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Into The Metahealth cover
Into The Metahealth cover

Into The Metahealth

Into The Metahealth

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Into The Metahealth cover
Into The Metahealth cover

Into The Metahealth

Into The Metahealth



Hi ! I'm Anca and this is the place to be to hear about the latest Web3 tends in healthcare. 

In this show I talk about everything Web3 and health: metaverse, blockchain, crypto, NFT, health data and more. 

✔ L I N K E D I N


✔ W E B S I T E




✔ E M A I L


All Rights Reserved © 2024, Confluo Studios

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Hi ! I'm Anca and this is the place to be to hear about the latest Web3 tends in healthcare. 

In this show I talk about everything Web3 and health: metaverse, blockchain, crypto, NFT, health data and more. 

✔ L I N K E D I N


✔ W E B S I T E




✔ E M A I L


All Rights Reserved © 2024, Confluo Studios

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

48 episodes

1 playlist

    Season 2

  • 🇫🇷 La Gamification au Service de la Santé - avec Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, Tilak Healthcare cover
    🇫🇷 La Gamification au Service de la Santé - avec Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, Tilak Healthcare cover
    🇫🇷 La Gamification au Service de la Santé - avec Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, Tilak Healthcare

    Aujourd'hui, j’ai l'honneur d'accueillir Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, directrice de l'accès au marché et des affaires publiques de la startup Tilak Healthcare, spécialisée dans la création de thérapies digitales dans le domaine de l'ophtalmologie. Anne-Aurélie, pharmacienne de formation, a eu un parcours exceptionnel. Récemment, elle a été désignée parmi des personnalités qualifiées de la mission "Financement et régulation des produits de santé" demandée par la Première Ministre. Elle a également dirigé le département d'accès au marché d’IQVIA et du SNITEM. De plus, Anne-Aurélie a une passion pour le jeu sous toutes ses formes : elle a managé des équipes d’e-sport et adore les jeux de rôle grandeur nature. Dans cet épisode, elle explique comment Tilak Healthcare intègre la gamification dans ses solutions de thérapie digitale, visant notamment les patients âgés. Découvrez comment cette stratégie innovante améliore l'engagement et la rétention des patients, et explorez les perspectives futures de l'entreprise dans le domaine de la santé numérique. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    16min | Published on June 25, 2024

  • What Pharma Thinks of Blockchain & Web3 - with Filippo Frangioni, Novo Nordisk cover
    What Pharma Thinks of Blockchain & Web3 - with Filippo Frangioni, Novo Nordisk cover
    What Pharma Thinks of Blockchain & Web3 - with Filippo Frangioni, Novo Nordisk

    In this episode, we are thrilled to have Filippo Frangioni from the Nordic Blockchain Association and Product Manager at Novo Nordisk join us to demystify blockchain technology in the pharmaceutical industry.Episode Highlights:🔍 Adoption Challenges: Filippo shares his perspective on why the pharmaceutical industry has been slow to adopt blockchain and Web3 technologies, discussing regulatory hurdles, scalability issues, and the conservative nature of the industry.💡 Promising Use Cases: Discover the most promising applications of blockchain in pharma, from enhancing supply chain transparency to ensuring the integrity of clinical trial data.🚀 Initiating Blockchain Projects: Get practical advice on how to start and successfully execute blockchain projects in the pharmaceutical sector, with a focus on understanding regulatory environments and solving real problems.🤖 Blockchain & AI Synergies: Explore how the convergence of Web3 and AI can revolutionize data security, enhance sophisticated data analysis, and create new pathways for innovation in healthcare. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    20min | Published on June 11, 2024

  • Blockchain and Multiparty Computation for Healthcare - with Mark Bundgaard, Partisia cover
    Blockchain and Multiparty Computation for Healthcare - with Mark Bundgaard, Partisia cover
    Blockchain and Multiparty Computation for Healthcare - with Mark Bundgaard, Partisia

    In this episode Anca introduces Mark Medum Bundgaard, the Chief Product Officer at Partisia Blockchain. The discussion focuses on the role of Partisia Blockchain in the healthcare industry, emphasizing its function as a Layer 1 blockchain, which serves as the foundational architecture for other protocols and applications. Mark explains the concept of multiparty computation and how it sets Partisia apart from other blockchain technologies. The conversation then explores specific use cases of blockchain in healthcare, highlighting the potential impacts and innovations Partisia could bring to the sector. Challenges of integrating new Web3 technologies into healthcare are discussed, particularly the obstacles Partisia faces in engaging with healthcare stakeholders. Additionally, the episode touches on the supportive role of Zug's blockchain and crypto ecosystem, known as "Crypto Valley," in the development of Partisia Blockchain. The episode concludes with a forward-looking statement on the expected advancements from Partisia in healthcare technology. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    20min | Published on June 4, 2024

  • 🇫🇷 Le Numérique au Service de la Santé Augmentée - Philippe Emery, Abbott & Dr Michael Joubert, CHU de Caen cover
    🇫🇷 Le Numérique au Service de la Santé Augmentée - Philippe Emery, Abbott & Dr Michael Joubert, CHU de Caen cover
    🇫🇷 Le Numérique au Service de la Santé Augmentée - Philippe Emery, Abbott & Dr Michael Joubert, CHU de Caen

    Thème :Medtech : Le numérique au service de la santé augmentéeInvités :- Philippe Emery, Directeur Général d'Abbott France- Pr Michael Joubert, Professeur d'Endocrinologie à la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université de Caen-Normandie et Chef de service du Centre de Recherche Clinique du CHU de CaenSujets Abordés :- L'impact des technologies de santé sur la prise en charge médicale.- Les innovations technologiques dans la gestion des pathologies chroniques comme le diabète.- La télésurveillance et la prévention grâce aux dispositifs médicaux connectés.- L'évolution de la relation médecin-patient avec l'introduction des technologies de suivi continu et à distance.- Les perspectives futures des technologies de santé, notamment l'intégration de l'IA dans les dispositifs médicaux.Cet épisode est en partenariat avec Abbott :Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer notre participation à VivaTech ce mardi 22 mai pour modérer la table ronde "RENDRE SA PLACE AU MÉDECIN : VERS UNE SANTÉ PLUS HUMAINE GRÂCE AUX DONNÉES" organisée par Abbott avec des invités exceptionnels. Ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous le 22 mai à 12h30 à VivaTech ! Un grand merci à Abbott pour leur confiance. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    13min | Published on May 21, 2024

  • Understanding Web3 Equivalents to Popular Web2 Platforms cover
    Understanding Web3 Equivalents to Popular Web2 Platforms cover
    Understanding Web3 Equivalents to Popular Web2 Platforms

    Discover how decentralized technologies are reshaping familiar digital platforms, offering enhanced user control, privacy, and direct economic participation. From social media to e-commerce, learn about the Web3 equivalents of popular Web2 platforms and understand the core principles that drive this new internet evolution. Join us as we explore both the potential and the challenges of a decentralized digital future, and consider how these changes affect everyday users like you. Tune in to unravel the complexities of Web3 and envision the impact of this groundbreaking technology on our digital lives. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    07min | Published on May 7, 2024

  • DeSci: 5 Things You Should Know About The Future Of Science cover
    DeSci: 5 Things You Should Know About The Future Of Science cover
    DeSci: 5 Things You Should Know About The Future Of Science

    In today's episode we dive into the transformative power of decentralized science (DeSci) straight from our recent event in Tallinn, Estonia, held alongside the illustrious Bananaconf. Discover the five critical insights that are setting the stage for a new era in scientific research. From democratizing funding to enhancing data sharing and rethinking intellectual property, we unpack how DeSci is not just reimagining, but revolutionizing the traditional scientific landscape. Tune in to learn how these pioneering approaches are making science more dynamic, transparent, and inclusive. Whether you're a researcher, a tech enthusiast, or just curious about the future of science, this episode is your gateway to understanding the significant shifts shaping our scientific pursuits.Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    05min | Published on April 30, 2024

  • The Incentives Structure in Research is Broken - with Tyler Golato, Molecule cover
    The Incentives Structure in Research is Broken - with Tyler Golato, Molecule cover
    The Incentives Structure in Research is Broken - with Tyler Golato, Molecule

    In today's episode, we're diving into the groundbreaking intersection of intellectual property and blockchain technology with a focus on IP NFTs. Joining us is Tyler Golato, the co-founder and CEO of Molecule, a pioneering company revolutionizing biomedical innovation through NFTs.Tyler shares Molecule's mission to bridge the funding gap in biomedical research, particularly during the challenging "Valley of Death" phase. We explore how Molecule leverages web three technologies to incentivize early-stage research funding by digitizing intellectual property. Discover how researchers, patients, and advocacy groups collaborate to fund and own IP, reshaping the dynamics of translational funding.Delving into the concept of IP-NFTs, Tyler demystifies the technology beyond its association with digital art, highlighting its role in making intellectual property natively transactable and governable. Beyond the IP-NFT protocol, we explore Molecule's ecosystem, including the Biotech IP Marketplace and BioDAO Launchpad, showcasing how these components amplify community-driven innovation.What sets Molecule apart is its foundation in real industry needs, driven by individuals deeply embedded in biomedical research. Tyler's journey from biochemist to innovator underscores the authentic drive to solve real-world problems through web three solutions. Join us as we unravel the potential of Web3 for research and science, inviting skeptics to explore its transformative power and get involved in shaping the future of healthcare. Tune in to gain insights into Molecule's vision and explore the dynamic landscape of Web3 in healthcare. Whether you're a researcher, entrepreneur, or passionate about driving change in healthcare, this episode offers a compelling glimpse into the possibilities of decentralized innovation. Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 25th. Don't miss out—register now to be part of the future of science. Registration link: https://lu.ma/descinordics Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    20min | Published on April 23, 2024

  • AsteriskDAO Shakes Up Women's Health in Web3! - with Veronica Kirin, AsteriskDAO cover
    AsteriskDAO Shakes Up Women's Health in Web3! - with Veronica Kirin, AsteriskDAO cover
    AsteriskDAO Shakes Up Women's Health in Web3! - with Veronica Kirin, AsteriskDAO

    In this episode, Veronica Kirin, founder of AsteriskDAO, a pioneering initiative in women's non-reproductive health, shares her journey and vision for leveraging Web3 technology to revolutionize healthcare.Veronica explains why she chose the DAO model for Asterisk, emphasizing its inclusivity and flexibility. She highlights the historical gaps in women's health research and the urgent need for comprehensive data.AsteriskDAO aims to fill these gaps by creating data lakes through self-reporting, empowering women to contribute to research and shape healthcare decisions. Veronica envisions a future where women have a stake in their own well-being through DAO participation.Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 25th. Don't miss out—register now to be part of the future of science. Registration link: https://lu.ma/descinordics Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    14min | Published on April 18, 2024

  • Revolutionizing Climate Solutions: Web3 Meets Synthetic Biology - with Morgan Richards, ValleyDAO cover
    Revolutionizing Climate Solutions: Web3 Meets Synthetic Biology - with Morgan Richards, ValleyDAO cover
    Revolutionizing Climate Solutions: Web3 Meets Synthetic Biology - with Morgan Richards, ValleyDAO

    In today’s episode, we venture beyond our usual healthcare discussions to focus on climate change research and sustainable technologies. Learn how Valley DAO leverages the power of its community to fund groundbreaking projects in synthetic biology—projects that promise to revolutionize industries by creating sustainable solutions for animal-free meat, eco-friendly plastics, and more.Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 25th. Don't miss out—register now to be part of the future of science. Registration link: https://lu.ma/descinordics Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    20min | Published on April 16, 2024

  • VitaDAO, The Organization Channeling Millions into Longevity Research - with Eleanor Davies, VitaDAO cover
    VitaDAO, The Organization Channeling Millions into Longevity Research - with Eleanor Davies, VitaDAO cover
    VitaDAO, The Organization Channeling Millions into Longevity Research - with Eleanor Davies, VitaDAO

    In today’s episode, we’re diving into the heart of the Decentralized Science revolution with the organization leading the way—VitaDAO. This project has channeled $4.2 million into groundbreaking longevity research while growing a community that's reached over 11,000 members. A truly impressive feat. And who better to guide us through the intricacies of such an influential organization than Eleanor Davies, the steward of VitaDAO's Longevity Dealflow Working Group.Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 25th. Don't miss out—register now to be part of the future of science. Registration link: https://lu.ma/descinordics Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    16min | Published on April 11, 2024

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Hi ! I'm Anca and this is the place to be to hear about the latest Web3 tends in healthcare. 

In this show I talk about everything Web3 and health: metaverse, blockchain, crypto, NFT, health data and more. 

✔ L I N K E D I N


✔ W E B S I T E




✔ E M A I L


All Rights Reserved © 2024, Confluo Studios

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Hi ! I'm Anca and this is the place to be to hear about the latest Web3 tends in healthcare. 

In this show I talk about everything Web3 and health: metaverse, blockchain, crypto, NFT, health data and more. 

✔ L I N K E D I N


✔ W E B S I T E




✔ E M A I L


All Rights Reserved © 2024, Confluo Studios

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

48 episodes

1 playlist

    Season 2

  • 🇫🇷 La Gamification au Service de la Santé - avec Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, Tilak Healthcare cover
    🇫🇷 La Gamification au Service de la Santé - avec Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, Tilak Healthcare cover
    🇫🇷 La Gamification au Service de la Santé - avec Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, Tilak Healthcare

    Aujourd'hui, j’ai l'honneur d'accueillir Anne-Aurélie Epis de Fleurian, directrice de l'accès au marché et des affaires publiques de la startup Tilak Healthcare, spécialisée dans la création de thérapies digitales dans le domaine de l'ophtalmologie. Anne-Aurélie, pharmacienne de formation, a eu un parcours exceptionnel. Récemment, elle a été désignée parmi des personnalités qualifiées de la mission "Financement et régulation des produits de santé" demandée par la Première Ministre. Elle a également dirigé le département d'accès au marché d’IQVIA et du SNITEM. De plus, Anne-Aurélie a une passion pour le jeu sous toutes ses formes : elle a managé des équipes d’e-sport et adore les jeux de rôle grandeur nature. Dans cet épisode, elle explique comment Tilak Healthcare intègre la gamification dans ses solutions de thérapie digitale, visant notamment les patients âgés. Découvrez comment cette stratégie innovante améliore l'engagement et la rétention des patients, et explorez les perspectives futures de l'entreprise dans le domaine de la santé numérique. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    16min | Published on June 25, 2024

  • What Pharma Thinks of Blockchain & Web3 - with Filippo Frangioni, Novo Nordisk cover
    What Pharma Thinks of Blockchain & Web3 - with Filippo Frangioni, Novo Nordisk cover
    What Pharma Thinks of Blockchain & Web3 - with Filippo Frangioni, Novo Nordisk

    In this episode, we are thrilled to have Filippo Frangioni from the Nordic Blockchain Association and Product Manager at Novo Nordisk join us to demystify blockchain technology in the pharmaceutical industry.Episode Highlights:🔍 Adoption Challenges: Filippo shares his perspective on why the pharmaceutical industry has been slow to adopt blockchain and Web3 technologies, discussing regulatory hurdles, scalability issues, and the conservative nature of the industry.💡 Promising Use Cases: Discover the most promising applications of blockchain in pharma, from enhancing supply chain transparency to ensuring the integrity of clinical trial data.🚀 Initiating Blockchain Projects: Get practical advice on how to start and successfully execute blockchain projects in the pharmaceutical sector, with a focus on understanding regulatory environments and solving real problems.🤖 Blockchain & AI Synergies: Explore how the convergence of Web3 and AI can revolutionize data security, enhance sophisticated data analysis, and create new pathways for innovation in healthcare. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    20min | Published on June 11, 2024

  • Blockchain and Multiparty Computation for Healthcare - with Mark Bundgaard, Partisia cover
    Blockchain and Multiparty Computation for Healthcare - with Mark Bundgaard, Partisia cover
    Blockchain and Multiparty Computation for Healthcare - with Mark Bundgaard, Partisia

    In this episode Anca introduces Mark Medum Bundgaard, the Chief Product Officer at Partisia Blockchain. The discussion focuses on the role of Partisia Blockchain in the healthcare industry, emphasizing its function as a Layer 1 blockchain, which serves as the foundational architecture for other protocols and applications. Mark explains the concept of multiparty computation and how it sets Partisia apart from other blockchain technologies. The conversation then explores specific use cases of blockchain in healthcare, highlighting the potential impacts and innovations Partisia could bring to the sector. Challenges of integrating new Web3 technologies into healthcare are discussed, particularly the obstacles Partisia faces in engaging with healthcare stakeholders. Additionally, the episode touches on the supportive role of Zug's blockchain and crypto ecosystem, known as "Crypto Valley," in the development of Partisia Blockchain. The episode concludes with a forward-looking statement on the expected advancements from Partisia in healthcare technology. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    20min | Published on June 4, 2024

  • 🇫🇷 Le Numérique au Service de la Santé Augmentée - Philippe Emery, Abbott & Dr Michael Joubert, CHU de Caen cover
    🇫🇷 Le Numérique au Service de la Santé Augmentée - Philippe Emery, Abbott & Dr Michael Joubert, CHU de Caen cover
    🇫🇷 Le Numérique au Service de la Santé Augmentée - Philippe Emery, Abbott & Dr Michael Joubert, CHU de Caen

    Thème :Medtech : Le numérique au service de la santé augmentéeInvités :- Philippe Emery, Directeur Général d'Abbott France- Pr Michael Joubert, Professeur d'Endocrinologie à la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université de Caen-Normandie et Chef de service du Centre de Recherche Clinique du CHU de CaenSujets Abordés :- L'impact des technologies de santé sur la prise en charge médicale.- Les innovations technologiques dans la gestion des pathologies chroniques comme le diabète.- La télésurveillance et la prévention grâce aux dispositifs médicaux connectés.- L'évolution de la relation médecin-patient avec l'introduction des technologies de suivi continu et à distance.- Les perspectives futures des technologies de santé, notamment l'intégration de l'IA dans les dispositifs médicaux.Cet épisode est en partenariat avec Abbott :Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer notre participation à VivaTech ce mardi 22 mai pour modérer la table ronde "RENDRE SA PLACE AU MÉDECIN : VERS UNE SANTÉ PLUS HUMAINE GRÂCE AUX DONNÉES" organisée par Abbott avec des invités exceptionnels. Ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous le 22 mai à 12h30 à VivaTech ! Un grand merci à Abbott pour leur confiance. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    13min | Published on May 21, 2024

  • Understanding Web3 Equivalents to Popular Web2 Platforms cover
    Understanding Web3 Equivalents to Popular Web2 Platforms cover
    Understanding Web3 Equivalents to Popular Web2 Platforms

    Discover how decentralized technologies are reshaping familiar digital platforms, offering enhanced user control, privacy, and direct economic participation. From social media to e-commerce, learn about the Web3 equivalents of popular Web2 platforms and understand the core principles that drive this new internet evolution. Join us as we explore both the potential and the challenges of a decentralized digital future, and consider how these changes affect everyday users like you. Tune in to unravel the complexities of Web3 and envision the impact of this groundbreaking technology on our digital lives. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    07min | Published on May 7, 2024

  • DeSci: 5 Things You Should Know About The Future Of Science cover
    DeSci: 5 Things You Should Know About The Future Of Science cover
    DeSci: 5 Things You Should Know About The Future Of Science

    In today's episode we dive into the transformative power of decentralized science (DeSci) straight from our recent event in Tallinn, Estonia, held alongside the illustrious Bananaconf. Discover the five critical insights that are setting the stage for a new era in scientific research. From democratizing funding to enhancing data sharing and rethinking intellectual property, we unpack how DeSci is not just reimagining, but revolutionizing the traditional scientific landscape. Tune in to learn how these pioneering approaches are making science more dynamic, transparent, and inclusive. Whether you're a researcher, a tech enthusiast, or just curious about the future of science, this episode is your gateway to understanding the significant shifts shaping our scientific pursuits.Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    05min | Published on April 30, 2024

  • The Incentives Structure in Research is Broken - with Tyler Golato, Molecule cover
    The Incentives Structure in Research is Broken - with Tyler Golato, Molecule cover
    The Incentives Structure in Research is Broken - with Tyler Golato, Molecule

    In today's episode, we're diving into the groundbreaking intersection of intellectual property and blockchain technology with a focus on IP NFTs. Joining us is Tyler Golato, the co-founder and CEO of Molecule, a pioneering company revolutionizing biomedical innovation through NFTs.Tyler shares Molecule's mission to bridge the funding gap in biomedical research, particularly during the challenging "Valley of Death" phase. We explore how Molecule leverages web three technologies to incentivize early-stage research funding by digitizing intellectual property. Discover how researchers, patients, and advocacy groups collaborate to fund and own IP, reshaping the dynamics of translational funding.Delving into the concept of IP-NFTs, Tyler demystifies the technology beyond its association with digital art, highlighting its role in making intellectual property natively transactable and governable. Beyond the IP-NFT protocol, we explore Molecule's ecosystem, including the Biotech IP Marketplace and BioDAO Launchpad, showcasing how these components amplify community-driven innovation.What sets Molecule apart is its foundation in real industry needs, driven by individuals deeply embedded in biomedical research. Tyler's journey from biochemist to innovator underscores the authentic drive to solve real-world problems through web three solutions. Join us as we unravel the potential of Web3 for research and science, inviting skeptics to explore its transformative power and get involved in shaping the future of healthcare. Tune in to gain insights into Molecule's vision and explore the dynamic landscape of Web3 in healthcare. Whether you're a researcher, entrepreneur, or passionate about driving change in healthcare, this episode offers a compelling glimpse into the possibilities of decentralized innovation. Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 25th. Don't miss out—register now to be part of the future of science. Registration link: https://lu.ma/descinordics Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    20min | Published on April 23, 2024

  • AsteriskDAO Shakes Up Women's Health in Web3! - with Veronica Kirin, AsteriskDAO cover
    AsteriskDAO Shakes Up Women's Health in Web3! - with Veronica Kirin, AsteriskDAO cover
    AsteriskDAO Shakes Up Women's Health in Web3! - with Veronica Kirin, AsteriskDAO

    In this episode, Veronica Kirin, founder of AsteriskDAO, a pioneering initiative in women's non-reproductive health, shares her journey and vision for leveraging Web3 technology to revolutionize healthcare.Veronica explains why she chose the DAO model for Asterisk, emphasizing its inclusivity and flexibility. She highlights the historical gaps in women's health research and the urgent need for comprehensive data.AsteriskDAO aims to fill these gaps by creating data lakes through self-reporting, empowering women to contribute to research and shape healthcare decisions. Veronica envisions a future where women have a stake in their own well-being through DAO participation.Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 25th. Don't miss out—register now to be part of the future of science. Registration link: https://lu.ma/descinordics Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    14min | Published on April 18, 2024

  • Revolutionizing Climate Solutions: Web3 Meets Synthetic Biology - with Morgan Richards, ValleyDAO cover
    Revolutionizing Climate Solutions: Web3 Meets Synthetic Biology - with Morgan Richards, ValleyDAO cover
    Revolutionizing Climate Solutions: Web3 Meets Synthetic Biology - with Morgan Richards, ValleyDAO

    In today’s episode, we venture beyond our usual healthcare discussions to focus on climate change research and sustainable technologies. Learn how Valley DAO leverages the power of its community to fund groundbreaking projects in synthetic biology—projects that promise to revolutionize industries by creating sustainable solutions for animal-free meat, eco-friendly plastics, and more.Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 25th. Don't miss out—register now to be part of the future of science. Registration link: https://lu.ma/descinordics Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    20min | Published on April 16, 2024

  • VitaDAO, The Organization Channeling Millions into Longevity Research - with Eleanor Davies, VitaDAO cover
    VitaDAO, The Organization Channeling Millions into Longevity Research - with Eleanor Davies, VitaDAO cover
    VitaDAO, The Organization Channeling Millions into Longevity Research - with Eleanor Davies, VitaDAO

    In today’s episode, we’re diving into the heart of the Decentralized Science revolution with the organization leading the way—VitaDAO. This project has channeled $4.2 million into groundbreaking longevity research while growing a community that's reached over 11,000 members. A truly impressive feat. And who better to guide us through the intricacies of such an influential organization than Eleanor Davies, the steward of VitaDAO's Longevity Dealflow Working Group.Today's episode is brought to you in partnership with DeSci Nordics, the go-to event for decentralized science enthusiasts. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, on April 25th. Don't miss out—register now to be part of the future of science. Registration link: https://lu.ma/descinordics Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    16min | Published on April 11, 2024

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