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Into The Metahealth - Web3 & AI in Healthcare cover
Into The Metahealth - Web3 & AI in Healthcare cover

Into The Metahealth - Web3 & AI in Healthcare

Into The Metahealth - Web3 & AI in Healthcare

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Into The Metahealth - Web3 & AI in Healthcare cover
Into The Metahealth - Web3 & AI in Healthcare cover

Into The Metahealth - Web3 & AI in Healthcare

Into The Metahealth - Web3 & AI in Healthcare



Hi! I’m Anca, and welcome Into the Metahealth, the podcast that bridges the gap between groundbreaking technologies and the future of healthcare. If you’re curious about how artificial intelligence, blockchain, Web3, and the metaverse are reshaping the way we approach health, medicine, and wellness, then you’ve come to the right place.

Every week, I dive into the most transformative trends at the intersection of technology and healthcare. From AI-driven breakthroughs in diagnostics to the role of blockchain in securing health data, from decentralized science (DeSci) to NFT-powered health innovation, and from gamified fitness to the potential of digital twins, I’m here to make complex topics simple, accessible, and exciting.

Here’s what you can expect:

💡 Deep Dives:

Each episode unpacks revolutionary ideas like digital twins that mirror our health, decentralized healthcare systems driven by DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and AI tools that personalize care like never before.

🎮 Stories of Impact:

Explore how the metaverse is transforming mental health care, how gaming platforms are being leveraged for wellness, and how cryptofitness is turning movement into currency.

🌐 Cutting-Edge Concepts:

Discover how Web3 is giving patients control over their health data, enabling more ethical medical research, and redefining how we engage with pharmaceutical innovation.

🧬 Real-World Applications:

Whether it’s precision medicine, immersive therapies, or transparent research funding, I bring examples and insights from the real world to show how these ideas are already changing lives.

My mission? To demystify the buzzwords and hype around emerging technologies and show you their tangible impact on our health and well-being. This isn’t just about the future—it’s happening now, and it’s closer than you think.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a tech enthusiast, or someone passionate about staying informed about the future, Into the Metahealth is your go-to destination for thought-provoking discussions and actionable insights.

Stay connected and learn more:

Join me on this journey as we explore how artificial intelligence, blockchain, and immersive technologies are reshaping healthcare to make it more accessible, efficient, and equitable.

Let’s break down the barriers to understanding how technology is rewriting the script for medicine—because the future of healthcare is being written in code.

Into the Metahealth is produced by MedShake Studio.

All Rights Reserved © 2025, Confluo Studios

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Hi! I’m Anca, and welcome Into the Metahealth, the podcast that bridges the gap between groundbreaking technologies and the future of healthcare. If you’re curious about how artificial intelligence, blockchain, Web3, and the metaverse are reshaping the way we approach health, medicine, and wellness, then you’ve come to the right place.

Every week, I dive into the most transformative trends at the intersection of technology and healthcare. From AI-driven breakthroughs in diagnostics to the role of blockchain in securing health data, from decentralized science (DeSci) to NFT-powered health innovation, and from gamified fitness to the potential of digital twins, I’m here to make complex topics simple, accessible, and exciting.

Here’s what you can expect:

💡 Deep Dives:

Each episode unpacks revolutionary ideas like digital twins that mirror our health, decentralized healthcare systems driven by DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and AI tools that personalize care like never before.

🎮 Stories of Impact:

Explore how the metaverse is transforming mental health care, how gaming platforms are being leveraged for wellness, and how cryptofitness is turning movement into currency.

🌐 Cutting-Edge Concepts:

Discover how Web3 is giving patients control over their health data, enabling more ethical medical research, and redefining how we engage with pharmaceutical innovation.

🧬 Real-World Applications:

Whether it’s precision medicine, immersive therapies, or transparent research funding, I bring examples and insights from the real world to show how these ideas are already changing lives.

My mission? To demystify the buzzwords and hype around emerging technologies and show you their tangible impact on our health and well-being. This isn’t just about the future—it’s happening now, and it’s closer than you think.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a tech enthusiast, or someone passionate about staying informed about the future, Into the Metahealth is your go-to destination for thought-provoking discussions and actionable insights.

Stay connected and learn more:

Join me on this journey as we explore how artificial intelligence, blockchain, and immersive technologies are reshaping healthcare to make it more accessible, efficient, and equitable.

Let’s break down the barriers to understanding how technology is rewriting the script for medicine—because the future of healthcare is being written in code.

Into the Metahealth is produced by MedShake Studio.

All Rights Reserved © 2025, Confluo Studios

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

72 episodes

3 playlists

    Season 3

  • How AI Evolved from Chess Player to Conversation Partner cover
    How AI Evolved from Chess Player to Conversation Partner cover
    How AI Evolved from Chess Player to Conversation Partner

    In this episode, we explore the fascinating journey of artificial intelligence in healthcare, from its early rule-based systems to the powerful generative AI models shaping the industry today. AI has evolved through three major epochs—AI 1.0, AI 2.0, and AI 3.0—each bringing groundbreaking advancements and new challenges. Topics Covered: AI 1.0: Symbolic AI and probabilistic models – The era of rule-based decision-making and early diagnostic systems. AI 2.0: Deep learning revolution – How neural networks transformed medical imaging and predictive analytics. AI 3.0: Foundation models and generative AI – The rise of multi-task AI assistants that are reshaping patient care and medical workflows. Credits: Production: MedShake Studio Host: Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    07min | Published on February 21, 2025

  • AI-Generated Health Content That Adapts to You cover
    AI-Generated Health Content That Adapts to You cover
    AI-Generated Health Content That Adapts to You

    In this episode, we explore how AI-driven personalized content is revolutionizing the way we consume information—particularly in healthcare. Inspired by Google’s new “Daily Listen” feature, she delves into how AI-generated, real-time, and adaptive content could reshape patient education and disease awareness. Topics Covered: How AI-powered audio summaries personalize news consumption The potential of AI-driven health updates tailored to individual patients Enhancing doctor-patient communication through personalized content Breaking down barriers to healthcare access with multi-format AI content Imagining a future with “Daily Listen for Health” for proactive patient engagement Credits: Production: MedShake Studio Host: Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    06min | Published on February 19, 2025

  • [AI Summary] The State of AI in Healthcare in France cover
    [AI Summary] The State of AI in Healthcare in France cover
    [AI Summary] The State of AI in Healthcare in France

    The State of AI in Healthcare in France (AI-generated summary) In this episode, we explore the report The State of AI in Healthcare (February 2025), which provides an overview of advancements, initiatives, and challenges in the application of artificial intelligence in the French healthcare sector. Topics Covered: The 2023–2027 Digital Health Roadmap and its strategic objectives Regional pilot projects using AI-powered digital tools for medical diagnostics Initiatives from the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) on evaluating digital medical devices and promoting an "ethic-by-design" approach Public consultation on the secondary use of health data, led by the Ministry of Health Reimbursement of digital therapies (PECAN) under the national health insurance scheme Full report available here: https://sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/etat_des_lieux_ia_en_sante.pdf This episode was crafted using AI, delivering the key takeaways from this important update in a concise, educational, and accessible format—perfect for staying informed on the go. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    17min | Published on February 17, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 Sommet IA : Ce qu’il faut retenir cover
    🇫🇷 Sommet IA : Ce qu’il faut retenir cover
    🇫🇷 Sommet IA : Ce qu’il faut retenir

    Dans cet épisode, nous revenons sur le Sommet pour l’Action sur l’Intelligence Artificielle, qui s’est tenu à Paris les 10 et 11 février 2025. L’IA bouleverse tous les secteurs, et la santé n’échappe pas à cette révolution. Entre annonces de financements massifs et défis d’intégration, que faut-il retenir de cet événement ? Points Clés de l'Épisode : 109 milliards d’euros investis par la France dans l’IA, avec des retombées attendues pour la santé Lancement du programme européen Invest AI (200 milliards d’euros) pour développer l’IA médicale Projets internationaux ambitieux, dont un investissement britannique de 865 millions d’euros pour la recherche en cancérologie Formation des professionnels de santé : 100 000 soignants formés par an et intégration de l’IA dans les études médicales Encadrement réglementaire et éthique : une feuille de route IA-Santé attendue pour l’été 2025 L’IA au service de la santé mentale, avec de nouveaux outils pour le suivi et la prise en charge des troubles psychiques L’IA promet une transformation majeure du secteur de la santé, à condition que son adoption soit accompagnée d’une formation adaptée et d’un cadre réglementaire solide. Crédits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    06min | Published on February 14, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 Comment une Donnée se Transforme en IA ? cover
    🇫🇷 Comment une Donnée se Transforme en IA ? cover
    🇫🇷 Comment une Donnée se Transforme en IA ?

    Votre montre connectée enregistre votre rythme cardiaque, votre sommeil et bien plus encore. Mais comment ces données deviennent-elles des informations utiles pour votre santé ? Aujourd'hui, nous suivons le parcours d'une donnée, de sa capture à son analyse par des modèles d’intelligence artificielle. Au programme : Comment votre montre capte et transmet vos données Le rôle du cloud et du machine learning dans l’interprétation des informations L'importance de la confidentialité et des réglementations comme le RGPD Comment l'IA permet de détecter des anomalies et d'améliorer la prévention en santé Une plongée fascinante au cœur de la technologie qui façonne la médecine de demain ! Crédits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    06min | Published on February 13, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 La Folle Histoire de l'IA en Santé cover
    🇫🇷 La Folle Histoire de l'IA en Santé cover
    🇫🇷 La Folle Histoire de l'IA en Santé

    Saviez-vous qu’il y a plusieurs décennies, certains scientifiques pensaient que les machines remplaceraient complètement les médecins ? Ce qui semblait être de la science-fiction est devenu un pilier essentiel de la médecine moderne. Dans cet épisode, nous retraçons l’histoire fascinante de l’intelligence artificielle en santé : de ses premiers balbutiements dans les années 50 aux incroyables avancées de l’IA générative aujourd’hui. Une épopée marquée par des promesses ambitieuses, des échecs retentissants et des percées révolutionnaires. Au programme : Les débuts de l’IA médicale : des premiers algorithmes de diagnostic aux systèmes d’aide à la décision. L’hiver de l’IA : pourquoi la technologie a-t-elle stagné dans les années 80 et 90 ? Le tournant des années 2000 : comment la puissance de calcul et l’essor du deep learning ont tout changé. L’IA en temps de crise : son rôle crucial pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. L’IA générative en médecine : un bouleversement dans la manière de diagnostiquer, d’expliquer et de traiter les patients. L’IA en santé est désormais une réalité incontournable… mais jusqu’où ira-t-elle ? Crédits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    07min | Published on February 12, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 5 Idées Reçues Sur l'IA (et Pourquoi Elles Sont Fausses !) cover
    🇫🇷 5 Idées Reçues Sur l'IA (et Pourquoi Elles Sont Fausses !) cover
    🇫🇷 5 Idées Reçues Sur l'IA (et Pourquoi Elles Sont Fausses !)

    Dans cet épisode, on démonte ensemble certaines des idées reçues les plus courantes sur l’intelligence artificielle. Alors que le Sommet pour l’Action sur l’IA se tient à Paris, c’est le moment idéal pour clarifier le vrai fonctionnement de ces technologies et éviter les malentendus. Au programme : L’IA pense-t-elle comme un humain ? 🤖 Réseaux de neurones vs cerveau humain : quelles différences ? Comment l’IA interprète-t-elle les images ? 🖼️ L’IA est-elle impartiale parce qu’elle repose sur des maths ? Plus de données = meilleure IA ? Pas si simple… Et en bonus, on aborde une idée reçue fréquente : toutes les IA sont-elles les mêmes ? En comprenant mieux comment fonctionne l’IA, on peut mieux l’utiliser et éviter les pièges des mythes et fausses croyances. Alors, prêts à déconstruire les idées reçues ? Credits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    09min | Published on February 11, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 IA en Santé : la Participation des Patients, un Facteur Clé de son Succès cover
    🇫🇷 IA en Santé : la Participation des Patients, un Facteur Clé de son Succès cover
    🇫🇷 IA en Santé : la Participation des Patients, un Facteur Clé de son Succès

    Dans cet épisode, nous explorons un sujet de premier plan : la place des patients dans le développement des intelligences artificielles en santé. Le Cercle P, un groupe de réflexion fondé par Pfizer, vient de publier un position paper appelant les décideurs et acteurs du secteur à intégrer pleinement les patients dans cette transformation technologique. Au programme : IA et parcours de soins : quels bénéfices perçus par les patients ? Transparence et confiance : pourquoi 80 % des patients souhaitent être impliqués ? Craintes et opportunités : comment éviter la déshumanisation des soins ? Les prochaines étapes pour une IA éthique et efficace en santé 📌 Le position paper est disponible dès maintenant ici : https://www.pfizer.fr/actualites/nos-engagements/ia-en-sante-la-participation-des-patients-un-facteur-cle-de-son-succes Credits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    03min | Published on February 10, 2025

  • Can AI Predict Scientific Results Better Than Humans? cover
    Can AI Predict Scientific Results Better Than Humans? cover
    Can AI Predict Scientific Results Better Than Humans?

    In this episode, we explore a fascinating and slightly mind-boggling question: Can artificial intelligence predict scientific results more accurately than human experts? According to a study published in Nature Human Behavior by researchers from University College London, the answer is a resounding yes. Topics Covered: The BrainBench Benchmark: How researchers tested human experts and AI on predicting scientific outcomes. AI vs. Human Performance: BrainGPT achieved an 81% accuracy rate, outperforming neuroscientists at 63%. The Power of AI in Research: How AI can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and enhance experimental planning. Implications for Healthcare & Science: AI’s potential in drug discovery, interdisciplinary research, and reducing cognitive biases. Challenges & Ethical Concerns: The risk of over-reliance on AI, the importance of human intuition, and the need for explainable AI decisions. Could AI revolutionize scientific research, or are there risks we need to consider? Tune in to find out! Credits: Production: MedShake Studio Host: Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    06min | Published on February 7, 2025

  • Why Do Patients Resist Life-Saving AI in Healthcare? cover
    Why Do Patients Resist Life-Saving AI in Healthcare? cover
    Why Do Patients Resist Life-Saving AI in Healthcare?

    In this episode we dive into a surprising discovery: People resist AI and digital health solutions not just because of privacy concerns—but due to deep emotional barriers. A recent study from the University of Copenhagen found that surveillance anxiety, delegation anxiety, and trust issues play a significant role in AI hesitancy. Even when AI can save lives, many patients and caregivers feel uneasy about constant monitoring and the potential loss of human decision-making in healthcare. Topics Covered: Why privacy concerns are not the main reason people resist AI in healthcare How emotions like surveillance and delegation anxiety shape AI hesitancy The importance of trust, control, and human connection in AI adoption Strategies for making AI more transparent and patient-friendly If AI is to be widely adopted, healthcare organizations must address these emotional barriers—not just security fears. Tune in to explore how shifting the narrative can help AI become a trusted healthcare ally. Credits: Production: MedShake Studio Host: Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    05min | Published on February 5, 2025

  • 1




Hi! I’m Anca, and welcome Into the Metahealth, the podcast that bridges the gap between groundbreaking technologies and the future of healthcare. If you’re curious about how artificial intelligence, blockchain, Web3, and the metaverse are reshaping the way we approach health, medicine, and wellness, then you’ve come to the right place.

Every week, I dive into the most transformative trends at the intersection of technology and healthcare. From AI-driven breakthroughs in diagnostics to the role of blockchain in securing health data, from decentralized science (DeSci) to NFT-powered health innovation, and from gamified fitness to the potential of digital twins, I’m here to make complex topics simple, accessible, and exciting.

Here’s what you can expect:

💡 Deep Dives:

Each episode unpacks revolutionary ideas like digital twins that mirror our health, decentralized healthcare systems driven by DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and AI tools that personalize care like never before.

🎮 Stories of Impact:

Explore how the metaverse is transforming mental health care, how gaming platforms are being leveraged for wellness, and how cryptofitness is turning movement into currency.

🌐 Cutting-Edge Concepts:

Discover how Web3 is giving patients control over their health data, enabling more ethical medical research, and redefining how we engage with pharmaceutical innovation.

🧬 Real-World Applications:

Whether it’s precision medicine, immersive therapies, or transparent research funding, I bring examples and insights from the real world to show how these ideas are already changing lives.

My mission? To demystify the buzzwords and hype around emerging technologies and show you their tangible impact on our health and well-being. This isn’t just about the future—it’s happening now, and it’s closer than you think.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a tech enthusiast, or someone passionate about staying informed about the future, Into the Metahealth is your go-to destination for thought-provoking discussions and actionable insights.

Stay connected and learn more:

Join me on this journey as we explore how artificial intelligence, blockchain, and immersive technologies are reshaping healthcare to make it more accessible, efficient, and equitable.

Let’s break down the barriers to understanding how technology is rewriting the script for medicine—because the future of healthcare is being written in code.

Into the Metahealth is produced by MedShake Studio.

All Rights Reserved © 2025, Confluo Studios

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Hi! I’m Anca, and welcome Into the Metahealth, the podcast that bridges the gap between groundbreaking technologies and the future of healthcare. If you’re curious about how artificial intelligence, blockchain, Web3, and the metaverse are reshaping the way we approach health, medicine, and wellness, then you’ve come to the right place.

Every week, I dive into the most transformative trends at the intersection of technology and healthcare. From AI-driven breakthroughs in diagnostics to the role of blockchain in securing health data, from decentralized science (DeSci) to NFT-powered health innovation, and from gamified fitness to the potential of digital twins, I’m here to make complex topics simple, accessible, and exciting.

Here’s what you can expect:

💡 Deep Dives:

Each episode unpacks revolutionary ideas like digital twins that mirror our health, decentralized healthcare systems driven by DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and AI tools that personalize care like never before.

🎮 Stories of Impact:

Explore how the metaverse is transforming mental health care, how gaming platforms are being leveraged for wellness, and how cryptofitness is turning movement into currency.

🌐 Cutting-Edge Concepts:

Discover how Web3 is giving patients control over their health data, enabling more ethical medical research, and redefining how we engage with pharmaceutical innovation.

🧬 Real-World Applications:

Whether it’s precision medicine, immersive therapies, or transparent research funding, I bring examples and insights from the real world to show how these ideas are already changing lives.

My mission? To demystify the buzzwords and hype around emerging technologies and show you their tangible impact on our health and well-being. This isn’t just about the future—it’s happening now, and it’s closer than you think.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a tech enthusiast, or someone passionate about staying informed about the future, Into the Metahealth is your go-to destination for thought-provoking discussions and actionable insights.

Stay connected and learn more:

Join me on this journey as we explore how artificial intelligence, blockchain, and immersive technologies are reshaping healthcare to make it more accessible, efficient, and equitable.

Let’s break down the barriers to understanding how technology is rewriting the script for medicine—because the future of healthcare is being written in code.

Into the Metahealth is produced by MedShake Studio.

All Rights Reserved © 2025, Confluo Studios

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

72 episodes

3 playlists

    Season 3

  • How AI Evolved from Chess Player to Conversation Partner cover
    How AI Evolved from Chess Player to Conversation Partner cover
    How AI Evolved from Chess Player to Conversation Partner

    In this episode, we explore the fascinating journey of artificial intelligence in healthcare, from its early rule-based systems to the powerful generative AI models shaping the industry today. AI has evolved through three major epochs—AI 1.0, AI 2.0, and AI 3.0—each bringing groundbreaking advancements and new challenges. Topics Covered: AI 1.0: Symbolic AI and probabilistic models – The era of rule-based decision-making and early diagnostic systems. AI 2.0: Deep learning revolution – How neural networks transformed medical imaging and predictive analytics. AI 3.0: Foundation models and generative AI – The rise of multi-task AI assistants that are reshaping patient care and medical workflows. Credits: Production: MedShake Studio Host: Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    07min | Published on February 21, 2025

  • AI-Generated Health Content That Adapts to You cover
    AI-Generated Health Content That Adapts to You cover
    AI-Generated Health Content That Adapts to You

    In this episode, we explore how AI-driven personalized content is revolutionizing the way we consume information—particularly in healthcare. Inspired by Google’s new “Daily Listen” feature, she delves into how AI-generated, real-time, and adaptive content could reshape patient education and disease awareness. Topics Covered: How AI-powered audio summaries personalize news consumption The potential of AI-driven health updates tailored to individual patients Enhancing doctor-patient communication through personalized content Breaking down barriers to healthcare access with multi-format AI content Imagining a future with “Daily Listen for Health” for proactive patient engagement Credits: Production: MedShake Studio Host: Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    06min | Published on February 19, 2025

  • [AI Summary] The State of AI in Healthcare in France cover
    [AI Summary] The State of AI in Healthcare in France cover
    [AI Summary] The State of AI in Healthcare in France

    The State of AI in Healthcare in France (AI-generated summary) In this episode, we explore the report The State of AI in Healthcare (February 2025), which provides an overview of advancements, initiatives, and challenges in the application of artificial intelligence in the French healthcare sector. Topics Covered: The 2023–2027 Digital Health Roadmap and its strategic objectives Regional pilot projects using AI-powered digital tools for medical diagnostics Initiatives from the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) on evaluating digital medical devices and promoting an "ethic-by-design" approach Public consultation on the secondary use of health data, led by the Ministry of Health Reimbursement of digital therapies (PECAN) under the national health insurance scheme Full report available here: https://sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/etat_des_lieux_ia_en_sante.pdf This episode was crafted using AI, delivering the key takeaways from this important update in a concise, educational, and accessible format—perfect for staying informed on the go. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    17min | Published on February 17, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 Sommet IA : Ce qu’il faut retenir cover
    🇫🇷 Sommet IA : Ce qu’il faut retenir cover
    🇫🇷 Sommet IA : Ce qu’il faut retenir

    Dans cet épisode, nous revenons sur le Sommet pour l’Action sur l’Intelligence Artificielle, qui s’est tenu à Paris les 10 et 11 février 2025. L’IA bouleverse tous les secteurs, et la santé n’échappe pas à cette révolution. Entre annonces de financements massifs et défis d’intégration, que faut-il retenir de cet événement ? Points Clés de l'Épisode : 109 milliards d’euros investis par la France dans l’IA, avec des retombées attendues pour la santé Lancement du programme européen Invest AI (200 milliards d’euros) pour développer l’IA médicale Projets internationaux ambitieux, dont un investissement britannique de 865 millions d’euros pour la recherche en cancérologie Formation des professionnels de santé : 100 000 soignants formés par an et intégration de l’IA dans les études médicales Encadrement réglementaire et éthique : une feuille de route IA-Santé attendue pour l’été 2025 L’IA au service de la santé mentale, avec de nouveaux outils pour le suivi et la prise en charge des troubles psychiques L’IA promet une transformation majeure du secteur de la santé, à condition que son adoption soit accompagnée d’une formation adaptée et d’un cadre réglementaire solide. Crédits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    06min | Published on February 14, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 Comment une Donnée se Transforme en IA ? cover
    🇫🇷 Comment une Donnée se Transforme en IA ? cover
    🇫🇷 Comment une Donnée se Transforme en IA ?

    Votre montre connectée enregistre votre rythme cardiaque, votre sommeil et bien plus encore. Mais comment ces données deviennent-elles des informations utiles pour votre santé ? Aujourd'hui, nous suivons le parcours d'une donnée, de sa capture à son analyse par des modèles d’intelligence artificielle. Au programme : Comment votre montre capte et transmet vos données Le rôle du cloud et du machine learning dans l’interprétation des informations L'importance de la confidentialité et des réglementations comme le RGPD Comment l'IA permet de détecter des anomalies et d'améliorer la prévention en santé Une plongée fascinante au cœur de la technologie qui façonne la médecine de demain ! Crédits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    06min | Published on February 13, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 La Folle Histoire de l'IA en Santé cover
    🇫🇷 La Folle Histoire de l'IA en Santé cover
    🇫🇷 La Folle Histoire de l'IA en Santé

    Saviez-vous qu’il y a plusieurs décennies, certains scientifiques pensaient que les machines remplaceraient complètement les médecins ? Ce qui semblait être de la science-fiction est devenu un pilier essentiel de la médecine moderne. Dans cet épisode, nous retraçons l’histoire fascinante de l’intelligence artificielle en santé : de ses premiers balbutiements dans les années 50 aux incroyables avancées de l’IA générative aujourd’hui. Une épopée marquée par des promesses ambitieuses, des échecs retentissants et des percées révolutionnaires. Au programme : Les débuts de l’IA médicale : des premiers algorithmes de diagnostic aux systèmes d’aide à la décision. L’hiver de l’IA : pourquoi la technologie a-t-elle stagné dans les années 80 et 90 ? Le tournant des années 2000 : comment la puissance de calcul et l’essor du deep learning ont tout changé. L’IA en temps de crise : son rôle crucial pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. L’IA générative en médecine : un bouleversement dans la manière de diagnostiquer, d’expliquer et de traiter les patients. L’IA en santé est désormais une réalité incontournable… mais jusqu’où ira-t-elle ? Crédits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    07min | Published on February 12, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 5 Idées Reçues Sur l'IA (et Pourquoi Elles Sont Fausses !) cover
    🇫🇷 5 Idées Reçues Sur l'IA (et Pourquoi Elles Sont Fausses !) cover
    🇫🇷 5 Idées Reçues Sur l'IA (et Pourquoi Elles Sont Fausses !)

    Dans cet épisode, on démonte ensemble certaines des idées reçues les plus courantes sur l’intelligence artificielle. Alors que le Sommet pour l’Action sur l’IA se tient à Paris, c’est le moment idéal pour clarifier le vrai fonctionnement de ces technologies et éviter les malentendus. Au programme : L’IA pense-t-elle comme un humain ? 🤖 Réseaux de neurones vs cerveau humain : quelles différences ? Comment l’IA interprète-t-elle les images ? 🖼️ L’IA est-elle impartiale parce qu’elle repose sur des maths ? Plus de données = meilleure IA ? Pas si simple… Et en bonus, on aborde une idée reçue fréquente : toutes les IA sont-elles les mêmes ? En comprenant mieux comment fonctionne l’IA, on peut mieux l’utiliser et éviter les pièges des mythes et fausses croyances. Alors, prêts à déconstruire les idées reçues ? Credits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    09min | Published on February 11, 2025

  • 🇫🇷 IA en Santé : la Participation des Patients, un Facteur Clé de son Succès cover
    🇫🇷 IA en Santé : la Participation des Patients, un Facteur Clé de son Succès cover
    🇫🇷 IA en Santé : la Participation des Patients, un Facteur Clé de son Succès

    Dans cet épisode, nous explorons un sujet de premier plan : la place des patients dans le développement des intelligences artificielles en santé. Le Cercle P, un groupe de réflexion fondé par Pfizer, vient de publier un position paper appelant les décideurs et acteurs du secteur à intégrer pleinement les patients dans cette transformation technologique. Au programme : IA et parcours de soins : quels bénéfices perçus par les patients ? Transparence et confiance : pourquoi 80 % des patients souhaitent être impliqués ? Craintes et opportunités : comment éviter la déshumanisation des soins ? Les prochaines étapes pour une IA éthique et efficace en santé 📌 Le position paper est disponible dès maintenant ici : https://www.pfizer.fr/actualites/nos-engagements/ia-en-sante-la-participation-des-patients-un-facteur-cle-de-son-succes Credits : Production : MedShake Studio Host : Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    03min | Published on February 10, 2025

  • Can AI Predict Scientific Results Better Than Humans? cover
    Can AI Predict Scientific Results Better Than Humans? cover
    Can AI Predict Scientific Results Better Than Humans?

    In this episode, we explore a fascinating and slightly mind-boggling question: Can artificial intelligence predict scientific results more accurately than human experts? According to a study published in Nature Human Behavior by researchers from University College London, the answer is a resounding yes. Topics Covered: The BrainBench Benchmark: How researchers tested human experts and AI on predicting scientific outcomes. AI vs. Human Performance: BrainGPT achieved an 81% accuracy rate, outperforming neuroscientists at 63%. The Power of AI in Research: How AI can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and enhance experimental planning. Implications for Healthcare & Science: AI’s potential in drug discovery, interdisciplinary research, and reducing cognitive biases. Challenges & Ethical Concerns: The risk of over-reliance on AI, the importance of human intuition, and the need for explainable AI decisions. Could AI revolutionize scientific research, or are there risks we need to consider? Tune in to find out! Credits: Production: MedShake Studio Host: Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    06min | Published on February 7, 2025

  • Why Do Patients Resist Life-Saving AI in Healthcare? cover
    Why Do Patients Resist Life-Saving AI in Healthcare? cover
    Why Do Patients Resist Life-Saving AI in Healthcare?

    In this episode we dive into a surprising discovery: People resist AI and digital health solutions not just because of privacy concerns—but due to deep emotional barriers. A recent study from the University of Copenhagen found that surveillance anxiety, delegation anxiety, and trust issues play a significant role in AI hesitancy. Even when AI can save lives, many patients and caregivers feel uneasy about constant monitoring and the potential loss of human decision-making in healthcare. Topics Covered: Why privacy concerns are not the main reason people resist AI in healthcare How emotions like surveillance and delegation anxiety shape AI hesitancy The importance of trust, control, and human connection in AI adoption Strategies for making AI more transparent and patient-friendly If AI is to be widely adopted, healthcare organizations must address these emotional barriers—not just security fears. Tune in to explore how shifting the narrative can help AI become a trusted healthcare ally. Credits: Production: MedShake Studio Host: Anca Petre Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    05min | Published on February 5, 2025

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