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Learn French | La Pause Café Croissant cover
Learn French | La Pause Café Croissant cover

Learn French | La Pause Café Croissant

Learn French | La Pause Café Croissant

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Learn French | La Pause Café Croissant cover
Learn French | La Pause Café Croissant cover

Learn French | La Pause Café Croissant

Learn French | La Pause Café Croissant



đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Listen to a French podcast with everyday conversations between siblings on a variety of topics: lifestyle, French culture, video games, news, sports, books, France, and more!

We’re Elo and Gatien, a sister and brother duo who love chatting about all kinds of topics while helping you learn French.

Learning French? Improve naturally by listening to two native French speakers and getting used to the rhythm of real conversations.

We offer different episodes for all levels:

  • French Beginner (A1-A2) – Slow French and simple vocabulary.

  • Intermediate – Natural conversations on various topics to improve comprehension.

  • Advanced (B2-C1) – Faster-paced discussions for full immersion.

Make it a daily habit—learning French will be easier! Listen to this French podcast during your coffee break and learn French the natural way. It's time for La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! â˜•đŸ„

đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Écoutez un podcast en français avec des conversations du quotidien entre un frĂšre et une sƓur sur une variĂ©tĂ© de sujets : lifestyle, culture française, jeux vidĂ©o, actualitĂ©s, sport, livres, France et bien plus encore !

Nous sommes Elo et Gatien, deux frùres et sƓurs qui adorons discuter de toutes sortes de sujets tout en vous aidant à apprendre le français.

Vous apprenez le français ? Progressez naturellement en écoutant deux français et habituez-vous au rythme de vraies conversations.

Nous proposons des épisodes adaptés à tous les niveaux :

  • DĂ©butants en français (A1-A2) – Un français lent et un vocabulaire simple.

  • IntermĂ©diaire – Des conversations naturelles sur divers sujets pour amĂ©liorer la comprĂ©hension.

  • AvancĂ© (B2-C1) – Des discussions plus rapides pour une immersion complĂšte.

Faites-en une habitude quotidienne—apprendre le français n'en sera que plus facile ! Écoutez ce podcast français pendant votre pause cafĂ© et apprenez le français naturellement. C'est l'heure de La Pause CafĂ© Croissant ! â˜•đŸ„

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Listen to a French podcast with everyday conversations between siblings on a variety of topics: lifestyle, French culture, video games, news, sports, books, France, and more!

We’re Elo and Gatien, a sister and brother duo who love chatting about all kinds of topics while helping you learn French.

Learning French? Improve naturally by listening to two native French speakers and getting used to the rhythm of real conversations.

We offer different episodes for all levels:

  • French Beginner (A1-A2) – Slow French and simple vocabulary.

  • Intermediate – Natural conversations on various topics to improve comprehension.

  • Advanced (B2-C1) – Faster-paced discussions for full immersion.

Make it a daily habit—learning French will be easier! Listen to this French podcast during your coffee break and learn French the natural way. It's time for La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! â˜•đŸ„

đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Écoutez un podcast en français avec des conversations du quotidien entre un frĂšre et une sƓur sur une variĂ©tĂ© de sujets : lifestyle, culture française, jeux vidĂ©o, actualitĂ©s, sport, livres, France et bien plus encore !

Nous sommes Elo et Gatien, deux frùres et sƓurs qui adorons discuter de toutes sortes de sujets tout en vous aidant à apprendre le français.

Vous apprenez le français ? Progressez naturellement en écoutant deux français et habituez-vous au rythme de vraies conversations.

Nous proposons des épisodes adaptés à tous les niveaux :

  • DĂ©butants en français (A1-A2) – Un français lent et un vocabulaire simple.

  • IntermĂ©diaire – Des conversations naturelles sur divers sujets pour amĂ©liorer la comprĂ©hension.

  • AvancĂ© (B2-C1) – Des discussions plus rapides pour une immersion complĂšte.

Faites-en une habitude quotidienne—apprendre le français n'en sera que plus facile ! Écoutez ce podcast français pendant votre pause cafĂ© et apprenez le français naturellement. C'est l'heure de La Pause CafĂ© Croissant ! â˜•đŸ„

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French cover
    Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French cover


    Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French

    Are you learning French and want to sound more natural and polite when speaking? In this episode, we help you master basic polite expressions in French with clear pronunciation and simple explanations. You’ll learn how to: Greet someone politely in French Use everyday expressions like s’il vous plaĂźt, merci, excusez-moi... We speak slow and clear French, so A2 to B1 learners can follow along easily. It’s the perfect way to improve your listening skills and start using real-life French in conversations! 🎧 Listen now and learn French with us in our French podcast! ⭐ If you enjoyed the episode, don’t forget to give us 5 stars — it really helps! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr Ecoutez cet Ă©pisode français pour dĂ©butants et entraĂźner-vous en lisant la transcription. HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    02min | Published on March 25, 2025

  • 24 episodes

      Season 1

    • Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French cover
      Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French cover
      Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French

      Are you learning French and want to sound more natural and polite when speaking? In this episode, we help you master basic polite expressions in French with clear pronunciation and simple explanations. You’ll learn how to: Greet someone politely in French Use everyday expressions like s’il vous plaĂźt, merci, excusez-moi... We speak slow and clear French, so A2 to B1 learners can follow along easily. It’s the perfect way to improve your listening skills and start using real-life French in conversations! 🎧 Listen now and learn French with us in our French podcast! ⭐ If you enjoyed the episode, don’t forget to give us 5 stars — it really helps! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr Ecoutez cet Ă©pisode français pour dĂ©butants et entraĂźner-vous en lisant la transcription. HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 25, 2025

    • Malade tout le week-end : je vous raconte | Vocabulaire français utile cover
      Malade tout le week-end : je vous raconte | Vocabulaire français utile cover
      Malade tout le week-end : je vous raconte | Vocabulaire français utile

      In this episode of La Pause CafĂ© Croissant, Elo shares a simple story in slow French: she talks about being sick this week, catching a cold (un rhume), and going to the pharmacy. If you're learning French, this is a great way to hear everyday vocabulary related to health, being sick, and going to the pharmacy, all in natural, slow French — perfect for A2–B2 learners. 🎧 Learn French with real-life situations and simple conversations! Website & live transcription available: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 24, 2025

    • Je me balade en forĂȘt | Learn French cover
      Je me balade en forĂȘt | Learn French cover
      Je me balade en forĂȘt | Learn French

      Take a breath of fresh air
 in French! In this beginner-friendly French podcast episode, join mr on a calm walk through the forest. We’ll guide you through natural vocabulary like trees, river, path, leaves, moss, and more — all spoken slowly and clearly to help you improve your listening skills. Whether you’re just starting to learn French or looking for relaxing French listening practice, this short episode is perfect for beginners with a slow french. 🎧 Listen now and learn real French through simple daily moments. 🌿 Website & live transcription: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr Un podcast 100 % en français pour progresser Ă  votre rythme. HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      03min | Published on March 23, 2025

    • J'ai achetĂ© de nouvelles baskets ! | Learn French cover
      J'ai acheté de nouvelles baskets ! | Learn French cover
      J'ai acheté de nouvelles baskets ! | Learn French

      In this episode, I (Gatien) talk about my brand new pair of running shoes! It’s a casual and fun episode where I share why I chose them and how they’ll (hopefully) boost my motivation to stay active. If you're learning French, this is a great way to hear real, natural French spoken clearly and at a relaxed pace. Perfect for A2–B2 level learners, and great vocabulary around shopping, fitness, and everyday conversation. 🎧 Welcome to the French podcast La Pause CafĂ© Croissant to learn French with real conversations! Our website : https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ Our Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/podcastcafecroissant/ Un podcast 100 % en français pour progresser Ă  votre rythme. HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 22, 2025

    • Nos mĂ©tiers de rĂȘve | Learn French with conversations cover
      Nos mĂ©tiers de rĂȘve | Learn French with conversations cover
      Nos mĂ©tiers de rĂȘve | Learn French with conversations

      What did you want to be when you were a kid? In this episode in French for French learners, we take a trip down memory lane and talk about the dream jobs we had as children. From artist to military, and even some unexpected choices, we share our childhood ambitions and how our interests have evolved over time. If you're learning French, this episode is a great way to hear real, natural conversations between two native speakers. We speak clearly and naturally, making it perfect for intermediate (B1-B2) and advanced (C1-C2) learners. - Improve your French listening skills - Learn vocabulary related to jobs and career dreams - Enjoy an immersive French conversation Please feel free to use the transcript or live transcript on our site. Listen now and practice your French! 🎧 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ Welcome to La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! The French podcast to learn French by listening to native speakers. 🎧 HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      12min | Published on March 20, 2025

    • J’ai couru ma premiĂšre course de 10 km ! cover
      J’ai couru ma premiùre course de 10 km ! cover
      J’ai couru ma premiùre course de 10 km !

      In this episode, I, Gatien, share my excitement after finally running the 10.5km race I had been training for! I talk about the experience, the challenges along the way, and the feeling of accomplishment at the finish line. Welcome to La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! The podcast to learn French by listening to native speakers in French. 🎧 I also reflect on how training with my partner and do the race with her helped me stay motivated. You are learning French and want to listen to real, natural conversations? This episode is for you! If you're still a French beginner, I highly recommend using the live transcription available on our website to follow along more easily. 🎧 Listen now and practice learn French with us! Don't forget to leave us a 5-star rating if you enjoyed the podcast, it really helps us a lot! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      05min | Published on March 18, 2025

    • Kaizen : L'incroyable aventure d'Inoxtag cover
      Kaizen : L'incroyable aventure d'Inoxtag cover
      Kaizen : L'incroyable aventure d'Inoxtag

      In this episode, we dive into the incredible adventure of Inoxtag in Kaizen, his long-awaited documentary that takes viewers on an epic journey to climb one of the most challenging mountains in the world. We discuss the themes of perseverance, self-improvement, and adventure, while breaking down useful French vocabulary and expressions from the documentary. Perfect for French learners who want to practice listening with real, engaging content Clear and natural French to help you improve your comprehension A great way to learn new expressions in an exciting and inspiring context 🎧 Listen now and immerse yourself in French! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ Vous souhaitez apprendre le français ? Ecoutez ce podcast en français pour dĂ©butants pour apprendre la prononciation française. If you want to watch the documentary: https://youtu.be/wrFsapf0Enk?si=BKZjn2egT5pjahNK Welcome to La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! The podcast to learn French by listening to native speakers in French. 🎧 HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      06min | Published on March 17, 2025

    • Notre week-end : sport, balade et sĂ©ries ! | Learn French cover
      Notre week-end : sport, balade et séries ! | Learn French cover
      Notre week-end : sport, balade et séries ! | Learn French

      In this French podcast, we share our weekend plans in a fun and relaxed conversation. Elo has a meeting and plans to work out, while I’m going for a walk, doing some running, and watching a series. This episode is great for French beginners and learners at an intermediate level, as we speak clearly and naturally to help you follow along. - Practice real-life French - Improve your listening skills - Immerse yourself in a casual French conversation Welcome to La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! The podcast to learn French by listening to native speakers in French. 🎧 🎧 Listen now and start learning French with us! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 15, 2025

    • Beginner A1-A2 - Les mois et les saisons | Slow French cover
      Beginner A1-A2 - Les mois et les saisons | Slow French cover
      Beginner A1-A2 - Les mois et les saisons | Slow French

      Are you just starting to learn French? In this episode, we help you master the months and seasons with clear pronunciation and easy-to-understand explanations. You’ll learn how to: - Say and recognize the 12 months in French - Talk about the four seasons We speak with slow French, so even complete beginners (A1-A2) can follow along. This is a great way to improve your listening skills and start using French confidently in everyday conversations! 🎧 Listen now and practice with us in our French podcast! Don't forget to give 5 stars if you liked it! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 14, 2025

    • Advanced B2-C1 - Nos jeux vidĂ©o d'enfance cover
      Advanced B2-C1 - Nos jeux vidéo d'enfance cover
      Advanced B2-C1 - Nos jeux vidéo d'enfance

      Ready to challenge your French listening skills? In this B2-C1 level episode, we take a trip down memory lane and chat about the video games we grew up with! From Zelda adventures to hours spent on the Wii, the Game Boy, and other classics, we share our best gaming memories while using natural, fast-paced French—perfect for advanced learners looking to improve their comprehension. What you’ll hear in this episode: Authentic, unscripted French conversation đŸŽ™ïž Vocabulary related to gaming, nostalgia, and childhood 🎼 A fun, immersive way to practice real-life French Listen now and test your French skills! Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      11min | Published on March 13, 2025

    • 1


    đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Listen to a French podcast with everyday conversations between siblings on a variety of topics: lifestyle, French culture, video games, news, sports, books, France, and more!

    We’re Elo and Gatien, a sister and brother duo who love chatting about all kinds of topics while helping you learn French.

    Learning French? Improve naturally by listening to two native French speakers and getting used to the rhythm of real conversations.

    We offer different episodes for all levels:

    • French Beginner (A1-A2) – Slow French and simple vocabulary.

    • Intermediate – Natural conversations on various topics to improve comprehension.

    • Advanced (B2-C1) – Faster-paced discussions for full immersion.

    Make it a daily habit—learning French will be easier! Listen to this French podcast during your coffee break and learn French the natural way. It's time for La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! â˜•đŸ„

    đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Écoutez un podcast en français avec des conversations du quotidien entre un frĂšre et une sƓur sur une variĂ©tĂ© de sujets : lifestyle, culture française, jeux vidĂ©o, actualitĂ©s, sport, livres, France et bien plus encore !

    Nous sommes Elo et Gatien, deux frùres et sƓurs qui adorons discuter de toutes sortes de sujets tout en vous aidant à apprendre le français.

    Vous apprenez le français ? Progressez naturellement en écoutant deux français et habituez-vous au rythme de vraies conversations.

    Nous proposons des épisodes adaptés à tous les niveaux :

    • DĂ©butants en français (A1-A2) – Un français lent et un vocabulaire simple.

    • IntermĂ©diaire – Des conversations naturelles sur divers sujets pour amĂ©liorer la comprĂ©hension.

    • AvancĂ© (B2-C1) – Des discussions plus rapides pour une immersion complĂšte.

    Faites-en une habitude quotidienne—apprendre le français n'en sera que plus facile ! Écoutez ce podcast français pendant votre pause cafĂ© et apprenez le français naturellement. C'est l'heure de La Pause CafĂ© Croissant ! â˜•đŸ„

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


    đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Listen to a French podcast with everyday conversations between siblings on a variety of topics: lifestyle, French culture, video games, news, sports, books, France, and more!

    We’re Elo and Gatien, a sister and brother duo who love chatting about all kinds of topics while helping you learn French.

    Learning French? Improve naturally by listening to two native French speakers and getting used to the rhythm of real conversations.

    We offer different episodes for all levels:

    • French Beginner (A1-A2) – Slow French and simple vocabulary.

    • Intermediate – Natural conversations on various topics to improve comprehension.

    • Advanced (B2-C1) – Faster-paced discussions for full immersion.

    Make it a daily habit—learning French will be easier! Listen to this French podcast during your coffee break and learn French the natural way. It's time for La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! â˜•đŸ„

    đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Écoutez un podcast en français avec des conversations du quotidien entre un frĂšre et une sƓur sur une variĂ©tĂ© de sujets : lifestyle, culture française, jeux vidĂ©o, actualitĂ©s, sport, livres, France et bien plus encore !

    Nous sommes Elo et Gatien, deux frùres et sƓurs qui adorons discuter de toutes sortes de sujets tout en vous aidant à apprendre le français.

    Vous apprenez le français ? Progressez naturellement en écoutant deux français et habituez-vous au rythme de vraies conversations.

    Nous proposons des épisodes adaptés à tous les niveaux :

    • DĂ©butants en français (A1-A2) – Un français lent et un vocabulaire simple.

    • IntermĂ©diaire – Des conversations naturelles sur divers sujets pour amĂ©liorer la comprĂ©hension.

    • AvancĂ© (B2-C1) – Des discussions plus rapides pour une immersion complĂšte.

    Faites-en une habitude quotidienne—apprendre le français n'en sera que plus facile ! Écoutez ce podcast français pendant votre pause cafĂ© et apprenez le français naturellement. C'est l'heure de La Pause CafĂ© Croissant ! â˜•đŸ„

    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French cover
    Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French cover


    Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French

    Are you learning French and want to sound more natural and polite when speaking? In this episode, we help you master basic polite expressions in French with clear pronunciation and simple explanations. You’ll learn how to: Greet someone politely in French Use everyday expressions like s’il vous plaĂźt, merci, excusez-moi... We speak slow and clear French, so A2 to B1 learners can follow along easily. It’s the perfect way to improve your listening skills and start using real-life French in conversations! 🎧 Listen now and learn French with us in our French podcast! ⭐ If you enjoyed the episode, don’t forget to give us 5 stars — it really helps! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr Ecoutez cet Ă©pisode français pour dĂ©butants et entraĂźner-vous en lisant la transcription. HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    02min | Published on March 25, 2025

  • 24 episodes

      Season 1

    • Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French cover
      Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French cover
      Beginner A2-B1 - La politesse | Slow French

      Are you learning French and want to sound more natural and polite when speaking? In this episode, we help you master basic polite expressions in French with clear pronunciation and simple explanations. You’ll learn how to: Greet someone politely in French Use everyday expressions like s’il vous plaĂźt, merci, excusez-moi... We speak slow and clear French, so A2 to B1 learners can follow along easily. It’s the perfect way to improve your listening skills and start using real-life French in conversations! 🎧 Listen now and learn French with us in our French podcast! ⭐ If you enjoyed the episode, don’t forget to give us 5 stars — it really helps! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr Ecoutez cet Ă©pisode français pour dĂ©butants et entraĂźner-vous en lisant la transcription. HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 25, 2025

    • Malade tout le week-end : je vous raconte | Vocabulaire français utile cover
      Malade tout le week-end : je vous raconte | Vocabulaire français utile cover
      Malade tout le week-end : je vous raconte | Vocabulaire français utile

      In this episode of La Pause CafĂ© Croissant, Elo shares a simple story in slow French: she talks about being sick this week, catching a cold (un rhume), and going to the pharmacy. If you're learning French, this is a great way to hear everyday vocabulary related to health, being sick, and going to the pharmacy, all in natural, slow French — perfect for A2–B2 learners. 🎧 Learn French with real-life situations and simple conversations! Website & live transcription available: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 24, 2025

    • Je me balade en forĂȘt | Learn French cover
      Je me balade en forĂȘt | Learn French cover
      Je me balade en forĂȘt | Learn French

      Take a breath of fresh air
 in French! In this beginner-friendly French podcast episode, join mr on a calm walk through the forest. We’ll guide you through natural vocabulary like trees, river, path, leaves, moss, and more — all spoken slowly and clearly to help you improve your listening skills. Whether you’re just starting to learn French or looking for relaxing French listening practice, this short episode is perfect for beginners with a slow french. 🎧 Listen now and learn real French through simple daily moments. 🌿 Website & live transcription: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr Un podcast 100 % en français pour progresser Ă  votre rythme. HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      03min | Published on March 23, 2025

    • J'ai achetĂ© de nouvelles baskets ! | Learn French cover
      J'ai acheté de nouvelles baskets ! | Learn French cover
      J'ai acheté de nouvelles baskets ! | Learn French

      In this episode, I (Gatien) talk about my brand new pair of running shoes! It’s a casual and fun episode where I share why I chose them and how they’ll (hopefully) boost my motivation to stay active. If you're learning French, this is a great way to hear real, natural French spoken clearly and at a relaxed pace. Perfect for A2–B2 level learners, and great vocabulary around shopping, fitness, and everyday conversation. 🎧 Welcome to the French podcast La Pause CafĂ© Croissant to learn French with real conversations! Our website : https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ Our Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/podcastcafecroissant/ Un podcast 100 % en français pour progresser Ă  votre rythme. HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 22, 2025

    • Nos mĂ©tiers de rĂȘve | Learn French with conversations cover
      Nos mĂ©tiers de rĂȘve | Learn French with conversations cover
      Nos mĂ©tiers de rĂȘve | Learn French with conversations

      What did you want to be when you were a kid? In this episode in French for French learners, we take a trip down memory lane and talk about the dream jobs we had as children. From artist to military, and even some unexpected choices, we share our childhood ambitions and how our interests have evolved over time. If you're learning French, this episode is a great way to hear real, natural conversations between two native speakers. We speak clearly and naturally, making it perfect for intermediate (B1-B2) and advanced (C1-C2) learners. - Improve your French listening skills - Learn vocabulary related to jobs and career dreams - Enjoy an immersive French conversation Please feel free to use the transcript or live transcript on our site. Listen now and practice your French! 🎧 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ Welcome to La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! The French podcast to learn French by listening to native speakers. 🎧 HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      12min | Published on March 20, 2025

    • J’ai couru ma premiĂšre course de 10 km ! cover
      J’ai couru ma premiùre course de 10 km ! cover
      J’ai couru ma premiùre course de 10 km !

      In this episode, I, Gatien, share my excitement after finally running the 10.5km race I had been training for! I talk about the experience, the challenges along the way, and the feeling of accomplishment at the finish line. Welcome to La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! The podcast to learn French by listening to native speakers in French. 🎧 I also reflect on how training with my partner and do the race with her helped me stay motivated. You are learning French and want to listen to real, natural conversations? This episode is for you! If you're still a French beginner, I highly recommend using the live transcription available on our website to follow along more easily. 🎧 Listen now and practice learn French with us! Don't forget to leave us a 5-star rating if you enjoyed the podcast, it really helps us a lot! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      05min | Published on March 18, 2025

    • Kaizen : L'incroyable aventure d'Inoxtag cover
      Kaizen : L'incroyable aventure d'Inoxtag cover
      Kaizen : L'incroyable aventure d'Inoxtag

      In this episode, we dive into the incredible adventure of Inoxtag in Kaizen, his long-awaited documentary that takes viewers on an epic journey to climb one of the most challenging mountains in the world. We discuss the themes of perseverance, self-improvement, and adventure, while breaking down useful French vocabulary and expressions from the documentary. Perfect for French learners who want to practice listening with real, engaging content Clear and natural French to help you improve your comprehension A great way to learn new expressions in an exciting and inspiring context 🎧 Listen now and immerse yourself in French! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ Vous souhaitez apprendre le français ? Ecoutez ce podcast en français pour dĂ©butants pour apprendre la prononciation française. If you want to watch the documentary: https://youtu.be/wrFsapf0Enk?si=BKZjn2egT5pjahNK Welcome to La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! The podcast to learn French by listening to native speakers in French. 🎧 HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      06min | Published on March 17, 2025

    • Notre week-end : sport, balade et sĂ©ries ! | Learn French cover
      Notre week-end : sport, balade et séries ! | Learn French cover
      Notre week-end : sport, balade et séries ! | Learn French

      In this French podcast, we share our weekend plans in a fun and relaxed conversation. Elo has a meeting and plans to work out, while I’m going for a walk, doing some running, and watching a series. This episode is great for French beginners and learners at an intermediate level, as we speak clearly and naturally to help you follow along. - Practice real-life French - Improve your listening skills - Immerse yourself in a casual French conversation Welcome to La Pause CafĂ© Croissant! The podcast to learn French by listening to native speakers in French. 🎧 🎧 Listen now and start learning French with us! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 15, 2025

    • Beginner A1-A2 - Les mois et les saisons | Slow French cover
      Beginner A1-A2 - Les mois et les saisons | Slow French cover
      Beginner A1-A2 - Les mois et les saisons | Slow French

      Are you just starting to learn French? In this episode, we help you master the months and seasons with clear pronunciation and easy-to-understand explanations. You’ll learn how to: - Say and recognize the 12 months in French - Talk about the four seasons We speak with slow French, so even complete beginners (A1-A2) can follow along. This is a great way to improve your listening skills and start using French confidently in everyday conversations! 🎧 Listen now and practice with us in our French podcast! Don't forget to give 5 stars if you liked it! 🌍 Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      02min | Published on March 14, 2025

    • Advanced B2-C1 - Nos jeux vidĂ©o d'enfance cover
      Advanced B2-C1 - Nos jeux vidéo d'enfance cover
      Advanced B2-C1 - Nos jeux vidéo d'enfance

      Ready to challenge your French listening skills? In this B2-C1 level episode, we take a trip down memory lane and chat about the video games we grew up with! From Zelda adventures to hours spent on the Wii, the Game Boy, and other classics, we share our best gaming memories while using natural, fast-paced French—perfect for advanced learners looking to improve their comprehension. What you’ll hear in this episode: Authentic, unscripted French conversation đŸŽ™ïž Vocabulary related to gaming, nostalgia, and childhood 🎼 A fun, immersive way to practice real-life French Listen now and test your French skills! Our website: https://lapausecafecroissant.fr/ HĂ©bergĂ© par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

      11min | Published on March 13, 2025

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