EU enforcement project to focus on imported products: Enforcement Forum November highlights cover
EU enforcement project to focus on imported products: Enforcement Forum November highlights cover
Safer Chemicals Podcast

EU enforcement project to focus on imported products: Enforcement Forum November highlights

EU enforcement project to focus on imported products: Enforcement Forum November highlights

18min |15/11/2022|


EU enforcement project to focus on imported products: Enforcement Forum November highlights cover
EU enforcement project to focus on imported products: Enforcement Forum November highlights cover
Safer Chemicals Podcast

EU enforcement project to focus on imported products: Enforcement Forum November highlights

EU enforcement project to focus on imported products: Enforcement Forum November highlights

18min |15/11/2022|




Katja Vom Hofe, the Chair of the Enforcement Forum joins us to shed light on the discussions of the Forum in their November meeting.

We talk about: 

  • The next REACH enforcement project that will investigate how companies fulfil their registration, authorisation and restriction obligations for products and chemicals they import from outside the EU. 
  • The publication of the Forum's future advice on the enforceability of new restriction proposals under REACH.
  • Opportunities for expanding the role of the Forum and strengthening the control of imports as well as the enforceability of REACH restrictions, for example, in textiles or on the use of lead gunshot in wetlands as well as analytical methods relevant for the control of REACH duties.

Next EU-wide REACH enforcement project to focus on imported products -
ECHA news, 16 November 2022



The Forum and the BPRS are a network of enforcement authorities from the EU and EEA. They are responsible for coordinating the enforcement of REACH, CLP, PIC, POPs and BPR chemicals legislation. Their aim is to protect peoples’ health and the environment while ensuring a level playing field for companies on the EU market.

The Forum met on 7-11 November and the BPRS on 16 November. The next Forum and BPRS meetings takes place in March 2023.

Full episode transcript

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Disclaimer: Views expressed by interviewees do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Chemicals Agency. All content is up to date at the time of publication.

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


  • Next Forum project (REF-12) on imported products


  • What exactly will you be looking at in the REF-12 project in terms of the requirements set by EU chemicals law?


  • What are the timelines for the REF-12 project?


  • When will the follow-up actions for REF-12 take place and by whom?


  • Open session on the future role of the Forum as part of the REACH review


  • Open session on enforceability of REACH restrictions


  • Election of Vice Chair for Forum subgroup on the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPRS)



Katja Vom Hofe, the Chair of the Enforcement Forum joins us to shed light on the discussions of the Forum in their November meeting.

We talk about: 

  • The next REACH enforcement project that will investigate how companies fulfil their registration, authorisation and restriction obligations for products and chemicals they import from outside the EU. 
  • The publication of the Forum's future advice on the enforceability of new restriction proposals under REACH.
  • Opportunities for expanding the role of the Forum and strengthening the control of imports as well as the enforceability of REACH restrictions, for example, in textiles or on the use of lead gunshot in wetlands as well as analytical methods relevant for the control of REACH duties.

Next EU-wide REACH enforcement project to focus on imported products -
ECHA news, 16 November 2022



The Forum and the BPRS are a network of enforcement authorities from the EU and EEA. They are responsible for coordinating the enforcement of REACH, CLP, PIC, POPs and BPR chemicals legislation. Their aim is to protect peoples’ health and the environment while ensuring a level playing field for companies on the EU market.

The Forum met on 7-11 November and the BPRS on 16 November. The next Forum and BPRS meetings takes place in March 2023.

Full episode transcript

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Disclaimer: Views expressed by interviewees do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Chemicals Agency. All content is up to date at the time of publication.

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


  • Next Forum project (REF-12) on imported products


  • What exactly will you be looking at in the REF-12 project in terms of the requirements set by EU chemicals law?


  • What are the timelines for the REF-12 project?


  • When will the follow-up actions for REF-12 take place and by whom?


  • Open session on the future role of the Forum as part of the REACH review


  • Open session on enforceability of REACH restrictions


  • Election of Vice Chair for Forum subgroup on the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPRS)




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Katja Vom Hofe, the Chair of the Enforcement Forum joins us to shed light on the discussions of the Forum in their November meeting.

We talk about: 

  • The next REACH enforcement project that will investigate how companies fulfil their registration, authorisation and restriction obligations for products and chemicals they import from outside the EU. 
  • The publication of the Forum's future advice on the enforceability of new restriction proposals under REACH.
  • Opportunities for expanding the role of the Forum and strengthening the control of imports as well as the enforceability of REACH restrictions, for example, in textiles or on the use of lead gunshot in wetlands as well as analytical methods relevant for the control of REACH duties.

Next EU-wide REACH enforcement project to focus on imported products -
ECHA news, 16 November 2022



The Forum and the BPRS are a network of enforcement authorities from the EU and EEA. They are responsible for coordinating the enforcement of REACH, CLP, PIC, POPs and BPR chemicals legislation. Their aim is to protect peoples’ health and the environment while ensuring a level playing field for companies on the EU market.

The Forum met on 7-11 November and the BPRS on 16 November. The next Forum and BPRS meetings takes place in March 2023.

Full episode transcript

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Disclaimer: Views expressed by interviewees do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Chemicals Agency. All content is up to date at the time of publication.

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


  • Next Forum project (REF-12) on imported products


  • What exactly will you be looking at in the REF-12 project in terms of the requirements set by EU chemicals law?


  • What are the timelines for the REF-12 project?


  • When will the follow-up actions for REF-12 take place and by whom?


  • Open session on the future role of the Forum as part of the REACH review


  • Open session on enforceability of REACH restrictions


  • Election of Vice Chair for Forum subgroup on the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPRS)



Katja Vom Hofe, the Chair of the Enforcement Forum joins us to shed light on the discussions of the Forum in their November meeting.

We talk about: 

  • The next REACH enforcement project that will investigate how companies fulfil their registration, authorisation and restriction obligations for products and chemicals they import from outside the EU. 
  • The publication of the Forum's future advice on the enforceability of new restriction proposals under REACH.
  • Opportunities for expanding the role of the Forum and strengthening the control of imports as well as the enforceability of REACH restrictions, for example, in textiles or on the use of lead gunshot in wetlands as well as analytical methods relevant for the control of REACH duties.

Next EU-wide REACH enforcement project to focus on imported products -
ECHA news, 16 November 2022



The Forum and the BPRS are a network of enforcement authorities from the EU and EEA. They are responsible for coordinating the enforcement of REACH, CLP, PIC, POPs and BPR chemicals legislation. Their aim is to protect peoples’ health and the environment while ensuring a level playing field for companies on the EU market.

The Forum met on 7-11 November and the BPRS on 16 November. The next Forum and BPRS meetings takes place in March 2023.

Full episode transcript

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Disclaimer: Views expressed by interviewees do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Chemicals Agency. All content is up to date at the time of publication.

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


  • Next Forum project (REF-12) on imported products


  • What exactly will you be looking at in the REF-12 project in terms of the requirements set by EU chemicals law?


  • What are the timelines for the REF-12 project?


  • When will the follow-up actions for REF-12 take place and by whom?


  • Open session on the future role of the Forum as part of the REACH review


  • Open session on enforceability of REACH restrictions


  • Election of Vice Chair for Forum subgroup on the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPRS)




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