Episode 3: Level Zero
Troubled Teen Industry programs use a system of points and levels that award or revoke basic needs based on compliance and submission. Necessities like food, water, and social interaction are privileges that can be taken away at any time, and constant surveillance means nothing goes unseen. Inside a TTI facility, you live and die by your level.
Find Gooned at and on TikTok @goonedpodcast. To see program materials and learn more about daily life in a TTI program, head to
Gooned is researched, reported, and edited by Emma Lehman. Original music for the show was created by Olivia Springberg. Victoria Shifflett mastered the show. Episode artwork was created by Sam Doe. Sarah Lukowski and Avery Erskine copyedited and consulted on the show. Marlee Porter’s podcast Broken Promises is available wherever you get your podcasts, and at
Sources and Further Reading
The Troubled Teen Industry and Its Effects: An Oral History , Jamie Mater
Beyond Point and Level Systems: Moving Toward Child-Centered Programming
Search programs by state, including whether they have a levels/points system and if that system is tied to privileges, on the Unsilened Program Archive
Transcripts available at
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.