ASD Market Week is the largest retail consumer b2b trade show in America.
In this episode, Rita Crompton, America's Inventor Lady, discusses with her special guest, Kat Crompton, the upcoming ASD Market Week and why, if you're an inventor, this is the one show that you can't afford to miss. Unlike other shows, where niche products dedicated to that specific industry or industry segment is the order of the day, ASD Market Week welcomes all sorts of products and product industries, from, as they say, "diapers to diamonds".
And, if you think you're in the hardware industry, for example, there is no better show for the independent inventor to attend than ASD Market Week. Shows like National Hardware Show and others are all dedicated to the "big boys" in that industry, despite what sponsors of those shows might tell you to the contrary; the independent inventors is often lost at those shows, ignored and relegated to a tiny space in the back of the hall.
Instead, check out ASD Market Week. And, while in the process of doing that, also check out Invent America Radio's and America's Inventor Lady's presence at prior ASD shows. They are the only innovation space at ASD Market Week. Both can be viewed on the ( website.
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.