (RAS) to achieve personal and professional success. In addition to his hypnotherapy practice, Dom shares insights on mastering communication and understanding the subconscious mind through various platforms, including his YouTube channel. We hope you enjoy this episode of Fargo Talks. You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h19 | Published on February 25, 2025

  • EP 81: Plastic Surgery, Everything You Need to Know Before You Go Under the Knife with Dr. Mehdi Sina cover
    EP 81: Plastic Surgery, Everything You Need to Know Before You Go Under the Knife with Dr. Mehdi Sina cover
    EP 81: Plastic Surgery, Everything You Need to Know Before You Go Under the Knife with Dr. Mehdi Sina

    In this episode of Fargo Talks, we sit down with Dr. Mehdi Sina, a leading facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, to uncover the misleading information spread by plastic surgery influencers and unethical practitioners. Dr. Sina, known for his expertise in surgical precision and patient safety, reveals how certain surgeons and social media personalities are damaging the industry's reputation with malpractice and false promises. We dive into: The biggest red flags to watch out for when choosing a plastic surgeon The dangerous trends that are putting patients at risk The latest plastic surgery innovations that actually work The do’s and don’ts of aesthetic procedures Why natural-looking results should be the priority Dr. Sina brings years of experience from Manhattan, Beverly Hills, and Las Vegas, setting the record straight on what really happens behind the scenes. If you're considering plastic surgery or just want to know the truth about the industry, this is an episode you can’t afford to miss. Subscribe for more real talk on the biggest industry secrets! You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h21 | Published on February 18, 2025

  • EP 80: Everything You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing cover
    EP 80: Everything You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing cover
    EP 80: Everything You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing

    In this episode of the Fargo Talks podcast, we dive into the incredible world of influencer marketing and its transformative power in today’s digital landscape. Joining us are two of Las Vegas’s top food content creators, Talia (@tallzz_) and Paul Yull (@ryusauce). Talia is a highly regarded creator known for her engaging and visually stunning videos that showcase the best local restaurants in Las Vegas, from hidden gems to must-visit spots, earning her millions of views and a reputation as a trusted voice in the space. Paul is equally influential, capturing the city’s vibrant food scene with his authentic content that highlights the go-to dining experiences in Las Vegas, making him a favorite among food enthusiasts. Together, they’ve built massive followings on Instagram and TikTok, proving the power of authenticity, creativity, and connection in the influencer space. Tune in to hear their insights on building trust with audiences, collaborating with brands, and the future of food content creation. You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    2h03 | Published on February 18, 2025

  • EP 79: President Donald Trump Making More History - January 27, 2025 cover
    EP 79: President Donald Trump Making More History - January 27, 2025 cover
    EP 79: President Donald Trump Making More History - January 27, 2025

    In this compelling episode of the Fargo Talks Podcast, we sit down with Nevada Assemblywoman Danielle Gallant and Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks to discuss some of the most pressing topics shaping today’s political landscape. We explore the optimism surrounding Donald Trump’s presidency and what his leadership means for the future of America and Melania Trump’s significant impact and her inspiring presence as First Lady. The conversation dives into California’s ongoing challenges, including recent events highlighting the state’s struggles and the perceived failures of Governor Gavin Newsom. Additionally, we dive into the highly anticipated declassification of files related to JFK, RFK, MLK, and Jeffrey Epstein. Join us for an unfiltered, thought-provoking conversation packed with political insights, bold opinions, and a deep dive into the stories shaping our nation. Subscribe for more episodes featuring expert guests, bold discussions, and unique perspectives on politics, culture, and current events. You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h09 | Published on February 18, 2025

  • EP 78 - How To Start A Personal Brand from Zero in 2025 ft. Omar Eltakrori cover
    EP 78 - How To Start A Personal Brand from Zero in 2025 ft. Omar Eltakrori cover
    EP 78 - How To Start A Personal Brand from Zero in 2025 ft. Omar Eltakrori

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 78 ft. How To Start A Personal Brand from Zero in 2025 ft. Omar Eltakrori 🔔 Subscribe for more unfiltered conversations:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In this episode, we sit down with YouTuber, entrepreneur, and content coach Omar El-Takrori to uncover the secrets to starting a personal brand from zero in 2025. From his humble beginnings in high school broadcast journalism to becoming a leading voice in content creation, Omar shares his transformative journey of building a thriving personal brand and business. 🔗 Connect with Omar here: Youtube:  @OmarEltakrori  (https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCs07L46sXZqkJbUSXTJa_0Q) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omareltakrori/ https://go.thevideodept.co/secure-your-ticket-page?am_id=kostas5794 Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h05 | Published on January 13, 2025

  • EP 77 - The Strongman Behind Caesars Palace’s #1 Show in Las Vegas History cover
    EP 77 - The Strongman Behind Caesars Palace’s #1 Show in Las Vegas History cover
    EP 77 - The Strongman Behind Caesars Palace’s #1 Show in Las Vegas History

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 77 ft. The Strongman | Behind the Curtain of Las Vegas’ #1 Show (Absinthe) 🔔 Subscribe for more unfiltered conversations:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In today’s episode, we sit down with the legendary strongman from Absinthe, the #1 show at Caesars Palace, to uncover the wild, hilarious, and jaw-dropping moments that make this Las Vegas phenomenon one-of-a-kind. From performing over 8,000 shows to crazy audience interactions and maintaining 6% body fat, our guest shares his journey as a world-class performer. 🔗 Connect with Michal Furmanczyk: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misha10pack/ Check out Absinthe Vegas! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/absinthe_vegas/ Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    49min | Published on December 30, 2024

  • EP 76 - The GREAT, BAD, and UGLY Truth About Legal Br*thels in Nevada cover
    EP 76 - The GREAT, BAD, and UGLY Truth About Legal Br*thels in Nevada cover
    EP 76 - The GREAT, BAD, and UGLY Truth About Legal Br*thels in Nevada

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 76 ft. Alice Little | The GREAT, BAD, and UGLY Truth About Legal Br*thels in Nevada 🔔 Subscribe for more unfiltered conversations:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In this episode, Alice Little—Nevada brothel worker, educator, and advocate for sex workers’ rights—pulls back the curtain on America’s legal brothels. From her wildest client stories to busting myths about the industry, Alice shares her personal journey and what it’s really like to work in the intimacy industry. 🔗 Connect with Alice Little: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealicelittleofficial/ Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h15 | Published on December 16, 2024

  • EP 75 - Kristi Vaccaro - The “Momma Transformation Coach” cover
    EP 75 - Kristi Vaccaro - The “Momma Transformation Coach” cover
    EP 75 - Kristi Vaccaro - The “Momma Transformation Coach”

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 75 ft. Kristi Viccaro | From Rock Bottom to Resilience: Escaping Toxicity, Embracing Fitness, and Finding Freedom 🔔 Subscribe for insider insights on the influencer industry:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In this episode, we explore an inspiring journey of transformation, resilience, and self-discovery. Kristi “The Momma Transformation Coach” Vaccaro—a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and fitness trainer—shares her no-nonsense approach to tackling life’s challenges. From escaping fad diets and overwhelming exercise trends to embracing sustainable nutrition and effective fitness routines, Kristi’s program empowers individuals to achieve health, happiness, and work-life balance. She opens up about overcoming a toxic relationship, leaving everything she built behind, and starting over with nothing but determination and a dream. 🔗 Connect with Kristi Viccaro: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitlvfitnessandnutritions/ Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h27 | Published on December 2, 2024

  • EP 74 - Why Vegas Businesses Rely on Content Creators to Make Millions cover
    EP 74 - Why Vegas Businesses Rely on Content Creators to Make Millions cover
    EP 74 - Why Vegas Businesses Rely on Content Creators to Make Millions

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 74 ft. Jen “Vegas Starfish,” Codi Musler “Local Living,” and Renee Summerour “Renee News” | Authenticity, Politics & Social Media in Las Vegas! 🔔 Subscribe for insider insights on the influencer industry:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In this episode, we explore the powerful intersection of content creation, politics, and social media in Las Vegas. Our guests dive deep into how influencers and journalists navigate authenticity in a world dominated by PR firms and polarized audiences. From the challenges of representing diverse voices to unearthing untold stories in the community, we discuss it all with unfiltered honesty. 🔗 Connect with Guests: Jen Vegas Starfish: https://www.instagram.com/brandonfromvegas/ Codi Musler: https://www.instagram.com/local.livin/ Renee Summerour: https://www.instagram.com/reneesnews/ Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    2h19 | Published on November 25, 2024

  • 1




Immerse yourself in the wild world of entrepreneurial challenges with a twist of unfiltered humor! If you're looking for a podcast that combines insightful conversations, hilarious banter, and valuable industry insights specific to Las Vegas, you've come to the right place.

Jeff Fargo, a charisma and whit combined with a Las Vegas edge, brings his unfiltered personality and great sense of humor to each episode. 

Buckle up for bold perspectives, unconventional strategies, and laugh-out-loud moments that will keep you entertained and informed throughout every episode. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Immerse yourself in the wild world of entrepreneurial challenges with a twist of unfiltered humor! If you're looking for a podcast that combines insightful conversations, hilarious banter, and valuable industry insights specific to Las Vegas, you've come to the right place.

Jeff Fargo, a charisma and whit combined with a Las Vegas edge, brings his unfiltered personality and great sense of humor to each episode. 

Buckle up for bold perspectives, unconventional strategies, and laugh-out-loud moments that will keep you entertained and informed throughout every episode. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

84 episodes

    Season 1

  • Dating in Las Vegas is Getting Scary cover
    Dating in Las Vegas is Getting Scary cover
    Dating in Las Vegas is Getting Scary

    In this episode of Fargo Talks, we dive deep into the struggles of modern dating with special guests Talia (@Tallzz_), Heather Collins (@raisedinvegas), and Sofia. As influencers navigating the fast-paced world of dating apps, they share their personal experiences with online dating, the challenges of finding genuine connections, and the difficulties of meeting someone who isn’t just interested in their status or perks of living in Las Vegas. From ghosting and breadcrumbing to the rise of situationships, we explore why finding a real relationship in today’s digital world is harder than ever. Are dating apps making it impossible to find true love, or are they just another tool for casual hookups? Tune in as these three women open up about the downsides of swiping, the red flags they avoid, and what it takes to build an authentic romantic connection in a city known for its nightlife and exclusivity. If you've ever struggled with Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, or Raya, or wondered why dating feels like a game, this is the conversation for you. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more real talk on relationships, love, and dating culture! #dating (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/dating) #onlinedating (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/onlinedating) #datingapps (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/datingapps) Stay Connected: Heather Collins:   / raisedinvegas   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbndpa1UyZ2ZBaS1kaXdQbDVYRTkybkFwQUV5Z3xBQ3Jtc0ttUS1fRVlMWHRheTFPNnhiQ25OSTc2bGdBcUFfNXYzQ0hzUFd6cFp3VzU1anNTSWIwRlQ2YlI3dGEwbUpRUXFRZGQxNzBRVDNJWFJsakk1RmFkb21uN1l0VUdsVzlFYW5zZElzOVdVT1NmcUgzb1VmYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fraisedinvegas%2F&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Talia:   / tallzz_   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHhPcHNDTGhJTkVYVXpLS1JKYy00MVB2eEJfUXxBQ3Jtc0tsdE96RG9WYkNDQ2cwb1AtVDR0OWVkaF91Q01WeGFXLWN1SnRxOVJuRXVhTS1nMHZpbThVeWF6aEJPdEhQMWIzbXdudTlCT3hRVEhzdXN1bWE5UWNxVVJRLUsyX3ludGFCRENnS1lzbmgxNjdtcm5Wcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ftallzz_%2F&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Connect with Jeff Fargo: LinkedIn:   / jefffargo   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUZzcnVPNFg2UDYxb3VWSGFpX0x6eG42Ym5IQXxBQ3Jtc0tuU09sRm1nWHNJWXBSWEVTTXBCTkw1M3NUUXlvWVQtaU5LakZFRlpsZm82cllUQ2ZSMV9aMkFUT3VLamlKSEJtYktXMFo0bmRuUzVsX08tYmZSRG5EOUZMajhnNHZveVpHSHdnSU9pZlZkNDUwV3FyYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fjefffargo&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Facebook:   / jeffreymfargo   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnRSVXpLdk1hT3BrMncxRmRTakNVZ1pLTldpd3xBQ3Jtc0tuSE1LeTFaLVFmRkt1QWZPaDRmRnd6SndDODBWMmVNSzBGbkRpQ09FcVdvT1VET2kzbk02VDZCLTljV092cElRQnJ4R3FQM3oxbUdnMGdBcDA3Z1hmdTdBNjctMWFaem1vLTZXcWs4WkNFT1h4VVljUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FJeffreyMFargo%2F&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Instagram:   / jeff.fargo   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHl2ZVhlYk5mcXVUczkyS2hwdHlEc08wd1N0Z3xBQ3Jtc0tscUt2UV81ZGZQcWxZUGU0SzhUeDMzaldOQjZURGJUdGVSa3RWZlJZYWIwS3podEhNRzJ5djBISHd4bDcyeWwwdHBheFU0V3B2OWJ1T2Q5aHpkTFFCZlRpdjNhaVNWTE9VUFNMRTA5aXVkN294UHBjUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fjeff.fargo%2F&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) TikTok:   / jeff.fargo   (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDh3THVPbGd4SW9oRjNEa1hOdXVsVVVDLWpBUXxBQ3Jtc0ttUFRQWV96cTY5Y3IzeVAxbTJzLTJzTTRQM19UN0dmN0FHR3RlSC0wZl9uWHpLOHJxdjFBb3FZbmJ3QU5OdlJ5eEhXUnUtRUtBNS1BRHJxaTdCdTYzUUtSdWFDRy1Fel9RQ0JqYVJldUMyNVRVQzVaRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40jeff.fargo&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Website: https://www.fargotalks.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2XNPy9l... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjBEWVc5VE5LNmVsNUpmc01VbjVSclRnWm9FUXxBQ3Jtc0trQWFTMUNraWk5YV82ZHZHMkxVSmZnQU5QenByQ3o2UHhjdmtWZ3J6ZzY2ckM2YjI2cnB5NGNlWDA0bC01SFZnUERtYlRPOFVRRzBIRFJCanhtT2dTWWlvUEZOYzZCSGxOYzNGdHN4V0U3a2oxZEo4RQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fopen.spotify.com%2Fshow%2F2XNPy9lHShiTqLyYTVQf4w%3Fsi%3Dd3fb7d2c4d58471e&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblQzdVEzT1hrYnBUNTF1M0NUV0VYSm9GZjFfUXxBQ3Jtc0ttWERYN3JjNUtkS0RuU2Jva1gxcUU3RWwtNUhjeUJ0V0RTVGpkTGQxVTJJM3QxeWxGa3ZHaThUQ1dhTFdueHpTNzBFQXFPN29ybFVQUGRmdHhaT3NDcWR2X19XZ1ZaS2RVeVBfc0NVUi00UmhRaUxzaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.apple.com%2Fus%2Fpodcast%2Ffargo-talks%2Fid1692311068&v=ox8aKjvRk9A) Support CJ's Italian Ice & Custard! This ice cream place in Las Vegas is one of the best. It's not just their custard, but all the different combinations they can make, plus with the personality! https://www.cjsitalianice.com/ EP shot by Level 9 Studios, LV https://l9slv.com/ You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks.

    1h08 | Published on March 4, 2025

  • The Life Changing Power of Hypnotherapy with Dom the Hypnotist cover
    The Life Changing Power of Hypnotherapy with Dom the Hypnotist cover
    The Life Changing Power of Hypnotherapy with Dom the Hypnotist

    Dominique Bertoncini, widely known as Dom the Hypnotist, is a professional hypnotherapist and social media influencer specializing in personal development and the power of the subconscious mind. He has collaborated with numerous high-profile individuals, including 17 NFL athletes, 15 UFC fighters, and two Olympians, one of whom is a gold medalist. Dom's journey into hypnosis began after attending a captivating stage show in Las Vegas, which transformed his initial skepticism into a passion for hypnotherapy. He emphasizes the importance of removing unconscious limiting beliefs and focusing the reticular activating system (RAS) to achieve personal and professional success. In addition to his hypnotherapy practice, Dom shares insights on mastering communication and understanding the subconscious mind through various platforms, including his YouTube channel. We hope you enjoy this episode of Fargo Talks. You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h19 | Published on February 25, 2025

  • EP 81: Plastic Surgery, Everything You Need to Know Before You Go Under the Knife with Dr. Mehdi Sina cover
    EP 81: Plastic Surgery, Everything You Need to Know Before You Go Under the Knife with Dr. Mehdi Sina cover
    EP 81: Plastic Surgery, Everything You Need to Know Before You Go Under the Knife with Dr. Mehdi Sina

    In this episode of Fargo Talks, we sit down with Dr. Mehdi Sina, a leading facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, to uncover the misleading information spread by plastic surgery influencers and unethical practitioners. Dr. Sina, known for his expertise in surgical precision and patient safety, reveals how certain surgeons and social media personalities are damaging the industry's reputation with malpractice and false promises. We dive into: The biggest red flags to watch out for when choosing a plastic surgeon The dangerous trends that are putting patients at risk The latest plastic surgery innovations that actually work The do’s and don’ts of aesthetic procedures Why natural-looking results should be the priority Dr. Sina brings years of experience from Manhattan, Beverly Hills, and Las Vegas, setting the record straight on what really happens behind the scenes. If you're considering plastic surgery or just want to know the truth about the industry, this is an episode you can’t afford to miss. Subscribe for more real talk on the biggest industry secrets! You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h21 | Published on February 18, 2025

  • EP 80: Everything You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing cover
    EP 80: Everything You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing cover
    EP 80: Everything You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing

    In this episode of the Fargo Talks podcast, we dive into the incredible world of influencer marketing and its transformative power in today’s digital landscape. Joining us are two of Las Vegas’s top food content creators, Talia (@tallzz_) and Paul Yull (@ryusauce). Talia is a highly regarded creator known for her engaging and visually stunning videos that showcase the best local restaurants in Las Vegas, from hidden gems to must-visit spots, earning her millions of views and a reputation as a trusted voice in the space. Paul is equally influential, capturing the city’s vibrant food scene with his authentic content that highlights the go-to dining experiences in Las Vegas, making him a favorite among food enthusiasts. Together, they’ve built massive followings on Instagram and TikTok, proving the power of authenticity, creativity, and connection in the influencer space. Tune in to hear their insights on building trust with audiences, collaborating with brands, and the future of food content creation. You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    2h03 | Published on February 18, 2025

  • EP 79: President Donald Trump Making More History - January 27, 2025 cover
    EP 79: President Donald Trump Making More History - January 27, 2025 cover
    EP 79: President Donald Trump Making More History - January 27, 2025

    In this compelling episode of the Fargo Talks Podcast, we sit down with Nevada Assemblywoman Danielle Gallant and Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks to discuss some of the most pressing topics shaping today’s political landscape. We explore the optimism surrounding Donald Trump’s presidency and what his leadership means for the future of America and Melania Trump’s significant impact and her inspiring presence as First Lady. The conversation dives into California’s ongoing challenges, including recent events highlighting the state’s struggles and the perceived failures of Governor Gavin Newsom. Additionally, we dive into the highly anticipated declassification of files related to JFK, RFK, MLK, and Jeffrey Epstein. Join us for an unfiltered, thought-provoking conversation packed with political insights, bold opinions, and a deep dive into the stories shaping our nation. Subscribe for more episodes featuring expert guests, bold discussions, and unique perspectives on politics, culture, and current events. You've arrived at a raw, authentic platform where entrepreneurial success stories meet candid and often humorous conversations. Spearheaded by Jeff Fargo, a seasoned veteran of social media with over 30 years of experience, this channel is your ticket to unvarnished truth. Jeff's distinctive style, a blend of smarts, wit, and no-filter talk, and with a monthly audience reach over three million people. Join us for a compelling journey where knowledge, nuance, laughter, and learning coalesce. Subscribe and be part of a community that seeks truth, embraces wit, and fuels passion. This is podcasting unscripted, this is Fargo Talks. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h09 | Published on February 18, 2025

  • EP 78 - How To Start A Personal Brand from Zero in 2025 ft. Omar Eltakrori cover
    EP 78 - How To Start A Personal Brand from Zero in 2025 ft. Omar Eltakrori cover
    EP 78 - How To Start A Personal Brand from Zero in 2025 ft. Omar Eltakrori

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 78 ft. How To Start A Personal Brand from Zero in 2025 ft. Omar Eltakrori 🔔 Subscribe for more unfiltered conversations:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In this episode, we sit down with YouTuber, entrepreneur, and content coach Omar El-Takrori to uncover the secrets to starting a personal brand from zero in 2025. From his humble beginnings in high school broadcast journalism to becoming a leading voice in content creation, Omar shares his transformative journey of building a thriving personal brand and business. 🔗 Connect with Omar here: Youtube:  @OmarEltakrori  (https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCs07L46sXZqkJbUSXTJa_0Q) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omareltakrori/ https://go.thevideodept.co/secure-your-ticket-page?am_id=kostas5794 Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h05 | Published on January 13, 2025

  • EP 77 - The Strongman Behind Caesars Palace’s #1 Show in Las Vegas History cover
    EP 77 - The Strongman Behind Caesars Palace’s #1 Show in Las Vegas History cover
    EP 77 - The Strongman Behind Caesars Palace’s #1 Show in Las Vegas History

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 77 ft. The Strongman | Behind the Curtain of Las Vegas’ #1 Show (Absinthe) 🔔 Subscribe for more unfiltered conversations:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In today’s episode, we sit down with the legendary strongman from Absinthe, the #1 show at Caesars Palace, to uncover the wild, hilarious, and jaw-dropping moments that make this Las Vegas phenomenon one-of-a-kind. From performing over 8,000 shows to crazy audience interactions and maintaining 6% body fat, our guest shares his journey as a world-class performer. 🔗 Connect with Michal Furmanczyk: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misha10pack/ Check out Absinthe Vegas! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/absinthe_vegas/ Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    49min | Published on December 30, 2024

  • EP 76 - The GREAT, BAD, and UGLY Truth About Legal Br*thels in Nevada cover
    EP 76 - The GREAT, BAD, and UGLY Truth About Legal Br*thels in Nevada cover
    EP 76 - The GREAT, BAD, and UGLY Truth About Legal Br*thels in Nevada

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 76 ft. Alice Little | The GREAT, BAD, and UGLY Truth About Legal Br*thels in Nevada 🔔 Subscribe for more unfiltered conversations:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In this episode, Alice Little—Nevada brothel worker, educator, and advocate for sex workers’ rights—pulls back the curtain on America’s legal brothels. From her wildest client stories to busting myths about the industry, Alice shares her personal journey and what it’s really like to work in the intimacy industry. 🔗 Connect with Alice Little: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealicelittleofficial/ Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h15 | Published on December 16, 2024

  • EP 75 - Kristi Vaccaro - The “Momma Transformation Coach” cover
    EP 75 - Kristi Vaccaro - The “Momma Transformation Coach” cover
    EP 75 - Kristi Vaccaro - The “Momma Transformation Coach”

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 75 ft. Kristi Viccaro | From Rock Bottom to Resilience: Escaping Toxicity, Embracing Fitness, and Finding Freedom 🔔 Subscribe for insider insights on the influencer industry:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In this episode, we explore an inspiring journey of transformation, resilience, and self-discovery. Kristi “The Momma Transformation Coach” Vaccaro—a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and fitness trainer—shares her no-nonsense approach to tackling life’s challenges. From escaping fad diets and overwhelming exercise trends to embracing sustainable nutrition and effective fitness routines, Kristi’s program empowers individuals to achieve health, happiness, and work-life balance. She opens up about overcoming a toxic relationship, leaving everything she built behind, and starting over with nothing but determination and a dream. 🔗 Connect with Kristi Viccaro: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitlvfitnessandnutritions/ Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    1h27 | Published on December 2, 2024

  • EP 74 - Why Vegas Businesses Rely on Content Creators to Make Millions cover
    EP 74 - Why Vegas Businesses Rely on Content Creators to Make Millions cover
    EP 74 - Why Vegas Businesses Rely on Content Creators to Make Millions

    🎥 Fargo Talks Ep. 74 ft. Jen “Vegas Starfish,” Codi Musler “Local Living,” and Renee Summerour “Renee News” | Authenticity, Politics & Social Media in Las Vegas! 🔔 Subscribe for insider insights on the influencer industry:  @FargoTalks  (https://www.youtube.com/@FargoTalks/) About This Episode: In this episode, we explore the powerful intersection of content creation, politics, and social media in Las Vegas. Our guests dive deep into how influencers and journalists navigate authenticity in a world dominated by PR firms and polarized audiences. From the challenges of representing diverse voices to unearthing untold stories in the community, we discuss it all with unfiltered honesty. 🔗 Connect with Guests: Jen Vegas Starfish: https://www.instagram.com/brandonfromvegas/ Codi Musler: https://www.instagram.com/local.livin/ Renee Summerour: https://www.instagram.com/reneesnews/ Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    2h19 | Published on November 25, 2024

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