- Speaker #0
Hello, welcome back to Papers with Backtest podcast. Today we dive into another Algo Trading research paper. This time we're exploring momentum effects in country equity indexes, a paper that unpacks some fascinating findings about how momentum plays out, not just in individual stocks, but across entire country indices.
- Speaker #1
It's like asking if single stocks can have momentum, can entire stock markets, and if so, can we actually use that to make better trading decisions?
- Speaker #0
Right. So instead of picking hot stocks, we're talking about picking hot countries to invest in. This paper says the answer is a resounding yes. And it dives deep to show us how.
- Speaker #1
The researchers analyzed the MSCI World Index, which tracks a massive collection of 70 country indices, giving us a truly global perspective. And get this. They crunched nearly 40 years of data from 1969 to 2008, with some data going even further back to 1968. Wow. Seriously robust data set. So we're not dealing with some small. Short-term sample here.
- Speaker #0
That's a ton of data. So how did they approach this? Did they just look at which countries had the biggest gains and call it a day?
- Speaker #1
Not quite. They actually tested two main strategies. One based on momentum, riding the wave of those winner countries. And another based on mean reversion. The idea that those loser countries might be due for a comeback.
- Speaker #0
Okay, so first up, the loser strategy. This seems counterintuitive, right? Why would you want to hold on to losers? Especially in the world of algo trading. Where we're all about finding those winning edges.
- Speaker #1
It's all about the long game. Mean reversion strategies operate on the principle that things tend to balance out over time. Prices that have moved significantly in one direction, even entire countries worth of stock prices, are likely to eventually revert back towards the average.
- Speaker #0
So you're betting that what goes down must come up.
- Speaker #1
Precisely. Now, the researchers found that to make the strategy work, you need to be patient. They looked back four to five years to identify the worst performing country indices. bundled four of them into a portfolio and held on to them, get this, for another two to three years.
- Speaker #0
Wow, that's a serious commitment. Did it actually pay off?
- Speaker #1
Here's where it gets interesting. This loser strategy, as crazy as it sounds, did yield an annual outperformance of 2.5% to 9.4% compared to just holding all the countries in the index equally. So there's definite evidence of mean reversion at play, at least historically.
- Speaker #0
But something tells me there's a catch.
- Speaker #1
You're sharp. The paper does acknowledge that this mean reversion effect seems to have weakened over time, particularly in more recent years.
- Speaker #0
So maybe not the most reliable strategy for our modern, fast-paced algo trading world, but still fascinating to see that it worked, at least for a while.
- Speaker #1
Absolutely. It gives us a glimpse into how market dynamics can shift over time and how what works in one period might not always work in another.
- Speaker #0
Okay, so let's shift gears and dive into the winner strategy, the one that focuses on riding that momentum wave. This is where I'm really curious to see what the research uncovered.
- Speaker #1
This is where it gets really exciting, especially for Aldo traders looking for those exploitable patterns. This strategy is all about identifying the top performing countries over the past 10 to 11 months, grouping four to six of them into a portfolio. And then here's the key, holding them for a very short period, just one to two months.
- Speaker #0
So it's like catching a quick ride on a rising tide.
- Speaker #1
Exactly. And the results will buckle up. This winner strategy delivered annual outperformance, ranging from 4.7% to a whopping 10.6%. That's a serious edge, especially considering the relatively short holding period.
- Speaker #0
It's impressive. It suggests that even entire stock markets, not just individual stocks, can exhibit these momentum trends that we can potentially capitalize on.
- Speaker #1
Precisely. And what's even more compelling is that this strategy seems to have worked consistently over time, suggesting that it might be more robust. and less susceptible to those shifting market dynamics. That impacted the mean reversion approach.
- Speaker #0
So we're not talking about timing entire country stock markets, but rather identifying those with the strongest recent momentum and riding that wave for a short strategic period. You got it. Now, you mentioned that the researchers tested these strategies on different groups of countries, not just the entire MSCI World Index, right? Right. Why was that important? Did they see any differences in how these strategies played out across various economic landscapes?
- Speaker #1
That's a great question. And it gets right to the heart of whether these findings are truly robust and applicable to different types of markets.
- Speaker #0
So instead of just looking at the entire world as one big basket of countries, they broke it down to see if there were any nuances or regional variations in these momentum effects.
- Speaker #1
Exactly. They wanted to ensure that these strategies weren't just flukes or limited to specific types of countries.
- Speaker #0
Makes sense. So how did they divide up the world?
- Speaker #1
They looked at three distinct samples. 18 major developed countries, the top 18 from 1969 to 2008. Think of this as your classic group of established economies, like the US, Japan, and the UK.
- Speaker #0
So the heavy hitters of the global market.
- Speaker #1
Right. Then, they dug into a newer dataset of 18 smaller developing countries. The next 18, from 1987 to 2008, this group represents emerging markets, those with potentially higher growth, but also higher volatility.
- Speaker #0
So a mix of risk and reward, with potentially different market dynamics at play. compared to those stable developed countries.
- Speaker #1
Exactly. And finally, they combined all available countries from 1969 onwards, progressively adding new countries as data became available. This provided a comprehensive view, allowing them to test the strategies across a wide spectrum of market conditions and geographies.
- Speaker #0
So a truly global perspective, capturing both the developed and developing worlds over an extended period.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Okay, so we've set the stage with the two core strategies, momentum and mean reversion. And we've got a handle on the different groups of countries they analyzed. But the million-dollar question is, did these strategies actually work across these different groups? Were there any variations in performance?
- Speaker #1
Based on a country's economic status or region. That's the question we're going to answer next. And the results are fascinating. We'll unpack how these strategies performed in developed versus developing countries and explore whether they hold up over the long haul across different market cycles and economic environments.
- Speaker #0
Sounds like we're about to get into the really juicy stuff. Stay tuned as we dig deeper into these country-specific results and uncover the hidden potential of momentum in global equity markets.
- Speaker #1
Let's start by revisiting that loser strategy, the one where we bet on those underperforming countries to make a comeback. Remember, the idea here is to exploit mean reversion, that tendency for things to balance out over time. Right. Well, when the researchers applied this to the top 18 developed countries. They found the sweet spot was looking back about four and a half years to pinpoint the losers and then holding them for a solid three years.
- Speaker #0
Wow, that's a long time to stick with a group of losers. Talk about patience. But I guess in the world of Aldo trading, it's all about trusting the data and letting the strategy play out right.
- Speaker #1
Exactly. And the data did show some promise. This approach generated an annual outperformance of about 2.5 percent compared to simply holding all the top 18 countries with equal weighting.
- Speaker #0
So there's some evidence of mean reversion working in those developed markets, but maybe not a massive edge.
- Speaker #1
Right. It's not a guaranteed home run. And here's the kicker. When they tested the same strategy on the next 18 developing countries, the outperformance jumped significantly to 9.4 percent annually.
- Speaker #0
OK, now that's catching my attention. It seems like those emerging markets might be a bit more prone to these wild swings and therefore more ripe for a mean reversion strategy.
- Speaker #1
That's what the data suggests. But, and there's always a but in trading, right? Well, yeah. You have to remember that these are historical results. Yeah. And as we mentioned earlier, the paper highlights that this loser strategy's effectiveness seems to have diminished over time, especially in recent years.
- Speaker #0
So while it's fascinating from a historical perspective, and might give us some ideas for further research, it's probably not something we'd want to base our entire algo trading strategy on today.
- Speaker #1
Precisely. Always important to consider how market dynamics evolve. and adapt our strategies accordingly.
- Speaker #0
Okay, so let's flip the script and talk about the winner strategy, the one that surfs the momentum wave. Did they see similar variations in performance between those developed and developing countries?
- Speaker #1
This is where it gets really interesting. Remember, the winner strategy involves shorter time frames. We're talking about identifying countries that have done well over the past 10 to 11 months. Okay. And then betting they'll keep that momentum rolling for the next couple of months.
- Speaker #0
So... much quicker in and out compared to that long haul mean reversion approach.
- Speaker #1
Exactly. And when they applied this to the top 18 developed countries, they found that a 10-month formation period followed by a two-month holding period yielded the best results with an annual outperformance of 4.7%.
- Speaker #0
Not too shabby, especially considering it's a relatively short-term strategy.
- Speaker #1
And now get ready for this. When they applied the same winner strategy to the next 18 developing countries, the annual outperformance shot up to 6.4%. 4%.
- Speaker #0
OK, so it seems like momentum really is a force to be reckoned with in those emerging markets, just like we saw with the mean reversion strategy. The swings are bigger and the opportunities seem to be amplified.
- Speaker #1
That's a great observation. And it underscores the importance of understanding the specific dynamics of the markets we're trading in. Different rules can apply in different environments.
- Speaker #0
Absolutely. Now, you also mentioned they looked at a combined sample, blending all the countries together. Do they find that momentum still held up? when you broaden the scope to a truly global level.
- Speaker #1
This is where it gets really compelling. When they combine all the countries using an 11-month formation period and a one-month holding period, the winner strategy achieved a staggering 10.6% annual outperformance.
- Speaker #0
Wow, that's impressive. So no matter where you look on the globe, whether it's a mature, developed market, or a fast-growing emerging market, riding that momentum wave seems to be a powerful approach.
- Speaker #1
That's what the data suggests. It seems there are certain patterns and behaviors that transcend borders and economic classifications.
- Speaker #0
Okay, so we've seen how these strategies perform in different types of countries. But what about over time? Do these strategies work consistently throughout the entire study period? Or are there certain periods where they perform better or worse?
- Speaker #1
That's a critical question and one the researchers explore in depth. To truly understand the power and potential of these strategies, we need to see how they've held up over the long run.
- Speaker #0
Right. Anyone can cherry pick a few good years and make a strategy look amazing. But what we really want to know is, can we trust these momentum and mean reversion effects to deliver consistent results across different market cycles and economic conditions?
- Speaker #1
Exactly. So let's shift our focus from geography to time. and dive into the long-term performance of these strategies. We'll uncover whether they stand the test of time or if their effectiveness has waned as markets have evolved and become more efficient.
- Speaker #0
Sounds like we're about to unlock some key insights for building robust and adaptable algo trading strategies. Let's get into it. All right. So we've seen how those momentum and mean reversion strategies perform in different types of countries. But now let's zoom out and look at their performance over time. After all, what good is a strategy? If it only works for a few years. Right. And then fizzles out.
- Speaker #1
Exactly. Consistency is key, especially when we're talking about building robust algo trading strategies. Let's start with that loser strategy, that mean reversion approach. Remember, we're betting on those countries that have been lagging for a while to eventually turn things around. Well, when the researchers dug into the long term performance in those top 18 developed countries, they noticed something interesting. While the strategy did show some outperformance. especially in the earlier part of the study period, its effectiveness seemed to fade over time.
- Speaker #0
So like a band that had a few hit songs early on, but couldn't quite maintain that same level of success later in their career.
- Speaker #1
That's a great analogy. The researchers observed that most of the outperformance for this loser strategy occurred before 1992, in the years that followed. It just didn't seem to pack the same punch.
- Speaker #0
So maybe markets have become more efficient. Or investors have caught on to this mean reversion idea, making it harder to profit from.
- Speaker #1
That's a real possibility. It highlights how important it is to constantly adapt and evolve our strategies as markets change.
- Speaker #0
Absolutely. Now, what about those emerging markets, the next 18? Did the loser strategy fare any better in that environment over the long term?
- Speaker #1
It did show more persistence with outperformance continuing throughout the study period. However, even in those emerging markets, the strength of the strategy, as indicated by something called the price relative, flattened out in later years.
- Speaker #0
So it's like the strategy was still hitting the right notes, but maybe not with the same intensity or impact?
- Speaker #1
Exactly. And when they combined all the countries and analyzed the loser strategy across the entire data set, a similar pattern emerged. There was a period of strong outperformance, followed by a tapering off in more recent years.
- Speaker #0
Okay. So it seems like that mean reversion approach. Yeah. While intriguing, might not be the most reliable long-term bet, especially in those developed markets. Right. What about the momentum strategy, the winner approach? Does that one hold up better over time?
- Speaker #1
Now, this is where it gets really interesting, that winner strategy, where we buy countries that have performed well over the past 10 to 11 months and hold them for a short period, showed remarkable persistence throughout the entire study period in both the top 18 developed countries and the next 18 developing countries. This strategy consistently outperformed the benchmark.
- Speaker #0
So no matter where you look on the map or what time period you're analyzing, riding that short-term momentum wave seems to have a real edge.
- Speaker #1
That's what the data tells us. It suggests that momentum is a powerful force, even at the country level. And it's a phenomenon that has persisted across different market cycles and economic conditions.
- Speaker #0
So even though markets might have become more efficient overall, this momentum effect has managed to stay strong and consistent.
- Speaker #1
Exactly. And what's even more impressive is that when they looked at the combined sample of all countries, the winner strategies effectiveness actually increased as more countries were added to the data set.
- Speaker #0
So the more countries you have to choose from, the more opportunities there are to find those with strong momentum and potentially boost your returns.
- Speaker #1
Precisely. The price relative for this strategy shows a steady upward trend over the entire nearly 40 year period. Wow. Indicating that it's not just a fleeting trend, but a persistent and robust market anomaly.
- Speaker #0
That's incredible. So while that mean reversion approach might be losing its luster, this momentum strategy seems to be as potent as ever.
- Speaker #1
That's a fair assessment. Now it's crucial to remember. that this is just one study. And as with any research, it's essential to replicate the findings, test different parameters, and consider other factors before implementing any trading strategy based on these results.
- Speaker #0
Absolutely. We always encourage our listeners to do their own due diligence and backtesting before putting their hard-earned capital at risk.
- Speaker #1
Couldn't agree more.
- Speaker #0
But this research certainly opens our eyes to the potential of momentum, even at the country level. It suggests that by identifying those countries with strong reasoned performance and riding that short-term wave, algo traders could potentially unlock some significant alpha.
- Speaker #1
Indeed. It's a reminder that even seemingly efficient markets, like those of entire countries, can exhibit exploitable patterns. And for algo traders, that's where the real excitement lies.
- Speaker #0
So what does this all mean for you, our listeners? It means that when it comes to country equity indices, momentum matters. Don't just look at long-term fundamentals or historical trends. Pay attention to recent performance. Identify those countries riding a wave of momentum. And consider incorporating that insight into your algo trading strategies.
- Speaker #1
And as always, thoroughly test and validate any ideas before risking real capital. That's the golden rule of successful algo trading.
- Speaker #0
Thank you for tuning in to Papers with Backtest podcast. We hope today's episode gave you useful insights. Join us next time as we break down more research. And for more papers and backtests, Find us at https.paperswithbactest.com. Happy trading!