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"They're not Gone" interview with Greta Reimann cover
"They're not Gone" interview with Greta Reimann cover
Spiritual Dust

"They're not Gone" interview with Greta Reimann

"They're not Gone" interview with Greta Reimann

22min |06/05/2024
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"They're not Gone" interview with Greta Reimann cover
"They're not Gone" interview with Greta Reimann cover
Spiritual Dust

"They're not Gone" interview with Greta Reimann

"They're not Gone" interview with Greta Reimann

22min |06/05/2024


Great discussion with Greta and friends on her experiences with mediumship Her interview with author A.P. Morris and her "interesting/; time with yours truly.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Welcome, everyone. This is Rick Wood, and we are here at The Social in beautiful downtown Westchester. And thank you guys for all the wonderful messages, the cards, the phone calls, I got like little gift bags and snacks. Let's try not to give the diabetic too much sugar while he's going through them. But that is wonderful, all you guys. As you know, I had a little mishap. a few months ago so that's kept me from being on the air or that kind of thing but i'm much much better now and uh yes I had fell down, got a heart attack, all that fun stuff, but I'm doing better now. And I'm here with Greta Ryman. And Greta was interviewed by A.P. Morris, Amy Poogie, in the book They're Not Gone. And it's really nice to have her here because it's actually I'm here at a table of further friends.

  • Speaker #1

    All the cool kids.

  • Speaker #0

    All the cool kids are here. And we have. but we're going to talk a little bit about what it was like for Greta to have mediumship and the parties that she's worked with me and her father visiting with me when we did mediumship. But how did you feel after that first mediumship session with me?

  • Speaker #1

    It was really moving and exciting, right? You never think you're ever going to connect again with the people that you love, right? So it's... it's kind of one of those experiences where you don't know what to expect. And when it's so powerful, you just walk away with like a feeling of kind of euphoric, right? That you've just reconnected again. And you've heard a lot of things you thought you would never hear and just got, it brings you a sense of peace.

  • Speaker #0

    I, I, it's funny because after doing thousands and thousands of sessions through the year, I still remember your dad, you know, um, you know not that he's racist or anything like that but i can't remember him what are you doing with my daughter i'm like no sir i'm just here bringing mediumship through but he was a wonderful man yeah and i have felt him through the years like before i had this session today he was he had a it was like a grin and a smile yeah um because i see more of the little girl in you when i bring up him yes you know he just like my little girl my little girl be nice to my little girl um well i was always daddy's little girl so

  • Speaker #1

    that's for that comes from me and i think you brought a sense of humor through with you a lot yes yes ceo like you were able to communicate that sense of humor which was a very dry sense of humor so it's not as easy to communicate that but you're always really spot on with that and what's

  • Speaker #0

    really interesting too here is that that particular party that event that she threw was pretty amazing i mean everything with the stuff that happened with maria look alive maria look alive

  • Speaker #1

    um and wasn't there someone else there that um sorry i'm losing it who else was at that party that the young lady wasn't supposed to have the reading but oh yeah well there was probably like seven of us sitting in my living room and you came down and you introduced yourself and you were you said i guess there was somebody that was you communicating with you even before you got there. And you said, look, someone's been communicating. They know someone's going to be here today. Who had someone pass from a car accident? So you were there. And Colleen said, I did. And she explained that story. And you were like, sorry, the message isn't for you. And then someone else raised their hand, and I forget who it was. But you were like, no. So when people say, you know, meetings throw out generalizations to kind of get people to react, that's not you. Right. Because you were like, nope, sorry, nope, sorry. We went through the entire night, like hours of reading. It's like we were just exhausted. And someone's friend came in, I think it was Maria's friend from work, and I don't remember her name, but we were all sitting in my hallway. Don't ask me why. What was her name? Maybe Jenny. We were sitting in my hallway and you came down. And she's like, I don't want a reading. I'm just here for the food and wine. You know, like, I don't want to do this. And you were like, I've been waiting for you all night. And you asked her if she had a friend that passed in a fire accident. And you gave a couple of the details. I don't remember specifically what they were. And she just started bawling. And she was like, okay. And she went upstairs with you, and I guess you gave her whatever messages were meant for her that you had started getting before the party. So it was really powerful.

  • Speaker #0

    It was powerful for me too. And also there's like cool intrigue in that house because with Maria, your dad now what was interesting is that your family is from korea right but i did not know that there was family that was from north korea my dad decided that my dad came from before

  • Speaker #2

    the war broke out you know his family lived up north you know and when the war broke out he you know was able to escape you know because my grandparents you I paid Fisher Reds to take my Ananapgal. you know, on a boat and go down south. But my aunt tried to get that off the boat, and when that 13-year-old boy was on his own, you know, he was like 12 or 13, got off the boat, and because his brother, his eldest brother was living down south, going to school. Oh, okay. Yeah, at a university. So he was told to go find him, so.

  • Speaker #1

    I remember you saw his 13-year-old self. You explained. And I think it resonated with you what he was wearing. I think there was a pair of pants that he had worn for a really long time. Like, I'm remembering details of, like, I guess what he was showing. And it was just him coming over.

  • Speaker #0

    I usually don't do this in a podcast, but I can still feel your father here. And your father's in a t-shirt. Like, he's not in a dressed-up shirt, t-shirt. I'm going to use the word dungarees. Notice I didn't say jeans.

  • Speaker #1

    so there's another woman here as well she's older so you have people here your dad's excited to be here yeah he always loved i mean from the minute one he bonded with you right every reading he came through which i know that people that they don't always come through every time and when you expect that right i think maria's

  • Speaker #0

    father was the one that gave me you because we were talking about i think i gave the exact city or town uh yeah it was right outside yeah like yes that like i will hear stuff like that um like this sounds weird but i feel like you were almost kind of like lovingly pushed to make sure you were here yeah i don't know why i like her especially her Did I need you as well, honey? How was that like for you?

  • Speaker #2


  • Speaker #0

    Oh, this might be bad. You shouldn't have asked.

  • Speaker #1

    No, no,

  • Speaker #2

    no. No, no, no. No, no. It was, I mean, there's been a lot. There's been a lot of fraud. So I think. Specifically, wanting to hear from one individual. And then, obviously, my sister-in-law, that I didn't know very well, came through to really support more my husband. And so I was able to give messages to Nan. And then since that point, my sister has passed away. So it's always been a very... emotional thing for me and very, very difficult. But for me, they were castling messages more for my husband was just very, very special. Our one friend is very stubborn that I continue to hope that she will deliver on it.

  • Speaker #0

    Why? Well, I feel a female here already, and we'll get to that a little bit. so there's a very smoothness that are like if you could take away all the pain and the suffering she'd be smooth she's just smooth that's just like she's like she's like oh i thought where i'm like can i do it today i like this yeah yeah that would be a bad thing no my sister's already i already and this is weird because i didn't think i'd be doing this while we were recording this live but i

  • Speaker #2

    can definitely feel it um first of all he's sitting um

  • Speaker #0

    she's eating something right now and licking her fingers from it it's not like eating normal food it's like something so good it's something somebody made um it's sweet it's not heaven well

  • Speaker #2

    i've always the baked goods girl but yeah no i don't know um

  • Speaker #0

    It looks like tiramisu or something. It has that kind of consistency, but it's not that. There's just these three different, like, there's, like, three different layers of cake to it. Oh, thank you. That would make sense. It's her birthday,

  • Speaker #2

    yes, and she's still choosing her birthday celebration.

  • Speaker #0

    and you're supposed to have fun.

  • Speaker #1

    Is that what my dad's saying?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. You're supposed to have fun. I didn't think that this would happen in this kind of interview, but your dad is definitely saying you're supposed to have fun. He's glad that you guys are out.

  • Speaker #1

    We don't do this enough, so I can see that he would be very happy because he loved all the girls.

  • Speaker #0

    Your mother... Your mother... differently because this is a younger version of your mom. So she's kind of like, you should have fun. And I'm like looking at her going, you wouldn't have said this like 20 years ago. You would have told her that you couldn't have fun. So, but she's the very younger person where she's, she wants to, she wants to let you know that she, she's not a problem.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    she goes she doesn't want you to feel like she's a problem she's much more fun like this yeah i think that was who she was and i felt like when she became a mom she became something that maybe didn't feel as i think the energy of everybody sitting at this table is like throwing all this mediumship into the session so this is crazy because all these guys who were listening to this episode right we're kind of having a mediumship session you What are you doing?

  • Speaker #1

    Something told me that you needed a cranberry in your jar. This is great. She's taking care of it.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you. I was worried about my bladder. Drop that.

  • Speaker #1

    I got it.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Oh. Test, test, test, test, test, test, test.

  • Speaker #1

    But I do remember you coming downstairs after your reading. Right. And then again, you always hope, like, you're going to get messages from the people that you're thinking about, like, that are on your priority list. But I do remember you being super grateful that you were able to share that with Keith. Very much. And he needed that probably more than, at the time.

  • Speaker #2

    He needed that more than, like, 100%.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #2

    100%. It was very important. I mean, he, he was his everything. So it was, it helped, like.

  • Speaker #0

    you're not alone not that thing you're not alone oh no shut up we're getting our food we're actually getting our food now during the podcast it's social what is our waiter that's the band he's bringing out the food he don't care whether we're live on air he used to uh no it was just dump and run we're good that's a happy what the hell is a happy dog uh

  • Speaker #1

    i don't know and likes her hot dogs a certain way i mean don donna more i know you did i know that she mad she just So we'll keep that. We can keep that. I know. I can't.

  • Speaker #0

    Just leave that. I'm nearly having it. I said,

  • Speaker #2

    we just yell. What do you got? Somebody out of chip. No.

  • Speaker #0

    Can't believe that we're actually talking like this. Okay. Let's keep going on.

  • Speaker #1

    No, the, she's not alone thing. Is that a big deal?

  • Speaker #0

    Um, no, that's what I felt that she isn't alone.

  • Speaker #1

    So she's with her all the time.

  • Speaker #0

    And the food here is excellent. Sorry you got your hot dog screwed up. Is it happening?

  • Speaker #1

    With BSD, most people like cheese. So Anne asks for things without cheese. Oh. It does a resume in some people's minds and they just bring it with cheese.

  • Speaker #0

    She alerts her to cheese.

  • Speaker #1

    No, she just doesn't like it.

  • Speaker #0

    one of the people hold on let's just turn ourselves over here like this and keep going exactly thank you for everyone being patient while we got our food being served to us wish you hadn't but um what do you think is the the biggest thing that you got out of working in any of this with um um

  • Speaker #1

    I think it was my mom's forgiveness of just us not having a great relationship when I was growing up. And hearing that from you brought me a lot of peace. She's at peace. Don't spend any more time on that. It's a waste of time. We're good. I'm good up here. That was huge.

  • Speaker #0

    Was there anything unexpected that happened during it? Like you just didn't expect it to happen?

  • Speaker #1

    When you brought up, because I didn't know who you were talking about, you brought up, it was my Aunt Margaret talking to my mom, and there was a story that you shared that I never knew about that I shared with my mom after our session, which was, so your mother knows that I came through, remind her about the dresses. And I was like, I know nothing about any dress story. You're like, your mom will know. And so I said, Mom, Aunt Margaret came through, and my mom's name was Margaret, so it was her namesake. And my mom's relationship with her sister wasn't great, so my mom was a little overweight. Her mother would buy her dresses that would fit her sister, but not her.

  • Speaker #0

    Your aunt and your mom right now are talking about the ring. Why is the ring up for you?

  • Speaker #1

    The ring?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, whose ring?

  • Speaker #1

    I wore her ring the other night.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you, if that's all.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I wore it. You remember.

  • Speaker #0

    It was jumping fast.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay. Yeah, so I wore it, and I was thinking of her the whole time.

  • Speaker #0

    It was her to take.

  • Speaker #1

    you gotta say pictures what put the hot dog down I'm just kidding I don't think she did that's Maria lying

  • Speaker #0

    I've seen her do that before

  • Speaker #1

    I think that's okay

  • Speaker #0

    I love these guys it's awesome

  • Speaker #1

    my aunt used to make my mother dresses that fit her that matched the dress that my that her mother would buy her that wouldn't fit so there was that connection and i didn't know about the story at all so you know it wasn't like you're reading my mind or there wasn't a story i brought to the to the reading it was a special amount and she moved by that and um you're not alone either um

  • Speaker #0

    brother um i think your brother must be in your mom's favorite um because she's all over that she oh that's good i wouldn't expect any less sorry about that it's not that she don't like you she's just all over that i think there's some concern for him and I think that's just emotional stuff that you've always had about him and he's just gonna have to deal with it right I guess tickled pink to be here I can't believe I'm saying it like that he's excited to be here or at least the other woman is the other women here so I don't know if she's here with her sister or someone else but there's another lady who's like your mom here really you and in fact they're they're both happy they're both happy we're both happy that's kristen kristen's been at the house yes we just had someone else join us during the podcast kristen just sat in she's gonna have her cocktail at greg while we do this absolutely i'm trying to think we'll just turn her back to us like we don't even exist i know she's trying to be polite you

  • Speaker #1

    Could be my grandmother.

  • Speaker #0

    Something's wrong with the head.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm running the brain cancer. Oh,

  • Speaker #0

    okay. So she's with the bar. Okay.

  • Speaker #1

    Now maybe my Aunt Betty.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't know. I just keep getting... Oh.

  • Speaker #1

    She's a strong personality. It's probably her.

  • Speaker #0

    They're just glad that you guys are all out.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, Aunt Betty would be. Oh, that's so nice. I don't know. Maybe Corey. is it mental health issues when they point to the yes either that dementia um well dementia could be cookie or if it's mental health it's probably cory and cory would be here because everybody else is here though how

  • Speaker #0

    did any of this kind of work for you helping deal with loss you

  • Speaker #1

    just knowing that I'm not alone and knowing that I will meet them on the other side and this isn't permanent right not not being with them it's it's a huge relief now when you worked with

  • Speaker #0

    Amy A.P. Morris how is that process like what did she do to get the information from you about it just interview you basically or yeah she was um we went to dinner

  • Speaker #1

    And she just said, be open and honest and be, you know, just let me, she pretty much just asked me the same questions that you're asking me today. Right. She was always very proud about what the work you did. Right. So for her to be, you know, your partner and be, you know, in your life was I think to her an honor, right. For her to be able to share your stories and share what you do for people. So she, you know, it was very personal. You know, Amy was.

  • Speaker #0

    super yeah when she's on she was on right is on right so rightly she does that well yeah and she asked all the right questions and it just kind of flew in easily is maria talking about us right now right in the middle of this damn i don't know she heard us talk about this and she just i saw what i'm gonna tell you like this girl's not it's just a mess

  • Speaker #1

    she's a strong personality too right yeah she's a very i didn't bring her to the interview with amy so it was just me and amy i can't even imagine maria being at that now amy would probably interviewed her that's true that's the very thing you would like to know

  • Speaker #2

    um what was your unfortunately i came in very late so i'm sorry if i missed a certain conversation where wherever i greet or get a little bit earlier with you oh oh she's a newbie whole

  • Speaker #1

    thing but we handle when might there's a lot of people there i think you had a limit that and

  • Speaker #0

    And yes, folks, I am still doing readings, so you can always go to my website, contact me, and we can set it up. I just finished a great psychic brunch. I don't know, what is that? It's just you have brunch and you have readings, that's all. Not like the chef is making it.

  • Speaker #1

    You're not making an expedited Friday early.

  • Speaker #0

    but I wanted to thank you. This turned out to be a lot of fun for me. I didn't want it to be too, too long. I want to give people a taste of this. Yeah. Um, I'm at the, the social here on Wednesdays, um, usually around six o'clock. And then when I'm done, I do readings afterwards. So you can come and get a meeting mini reading after that. Uh, what is the other thing I am working on and should be out here shortly. my own deck of reading cards, spiritual dust reading cards. We were Cindy Pomanti and Lisa Falcon area and I are working on that.

  • Speaker #1

    Did you give me a, get me a free t-shirt for doing the podcast? Do I get a spiritual dust t-shirt?

  • Speaker #0

    I would give you, you know,

  • Speaker #1

    I got some cool stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. and today I got the picture from Shailene the picture of her holding the falcon that was crazy that was a beautiful beautiful picture thank you guys so much I will see you next time Maria thank you for being here Kristen thank you so much what are you eating fries they look delicious no and you're if you'd like to see we didn't get to eat because we had to talk you know so you to do that no thank you every thank you everyone have a wonderful night talk to you next time


Great discussion with Greta and friends on her experiences with mediumship Her interview with author A.P. Morris and her "interesting/; time with yours truly.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Welcome, everyone. This is Rick Wood, and we are here at The Social in beautiful downtown Westchester. And thank you guys for all the wonderful messages, the cards, the phone calls, I got like little gift bags and snacks. Let's try not to give the diabetic too much sugar while he's going through them. But that is wonderful, all you guys. As you know, I had a little mishap. a few months ago so that's kept me from being on the air or that kind of thing but i'm much much better now and uh yes I had fell down, got a heart attack, all that fun stuff, but I'm doing better now. And I'm here with Greta Ryman. And Greta was interviewed by A.P. Morris, Amy Poogie, in the book They're Not Gone. And it's really nice to have her here because it's actually I'm here at a table of further friends.

  • Speaker #1

    All the cool kids.

  • Speaker #0

    All the cool kids are here. And we have. but we're going to talk a little bit about what it was like for Greta to have mediumship and the parties that she's worked with me and her father visiting with me when we did mediumship. But how did you feel after that first mediumship session with me?

  • Speaker #1

    It was really moving and exciting, right? You never think you're ever going to connect again with the people that you love, right? So it's... it's kind of one of those experiences where you don't know what to expect. And when it's so powerful, you just walk away with like a feeling of kind of euphoric, right? That you've just reconnected again. And you've heard a lot of things you thought you would never hear and just got, it brings you a sense of peace.

  • Speaker #0

    I, I, it's funny because after doing thousands and thousands of sessions through the year, I still remember your dad, you know, um, you know not that he's racist or anything like that but i can't remember him what are you doing with my daughter i'm like no sir i'm just here bringing mediumship through but he was a wonderful man yeah and i have felt him through the years like before i had this session today he was he had a it was like a grin and a smile yeah um because i see more of the little girl in you when i bring up him yes you know he just like my little girl my little girl be nice to my little girl um well i was always daddy's little girl so

  • Speaker #1

    that's for that comes from me and i think you brought a sense of humor through with you a lot yes yes ceo like you were able to communicate that sense of humor which was a very dry sense of humor so it's not as easy to communicate that but you're always really spot on with that and what's

  • Speaker #0

    really interesting too here is that that particular party that event that she threw was pretty amazing i mean everything with the stuff that happened with maria look alive maria look alive

  • Speaker #1

    um and wasn't there someone else there that um sorry i'm losing it who else was at that party that the young lady wasn't supposed to have the reading but oh yeah well there was probably like seven of us sitting in my living room and you came down and you introduced yourself and you were you said i guess there was somebody that was you communicating with you even before you got there. And you said, look, someone's been communicating. They know someone's going to be here today. Who had someone pass from a car accident? So you were there. And Colleen said, I did. And she explained that story. And you were like, sorry, the message isn't for you. And then someone else raised their hand, and I forget who it was. But you were like, no. So when people say, you know, meetings throw out generalizations to kind of get people to react, that's not you. Right. Because you were like, nope, sorry, nope, sorry. We went through the entire night, like hours of reading. It's like we were just exhausted. And someone's friend came in, I think it was Maria's friend from work, and I don't remember her name, but we were all sitting in my hallway. Don't ask me why. What was her name? Maybe Jenny. We were sitting in my hallway and you came down. And she's like, I don't want a reading. I'm just here for the food and wine. You know, like, I don't want to do this. And you were like, I've been waiting for you all night. And you asked her if she had a friend that passed in a fire accident. And you gave a couple of the details. I don't remember specifically what they were. And she just started bawling. And she was like, okay. And she went upstairs with you, and I guess you gave her whatever messages were meant for her that you had started getting before the party. So it was really powerful.

  • Speaker #0

    It was powerful for me too. And also there's like cool intrigue in that house because with Maria, your dad now what was interesting is that your family is from korea right but i did not know that there was family that was from north korea my dad decided that my dad came from before

  • Speaker #2

    the war broke out you know his family lived up north you know and when the war broke out he you know was able to escape you know because my grandparents you I paid Fisher Reds to take my Ananapgal. you know, on a boat and go down south. But my aunt tried to get that off the boat, and when that 13-year-old boy was on his own, you know, he was like 12 or 13, got off the boat, and because his brother, his eldest brother was living down south, going to school. Oh, okay. Yeah, at a university. So he was told to go find him, so.

  • Speaker #1

    I remember you saw his 13-year-old self. You explained. And I think it resonated with you what he was wearing. I think there was a pair of pants that he had worn for a really long time. Like, I'm remembering details of, like, I guess what he was showing. And it was just him coming over.

  • Speaker #0

    I usually don't do this in a podcast, but I can still feel your father here. And your father's in a t-shirt. Like, he's not in a dressed-up shirt, t-shirt. I'm going to use the word dungarees. Notice I didn't say jeans.

  • Speaker #1

    so there's another woman here as well she's older so you have people here your dad's excited to be here yeah he always loved i mean from the minute one he bonded with you right every reading he came through which i know that people that they don't always come through every time and when you expect that right i think maria's

  • Speaker #0

    father was the one that gave me you because we were talking about i think i gave the exact city or town uh yeah it was right outside yeah like yes that like i will hear stuff like that um like this sounds weird but i feel like you were almost kind of like lovingly pushed to make sure you were here yeah i don't know why i like her especially her Did I need you as well, honey? How was that like for you?

  • Speaker #2


  • Speaker #0

    Oh, this might be bad. You shouldn't have asked.

  • Speaker #1

    No, no,

  • Speaker #2

    no. No, no, no. No, no. It was, I mean, there's been a lot. There's been a lot of fraud. So I think. Specifically, wanting to hear from one individual. And then, obviously, my sister-in-law, that I didn't know very well, came through to really support more my husband. And so I was able to give messages to Nan. And then since that point, my sister has passed away. So it's always been a very... emotional thing for me and very, very difficult. But for me, they were castling messages more for my husband was just very, very special. Our one friend is very stubborn that I continue to hope that she will deliver on it.

  • Speaker #0

    Why? Well, I feel a female here already, and we'll get to that a little bit. so there's a very smoothness that are like if you could take away all the pain and the suffering she'd be smooth she's just smooth that's just like she's like she's like oh i thought where i'm like can i do it today i like this yeah yeah that would be a bad thing no my sister's already i already and this is weird because i didn't think i'd be doing this while we were recording this live but i

  • Speaker #2

    can definitely feel it um first of all he's sitting um

  • Speaker #0

    she's eating something right now and licking her fingers from it it's not like eating normal food it's like something so good it's something somebody made um it's sweet it's not heaven well

  • Speaker #2

    i've always the baked goods girl but yeah no i don't know um

  • Speaker #0

    It looks like tiramisu or something. It has that kind of consistency, but it's not that. There's just these three different, like, there's, like, three different layers of cake to it. Oh, thank you. That would make sense. It's her birthday,

  • Speaker #2

    yes, and she's still choosing her birthday celebration.

  • Speaker #0

    and you're supposed to have fun.

  • Speaker #1

    Is that what my dad's saying?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. You're supposed to have fun. I didn't think that this would happen in this kind of interview, but your dad is definitely saying you're supposed to have fun. He's glad that you guys are out.

  • Speaker #1

    We don't do this enough, so I can see that he would be very happy because he loved all the girls.

  • Speaker #0

    Your mother... Your mother... differently because this is a younger version of your mom. So she's kind of like, you should have fun. And I'm like looking at her going, you wouldn't have said this like 20 years ago. You would have told her that you couldn't have fun. So, but she's the very younger person where she's, she wants to, she wants to let you know that she, she's not a problem.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    she goes she doesn't want you to feel like she's a problem she's much more fun like this yeah i think that was who she was and i felt like when she became a mom she became something that maybe didn't feel as i think the energy of everybody sitting at this table is like throwing all this mediumship into the session so this is crazy because all these guys who were listening to this episode right we're kind of having a mediumship session you What are you doing?

  • Speaker #1

    Something told me that you needed a cranberry in your jar. This is great. She's taking care of it.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you. I was worried about my bladder. Drop that.

  • Speaker #1

    I got it.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Oh. Test, test, test, test, test, test, test.

  • Speaker #1

    But I do remember you coming downstairs after your reading. Right. And then again, you always hope, like, you're going to get messages from the people that you're thinking about, like, that are on your priority list. But I do remember you being super grateful that you were able to share that with Keith. Very much. And he needed that probably more than, at the time.

  • Speaker #2

    He needed that more than, like, 100%.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #2

    100%. It was very important. I mean, he, he was his everything. So it was, it helped, like.

  • Speaker #0

    you're not alone not that thing you're not alone oh no shut up we're getting our food we're actually getting our food now during the podcast it's social what is our waiter that's the band he's bringing out the food he don't care whether we're live on air he used to uh no it was just dump and run we're good that's a happy what the hell is a happy dog uh

  • Speaker #1

    i don't know and likes her hot dogs a certain way i mean don donna more i know you did i know that she mad she just So we'll keep that. We can keep that. I know. I can't.

  • Speaker #0

    Just leave that. I'm nearly having it. I said,

  • Speaker #2

    we just yell. What do you got? Somebody out of chip. No.

  • Speaker #0

    Can't believe that we're actually talking like this. Okay. Let's keep going on.

  • Speaker #1

    No, the, she's not alone thing. Is that a big deal?

  • Speaker #0

    Um, no, that's what I felt that she isn't alone.

  • Speaker #1

    So she's with her all the time.

  • Speaker #0

    And the food here is excellent. Sorry you got your hot dog screwed up. Is it happening?

  • Speaker #1

    With BSD, most people like cheese. So Anne asks for things without cheese. Oh. It does a resume in some people's minds and they just bring it with cheese.

  • Speaker #0

    She alerts her to cheese.

  • Speaker #1

    No, she just doesn't like it.

  • Speaker #0

    one of the people hold on let's just turn ourselves over here like this and keep going exactly thank you for everyone being patient while we got our food being served to us wish you hadn't but um what do you think is the the biggest thing that you got out of working in any of this with um um

  • Speaker #1

    I think it was my mom's forgiveness of just us not having a great relationship when I was growing up. And hearing that from you brought me a lot of peace. She's at peace. Don't spend any more time on that. It's a waste of time. We're good. I'm good up here. That was huge.

  • Speaker #0

    Was there anything unexpected that happened during it? Like you just didn't expect it to happen?

  • Speaker #1

    When you brought up, because I didn't know who you were talking about, you brought up, it was my Aunt Margaret talking to my mom, and there was a story that you shared that I never knew about that I shared with my mom after our session, which was, so your mother knows that I came through, remind her about the dresses. And I was like, I know nothing about any dress story. You're like, your mom will know. And so I said, Mom, Aunt Margaret came through, and my mom's name was Margaret, so it was her namesake. And my mom's relationship with her sister wasn't great, so my mom was a little overweight. Her mother would buy her dresses that would fit her sister, but not her.

  • Speaker #0

    Your aunt and your mom right now are talking about the ring. Why is the ring up for you?

  • Speaker #1

    The ring?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, whose ring?

  • Speaker #1

    I wore her ring the other night.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you, if that's all.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I wore it. You remember.

  • Speaker #0

    It was jumping fast.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay. Yeah, so I wore it, and I was thinking of her the whole time.

  • Speaker #0

    It was her to take.

  • Speaker #1

    you gotta say pictures what put the hot dog down I'm just kidding I don't think she did that's Maria lying

  • Speaker #0

    I've seen her do that before

  • Speaker #1

    I think that's okay

  • Speaker #0

    I love these guys it's awesome

  • Speaker #1

    my aunt used to make my mother dresses that fit her that matched the dress that my that her mother would buy her that wouldn't fit so there was that connection and i didn't know about the story at all so you know it wasn't like you're reading my mind or there wasn't a story i brought to the to the reading it was a special amount and she moved by that and um you're not alone either um

  • Speaker #0

    brother um i think your brother must be in your mom's favorite um because she's all over that she oh that's good i wouldn't expect any less sorry about that it's not that she don't like you she's just all over that i think there's some concern for him and I think that's just emotional stuff that you've always had about him and he's just gonna have to deal with it right I guess tickled pink to be here I can't believe I'm saying it like that he's excited to be here or at least the other woman is the other women here so I don't know if she's here with her sister or someone else but there's another lady who's like your mom here really you and in fact they're they're both happy they're both happy we're both happy that's kristen kristen's been at the house yes we just had someone else join us during the podcast kristen just sat in she's gonna have her cocktail at greg while we do this absolutely i'm trying to think we'll just turn her back to us like we don't even exist i know she's trying to be polite you

  • Speaker #1

    Could be my grandmother.

  • Speaker #0

    Something's wrong with the head.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm running the brain cancer. Oh,

  • Speaker #0

    okay. So she's with the bar. Okay.

  • Speaker #1

    Now maybe my Aunt Betty.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't know. I just keep getting... Oh.

  • Speaker #1

    She's a strong personality. It's probably her.

  • Speaker #0

    They're just glad that you guys are all out.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, Aunt Betty would be. Oh, that's so nice. I don't know. Maybe Corey. is it mental health issues when they point to the yes either that dementia um well dementia could be cookie or if it's mental health it's probably cory and cory would be here because everybody else is here though how

  • Speaker #0

    did any of this kind of work for you helping deal with loss you

  • Speaker #1

    just knowing that I'm not alone and knowing that I will meet them on the other side and this isn't permanent right not not being with them it's it's a huge relief now when you worked with

  • Speaker #0

    Amy A.P. Morris how is that process like what did she do to get the information from you about it just interview you basically or yeah she was um we went to dinner

  • Speaker #1

    And she just said, be open and honest and be, you know, just let me, she pretty much just asked me the same questions that you're asking me today. Right. She was always very proud about what the work you did. Right. So for her to be, you know, your partner and be, you know, in your life was I think to her an honor, right. For her to be able to share your stories and share what you do for people. So she, you know, it was very personal. You know, Amy was.

  • Speaker #0

    super yeah when she's on she was on right is on right so rightly she does that well yeah and she asked all the right questions and it just kind of flew in easily is maria talking about us right now right in the middle of this damn i don't know she heard us talk about this and she just i saw what i'm gonna tell you like this girl's not it's just a mess

  • Speaker #1

    she's a strong personality too right yeah she's a very i didn't bring her to the interview with amy so it was just me and amy i can't even imagine maria being at that now amy would probably interviewed her that's true that's the very thing you would like to know

  • Speaker #2

    um what was your unfortunately i came in very late so i'm sorry if i missed a certain conversation where wherever i greet or get a little bit earlier with you oh oh she's a newbie whole

  • Speaker #1

    thing but we handle when might there's a lot of people there i think you had a limit that and

  • Speaker #0

    And yes, folks, I am still doing readings, so you can always go to my website, contact me, and we can set it up. I just finished a great psychic brunch. I don't know, what is that? It's just you have brunch and you have readings, that's all. Not like the chef is making it.

  • Speaker #1

    You're not making an expedited Friday early.

  • Speaker #0

    but I wanted to thank you. This turned out to be a lot of fun for me. I didn't want it to be too, too long. I want to give people a taste of this. Yeah. Um, I'm at the, the social here on Wednesdays, um, usually around six o'clock. And then when I'm done, I do readings afterwards. So you can come and get a meeting mini reading after that. Uh, what is the other thing I am working on and should be out here shortly. my own deck of reading cards, spiritual dust reading cards. We were Cindy Pomanti and Lisa Falcon area and I are working on that.

  • Speaker #1

    Did you give me a, get me a free t-shirt for doing the podcast? Do I get a spiritual dust t-shirt?

  • Speaker #0

    I would give you, you know,

  • Speaker #1

    I got some cool stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. and today I got the picture from Shailene the picture of her holding the falcon that was crazy that was a beautiful beautiful picture thank you guys so much I will see you next time Maria thank you for being here Kristen thank you so much what are you eating fries they look delicious no and you're if you'd like to see we didn't get to eat because we had to talk you know so you to do that no thank you every thank you everyone have a wonderful night talk to you next time



You may also like


Great discussion with Greta and friends on her experiences with mediumship Her interview with author A.P. Morris and her "interesting/; time with yours truly.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Welcome, everyone. This is Rick Wood, and we are here at The Social in beautiful downtown Westchester. And thank you guys for all the wonderful messages, the cards, the phone calls, I got like little gift bags and snacks. Let's try not to give the diabetic too much sugar while he's going through them. But that is wonderful, all you guys. As you know, I had a little mishap. a few months ago so that's kept me from being on the air or that kind of thing but i'm much much better now and uh yes I had fell down, got a heart attack, all that fun stuff, but I'm doing better now. And I'm here with Greta Ryman. And Greta was interviewed by A.P. Morris, Amy Poogie, in the book They're Not Gone. And it's really nice to have her here because it's actually I'm here at a table of further friends.

  • Speaker #1

    All the cool kids.

  • Speaker #0

    All the cool kids are here. And we have. but we're going to talk a little bit about what it was like for Greta to have mediumship and the parties that she's worked with me and her father visiting with me when we did mediumship. But how did you feel after that first mediumship session with me?

  • Speaker #1

    It was really moving and exciting, right? You never think you're ever going to connect again with the people that you love, right? So it's... it's kind of one of those experiences where you don't know what to expect. And when it's so powerful, you just walk away with like a feeling of kind of euphoric, right? That you've just reconnected again. And you've heard a lot of things you thought you would never hear and just got, it brings you a sense of peace.

  • Speaker #0

    I, I, it's funny because after doing thousands and thousands of sessions through the year, I still remember your dad, you know, um, you know not that he's racist or anything like that but i can't remember him what are you doing with my daughter i'm like no sir i'm just here bringing mediumship through but he was a wonderful man yeah and i have felt him through the years like before i had this session today he was he had a it was like a grin and a smile yeah um because i see more of the little girl in you when i bring up him yes you know he just like my little girl my little girl be nice to my little girl um well i was always daddy's little girl so

  • Speaker #1

    that's for that comes from me and i think you brought a sense of humor through with you a lot yes yes ceo like you were able to communicate that sense of humor which was a very dry sense of humor so it's not as easy to communicate that but you're always really spot on with that and what's

  • Speaker #0

    really interesting too here is that that particular party that event that she threw was pretty amazing i mean everything with the stuff that happened with maria look alive maria look alive

  • Speaker #1

    um and wasn't there someone else there that um sorry i'm losing it who else was at that party that the young lady wasn't supposed to have the reading but oh yeah well there was probably like seven of us sitting in my living room and you came down and you introduced yourself and you were you said i guess there was somebody that was you communicating with you even before you got there. And you said, look, someone's been communicating. They know someone's going to be here today. Who had someone pass from a car accident? So you were there. And Colleen said, I did. And she explained that story. And you were like, sorry, the message isn't for you. And then someone else raised their hand, and I forget who it was. But you were like, no. So when people say, you know, meetings throw out generalizations to kind of get people to react, that's not you. Right. Because you were like, nope, sorry, nope, sorry. We went through the entire night, like hours of reading. It's like we were just exhausted. And someone's friend came in, I think it was Maria's friend from work, and I don't remember her name, but we were all sitting in my hallway. Don't ask me why. What was her name? Maybe Jenny. We were sitting in my hallway and you came down. And she's like, I don't want a reading. I'm just here for the food and wine. You know, like, I don't want to do this. And you were like, I've been waiting for you all night. And you asked her if she had a friend that passed in a fire accident. And you gave a couple of the details. I don't remember specifically what they were. And she just started bawling. And she was like, okay. And she went upstairs with you, and I guess you gave her whatever messages were meant for her that you had started getting before the party. So it was really powerful.

  • Speaker #0

    It was powerful for me too. And also there's like cool intrigue in that house because with Maria, your dad now what was interesting is that your family is from korea right but i did not know that there was family that was from north korea my dad decided that my dad came from before

  • Speaker #2

    the war broke out you know his family lived up north you know and when the war broke out he you know was able to escape you know because my grandparents you I paid Fisher Reds to take my Ananapgal. you know, on a boat and go down south. But my aunt tried to get that off the boat, and when that 13-year-old boy was on his own, you know, he was like 12 or 13, got off the boat, and because his brother, his eldest brother was living down south, going to school. Oh, okay. Yeah, at a university. So he was told to go find him, so.

  • Speaker #1

    I remember you saw his 13-year-old self. You explained. And I think it resonated with you what he was wearing. I think there was a pair of pants that he had worn for a really long time. Like, I'm remembering details of, like, I guess what he was showing. And it was just him coming over.

  • Speaker #0

    I usually don't do this in a podcast, but I can still feel your father here. And your father's in a t-shirt. Like, he's not in a dressed-up shirt, t-shirt. I'm going to use the word dungarees. Notice I didn't say jeans.

  • Speaker #1

    so there's another woman here as well she's older so you have people here your dad's excited to be here yeah he always loved i mean from the minute one he bonded with you right every reading he came through which i know that people that they don't always come through every time and when you expect that right i think maria's

  • Speaker #0

    father was the one that gave me you because we were talking about i think i gave the exact city or town uh yeah it was right outside yeah like yes that like i will hear stuff like that um like this sounds weird but i feel like you were almost kind of like lovingly pushed to make sure you were here yeah i don't know why i like her especially her Did I need you as well, honey? How was that like for you?

  • Speaker #2


  • Speaker #0

    Oh, this might be bad. You shouldn't have asked.

  • Speaker #1

    No, no,

  • Speaker #2

    no. No, no, no. No, no. It was, I mean, there's been a lot. There's been a lot of fraud. So I think. Specifically, wanting to hear from one individual. And then, obviously, my sister-in-law, that I didn't know very well, came through to really support more my husband. And so I was able to give messages to Nan. And then since that point, my sister has passed away. So it's always been a very... emotional thing for me and very, very difficult. But for me, they were castling messages more for my husband was just very, very special. Our one friend is very stubborn that I continue to hope that she will deliver on it.

  • Speaker #0

    Why? Well, I feel a female here already, and we'll get to that a little bit. so there's a very smoothness that are like if you could take away all the pain and the suffering she'd be smooth she's just smooth that's just like she's like she's like oh i thought where i'm like can i do it today i like this yeah yeah that would be a bad thing no my sister's already i already and this is weird because i didn't think i'd be doing this while we were recording this live but i

  • Speaker #2

    can definitely feel it um first of all he's sitting um

  • Speaker #0

    she's eating something right now and licking her fingers from it it's not like eating normal food it's like something so good it's something somebody made um it's sweet it's not heaven well

  • Speaker #2

    i've always the baked goods girl but yeah no i don't know um

  • Speaker #0

    It looks like tiramisu or something. It has that kind of consistency, but it's not that. There's just these three different, like, there's, like, three different layers of cake to it. Oh, thank you. That would make sense. It's her birthday,

  • Speaker #2

    yes, and she's still choosing her birthday celebration.

  • Speaker #0

    and you're supposed to have fun.

  • Speaker #1

    Is that what my dad's saying?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. You're supposed to have fun. I didn't think that this would happen in this kind of interview, but your dad is definitely saying you're supposed to have fun. He's glad that you guys are out.

  • Speaker #1

    We don't do this enough, so I can see that he would be very happy because he loved all the girls.

  • Speaker #0

    Your mother... Your mother... differently because this is a younger version of your mom. So she's kind of like, you should have fun. And I'm like looking at her going, you wouldn't have said this like 20 years ago. You would have told her that you couldn't have fun. So, but she's the very younger person where she's, she wants to, she wants to let you know that she, she's not a problem.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    she goes she doesn't want you to feel like she's a problem she's much more fun like this yeah i think that was who she was and i felt like when she became a mom she became something that maybe didn't feel as i think the energy of everybody sitting at this table is like throwing all this mediumship into the session so this is crazy because all these guys who were listening to this episode right we're kind of having a mediumship session you What are you doing?

  • Speaker #1

    Something told me that you needed a cranberry in your jar. This is great. She's taking care of it.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you. I was worried about my bladder. Drop that.

  • Speaker #1

    I got it.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Oh. Test, test, test, test, test, test, test.

  • Speaker #1

    But I do remember you coming downstairs after your reading. Right. And then again, you always hope, like, you're going to get messages from the people that you're thinking about, like, that are on your priority list. But I do remember you being super grateful that you were able to share that with Keith. Very much. And he needed that probably more than, at the time.

  • Speaker #2

    He needed that more than, like, 100%.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #2

    100%. It was very important. I mean, he, he was his everything. So it was, it helped, like.

  • Speaker #0

    you're not alone not that thing you're not alone oh no shut up we're getting our food we're actually getting our food now during the podcast it's social what is our waiter that's the band he's bringing out the food he don't care whether we're live on air he used to uh no it was just dump and run we're good that's a happy what the hell is a happy dog uh

  • Speaker #1

    i don't know and likes her hot dogs a certain way i mean don donna more i know you did i know that she mad she just So we'll keep that. We can keep that. I know. I can't.

  • Speaker #0

    Just leave that. I'm nearly having it. I said,

  • Speaker #2

    we just yell. What do you got? Somebody out of chip. No.

  • Speaker #0

    Can't believe that we're actually talking like this. Okay. Let's keep going on.

  • Speaker #1

    No, the, she's not alone thing. Is that a big deal?

  • Speaker #0

    Um, no, that's what I felt that she isn't alone.

  • Speaker #1

    So she's with her all the time.

  • Speaker #0

    And the food here is excellent. Sorry you got your hot dog screwed up. Is it happening?

  • Speaker #1

    With BSD, most people like cheese. So Anne asks for things without cheese. Oh. It does a resume in some people's minds and they just bring it with cheese.

  • Speaker #0

    She alerts her to cheese.

  • Speaker #1

    No, she just doesn't like it.

  • Speaker #0

    one of the people hold on let's just turn ourselves over here like this and keep going exactly thank you for everyone being patient while we got our food being served to us wish you hadn't but um what do you think is the the biggest thing that you got out of working in any of this with um um

  • Speaker #1

    I think it was my mom's forgiveness of just us not having a great relationship when I was growing up. And hearing that from you brought me a lot of peace. She's at peace. Don't spend any more time on that. It's a waste of time. We're good. I'm good up here. That was huge.

  • Speaker #0

    Was there anything unexpected that happened during it? Like you just didn't expect it to happen?

  • Speaker #1

    When you brought up, because I didn't know who you were talking about, you brought up, it was my Aunt Margaret talking to my mom, and there was a story that you shared that I never knew about that I shared with my mom after our session, which was, so your mother knows that I came through, remind her about the dresses. And I was like, I know nothing about any dress story. You're like, your mom will know. And so I said, Mom, Aunt Margaret came through, and my mom's name was Margaret, so it was her namesake. And my mom's relationship with her sister wasn't great, so my mom was a little overweight. Her mother would buy her dresses that would fit her sister, but not her.

  • Speaker #0

    Your aunt and your mom right now are talking about the ring. Why is the ring up for you?

  • Speaker #1

    The ring?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, whose ring?

  • Speaker #1

    I wore her ring the other night.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you, if that's all.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I wore it. You remember.

  • Speaker #0

    It was jumping fast.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay. Yeah, so I wore it, and I was thinking of her the whole time.

  • Speaker #0

    It was her to take.

  • Speaker #1

    you gotta say pictures what put the hot dog down I'm just kidding I don't think she did that's Maria lying

  • Speaker #0

    I've seen her do that before

  • Speaker #1

    I think that's okay

  • Speaker #0

    I love these guys it's awesome

  • Speaker #1

    my aunt used to make my mother dresses that fit her that matched the dress that my that her mother would buy her that wouldn't fit so there was that connection and i didn't know about the story at all so you know it wasn't like you're reading my mind or there wasn't a story i brought to the to the reading it was a special amount and she moved by that and um you're not alone either um

  • Speaker #0

    brother um i think your brother must be in your mom's favorite um because she's all over that she oh that's good i wouldn't expect any less sorry about that it's not that she don't like you she's just all over that i think there's some concern for him and I think that's just emotional stuff that you've always had about him and he's just gonna have to deal with it right I guess tickled pink to be here I can't believe I'm saying it like that he's excited to be here or at least the other woman is the other women here so I don't know if she's here with her sister or someone else but there's another lady who's like your mom here really you and in fact they're they're both happy they're both happy we're both happy that's kristen kristen's been at the house yes we just had someone else join us during the podcast kristen just sat in she's gonna have her cocktail at greg while we do this absolutely i'm trying to think we'll just turn her back to us like we don't even exist i know she's trying to be polite you

  • Speaker #1

    Could be my grandmother.

  • Speaker #0

    Something's wrong with the head.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm running the brain cancer. Oh,

  • Speaker #0

    okay. So she's with the bar. Okay.

  • Speaker #1

    Now maybe my Aunt Betty.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't know. I just keep getting... Oh.

  • Speaker #1

    She's a strong personality. It's probably her.

  • Speaker #0

    They're just glad that you guys are all out.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, Aunt Betty would be. Oh, that's so nice. I don't know. Maybe Corey. is it mental health issues when they point to the yes either that dementia um well dementia could be cookie or if it's mental health it's probably cory and cory would be here because everybody else is here though how

  • Speaker #0

    did any of this kind of work for you helping deal with loss you

  • Speaker #1

    just knowing that I'm not alone and knowing that I will meet them on the other side and this isn't permanent right not not being with them it's it's a huge relief now when you worked with

  • Speaker #0

    Amy A.P. Morris how is that process like what did she do to get the information from you about it just interview you basically or yeah she was um we went to dinner

  • Speaker #1

    And she just said, be open and honest and be, you know, just let me, she pretty much just asked me the same questions that you're asking me today. Right. She was always very proud about what the work you did. Right. So for her to be, you know, your partner and be, you know, in your life was I think to her an honor, right. For her to be able to share your stories and share what you do for people. So she, you know, it was very personal. You know, Amy was.

  • Speaker #0

    super yeah when she's on she was on right is on right so rightly she does that well yeah and she asked all the right questions and it just kind of flew in easily is maria talking about us right now right in the middle of this damn i don't know she heard us talk about this and she just i saw what i'm gonna tell you like this girl's not it's just a mess

  • Speaker #1

    she's a strong personality too right yeah she's a very i didn't bring her to the interview with amy so it was just me and amy i can't even imagine maria being at that now amy would probably interviewed her that's true that's the very thing you would like to know

  • Speaker #2

    um what was your unfortunately i came in very late so i'm sorry if i missed a certain conversation where wherever i greet or get a little bit earlier with you oh oh she's a newbie whole

  • Speaker #1

    thing but we handle when might there's a lot of people there i think you had a limit that and

  • Speaker #0

    And yes, folks, I am still doing readings, so you can always go to my website, contact me, and we can set it up. I just finished a great psychic brunch. I don't know, what is that? It's just you have brunch and you have readings, that's all. Not like the chef is making it.

  • Speaker #1

    You're not making an expedited Friday early.

  • Speaker #0

    but I wanted to thank you. This turned out to be a lot of fun for me. I didn't want it to be too, too long. I want to give people a taste of this. Yeah. Um, I'm at the, the social here on Wednesdays, um, usually around six o'clock. And then when I'm done, I do readings afterwards. So you can come and get a meeting mini reading after that. Uh, what is the other thing I am working on and should be out here shortly. my own deck of reading cards, spiritual dust reading cards. We were Cindy Pomanti and Lisa Falcon area and I are working on that.

  • Speaker #1

    Did you give me a, get me a free t-shirt for doing the podcast? Do I get a spiritual dust t-shirt?

  • Speaker #0

    I would give you, you know,

  • Speaker #1

    I got some cool stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. and today I got the picture from Shailene the picture of her holding the falcon that was crazy that was a beautiful beautiful picture thank you guys so much I will see you next time Maria thank you for being here Kristen thank you so much what are you eating fries they look delicious no and you're if you'd like to see we didn't get to eat because we had to talk you know so you to do that no thank you every thank you everyone have a wonderful night talk to you next time


Great discussion with Greta and friends on her experiences with mediumship Her interview with author A.P. Morris and her "interesting/; time with yours truly.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Welcome, everyone. This is Rick Wood, and we are here at The Social in beautiful downtown Westchester. And thank you guys for all the wonderful messages, the cards, the phone calls, I got like little gift bags and snacks. Let's try not to give the diabetic too much sugar while he's going through them. But that is wonderful, all you guys. As you know, I had a little mishap. a few months ago so that's kept me from being on the air or that kind of thing but i'm much much better now and uh yes I had fell down, got a heart attack, all that fun stuff, but I'm doing better now. And I'm here with Greta Ryman. And Greta was interviewed by A.P. Morris, Amy Poogie, in the book They're Not Gone. And it's really nice to have her here because it's actually I'm here at a table of further friends.

  • Speaker #1

    All the cool kids.

  • Speaker #0

    All the cool kids are here. And we have. but we're going to talk a little bit about what it was like for Greta to have mediumship and the parties that she's worked with me and her father visiting with me when we did mediumship. But how did you feel after that first mediumship session with me?

  • Speaker #1

    It was really moving and exciting, right? You never think you're ever going to connect again with the people that you love, right? So it's... it's kind of one of those experiences where you don't know what to expect. And when it's so powerful, you just walk away with like a feeling of kind of euphoric, right? That you've just reconnected again. And you've heard a lot of things you thought you would never hear and just got, it brings you a sense of peace.

  • Speaker #0

    I, I, it's funny because after doing thousands and thousands of sessions through the year, I still remember your dad, you know, um, you know not that he's racist or anything like that but i can't remember him what are you doing with my daughter i'm like no sir i'm just here bringing mediumship through but he was a wonderful man yeah and i have felt him through the years like before i had this session today he was he had a it was like a grin and a smile yeah um because i see more of the little girl in you when i bring up him yes you know he just like my little girl my little girl be nice to my little girl um well i was always daddy's little girl so

  • Speaker #1

    that's for that comes from me and i think you brought a sense of humor through with you a lot yes yes ceo like you were able to communicate that sense of humor which was a very dry sense of humor so it's not as easy to communicate that but you're always really spot on with that and what's

  • Speaker #0

    really interesting too here is that that particular party that event that she threw was pretty amazing i mean everything with the stuff that happened with maria look alive maria look alive

  • Speaker #1

    um and wasn't there someone else there that um sorry i'm losing it who else was at that party that the young lady wasn't supposed to have the reading but oh yeah well there was probably like seven of us sitting in my living room and you came down and you introduced yourself and you were you said i guess there was somebody that was you communicating with you even before you got there. And you said, look, someone's been communicating. They know someone's going to be here today. Who had someone pass from a car accident? So you were there. And Colleen said, I did. And she explained that story. And you were like, sorry, the message isn't for you. And then someone else raised their hand, and I forget who it was. But you were like, no. So when people say, you know, meetings throw out generalizations to kind of get people to react, that's not you. Right. Because you were like, nope, sorry, nope, sorry. We went through the entire night, like hours of reading. It's like we were just exhausted. And someone's friend came in, I think it was Maria's friend from work, and I don't remember her name, but we were all sitting in my hallway. Don't ask me why. What was her name? Maybe Jenny. We were sitting in my hallway and you came down. And she's like, I don't want a reading. I'm just here for the food and wine. You know, like, I don't want to do this. And you were like, I've been waiting for you all night. And you asked her if she had a friend that passed in a fire accident. And you gave a couple of the details. I don't remember specifically what they were. And she just started bawling. And she was like, okay. And she went upstairs with you, and I guess you gave her whatever messages were meant for her that you had started getting before the party. So it was really powerful.

  • Speaker #0

    It was powerful for me too. And also there's like cool intrigue in that house because with Maria, your dad now what was interesting is that your family is from korea right but i did not know that there was family that was from north korea my dad decided that my dad came from before

  • Speaker #2

    the war broke out you know his family lived up north you know and when the war broke out he you know was able to escape you know because my grandparents you I paid Fisher Reds to take my Ananapgal. you know, on a boat and go down south. But my aunt tried to get that off the boat, and when that 13-year-old boy was on his own, you know, he was like 12 or 13, got off the boat, and because his brother, his eldest brother was living down south, going to school. Oh, okay. Yeah, at a university. So he was told to go find him, so.

  • Speaker #1

    I remember you saw his 13-year-old self. You explained. And I think it resonated with you what he was wearing. I think there was a pair of pants that he had worn for a really long time. Like, I'm remembering details of, like, I guess what he was showing. And it was just him coming over.

  • Speaker #0

    I usually don't do this in a podcast, but I can still feel your father here. And your father's in a t-shirt. Like, he's not in a dressed-up shirt, t-shirt. I'm going to use the word dungarees. Notice I didn't say jeans.

  • Speaker #1

    so there's another woman here as well she's older so you have people here your dad's excited to be here yeah he always loved i mean from the minute one he bonded with you right every reading he came through which i know that people that they don't always come through every time and when you expect that right i think maria's

  • Speaker #0

    father was the one that gave me you because we were talking about i think i gave the exact city or town uh yeah it was right outside yeah like yes that like i will hear stuff like that um like this sounds weird but i feel like you were almost kind of like lovingly pushed to make sure you were here yeah i don't know why i like her especially her Did I need you as well, honey? How was that like for you?

  • Speaker #2


  • Speaker #0

    Oh, this might be bad. You shouldn't have asked.

  • Speaker #1

    No, no,

  • Speaker #2

    no. No, no, no. No, no. It was, I mean, there's been a lot. There's been a lot of fraud. So I think. Specifically, wanting to hear from one individual. And then, obviously, my sister-in-law, that I didn't know very well, came through to really support more my husband. And so I was able to give messages to Nan. And then since that point, my sister has passed away. So it's always been a very... emotional thing for me and very, very difficult. But for me, they were castling messages more for my husband was just very, very special. Our one friend is very stubborn that I continue to hope that she will deliver on it.

  • Speaker #0

    Why? Well, I feel a female here already, and we'll get to that a little bit. so there's a very smoothness that are like if you could take away all the pain and the suffering she'd be smooth she's just smooth that's just like she's like she's like oh i thought where i'm like can i do it today i like this yeah yeah that would be a bad thing no my sister's already i already and this is weird because i didn't think i'd be doing this while we were recording this live but i

  • Speaker #2

    can definitely feel it um first of all he's sitting um

  • Speaker #0

    she's eating something right now and licking her fingers from it it's not like eating normal food it's like something so good it's something somebody made um it's sweet it's not heaven well

  • Speaker #2

    i've always the baked goods girl but yeah no i don't know um

  • Speaker #0

    It looks like tiramisu or something. It has that kind of consistency, but it's not that. There's just these three different, like, there's, like, three different layers of cake to it. Oh, thank you. That would make sense. It's her birthday,

  • Speaker #2

    yes, and she's still choosing her birthday celebration.

  • Speaker #0

    and you're supposed to have fun.

  • Speaker #1

    Is that what my dad's saying?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. You're supposed to have fun. I didn't think that this would happen in this kind of interview, but your dad is definitely saying you're supposed to have fun. He's glad that you guys are out.

  • Speaker #1

    We don't do this enough, so I can see that he would be very happy because he loved all the girls.

  • Speaker #0

    Your mother... Your mother... differently because this is a younger version of your mom. So she's kind of like, you should have fun. And I'm like looking at her going, you wouldn't have said this like 20 years ago. You would have told her that you couldn't have fun. So, but she's the very younger person where she's, she wants to, she wants to let you know that she, she's not a problem.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    she goes she doesn't want you to feel like she's a problem she's much more fun like this yeah i think that was who she was and i felt like when she became a mom she became something that maybe didn't feel as i think the energy of everybody sitting at this table is like throwing all this mediumship into the session so this is crazy because all these guys who were listening to this episode right we're kind of having a mediumship session you What are you doing?

  • Speaker #1

    Something told me that you needed a cranberry in your jar. This is great. She's taking care of it.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you. I was worried about my bladder. Drop that.

  • Speaker #1

    I got it.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Oh. Test, test, test, test, test, test, test.

  • Speaker #1

    But I do remember you coming downstairs after your reading. Right. And then again, you always hope, like, you're going to get messages from the people that you're thinking about, like, that are on your priority list. But I do remember you being super grateful that you were able to share that with Keith. Very much. And he needed that probably more than, at the time.

  • Speaker #2

    He needed that more than, like, 100%.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #2

    100%. It was very important. I mean, he, he was his everything. So it was, it helped, like.

  • Speaker #0

    you're not alone not that thing you're not alone oh no shut up we're getting our food we're actually getting our food now during the podcast it's social what is our waiter that's the band he's bringing out the food he don't care whether we're live on air he used to uh no it was just dump and run we're good that's a happy what the hell is a happy dog uh

  • Speaker #1

    i don't know and likes her hot dogs a certain way i mean don donna more i know you did i know that she mad she just So we'll keep that. We can keep that. I know. I can't.

  • Speaker #0

    Just leave that. I'm nearly having it. I said,

  • Speaker #2

    we just yell. What do you got? Somebody out of chip. No.

  • Speaker #0

    Can't believe that we're actually talking like this. Okay. Let's keep going on.

  • Speaker #1

    No, the, she's not alone thing. Is that a big deal?

  • Speaker #0

    Um, no, that's what I felt that she isn't alone.

  • Speaker #1

    So she's with her all the time.

  • Speaker #0

    And the food here is excellent. Sorry you got your hot dog screwed up. Is it happening?

  • Speaker #1

    With BSD, most people like cheese. So Anne asks for things without cheese. Oh. It does a resume in some people's minds and they just bring it with cheese.

  • Speaker #0

    She alerts her to cheese.

  • Speaker #1

    No, she just doesn't like it.

  • Speaker #0

    one of the people hold on let's just turn ourselves over here like this and keep going exactly thank you for everyone being patient while we got our food being served to us wish you hadn't but um what do you think is the the biggest thing that you got out of working in any of this with um um

  • Speaker #1

    I think it was my mom's forgiveness of just us not having a great relationship when I was growing up. And hearing that from you brought me a lot of peace. She's at peace. Don't spend any more time on that. It's a waste of time. We're good. I'm good up here. That was huge.

  • Speaker #0

    Was there anything unexpected that happened during it? Like you just didn't expect it to happen?

  • Speaker #1

    When you brought up, because I didn't know who you were talking about, you brought up, it was my Aunt Margaret talking to my mom, and there was a story that you shared that I never knew about that I shared with my mom after our session, which was, so your mother knows that I came through, remind her about the dresses. And I was like, I know nothing about any dress story. You're like, your mom will know. And so I said, Mom, Aunt Margaret came through, and my mom's name was Margaret, so it was her namesake. And my mom's relationship with her sister wasn't great, so my mom was a little overweight. Her mother would buy her dresses that would fit her sister, but not her.

  • Speaker #0

    Your aunt and your mom right now are talking about the ring. Why is the ring up for you?

  • Speaker #1

    The ring?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, whose ring?

  • Speaker #1

    I wore her ring the other night.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you, if that's all.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I wore it. You remember.

  • Speaker #0

    It was jumping fast.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay. Yeah, so I wore it, and I was thinking of her the whole time.

  • Speaker #0

    It was her to take.

  • Speaker #1

    you gotta say pictures what put the hot dog down I'm just kidding I don't think she did that's Maria lying

  • Speaker #0

    I've seen her do that before

  • Speaker #1

    I think that's okay

  • Speaker #0

    I love these guys it's awesome

  • Speaker #1

    my aunt used to make my mother dresses that fit her that matched the dress that my that her mother would buy her that wouldn't fit so there was that connection and i didn't know about the story at all so you know it wasn't like you're reading my mind or there wasn't a story i brought to the to the reading it was a special amount and she moved by that and um you're not alone either um

  • Speaker #0

    brother um i think your brother must be in your mom's favorite um because she's all over that she oh that's good i wouldn't expect any less sorry about that it's not that she don't like you she's just all over that i think there's some concern for him and I think that's just emotional stuff that you've always had about him and he's just gonna have to deal with it right I guess tickled pink to be here I can't believe I'm saying it like that he's excited to be here or at least the other woman is the other women here so I don't know if she's here with her sister or someone else but there's another lady who's like your mom here really you and in fact they're they're both happy they're both happy we're both happy that's kristen kristen's been at the house yes we just had someone else join us during the podcast kristen just sat in she's gonna have her cocktail at greg while we do this absolutely i'm trying to think we'll just turn her back to us like we don't even exist i know she's trying to be polite you

  • Speaker #1

    Could be my grandmother.

  • Speaker #0

    Something's wrong with the head.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm running the brain cancer. Oh,

  • Speaker #0

    okay. So she's with the bar. Okay.

  • Speaker #1

    Now maybe my Aunt Betty.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't know. I just keep getting... Oh.

  • Speaker #1

    She's a strong personality. It's probably her.

  • Speaker #0

    They're just glad that you guys are all out.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, Aunt Betty would be. Oh, that's so nice. I don't know. Maybe Corey. is it mental health issues when they point to the yes either that dementia um well dementia could be cookie or if it's mental health it's probably cory and cory would be here because everybody else is here though how

  • Speaker #0

    did any of this kind of work for you helping deal with loss you

  • Speaker #1

    just knowing that I'm not alone and knowing that I will meet them on the other side and this isn't permanent right not not being with them it's it's a huge relief now when you worked with

  • Speaker #0

    Amy A.P. Morris how is that process like what did she do to get the information from you about it just interview you basically or yeah she was um we went to dinner

  • Speaker #1

    And she just said, be open and honest and be, you know, just let me, she pretty much just asked me the same questions that you're asking me today. Right. She was always very proud about what the work you did. Right. So for her to be, you know, your partner and be, you know, in your life was I think to her an honor, right. For her to be able to share your stories and share what you do for people. So she, you know, it was very personal. You know, Amy was.

  • Speaker #0

    super yeah when she's on she was on right is on right so rightly she does that well yeah and she asked all the right questions and it just kind of flew in easily is maria talking about us right now right in the middle of this damn i don't know she heard us talk about this and she just i saw what i'm gonna tell you like this girl's not it's just a mess

  • Speaker #1

    she's a strong personality too right yeah she's a very i didn't bring her to the interview with amy so it was just me and amy i can't even imagine maria being at that now amy would probably interviewed her that's true that's the very thing you would like to know

  • Speaker #2

    um what was your unfortunately i came in very late so i'm sorry if i missed a certain conversation where wherever i greet or get a little bit earlier with you oh oh she's a newbie whole

  • Speaker #1

    thing but we handle when might there's a lot of people there i think you had a limit that and

  • Speaker #0

    And yes, folks, I am still doing readings, so you can always go to my website, contact me, and we can set it up. I just finished a great psychic brunch. I don't know, what is that? It's just you have brunch and you have readings, that's all. Not like the chef is making it.

  • Speaker #1

    You're not making an expedited Friday early.

  • Speaker #0

    but I wanted to thank you. This turned out to be a lot of fun for me. I didn't want it to be too, too long. I want to give people a taste of this. Yeah. Um, I'm at the, the social here on Wednesdays, um, usually around six o'clock. And then when I'm done, I do readings afterwards. So you can come and get a meeting mini reading after that. Uh, what is the other thing I am working on and should be out here shortly. my own deck of reading cards, spiritual dust reading cards. We were Cindy Pomanti and Lisa Falcon area and I are working on that.

  • Speaker #1

    Did you give me a, get me a free t-shirt for doing the podcast? Do I get a spiritual dust t-shirt?

  • Speaker #0

    I would give you, you know,

  • Speaker #1

    I got some cool stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. and today I got the picture from Shailene the picture of her holding the falcon that was crazy that was a beautiful beautiful picture thank you guys so much I will see you next time Maria thank you for being here Kristen thank you so much what are you eating fries they look delicious no and you're if you'd like to see we didn't get to eat because we had to talk you know so you to do that no thank you every thank you everyone have a wonderful night talk to you next time



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