International Corner is the podcast that helps you open and thrive in foreign markets!
I'm welcoming international experts to share their secret recipes and their setbacks to help you successfully sell in foreign markets.
A bit about me :
After opening the US market for a French scaleup 3 years ago, I realized how hard it is to sell in foreign markets and how scarce the free available content is.
Therefore, I decided to create this podcast to centralize all the knowledge from experts from all over the world. I'm doing this as a side-project, I have nothing to sell, just doing it out of passion for the topic. And if I can help you become better at selling internationally, then my objective is complete ;)
Would love to hear your feedback, connect with me on Linkedin Tiphaine Le Roux
90% of episodes will be in English (10% in French)
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.