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Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo cover
Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo cover

Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo

Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo

1h06 |27/02/2023
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Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo cover
Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo cover

Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo

Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo

1h06 |27/02/2023


Tailypo.... Tailypo....

This episode is a slice of personal history as Alana tells us all about the monster that lurked under her bed. It's creepy, it's menacing, and it's up to the Spookery Gals to make it 1000 times worse. This Cryptid and Folklore episode has everything, from chilling nightime tales, to an arts and crafts section, and we even break down the creative writing process! And who knows... maybe it'll awake a core memory of some long forgotten childhood horror like it did with Lady...

Source Cited:

  • Admin. “Tailypo.” Storytelling for Everyone, 20 Oct. 2021, https://storytellingforeveryone.net/tailypo/
  • Doyle, Ceili. “Ode to the Tailypo: The Story behind a Spooky Appalachian Folktale.” The Columbus Dispatch, The Columbus Dispatch, 21 Oct. 2022, https://www.dispatch.com/story/lifestyle/features/2022/10/21/tailypo-appalachian-ohio-native-shares-spooky-folktale-this-halloween/69536772007/
  • Galdone, Joanna, and Paul Galdone. The Tailypo: A Ghost Story. Clarion, 1977
  • Gardner, Jeremy and Christian Stella, directors. After Midnight. Cranked Up Films, 2019
  • Gibbs, Laura. “Taily-Po.” Brer Rabbit and the Witch-Rabbit, 2019, https://sites.google.com/view/brerrabbitf19/taily-po?pli=1
  • Harris, Joel  Chandler. Taily-Po. Vol. 23, Metropolitan Magazine, 1906
  • Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus Returns. McKinlay, Stone & Mackenzie, 1918
  • Kellermeyer, Michael. “Tailypo (a Chilling Re-Telling of the Appalachian Legend): A Ghost Story for Halloween.” Oldstyletales, Oldstyletales, 1 Dec. 2020, https://www.oldstyletales.com/single-post/tailypo-a-chilling-re-telling-of-the-appalachian-legend-a-ghost-story-for-halloween
  • McCasland, Cameron, director. Tailypo, Red Headed Revolution Pictures, 2015, Accessed 2023
  • Powell, Eric. Hillbilly: The Midnight Devilment of the Tailypo. Vol. 5, 2017
  • Scary For Kids. “Tailypo.” Scary For Kids, 29 Sept. 2015, https://www.scaryforkids.com/tailypo/
  • Templeton, Mike. “Tailypo, Tailypo, Who or What Is Tailypo.” Welcome to UACC, 9 Oct. 2022, https://uacvoice.org/2022/10/tailypo-tailypo-who-or-what-is-tailypo/

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Art was created by the amazing Rhian Perry at https://www.instagram.com/digipaw1/?utm_source=qr&igshid=NGExMmI2YTkyZg%3D%3D 

All music is from the Epidemic Sound Library.

Until next time, Stay Spooky!     

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Welcome everyone, I am Awana.

  • Speaker #1

    And I'm Lady.

  • Speaker #0

    And this is Spookery.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh yeah, it is.

  • Speaker #0

    all righty welcome back our lovely guests it is time for another weekly episode of spookery and this this right here guys this episode this is officially our halfway point through our very first season and oh my god it is it it does this episode marks a halfway point and um i just gotta say you know i've been having a blast so far have you um

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. I have.

  • Speaker #0

    No, I was like, oh, God.

  • Speaker #1

    I've been having such a good time. I feel like I hogged half of the first half. Does that make sense? I hogged it with my three-part thing, so I'm really happy to hand the mic back over to you and be like, tell me a story, please.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh, not at all. Bonnie and Clyde was such a wild ride, and I was happy to go on it with you. And I think this week it's a good transition, because instead of something serious, we are just talking about a silly little story where there's literally not based in any reality whatsoever. We literally just get to laugh and share some spooky stories together, so it's a good time.

  • Speaker #1

    love it i'm so excited uh it's cryptids and folklore bb i don't know anything about cryptids i'm excited you're gonna tell me a slice of home desert love life style something until

  • Speaker #0

    i'm a little slap happy i don't think it's quite recovered from bonnie that's all right this is a good episode to get all that slap happiness out and get us you know just just just get us refreshed. I really think this is going to be a good episode. I'm very excited to tell this to you.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, I don't think you've had a bad episode yet, So I'm so excited for just not just hit us another home run right out the park. Let's heckin go.

  • Speaker #0

    All right, let's go. So real quick, I did want to say if, you know, listeners, if you guys have listened to any of our previous episodes and have come back for more, you know, Lady and I, we just we got to say thank you for real. Like, this is genuinely a passion project for both of us that we have put so much love into. And if you are getting any enjoyment at all from this, it's considered a win win. So thank you for listening. Seriously.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, no, thank you for listening. Thank you for loving the Spookery as much as we do. Like, Alana, perfectly. It is a passion project and we're so passionate about it. And... I'm just, I'm really glad that you guys have come on this journey with us. I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I love you. I'm thankful to you. I love you, Alana. Thank you for coming with me on this journey.

  • Speaker #0

    I love you lady. And I also did want to take this moment as well, because we also have been getting a lot of love from one individual particular or one particular individual. And, um, I feel like we should just give him a little bit of a big shout out right now and just say, thank you for not only listening, but this man takes the time to write us a personal email after every episode. just gives us his thoughts he has even gone so far as to make us our very first fan art of the podcast that i hope maybe with his consent we will get to share with you one day um but yeah sai is just such an amazing person and we just i feel like taking taking a moment to just say thank you side no you're probably listening to this and so just thank you thank you for just everything you do no

  • Speaker #1

    sai thank you so much we actually we read your emails together just to make sure that we're we're both like we both know that you've sent us and just are full of love and they're, they're so well thought out and they do just give us like the goofiest smile when we read them. So thank you so much from the bottom of my, my cold dead heart for listening to the spook. Thank you for coming on this journey with me and Alana. We appreciate you so, so much.

  • Speaker #0

    Absolutely. 10 out of 10. Couldn't have said it better, man. Yes. Yeah. All right. So back, back to our episode, mushy gushy stuff aside, back to the spooky. this week it is my turn to tell you a tale haha no no pun intended um you'll see okay is that also a pun does it have multiple eyes as well as a tail maybe maybe as you all remember from my last spin i was so graciously gifted by the spookery spirits and given the topic of cryptids in folklore um

  • Speaker #1

    yes we know who's the favorite of the spookery spirits is thanks spookery wheel for my mass murder it's going great by the way thank you next one will be good i for you this is my season season one is my season spookery spirits are like alana girl get us off right here's what i know they're like they're like lady you need to cut down your episode length like six hours was too much so you have to stop with more i'm gonna call them thanks spookery spirits that's so funny you

  • Speaker #0

    Oh man, no, I have truly enjoyed your episodes. I think you've been getting great categories too. Any of the categories that we have, they're all great ones, to be honest.

  • Speaker #1

    I agree. I don't think we've had a bad category. I just, I'm just salty because I want something salty.

  • Speaker #0

    I get that. Yeah. When you like have something particular in mind.

  • Speaker #1

    But anywho, let's get this beautiful cryptid folklore adventure going.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. So let's give you a little bit of background. So this is a pretty personal story to me. I personally grew up with a parent who just loved horror, creepy creatures, and all things that go bump in the night. So the minute I got this category, it felt like home. I was ready to go. I knew exactly what I was going to do for this. Growing up, I remember watching all sorts of shows, documentaries on late night TV, on the History Channel, about things like The Mothman, The Chupacabra, The Jersey Devil, you know, all the classics. and we even had our own personal cryptids growing up. Like, my dad made up this, like, sewer monster that lived in our backyard, and he would tell us that if we stuck our fingers in the holes around the pools, the sewer monster would gobble them up. So, like, I remember, like, even, you know, as a young kid, like, my dad was, like, in a way trying to, like, that's how kids learn lessons, right, is through, like, scary stories sometimes. So, you know, you make a scary story. It says, don't do this or else this monster is going to get you, and you go, okay, you're right, sir. I'm not going to do that thing anymore. So it worked, and we did not stick our fingers in the holes around the pool. So it worked.

  • Speaker #1

    And you missed out on all that gold treasure hidden inside the pool.

  • Speaker #0

    If only you'd known! If only I had just adventured and been adventurous. Oh, man.

  • Speaker #1

    I think everyone's parents did that when they were growing up so that's not too weird well I can't say that my parents told me that there was a swamp monster in any pool that I visited but I was also kind of dumb and I think I would have done it anywhere but like can I be friends with a swamp monster?

  • Speaker #0

    they knew I finger in and just do it anyway and I did and I got like a little finger massage yeah they tell you like there's something creepy in there you're like cool I'm gonna go make friends with that thing so they knew better

  • Speaker #1

    I know I think that really set up my childhood they knew I was gonna be a creepy kid yes

  • Speaker #0

    oh that's good though your parents loved that they embraced you they just they knew so they know i think they did parents parents please confirm right oh my gosh so yeah so what i have picked for us today really is one of the first scary stories that i ever remember being told i'm not exactly sure how old i was when i first heard this story just in my brain as far back as my memory goes this is like the og scary story um it's yeah you guys are literally going to be introduced to why i'm afraid of the dark the reason i don't let my feet hang off the edge of the bed like aka my og sleep paralysis even it's we're getting personal today so i'm excited oh i'm so excited delve into the psyche of alana yes so dear listeners and lady please raise your hand if you have heard of the tailypo anyone no my hand is firmly seated in my lap because i

  • Speaker #1

    The Tailypo?

  • Speaker #0

    The Tailypo.

  • Speaker #1

    The Tailypo. How do you spell that?

  • Speaker #0

    So the spelling of it does change depending on who wrote the story, but how I remember it being spelled and how I'm choosing to spell it is T-A-I-L-Y-P-O.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay. So yeah, quite literally a Tailypo.

  • Speaker #0

    Tailypo. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, okay. All right. No.

  • Speaker #0

    I really am genuinely curious how many people have heard of this before we actually get into today's episode. So if you have never taken the time to write us before. and you were thinking about doing it, this is your opportunity to break the ice. Please, I do really want to know how many people have heard of the Taillie Poe, because I know it's not a popular story. It's not a popular folklore. It's not a popular legend. I don't know how it made its way from where it started all the way over to Arizona, but this is something I heard growing up, and I'm so baffled that no one else has heard about it.

  • Speaker #1

    No. Yeah. I've done my fair share of exploring. I've never heard of the Taillie Poe. I'm a I'm so curious to see where like the origin story comes from.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. No, that's all right. If you, if you haven't heard about it, you will definitely know about it after today's episode. So. Yes. Um. But before we actually get into my retelling of the scary story, I am going to give you a little bit of information on the origins and the history of the Telepo. Because I knew you were going to ask for it and I had it ready to go. You know, just a little taste of that sweet, sweet context, you know. We've got to hide you over.

  • Speaker #1

    My delicious favorite spice.

  • Speaker #0

    Exactly. I'm like, I know she can't wait until the whole story. So I'll give her a little something to start out with and then we'll talk more later.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    So the Telepo is actually, and I'm probably going to say this wrong, an Appalachian cryptid. I know there's a different way to say it. Appalachian.

  • Speaker #1

    I've always said Appalachian, but...

  • Speaker #0

    Cool, then we're going to say it the right way. Awesome. We're just going to say it the right way.

  • Speaker #1

    Sure. I'm not the right person to ask as a non-American, but sure. Yes, Appalachian.

  • Speaker #0

    That's true. Yeah. I heard about it from Fallout. That's the first time I ever really heard someone say it out loud was the Appalachian. So, yeah, that's what we're going with. So the tale goes from the Appalachia or the Appalachian area. And again, they're really not not really as famous from some of the others from the area like Bigfoot and Mothman, which really is a crime because it is such a unique and creepy and dare I even say fun story to tell. I really feel like it would be more popular than it is. But it's just it's not up there with those big guys. So, of course, as with most folklore stories, the details of the telepo vary from person to person, region to region. So there are many different versions of this. And we are doing this in a true folklore fashion. And I am going to be the one telling you my version. my recollection of the story today. So this is not anyone else's story. It's loosely, you know, it's just my recollection. It's based down from my own memory. So it's kind of a hodgepodge, you know, the true folklore.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm excited. I'm also curious about other variations. So if you have other variations of the story, like, listener, please, like, let me know. Because, like, I don't know any version of this story. So, like, I'm keen. I'm here to learn.

  • Speaker #0

    Right? There's so many. I do believe that the version from my memory is mainly based on a children's book actually written by Joanna C. Galdon, I think is how you say the last name, or Galdon. The minute I saw the cover of the book, I was like, oh, heck yeah, that is like the book I read as a child. Like I knew, like it just unlocked that core memory for me. But even after seeing like the artwork and the cover for it, for some reason in my head, the image that I conjured of this creature is very different than how it's actually depicted in almost all of the artwork. Which I think is kind of funny. Like, just none of the drawings or anything compare remotely to how scary, like, the creature I concocted in my head is. Okay. Yeah. So, that being said, I am going to make you wait until after the story to give you a full description and share photos of the tailwhip, because I'm just nice like that. I want your brain to be able to make up the scariest thing possible to you. So, you're welcome.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. you don't know what nightmare fuel you've conjured ma'am i have an ipad with procreate on it i will draw the amalgamation that comes into my head i would love it if you did i would love to see that oh my gosh all right that would be great

  • Speaker #0

    so um so joanna first cursed children with her retelling of the story in 1984 but the earliest written versions date back to the early 19th century um a story actually told by uncle remus aka joel chandler harris who you might know for being an author of the rare rabbit stories um i did read through that version of the telepo as well and it is pretty similar but of course it has some majorly striking differences too on that note I am going to make you wait until after the story to highlight the main consistent details of the story well we're getting the whole story at the end of the story I'm telling you what I'm going to tell you and then I'm going to tell you it and then we're going to talk about what I told you that's what's happening after

  • Speaker #1

    that fucking ride that I took you on with Bonnie and Clyde I think this is the least you can do yeah I can't wait I can wait. I'm a patient. I'm a patient sort. I will wait.

  • Speaker #0

    I definitely, I think I have teased you enough. So go ahead, dim your lights, you know, grab your tea, and I'm going to grab my flashlight. And so I can get in the proper scary story mode. And we're going to get into it.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm so excited. I'm ready. I'm under my blanket. I'm hidden. I'm all curled up. I'm tucked in. I got my tea. Tell me a spooky story, ma'am. Tell me a spooky story.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll tell you the spooky story. All right. So. A long time ago, in a land far, far away, sat a cabin in a dark and swampy forest. Inside that cabin lived an old hunter. The hunter's cabin had only one room, and that room was his bedroom, his dining room, and his kitchen too. The hunter lived alone, other than his three dogs. His dogs'names were, and get ready for this one, Uno, Aino, and Comtico Calico.

  • Speaker #1

    Excuse me.

  • Speaker #0

    I can definitely spell that one for you too. The dog's names were Uno, Aino, and Comtico Calico.

  • Speaker #1

    I feel like there was some clear favoritism with one of these dogs. I'm not going to name any names, but I just feel. that there was some dog favoritism. I'm also going to imagine that Uno and I know are like big Dobermans and then come to Kalismo.

  • Speaker #0

    Yep. That's that's it. Yep.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, sure. Yep. Come to Kalismo. Sure. We'll go with that. I'm imagining it as a really small dog,

  • Speaker #0

    a little tiny, like Terry, you're like one out of all of them.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a sausage dog, but it's got two big Doberman brothers.

  • Speaker #0

    that's my story and i'm still to it amazing oh my god i'm not gonna i'm not gonna steer you wrong this is folklore and your imagination can paint this exactly however you want so it's canada all right winter was approaching in the forest and soon food would be scarce and the days would be short the old man set out on a hunt one cold day hatchet in hand with his three hounds by his side unfortunately the hunter had a bit of bad luck He had only managed to catch a single small rabbit and night was beginning to fall. Before starting to make his way back to his cabin, the hunter decided to stop and set a fire to roast his small supper.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm gonna interject really quickly in here. No wonder he only caught one small rabbit. He only brought himself a hatchet.

  • Speaker #0

    He only brought a hatchet. Yeah, he's out there, like you said, just swinging at things.

  • Speaker #1

    He's wildly swinging at rabbits. He's like, he's like, miraculously hit one that he didn't lose, but sure.

  • Speaker #0

    I never said he was a good hunter, okay? I just said he was a hunter. I never clarified.

  • Speaker #1

    Fair enough. That's on me.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't know how he managed to beat these three dogs on this budget, but. I hope they're doing good.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm sure they are. I believe. No, I know. Comptaculism are doing great.

  • Speaker #0

    They're great. Oh my gosh. So as he sat by a fire with his three dogs, he heard some rustling from across the fire. His gaze was met by an oddly shaped creature with bright, fiery yellow eyes and a long tail. The man quickly went for his hatchet and swung at the creature as hard as he could. The creature let out a scream while running off into the night. The hunter only managed to get the animal's tail, but he decided to eat it anyway. The hunter cooked up his dinner before returning home to his cabin.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to emphasize what we said earlier. This is not a good hunter.

  • Speaker #0

    He's not the best. He's doing his best, but it's not the best.

  • Speaker #1

    Do not eat for an animal, my dude. Don't do it. It's an unidentified strange tail. Don't eat it.

  • Speaker #0

    An unidentified strange tail. Well, if you're hungry, you're hungry.

  • Speaker #1

    Don't eat ISTs, guys. It's just not worth it.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. When he got back to his home, the man lit his fireplace to keep him warm for the night. He settled into bed and fell asleep peacefully with his belly full, listening to the cracks of the fire. The hunter was awoken to a strange noise. His eyes opened and tried to adjust to the light in the room. And when they finally did, he noticed something at the foot of his bed. Peeking up from right over the edge of the mattress were two yellow glowing eyes staring straight at the man.

  • Speaker #1

    It's cute. he's like he's mad because he didn't get it yeah the god's like i'm small but i wanted the tail i'm so hungry master master why did you only feed me stringy rabbit i wanted to curse the spooky tail oh

  • Speaker #0

    my god as the man lay there trembling in fear the creature reached out one dark furry claw you up to climb onto the bed, and whispered in a terrible voice, Tally-po, tally-po, all I want is my tally-po!

  • Speaker #1

    You have not expelled my thoughts that this is the dog. You have not changed my mind.

  • Speaker #0

    It's the dog. He put the fur of the rabbit on and he's trying to scare him to get more food.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he's just wrapped in a really thick blanket and he's just like, I wanted the Daily Poe. I'm hungry. Oh my god. Smart dog. Clever girl.

  • Speaker #0

    The hunter scrambled up out of bed and yelled up for his dogs. Uno, Aino, and come to Cocalico! The three hounds leapt up into action and chased the creature off into the darkness. The hunter calmed himself down while he waited for his dogs to return. The dogs finally returned, and the night returned to calm. The man wrapped his blanket tightly around himself. He lay there quietly, listening to the fire, until he managed to fall back to sleep again. He was awoken shortly by the sound of claws scratching at the front door. The hunter's eyes shot open, and the clawing continued. Scratch, scratch, scratch. The old man shouted out, Who's out there at this time of night? The horrible voice said again, Telepo, telepo, I'm coming to get my telepo. This time, though, the man was so scared that he couldn't even stand up. He called out to his dogs from his bed, and they tore out after the creature yet again. They continued to chase the creature until the hunter could no longer see them. All was quiet yet again while the hunter waited for his dogs to return. But this time, they did not return. Somehow, the man managed to go back to sleep. The morning was closed, but it was still dark.

  • Speaker #1

    He doesn't care about his dogs. He deserves whatever comes after him.

  • Speaker #0

    He's just like, yeah, okay. They're just not coming back.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. You know, they were hard to feed. I couldn't even catch a rabbit for myself. Never mind three rabbits for my beautiful dogs. They're going to have a better life now. Off you go.

  • Speaker #0

    I think they joined voices with the tailie poe, to be honest with you.

  • Speaker #1

    You know what? I believe it. That sausage dog. I'm pretty sure that sausage dog was the one scratching at the door. I'm just going to put it out there. That sausage dog wanted that tail.

  • Speaker #0

    and this is actually how we're turning this into our next cult episode is the cult of the tailie bone i'm sure what a plot twist oh my gosh the morning was close but it was still dark the man was still asleep until something started to howl from outside it's the knowledge dog's return the knowledge dog, oh my goodness he's like hello and school-lead cameo it's back from its chase oh my gosh sorry no you're so great at first he thought it was just the wind but after he lay there listening for a few moments he could make out that whole that horrible voice yet again you know and i know all i want is my telly pro The old man tried to call out for his dogs. Oh no, I know, it come to co-calico! But this time, the dogs didn't come. He raced outside into the moonlight and screamed for his dogs again. There was no trace of the hounds, just the man standing outside with the sound of the wind blowing around him. The hunter retreated back inside the cabin, closing and barricading the door behind him. The voice got closer and closer until he could tell it was right outside the door. The creature began to scratch at the door again, all while repeating the same dreadful phrase. The man cowered inside with nowhere to run. The creature scratched and clawed until the only thing left of the hunter and his cabin was the old chimney. Some people say when the cold wind blows on a dark winter night, if you listen carefully, you can hear a strange voice saying, Telepo, Telepo, now I've got my Telepo. Fancy.

  • Speaker #1

    Thank you. I'm just going to put it up. This man had a hatchet.

  • Speaker #0

    he did this whole time. This whole time.

  • Speaker #1

    This man had a hatchet that he took the tail. That's how he got the tail in the first place. And he just like forgot.

  • Speaker #0

    He just, yeah, he just completely did not. He was too scared.

  • Speaker #1

    He was too scared.

  • Speaker #0

    Maybe one of the dogs took it with him when he ran out.

  • Speaker #1

    There's a sausage dog. I'm telling you.

  • Speaker #0

    He's like, let me grab my hatchet. This hunter's no good with it anyway.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm telling you, one of the commandos got this. That dog is laughing for something.

  • Speaker #0

    that's so funny columbia commando that's a good one that's a really good one i can't remember this dog saved for the life of me i'm so sorry it's great I honestly, that dog's name is the entire reason that I remembered this story was I was like laying there in bed one night and I was just like, oh, no, I know. Come to go Calico. And I was like, wait, the tailie pole. Like I just like all of a sudden just came back to me like the minute that I remembered these dogs names. So I think that there is something to that. Like I think like the story, like somehow like in order to be like retold, like it relies somewhat on these like weird dogs names, which is kind of strange.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. Yeah, no, I agree. And I'm going to guess that these dog names are.

  • Speaker #0

    consistent through each story or at least some iteration of like rhyme scheme is is consistent through the story it is yeah no we will get into that in just a little bit because there are a lot of consistencies like you said throughout the retellings and the names of the dogs not necessarily being these but the repetition really is a huge part of the story it's like a main one of the main focal points right

  • Speaker #1

    And actually, I'm going to draw my version of the Come to Go Calico while you're telling the next bit, just so that I remember my version before you tell me what the real one looks like.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, please.

  • Speaker #1

    And I'll post this on Instagram. Post it.

  • Speaker #0

    I would love it. Yeah, no, there are a lot of different, I mean, even in my research and stuff, I saw so many different depictions of the Daily Poll that I, like, even some that, like, I didn't recognize. I'm like, that's what you would consider the Daily Poll? And I mean, everyone is allowed their own. like yeah imagination everyone's allowed their own version of it but like some i mean like you have this picture in your head and then you see it and you're like wow like it's crazy that that's what you thought of and i'm all the way over here you know like yeah but that's that's what makes the story so beautiful it really is and i

  • Speaker #1

    i'm very curious to hear what the actual version is based on what i think it looks like and of course right i'm gonna start right now i will post what my version looks like but i'm not an artist i never am i never will be um so

  • Speaker #0

    please be nice to me but it's not gonna be anything cool but i'll i'll try it it's gonna be fantastic i'm excited to see it actually let's actually put a little note in here later on because i not to like put any pressure on side but since he has done some depictions before i'm like really curious to see what he thinks of the telepo too if he ever wanted to share that with us if he maybe was already drawing it during this episode but no pressure whatsoever no don't worry i'll do it in your sense so you don't have to perfect all right so yeah it's time to get into our little bit of debrief time talking about the story a little bit more so despite this version of the story being like a quote-unquote children's story i don't necessarily recommend sharing it with your children. Like, unless of course, like you hate the fact that they just like sleep soundly through the night. If you just, if you hate a good night's sleep, here is the fix for you. Otherwise, maybe I would save this one for them when they're just like a little bit older. Cause I think it is really creepy for kids. I think it does kind of like leaving it up to your imagination. Like they just conjure up some terrible nightmare fuel.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. I can, I can see why.

  • Speaker #0

    I think it's hard. And like I said, this was the reason why I could not let my feet hang over the edge of the bed at night as even a child. Even now, I imagine the little taily-po claw grabbing my foot and being like, I give me my taily-po, even though I've never eaten a tail. I promise. I've never done it.

  • Speaker #1

    Not that you know of.

  • Speaker #0

    Not that I know of. Yeah, you're right. That's true. That's a horrible thought. Thank you for that.

  • Speaker #1

    You're welcome. You never know.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. So. I am really curious, lady. What did you think of the story overall? Like, I hope I was able to creep you out with my storytelling skills just a little bit.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, I'm going to say that when I'm scared, I deflect to humor. And I would like to formally put towards the audience that I deflected a lot then. So I was rather spooked. It's a spooky story.

  • Speaker #0

    I practiced my scary voice even before telling it. I wanted to, you know, make it as spooky as possible. Because when my dad used to tell this to me, he had a pretty horrible voice that he put on for the Daily Poe as well. And I think that also adds to it.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I'm gonna, you'll see my iteration before everybody else, what I draw as what I think it looks like. And I think you'll understand why I'm like sufficiently corrupt. Because mine... I'm just looking at it now. It's fucking nightmare fuel.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm really excited to see it then. Cause like, yeah, everyone has, you know, their own version of spooky. So yeah, that'll be fun to see. Yeah. And, and even this, this is the first time I've really gotten to go into like full blown story mode for the podcast. So I'm really, I really enjoyed it. It was not only fun to write, but I did really have a fun time telling it.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, I think we need more like proper, like spooky, scary stories. We don't have enough, like just good old fashioned spooks books. So thank you for telling me. Thank you for,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah. Yeah. I'm very happy to do it. I'm happy to add our first like actual spooky story to the archive because I think we needed it. I think we've had a lot of stuff based in history. We've gotten a lot of, you know, really good stories that like you said, take place in reality, but just this one is a good, just like actual true folklore. Like we just, we got to make fun of it a little bit. And now I get to tell you more about it.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes, please. Tell me, tell me the story. Yes. Tell me about your, your boy.

  • Speaker #0

    So, most of the time, the tailie pose is usually depicted to be about the size of a dog with pointy ears and a long tail. Is that consistent with what you imagined?

  • Speaker #1

    Uh, mine was a little-well, I guess, what-what size dog? Because dogs come in lots of different sizes.

  • Speaker #0

    That's true. From my sources, it really just said, like, medium-sized dog, so it isn't, like, super specific. Yeah. But also, there's a lot of pictures of it that kind of look like a cat, like a larger cat. So I would say, like, a medium-sized dog, like a hundred-pound dog.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I would say that's consistent with what I was thinking. I was thinking something that kind of skittered along the ground, kind of. Yeah. Like, almost like a lizard size, but like a big lizard, like a monitor lizard.

  • Speaker #0

    Like a little bit lizard. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So around that, like you said. It is usually said to have either red or yellow eyes, just depending on the storyteller. Mm-hmm. Um, the telepo is always usually nocturnal. and usually depicted with dark black fur. Its main defense is its razor-sharp claws, and it speaks English as it demands the return of its tail through its creepy and repetitive little phrases. I think that also speaks to, like, the repetition of the story. Like, it has the dogs, and he calls out for the dogs. You say the names of the dogs several times. And you also say, you know, the tailie-po phrase. Tailie-po, tailie-po, I'm coming to get my tailie-po. Like, it always repeats the repetition of threes. Like, I think that that really does have such a strong... sense in the story of just why it is carried on because it's just so fun to say. It's so fun to tell.

  • Speaker #1

    It is. Yeah, I would agree.

  • Speaker #0

    But I know I did kind of make this sound like at the beginning, like it was more of like a true cryptid, like throughout the last one I teased about it. I'm like, this is like a cryptid. But the Tailypoh, like compared to creatures like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, like the Tailypoh really does fall more under like folklore than cryptid because. there's like, there's no sightings of the Taillipoe. No one's out there looking for this thing. Like, it really is just a famously scary parable that's been passed down from generation to generation. Like, so it's a lot different in that regard because there's just, there's not any, like I said, there's nothing based in reality for this one. It is completely mythical. It is just, it is just a fun little story. And some people really do think its main purpose originally was to teach kids not to steal or abuse animals. You know, like, you see it a lot with little kids. Like that's when they reach out to touch animals. If the animal runs away, they grab its tail. And so this, I feel like was a story to teach kids. don't do that. Cause the animal will come back and get you. it's just a scary story to, to teach kids some lesson. in some way or another so hence the reason it is labeled as a children's story i suppose um though besides Joanna and Uncle Remus, a lot of storytellers have taken their crack at this one over the years. There are really so many versions of the story that it is impossible to say who the original version of it belongs to. The Telepo has been depicted in books, blogs, comics, movies, you name it. I even read a version of this in my research. It was very interesting. It was told from the Telepo's perspective. Oh. That one, yeah, that one was really interesting. I've never seen a story flipped. in this regard and told from the like the view of the creature and it was like it was really interesting to to kind of get inside the head of the taily foe i don't know like i just i never even thought to go there so the fact that someone else took the time to write out an entire story it was really interesting and i'm gonna like that one too in my sources because i just think that one was really interesting and fun to read no it's i i'm excited because like i've got my horrendous

  • Speaker #1

    version that i'm drawing now i actually i'm gonna send it to you because i'm done you

  • Speaker #0

    so before we get any further i'm gonna send you all right so let me see your lovely depiction of this because it is there's there's no right or wrong it's all up to imagination all right here's the cursed image that i drew and i'll post this on instagram so you guys can see but i'm gonna show it to alana there there's my gosh that like the oh my gosh yes like like you said just like the i don't even know the right word like just the vagueness you know what i mean like i never like it never had like a full body for me like it was it was just like this like creepy like enigma in my brain like it that's very accurate that like creepy little smile the three little eyes oh god i don't like that i

  • Speaker #1

    realize after i've said it to you i'm looking at i'm like i've just sent you a fucking worm on a string with arms you

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my god, it literally is a haunted war monastery.

  • Speaker #1

    A haunted war monastery.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll post the commercial of this. I want my own. I'm gonna buy a worm on a string and some black spray paint get some little googly eyes and some teeth and I'm gonna make my own oh my god so there you go this will be on the drawing that I drew thanks I hate it daily pow daily pow can't you picture it you nailed it it has to be smiling I feel like it has this smiley toothy grin I it's so funny you say that because in every picture it absolutely is i didn't even note that i didn't even like pick up on that myself but it does always have like almost like a cheshire cat like shit eating grin on its face like it's a very creepy smile yeah so no that's it's so funny that everyone pictures that that's crazy that's crazy so it sounds like i hit the nail on the head you did wow no that's that's wild you really did do a fantastic job with that thank you i appreciate it's too good I'm not going to be saying that thing in my nightmares tonight.

  • Speaker #1

    You will. This is your new version of a daily post. This horrible, horrible thing that I drew.

  • Speaker #0

    I just needed to revive it for my adult nightmares. Woohoo! This episode is a bad idea.

  • Speaker #1

    If anything, it's been artsy crabs with spookery.

  • Speaker #0

    Artsy crabs with spookery. next week we'll show you how to make your own version of the

  • Speaker #1

    I would say next week is mass murder but yeah you had to commit an entire mass murder oh my gosh no oh god most of the things you learn is spookery yeah you learn about the tale-y poem then alright so tell me about this spooky thing on a string

  • Speaker #0

    but yeah they're really with the telepo there are really so many versions of the story that it is impossible to say who it belongs to uh the telepo has been depicted in books blogs i think i already read all this books blogs comics movies and you name it um just like all over media, people have just taken a crack at this thing, wanting to put their own unique stamp on the story. But the original variations of the legend usually all contain similar elements. The main theme of the story always revolves around theft and revenge, but the details about like the hunter, his dogs in the tailie pole all vary from retelling to retelling. So like the hungry man hunting for food by his old cabin is a constant. It's usually always taking place in the middle of the woods. There's this old man hunting for food. that's just usually how all the stories start. But his weapon of choice, like kind of how you pointed out, it does range a bit because I think a lot of people are very unsatisfied with the hatchet. So it does range from a hatchet all the way to a rifle. He is given all sorts of different weapons and stuff like that because I think it just, it really speaks to his incompetence as a hunter. With him just running out there, just trying to swing at things. So people kind of make him sound a little bit better and give him a rifle or some other weapons.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, that makes sense.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I totally think that's fair. And some of the stories, too, like he's even named like I'm trying to think of one of the stories. I think he's called like Old Man Fletcher. Like he's he's given names in some of these. I just went with he's a he's Old Man Hunter. Like that's that's his name. No,

  • Speaker #1

    well, actually, see, it's it's interesting that you said Fletcher because immediately when I was I was agreeing with you, it was like how incompetent he just went into a wood, started swinging a hatchet. But then my brain was like, well, there's actually a different kind of hunter, which is a trapper. and so maybe instead of you know he's going out and like i'm assuming not just throwing hatchets and rabbits and hoping that they hit but it's like setting traps here and there but if he was a fletcher a fletcher means that they're like they're whittling wood so they're creating traps he's creating he's trapping his environment but that means that he's not got a physical prowess to him so you know you also mentioned that he's an older gentleman so maybe he's really he's he's he's better at scheming you but he's not physically up to the task. So the hatchet is just to kill the thing that he traps, but that's not a method that he's not strong enough to wield it. We're creating, we're creating Taily Po lore.

  • Speaker #0

    We are. I've never, like, I never thought about that, but yeah. And like you said, that's, I've seen that name, old man Fletcher in a lot of things. And that's funny that a Fletcher is, I never knew that.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. It's, it's a Fletching is specifically, I think was like the, to like create arrows. Like you would carve like arrows, you would have arrows out of like sticks. that would be like the act of fletching. But like if he was a trapper, if he was making like stick traps and nets and he was more used to setting traps for himself, then of course, when this horrible nightmare amalgamation was... just as a black worm on a string just kind of came out of the darkness of course he's not going to be able to defend himself because he hasn't prepared if he was given you know i mean of course when his dogs went missing i probably would have been like that's the red flag where you start like booby trapping your house absolutely but it's also if he's an older gentleman if he's if he's used to creating traps and waiting he's not used to being the thing of the trap suddenly his cabin becomes the trap and he's just waiting for this this slithery creature to get in that is such a different like

  • Speaker #0

    I mean, you're adding so much to the story by pointing out just like this really small detail that I had really never considered. Like, it really does give so much awards of the tailie foe, like you said, of this man who really is just like the victim of the tailie foe at the end of the day. Like, that's his role in the story is to be the victim of the tailie foe. But to learn more about him, like you said, not really like think of him as like this incompetent, like he's just this old man out there, like you said, who's just physically incapable, but he has the skills, he has the knowledge. That's probably why he has three hunting dogs is like, they probably go out and do a lot of the hard work for him.

  • Speaker #1

    They have the physical labor, whereas he, if he's an older. gentlemen you i think you even called him an old man at the end of your story it's like that that indicates to me that he hasn't got the physical prowess maybe there's like he you know he's he's lost like physical maybe he can't see properly like he's not he's not in his peak physical form anymore he relies on these tools and suddenly their tools like it's something he can't even he can't even see it it's just this creature and it's fast and it can speak and it's taunting him you

  • Speaker #0

    And that makes it so much scarier than being a poor defenseless old man.

  • Speaker #1

    But I also, I want to point this out because I thought about this recently and it's kind of funny. It's like, what makes a good horror story? And it's what is the purpose of the horror story? And if it's a children's story to warn children away from something, it has to be a preventable measure. So you have to make your character foolish in a way. You're like, oh, don't be like old man Fletcher. He was a foolish man and he got eaten by this worm on a string. But if you're telling a horror story. then it's inevitability. There's nothing you can do about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Like you said, he was literally, from the minute that they crossed paths, he pretty much was trapped. His own cabin became the trap, which is so ironic and adds such a different layer to the story. I really like that.

  • Speaker #1

    So there you go. Depending on how you tell your version of the taleepo, whether it's a cautionary tale to tell children, like, oh, don't be like that. That's avoidable. And if you get into that situation, it's your fault. Versus... here's this thing and it slithers between trees and it hides in your periphery. And as soon as you step onto its tail, as soon as that thing slithers across your path, you're done. It's got your scent and it's coming for you. And the fact that it can speak as well, you know, it's always pictured with this Cheshire-like grin. It almost, it's like, then it's almost like, it's not even killing for food. It's killing for sport at that point where the killing is comical.

  • Speaker #0

    right the part that always really did bother me and that kind of like touches on it is like i mean the man ate his tail already like is he really gonna like he's digested the tail like it's in his belly you you can't even like you're an animal you're gonna reattach your tail dude like you got the tail back but at what like it's not gonna be any use to you so like that that detail did bother me as a kid because it literally is like he's just it is just revenge like there's no point to it it is just like a revenge killing that's kind of like morbid for a kid's story it's just like yep you make one mistake and that's it you're done like

  • Speaker #1

    this i I have like a really weird anecdote for you for this. And I think I've heard a version of this story.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But it wasn't a tale. And I think that's what really threw me off. And as soon as the story ended, I was like, I know this story.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But I can't remember the details because, of course, I think I heard this when I was a child. And then I didn't have the fun, whimsical naming of the dogs in my story. So the story has repressed itself into my spookery vault that is my brain. but my version of the story, I think it was like a dare and it was a group of teenagers. If I remember correctly, it was a group of kids. It was like, there were multiple, I guess, foolhardy characters. If it was a cautionary tale, but it wasn't a tale. It was a toe. Oh, and it was this, and I can't remember if it was like, it was a corpse toe or a giant's toe, or it was some sort of supernatural creatures toe. And it was consumed. and I remember the story going like, you ate my toe, give me back my toe, but they've already eaten it, so they can't give it back, and that was the desperation of the story, was like, I've already done the irreversible, I've digested this thing that it wants, and I can't give it back.

  • Speaker #0

    How do I remedy this?

  • Speaker #1

    And it's this helpless situation where he only wants one thing. and I can't give that to you, but I was like, that's the version that I remember, but I don't remember like the specifics. And maybe that's the thing is it's this, like this common folklore, but for you, the way that it traveled, it became this tail creature. And I, and I, for me, it was a toe and maybe for someone else, it was a finger and it's, or maybe it was like a liver.

  • Speaker #0

    That's like truly. that's the beauty of the food. I'm still thinking, everyone gets to take whatever organ they choose when they tell this story. It's totally up to them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And it's so weird that you've pulled this core memory out of me. And I'm like, I do know this story, but not your version of the story. There were no dogs. I think it was just like a group of teenagers. Like they had been there to do something. They went into this house. They did this thing. They ate, I think it was either a pickled toe or it was this like frozen toe or it was like, it was preserved some way, but one of them ate it. And it was just this helplessness.

  • Speaker #0

    We need to find this story. We need to touch on this on the recap episode and tell this troubling toe story. I know.

  • Speaker #1

    Toe fact. We didn't get to have the toe, so we're going to talk about toe cryptids.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. It all comes back.

  • Speaker #1

    It's all connected.

  • Speaker #0

    That is wild though. That is really cool though, that it is like you said. it's kind of the same and similar, but like at the same time, very different. It has the same themes. And it really shows that that, I think at the end of the day is kind of, I don't know how that one necessarily, cause it is a helpful situation, but like that's to teach a message. Like don't make irreversible mistakes. It can't go back.

  • Speaker #1

    I think if the message was don't eat weird things.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Like you don't ingest weird things, which is also a great message for children. So I mean like that's, it has its place in history.

  • Speaker #1

    it's, it's, it's so bizarre. It's like, this. different manifestations of very different childhoods, but different manifestations of the same story. I wonder. I gotta go talk to someone. Where do I know this story from? Who told me the story?

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. Go consult some family and just be like, alright, guys.

  • Speaker #1

    I gotta go to Spookery Dad and be like, hey, can you tell me the story, Spookery Dad?

  • Speaker #0

    I hope he sheds some light and gives you some answers, because now I'm really interested. I'm going to be seriously googling this toe story.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. so there you go and of course Spooky Re-Listener if you know a similar kind of story I'd love to hear it I'd love to hear if you knew someone who ate someone's liver or a finger or strands of hair heaven forbid but I mean how many appendages are

  • Speaker #0

    edible but shouldn't be right one of the things that was even compared um as i was doing the research too like i think it was um you've heard of maybe the movie called like the monkey's arm i think that's what it is or the monkey's paw that's a monkey's paw yes a monkey's paw be careful what you wish for yes and this was like kind of i guess somehow related to that which i didn't necessarily see the striking resemblance too much but you

  • Speaker #1

    because the monkey paw everyone gets different things from these and monkey paw was it was i think i think it's specifically three wishes it's close to that genie story but i think it was how many ever many fingers were on the paw and like when you made the wish a finger would yeah but but the wish would always manifest in a way that you didn't want yes

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, it was just, it compared, like, kind of loosely to that of just, like, having to do with some sort of, like, an animal's, like, appendage. Yeah. And, like, a folklore. Yeah, I didn't really, that's why I didn't include it in, like, my sources per se. But, like, I thought it was, like, a loose, I'm just, like, I do see, like, similar.

  • Speaker #1

    themes being repeated throughout history but it is just changed like they people add and you know embellish however they need to yeah i guess yeah i mean i guess all folklore has a common thread of caution right whether it's like don't go here don't be there don't do this don't be this person don't cross this don't just don't like every horror story has a moment of caution and

  • Speaker #0

    and it's whatever it is like whether that is like a precautionary thing or it's a don't give up yeah sort of caution absolutely no that's a very good way to put it and this definitely is just a cautionary tale for children um yeah oh yeah like it's just been told so many different so many different ways um and one of the things i actually you I actually did wrote down, I was trying to find it. Um, cause I know we talked about it too, just in all the different retellings of it of people putting like their own stamp on it, um, with the dog's names. I was trying to find it real quick for like the Brer, the Brer rabbit version. Um, in that story particular, the dogs had, you know, similar names, um, but it was Ramboo, Bamboo and Lamboo.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, okay.

  • Speaker #0

    So still repetitive, but completely different. see i'm gonna be honest here i didn't grow up with briar rabbit i don't know those stories at all the ones i had were peter cottontail and those were whimsical fun stories yeah no i didn't i actually didn't really grow up with the rare rabbit stories either i just thought it was really interesting like that key there was even a rabbit taily post story that is literally called um i think like the the return of uncle remus is like the book and then it's literally called like the taily post it's like a small because it's It's all shorter stories in this book, from my understanding. I've never read one of these books, but it looks like it's all kind of a compilation of smaller stories. Yeah,

  • Speaker #1

    this might be the origin of this creature. Yeah. And it's just kind of spiraled into its own legend.

  • Speaker #0

    Pretty much. This is one of the first written tellings of the story was in Fair Rabbit. It's the oldest version that you can find. It's actually a written, recorded copy of it. how cool it really is I think it's really interesting um because I had no idea like I really didn't I thought this book that Joanna wrote I'm like oh that's got to be it that's got to be like she she heard it and then that's like the first written of it but it's like no this goes back hundreds of years this is a pretty pretty old deep folklore yeah and I and I'd love to know if this was like an oral tradition where like there was maybe it's like a cautionary against snakes where it's like don't eat the snake because it's just a horrible monster or a lizard where they drop their tails yeah absolutely depending on like the area you're from like you said like i know in arizona we have a lot of lizards here and that's a big thing like my parents were like i know the tails will grow back on but don't like pull them off like don't like touch the lizard's tail like it is a big thing not to touch animals tails so i can understand that this is just you probably why my parents told it to me as a kid honestly was just like just don't touch animals tails just don't do it don't touch tails don't do it don't do it don't do so another difference um in the stories as of like different retellings is the fate of the dogs actually so sometimes the dogs meet a more gruesome end similar to the man instead of just getting lost or fleeing in flight um in some variants the dogs actually even chase the telepo far out into a swamp before meeting their end and i don't think we actually i i noted actually at the beginning of mine that it was like a forest like a swampy forest but i don't think i actually said that they specifically like drove them into a swamp and i think some of the other stories highlight that a little bit more and that makes it a little bit more creepy i will say like after rereading some of the other stories i'm like i i almost wish i would have talked about it but just in my head that didn't come to mind but it is really creepy like reading about this like swampy area where like the the taily po just like pulls them out too and then they just disappear like you're just like oh okay that's

  • Speaker #1

    cool yeah well i'm thinking about like the versus horrible creature that i've drawn it has fur um and I didn't even consider the environment. And I was like, if this is a swamp, a furry black worm on a string is probably not ideal. And like, what if it's scaly? Is it slippery? Is it got like an amphibian skin where it's kind of like this mucous membrane sort of thing? I just immediately imagined a fuzzy snake.

  • Speaker #0

    yeah no i like you said imagine fur but i also kind of imagine like patchy like weird like dry fur and then like i don't like just kind of like really old skin like have you seen like dog skin before like kind of like that but just like really wrinkly done like dog skins Yeah, like dog skin, like underneath their fur. Like it's like a bald dog. Like, oh no. I met a Pomeranian the other day with alopecia and she was a cutie.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, sweet baby.

  • Speaker #0

    She literally looked like a little pig.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I kind of like that because we shave my dog's tummies because it can get hot over down in here in Florida. So we have beagles. They're not long fur, but they can get... hot for them especially because like one of them has dark fur so we shave her tummy so she does like she cools off and like it's all like smooth and yeah but it's kind of it's almost like it's like weirdly stretchy and yeah it's got like this bounce to us yeah i can kind of see that but i also like

  • Speaker #0

    it felt like more like rugged like very dehydrated skin like yeah like a chapped skin maybe like like it's never used lotion in his life like never once has even maybe maybe it's yeah

  • Speaker #1

    i personally don't lotion my dogs i'm not that fancy but

  • Speaker #0

    do they make lotion for talking probably i guess like when you started telling the story i immediately imagined a forest which i think is stupid because you it's arizona is not famous for its forests um but i mean like i never pictured this thing like living around where i live either that's the weird part is like i imagined it somehow is under my bed but it isn't a forest at the same time yeah it's like it's which makes no sense it's like in a heavily dense wooded forest

  • Speaker #1

    and I don't, I personally didn't really live near forests. I'm not a forest dweller. I think I lived near one once and that was enough for me. And like, I imagined this and like, like thick sticks on the ground and this thing slithers like in logs and around like tree roots. But then you sort of, then I sort of like, okay, well maybe, yeah, you started, you mentioned a swamp and I was like, okay, well, if it lives in a swamp, this thick black fur that I'm imagining doesn't quite work because. like the swamp's just nearby i guess i don't know yes maybe it's like slippery or sticky or it's got like this membrane kind of texture to it where it's almost like like a leech or uh like some sort of like eel kind of like an eely texture because like that's like that's a majority tale yeah you know what's crazy is i didn't think you could find a way to make this worse and then sorry you really didn't think we could improve upon the scariness of this creature and that is just absolutely horrid yeah there you go thank you well we can make it even worse if you want and we can think about it in a desert context where it's just reptilian and if you're looking at my sketch we remove the fur that's all this this black scaled clawed thing slinking through the sand you know, like it survives on cactus juice at these poor desert rabbits that were apparently hunting.

  • Speaker #0

    Dude, that's literally a Gila monster. You're describing a Gila monster right now. Like this animal does exist.

  • Speaker #1

    Maybe that's, well, I don't know. I've never been to Arizona, but.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, these things are, and they're poisonous. If they bite onto you, they don't let go. And you just sit there and die.

  • Speaker #1

    So maybe that's, maybe that's why this, this, this story got so big as, I guess, as a telling in Arizona, because you have something like this.

  • Speaker #0

    and it's a cautionary tale don't don't go near those things because they're i mean like that is something i was told oh if you see a gila monster like just like like get the hell away from like they're worse than rattlesnakes like they're bad because they don't they don't even warn you like they're just there they're just there they're just like so that hits at you i've never you'll send me a picture of a gila monster because i've never seen i i can't believe yeah they're literally called monsters like a gila but it's just like a it's a black and orange

  • Speaker #1

    uh like giant lizard oh i think oh yeah it's probably not the lizards i'm used to um because i'm like you said that and i thought i thought of like a komodo dragon you know those big nasty four-legged monster lizards yeah no this is uh this is like it's kind of small but like they're that's why you don't usually see them oh they're so okay i'm imagining like this like dog-sized lizard just like snakes chilling in your backyard like hey

  • Speaker #0

    I'm trying to find it and click compared to, I should find one like with a banana for scale. Like that way, like, you know, you can,

  • Speaker #1

    I can't believe I can have, I have it for scale. Yeah. Cause like, I'm imagining this, this thing I drew in my head is bigger than my dog. It's bigger than a beagle, but it's smaller than a horse. We're playing that game. Um, well, I guess what would like, maybe like it's larger than a skateboard. Um, but smaller than a surfboard. What do I have that's like that size? Like I don't have a specific thing for scale. I guess like it's like five foot long. Oh, I don't like that.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I'm like I tried to give you like a scale. Like so that guy's like hand is next to it. You can see it.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my God.

  • Speaker #0

    And I'll show you like they're not like they just.

  • Speaker #1

    They're so chubby.

  • Speaker #0

    They usually are. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    That's adorable.

  • Speaker #0

    They look cute, but they're not.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I can understand. Yeah, the red and yellow.

  • Speaker #0

    friend it's a sign it's like don't touch me i am super poisonous yeah yeah heal monsters are no joke but yeah so with all of these changes and everything like truly with any story being told verbally i'm sure the telepo just receives embellishments that range depending on who the target audience is you know as we if we said it before everyone is scared differently there's no right way to scare so i mean just you

  • Speaker #1

    letting your audience imagine whatever they need it it really does the trick yeah and like we've already established there's like a variety of ways to scare there's a variety of ways you can twist the story to scare even more and yeah it's yeah it's it's it's a kind of it's a cool one where i i guess i kind of knew it but i knew a different version but i didn't know your version and i just kind of picked it apart and i that was it was a cool little adventure we went on you

  • Speaker #0

    right i actually really enjoyed that i like the horror story it's like tailored to your own personal little nightmares and we got to dissect it and give it a little bit more context and lore and background and i really appreciate expanding upon it in that way because we got to kind of not not necessarily put our stamp on the retelling of it but just just expand upon it and give the taily po lore in the world of cryptids and folklore just just more information because that's really all it is it's just like an ever-expanding library of of stories yeah just like the spookery

  • Speaker #1

    and the spookery as as its intention was always to be it's to tell stories it's to preserve stories but it's also to expand upon stories and you know well we'll get i'm sure i really hope that people will send us their own versions of this story we're like have you heard this story do you know this story what version do you know how does it change from where you live versus where i am where versus where alana is it's this yeah and that's kind of the cool thing about this oral tradition is that the story will always change and sometimes it will change for the better, and sometimes it will change for the creepy, and sometimes it will change as a cautionary tale, and sometimes it'll just be something completely different. So, yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Absolutely. No, I'm very excited to see who has heard about this, how it has changed depending on where you're from in the world. I mean, this is, too, you're getting a perspective from just, you know, someone inside the U.S. Like, in other countries, I'm sure that this tale has been embellished and changed and given so many different details just to fit the area and the region and the culture. So... I'm excited. I want to hear more about it. I hope you guys enjoyed my version and retelling of this today because it really is truly one of my personal favorites that I have held on to my entire life. And so being able to share it and pass it along this cursed knowledge to you, I just, I'm really happy. And I'm hoping that you get a chance to share this troubling tale with a friend or a foe of your choosing soon as well.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes. You know, my family is not safe for this story, family. I'm coming for you. Thank you, foe.

  • Speaker #0

    you have to do the scary voice am I not scary enough should I go just like that yes okay yeah you nailed it okay

  • Speaker #1

    I did practice my scary voice it was great I loved your scary voice I curled up into my blanket a little bit like so like that that's a no from me but ma'am thank you for telling your little slice of of personal cryptid folklore because man what a cool little story and and i'm i think you told it so well and just man thank you thank you for the little slice of

  • Speaker #0

    yeah like you said it not only is a folklore from history but it is a little bit a little bit more personal about me which we haven't really got personal on the podcast yet so you're learning about us learning about the hosts of what you listen to yes maybe it's cool maybe it's not maybe you don't care but now

  • Speaker #1

    you know it either way i care so you as an audience don't have a say no i'm kidding that's true it's it's kind of nice and of course you know i know i think i said before we have different you backgrounds, different childhoods. So we'll always interpret and process information differently. And it's this really cool thing where you can share the story and we can just expand upon it together and look at it like in a completely new light. And I just, I love it. I love it how cool, this book is such a cool place to be, guys.

  • Speaker #0

    It really is. And I really am just like, I'm so honored. Thank you for listening. Thank you for just being here for this. This was a great episode. I loved it. It means a lot to me.

  • Speaker #1

    No, of course. No, this was awesome. This is, I guess this was, yeah, this was a cryptid I didn't know. It was a cryptid I've... It awoke a core memory in me, but I didn't know this one. And like the fact that you told it so well that I was able to draw it and get it kind of accurate to what you were thinking. That just goes to show how cool you told that story.

  • Speaker #0

    That's such a compliment. I'm just so glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad I was able to pick yet another thing that you just hadn't heard about because I love being able to surprise you with things. That's kind of like always my secret cycle with the spookery is picking things that not only I get to surprise our listeners to, but that I get to surprise you with, lady, because your reaction to things is just the best. that's why we're here i i just i love getting to tell you stories i think you're three for three ma'am i didn't know about the fires i didn't know about the cult i didn't know about the taily po and whatever the spookery wheel gives you i won't know about either i know yes i was just about to say i think we are finally around that time where it is time to spin that

  • Speaker #1

    wheel so bookery wheel tm yes spookery wheel tm spookery wheel spookery wheel oh ma'am

  • Speaker #0

    These Spookery Spirits have done right by me so far So I'm really excited Don't do me dirty now Give me something good Come on Spookery Spirits Mama's gotta get a new pair of shoes

  • Speaker #1

    You already got your new pair of shoes You already got your cryptic

  • Speaker #0

    I did I got what I wanted I don't even know what I'm hoping for at this point Because I got what I wanted Alright well I've set up the wheel

  • Speaker #1

    It's ready for us Alright I'm gonna spin In 3, 2, 1, go Woo There it goes Ooh it's really spinning ma'am what did i get your category for your next episode is conspiracy theories are you kidding that is such a fun category too why do the smokers like you so much it's

  • Speaker #0

    been such a good topic to get i'm i cannot only figure out why after after levine is fake that she's gone We're gonna figure it out. We're gonna get to the bottom. Is she really Avril Lavigne or did they replace her? I don't know.

  • Speaker #1

    Find out in two weeks.

  • Speaker #0

    Find out in two weeks. We'll see. I mean, you never know. But that one has always haunted me.

  • Speaker #1

    That one's a good one. God, you got all the cool ones. I mean, that's not true. I also got cursed objects. I got mass murder. So I guess I can't complain.

  • Speaker #0

    Dude, and you did Body and Clyde. You did a three-parter sitting here off the cusp of a three-parter. You're like, man, can I get a good one? I'm like, you got the best one. What the heck are you talking about?

  • Speaker #1

    Man, it's crazy. You know, it's true. I can't complain. I've got some really cool categories. I think I just, I'm not getting the specific one that I want. And I'm just salty about it. But no, the Spooker Wheel has been kind to both of us, I think, just to different degrees. I think it's played really well into our strengths. Absolutely. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, this has been a good foot to start out. The season one, you know, really get to just dive into stuff that we're passionate about, that we want to talk about. And we're just going to keep getting better and learning. And the research is going to get better. The stories are going to get deeper. I'm just excited. I'm excited to continue this.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Well, speaking of continuing, I guess it's my turn to tease next week's episode, huh?

  • Speaker #0

    It sure is. Give us a little bit of that teaser.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, teaser. Okay, so my category that I'm complaining about slash. I'm dealing with mass murder coming off the tailcoats of Bonnie and Clyde. So I guess my teaser, I have two. So my first teaser is that I have gone the polar opposite of Bonnie and Clyde.

  • Speaker #0

    The polar opposite.

  • Speaker #1

    The polar opposite. So,

  • Speaker #0

    Donnie and Lice. No,

  • Speaker #1

    that's not the polar opposite. That's adjacent. We're going perpendicular.

  • Speaker #0

    I didn't understand the assignment.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay, and then I guess my second teaser is I have had to learn an entirely new language to understand my case. Yes, I have had to learn another language. It's been an adventure. So when you hear my case next week, you'll know that I had to Google translate so much of it. And if I say things funny, that's why.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, my gosh. No, that is some true dedication to the craft, madame. I am so excited to hear your tale. And yeah, no judgment. You're going to do the best that you can and we'll learn. It'll be a great experience. I'm excited.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, there you go. There is. There's my teaser. It's the polar opposite of Bonnie and Clyde. And I had to learn a new language for this one.

  • Speaker #0

    So, wow.

  • Speaker #1

    Good luck. I hope you guys give it a guess. If you guys want, send us an email. What do you think it is? If you've got cases that you would like to discover, please send us a Gmail. I guess that's segueing straight into our socials.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, absolutely. Yeah. If you want to find us, you can find us pretty much anywhere at Spookery Podcast.

  • Speaker #1

    Yep. You can send us a Gmail at Spookery Podcast at gmail.com. We're on YouTube now. How cool. We are.

  • Speaker #0

    We're officially on YouTube. So go subscribe.

  • Speaker #1

    Go subscribe to that. It's pretty much all of our episodes are available there. You can go subscribe to the channel. It's got a little cute little thing that our beautiful distributor gave to us. so yeah you've got a little visual wave line where you can I guess watch while you're listening to us but we're all on there so you can go say that it's literally Spookery Podcast you'll find us it's got our same logo as our cover art and yeah check us out.

  • Speaker #0

    And yeah, uh, we just appreciate you listening. We appreciate any feedback. Uh, we definitely have some recap notes for you for that sweet, sweet recap episode, which we're very excited about. If anyone has anything else to add to that, please just send us an email. We really appreciate it. Everyone has been so kind and so nice so far, even, you know, the few emails we've gotten, we just, we really do appreciate them. So just thank you for taking the time. Yeah. Just being so kind about it.

  • Speaker #1

    And if you guys have extra questions that you want to ask, if we, I mean, Alana missed something that you want us to talk about, if you, had a question that we didn't get to please please please let us know like we will 100% add it to our recap notes and we will try and address as many as we can I have my own questions like because I edit all of the episodes and going back I'm like why didn't I ask this question at that time

  • Speaker #0

    so yeah feel free to let us know we've got plenty of time before the recap is finalized so please send us a gmail and if you guys are enjoying the journey so far please think about leaving us a five star review absolutely it means so much it helps the algorithm make us more discoverable and other people other spooky lovers you know find our podcast and give

  • Speaker #1

    us a more things to talk about so yeah we just appreciate you we appreciate you I appreciate you ma'am thank you so much for telling this amazing story thank you for telling me about the daily pow

  • Speaker #0

    thank you for being the best audience ever as usual uh i'm gonna have night terrors tonight i can feel it

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to be like cozy at 2 a.m. And I'm just going to hear like, I'm going to hear my demon in my wall that knocks and I'm going to be like,

  • Speaker #0

    I genuinely, after hearing this story, I feel like your eyes do like, you know how your eyes play tricks on you and you kind of imagine things in the dark when they're not there. And you will start to see the taily poe in the little corners of your eye as you're laying there in the dark. And you think, wait, what is, is that just nothing in the corner of my room? Or is that maybe the taily-po?

  • Speaker #1

    Yes, is that shadow slithering at the bottom of your bed? Is that little rustling inside your closet? Is it perhaps something with sharp teeth and a Cheshire grin? And it's coming for you. It's coming for you, taily-po.

  • Speaker #0

    It's a taily-po. Oh.

  • Speaker #1

    such a fun episode today man it really was thank you so much for telling it thank you guys for coming until next time stay spooky bye bye bye bye bye Tell me about your black fairy. I'm not screaming. Don't tell me your story.


Tailypo.... Tailypo....

This episode is a slice of personal history as Alana tells us all about the monster that lurked under her bed. It's creepy, it's menacing, and it's up to the Spookery Gals to make it 1000 times worse. This Cryptid and Folklore episode has everything, from chilling nightime tales, to an arts and crafts section, and we even break down the creative writing process! And who knows... maybe it'll awake a core memory of some long forgotten childhood horror like it did with Lady...

Source Cited:

  • Admin. “Tailypo.” Storytelling for Everyone, 20 Oct. 2021, https://storytellingforeveryone.net/tailypo/
  • Doyle, Ceili. “Ode to the Tailypo: The Story behind a Spooky Appalachian Folktale.” The Columbus Dispatch, The Columbus Dispatch, 21 Oct. 2022, https://www.dispatch.com/story/lifestyle/features/2022/10/21/tailypo-appalachian-ohio-native-shares-spooky-folktale-this-halloween/69536772007/
  • Galdone, Joanna, and Paul Galdone. The Tailypo: A Ghost Story. Clarion, 1977
  • Gardner, Jeremy and Christian Stella, directors. After Midnight. Cranked Up Films, 2019
  • Gibbs, Laura. “Taily-Po.” Brer Rabbit and the Witch-Rabbit, 2019, https://sites.google.com/view/brerrabbitf19/taily-po?pli=1
  • Harris, Joel  Chandler. Taily-Po. Vol. 23, Metropolitan Magazine, 1906
  • Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus Returns. McKinlay, Stone & Mackenzie, 1918
  • Kellermeyer, Michael. “Tailypo (a Chilling Re-Telling of the Appalachian Legend): A Ghost Story for Halloween.” Oldstyletales, Oldstyletales, 1 Dec. 2020, https://www.oldstyletales.com/single-post/tailypo-a-chilling-re-telling-of-the-appalachian-legend-a-ghost-story-for-halloween
  • McCasland, Cameron, director. Tailypo, Red Headed Revolution Pictures, 2015, Accessed 2023
  • Powell, Eric. Hillbilly: The Midnight Devilment of the Tailypo. Vol. 5, 2017
  • Scary For Kids. “Tailypo.” Scary For Kids, 29 Sept. 2015, https://www.scaryforkids.com/tailypo/
  • Templeton, Mike. “Tailypo, Tailypo, Who or What Is Tailypo.” Welcome to UACC, 9 Oct. 2022, https://uacvoice.org/2022/10/tailypo-tailypo-who-or-what-is-tailypo/

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Send us a Gmail at SpookeryPodcast@gmail.com for your own spooky stories, corrections, and additions to any of our content!

Art was created by the amazing Rhian Perry at https://www.instagram.com/digipaw1/?utm_source=qr&igshid=NGExMmI2YTkyZg%3D%3D 

All music is from the Epidemic Sound Library.

Until next time, Stay Spooky!     

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Welcome everyone, I am Awana.

  • Speaker #1

    And I'm Lady.

  • Speaker #0

    And this is Spookery.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh yeah, it is.

  • Speaker #0

    all righty welcome back our lovely guests it is time for another weekly episode of spookery and this this right here guys this episode this is officially our halfway point through our very first season and oh my god it is it it does this episode marks a halfway point and um i just gotta say you know i've been having a blast so far have you um

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. I have.

  • Speaker #0

    No, I was like, oh, God.

  • Speaker #1

    I've been having such a good time. I feel like I hogged half of the first half. Does that make sense? I hogged it with my three-part thing, so I'm really happy to hand the mic back over to you and be like, tell me a story, please.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh, not at all. Bonnie and Clyde was such a wild ride, and I was happy to go on it with you. And I think this week it's a good transition, because instead of something serious, we are just talking about a silly little story where there's literally not based in any reality whatsoever. We literally just get to laugh and share some spooky stories together, so it's a good time.

  • Speaker #1

    love it i'm so excited uh it's cryptids and folklore bb i don't know anything about cryptids i'm excited you're gonna tell me a slice of home desert love life style something until

  • Speaker #0

    i'm a little slap happy i don't think it's quite recovered from bonnie that's all right this is a good episode to get all that slap happiness out and get us you know just just just get us refreshed. I really think this is going to be a good episode. I'm very excited to tell this to you.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, I don't think you've had a bad episode yet, So I'm so excited for just not just hit us another home run right out the park. Let's heckin go.

  • Speaker #0

    All right, let's go. So real quick, I did want to say if, you know, listeners, if you guys have listened to any of our previous episodes and have come back for more, you know, Lady and I, we just we got to say thank you for real. Like, this is genuinely a passion project for both of us that we have put so much love into. And if you are getting any enjoyment at all from this, it's considered a win win. So thank you for listening. Seriously.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, no, thank you for listening. Thank you for loving the Spookery as much as we do. Like, Alana, perfectly. It is a passion project and we're so passionate about it. And... I'm just, I'm really glad that you guys have come on this journey with us. I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I love you. I'm thankful to you. I love you, Alana. Thank you for coming with me on this journey.

  • Speaker #0

    I love you lady. And I also did want to take this moment as well, because we also have been getting a lot of love from one individual particular or one particular individual. And, um, I feel like we should just give him a little bit of a big shout out right now and just say, thank you for not only listening, but this man takes the time to write us a personal email after every episode. just gives us his thoughts he has even gone so far as to make us our very first fan art of the podcast that i hope maybe with his consent we will get to share with you one day um but yeah sai is just such an amazing person and we just i feel like taking taking a moment to just say thank you side no you're probably listening to this and so just thank you thank you for just everything you do no

  • Speaker #1

    sai thank you so much we actually we read your emails together just to make sure that we're we're both like we both know that you've sent us and just are full of love and they're, they're so well thought out and they do just give us like the goofiest smile when we read them. So thank you so much from the bottom of my, my cold dead heart for listening to the spook. Thank you for coming on this journey with me and Alana. We appreciate you so, so much.

  • Speaker #0

    Absolutely. 10 out of 10. Couldn't have said it better, man. Yes. Yeah. All right. So back, back to our episode, mushy gushy stuff aside, back to the spooky. this week it is my turn to tell you a tale haha no no pun intended um you'll see okay is that also a pun does it have multiple eyes as well as a tail maybe maybe as you all remember from my last spin i was so graciously gifted by the spookery spirits and given the topic of cryptids in folklore um

  • Speaker #1

    yes we know who's the favorite of the spookery spirits is thanks spookery wheel for my mass murder it's going great by the way thank you next one will be good i for you this is my season season one is my season spookery spirits are like alana girl get us off right here's what i know they're like they're like lady you need to cut down your episode length like six hours was too much so you have to stop with more i'm gonna call them thanks spookery spirits that's so funny you

  • Speaker #0

    Oh man, no, I have truly enjoyed your episodes. I think you've been getting great categories too. Any of the categories that we have, they're all great ones, to be honest.

  • Speaker #1

    I agree. I don't think we've had a bad category. I just, I'm just salty because I want something salty.

  • Speaker #0

    I get that. Yeah. When you like have something particular in mind.

  • Speaker #1

    But anywho, let's get this beautiful cryptid folklore adventure going.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. So let's give you a little bit of background. So this is a pretty personal story to me. I personally grew up with a parent who just loved horror, creepy creatures, and all things that go bump in the night. So the minute I got this category, it felt like home. I was ready to go. I knew exactly what I was going to do for this. Growing up, I remember watching all sorts of shows, documentaries on late night TV, on the History Channel, about things like The Mothman, The Chupacabra, The Jersey Devil, you know, all the classics. and we even had our own personal cryptids growing up. Like, my dad made up this, like, sewer monster that lived in our backyard, and he would tell us that if we stuck our fingers in the holes around the pools, the sewer monster would gobble them up. So, like, I remember, like, even, you know, as a young kid, like, my dad was, like, in a way trying to, like, that's how kids learn lessons, right, is through, like, scary stories sometimes. So, you know, you make a scary story. It says, don't do this or else this monster is going to get you, and you go, okay, you're right, sir. I'm not going to do that thing anymore. So it worked, and we did not stick our fingers in the holes around the pool. So it worked.

  • Speaker #1

    And you missed out on all that gold treasure hidden inside the pool.

  • Speaker #0

    If only you'd known! If only I had just adventured and been adventurous. Oh, man.

  • Speaker #1

    I think everyone's parents did that when they were growing up so that's not too weird well I can't say that my parents told me that there was a swamp monster in any pool that I visited but I was also kind of dumb and I think I would have done it anywhere but like can I be friends with a swamp monster?

  • Speaker #0

    they knew I finger in and just do it anyway and I did and I got like a little finger massage yeah they tell you like there's something creepy in there you're like cool I'm gonna go make friends with that thing so they knew better

  • Speaker #1

    I know I think that really set up my childhood they knew I was gonna be a creepy kid yes

  • Speaker #0

    oh that's good though your parents loved that they embraced you they just they knew so they know i think they did parents parents please confirm right oh my gosh so yeah so what i have picked for us today really is one of the first scary stories that i ever remember being told i'm not exactly sure how old i was when i first heard this story just in my brain as far back as my memory goes this is like the og scary story um it's yeah you guys are literally going to be introduced to why i'm afraid of the dark the reason i don't let my feet hang off the edge of the bed like aka my og sleep paralysis even it's we're getting personal today so i'm excited oh i'm so excited delve into the psyche of alana yes so dear listeners and lady please raise your hand if you have heard of the tailypo anyone no my hand is firmly seated in my lap because i

  • Speaker #1

    The Tailypo?

  • Speaker #0

    The Tailypo.

  • Speaker #1

    The Tailypo. How do you spell that?

  • Speaker #0

    So the spelling of it does change depending on who wrote the story, but how I remember it being spelled and how I'm choosing to spell it is T-A-I-L-Y-P-O.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay. So yeah, quite literally a Tailypo.

  • Speaker #0

    Tailypo. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, okay. All right. No.

  • Speaker #0

    I really am genuinely curious how many people have heard of this before we actually get into today's episode. So if you have never taken the time to write us before. and you were thinking about doing it, this is your opportunity to break the ice. Please, I do really want to know how many people have heard of the Taillie Poe, because I know it's not a popular story. It's not a popular folklore. It's not a popular legend. I don't know how it made its way from where it started all the way over to Arizona, but this is something I heard growing up, and I'm so baffled that no one else has heard about it.

  • Speaker #1

    No. Yeah. I've done my fair share of exploring. I've never heard of the Taillie Poe. I'm a I'm so curious to see where like the origin story comes from.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. No, that's all right. If you, if you haven't heard about it, you will definitely know about it after today's episode. So. Yes. Um. But before we actually get into my retelling of the scary story, I am going to give you a little bit of information on the origins and the history of the Telepo. Because I knew you were going to ask for it and I had it ready to go. You know, just a little taste of that sweet, sweet context, you know. We've got to hide you over.

  • Speaker #1

    My delicious favorite spice.

  • Speaker #0

    Exactly. I'm like, I know she can't wait until the whole story. So I'll give her a little something to start out with and then we'll talk more later.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    So the Telepo is actually, and I'm probably going to say this wrong, an Appalachian cryptid. I know there's a different way to say it. Appalachian.

  • Speaker #1

    I've always said Appalachian, but...

  • Speaker #0

    Cool, then we're going to say it the right way. Awesome. We're just going to say it the right way.

  • Speaker #1

    Sure. I'm not the right person to ask as a non-American, but sure. Yes, Appalachian.

  • Speaker #0

    That's true. Yeah. I heard about it from Fallout. That's the first time I ever really heard someone say it out loud was the Appalachian. So, yeah, that's what we're going with. So the tale goes from the Appalachia or the Appalachian area. And again, they're really not not really as famous from some of the others from the area like Bigfoot and Mothman, which really is a crime because it is such a unique and creepy and dare I even say fun story to tell. I really feel like it would be more popular than it is. But it's just it's not up there with those big guys. So, of course, as with most folklore stories, the details of the telepo vary from person to person, region to region. So there are many different versions of this. And we are doing this in a true folklore fashion. And I am going to be the one telling you my version. my recollection of the story today. So this is not anyone else's story. It's loosely, you know, it's just my recollection. It's based down from my own memory. So it's kind of a hodgepodge, you know, the true folklore.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm excited. I'm also curious about other variations. So if you have other variations of the story, like, listener, please, like, let me know. Because, like, I don't know any version of this story. So, like, I'm keen. I'm here to learn.

  • Speaker #0

    Right? There's so many. I do believe that the version from my memory is mainly based on a children's book actually written by Joanna C. Galdon, I think is how you say the last name, or Galdon. The minute I saw the cover of the book, I was like, oh, heck yeah, that is like the book I read as a child. Like I knew, like it just unlocked that core memory for me. But even after seeing like the artwork and the cover for it, for some reason in my head, the image that I conjured of this creature is very different than how it's actually depicted in almost all of the artwork. Which I think is kind of funny. Like, just none of the drawings or anything compare remotely to how scary, like, the creature I concocted in my head is. Okay. Yeah. So, that being said, I am going to make you wait until after the story to give you a full description and share photos of the tailwhip, because I'm just nice like that. I want your brain to be able to make up the scariest thing possible to you. So, you're welcome.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. you don't know what nightmare fuel you've conjured ma'am i have an ipad with procreate on it i will draw the amalgamation that comes into my head i would love it if you did i would love to see that oh my gosh all right that would be great

  • Speaker #0

    so um so joanna first cursed children with her retelling of the story in 1984 but the earliest written versions date back to the early 19th century um a story actually told by uncle remus aka joel chandler harris who you might know for being an author of the rare rabbit stories um i did read through that version of the telepo as well and it is pretty similar but of course it has some majorly striking differences too on that note I am going to make you wait until after the story to highlight the main consistent details of the story well we're getting the whole story at the end of the story I'm telling you what I'm going to tell you and then I'm going to tell you it and then we're going to talk about what I told you that's what's happening after

  • Speaker #1

    that fucking ride that I took you on with Bonnie and Clyde I think this is the least you can do yeah I can't wait I can wait. I'm a patient. I'm a patient sort. I will wait.

  • Speaker #0

    I definitely, I think I have teased you enough. So go ahead, dim your lights, you know, grab your tea, and I'm going to grab my flashlight. And so I can get in the proper scary story mode. And we're going to get into it.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm so excited. I'm ready. I'm under my blanket. I'm hidden. I'm all curled up. I'm tucked in. I got my tea. Tell me a spooky story, ma'am. Tell me a spooky story.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll tell you the spooky story. All right. So. A long time ago, in a land far, far away, sat a cabin in a dark and swampy forest. Inside that cabin lived an old hunter. The hunter's cabin had only one room, and that room was his bedroom, his dining room, and his kitchen too. The hunter lived alone, other than his three dogs. His dogs'names were, and get ready for this one, Uno, Aino, and Comtico Calico.

  • Speaker #1

    Excuse me.

  • Speaker #0

    I can definitely spell that one for you too. The dog's names were Uno, Aino, and Comtico Calico.

  • Speaker #1

    I feel like there was some clear favoritism with one of these dogs. I'm not going to name any names, but I just feel. that there was some dog favoritism. I'm also going to imagine that Uno and I know are like big Dobermans and then come to Kalismo.

  • Speaker #0

    Yep. That's that's it. Yep.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, sure. Yep. Come to Kalismo. Sure. We'll go with that. I'm imagining it as a really small dog,

  • Speaker #0

    a little tiny, like Terry, you're like one out of all of them.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a sausage dog, but it's got two big Doberman brothers.

  • Speaker #0

    that's my story and i'm still to it amazing oh my god i'm not gonna i'm not gonna steer you wrong this is folklore and your imagination can paint this exactly however you want so it's canada all right winter was approaching in the forest and soon food would be scarce and the days would be short the old man set out on a hunt one cold day hatchet in hand with his three hounds by his side unfortunately the hunter had a bit of bad luck He had only managed to catch a single small rabbit and night was beginning to fall. Before starting to make his way back to his cabin, the hunter decided to stop and set a fire to roast his small supper.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm gonna interject really quickly in here. No wonder he only caught one small rabbit. He only brought himself a hatchet.

  • Speaker #0

    He only brought a hatchet. Yeah, he's out there, like you said, just swinging at things.

  • Speaker #1

    He's wildly swinging at rabbits. He's like, he's like, miraculously hit one that he didn't lose, but sure.

  • Speaker #0

    I never said he was a good hunter, okay? I just said he was a hunter. I never clarified.

  • Speaker #1

    Fair enough. That's on me.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't know how he managed to beat these three dogs on this budget, but. I hope they're doing good.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm sure they are. I believe. No, I know. Comptaculism are doing great.

  • Speaker #0

    They're great. Oh my gosh. So as he sat by a fire with his three dogs, he heard some rustling from across the fire. His gaze was met by an oddly shaped creature with bright, fiery yellow eyes and a long tail. The man quickly went for his hatchet and swung at the creature as hard as he could. The creature let out a scream while running off into the night. The hunter only managed to get the animal's tail, but he decided to eat it anyway. The hunter cooked up his dinner before returning home to his cabin.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to emphasize what we said earlier. This is not a good hunter.

  • Speaker #0

    He's not the best. He's doing his best, but it's not the best.

  • Speaker #1

    Do not eat for an animal, my dude. Don't do it. It's an unidentified strange tail. Don't eat it.

  • Speaker #0

    An unidentified strange tail. Well, if you're hungry, you're hungry.

  • Speaker #1

    Don't eat ISTs, guys. It's just not worth it.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. When he got back to his home, the man lit his fireplace to keep him warm for the night. He settled into bed and fell asleep peacefully with his belly full, listening to the cracks of the fire. The hunter was awoken to a strange noise. His eyes opened and tried to adjust to the light in the room. And when they finally did, he noticed something at the foot of his bed. Peeking up from right over the edge of the mattress were two yellow glowing eyes staring straight at the man.

  • Speaker #1

    It's cute. he's like he's mad because he didn't get it yeah the god's like i'm small but i wanted the tail i'm so hungry master master why did you only feed me stringy rabbit i wanted to curse the spooky tail oh

  • Speaker #0

    my god as the man lay there trembling in fear the creature reached out one dark furry claw you up to climb onto the bed, and whispered in a terrible voice, Tally-po, tally-po, all I want is my tally-po!

  • Speaker #1

    You have not expelled my thoughts that this is the dog. You have not changed my mind.

  • Speaker #0

    It's the dog. He put the fur of the rabbit on and he's trying to scare him to get more food.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he's just wrapped in a really thick blanket and he's just like, I wanted the Daily Poe. I'm hungry. Oh my god. Smart dog. Clever girl.

  • Speaker #0

    The hunter scrambled up out of bed and yelled up for his dogs. Uno, Aino, and come to Cocalico! The three hounds leapt up into action and chased the creature off into the darkness. The hunter calmed himself down while he waited for his dogs to return. The dogs finally returned, and the night returned to calm. The man wrapped his blanket tightly around himself. He lay there quietly, listening to the fire, until he managed to fall back to sleep again. He was awoken shortly by the sound of claws scratching at the front door. The hunter's eyes shot open, and the clawing continued. Scratch, scratch, scratch. The old man shouted out, Who's out there at this time of night? The horrible voice said again, Telepo, telepo, I'm coming to get my telepo. This time, though, the man was so scared that he couldn't even stand up. He called out to his dogs from his bed, and they tore out after the creature yet again. They continued to chase the creature until the hunter could no longer see them. All was quiet yet again while the hunter waited for his dogs to return. But this time, they did not return. Somehow, the man managed to go back to sleep. The morning was closed, but it was still dark.

  • Speaker #1

    He doesn't care about his dogs. He deserves whatever comes after him.

  • Speaker #0

    He's just like, yeah, okay. They're just not coming back.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. You know, they were hard to feed. I couldn't even catch a rabbit for myself. Never mind three rabbits for my beautiful dogs. They're going to have a better life now. Off you go.

  • Speaker #0

    I think they joined voices with the tailie poe, to be honest with you.

  • Speaker #1

    You know what? I believe it. That sausage dog. I'm pretty sure that sausage dog was the one scratching at the door. I'm just going to put it out there. That sausage dog wanted that tail.

  • Speaker #0

    and this is actually how we're turning this into our next cult episode is the cult of the tailie bone i'm sure what a plot twist oh my gosh the morning was close but it was still dark the man was still asleep until something started to howl from outside it's the knowledge dog's return the knowledge dog, oh my goodness he's like hello and school-lead cameo it's back from its chase oh my gosh sorry no you're so great at first he thought it was just the wind but after he lay there listening for a few moments he could make out that whole that horrible voice yet again you know and i know all i want is my telly pro The old man tried to call out for his dogs. Oh no, I know, it come to co-calico! But this time, the dogs didn't come. He raced outside into the moonlight and screamed for his dogs again. There was no trace of the hounds, just the man standing outside with the sound of the wind blowing around him. The hunter retreated back inside the cabin, closing and barricading the door behind him. The voice got closer and closer until he could tell it was right outside the door. The creature began to scratch at the door again, all while repeating the same dreadful phrase. The man cowered inside with nowhere to run. The creature scratched and clawed until the only thing left of the hunter and his cabin was the old chimney. Some people say when the cold wind blows on a dark winter night, if you listen carefully, you can hear a strange voice saying, Telepo, Telepo, now I've got my Telepo. Fancy.

  • Speaker #1

    Thank you. I'm just going to put it up. This man had a hatchet.

  • Speaker #0

    he did this whole time. This whole time.

  • Speaker #1

    This man had a hatchet that he took the tail. That's how he got the tail in the first place. And he just like forgot.

  • Speaker #0

    He just, yeah, he just completely did not. He was too scared.

  • Speaker #1

    He was too scared.

  • Speaker #0

    Maybe one of the dogs took it with him when he ran out.

  • Speaker #1

    There's a sausage dog. I'm telling you.

  • Speaker #0

    He's like, let me grab my hatchet. This hunter's no good with it anyway.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm telling you, one of the commandos got this. That dog is laughing for something.

  • Speaker #0

    that's so funny columbia commando that's a good one that's a really good one i can't remember this dog saved for the life of me i'm so sorry it's great I honestly, that dog's name is the entire reason that I remembered this story was I was like laying there in bed one night and I was just like, oh, no, I know. Come to go Calico. And I was like, wait, the tailie pole. Like I just like all of a sudden just came back to me like the minute that I remembered these dogs names. So I think that there is something to that. Like I think like the story, like somehow like in order to be like retold, like it relies somewhat on these like weird dogs names, which is kind of strange.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. Yeah, no, I agree. And I'm going to guess that these dog names are.

  • Speaker #0

    consistent through each story or at least some iteration of like rhyme scheme is is consistent through the story it is yeah no we will get into that in just a little bit because there are a lot of consistencies like you said throughout the retellings and the names of the dogs not necessarily being these but the repetition really is a huge part of the story it's like a main one of the main focal points right

  • Speaker #1

    And actually, I'm going to draw my version of the Come to Go Calico while you're telling the next bit, just so that I remember my version before you tell me what the real one looks like.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, please.

  • Speaker #1

    And I'll post this on Instagram. Post it.

  • Speaker #0

    I would love it. Yeah, no, there are a lot of different, I mean, even in my research and stuff, I saw so many different depictions of the Daily Poll that I, like, even some that, like, I didn't recognize. I'm like, that's what you would consider the Daily Poll? And I mean, everyone is allowed their own. like yeah imagination everyone's allowed their own version of it but like some i mean like you have this picture in your head and then you see it and you're like wow like it's crazy that that's what you thought of and i'm all the way over here you know like yeah but that's that's what makes the story so beautiful it really is and i

  • Speaker #1

    i'm very curious to hear what the actual version is based on what i think it looks like and of course right i'm gonna start right now i will post what my version looks like but i'm not an artist i never am i never will be um so

  • Speaker #0

    please be nice to me but it's not gonna be anything cool but i'll i'll try it it's gonna be fantastic i'm excited to see it actually let's actually put a little note in here later on because i not to like put any pressure on side but since he has done some depictions before i'm like really curious to see what he thinks of the telepo too if he ever wanted to share that with us if he maybe was already drawing it during this episode but no pressure whatsoever no don't worry i'll do it in your sense so you don't have to perfect all right so yeah it's time to get into our little bit of debrief time talking about the story a little bit more so despite this version of the story being like a quote-unquote children's story i don't necessarily recommend sharing it with your children. Like, unless of course, like you hate the fact that they just like sleep soundly through the night. If you just, if you hate a good night's sleep, here is the fix for you. Otherwise, maybe I would save this one for them when they're just like a little bit older. Cause I think it is really creepy for kids. I think it does kind of like leaving it up to your imagination. Like they just conjure up some terrible nightmare fuel.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. I can, I can see why.

  • Speaker #0

    I think it's hard. And like I said, this was the reason why I could not let my feet hang over the edge of the bed at night as even a child. Even now, I imagine the little taily-po claw grabbing my foot and being like, I give me my taily-po, even though I've never eaten a tail. I promise. I've never done it.

  • Speaker #1

    Not that you know of.

  • Speaker #0

    Not that I know of. Yeah, you're right. That's true. That's a horrible thought. Thank you for that.

  • Speaker #1

    You're welcome. You never know.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. So. I am really curious, lady. What did you think of the story overall? Like, I hope I was able to creep you out with my storytelling skills just a little bit.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, I'm going to say that when I'm scared, I deflect to humor. And I would like to formally put towards the audience that I deflected a lot then. So I was rather spooked. It's a spooky story.

  • Speaker #0

    I practiced my scary voice even before telling it. I wanted to, you know, make it as spooky as possible. Because when my dad used to tell this to me, he had a pretty horrible voice that he put on for the Daily Poe as well. And I think that also adds to it.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I'm gonna, you'll see my iteration before everybody else, what I draw as what I think it looks like. And I think you'll understand why I'm like sufficiently corrupt. Because mine... I'm just looking at it now. It's fucking nightmare fuel.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm really excited to see it then. Cause like, yeah, everyone has, you know, their own version of spooky. So yeah, that'll be fun to see. Yeah. And, and even this, this is the first time I've really gotten to go into like full blown story mode for the podcast. So I'm really, I really enjoyed it. It was not only fun to write, but I did really have a fun time telling it.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, I think we need more like proper, like spooky, scary stories. We don't have enough, like just good old fashioned spooks books. So thank you for telling me. Thank you for,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah. Yeah. I'm very happy to do it. I'm happy to add our first like actual spooky story to the archive because I think we needed it. I think we've had a lot of stuff based in history. We've gotten a lot of, you know, really good stories that like you said, take place in reality, but just this one is a good, just like actual true folklore. Like we just, we got to make fun of it a little bit. And now I get to tell you more about it.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes, please. Tell me, tell me the story. Yes. Tell me about your, your boy.

  • Speaker #0

    So, most of the time, the tailie pose is usually depicted to be about the size of a dog with pointy ears and a long tail. Is that consistent with what you imagined?

  • Speaker #1

    Uh, mine was a little-well, I guess, what-what size dog? Because dogs come in lots of different sizes.

  • Speaker #0

    That's true. From my sources, it really just said, like, medium-sized dog, so it isn't, like, super specific. Yeah. But also, there's a lot of pictures of it that kind of look like a cat, like a larger cat. So I would say, like, a medium-sized dog, like a hundred-pound dog.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I would say that's consistent with what I was thinking. I was thinking something that kind of skittered along the ground, kind of. Yeah. Like, almost like a lizard size, but like a big lizard, like a monitor lizard.

  • Speaker #0

    Like a little bit lizard. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So around that, like you said. It is usually said to have either red or yellow eyes, just depending on the storyteller. Mm-hmm. Um, the telepo is always usually nocturnal. and usually depicted with dark black fur. Its main defense is its razor-sharp claws, and it speaks English as it demands the return of its tail through its creepy and repetitive little phrases. I think that also speaks to, like, the repetition of the story. Like, it has the dogs, and he calls out for the dogs. You say the names of the dogs several times. And you also say, you know, the tailie-po phrase. Tailie-po, tailie-po, I'm coming to get my tailie-po. Like, it always repeats the repetition of threes. Like, I think that that really does have such a strong... sense in the story of just why it is carried on because it's just so fun to say. It's so fun to tell.

  • Speaker #1

    It is. Yeah, I would agree.

  • Speaker #0

    But I know I did kind of make this sound like at the beginning, like it was more of like a true cryptid, like throughout the last one I teased about it. I'm like, this is like a cryptid. But the Tailypoh, like compared to creatures like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, like the Tailypoh really does fall more under like folklore than cryptid because. there's like, there's no sightings of the Taillipoe. No one's out there looking for this thing. Like, it really is just a famously scary parable that's been passed down from generation to generation. Like, so it's a lot different in that regard because there's just, there's not any, like I said, there's nothing based in reality for this one. It is completely mythical. It is just, it is just a fun little story. And some people really do think its main purpose originally was to teach kids not to steal or abuse animals. You know, like, you see it a lot with little kids. Like that's when they reach out to touch animals. If the animal runs away, they grab its tail. And so this, I feel like was a story to teach kids. don't do that. Cause the animal will come back and get you. it's just a scary story to, to teach kids some lesson. in some way or another so hence the reason it is labeled as a children's story i suppose um though besides Joanna and Uncle Remus, a lot of storytellers have taken their crack at this one over the years. There are really so many versions of the story that it is impossible to say who the original version of it belongs to. The Telepo has been depicted in books, blogs, comics, movies, you name it. I even read a version of this in my research. It was very interesting. It was told from the Telepo's perspective. Oh. That one, yeah, that one was really interesting. I've never seen a story flipped. in this regard and told from the like the view of the creature and it was like it was really interesting to to kind of get inside the head of the taily foe i don't know like i just i never even thought to go there so the fact that someone else took the time to write out an entire story it was really interesting and i'm gonna like that one too in my sources because i just think that one was really interesting and fun to read no it's i i'm excited because like i've got my horrendous

  • Speaker #1

    version that i'm drawing now i actually i'm gonna send it to you because i'm done you

  • Speaker #0

    so before we get any further i'm gonna send you all right so let me see your lovely depiction of this because it is there's there's no right or wrong it's all up to imagination all right here's the cursed image that i drew and i'll post this on instagram so you guys can see but i'm gonna show it to alana there there's my gosh that like the oh my gosh yes like like you said just like the i don't even know the right word like just the vagueness you know what i mean like i never like it never had like a full body for me like it was it was just like this like creepy like enigma in my brain like it that's very accurate that like creepy little smile the three little eyes oh god i don't like that i

  • Speaker #1

    realize after i've said it to you i'm looking at i'm like i've just sent you a fucking worm on a string with arms you

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my god, it literally is a haunted war monastery.

  • Speaker #1

    A haunted war monastery.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll post the commercial of this. I want my own. I'm gonna buy a worm on a string and some black spray paint get some little googly eyes and some teeth and I'm gonna make my own oh my god so there you go this will be on the drawing that I drew thanks I hate it daily pow daily pow can't you picture it you nailed it it has to be smiling I feel like it has this smiley toothy grin I it's so funny you say that because in every picture it absolutely is i didn't even note that i didn't even like pick up on that myself but it does always have like almost like a cheshire cat like shit eating grin on its face like it's a very creepy smile yeah so no that's it's so funny that everyone pictures that that's crazy that's crazy so it sounds like i hit the nail on the head you did wow no that's that's wild you really did do a fantastic job with that thank you i appreciate it's too good I'm not going to be saying that thing in my nightmares tonight.

  • Speaker #1

    You will. This is your new version of a daily post. This horrible, horrible thing that I drew.

  • Speaker #0

    I just needed to revive it for my adult nightmares. Woohoo! This episode is a bad idea.

  • Speaker #1

    If anything, it's been artsy crabs with spookery.

  • Speaker #0

    Artsy crabs with spookery. next week we'll show you how to make your own version of the

  • Speaker #1

    I would say next week is mass murder but yeah you had to commit an entire mass murder oh my gosh no oh god most of the things you learn is spookery yeah you learn about the tale-y poem then alright so tell me about this spooky thing on a string

  • Speaker #0

    but yeah they're really with the telepo there are really so many versions of the story that it is impossible to say who it belongs to uh the telepo has been depicted in books blogs i think i already read all this books blogs comics movies and you name it um just like all over media, people have just taken a crack at this thing, wanting to put their own unique stamp on the story. But the original variations of the legend usually all contain similar elements. The main theme of the story always revolves around theft and revenge, but the details about like the hunter, his dogs in the tailie pole all vary from retelling to retelling. So like the hungry man hunting for food by his old cabin is a constant. It's usually always taking place in the middle of the woods. There's this old man hunting for food. that's just usually how all the stories start. But his weapon of choice, like kind of how you pointed out, it does range a bit because I think a lot of people are very unsatisfied with the hatchet. So it does range from a hatchet all the way to a rifle. He is given all sorts of different weapons and stuff like that because I think it just, it really speaks to his incompetence as a hunter. With him just running out there, just trying to swing at things. So people kind of make him sound a little bit better and give him a rifle or some other weapons.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, that makes sense.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I totally think that's fair. And some of the stories, too, like he's even named like I'm trying to think of one of the stories. I think he's called like Old Man Fletcher. Like he's he's given names in some of these. I just went with he's a he's Old Man Hunter. Like that's that's his name. No,

  • Speaker #1

    well, actually, see, it's it's interesting that you said Fletcher because immediately when I was I was agreeing with you, it was like how incompetent he just went into a wood, started swinging a hatchet. But then my brain was like, well, there's actually a different kind of hunter, which is a trapper. and so maybe instead of you know he's going out and like i'm assuming not just throwing hatchets and rabbits and hoping that they hit but it's like setting traps here and there but if he was a fletcher a fletcher means that they're like they're whittling wood so they're creating traps he's creating he's trapping his environment but that means that he's not got a physical prowess to him so you know you also mentioned that he's an older gentleman so maybe he's really he's he's he's better at scheming you but he's not physically up to the task. So the hatchet is just to kill the thing that he traps, but that's not a method that he's not strong enough to wield it. We're creating, we're creating Taily Po lore.

  • Speaker #0

    We are. I've never, like, I never thought about that, but yeah. And like you said, that's, I've seen that name, old man Fletcher in a lot of things. And that's funny that a Fletcher is, I never knew that.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. It's, it's a Fletching is specifically, I think was like the, to like create arrows. Like you would carve like arrows, you would have arrows out of like sticks. that would be like the act of fletching. But like if he was a trapper, if he was making like stick traps and nets and he was more used to setting traps for himself, then of course, when this horrible nightmare amalgamation was... just as a black worm on a string just kind of came out of the darkness of course he's not going to be able to defend himself because he hasn't prepared if he was given you know i mean of course when his dogs went missing i probably would have been like that's the red flag where you start like booby trapping your house absolutely but it's also if he's an older gentleman if he's if he's used to creating traps and waiting he's not used to being the thing of the trap suddenly his cabin becomes the trap and he's just waiting for this this slithery creature to get in that is such a different like

  • Speaker #0

    I mean, you're adding so much to the story by pointing out just like this really small detail that I had really never considered. Like, it really does give so much awards of the tailie foe, like you said, of this man who really is just like the victim of the tailie foe at the end of the day. Like, that's his role in the story is to be the victim of the tailie foe. But to learn more about him, like you said, not really like think of him as like this incompetent, like he's just this old man out there, like you said, who's just physically incapable, but he has the skills, he has the knowledge. That's probably why he has three hunting dogs is like, they probably go out and do a lot of the hard work for him.

  • Speaker #1

    They have the physical labor, whereas he, if he's an older. gentlemen you i think you even called him an old man at the end of your story it's like that that indicates to me that he hasn't got the physical prowess maybe there's like he you know he's he's lost like physical maybe he can't see properly like he's not he's not in his peak physical form anymore he relies on these tools and suddenly their tools like it's something he can't even he can't even see it it's just this creature and it's fast and it can speak and it's taunting him you

  • Speaker #0

    And that makes it so much scarier than being a poor defenseless old man.

  • Speaker #1

    But I also, I want to point this out because I thought about this recently and it's kind of funny. It's like, what makes a good horror story? And it's what is the purpose of the horror story? And if it's a children's story to warn children away from something, it has to be a preventable measure. So you have to make your character foolish in a way. You're like, oh, don't be like old man Fletcher. He was a foolish man and he got eaten by this worm on a string. But if you're telling a horror story. then it's inevitability. There's nothing you can do about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Like you said, he was literally, from the minute that they crossed paths, he pretty much was trapped. His own cabin became the trap, which is so ironic and adds such a different layer to the story. I really like that.

  • Speaker #1

    So there you go. Depending on how you tell your version of the taleepo, whether it's a cautionary tale to tell children, like, oh, don't be like that. That's avoidable. And if you get into that situation, it's your fault. Versus... here's this thing and it slithers between trees and it hides in your periphery. And as soon as you step onto its tail, as soon as that thing slithers across your path, you're done. It's got your scent and it's coming for you. And the fact that it can speak as well, you know, it's always pictured with this Cheshire-like grin. It almost, it's like, then it's almost like, it's not even killing for food. It's killing for sport at that point where the killing is comical.

  • Speaker #0

    right the part that always really did bother me and that kind of like touches on it is like i mean the man ate his tail already like is he really gonna like he's digested the tail like it's in his belly you you can't even like you're an animal you're gonna reattach your tail dude like you got the tail back but at what like it's not gonna be any use to you so like that that detail did bother me as a kid because it literally is like he's just it is just revenge like there's no point to it it is just like a revenge killing that's kind of like morbid for a kid's story it's just like yep you make one mistake and that's it you're done like

  • Speaker #1

    this i I have like a really weird anecdote for you for this. And I think I've heard a version of this story.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But it wasn't a tale. And I think that's what really threw me off. And as soon as the story ended, I was like, I know this story.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But I can't remember the details because, of course, I think I heard this when I was a child. And then I didn't have the fun, whimsical naming of the dogs in my story. So the story has repressed itself into my spookery vault that is my brain. but my version of the story, I think it was like a dare and it was a group of teenagers. If I remember correctly, it was a group of kids. It was like, there were multiple, I guess, foolhardy characters. If it was a cautionary tale, but it wasn't a tale. It was a toe. Oh, and it was this, and I can't remember if it was like, it was a corpse toe or a giant's toe, or it was some sort of supernatural creatures toe. And it was consumed. and I remember the story going like, you ate my toe, give me back my toe, but they've already eaten it, so they can't give it back, and that was the desperation of the story, was like, I've already done the irreversible, I've digested this thing that it wants, and I can't give it back.

  • Speaker #0

    How do I remedy this?

  • Speaker #1

    And it's this helpless situation where he only wants one thing. and I can't give that to you, but I was like, that's the version that I remember, but I don't remember like the specifics. And maybe that's the thing is it's this, like this common folklore, but for you, the way that it traveled, it became this tail creature. And I, and I, for me, it was a toe and maybe for someone else, it was a finger and it's, or maybe it was like a liver.

  • Speaker #0

    That's like truly. that's the beauty of the food. I'm still thinking, everyone gets to take whatever organ they choose when they tell this story. It's totally up to them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And it's so weird that you've pulled this core memory out of me. And I'm like, I do know this story, but not your version of the story. There were no dogs. I think it was just like a group of teenagers. Like they had been there to do something. They went into this house. They did this thing. They ate, I think it was either a pickled toe or it was this like frozen toe or it was like, it was preserved some way, but one of them ate it. And it was just this helplessness.

  • Speaker #0

    We need to find this story. We need to touch on this on the recap episode and tell this troubling toe story. I know.

  • Speaker #1

    Toe fact. We didn't get to have the toe, so we're going to talk about toe cryptids.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. It all comes back.

  • Speaker #1

    It's all connected.

  • Speaker #0

    That is wild though. That is really cool though, that it is like you said. it's kind of the same and similar, but like at the same time, very different. It has the same themes. And it really shows that that, I think at the end of the day is kind of, I don't know how that one necessarily, cause it is a helpful situation, but like that's to teach a message. Like don't make irreversible mistakes. It can't go back.

  • Speaker #1

    I think if the message was don't eat weird things.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Like you don't ingest weird things, which is also a great message for children. So I mean like that's, it has its place in history.

  • Speaker #1

    it's, it's, it's so bizarre. It's like, this. different manifestations of very different childhoods, but different manifestations of the same story. I wonder. I gotta go talk to someone. Where do I know this story from? Who told me the story?

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. Go consult some family and just be like, alright, guys.

  • Speaker #1

    I gotta go to Spookery Dad and be like, hey, can you tell me the story, Spookery Dad?

  • Speaker #0

    I hope he sheds some light and gives you some answers, because now I'm really interested. I'm going to be seriously googling this toe story.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. so there you go and of course Spooky Re-Listener if you know a similar kind of story I'd love to hear it I'd love to hear if you knew someone who ate someone's liver or a finger or strands of hair heaven forbid but I mean how many appendages are

  • Speaker #0

    edible but shouldn't be right one of the things that was even compared um as i was doing the research too like i think it was um you've heard of maybe the movie called like the monkey's arm i think that's what it is or the monkey's paw that's a monkey's paw yes a monkey's paw be careful what you wish for yes and this was like kind of i guess somehow related to that which i didn't necessarily see the striking resemblance too much but you

  • Speaker #1

    because the monkey paw everyone gets different things from these and monkey paw was it was i think i think it's specifically three wishes it's close to that genie story but i think it was how many ever many fingers were on the paw and like when you made the wish a finger would yeah but but the wish would always manifest in a way that you didn't want yes

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, it was just, it compared, like, kind of loosely to that of just, like, having to do with some sort of, like, an animal's, like, appendage. Yeah. And, like, a folklore. Yeah, I didn't really, that's why I didn't include it in, like, my sources per se. But, like, I thought it was, like, a loose, I'm just, like, I do see, like, similar.

  • Speaker #1

    themes being repeated throughout history but it is just changed like they people add and you know embellish however they need to yeah i guess yeah i mean i guess all folklore has a common thread of caution right whether it's like don't go here don't be there don't do this don't be this person don't cross this don't just don't like every horror story has a moment of caution and

  • Speaker #0

    and it's whatever it is like whether that is like a precautionary thing or it's a don't give up yeah sort of caution absolutely no that's a very good way to put it and this definitely is just a cautionary tale for children um yeah oh yeah like it's just been told so many different so many different ways um and one of the things i actually you I actually did wrote down, I was trying to find it. Um, cause I know we talked about it too, just in all the different retellings of it of people putting like their own stamp on it, um, with the dog's names. I was trying to find it real quick for like the Brer, the Brer rabbit version. Um, in that story particular, the dogs had, you know, similar names, um, but it was Ramboo, Bamboo and Lamboo.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, okay.

  • Speaker #0

    So still repetitive, but completely different. see i'm gonna be honest here i didn't grow up with briar rabbit i don't know those stories at all the ones i had were peter cottontail and those were whimsical fun stories yeah no i didn't i actually didn't really grow up with the rare rabbit stories either i just thought it was really interesting like that key there was even a rabbit taily post story that is literally called um i think like the the return of uncle remus is like the book and then it's literally called like the taily post it's like a small because it's It's all shorter stories in this book, from my understanding. I've never read one of these books, but it looks like it's all kind of a compilation of smaller stories. Yeah,

  • Speaker #1

    this might be the origin of this creature. Yeah. And it's just kind of spiraled into its own legend.

  • Speaker #0

    Pretty much. This is one of the first written tellings of the story was in Fair Rabbit. It's the oldest version that you can find. It's actually a written, recorded copy of it. how cool it really is I think it's really interesting um because I had no idea like I really didn't I thought this book that Joanna wrote I'm like oh that's got to be it that's got to be like she she heard it and then that's like the first written of it but it's like no this goes back hundreds of years this is a pretty pretty old deep folklore yeah and I and I'd love to know if this was like an oral tradition where like there was maybe it's like a cautionary against snakes where it's like don't eat the snake because it's just a horrible monster or a lizard where they drop their tails yeah absolutely depending on like the area you're from like you said like i know in arizona we have a lot of lizards here and that's a big thing like my parents were like i know the tails will grow back on but don't like pull them off like don't like touch the lizard's tail like it is a big thing not to touch animals tails so i can understand that this is just you probably why my parents told it to me as a kid honestly was just like just don't touch animals tails just don't do it don't touch tails don't do it don't do it don't do so another difference um in the stories as of like different retellings is the fate of the dogs actually so sometimes the dogs meet a more gruesome end similar to the man instead of just getting lost or fleeing in flight um in some variants the dogs actually even chase the telepo far out into a swamp before meeting their end and i don't think we actually i i noted actually at the beginning of mine that it was like a forest like a swampy forest but i don't think i actually said that they specifically like drove them into a swamp and i think some of the other stories highlight that a little bit more and that makes it a little bit more creepy i will say like after rereading some of the other stories i'm like i i almost wish i would have talked about it but just in my head that didn't come to mind but it is really creepy like reading about this like swampy area where like the the taily po just like pulls them out too and then they just disappear like you're just like oh okay that's

  • Speaker #1

    cool yeah well i'm thinking about like the versus horrible creature that i've drawn it has fur um and I didn't even consider the environment. And I was like, if this is a swamp, a furry black worm on a string is probably not ideal. And like, what if it's scaly? Is it slippery? Is it got like an amphibian skin where it's kind of like this mucous membrane sort of thing? I just immediately imagined a fuzzy snake.

  • Speaker #0

    yeah no i like you said imagine fur but i also kind of imagine like patchy like weird like dry fur and then like i don't like just kind of like really old skin like have you seen like dog skin before like kind of like that but just like really wrinkly done like dog skins Yeah, like dog skin, like underneath their fur. Like it's like a bald dog. Like, oh no. I met a Pomeranian the other day with alopecia and she was a cutie.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, sweet baby.

  • Speaker #0

    She literally looked like a little pig.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I kind of like that because we shave my dog's tummies because it can get hot over down in here in Florida. So we have beagles. They're not long fur, but they can get... hot for them especially because like one of them has dark fur so we shave her tummy so she does like she cools off and like it's all like smooth and yeah but it's kind of it's almost like it's like weirdly stretchy and yeah it's got like this bounce to us yeah i can kind of see that but i also like

  • Speaker #0

    it felt like more like rugged like very dehydrated skin like yeah like a chapped skin maybe like like it's never used lotion in his life like never once has even maybe maybe it's yeah

  • Speaker #1

    i personally don't lotion my dogs i'm not that fancy but

  • Speaker #0

    do they make lotion for talking probably i guess like when you started telling the story i immediately imagined a forest which i think is stupid because you it's arizona is not famous for its forests um but i mean like i never pictured this thing like living around where i live either that's the weird part is like i imagined it somehow is under my bed but it isn't a forest at the same time yeah it's like it's which makes no sense it's like in a heavily dense wooded forest

  • Speaker #1

    and I don't, I personally didn't really live near forests. I'm not a forest dweller. I think I lived near one once and that was enough for me. And like, I imagined this and like, like thick sticks on the ground and this thing slithers like in logs and around like tree roots. But then you sort of, then I sort of like, okay, well maybe, yeah, you started, you mentioned a swamp and I was like, okay, well, if it lives in a swamp, this thick black fur that I'm imagining doesn't quite work because. like the swamp's just nearby i guess i don't know yes maybe it's like slippery or sticky or it's got like this membrane kind of texture to it where it's almost like like a leech or uh like some sort of like eel kind of like an eely texture because like that's like that's a majority tale yeah you know what's crazy is i didn't think you could find a way to make this worse and then sorry you really didn't think we could improve upon the scariness of this creature and that is just absolutely horrid yeah there you go thank you well we can make it even worse if you want and we can think about it in a desert context where it's just reptilian and if you're looking at my sketch we remove the fur that's all this this black scaled clawed thing slinking through the sand you know, like it survives on cactus juice at these poor desert rabbits that were apparently hunting.

  • Speaker #0

    Dude, that's literally a Gila monster. You're describing a Gila monster right now. Like this animal does exist.

  • Speaker #1

    Maybe that's, well, I don't know. I've never been to Arizona, but.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, these things are, and they're poisonous. If they bite onto you, they don't let go. And you just sit there and die.

  • Speaker #1

    So maybe that's, maybe that's why this, this, this story got so big as, I guess, as a telling in Arizona, because you have something like this.

  • Speaker #0

    and it's a cautionary tale don't don't go near those things because they're i mean like that is something i was told oh if you see a gila monster like just like like get the hell away from like they're worse than rattlesnakes like they're bad because they don't they don't even warn you like they're just there they're just there they're just like so that hits at you i've never you'll send me a picture of a gila monster because i've never seen i i can't believe yeah they're literally called monsters like a gila but it's just like a it's a black and orange

  • Speaker #1

    uh like giant lizard oh i think oh yeah it's probably not the lizards i'm used to um because i'm like you said that and i thought i thought of like a komodo dragon you know those big nasty four-legged monster lizards yeah no this is uh this is like it's kind of small but like they're that's why you don't usually see them oh they're so okay i'm imagining like this like dog-sized lizard just like snakes chilling in your backyard like hey

  • Speaker #0

    I'm trying to find it and click compared to, I should find one like with a banana for scale. Like that way, like, you know, you can,

  • Speaker #1

    I can't believe I can have, I have it for scale. Yeah. Cause like, I'm imagining this, this thing I drew in my head is bigger than my dog. It's bigger than a beagle, but it's smaller than a horse. We're playing that game. Um, well, I guess what would like, maybe like it's larger than a skateboard. Um, but smaller than a surfboard. What do I have that's like that size? Like I don't have a specific thing for scale. I guess like it's like five foot long. Oh, I don't like that.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I'm like I tried to give you like a scale. Like so that guy's like hand is next to it. You can see it.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my God.

  • Speaker #0

    And I'll show you like they're not like they just.

  • Speaker #1

    They're so chubby.

  • Speaker #0

    They usually are. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    That's adorable.

  • Speaker #0

    They look cute, but they're not.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I can understand. Yeah, the red and yellow.

  • Speaker #0

    friend it's a sign it's like don't touch me i am super poisonous yeah yeah heal monsters are no joke but yeah so with all of these changes and everything like truly with any story being told verbally i'm sure the telepo just receives embellishments that range depending on who the target audience is you know as we if we said it before everyone is scared differently there's no right way to scare so i mean just you

  • Speaker #1

    letting your audience imagine whatever they need it it really does the trick yeah and like we've already established there's like a variety of ways to scare there's a variety of ways you can twist the story to scare even more and yeah it's yeah it's it's it's a kind of it's a cool one where i i guess i kind of knew it but i knew a different version but i didn't know your version and i just kind of picked it apart and i that was it was a cool little adventure we went on you

  • Speaker #0

    right i actually really enjoyed that i like the horror story it's like tailored to your own personal little nightmares and we got to dissect it and give it a little bit more context and lore and background and i really appreciate expanding upon it in that way because we got to kind of not not necessarily put our stamp on the retelling of it but just just expand upon it and give the taily po lore in the world of cryptids and folklore just just more information because that's really all it is it's just like an ever-expanding library of of stories yeah just like the spookery

  • Speaker #1

    and the spookery as as its intention was always to be it's to tell stories it's to preserve stories but it's also to expand upon stories and you know well we'll get i'm sure i really hope that people will send us their own versions of this story we're like have you heard this story do you know this story what version do you know how does it change from where you live versus where i am where versus where alana is it's this yeah and that's kind of the cool thing about this oral tradition is that the story will always change and sometimes it will change for the better, and sometimes it will change for the creepy, and sometimes it will change as a cautionary tale, and sometimes it'll just be something completely different. So, yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Absolutely. No, I'm very excited to see who has heard about this, how it has changed depending on where you're from in the world. I mean, this is, too, you're getting a perspective from just, you know, someone inside the U.S. Like, in other countries, I'm sure that this tale has been embellished and changed and given so many different details just to fit the area and the region and the culture. So... I'm excited. I want to hear more about it. I hope you guys enjoyed my version and retelling of this today because it really is truly one of my personal favorites that I have held on to my entire life. And so being able to share it and pass it along this cursed knowledge to you, I just, I'm really happy. And I'm hoping that you get a chance to share this troubling tale with a friend or a foe of your choosing soon as well.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes. You know, my family is not safe for this story, family. I'm coming for you. Thank you, foe.

  • Speaker #0

    you have to do the scary voice am I not scary enough should I go just like that yes okay yeah you nailed it okay

  • Speaker #1

    I did practice my scary voice it was great I loved your scary voice I curled up into my blanket a little bit like so like that that's a no from me but ma'am thank you for telling your little slice of of personal cryptid folklore because man what a cool little story and and i'm i think you told it so well and just man thank you thank you for the little slice of

  • Speaker #0

    yeah like you said it not only is a folklore from history but it is a little bit a little bit more personal about me which we haven't really got personal on the podcast yet so you're learning about us learning about the hosts of what you listen to yes maybe it's cool maybe it's not maybe you don't care but now

  • Speaker #1

    you know it either way i care so you as an audience don't have a say no i'm kidding that's true it's it's kind of nice and of course you know i know i think i said before we have different you backgrounds, different childhoods. So we'll always interpret and process information differently. And it's this really cool thing where you can share the story and we can just expand upon it together and look at it like in a completely new light. And I just, I love it. I love it how cool, this book is such a cool place to be, guys.

  • Speaker #0

    It really is. And I really am just like, I'm so honored. Thank you for listening. Thank you for just being here for this. This was a great episode. I loved it. It means a lot to me.

  • Speaker #1

    No, of course. No, this was awesome. This is, I guess this was, yeah, this was a cryptid I didn't know. It was a cryptid I've... It awoke a core memory in me, but I didn't know this one. And like the fact that you told it so well that I was able to draw it and get it kind of accurate to what you were thinking. That just goes to show how cool you told that story.

  • Speaker #0

    That's such a compliment. I'm just so glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad I was able to pick yet another thing that you just hadn't heard about because I love being able to surprise you with things. That's kind of like always my secret cycle with the spookery is picking things that not only I get to surprise our listeners to, but that I get to surprise you with, lady, because your reaction to things is just the best. that's why we're here i i just i love getting to tell you stories i think you're three for three ma'am i didn't know about the fires i didn't know about the cult i didn't know about the taily po and whatever the spookery wheel gives you i won't know about either i know yes i was just about to say i think we are finally around that time where it is time to spin that

  • Speaker #1

    wheel so bookery wheel tm yes spookery wheel tm spookery wheel spookery wheel oh ma'am

  • Speaker #0

    These Spookery Spirits have done right by me so far So I'm really excited Don't do me dirty now Give me something good Come on Spookery Spirits Mama's gotta get a new pair of shoes

  • Speaker #1

    You already got your new pair of shoes You already got your cryptic

  • Speaker #0

    I did I got what I wanted I don't even know what I'm hoping for at this point Because I got what I wanted Alright well I've set up the wheel

  • Speaker #1

    It's ready for us Alright I'm gonna spin In 3, 2, 1, go Woo There it goes Ooh it's really spinning ma'am what did i get your category for your next episode is conspiracy theories are you kidding that is such a fun category too why do the smokers like you so much it's

  • Speaker #0

    been such a good topic to get i'm i cannot only figure out why after after levine is fake that she's gone We're gonna figure it out. We're gonna get to the bottom. Is she really Avril Lavigne or did they replace her? I don't know.

  • Speaker #1

    Find out in two weeks.

  • Speaker #0

    Find out in two weeks. We'll see. I mean, you never know. But that one has always haunted me.

  • Speaker #1

    That one's a good one. God, you got all the cool ones. I mean, that's not true. I also got cursed objects. I got mass murder. So I guess I can't complain.

  • Speaker #0

    Dude, and you did Body and Clyde. You did a three-parter sitting here off the cusp of a three-parter. You're like, man, can I get a good one? I'm like, you got the best one. What the heck are you talking about?

  • Speaker #1

    Man, it's crazy. You know, it's true. I can't complain. I've got some really cool categories. I think I just, I'm not getting the specific one that I want. And I'm just salty about it. But no, the Spooker Wheel has been kind to both of us, I think, just to different degrees. I think it's played really well into our strengths. Absolutely. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, this has been a good foot to start out. The season one, you know, really get to just dive into stuff that we're passionate about, that we want to talk about. And we're just going to keep getting better and learning. And the research is going to get better. The stories are going to get deeper. I'm just excited. I'm excited to continue this.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Well, speaking of continuing, I guess it's my turn to tease next week's episode, huh?

  • Speaker #0

    It sure is. Give us a little bit of that teaser.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, teaser. Okay, so my category that I'm complaining about slash. I'm dealing with mass murder coming off the tailcoats of Bonnie and Clyde. So I guess my teaser, I have two. So my first teaser is that I have gone the polar opposite of Bonnie and Clyde.

  • Speaker #0

    The polar opposite.

  • Speaker #1

    The polar opposite. So,

  • Speaker #0

    Donnie and Lice. No,

  • Speaker #1

    that's not the polar opposite. That's adjacent. We're going perpendicular.

  • Speaker #0

    I didn't understand the assignment.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay, and then I guess my second teaser is I have had to learn an entirely new language to understand my case. Yes, I have had to learn another language. It's been an adventure. So when you hear my case next week, you'll know that I had to Google translate so much of it. And if I say things funny, that's why.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, my gosh. No, that is some true dedication to the craft, madame. I am so excited to hear your tale. And yeah, no judgment. You're going to do the best that you can and we'll learn. It'll be a great experience. I'm excited.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, there you go. There is. There's my teaser. It's the polar opposite of Bonnie and Clyde. And I had to learn a new language for this one.

  • Speaker #0

    So, wow.

  • Speaker #1

    Good luck. I hope you guys give it a guess. If you guys want, send us an email. What do you think it is? If you've got cases that you would like to discover, please send us a Gmail. I guess that's segueing straight into our socials.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, absolutely. Yeah. If you want to find us, you can find us pretty much anywhere at Spookery Podcast.

  • Speaker #1

    Yep. You can send us a Gmail at Spookery Podcast at gmail.com. We're on YouTube now. How cool. We are.

  • Speaker #0

    We're officially on YouTube. So go subscribe.

  • Speaker #1

    Go subscribe to that. It's pretty much all of our episodes are available there. You can go subscribe to the channel. It's got a little cute little thing that our beautiful distributor gave to us. so yeah you've got a little visual wave line where you can I guess watch while you're listening to us but we're all on there so you can go say that it's literally Spookery Podcast you'll find us it's got our same logo as our cover art and yeah check us out.

  • Speaker #0

    And yeah, uh, we just appreciate you listening. We appreciate any feedback. Uh, we definitely have some recap notes for you for that sweet, sweet recap episode, which we're very excited about. If anyone has anything else to add to that, please just send us an email. We really appreciate it. Everyone has been so kind and so nice so far, even, you know, the few emails we've gotten, we just, we really do appreciate them. So just thank you for taking the time. Yeah. Just being so kind about it.

  • Speaker #1

    And if you guys have extra questions that you want to ask, if we, I mean, Alana missed something that you want us to talk about, if you, had a question that we didn't get to please please please let us know like we will 100% add it to our recap notes and we will try and address as many as we can I have my own questions like because I edit all of the episodes and going back I'm like why didn't I ask this question at that time

  • Speaker #0

    so yeah feel free to let us know we've got plenty of time before the recap is finalized so please send us a gmail and if you guys are enjoying the journey so far please think about leaving us a five star review absolutely it means so much it helps the algorithm make us more discoverable and other people other spooky lovers you know find our podcast and give

  • Speaker #1

    us a more things to talk about so yeah we just appreciate you we appreciate you I appreciate you ma'am thank you so much for telling this amazing story thank you for telling me about the daily pow

  • Speaker #0

    thank you for being the best audience ever as usual uh i'm gonna have night terrors tonight i can feel it

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to be like cozy at 2 a.m. And I'm just going to hear like, I'm going to hear my demon in my wall that knocks and I'm going to be like,

  • Speaker #0

    I genuinely, after hearing this story, I feel like your eyes do like, you know how your eyes play tricks on you and you kind of imagine things in the dark when they're not there. And you will start to see the taily poe in the little corners of your eye as you're laying there in the dark. And you think, wait, what is, is that just nothing in the corner of my room? Or is that maybe the taily-po?

  • Speaker #1

    Yes, is that shadow slithering at the bottom of your bed? Is that little rustling inside your closet? Is it perhaps something with sharp teeth and a Cheshire grin? And it's coming for you. It's coming for you, taily-po.

  • Speaker #0

    It's a taily-po. Oh.

  • Speaker #1

    such a fun episode today man it really was thank you so much for telling it thank you guys for coming until next time stay spooky bye bye bye bye bye Tell me about your black fairy. I'm not screaming. Don't tell me your story.



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Tailypo.... Tailypo....

This episode is a slice of personal history as Alana tells us all about the monster that lurked under her bed. It's creepy, it's menacing, and it's up to the Spookery Gals to make it 1000 times worse. This Cryptid and Folklore episode has everything, from chilling nightime tales, to an arts and crafts section, and we even break down the creative writing process! And who knows... maybe it'll awake a core memory of some long forgotten childhood horror like it did with Lady...

Source Cited:

  • Admin. “Tailypo.” Storytelling for Everyone, 20 Oct. 2021, https://storytellingforeveryone.net/tailypo/
  • Doyle, Ceili. “Ode to the Tailypo: The Story behind a Spooky Appalachian Folktale.” The Columbus Dispatch, The Columbus Dispatch, 21 Oct. 2022, https://www.dispatch.com/story/lifestyle/features/2022/10/21/tailypo-appalachian-ohio-native-shares-spooky-folktale-this-halloween/69536772007/
  • Galdone, Joanna, and Paul Galdone. The Tailypo: A Ghost Story. Clarion, 1977
  • Gardner, Jeremy and Christian Stella, directors. After Midnight. Cranked Up Films, 2019
  • Gibbs, Laura. “Taily-Po.” Brer Rabbit and the Witch-Rabbit, 2019, https://sites.google.com/view/brerrabbitf19/taily-po?pli=1
  • Harris, Joel  Chandler. Taily-Po. Vol. 23, Metropolitan Magazine, 1906
  • Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus Returns. McKinlay, Stone & Mackenzie, 1918
  • Kellermeyer, Michael. “Tailypo (a Chilling Re-Telling of the Appalachian Legend): A Ghost Story for Halloween.” Oldstyletales, Oldstyletales, 1 Dec. 2020, https://www.oldstyletales.com/single-post/tailypo-a-chilling-re-telling-of-the-appalachian-legend-a-ghost-story-for-halloween
  • McCasland, Cameron, director. Tailypo, Red Headed Revolution Pictures, 2015, Accessed 2023
  • Powell, Eric. Hillbilly: The Midnight Devilment of the Tailypo. Vol. 5, 2017
  • Scary For Kids. “Tailypo.” Scary For Kids, 29 Sept. 2015, https://www.scaryforkids.com/tailypo/
  • Templeton, Mike. “Tailypo, Tailypo, Who or What Is Tailypo.” Welcome to UACC, 9 Oct. 2022, https://uacvoice.org/2022/10/tailypo-tailypo-who-or-what-is-tailypo/

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Art was created by the amazing Rhian Perry at https://www.instagram.com/digipaw1/?utm_source=qr&igshid=NGExMmI2YTkyZg%3D%3D 

All music is from the Epidemic Sound Library.

Until next time, Stay Spooky!     

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Welcome everyone, I am Awana.

  • Speaker #1

    And I'm Lady.

  • Speaker #0

    And this is Spookery.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh yeah, it is.

  • Speaker #0

    all righty welcome back our lovely guests it is time for another weekly episode of spookery and this this right here guys this episode this is officially our halfway point through our very first season and oh my god it is it it does this episode marks a halfway point and um i just gotta say you know i've been having a blast so far have you um

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. I have.

  • Speaker #0

    No, I was like, oh, God.

  • Speaker #1

    I've been having such a good time. I feel like I hogged half of the first half. Does that make sense? I hogged it with my three-part thing, so I'm really happy to hand the mic back over to you and be like, tell me a story, please.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh, not at all. Bonnie and Clyde was such a wild ride, and I was happy to go on it with you. And I think this week it's a good transition, because instead of something serious, we are just talking about a silly little story where there's literally not based in any reality whatsoever. We literally just get to laugh and share some spooky stories together, so it's a good time.

  • Speaker #1

    love it i'm so excited uh it's cryptids and folklore bb i don't know anything about cryptids i'm excited you're gonna tell me a slice of home desert love life style something until

  • Speaker #0

    i'm a little slap happy i don't think it's quite recovered from bonnie that's all right this is a good episode to get all that slap happiness out and get us you know just just just get us refreshed. I really think this is going to be a good episode. I'm very excited to tell this to you.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, I don't think you've had a bad episode yet, So I'm so excited for just not just hit us another home run right out the park. Let's heckin go.

  • Speaker #0

    All right, let's go. So real quick, I did want to say if, you know, listeners, if you guys have listened to any of our previous episodes and have come back for more, you know, Lady and I, we just we got to say thank you for real. Like, this is genuinely a passion project for both of us that we have put so much love into. And if you are getting any enjoyment at all from this, it's considered a win win. So thank you for listening. Seriously.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, no, thank you for listening. Thank you for loving the Spookery as much as we do. Like, Alana, perfectly. It is a passion project and we're so passionate about it. And... I'm just, I'm really glad that you guys have come on this journey with us. I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I love you. I'm thankful to you. I love you, Alana. Thank you for coming with me on this journey.

  • Speaker #0

    I love you lady. And I also did want to take this moment as well, because we also have been getting a lot of love from one individual particular or one particular individual. And, um, I feel like we should just give him a little bit of a big shout out right now and just say, thank you for not only listening, but this man takes the time to write us a personal email after every episode. just gives us his thoughts he has even gone so far as to make us our very first fan art of the podcast that i hope maybe with his consent we will get to share with you one day um but yeah sai is just such an amazing person and we just i feel like taking taking a moment to just say thank you side no you're probably listening to this and so just thank you thank you for just everything you do no

  • Speaker #1

    sai thank you so much we actually we read your emails together just to make sure that we're we're both like we both know that you've sent us and just are full of love and they're, they're so well thought out and they do just give us like the goofiest smile when we read them. So thank you so much from the bottom of my, my cold dead heart for listening to the spook. Thank you for coming on this journey with me and Alana. We appreciate you so, so much.

  • Speaker #0

    Absolutely. 10 out of 10. Couldn't have said it better, man. Yes. Yeah. All right. So back, back to our episode, mushy gushy stuff aside, back to the spooky. this week it is my turn to tell you a tale haha no no pun intended um you'll see okay is that also a pun does it have multiple eyes as well as a tail maybe maybe as you all remember from my last spin i was so graciously gifted by the spookery spirits and given the topic of cryptids in folklore um

  • Speaker #1

    yes we know who's the favorite of the spookery spirits is thanks spookery wheel for my mass murder it's going great by the way thank you next one will be good i for you this is my season season one is my season spookery spirits are like alana girl get us off right here's what i know they're like they're like lady you need to cut down your episode length like six hours was too much so you have to stop with more i'm gonna call them thanks spookery spirits that's so funny you

  • Speaker #0

    Oh man, no, I have truly enjoyed your episodes. I think you've been getting great categories too. Any of the categories that we have, they're all great ones, to be honest.

  • Speaker #1

    I agree. I don't think we've had a bad category. I just, I'm just salty because I want something salty.

  • Speaker #0

    I get that. Yeah. When you like have something particular in mind.

  • Speaker #1

    But anywho, let's get this beautiful cryptid folklore adventure going.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. So let's give you a little bit of background. So this is a pretty personal story to me. I personally grew up with a parent who just loved horror, creepy creatures, and all things that go bump in the night. So the minute I got this category, it felt like home. I was ready to go. I knew exactly what I was going to do for this. Growing up, I remember watching all sorts of shows, documentaries on late night TV, on the History Channel, about things like The Mothman, The Chupacabra, The Jersey Devil, you know, all the classics. and we even had our own personal cryptids growing up. Like, my dad made up this, like, sewer monster that lived in our backyard, and he would tell us that if we stuck our fingers in the holes around the pools, the sewer monster would gobble them up. So, like, I remember, like, even, you know, as a young kid, like, my dad was, like, in a way trying to, like, that's how kids learn lessons, right, is through, like, scary stories sometimes. So, you know, you make a scary story. It says, don't do this or else this monster is going to get you, and you go, okay, you're right, sir. I'm not going to do that thing anymore. So it worked, and we did not stick our fingers in the holes around the pool. So it worked.

  • Speaker #1

    And you missed out on all that gold treasure hidden inside the pool.

  • Speaker #0

    If only you'd known! If only I had just adventured and been adventurous. Oh, man.

  • Speaker #1

    I think everyone's parents did that when they were growing up so that's not too weird well I can't say that my parents told me that there was a swamp monster in any pool that I visited but I was also kind of dumb and I think I would have done it anywhere but like can I be friends with a swamp monster?

  • Speaker #0

    they knew I finger in and just do it anyway and I did and I got like a little finger massage yeah they tell you like there's something creepy in there you're like cool I'm gonna go make friends with that thing so they knew better

  • Speaker #1

    I know I think that really set up my childhood they knew I was gonna be a creepy kid yes

  • Speaker #0

    oh that's good though your parents loved that they embraced you they just they knew so they know i think they did parents parents please confirm right oh my gosh so yeah so what i have picked for us today really is one of the first scary stories that i ever remember being told i'm not exactly sure how old i was when i first heard this story just in my brain as far back as my memory goes this is like the og scary story um it's yeah you guys are literally going to be introduced to why i'm afraid of the dark the reason i don't let my feet hang off the edge of the bed like aka my og sleep paralysis even it's we're getting personal today so i'm excited oh i'm so excited delve into the psyche of alana yes so dear listeners and lady please raise your hand if you have heard of the tailypo anyone no my hand is firmly seated in my lap because i

  • Speaker #1

    The Tailypo?

  • Speaker #0

    The Tailypo.

  • Speaker #1

    The Tailypo. How do you spell that?

  • Speaker #0

    So the spelling of it does change depending on who wrote the story, but how I remember it being spelled and how I'm choosing to spell it is T-A-I-L-Y-P-O.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay. So yeah, quite literally a Tailypo.

  • Speaker #0

    Tailypo. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, okay. All right. No.

  • Speaker #0

    I really am genuinely curious how many people have heard of this before we actually get into today's episode. So if you have never taken the time to write us before. and you were thinking about doing it, this is your opportunity to break the ice. Please, I do really want to know how many people have heard of the Taillie Poe, because I know it's not a popular story. It's not a popular folklore. It's not a popular legend. I don't know how it made its way from where it started all the way over to Arizona, but this is something I heard growing up, and I'm so baffled that no one else has heard about it.

  • Speaker #1

    No. Yeah. I've done my fair share of exploring. I've never heard of the Taillie Poe. I'm a I'm so curious to see where like the origin story comes from.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. No, that's all right. If you, if you haven't heard about it, you will definitely know about it after today's episode. So. Yes. Um. But before we actually get into my retelling of the scary story, I am going to give you a little bit of information on the origins and the history of the Telepo. Because I knew you were going to ask for it and I had it ready to go. You know, just a little taste of that sweet, sweet context, you know. We've got to hide you over.

  • Speaker #1

    My delicious favorite spice.

  • Speaker #0

    Exactly. I'm like, I know she can't wait until the whole story. So I'll give her a little something to start out with and then we'll talk more later.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    So the Telepo is actually, and I'm probably going to say this wrong, an Appalachian cryptid. I know there's a different way to say it. Appalachian.

  • Speaker #1

    I've always said Appalachian, but...

  • Speaker #0

    Cool, then we're going to say it the right way. Awesome. We're just going to say it the right way.

  • Speaker #1

    Sure. I'm not the right person to ask as a non-American, but sure. Yes, Appalachian.

  • Speaker #0

    That's true. Yeah. I heard about it from Fallout. That's the first time I ever really heard someone say it out loud was the Appalachian. So, yeah, that's what we're going with. So the tale goes from the Appalachia or the Appalachian area. And again, they're really not not really as famous from some of the others from the area like Bigfoot and Mothman, which really is a crime because it is such a unique and creepy and dare I even say fun story to tell. I really feel like it would be more popular than it is. But it's just it's not up there with those big guys. So, of course, as with most folklore stories, the details of the telepo vary from person to person, region to region. So there are many different versions of this. And we are doing this in a true folklore fashion. And I am going to be the one telling you my version. my recollection of the story today. So this is not anyone else's story. It's loosely, you know, it's just my recollection. It's based down from my own memory. So it's kind of a hodgepodge, you know, the true folklore.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm excited. I'm also curious about other variations. So if you have other variations of the story, like, listener, please, like, let me know. Because, like, I don't know any version of this story. So, like, I'm keen. I'm here to learn.

  • Speaker #0

    Right? There's so many. I do believe that the version from my memory is mainly based on a children's book actually written by Joanna C. Galdon, I think is how you say the last name, or Galdon. The minute I saw the cover of the book, I was like, oh, heck yeah, that is like the book I read as a child. Like I knew, like it just unlocked that core memory for me. But even after seeing like the artwork and the cover for it, for some reason in my head, the image that I conjured of this creature is very different than how it's actually depicted in almost all of the artwork. Which I think is kind of funny. Like, just none of the drawings or anything compare remotely to how scary, like, the creature I concocted in my head is. Okay. Yeah. So, that being said, I am going to make you wait until after the story to give you a full description and share photos of the tailwhip, because I'm just nice like that. I want your brain to be able to make up the scariest thing possible to you. So, you're welcome.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. you don't know what nightmare fuel you've conjured ma'am i have an ipad with procreate on it i will draw the amalgamation that comes into my head i would love it if you did i would love to see that oh my gosh all right that would be great

  • Speaker #0

    so um so joanna first cursed children with her retelling of the story in 1984 but the earliest written versions date back to the early 19th century um a story actually told by uncle remus aka joel chandler harris who you might know for being an author of the rare rabbit stories um i did read through that version of the telepo as well and it is pretty similar but of course it has some majorly striking differences too on that note I am going to make you wait until after the story to highlight the main consistent details of the story well we're getting the whole story at the end of the story I'm telling you what I'm going to tell you and then I'm going to tell you it and then we're going to talk about what I told you that's what's happening after

  • Speaker #1

    that fucking ride that I took you on with Bonnie and Clyde I think this is the least you can do yeah I can't wait I can wait. I'm a patient. I'm a patient sort. I will wait.

  • Speaker #0

    I definitely, I think I have teased you enough. So go ahead, dim your lights, you know, grab your tea, and I'm going to grab my flashlight. And so I can get in the proper scary story mode. And we're going to get into it.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm so excited. I'm ready. I'm under my blanket. I'm hidden. I'm all curled up. I'm tucked in. I got my tea. Tell me a spooky story, ma'am. Tell me a spooky story.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll tell you the spooky story. All right. So. A long time ago, in a land far, far away, sat a cabin in a dark and swampy forest. Inside that cabin lived an old hunter. The hunter's cabin had only one room, and that room was his bedroom, his dining room, and his kitchen too. The hunter lived alone, other than his three dogs. His dogs'names were, and get ready for this one, Uno, Aino, and Comtico Calico.

  • Speaker #1

    Excuse me.

  • Speaker #0

    I can definitely spell that one for you too. The dog's names were Uno, Aino, and Comtico Calico.

  • Speaker #1

    I feel like there was some clear favoritism with one of these dogs. I'm not going to name any names, but I just feel. that there was some dog favoritism. I'm also going to imagine that Uno and I know are like big Dobermans and then come to Kalismo.

  • Speaker #0

    Yep. That's that's it. Yep.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, sure. Yep. Come to Kalismo. Sure. We'll go with that. I'm imagining it as a really small dog,

  • Speaker #0

    a little tiny, like Terry, you're like one out of all of them.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a sausage dog, but it's got two big Doberman brothers.

  • Speaker #0

    that's my story and i'm still to it amazing oh my god i'm not gonna i'm not gonna steer you wrong this is folklore and your imagination can paint this exactly however you want so it's canada all right winter was approaching in the forest and soon food would be scarce and the days would be short the old man set out on a hunt one cold day hatchet in hand with his three hounds by his side unfortunately the hunter had a bit of bad luck He had only managed to catch a single small rabbit and night was beginning to fall. Before starting to make his way back to his cabin, the hunter decided to stop and set a fire to roast his small supper.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm gonna interject really quickly in here. No wonder he only caught one small rabbit. He only brought himself a hatchet.

  • Speaker #0

    He only brought a hatchet. Yeah, he's out there, like you said, just swinging at things.

  • Speaker #1

    He's wildly swinging at rabbits. He's like, he's like, miraculously hit one that he didn't lose, but sure.

  • Speaker #0

    I never said he was a good hunter, okay? I just said he was a hunter. I never clarified.

  • Speaker #1

    Fair enough. That's on me.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't know how he managed to beat these three dogs on this budget, but. I hope they're doing good.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm sure they are. I believe. No, I know. Comptaculism are doing great.

  • Speaker #0

    They're great. Oh my gosh. So as he sat by a fire with his three dogs, he heard some rustling from across the fire. His gaze was met by an oddly shaped creature with bright, fiery yellow eyes and a long tail. The man quickly went for his hatchet and swung at the creature as hard as he could. The creature let out a scream while running off into the night. The hunter only managed to get the animal's tail, but he decided to eat it anyway. The hunter cooked up his dinner before returning home to his cabin.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to emphasize what we said earlier. This is not a good hunter.

  • Speaker #0

    He's not the best. He's doing his best, but it's not the best.

  • Speaker #1

    Do not eat for an animal, my dude. Don't do it. It's an unidentified strange tail. Don't eat it.

  • Speaker #0

    An unidentified strange tail. Well, if you're hungry, you're hungry.

  • Speaker #1

    Don't eat ISTs, guys. It's just not worth it.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. When he got back to his home, the man lit his fireplace to keep him warm for the night. He settled into bed and fell asleep peacefully with his belly full, listening to the cracks of the fire. The hunter was awoken to a strange noise. His eyes opened and tried to adjust to the light in the room. And when they finally did, he noticed something at the foot of his bed. Peeking up from right over the edge of the mattress were two yellow glowing eyes staring straight at the man.

  • Speaker #1

    It's cute. he's like he's mad because he didn't get it yeah the god's like i'm small but i wanted the tail i'm so hungry master master why did you only feed me stringy rabbit i wanted to curse the spooky tail oh

  • Speaker #0

    my god as the man lay there trembling in fear the creature reached out one dark furry claw you up to climb onto the bed, and whispered in a terrible voice, Tally-po, tally-po, all I want is my tally-po!

  • Speaker #1

    You have not expelled my thoughts that this is the dog. You have not changed my mind.

  • Speaker #0

    It's the dog. He put the fur of the rabbit on and he's trying to scare him to get more food.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he's just wrapped in a really thick blanket and he's just like, I wanted the Daily Poe. I'm hungry. Oh my god. Smart dog. Clever girl.

  • Speaker #0

    The hunter scrambled up out of bed and yelled up for his dogs. Uno, Aino, and come to Cocalico! The three hounds leapt up into action and chased the creature off into the darkness. The hunter calmed himself down while he waited for his dogs to return. The dogs finally returned, and the night returned to calm. The man wrapped his blanket tightly around himself. He lay there quietly, listening to the fire, until he managed to fall back to sleep again. He was awoken shortly by the sound of claws scratching at the front door. The hunter's eyes shot open, and the clawing continued. Scratch, scratch, scratch. The old man shouted out, Who's out there at this time of night? The horrible voice said again, Telepo, telepo, I'm coming to get my telepo. This time, though, the man was so scared that he couldn't even stand up. He called out to his dogs from his bed, and they tore out after the creature yet again. They continued to chase the creature until the hunter could no longer see them. All was quiet yet again while the hunter waited for his dogs to return. But this time, they did not return. Somehow, the man managed to go back to sleep. The morning was closed, but it was still dark.

  • Speaker #1

    He doesn't care about his dogs. He deserves whatever comes after him.

  • Speaker #0

    He's just like, yeah, okay. They're just not coming back.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. You know, they were hard to feed. I couldn't even catch a rabbit for myself. Never mind three rabbits for my beautiful dogs. They're going to have a better life now. Off you go.

  • Speaker #0

    I think they joined voices with the tailie poe, to be honest with you.

  • Speaker #1

    You know what? I believe it. That sausage dog. I'm pretty sure that sausage dog was the one scratching at the door. I'm just going to put it out there. That sausage dog wanted that tail.

  • Speaker #0

    and this is actually how we're turning this into our next cult episode is the cult of the tailie bone i'm sure what a plot twist oh my gosh the morning was close but it was still dark the man was still asleep until something started to howl from outside it's the knowledge dog's return the knowledge dog, oh my goodness he's like hello and school-lead cameo it's back from its chase oh my gosh sorry no you're so great at first he thought it was just the wind but after he lay there listening for a few moments he could make out that whole that horrible voice yet again you know and i know all i want is my telly pro The old man tried to call out for his dogs. Oh no, I know, it come to co-calico! But this time, the dogs didn't come. He raced outside into the moonlight and screamed for his dogs again. There was no trace of the hounds, just the man standing outside with the sound of the wind blowing around him. The hunter retreated back inside the cabin, closing and barricading the door behind him. The voice got closer and closer until he could tell it was right outside the door. The creature began to scratch at the door again, all while repeating the same dreadful phrase. The man cowered inside with nowhere to run. The creature scratched and clawed until the only thing left of the hunter and his cabin was the old chimney. Some people say when the cold wind blows on a dark winter night, if you listen carefully, you can hear a strange voice saying, Telepo, Telepo, now I've got my Telepo. Fancy.

  • Speaker #1

    Thank you. I'm just going to put it up. This man had a hatchet.

  • Speaker #0

    he did this whole time. This whole time.

  • Speaker #1

    This man had a hatchet that he took the tail. That's how he got the tail in the first place. And he just like forgot.

  • Speaker #0

    He just, yeah, he just completely did not. He was too scared.

  • Speaker #1

    He was too scared.

  • Speaker #0

    Maybe one of the dogs took it with him when he ran out.

  • Speaker #1

    There's a sausage dog. I'm telling you.

  • Speaker #0

    He's like, let me grab my hatchet. This hunter's no good with it anyway.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm telling you, one of the commandos got this. That dog is laughing for something.

  • Speaker #0

    that's so funny columbia commando that's a good one that's a really good one i can't remember this dog saved for the life of me i'm so sorry it's great I honestly, that dog's name is the entire reason that I remembered this story was I was like laying there in bed one night and I was just like, oh, no, I know. Come to go Calico. And I was like, wait, the tailie pole. Like I just like all of a sudden just came back to me like the minute that I remembered these dogs names. So I think that there is something to that. Like I think like the story, like somehow like in order to be like retold, like it relies somewhat on these like weird dogs names, which is kind of strange.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. Yeah, no, I agree. And I'm going to guess that these dog names are.

  • Speaker #0

    consistent through each story or at least some iteration of like rhyme scheme is is consistent through the story it is yeah no we will get into that in just a little bit because there are a lot of consistencies like you said throughout the retellings and the names of the dogs not necessarily being these but the repetition really is a huge part of the story it's like a main one of the main focal points right

  • Speaker #1

    And actually, I'm going to draw my version of the Come to Go Calico while you're telling the next bit, just so that I remember my version before you tell me what the real one looks like.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, please.

  • Speaker #1

    And I'll post this on Instagram. Post it.

  • Speaker #0

    I would love it. Yeah, no, there are a lot of different, I mean, even in my research and stuff, I saw so many different depictions of the Daily Poll that I, like, even some that, like, I didn't recognize. I'm like, that's what you would consider the Daily Poll? And I mean, everyone is allowed their own. like yeah imagination everyone's allowed their own version of it but like some i mean like you have this picture in your head and then you see it and you're like wow like it's crazy that that's what you thought of and i'm all the way over here you know like yeah but that's that's what makes the story so beautiful it really is and i

  • Speaker #1

    i'm very curious to hear what the actual version is based on what i think it looks like and of course right i'm gonna start right now i will post what my version looks like but i'm not an artist i never am i never will be um so

  • Speaker #0

    please be nice to me but it's not gonna be anything cool but i'll i'll try it it's gonna be fantastic i'm excited to see it actually let's actually put a little note in here later on because i not to like put any pressure on side but since he has done some depictions before i'm like really curious to see what he thinks of the telepo too if he ever wanted to share that with us if he maybe was already drawing it during this episode but no pressure whatsoever no don't worry i'll do it in your sense so you don't have to perfect all right so yeah it's time to get into our little bit of debrief time talking about the story a little bit more so despite this version of the story being like a quote-unquote children's story i don't necessarily recommend sharing it with your children. Like, unless of course, like you hate the fact that they just like sleep soundly through the night. If you just, if you hate a good night's sleep, here is the fix for you. Otherwise, maybe I would save this one for them when they're just like a little bit older. Cause I think it is really creepy for kids. I think it does kind of like leaving it up to your imagination. Like they just conjure up some terrible nightmare fuel.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. I can, I can see why.

  • Speaker #0

    I think it's hard. And like I said, this was the reason why I could not let my feet hang over the edge of the bed at night as even a child. Even now, I imagine the little taily-po claw grabbing my foot and being like, I give me my taily-po, even though I've never eaten a tail. I promise. I've never done it.

  • Speaker #1

    Not that you know of.

  • Speaker #0

    Not that I know of. Yeah, you're right. That's true. That's a horrible thought. Thank you for that.

  • Speaker #1

    You're welcome. You never know.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. So. I am really curious, lady. What did you think of the story overall? Like, I hope I was able to creep you out with my storytelling skills just a little bit.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, I'm going to say that when I'm scared, I deflect to humor. And I would like to formally put towards the audience that I deflected a lot then. So I was rather spooked. It's a spooky story.

  • Speaker #0

    I practiced my scary voice even before telling it. I wanted to, you know, make it as spooky as possible. Because when my dad used to tell this to me, he had a pretty horrible voice that he put on for the Daily Poe as well. And I think that also adds to it.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I'm gonna, you'll see my iteration before everybody else, what I draw as what I think it looks like. And I think you'll understand why I'm like sufficiently corrupt. Because mine... I'm just looking at it now. It's fucking nightmare fuel.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm really excited to see it then. Cause like, yeah, everyone has, you know, their own version of spooky. So yeah, that'll be fun to see. Yeah. And, and even this, this is the first time I've really gotten to go into like full blown story mode for the podcast. So I'm really, I really enjoyed it. It was not only fun to write, but I did really have a fun time telling it.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, I think we need more like proper, like spooky, scary stories. We don't have enough, like just good old fashioned spooks books. So thank you for telling me. Thank you for,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah. Yeah. I'm very happy to do it. I'm happy to add our first like actual spooky story to the archive because I think we needed it. I think we've had a lot of stuff based in history. We've gotten a lot of, you know, really good stories that like you said, take place in reality, but just this one is a good, just like actual true folklore. Like we just, we got to make fun of it a little bit. And now I get to tell you more about it.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes, please. Tell me, tell me the story. Yes. Tell me about your, your boy.

  • Speaker #0

    So, most of the time, the tailie pose is usually depicted to be about the size of a dog with pointy ears and a long tail. Is that consistent with what you imagined?

  • Speaker #1

    Uh, mine was a little-well, I guess, what-what size dog? Because dogs come in lots of different sizes.

  • Speaker #0

    That's true. From my sources, it really just said, like, medium-sized dog, so it isn't, like, super specific. Yeah. But also, there's a lot of pictures of it that kind of look like a cat, like a larger cat. So I would say, like, a medium-sized dog, like a hundred-pound dog.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I would say that's consistent with what I was thinking. I was thinking something that kind of skittered along the ground, kind of. Yeah. Like, almost like a lizard size, but like a big lizard, like a monitor lizard.

  • Speaker #0

    Like a little bit lizard. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So around that, like you said. It is usually said to have either red or yellow eyes, just depending on the storyteller. Mm-hmm. Um, the telepo is always usually nocturnal. and usually depicted with dark black fur. Its main defense is its razor-sharp claws, and it speaks English as it demands the return of its tail through its creepy and repetitive little phrases. I think that also speaks to, like, the repetition of the story. Like, it has the dogs, and he calls out for the dogs. You say the names of the dogs several times. And you also say, you know, the tailie-po phrase. Tailie-po, tailie-po, I'm coming to get my tailie-po. Like, it always repeats the repetition of threes. Like, I think that that really does have such a strong... sense in the story of just why it is carried on because it's just so fun to say. It's so fun to tell.

  • Speaker #1

    It is. Yeah, I would agree.

  • Speaker #0

    But I know I did kind of make this sound like at the beginning, like it was more of like a true cryptid, like throughout the last one I teased about it. I'm like, this is like a cryptid. But the Tailypoh, like compared to creatures like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, like the Tailypoh really does fall more under like folklore than cryptid because. there's like, there's no sightings of the Taillipoe. No one's out there looking for this thing. Like, it really is just a famously scary parable that's been passed down from generation to generation. Like, so it's a lot different in that regard because there's just, there's not any, like I said, there's nothing based in reality for this one. It is completely mythical. It is just, it is just a fun little story. And some people really do think its main purpose originally was to teach kids not to steal or abuse animals. You know, like, you see it a lot with little kids. Like that's when they reach out to touch animals. If the animal runs away, they grab its tail. And so this, I feel like was a story to teach kids. don't do that. Cause the animal will come back and get you. it's just a scary story to, to teach kids some lesson. in some way or another so hence the reason it is labeled as a children's story i suppose um though besides Joanna and Uncle Remus, a lot of storytellers have taken their crack at this one over the years. There are really so many versions of the story that it is impossible to say who the original version of it belongs to. The Telepo has been depicted in books, blogs, comics, movies, you name it. I even read a version of this in my research. It was very interesting. It was told from the Telepo's perspective. Oh. That one, yeah, that one was really interesting. I've never seen a story flipped. in this regard and told from the like the view of the creature and it was like it was really interesting to to kind of get inside the head of the taily foe i don't know like i just i never even thought to go there so the fact that someone else took the time to write out an entire story it was really interesting and i'm gonna like that one too in my sources because i just think that one was really interesting and fun to read no it's i i'm excited because like i've got my horrendous

  • Speaker #1

    version that i'm drawing now i actually i'm gonna send it to you because i'm done you

  • Speaker #0

    so before we get any further i'm gonna send you all right so let me see your lovely depiction of this because it is there's there's no right or wrong it's all up to imagination all right here's the cursed image that i drew and i'll post this on instagram so you guys can see but i'm gonna show it to alana there there's my gosh that like the oh my gosh yes like like you said just like the i don't even know the right word like just the vagueness you know what i mean like i never like it never had like a full body for me like it was it was just like this like creepy like enigma in my brain like it that's very accurate that like creepy little smile the three little eyes oh god i don't like that i

  • Speaker #1

    realize after i've said it to you i'm looking at i'm like i've just sent you a fucking worm on a string with arms you

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my god, it literally is a haunted war monastery.

  • Speaker #1

    A haunted war monastery.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll post the commercial of this. I want my own. I'm gonna buy a worm on a string and some black spray paint get some little googly eyes and some teeth and I'm gonna make my own oh my god so there you go this will be on the drawing that I drew thanks I hate it daily pow daily pow can't you picture it you nailed it it has to be smiling I feel like it has this smiley toothy grin I it's so funny you say that because in every picture it absolutely is i didn't even note that i didn't even like pick up on that myself but it does always have like almost like a cheshire cat like shit eating grin on its face like it's a very creepy smile yeah so no that's it's so funny that everyone pictures that that's crazy that's crazy so it sounds like i hit the nail on the head you did wow no that's that's wild you really did do a fantastic job with that thank you i appreciate it's too good I'm not going to be saying that thing in my nightmares tonight.

  • Speaker #1

    You will. This is your new version of a daily post. This horrible, horrible thing that I drew.

  • Speaker #0

    I just needed to revive it for my adult nightmares. Woohoo! This episode is a bad idea.

  • Speaker #1

    If anything, it's been artsy crabs with spookery.

  • Speaker #0

    Artsy crabs with spookery. next week we'll show you how to make your own version of the

  • Speaker #1

    I would say next week is mass murder but yeah you had to commit an entire mass murder oh my gosh no oh god most of the things you learn is spookery yeah you learn about the tale-y poem then alright so tell me about this spooky thing on a string

  • Speaker #0

    but yeah they're really with the telepo there are really so many versions of the story that it is impossible to say who it belongs to uh the telepo has been depicted in books blogs i think i already read all this books blogs comics movies and you name it um just like all over media, people have just taken a crack at this thing, wanting to put their own unique stamp on the story. But the original variations of the legend usually all contain similar elements. The main theme of the story always revolves around theft and revenge, but the details about like the hunter, his dogs in the tailie pole all vary from retelling to retelling. So like the hungry man hunting for food by his old cabin is a constant. It's usually always taking place in the middle of the woods. There's this old man hunting for food. that's just usually how all the stories start. But his weapon of choice, like kind of how you pointed out, it does range a bit because I think a lot of people are very unsatisfied with the hatchet. So it does range from a hatchet all the way to a rifle. He is given all sorts of different weapons and stuff like that because I think it just, it really speaks to his incompetence as a hunter. With him just running out there, just trying to swing at things. So people kind of make him sound a little bit better and give him a rifle or some other weapons.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, that makes sense.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I totally think that's fair. And some of the stories, too, like he's even named like I'm trying to think of one of the stories. I think he's called like Old Man Fletcher. Like he's he's given names in some of these. I just went with he's a he's Old Man Hunter. Like that's that's his name. No,

  • Speaker #1

    well, actually, see, it's it's interesting that you said Fletcher because immediately when I was I was agreeing with you, it was like how incompetent he just went into a wood, started swinging a hatchet. But then my brain was like, well, there's actually a different kind of hunter, which is a trapper. and so maybe instead of you know he's going out and like i'm assuming not just throwing hatchets and rabbits and hoping that they hit but it's like setting traps here and there but if he was a fletcher a fletcher means that they're like they're whittling wood so they're creating traps he's creating he's trapping his environment but that means that he's not got a physical prowess to him so you know you also mentioned that he's an older gentleman so maybe he's really he's he's he's better at scheming you but he's not physically up to the task. So the hatchet is just to kill the thing that he traps, but that's not a method that he's not strong enough to wield it. We're creating, we're creating Taily Po lore.

  • Speaker #0

    We are. I've never, like, I never thought about that, but yeah. And like you said, that's, I've seen that name, old man Fletcher in a lot of things. And that's funny that a Fletcher is, I never knew that.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. It's, it's a Fletching is specifically, I think was like the, to like create arrows. Like you would carve like arrows, you would have arrows out of like sticks. that would be like the act of fletching. But like if he was a trapper, if he was making like stick traps and nets and he was more used to setting traps for himself, then of course, when this horrible nightmare amalgamation was... just as a black worm on a string just kind of came out of the darkness of course he's not going to be able to defend himself because he hasn't prepared if he was given you know i mean of course when his dogs went missing i probably would have been like that's the red flag where you start like booby trapping your house absolutely but it's also if he's an older gentleman if he's if he's used to creating traps and waiting he's not used to being the thing of the trap suddenly his cabin becomes the trap and he's just waiting for this this slithery creature to get in that is such a different like

  • Speaker #0

    I mean, you're adding so much to the story by pointing out just like this really small detail that I had really never considered. Like, it really does give so much awards of the tailie foe, like you said, of this man who really is just like the victim of the tailie foe at the end of the day. Like, that's his role in the story is to be the victim of the tailie foe. But to learn more about him, like you said, not really like think of him as like this incompetent, like he's just this old man out there, like you said, who's just physically incapable, but he has the skills, he has the knowledge. That's probably why he has three hunting dogs is like, they probably go out and do a lot of the hard work for him.

  • Speaker #1

    They have the physical labor, whereas he, if he's an older. gentlemen you i think you even called him an old man at the end of your story it's like that that indicates to me that he hasn't got the physical prowess maybe there's like he you know he's he's lost like physical maybe he can't see properly like he's not he's not in his peak physical form anymore he relies on these tools and suddenly their tools like it's something he can't even he can't even see it it's just this creature and it's fast and it can speak and it's taunting him you

  • Speaker #0

    And that makes it so much scarier than being a poor defenseless old man.

  • Speaker #1

    But I also, I want to point this out because I thought about this recently and it's kind of funny. It's like, what makes a good horror story? And it's what is the purpose of the horror story? And if it's a children's story to warn children away from something, it has to be a preventable measure. So you have to make your character foolish in a way. You're like, oh, don't be like old man Fletcher. He was a foolish man and he got eaten by this worm on a string. But if you're telling a horror story. then it's inevitability. There's nothing you can do about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Like you said, he was literally, from the minute that they crossed paths, he pretty much was trapped. His own cabin became the trap, which is so ironic and adds such a different layer to the story. I really like that.

  • Speaker #1

    So there you go. Depending on how you tell your version of the taleepo, whether it's a cautionary tale to tell children, like, oh, don't be like that. That's avoidable. And if you get into that situation, it's your fault. Versus... here's this thing and it slithers between trees and it hides in your periphery. And as soon as you step onto its tail, as soon as that thing slithers across your path, you're done. It's got your scent and it's coming for you. And the fact that it can speak as well, you know, it's always pictured with this Cheshire-like grin. It almost, it's like, then it's almost like, it's not even killing for food. It's killing for sport at that point where the killing is comical.

  • Speaker #0

    right the part that always really did bother me and that kind of like touches on it is like i mean the man ate his tail already like is he really gonna like he's digested the tail like it's in his belly you you can't even like you're an animal you're gonna reattach your tail dude like you got the tail back but at what like it's not gonna be any use to you so like that that detail did bother me as a kid because it literally is like he's just it is just revenge like there's no point to it it is just like a revenge killing that's kind of like morbid for a kid's story it's just like yep you make one mistake and that's it you're done like

  • Speaker #1

    this i I have like a really weird anecdote for you for this. And I think I've heard a version of this story.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But it wasn't a tale. And I think that's what really threw me off. And as soon as the story ended, I was like, I know this story.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But I can't remember the details because, of course, I think I heard this when I was a child. And then I didn't have the fun, whimsical naming of the dogs in my story. So the story has repressed itself into my spookery vault that is my brain. but my version of the story, I think it was like a dare and it was a group of teenagers. If I remember correctly, it was a group of kids. It was like, there were multiple, I guess, foolhardy characters. If it was a cautionary tale, but it wasn't a tale. It was a toe. Oh, and it was this, and I can't remember if it was like, it was a corpse toe or a giant's toe, or it was some sort of supernatural creatures toe. And it was consumed. and I remember the story going like, you ate my toe, give me back my toe, but they've already eaten it, so they can't give it back, and that was the desperation of the story, was like, I've already done the irreversible, I've digested this thing that it wants, and I can't give it back.

  • Speaker #0

    How do I remedy this?

  • Speaker #1

    And it's this helpless situation where he only wants one thing. and I can't give that to you, but I was like, that's the version that I remember, but I don't remember like the specifics. And maybe that's the thing is it's this, like this common folklore, but for you, the way that it traveled, it became this tail creature. And I, and I, for me, it was a toe and maybe for someone else, it was a finger and it's, or maybe it was like a liver.

  • Speaker #0

    That's like truly. that's the beauty of the food. I'm still thinking, everyone gets to take whatever organ they choose when they tell this story. It's totally up to them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And it's so weird that you've pulled this core memory out of me. And I'm like, I do know this story, but not your version of the story. There were no dogs. I think it was just like a group of teenagers. Like they had been there to do something. They went into this house. They did this thing. They ate, I think it was either a pickled toe or it was this like frozen toe or it was like, it was preserved some way, but one of them ate it. And it was just this helplessness.

  • Speaker #0

    We need to find this story. We need to touch on this on the recap episode and tell this troubling toe story. I know.

  • Speaker #1

    Toe fact. We didn't get to have the toe, so we're going to talk about toe cryptids.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. It all comes back.

  • Speaker #1

    It's all connected.

  • Speaker #0

    That is wild though. That is really cool though, that it is like you said. it's kind of the same and similar, but like at the same time, very different. It has the same themes. And it really shows that that, I think at the end of the day is kind of, I don't know how that one necessarily, cause it is a helpful situation, but like that's to teach a message. Like don't make irreversible mistakes. It can't go back.

  • Speaker #1

    I think if the message was don't eat weird things.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Like you don't ingest weird things, which is also a great message for children. So I mean like that's, it has its place in history.

  • Speaker #1

    it's, it's, it's so bizarre. It's like, this. different manifestations of very different childhoods, but different manifestations of the same story. I wonder. I gotta go talk to someone. Where do I know this story from? Who told me the story?

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. Go consult some family and just be like, alright, guys.

  • Speaker #1

    I gotta go to Spookery Dad and be like, hey, can you tell me the story, Spookery Dad?

  • Speaker #0

    I hope he sheds some light and gives you some answers, because now I'm really interested. I'm going to be seriously googling this toe story.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. so there you go and of course Spooky Re-Listener if you know a similar kind of story I'd love to hear it I'd love to hear if you knew someone who ate someone's liver or a finger or strands of hair heaven forbid but I mean how many appendages are

  • Speaker #0

    edible but shouldn't be right one of the things that was even compared um as i was doing the research too like i think it was um you've heard of maybe the movie called like the monkey's arm i think that's what it is or the monkey's paw that's a monkey's paw yes a monkey's paw be careful what you wish for yes and this was like kind of i guess somehow related to that which i didn't necessarily see the striking resemblance too much but you

  • Speaker #1

    because the monkey paw everyone gets different things from these and monkey paw was it was i think i think it's specifically three wishes it's close to that genie story but i think it was how many ever many fingers were on the paw and like when you made the wish a finger would yeah but but the wish would always manifest in a way that you didn't want yes

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, it was just, it compared, like, kind of loosely to that of just, like, having to do with some sort of, like, an animal's, like, appendage. Yeah. And, like, a folklore. Yeah, I didn't really, that's why I didn't include it in, like, my sources per se. But, like, I thought it was, like, a loose, I'm just, like, I do see, like, similar.

  • Speaker #1

    themes being repeated throughout history but it is just changed like they people add and you know embellish however they need to yeah i guess yeah i mean i guess all folklore has a common thread of caution right whether it's like don't go here don't be there don't do this don't be this person don't cross this don't just don't like every horror story has a moment of caution and

  • Speaker #0

    and it's whatever it is like whether that is like a precautionary thing or it's a don't give up yeah sort of caution absolutely no that's a very good way to put it and this definitely is just a cautionary tale for children um yeah oh yeah like it's just been told so many different so many different ways um and one of the things i actually you I actually did wrote down, I was trying to find it. Um, cause I know we talked about it too, just in all the different retellings of it of people putting like their own stamp on it, um, with the dog's names. I was trying to find it real quick for like the Brer, the Brer rabbit version. Um, in that story particular, the dogs had, you know, similar names, um, but it was Ramboo, Bamboo and Lamboo.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, okay.

  • Speaker #0

    So still repetitive, but completely different. see i'm gonna be honest here i didn't grow up with briar rabbit i don't know those stories at all the ones i had were peter cottontail and those were whimsical fun stories yeah no i didn't i actually didn't really grow up with the rare rabbit stories either i just thought it was really interesting like that key there was even a rabbit taily post story that is literally called um i think like the the return of uncle remus is like the book and then it's literally called like the taily post it's like a small because it's It's all shorter stories in this book, from my understanding. I've never read one of these books, but it looks like it's all kind of a compilation of smaller stories. Yeah,

  • Speaker #1

    this might be the origin of this creature. Yeah. And it's just kind of spiraled into its own legend.

  • Speaker #0

    Pretty much. This is one of the first written tellings of the story was in Fair Rabbit. It's the oldest version that you can find. It's actually a written, recorded copy of it. how cool it really is I think it's really interesting um because I had no idea like I really didn't I thought this book that Joanna wrote I'm like oh that's got to be it that's got to be like she she heard it and then that's like the first written of it but it's like no this goes back hundreds of years this is a pretty pretty old deep folklore yeah and I and I'd love to know if this was like an oral tradition where like there was maybe it's like a cautionary against snakes where it's like don't eat the snake because it's just a horrible monster or a lizard where they drop their tails yeah absolutely depending on like the area you're from like you said like i know in arizona we have a lot of lizards here and that's a big thing like my parents were like i know the tails will grow back on but don't like pull them off like don't like touch the lizard's tail like it is a big thing not to touch animals tails so i can understand that this is just you probably why my parents told it to me as a kid honestly was just like just don't touch animals tails just don't do it don't touch tails don't do it don't do it don't do so another difference um in the stories as of like different retellings is the fate of the dogs actually so sometimes the dogs meet a more gruesome end similar to the man instead of just getting lost or fleeing in flight um in some variants the dogs actually even chase the telepo far out into a swamp before meeting their end and i don't think we actually i i noted actually at the beginning of mine that it was like a forest like a swampy forest but i don't think i actually said that they specifically like drove them into a swamp and i think some of the other stories highlight that a little bit more and that makes it a little bit more creepy i will say like after rereading some of the other stories i'm like i i almost wish i would have talked about it but just in my head that didn't come to mind but it is really creepy like reading about this like swampy area where like the the taily po just like pulls them out too and then they just disappear like you're just like oh okay that's

  • Speaker #1

    cool yeah well i'm thinking about like the versus horrible creature that i've drawn it has fur um and I didn't even consider the environment. And I was like, if this is a swamp, a furry black worm on a string is probably not ideal. And like, what if it's scaly? Is it slippery? Is it got like an amphibian skin where it's kind of like this mucous membrane sort of thing? I just immediately imagined a fuzzy snake.

  • Speaker #0

    yeah no i like you said imagine fur but i also kind of imagine like patchy like weird like dry fur and then like i don't like just kind of like really old skin like have you seen like dog skin before like kind of like that but just like really wrinkly done like dog skins Yeah, like dog skin, like underneath their fur. Like it's like a bald dog. Like, oh no. I met a Pomeranian the other day with alopecia and she was a cutie.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, sweet baby.

  • Speaker #0

    She literally looked like a little pig.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I kind of like that because we shave my dog's tummies because it can get hot over down in here in Florida. So we have beagles. They're not long fur, but they can get... hot for them especially because like one of them has dark fur so we shave her tummy so she does like she cools off and like it's all like smooth and yeah but it's kind of it's almost like it's like weirdly stretchy and yeah it's got like this bounce to us yeah i can kind of see that but i also like

  • Speaker #0

    it felt like more like rugged like very dehydrated skin like yeah like a chapped skin maybe like like it's never used lotion in his life like never once has even maybe maybe it's yeah

  • Speaker #1

    i personally don't lotion my dogs i'm not that fancy but

  • Speaker #0

    do they make lotion for talking probably i guess like when you started telling the story i immediately imagined a forest which i think is stupid because you it's arizona is not famous for its forests um but i mean like i never pictured this thing like living around where i live either that's the weird part is like i imagined it somehow is under my bed but it isn't a forest at the same time yeah it's like it's which makes no sense it's like in a heavily dense wooded forest

  • Speaker #1

    and I don't, I personally didn't really live near forests. I'm not a forest dweller. I think I lived near one once and that was enough for me. And like, I imagined this and like, like thick sticks on the ground and this thing slithers like in logs and around like tree roots. But then you sort of, then I sort of like, okay, well maybe, yeah, you started, you mentioned a swamp and I was like, okay, well, if it lives in a swamp, this thick black fur that I'm imagining doesn't quite work because. like the swamp's just nearby i guess i don't know yes maybe it's like slippery or sticky or it's got like this membrane kind of texture to it where it's almost like like a leech or uh like some sort of like eel kind of like an eely texture because like that's like that's a majority tale yeah you know what's crazy is i didn't think you could find a way to make this worse and then sorry you really didn't think we could improve upon the scariness of this creature and that is just absolutely horrid yeah there you go thank you well we can make it even worse if you want and we can think about it in a desert context where it's just reptilian and if you're looking at my sketch we remove the fur that's all this this black scaled clawed thing slinking through the sand you know, like it survives on cactus juice at these poor desert rabbits that were apparently hunting.

  • Speaker #0

    Dude, that's literally a Gila monster. You're describing a Gila monster right now. Like this animal does exist.

  • Speaker #1

    Maybe that's, well, I don't know. I've never been to Arizona, but.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, these things are, and they're poisonous. If they bite onto you, they don't let go. And you just sit there and die.

  • Speaker #1

    So maybe that's, maybe that's why this, this, this story got so big as, I guess, as a telling in Arizona, because you have something like this.

  • Speaker #0

    and it's a cautionary tale don't don't go near those things because they're i mean like that is something i was told oh if you see a gila monster like just like like get the hell away from like they're worse than rattlesnakes like they're bad because they don't they don't even warn you like they're just there they're just there they're just like so that hits at you i've never you'll send me a picture of a gila monster because i've never seen i i can't believe yeah they're literally called monsters like a gila but it's just like a it's a black and orange

  • Speaker #1

    uh like giant lizard oh i think oh yeah it's probably not the lizards i'm used to um because i'm like you said that and i thought i thought of like a komodo dragon you know those big nasty four-legged monster lizards yeah no this is uh this is like it's kind of small but like they're that's why you don't usually see them oh they're so okay i'm imagining like this like dog-sized lizard just like snakes chilling in your backyard like hey

  • Speaker #0

    I'm trying to find it and click compared to, I should find one like with a banana for scale. Like that way, like, you know, you can,

  • Speaker #1

    I can't believe I can have, I have it for scale. Yeah. Cause like, I'm imagining this, this thing I drew in my head is bigger than my dog. It's bigger than a beagle, but it's smaller than a horse. We're playing that game. Um, well, I guess what would like, maybe like it's larger than a skateboard. Um, but smaller than a surfboard. What do I have that's like that size? Like I don't have a specific thing for scale. I guess like it's like five foot long. Oh, I don't like that.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I'm like I tried to give you like a scale. Like so that guy's like hand is next to it. You can see it.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my God.

  • Speaker #0

    And I'll show you like they're not like they just.

  • Speaker #1

    They're so chubby.

  • Speaker #0

    They usually are. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    That's adorable.

  • Speaker #0

    They look cute, but they're not.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I can understand. Yeah, the red and yellow.

  • Speaker #0

    friend it's a sign it's like don't touch me i am super poisonous yeah yeah heal monsters are no joke but yeah so with all of these changes and everything like truly with any story being told verbally i'm sure the telepo just receives embellishments that range depending on who the target audience is you know as we if we said it before everyone is scared differently there's no right way to scare so i mean just you

  • Speaker #1

    letting your audience imagine whatever they need it it really does the trick yeah and like we've already established there's like a variety of ways to scare there's a variety of ways you can twist the story to scare even more and yeah it's yeah it's it's it's a kind of it's a cool one where i i guess i kind of knew it but i knew a different version but i didn't know your version and i just kind of picked it apart and i that was it was a cool little adventure we went on you

  • Speaker #0

    right i actually really enjoyed that i like the horror story it's like tailored to your own personal little nightmares and we got to dissect it and give it a little bit more context and lore and background and i really appreciate expanding upon it in that way because we got to kind of not not necessarily put our stamp on the retelling of it but just just expand upon it and give the taily po lore in the world of cryptids and folklore just just more information because that's really all it is it's just like an ever-expanding library of of stories yeah just like the spookery

  • Speaker #1

    and the spookery as as its intention was always to be it's to tell stories it's to preserve stories but it's also to expand upon stories and you know well we'll get i'm sure i really hope that people will send us their own versions of this story we're like have you heard this story do you know this story what version do you know how does it change from where you live versus where i am where versus where alana is it's this yeah and that's kind of the cool thing about this oral tradition is that the story will always change and sometimes it will change for the better, and sometimes it will change for the creepy, and sometimes it will change as a cautionary tale, and sometimes it'll just be something completely different. So, yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Absolutely. No, I'm very excited to see who has heard about this, how it has changed depending on where you're from in the world. I mean, this is, too, you're getting a perspective from just, you know, someone inside the U.S. Like, in other countries, I'm sure that this tale has been embellished and changed and given so many different details just to fit the area and the region and the culture. So... I'm excited. I want to hear more about it. I hope you guys enjoyed my version and retelling of this today because it really is truly one of my personal favorites that I have held on to my entire life. And so being able to share it and pass it along this cursed knowledge to you, I just, I'm really happy. And I'm hoping that you get a chance to share this troubling tale with a friend or a foe of your choosing soon as well.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes. You know, my family is not safe for this story, family. I'm coming for you. Thank you, foe.

  • Speaker #0

    you have to do the scary voice am I not scary enough should I go just like that yes okay yeah you nailed it okay

  • Speaker #1

    I did practice my scary voice it was great I loved your scary voice I curled up into my blanket a little bit like so like that that's a no from me but ma'am thank you for telling your little slice of of personal cryptid folklore because man what a cool little story and and i'm i think you told it so well and just man thank you thank you for the little slice of

  • Speaker #0

    yeah like you said it not only is a folklore from history but it is a little bit a little bit more personal about me which we haven't really got personal on the podcast yet so you're learning about us learning about the hosts of what you listen to yes maybe it's cool maybe it's not maybe you don't care but now

  • Speaker #1

    you know it either way i care so you as an audience don't have a say no i'm kidding that's true it's it's kind of nice and of course you know i know i think i said before we have different you backgrounds, different childhoods. So we'll always interpret and process information differently. And it's this really cool thing where you can share the story and we can just expand upon it together and look at it like in a completely new light. And I just, I love it. I love it how cool, this book is such a cool place to be, guys.

  • Speaker #0

    It really is. And I really am just like, I'm so honored. Thank you for listening. Thank you for just being here for this. This was a great episode. I loved it. It means a lot to me.

  • Speaker #1

    No, of course. No, this was awesome. This is, I guess this was, yeah, this was a cryptid I didn't know. It was a cryptid I've... It awoke a core memory in me, but I didn't know this one. And like the fact that you told it so well that I was able to draw it and get it kind of accurate to what you were thinking. That just goes to show how cool you told that story.

  • Speaker #0

    That's such a compliment. I'm just so glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad I was able to pick yet another thing that you just hadn't heard about because I love being able to surprise you with things. That's kind of like always my secret cycle with the spookery is picking things that not only I get to surprise our listeners to, but that I get to surprise you with, lady, because your reaction to things is just the best. that's why we're here i i just i love getting to tell you stories i think you're three for three ma'am i didn't know about the fires i didn't know about the cult i didn't know about the taily po and whatever the spookery wheel gives you i won't know about either i know yes i was just about to say i think we are finally around that time where it is time to spin that

  • Speaker #1

    wheel so bookery wheel tm yes spookery wheel tm spookery wheel spookery wheel oh ma'am

  • Speaker #0

    These Spookery Spirits have done right by me so far So I'm really excited Don't do me dirty now Give me something good Come on Spookery Spirits Mama's gotta get a new pair of shoes

  • Speaker #1

    You already got your new pair of shoes You already got your cryptic

  • Speaker #0

    I did I got what I wanted I don't even know what I'm hoping for at this point Because I got what I wanted Alright well I've set up the wheel

  • Speaker #1

    It's ready for us Alright I'm gonna spin In 3, 2, 1, go Woo There it goes Ooh it's really spinning ma'am what did i get your category for your next episode is conspiracy theories are you kidding that is such a fun category too why do the smokers like you so much it's

  • Speaker #0

    been such a good topic to get i'm i cannot only figure out why after after levine is fake that she's gone We're gonna figure it out. We're gonna get to the bottom. Is she really Avril Lavigne or did they replace her? I don't know.

  • Speaker #1

    Find out in two weeks.

  • Speaker #0

    Find out in two weeks. We'll see. I mean, you never know. But that one has always haunted me.

  • Speaker #1

    That one's a good one. God, you got all the cool ones. I mean, that's not true. I also got cursed objects. I got mass murder. So I guess I can't complain.

  • Speaker #0

    Dude, and you did Body and Clyde. You did a three-parter sitting here off the cusp of a three-parter. You're like, man, can I get a good one? I'm like, you got the best one. What the heck are you talking about?

  • Speaker #1

    Man, it's crazy. You know, it's true. I can't complain. I've got some really cool categories. I think I just, I'm not getting the specific one that I want. And I'm just salty about it. But no, the Spooker Wheel has been kind to both of us, I think, just to different degrees. I think it's played really well into our strengths. Absolutely. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, this has been a good foot to start out. The season one, you know, really get to just dive into stuff that we're passionate about, that we want to talk about. And we're just going to keep getting better and learning. And the research is going to get better. The stories are going to get deeper. I'm just excited. I'm excited to continue this.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Well, speaking of continuing, I guess it's my turn to tease next week's episode, huh?

  • Speaker #0

    It sure is. Give us a little bit of that teaser.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, teaser. Okay, so my category that I'm complaining about slash. I'm dealing with mass murder coming off the tailcoats of Bonnie and Clyde. So I guess my teaser, I have two. So my first teaser is that I have gone the polar opposite of Bonnie and Clyde.

  • Speaker #0

    The polar opposite.

  • Speaker #1

    The polar opposite. So,

  • Speaker #0

    Donnie and Lice. No,

  • Speaker #1

    that's not the polar opposite. That's adjacent. We're going perpendicular.

  • Speaker #0

    I didn't understand the assignment.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay, and then I guess my second teaser is I have had to learn an entirely new language to understand my case. Yes, I have had to learn another language. It's been an adventure. So when you hear my case next week, you'll know that I had to Google translate so much of it. And if I say things funny, that's why.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, my gosh. No, that is some true dedication to the craft, madame. I am so excited to hear your tale. And yeah, no judgment. You're going to do the best that you can and we'll learn. It'll be a great experience. I'm excited.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, there you go. There is. There's my teaser. It's the polar opposite of Bonnie and Clyde. And I had to learn a new language for this one.

  • Speaker #0

    So, wow.

  • Speaker #1

    Good luck. I hope you guys give it a guess. If you guys want, send us an email. What do you think it is? If you've got cases that you would like to discover, please send us a Gmail. I guess that's segueing straight into our socials.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, absolutely. Yeah. If you want to find us, you can find us pretty much anywhere at Spookery Podcast.

  • Speaker #1

    Yep. You can send us a Gmail at Spookery Podcast at gmail.com. We're on YouTube now. How cool. We are.

  • Speaker #0

    We're officially on YouTube. So go subscribe.

  • Speaker #1

    Go subscribe to that. It's pretty much all of our episodes are available there. You can go subscribe to the channel. It's got a little cute little thing that our beautiful distributor gave to us. so yeah you've got a little visual wave line where you can I guess watch while you're listening to us but we're all on there so you can go say that it's literally Spookery Podcast you'll find us it's got our same logo as our cover art and yeah check us out.

  • Speaker #0

    And yeah, uh, we just appreciate you listening. We appreciate any feedback. Uh, we definitely have some recap notes for you for that sweet, sweet recap episode, which we're very excited about. If anyone has anything else to add to that, please just send us an email. We really appreciate it. Everyone has been so kind and so nice so far, even, you know, the few emails we've gotten, we just, we really do appreciate them. So just thank you for taking the time. Yeah. Just being so kind about it.

  • Speaker #1

    And if you guys have extra questions that you want to ask, if we, I mean, Alana missed something that you want us to talk about, if you, had a question that we didn't get to please please please let us know like we will 100% add it to our recap notes and we will try and address as many as we can I have my own questions like because I edit all of the episodes and going back I'm like why didn't I ask this question at that time

  • Speaker #0

    so yeah feel free to let us know we've got plenty of time before the recap is finalized so please send us a gmail and if you guys are enjoying the journey so far please think about leaving us a five star review absolutely it means so much it helps the algorithm make us more discoverable and other people other spooky lovers you know find our podcast and give

  • Speaker #1

    us a more things to talk about so yeah we just appreciate you we appreciate you I appreciate you ma'am thank you so much for telling this amazing story thank you for telling me about the daily pow

  • Speaker #0

    thank you for being the best audience ever as usual uh i'm gonna have night terrors tonight i can feel it

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to be like cozy at 2 a.m. And I'm just going to hear like, I'm going to hear my demon in my wall that knocks and I'm going to be like,

  • Speaker #0

    I genuinely, after hearing this story, I feel like your eyes do like, you know how your eyes play tricks on you and you kind of imagine things in the dark when they're not there. And you will start to see the taily poe in the little corners of your eye as you're laying there in the dark. And you think, wait, what is, is that just nothing in the corner of my room? Or is that maybe the taily-po?

  • Speaker #1

    Yes, is that shadow slithering at the bottom of your bed? Is that little rustling inside your closet? Is it perhaps something with sharp teeth and a Cheshire grin? And it's coming for you. It's coming for you, taily-po.

  • Speaker #0

    It's a taily-po. Oh.

  • Speaker #1

    such a fun episode today man it really was thank you so much for telling it thank you guys for coming until next time stay spooky bye bye bye bye bye Tell me about your black fairy. I'm not screaming. Don't tell me your story.


Tailypo.... Tailypo....

This episode is a slice of personal history as Alana tells us all about the monster that lurked under her bed. It's creepy, it's menacing, and it's up to the Spookery Gals to make it 1000 times worse. This Cryptid and Folklore episode has everything, from chilling nightime tales, to an arts and crafts section, and we even break down the creative writing process! And who knows... maybe it'll awake a core memory of some long forgotten childhood horror like it did with Lady...

Source Cited:

  • Admin. “Tailypo.” Storytelling for Everyone, 20 Oct. 2021, https://storytellingforeveryone.net/tailypo/
  • Doyle, Ceili. “Ode to the Tailypo: The Story behind a Spooky Appalachian Folktale.” The Columbus Dispatch, The Columbus Dispatch, 21 Oct. 2022, https://www.dispatch.com/story/lifestyle/features/2022/10/21/tailypo-appalachian-ohio-native-shares-spooky-folktale-this-halloween/69536772007/
  • Galdone, Joanna, and Paul Galdone. The Tailypo: A Ghost Story. Clarion, 1977
  • Gardner, Jeremy and Christian Stella, directors. After Midnight. Cranked Up Films, 2019
  • Gibbs, Laura. “Taily-Po.” Brer Rabbit and the Witch-Rabbit, 2019, https://sites.google.com/view/brerrabbitf19/taily-po?pli=1
  • Harris, Joel  Chandler. Taily-Po. Vol. 23, Metropolitan Magazine, 1906
  • Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus Returns. McKinlay, Stone & Mackenzie, 1918
  • Kellermeyer, Michael. “Tailypo (a Chilling Re-Telling of the Appalachian Legend): A Ghost Story for Halloween.” Oldstyletales, Oldstyletales, 1 Dec. 2020, https://www.oldstyletales.com/single-post/tailypo-a-chilling-re-telling-of-the-appalachian-legend-a-ghost-story-for-halloween
  • McCasland, Cameron, director. Tailypo, Red Headed Revolution Pictures, 2015, Accessed 2023
  • Powell, Eric. Hillbilly: The Midnight Devilment of the Tailypo. Vol. 5, 2017
  • Scary For Kids. “Tailypo.” Scary For Kids, 29 Sept. 2015, https://www.scaryforkids.com/tailypo/
  • Templeton, Mike. “Tailypo, Tailypo, Who or What Is Tailypo.” Welcome to UACC, 9 Oct. 2022, https://uacvoice.org/2022/10/tailypo-tailypo-who-or-what-is-tailypo/

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Send us a Gmail at SpookeryPodcast@gmail.com for your own spooky stories, corrections, and additions to any of our content!

Art was created by the amazing Rhian Perry at https://www.instagram.com/digipaw1/?utm_source=qr&igshid=NGExMmI2YTkyZg%3D%3D 

All music is from the Epidemic Sound Library.

Until next time, Stay Spooky!     

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Welcome everyone, I am Awana.

  • Speaker #1

    And I'm Lady.

  • Speaker #0

    And this is Spookery.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh yeah, it is.

  • Speaker #0

    all righty welcome back our lovely guests it is time for another weekly episode of spookery and this this right here guys this episode this is officially our halfway point through our very first season and oh my god it is it it does this episode marks a halfway point and um i just gotta say you know i've been having a blast so far have you um

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. I have.

  • Speaker #0

    No, I was like, oh, God.

  • Speaker #1

    I've been having such a good time. I feel like I hogged half of the first half. Does that make sense? I hogged it with my three-part thing, so I'm really happy to hand the mic back over to you and be like, tell me a story, please.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh, not at all. Bonnie and Clyde was such a wild ride, and I was happy to go on it with you. And I think this week it's a good transition, because instead of something serious, we are just talking about a silly little story where there's literally not based in any reality whatsoever. We literally just get to laugh and share some spooky stories together, so it's a good time.

  • Speaker #1

    love it i'm so excited uh it's cryptids and folklore bb i don't know anything about cryptids i'm excited you're gonna tell me a slice of home desert love life style something until

  • Speaker #0

    i'm a little slap happy i don't think it's quite recovered from bonnie that's all right this is a good episode to get all that slap happiness out and get us you know just just just get us refreshed. I really think this is going to be a good episode. I'm very excited to tell this to you.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, I don't think you've had a bad episode yet, So I'm so excited for just not just hit us another home run right out the park. Let's heckin go.

  • Speaker #0

    All right, let's go. So real quick, I did want to say if, you know, listeners, if you guys have listened to any of our previous episodes and have come back for more, you know, Lady and I, we just we got to say thank you for real. Like, this is genuinely a passion project for both of us that we have put so much love into. And if you are getting any enjoyment at all from this, it's considered a win win. So thank you for listening. Seriously.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, no, thank you for listening. Thank you for loving the Spookery as much as we do. Like, Alana, perfectly. It is a passion project and we're so passionate about it. And... I'm just, I'm really glad that you guys have come on this journey with us. I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I love you. I'm thankful to you. I love you, Alana. Thank you for coming with me on this journey.

  • Speaker #0

    I love you lady. And I also did want to take this moment as well, because we also have been getting a lot of love from one individual particular or one particular individual. And, um, I feel like we should just give him a little bit of a big shout out right now and just say, thank you for not only listening, but this man takes the time to write us a personal email after every episode. just gives us his thoughts he has even gone so far as to make us our very first fan art of the podcast that i hope maybe with his consent we will get to share with you one day um but yeah sai is just such an amazing person and we just i feel like taking taking a moment to just say thank you side no you're probably listening to this and so just thank you thank you for just everything you do no

  • Speaker #1

    sai thank you so much we actually we read your emails together just to make sure that we're we're both like we both know that you've sent us and just are full of love and they're, they're so well thought out and they do just give us like the goofiest smile when we read them. So thank you so much from the bottom of my, my cold dead heart for listening to the spook. Thank you for coming on this journey with me and Alana. We appreciate you so, so much.

  • Speaker #0

    Absolutely. 10 out of 10. Couldn't have said it better, man. Yes. Yeah. All right. So back, back to our episode, mushy gushy stuff aside, back to the spooky. this week it is my turn to tell you a tale haha no no pun intended um you'll see okay is that also a pun does it have multiple eyes as well as a tail maybe maybe as you all remember from my last spin i was so graciously gifted by the spookery spirits and given the topic of cryptids in folklore um

  • Speaker #1

    yes we know who's the favorite of the spookery spirits is thanks spookery wheel for my mass murder it's going great by the way thank you next one will be good i for you this is my season season one is my season spookery spirits are like alana girl get us off right here's what i know they're like they're like lady you need to cut down your episode length like six hours was too much so you have to stop with more i'm gonna call them thanks spookery spirits that's so funny you

  • Speaker #0

    Oh man, no, I have truly enjoyed your episodes. I think you've been getting great categories too. Any of the categories that we have, they're all great ones, to be honest.

  • Speaker #1

    I agree. I don't think we've had a bad category. I just, I'm just salty because I want something salty.

  • Speaker #0

    I get that. Yeah. When you like have something particular in mind.

  • Speaker #1

    But anywho, let's get this beautiful cryptid folklore adventure going.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. So let's give you a little bit of background. So this is a pretty personal story to me. I personally grew up with a parent who just loved horror, creepy creatures, and all things that go bump in the night. So the minute I got this category, it felt like home. I was ready to go. I knew exactly what I was going to do for this. Growing up, I remember watching all sorts of shows, documentaries on late night TV, on the History Channel, about things like The Mothman, The Chupacabra, The Jersey Devil, you know, all the classics. and we even had our own personal cryptids growing up. Like, my dad made up this, like, sewer monster that lived in our backyard, and he would tell us that if we stuck our fingers in the holes around the pools, the sewer monster would gobble them up. So, like, I remember, like, even, you know, as a young kid, like, my dad was, like, in a way trying to, like, that's how kids learn lessons, right, is through, like, scary stories sometimes. So, you know, you make a scary story. It says, don't do this or else this monster is going to get you, and you go, okay, you're right, sir. I'm not going to do that thing anymore. So it worked, and we did not stick our fingers in the holes around the pool. So it worked.

  • Speaker #1

    And you missed out on all that gold treasure hidden inside the pool.

  • Speaker #0

    If only you'd known! If only I had just adventured and been adventurous. Oh, man.

  • Speaker #1

    I think everyone's parents did that when they were growing up so that's not too weird well I can't say that my parents told me that there was a swamp monster in any pool that I visited but I was also kind of dumb and I think I would have done it anywhere but like can I be friends with a swamp monster?

  • Speaker #0

    they knew I finger in and just do it anyway and I did and I got like a little finger massage yeah they tell you like there's something creepy in there you're like cool I'm gonna go make friends with that thing so they knew better

  • Speaker #1

    I know I think that really set up my childhood they knew I was gonna be a creepy kid yes

  • Speaker #0

    oh that's good though your parents loved that they embraced you they just they knew so they know i think they did parents parents please confirm right oh my gosh so yeah so what i have picked for us today really is one of the first scary stories that i ever remember being told i'm not exactly sure how old i was when i first heard this story just in my brain as far back as my memory goes this is like the og scary story um it's yeah you guys are literally going to be introduced to why i'm afraid of the dark the reason i don't let my feet hang off the edge of the bed like aka my og sleep paralysis even it's we're getting personal today so i'm excited oh i'm so excited delve into the psyche of alana yes so dear listeners and lady please raise your hand if you have heard of the tailypo anyone no my hand is firmly seated in my lap because i

  • Speaker #1

    The Tailypo?

  • Speaker #0

    The Tailypo.

  • Speaker #1

    The Tailypo. How do you spell that?

  • Speaker #0

    So the spelling of it does change depending on who wrote the story, but how I remember it being spelled and how I'm choosing to spell it is T-A-I-L-Y-P-O.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay. So yeah, quite literally a Tailypo.

  • Speaker #0

    Tailypo. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, okay. All right. No.

  • Speaker #0

    I really am genuinely curious how many people have heard of this before we actually get into today's episode. So if you have never taken the time to write us before. and you were thinking about doing it, this is your opportunity to break the ice. Please, I do really want to know how many people have heard of the Taillie Poe, because I know it's not a popular story. It's not a popular folklore. It's not a popular legend. I don't know how it made its way from where it started all the way over to Arizona, but this is something I heard growing up, and I'm so baffled that no one else has heard about it.

  • Speaker #1

    No. Yeah. I've done my fair share of exploring. I've never heard of the Taillie Poe. I'm a I'm so curious to see where like the origin story comes from.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. No, that's all right. If you, if you haven't heard about it, you will definitely know about it after today's episode. So. Yes. Um. But before we actually get into my retelling of the scary story, I am going to give you a little bit of information on the origins and the history of the Telepo. Because I knew you were going to ask for it and I had it ready to go. You know, just a little taste of that sweet, sweet context, you know. We've got to hide you over.

  • Speaker #1

    My delicious favorite spice.

  • Speaker #0

    Exactly. I'm like, I know she can't wait until the whole story. So I'll give her a little something to start out with and then we'll talk more later.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    So the Telepo is actually, and I'm probably going to say this wrong, an Appalachian cryptid. I know there's a different way to say it. Appalachian.

  • Speaker #1

    I've always said Appalachian, but...

  • Speaker #0

    Cool, then we're going to say it the right way. Awesome. We're just going to say it the right way.

  • Speaker #1

    Sure. I'm not the right person to ask as a non-American, but sure. Yes, Appalachian.

  • Speaker #0

    That's true. Yeah. I heard about it from Fallout. That's the first time I ever really heard someone say it out loud was the Appalachian. So, yeah, that's what we're going with. So the tale goes from the Appalachia or the Appalachian area. And again, they're really not not really as famous from some of the others from the area like Bigfoot and Mothman, which really is a crime because it is such a unique and creepy and dare I even say fun story to tell. I really feel like it would be more popular than it is. But it's just it's not up there with those big guys. So, of course, as with most folklore stories, the details of the telepo vary from person to person, region to region. So there are many different versions of this. And we are doing this in a true folklore fashion. And I am going to be the one telling you my version. my recollection of the story today. So this is not anyone else's story. It's loosely, you know, it's just my recollection. It's based down from my own memory. So it's kind of a hodgepodge, you know, the true folklore.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm excited. I'm also curious about other variations. So if you have other variations of the story, like, listener, please, like, let me know. Because, like, I don't know any version of this story. So, like, I'm keen. I'm here to learn.

  • Speaker #0

    Right? There's so many. I do believe that the version from my memory is mainly based on a children's book actually written by Joanna C. Galdon, I think is how you say the last name, or Galdon. The minute I saw the cover of the book, I was like, oh, heck yeah, that is like the book I read as a child. Like I knew, like it just unlocked that core memory for me. But even after seeing like the artwork and the cover for it, for some reason in my head, the image that I conjured of this creature is very different than how it's actually depicted in almost all of the artwork. Which I think is kind of funny. Like, just none of the drawings or anything compare remotely to how scary, like, the creature I concocted in my head is. Okay. Yeah. So, that being said, I am going to make you wait until after the story to give you a full description and share photos of the tailwhip, because I'm just nice like that. I want your brain to be able to make up the scariest thing possible to you. So, you're welcome.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. you don't know what nightmare fuel you've conjured ma'am i have an ipad with procreate on it i will draw the amalgamation that comes into my head i would love it if you did i would love to see that oh my gosh all right that would be great

  • Speaker #0

    so um so joanna first cursed children with her retelling of the story in 1984 but the earliest written versions date back to the early 19th century um a story actually told by uncle remus aka joel chandler harris who you might know for being an author of the rare rabbit stories um i did read through that version of the telepo as well and it is pretty similar but of course it has some majorly striking differences too on that note I am going to make you wait until after the story to highlight the main consistent details of the story well we're getting the whole story at the end of the story I'm telling you what I'm going to tell you and then I'm going to tell you it and then we're going to talk about what I told you that's what's happening after

  • Speaker #1

    that fucking ride that I took you on with Bonnie and Clyde I think this is the least you can do yeah I can't wait I can wait. I'm a patient. I'm a patient sort. I will wait.

  • Speaker #0

    I definitely, I think I have teased you enough. So go ahead, dim your lights, you know, grab your tea, and I'm going to grab my flashlight. And so I can get in the proper scary story mode. And we're going to get into it.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm so excited. I'm ready. I'm under my blanket. I'm hidden. I'm all curled up. I'm tucked in. I got my tea. Tell me a spooky story, ma'am. Tell me a spooky story.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll tell you the spooky story. All right. So. A long time ago, in a land far, far away, sat a cabin in a dark and swampy forest. Inside that cabin lived an old hunter. The hunter's cabin had only one room, and that room was his bedroom, his dining room, and his kitchen too. The hunter lived alone, other than his three dogs. His dogs'names were, and get ready for this one, Uno, Aino, and Comtico Calico.

  • Speaker #1

    Excuse me.

  • Speaker #0

    I can definitely spell that one for you too. The dog's names were Uno, Aino, and Comtico Calico.

  • Speaker #1

    I feel like there was some clear favoritism with one of these dogs. I'm not going to name any names, but I just feel. that there was some dog favoritism. I'm also going to imagine that Uno and I know are like big Dobermans and then come to Kalismo.

  • Speaker #0

    Yep. That's that's it. Yep.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, sure. Yep. Come to Kalismo. Sure. We'll go with that. I'm imagining it as a really small dog,

  • Speaker #0

    a little tiny, like Terry, you're like one out of all of them.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a sausage dog, but it's got two big Doberman brothers.

  • Speaker #0

    that's my story and i'm still to it amazing oh my god i'm not gonna i'm not gonna steer you wrong this is folklore and your imagination can paint this exactly however you want so it's canada all right winter was approaching in the forest and soon food would be scarce and the days would be short the old man set out on a hunt one cold day hatchet in hand with his three hounds by his side unfortunately the hunter had a bit of bad luck He had only managed to catch a single small rabbit and night was beginning to fall. Before starting to make his way back to his cabin, the hunter decided to stop and set a fire to roast his small supper.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm gonna interject really quickly in here. No wonder he only caught one small rabbit. He only brought himself a hatchet.

  • Speaker #0

    He only brought a hatchet. Yeah, he's out there, like you said, just swinging at things.

  • Speaker #1

    He's wildly swinging at rabbits. He's like, he's like, miraculously hit one that he didn't lose, but sure.

  • Speaker #0

    I never said he was a good hunter, okay? I just said he was a hunter. I never clarified.

  • Speaker #1

    Fair enough. That's on me.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't know how he managed to beat these three dogs on this budget, but. I hope they're doing good.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm sure they are. I believe. No, I know. Comptaculism are doing great.

  • Speaker #0

    They're great. Oh my gosh. So as he sat by a fire with his three dogs, he heard some rustling from across the fire. His gaze was met by an oddly shaped creature with bright, fiery yellow eyes and a long tail. The man quickly went for his hatchet and swung at the creature as hard as he could. The creature let out a scream while running off into the night. The hunter only managed to get the animal's tail, but he decided to eat it anyway. The hunter cooked up his dinner before returning home to his cabin.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to emphasize what we said earlier. This is not a good hunter.

  • Speaker #0

    He's not the best. He's doing his best, but it's not the best.

  • Speaker #1

    Do not eat for an animal, my dude. Don't do it. It's an unidentified strange tail. Don't eat it.

  • Speaker #0

    An unidentified strange tail. Well, if you're hungry, you're hungry.

  • Speaker #1

    Don't eat ISTs, guys. It's just not worth it.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. When he got back to his home, the man lit his fireplace to keep him warm for the night. He settled into bed and fell asleep peacefully with his belly full, listening to the cracks of the fire. The hunter was awoken to a strange noise. His eyes opened and tried to adjust to the light in the room. And when they finally did, he noticed something at the foot of his bed. Peeking up from right over the edge of the mattress were two yellow glowing eyes staring straight at the man.

  • Speaker #1

    It's cute. he's like he's mad because he didn't get it yeah the god's like i'm small but i wanted the tail i'm so hungry master master why did you only feed me stringy rabbit i wanted to curse the spooky tail oh

  • Speaker #0

    my god as the man lay there trembling in fear the creature reached out one dark furry claw you up to climb onto the bed, and whispered in a terrible voice, Tally-po, tally-po, all I want is my tally-po!

  • Speaker #1

    You have not expelled my thoughts that this is the dog. You have not changed my mind.

  • Speaker #0

    It's the dog. He put the fur of the rabbit on and he's trying to scare him to get more food.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he's just wrapped in a really thick blanket and he's just like, I wanted the Daily Poe. I'm hungry. Oh my god. Smart dog. Clever girl.

  • Speaker #0

    The hunter scrambled up out of bed and yelled up for his dogs. Uno, Aino, and come to Cocalico! The three hounds leapt up into action and chased the creature off into the darkness. The hunter calmed himself down while he waited for his dogs to return. The dogs finally returned, and the night returned to calm. The man wrapped his blanket tightly around himself. He lay there quietly, listening to the fire, until he managed to fall back to sleep again. He was awoken shortly by the sound of claws scratching at the front door. The hunter's eyes shot open, and the clawing continued. Scratch, scratch, scratch. The old man shouted out, Who's out there at this time of night? The horrible voice said again, Telepo, telepo, I'm coming to get my telepo. This time, though, the man was so scared that he couldn't even stand up. He called out to his dogs from his bed, and they tore out after the creature yet again. They continued to chase the creature until the hunter could no longer see them. All was quiet yet again while the hunter waited for his dogs to return. But this time, they did not return. Somehow, the man managed to go back to sleep. The morning was closed, but it was still dark.

  • Speaker #1

    He doesn't care about his dogs. He deserves whatever comes after him.

  • Speaker #0

    He's just like, yeah, okay. They're just not coming back.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. You know, they were hard to feed. I couldn't even catch a rabbit for myself. Never mind three rabbits for my beautiful dogs. They're going to have a better life now. Off you go.

  • Speaker #0

    I think they joined voices with the tailie poe, to be honest with you.

  • Speaker #1

    You know what? I believe it. That sausage dog. I'm pretty sure that sausage dog was the one scratching at the door. I'm just going to put it out there. That sausage dog wanted that tail.

  • Speaker #0

    and this is actually how we're turning this into our next cult episode is the cult of the tailie bone i'm sure what a plot twist oh my gosh the morning was close but it was still dark the man was still asleep until something started to howl from outside it's the knowledge dog's return the knowledge dog, oh my goodness he's like hello and school-lead cameo it's back from its chase oh my gosh sorry no you're so great at first he thought it was just the wind but after he lay there listening for a few moments he could make out that whole that horrible voice yet again you know and i know all i want is my telly pro The old man tried to call out for his dogs. Oh no, I know, it come to co-calico! But this time, the dogs didn't come. He raced outside into the moonlight and screamed for his dogs again. There was no trace of the hounds, just the man standing outside with the sound of the wind blowing around him. The hunter retreated back inside the cabin, closing and barricading the door behind him. The voice got closer and closer until he could tell it was right outside the door. The creature began to scratch at the door again, all while repeating the same dreadful phrase. The man cowered inside with nowhere to run. The creature scratched and clawed until the only thing left of the hunter and his cabin was the old chimney. Some people say when the cold wind blows on a dark winter night, if you listen carefully, you can hear a strange voice saying, Telepo, Telepo, now I've got my Telepo. Fancy.

  • Speaker #1

    Thank you. I'm just going to put it up. This man had a hatchet.

  • Speaker #0

    he did this whole time. This whole time.

  • Speaker #1

    This man had a hatchet that he took the tail. That's how he got the tail in the first place. And he just like forgot.

  • Speaker #0

    He just, yeah, he just completely did not. He was too scared.

  • Speaker #1

    He was too scared.

  • Speaker #0

    Maybe one of the dogs took it with him when he ran out.

  • Speaker #1

    There's a sausage dog. I'm telling you.

  • Speaker #0

    He's like, let me grab my hatchet. This hunter's no good with it anyway.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm telling you, one of the commandos got this. That dog is laughing for something.

  • Speaker #0

    that's so funny columbia commando that's a good one that's a really good one i can't remember this dog saved for the life of me i'm so sorry it's great I honestly, that dog's name is the entire reason that I remembered this story was I was like laying there in bed one night and I was just like, oh, no, I know. Come to go Calico. And I was like, wait, the tailie pole. Like I just like all of a sudden just came back to me like the minute that I remembered these dogs names. So I think that there is something to that. Like I think like the story, like somehow like in order to be like retold, like it relies somewhat on these like weird dogs names, which is kind of strange.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. Yeah, no, I agree. And I'm going to guess that these dog names are.

  • Speaker #0

    consistent through each story or at least some iteration of like rhyme scheme is is consistent through the story it is yeah no we will get into that in just a little bit because there are a lot of consistencies like you said throughout the retellings and the names of the dogs not necessarily being these but the repetition really is a huge part of the story it's like a main one of the main focal points right

  • Speaker #1

    And actually, I'm going to draw my version of the Come to Go Calico while you're telling the next bit, just so that I remember my version before you tell me what the real one looks like.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, please.

  • Speaker #1

    And I'll post this on Instagram. Post it.

  • Speaker #0

    I would love it. Yeah, no, there are a lot of different, I mean, even in my research and stuff, I saw so many different depictions of the Daily Poll that I, like, even some that, like, I didn't recognize. I'm like, that's what you would consider the Daily Poll? And I mean, everyone is allowed their own. like yeah imagination everyone's allowed their own version of it but like some i mean like you have this picture in your head and then you see it and you're like wow like it's crazy that that's what you thought of and i'm all the way over here you know like yeah but that's that's what makes the story so beautiful it really is and i

  • Speaker #1

    i'm very curious to hear what the actual version is based on what i think it looks like and of course right i'm gonna start right now i will post what my version looks like but i'm not an artist i never am i never will be um so

  • Speaker #0

    please be nice to me but it's not gonna be anything cool but i'll i'll try it it's gonna be fantastic i'm excited to see it actually let's actually put a little note in here later on because i not to like put any pressure on side but since he has done some depictions before i'm like really curious to see what he thinks of the telepo too if he ever wanted to share that with us if he maybe was already drawing it during this episode but no pressure whatsoever no don't worry i'll do it in your sense so you don't have to perfect all right so yeah it's time to get into our little bit of debrief time talking about the story a little bit more so despite this version of the story being like a quote-unquote children's story i don't necessarily recommend sharing it with your children. Like, unless of course, like you hate the fact that they just like sleep soundly through the night. If you just, if you hate a good night's sleep, here is the fix for you. Otherwise, maybe I would save this one for them when they're just like a little bit older. Cause I think it is really creepy for kids. I think it does kind of like leaving it up to your imagination. Like they just conjure up some terrible nightmare fuel.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. I can, I can see why.

  • Speaker #0

    I think it's hard. And like I said, this was the reason why I could not let my feet hang over the edge of the bed at night as even a child. Even now, I imagine the little taily-po claw grabbing my foot and being like, I give me my taily-po, even though I've never eaten a tail. I promise. I've never done it.

  • Speaker #1

    Not that you know of.

  • Speaker #0

    Not that I know of. Yeah, you're right. That's true. That's a horrible thought. Thank you for that.

  • Speaker #1

    You're welcome. You never know.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. So. I am really curious, lady. What did you think of the story overall? Like, I hope I was able to creep you out with my storytelling skills just a little bit.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, I'm going to say that when I'm scared, I deflect to humor. And I would like to formally put towards the audience that I deflected a lot then. So I was rather spooked. It's a spooky story.

  • Speaker #0

    I practiced my scary voice even before telling it. I wanted to, you know, make it as spooky as possible. Because when my dad used to tell this to me, he had a pretty horrible voice that he put on for the Daily Poe as well. And I think that also adds to it.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I'm gonna, you'll see my iteration before everybody else, what I draw as what I think it looks like. And I think you'll understand why I'm like sufficiently corrupt. Because mine... I'm just looking at it now. It's fucking nightmare fuel.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm really excited to see it then. Cause like, yeah, everyone has, you know, their own version of spooky. So yeah, that'll be fun to see. Yeah. And, and even this, this is the first time I've really gotten to go into like full blown story mode for the podcast. So I'm really, I really enjoyed it. It was not only fun to write, but I did really have a fun time telling it.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, I think we need more like proper, like spooky, scary stories. We don't have enough, like just good old fashioned spooks books. So thank you for telling me. Thank you for,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah. Yeah. I'm very happy to do it. I'm happy to add our first like actual spooky story to the archive because I think we needed it. I think we've had a lot of stuff based in history. We've gotten a lot of, you know, really good stories that like you said, take place in reality, but just this one is a good, just like actual true folklore. Like we just, we got to make fun of it a little bit. And now I get to tell you more about it.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes, please. Tell me, tell me the story. Yes. Tell me about your, your boy.

  • Speaker #0

    So, most of the time, the tailie pose is usually depicted to be about the size of a dog with pointy ears and a long tail. Is that consistent with what you imagined?

  • Speaker #1

    Uh, mine was a little-well, I guess, what-what size dog? Because dogs come in lots of different sizes.

  • Speaker #0

    That's true. From my sources, it really just said, like, medium-sized dog, so it isn't, like, super specific. Yeah. But also, there's a lot of pictures of it that kind of look like a cat, like a larger cat. So I would say, like, a medium-sized dog, like a hundred-pound dog.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I would say that's consistent with what I was thinking. I was thinking something that kind of skittered along the ground, kind of. Yeah. Like, almost like a lizard size, but like a big lizard, like a monitor lizard.

  • Speaker #0

    Like a little bit lizard. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So around that, like you said. It is usually said to have either red or yellow eyes, just depending on the storyteller. Mm-hmm. Um, the telepo is always usually nocturnal. and usually depicted with dark black fur. Its main defense is its razor-sharp claws, and it speaks English as it demands the return of its tail through its creepy and repetitive little phrases. I think that also speaks to, like, the repetition of the story. Like, it has the dogs, and he calls out for the dogs. You say the names of the dogs several times. And you also say, you know, the tailie-po phrase. Tailie-po, tailie-po, I'm coming to get my tailie-po. Like, it always repeats the repetition of threes. Like, I think that that really does have such a strong... sense in the story of just why it is carried on because it's just so fun to say. It's so fun to tell.

  • Speaker #1

    It is. Yeah, I would agree.

  • Speaker #0

    But I know I did kind of make this sound like at the beginning, like it was more of like a true cryptid, like throughout the last one I teased about it. I'm like, this is like a cryptid. But the Tailypoh, like compared to creatures like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, like the Tailypoh really does fall more under like folklore than cryptid because. there's like, there's no sightings of the Taillipoe. No one's out there looking for this thing. Like, it really is just a famously scary parable that's been passed down from generation to generation. Like, so it's a lot different in that regard because there's just, there's not any, like I said, there's nothing based in reality for this one. It is completely mythical. It is just, it is just a fun little story. And some people really do think its main purpose originally was to teach kids not to steal or abuse animals. You know, like, you see it a lot with little kids. Like that's when they reach out to touch animals. If the animal runs away, they grab its tail. And so this, I feel like was a story to teach kids. don't do that. Cause the animal will come back and get you. it's just a scary story to, to teach kids some lesson. in some way or another so hence the reason it is labeled as a children's story i suppose um though besides Joanna and Uncle Remus, a lot of storytellers have taken their crack at this one over the years. There are really so many versions of the story that it is impossible to say who the original version of it belongs to. The Telepo has been depicted in books, blogs, comics, movies, you name it. I even read a version of this in my research. It was very interesting. It was told from the Telepo's perspective. Oh. That one, yeah, that one was really interesting. I've never seen a story flipped. in this regard and told from the like the view of the creature and it was like it was really interesting to to kind of get inside the head of the taily foe i don't know like i just i never even thought to go there so the fact that someone else took the time to write out an entire story it was really interesting and i'm gonna like that one too in my sources because i just think that one was really interesting and fun to read no it's i i'm excited because like i've got my horrendous

  • Speaker #1

    version that i'm drawing now i actually i'm gonna send it to you because i'm done you

  • Speaker #0

    so before we get any further i'm gonna send you all right so let me see your lovely depiction of this because it is there's there's no right or wrong it's all up to imagination all right here's the cursed image that i drew and i'll post this on instagram so you guys can see but i'm gonna show it to alana there there's my gosh that like the oh my gosh yes like like you said just like the i don't even know the right word like just the vagueness you know what i mean like i never like it never had like a full body for me like it was it was just like this like creepy like enigma in my brain like it that's very accurate that like creepy little smile the three little eyes oh god i don't like that i

  • Speaker #1

    realize after i've said it to you i'm looking at i'm like i've just sent you a fucking worm on a string with arms you

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my god, it literally is a haunted war monastery.

  • Speaker #1

    A haunted war monastery.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll post the commercial of this. I want my own. I'm gonna buy a worm on a string and some black spray paint get some little googly eyes and some teeth and I'm gonna make my own oh my god so there you go this will be on the drawing that I drew thanks I hate it daily pow daily pow can't you picture it you nailed it it has to be smiling I feel like it has this smiley toothy grin I it's so funny you say that because in every picture it absolutely is i didn't even note that i didn't even like pick up on that myself but it does always have like almost like a cheshire cat like shit eating grin on its face like it's a very creepy smile yeah so no that's it's so funny that everyone pictures that that's crazy that's crazy so it sounds like i hit the nail on the head you did wow no that's that's wild you really did do a fantastic job with that thank you i appreciate it's too good I'm not going to be saying that thing in my nightmares tonight.

  • Speaker #1

    You will. This is your new version of a daily post. This horrible, horrible thing that I drew.

  • Speaker #0

    I just needed to revive it for my adult nightmares. Woohoo! This episode is a bad idea.

  • Speaker #1

    If anything, it's been artsy crabs with spookery.

  • Speaker #0

    Artsy crabs with spookery. next week we'll show you how to make your own version of the

  • Speaker #1

    I would say next week is mass murder but yeah you had to commit an entire mass murder oh my gosh no oh god most of the things you learn is spookery yeah you learn about the tale-y poem then alright so tell me about this spooky thing on a string

  • Speaker #0

    but yeah they're really with the telepo there are really so many versions of the story that it is impossible to say who it belongs to uh the telepo has been depicted in books blogs i think i already read all this books blogs comics movies and you name it um just like all over media, people have just taken a crack at this thing, wanting to put their own unique stamp on the story. But the original variations of the legend usually all contain similar elements. The main theme of the story always revolves around theft and revenge, but the details about like the hunter, his dogs in the tailie pole all vary from retelling to retelling. So like the hungry man hunting for food by his old cabin is a constant. It's usually always taking place in the middle of the woods. There's this old man hunting for food. that's just usually how all the stories start. But his weapon of choice, like kind of how you pointed out, it does range a bit because I think a lot of people are very unsatisfied with the hatchet. So it does range from a hatchet all the way to a rifle. He is given all sorts of different weapons and stuff like that because I think it just, it really speaks to his incompetence as a hunter. With him just running out there, just trying to swing at things. So people kind of make him sound a little bit better and give him a rifle or some other weapons.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, that makes sense.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I totally think that's fair. And some of the stories, too, like he's even named like I'm trying to think of one of the stories. I think he's called like Old Man Fletcher. Like he's he's given names in some of these. I just went with he's a he's Old Man Hunter. Like that's that's his name. No,

  • Speaker #1

    well, actually, see, it's it's interesting that you said Fletcher because immediately when I was I was agreeing with you, it was like how incompetent he just went into a wood, started swinging a hatchet. But then my brain was like, well, there's actually a different kind of hunter, which is a trapper. and so maybe instead of you know he's going out and like i'm assuming not just throwing hatchets and rabbits and hoping that they hit but it's like setting traps here and there but if he was a fletcher a fletcher means that they're like they're whittling wood so they're creating traps he's creating he's trapping his environment but that means that he's not got a physical prowess to him so you know you also mentioned that he's an older gentleman so maybe he's really he's he's he's better at scheming you but he's not physically up to the task. So the hatchet is just to kill the thing that he traps, but that's not a method that he's not strong enough to wield it. We're creating, we're creating Taily Po lore.

  • Speaker #0

    We are. I've never, like, I never thought about that, but yeah. And like you said, that's, I've seen that name, old man Fletcher in a lot of things. And that's funny that a Fletcher is, I never knew that.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. It's, it's a Fletching is specifically, I think was like the, to like create arrows. Like you would carve like arrows, you would have arrows out of like sticks. that would be like the act of fletching. But like if he was a trapper, if he was making like stick traps and nets and he was more used to setting traps for himself, then of course, when this horrible nightmare amalgamation was... just as a black worm on a string just kind of came out of the darkness of course he's not going to be able to defend himself because he hasn't prepared if he was given you know i mean of course when his dogs went missing i probably would have been like that's the red flag where you start like booby trapping your house absolutely but it's also if he's an older gentleman if he's if he's used to creating traps and waiting he's not used to being the thing of the trap suddenly his cabin becomes the trap and he's just waiting for this this slithery creature to get in that is such a different like

  • Speaker #0

    I mean, you're adding so much to the story by pointing out just like this really small detail that I had really never considered. Like, it really does give so much awards of the tailie foe, like you said, of this man who really is just like the victim of the tailie foe at the end of the day. Like, that's his role in the story is to be the victim of the tailie foe. But to learn more about him, like you said, not really like think of him as like this incompetent, like he's just this old man out there, like you said, who's just physically incapable, but he has the skills, he has the knowledge. That's probably why he has three hunting dogs is like, they probably go out and do a lot of the hard work for him.

  • Speaker #1

    They have the physical labor, whereas he, if he's an older. gentlemen you i think you even called him an old man at the end of your story it's like that that indicates to me that he hasn't got the physical prowess maybe there's like he you know he's he's lost like physical maybe he can't see properly like he's not he's not in his peak physical form anymore he relies on these tools and suddenly their tools like it's something he can't even he can't even see it it's just this creature and it's fast and it can speak and it's taunting him you

  • Speaker #0

    And that makes it so much scarier than being a poor defenseless old man.

  • Speaker #1

    But I also, I want to point this out because I thought about this recently and it's kind of funny. It's like, what makes a good horror story? And it's what is the purpose of the horror story? And if it's a children's story to warn children away from something, it has to be a preventable measure. So you have to make your character foolish in a way. You're like, oh, don't be like old man Fletcher. He was a foolish man and he got eaten by this worm on a string. But if you're telling a horror story. then it's inevitability. There's nothing you can do about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Like you said, he was literally, from the minute that they crossed paths, he pretty much was trapped. His own cabin became the trap, which is so ironic and adds such a different layer to the story. I really like that.

  • Speaker #1

    So there you go. Depending on how you tell your version of the taleepo, whether it's a cautionary tale to tell children, like, oh, don't be like that. That's avoidable. And if you get into that situation, it's your fault. Versus... here's this thing and it slithers between trees and it hides in your periphery. And as soon as you step onto its tail, as soon as that thing slithers across your path, you're done. It's got your scent and it's coming for you. And the fact that it can speak as well, you know, it's always pictured with this Cheshire-like grin. It almost, it's like, then it's almost like, it's not even killing for food. It's killing for sport at that point where the killing is comical.

  • Speaker #0

    right the part that always really did bother me and that kind of like touches on it is like i mean the man ate his tail already like is he really gonna like he's digested the tail like it's in his belly you you can't even like you're an animal you're gonna reattach your tail dude like you got the tail back but at what like it's not gonna be any use to you so like that that detail did bother me as a kid because it literally is like he's just it is just revenge like there's no point to it it is just like a revenge killing that's kind of like morbid for a kid's story it's just like yep you make one mistake and that's it you're done like

  • Speaker #1

    this i I have like a really weird anecdote for you for this. And I think I've heard a version of this story.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But it wasn't a tale. And I think that's what really threw me off. And as soon as the story ended, I was like, I know this story.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But I can't remember the details because, of course, I think I heard this when I was a child. And then I didn't have the fun, whimsical naming of the dogs in my story. So the story has repressed itself into my spookery vault that is my brain. but my version of the story, I think it was like a dare and it was a group of teenagers. If I remember correctly, it was a group of kids. It was like, there were multiple, I guess, foolhardy characters. If it was a cautionary tale, but it wasn't a tale. It was a toe. Oh, and it was this, and I can't remember if it was like, it was a corpse toe or a giant's toe, or it was some sort of supernatural creatures toe. And it was consumed. and I remember the story going like, you ate my toe, give me back my toe, but they've already eaten it, so they can't give it back, and that was the desperation of the story, was like, I've already done the irreversible, I've digested this thing that it wants, and I can't give it back.

  • Speaker #0

    How do I remedy this?

  • Speaker #1

    And it's this helpless situation where he only wants one thing. and I can't give that to you, but I was like, that's the version that I remember, but I don't remember like the specifics. And maybe that's the thing is it's this, like this common folklore, but for you, the way that it traveled, it became this tail creature. And I, and I, for me, it was a toe and maybe for someone else, it was a finger and it's, or maybe it was like a liver.

  • Speaker #0

    That's like truly. that's the beauty of the food. I'm still thinking, everyone gets to take whatever organ they choose when they tell this story. It's totally up to them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And it's so weird that you've pulled this core memory out of me. And I'm like, I do know this story, but not your version of the story. There were no dogs. I think it was just like a group of teenagers. Like they had been there to do something. They went into this house. They did this thing. They ate, I think it was either a pickled toe or it was this like frozen toe or it was like, it was preserved some way, but one of them ate it. And it was just this helplessness.

  • Speaker #0

    We need to find this story. We need to touch on this on the recap episode and tell this troubling toe story. I know.

  • Speaker #1

    Toe fact. We didn't get to have the toe, so we're going to talk about toe cryptids.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. It all comes back.

  • Speaker #1

    It's all connected.

  • Speaker #0

    That is wild though. That is really cool though, that it is like you said. it's kind of the same and similar, but like at the same time, very different. It has the same themes. And it really shows that that, I think at the end of the day is kind of, I don't know how that one necessarily, cause it is a helpful situation, but like that's to teach a message. Like don't make irreversible mistakes. It can't go back.

  • Speaker #1

    I think if the message was don't eat weird things.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Like you don't ingest weird things, which is also a great message for children. So I mean like that's, it has its place in history.

  • Speaker #1

    it's, it's, it's so bizarre. It's like, this. different manifestations of very different childhoods, but different manifestations of the same story. I wonder. I gotta go talk to someone. Where do I know this story from? Who told me the story?

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my gosh. Go consult some family and just be like, alright, guys.

  • Speaker #1

    I gotta go to Spookery Dad and be like, hey, can you tell me the story, Spookery Dad?

  • Speaker #0

    I hope he sheds some light and gives you some answers, because now I'm really interested. I'm going to be seriously googling this toe story.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. so there you go and of course Spooky Re-Listener if you know a similar kind of story I'd love to hear it I'd love to hear if you knew someone who ate someone's liver or a finger or strands of hair heaven forbid but I mean how many appendages are

  • Speaker #0

    edible but shouldn't be right one of the things that was even compared um as i was doing the research too like i think it was um you've heard of maybe the movie called like the monkey's arm i think that's what it is or the monkey's paw that's a monkey's paw yes a monkey's paw be careful what you wish for yes and this was like kind of i guess somehow related to that which i didn't necessarily see the striking resemblance too much but you

  • Speaker #1

    because the monkey paw everyone gets different things from these and monkey paw was it was i think i think it's specifically three wishes it's close to that genie story but i think it was how many ever many fingers were on the paw and like when you made the wish a finger would yeah but but the wish would always manifest in a way that you didn't want yes

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, it was just, it compared, like, kind of loosely to that of just, like, having to do with some sort of, like, an animal's, like, appendage. Yeah. And, like, a folklore. Yeah, I didn't really, that's why I didn't include it in, like, my sources per se. But, like, I thought it was, like, a loose, I'm just, like, I do see, like, similar.

  • Speaker #1

    themes being repeated throughout history but it is just changed like they people add and you know embellish however they need to yeah i guess yeah i mean i guess all folklore has a common thread of caution right whether it's like don't go here don't be there don't do this don't be this person don't cross this don't just don't like every horror story has a moment of caution and

  • Speaker #0

    and it's whatever it is like whether that is like a precautionary thing or it's a don't give up yeah sort of caution absolutely no that's a very good way to put it and this definitely is just a cautionary tale for children um yeah oh yeah like it's just been told so many different so many different ways um and one of the things i actually you I actually did wrote down, I was trying to find it. Um, cause I know we talked about it too, just in all the different retellings of it of people putting like their own stamp on it, um, with the dog's names. I was trying to find it real quick for like the Brer, the Brer rabbit version. Um, in that story particular, the dogs had, you know, similar names, um, but it was Ramboo, Bamboo and Lamboo.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, okay.

  • Speaker #0

    So still repetitive, but completely different. see i'm gonna be honest here i didn't grow up with briar rabbit i don't know those stories at all the ones i had were peter cottontail and those were whimsical fun stories yeah no i didn't i actually didn't really grow up with the rare rabbit stories either i just thought it was really interesting like that key there was even a rabbit taily post story that is literally called um i think like the the return of uncle remus is like the book and then it's literally called like the taily post it's like a small because it's It's all shorter stories in this book, from my understanding. I've never read one of these books, but it looks like it's all kind of a compilation of smaller stories. Yeah,

  • Speaker #1

    this might be the origin of this creature. Yeah. And it's just kind of spiraled into its own legend.

  • Speaker #0

    Pretty much. This is one of the first written tellings of the story was in Fair Rabbit. It's the oldest version that you can find. It's actually a written, recorded copy of it. how cool it really is I think it's really interesting um because I had no idea like I really didn't I thought this book that Joanna wrote I'm like oh that's got to be it that's got to be like she she heard it and then that's like the first written of it but it's like no this goes back hundreds of years this is a pretty pretty old deep folklore yeah and I and I'd love to know if this was like an oral tradition where like there was maybe it's like a cautionary against snakes where it's like don't eat the snake because it's just a horrible monster or a lizard where they drop their tails yeah absolutely depending on like the area you're from like you said like i know in arizona we have a lot of lizards here and that's a big thing like my parents were like i know the tails will grow back on but don't like pull them off like don't like touch the lizard's tail like it is a big thing not to touch animals tails so i can understand that this is just you probably why my parents told it to me as a kid honestly was just like just don't touch animals tails just don't do it don't touch tails don't do it don't do it don't do so another difference um in the stories as of like different retellings is the fate of the dogs actually so sometimes the dogs meet a more gruesome end similar to the man instead of just getting lost or fleeing in flight um in some variants the dogs actually even chase the telepo far out into a swamp before meeting their end and i don't think we actually i i noted actually at the beginning of mine that it was like a forest like a swampy forest but i don't think i actually said that they specifically like drove them into a swamp and i think some of the other stories highlight that a little bit more and that makes it a little bit more creepy i will say like after rereading some of the other stories i'm like i i almost wish i would have talked about it but just in my head that didn't come to mind but it is really creepy like reading about this like swampy area where like the the taily po just like pulls them out too and then they just disappear like you're just like oh okay that's

  • Speaker #1

    cool yeah well i'm thinking about like the versus horrible creature that i've drawn it has fur um and I didn't even consider the environment. And I was like, if this is a swamp, a furry black worm on a string is probably not ideal. And like, what if it's scaly? Is it slippery? Is it got like an amphibian skin where it's kind of like this mucous membrane sort of thing? I just immediately imagined a fuzzy snake.

  • Speaker #0

    yeah no i like you said imagine fur but i also kind of imagine like patchy like weird like dry fur and then like i don't like just kind of like really old skin like have you seen like dog skin before like kind of like that but just like really wrinkly done like dog skins Yeah, like dog skin, like underneath their fur. Like it's like a bald dog. Like, oh no. I met a Pomeranian the other day with alopecia and she was a cutie.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, sweet baby.

  • Speaker #0

    She literally looked like a little pig.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I kind of like that because we shave my dog's tummies because it can get hot over down in here in Florida. So we have beagles. They're not long fur, but they can get... hot for them especially because like one of them has dark fur so we shave her tummy so she does like she cools off and like it's all like smooth and yeah but it's kind of it's almost like it's like weirdly stretchy and yeah it's got like this bounce to us yeah i can kind of see that but i also like

  • Speaker #0

    it felt like more like rugged like very dehydrated skin like yeah like a chapped skin maybe like like it's never used lotion in his life like never once has even maybe maybe it's yeah

  • Speaker #1

    i personally don't lotion my dogs i'm not that fancy but

  • Speaker #0

    do they make lotion for talking probably i guess like when you started telling the story i immediately imagined a forest which i think is stupid because you it's arizona is not famous for its forests um but i mean like i never pictured this thing like living around where i live either that's the weird part is like i imagined it somehow is under my bed but it isn't a forest at the same time yeah it's like it's which makes no sense it's like in a heavily dense wooded forest

  • Speaker #1

    and I don't, I personally didn't really live near forests. I'm not a forest dweller. I think I lived near one once and that was enough for me. And like, I imagined this and like, like thick sticks on the ground and this thing slithers like in logs and around like tree roots. But then you sort of, then I sort of like, okay, well maybe, yeah, you started, you mentioned a swamp and I was like, okay, well, if it lives in a swamp, this thick black fur that I'm imagining doesn't quite work because. like the swamp's just nearby i guess i don't know yes maybe it's like slippery or sticky or it's got like this membrane kind of texture to it where it's almost like like a leech or uh like some sort of like eel kind of like an eely texture because like that's like that's a majority tale yeah you know what's crazy is i didn't think you could find a way to make this worse and then sorry you really didn't think we could improve upon the scariness of this creature and that is just absolutely horrid yeah there you go thank you well we can make it even worse if you want and we can think about it in a desert context where it's just reptilian and if you're looking at my sketch we remove the fur that's all this this black scaled clawed thing slinking through the sand you know, like it survives on cactus juice at these poor desert rabbits that were apparently hunting.

  • Speaker #0

    Dude, that's literally a Gila monster. You're describing a Gila monster right now. Like this animal does exist.

  • Speaker #1

    Maybe that's, well, I don't know. I've never been to Arizona, but.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, these things are, and they're poisonous. If they bite onto you, they don't let go. And you just sit there and die.

  • Speaker #1

    So maybe that's, maybe that's why this, this, this story got so big as, I guess, as a telling in Arizona, because you have something like this.

  • Speaker #0

    and it's a cautionary tale don't don't go near those things because they're i mean like that is something i was told oh if you see a gila monster like just like like get the hell away from like they're worse than rattlesnakes like they're bad because they don't they don't even warn you like they're just there they're just there they're just like so that hits at you i've never you'll send me a picture of a gila monster because i've never seen i i can't believe yeah they're literally called monsters like a gila but it's just like a it's a black and orange

  • Speaker #1

    uh like giant lizard oh i think oh yeah it's probably not the lizards i'm used to um because i'm like you said that and i thought i thought of like a komodo dragon you know those big nasty four-legged monster lizards yeah no this is uh this is like it's kind of small but like they're that's why you don't usually see them oh they're so okay i'm imagining like this like dog-sized lizard just like snakes chilling in your backyard like hey

  • Speaker #0

    I'm trying to find it and click compared to, I should find one like with a banana for scale. Like that way, like, you know, you can,

  • Speaker #1

    I can't believe I can have, I have it for scale. Yeah. Cause like, I'm imagining this, this thing I drew in my head is bigger than my dog. It's bigger than a beagle, but it's smaller than a horse. We're playing that game. Um, well, I guess what would like, maybe like it's larger than a skateboard. Um, but smaller than a surfboard. What do I have that's like that size? Like I don't have a specific thing for scale. I guess like it's like five foot long. Oh, I don't like that.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I'm like I tried to give you like a scale. Like so that guy's like hand is next to it. You can see it.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my God.

  • Speaker #0

    And I'll show you like they're not like they just.

  • Speaker #1

    They're so chubby.

  • Speaker #0

    They usually are. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    That's adorable.

  • Speaker #0

    They look cute, but they're not.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, I can understand. Yeah, the red and yellow.

  • Speaker #0

    friend it's a sign it's like don't touch me i am super poisonous yeah yeah heal monsters are no joke but yeah so with all of these changes and everything like truly with any story being told verbally i'm sure the telepo just receives embellishments that range depending on who the target audience is you know as we if we said it before everyone is scared differently there's no right way to scare so i mean just you

  • Speaker #1

    letting your audience imagine whatever they need it it really does the trick yeah and like we've already established there's like a variety of ways to scare there's a variety of ways you can twist the story to scare even more and yeah it's yeah it's it's it's a kind of it's a cool one where i i guess i kind of knew it but i knew a different version but i didn't know your version and i just kind of picked it apart and i that was it was a cool little adventure we went on you

  • Speaker #0

    right i actually really enjoyed that i like the horror story it's like tailored to your own personal little nightmares and we got to dissect it and give it a little bit more context and lore and background and i really appreciate expanding upon it in that way because we got to kind of not not necessarily put our stamp on the retelling of it but just just expand upon it and give the taily po lore in the world of cryptids and folklore just just more information because that's really all it is it's just like an ever-expanding library of of stories yeah just like the spookery

  • Speaker #1

    and the spookery as as its intention was always to be it's to tell stories it's to preserve stories but it's also to expand upon stories and you know well we'll get i'm sure i really hope that people will send us their own versions of this story we're like have you heard this story do you know this story what version do you know how does it change from where you live versus where i am where versus where alana is it's this yeah and that's kind of the cool thing about this oral tradition is that the story will always change and sometimes it will change for the better, and sometimes it will change for the creepy, and sometimes it will change as a cautionary tale, and sometimes it'll just be something completely different. So, yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Absolutely. No, I'm very excited to see who has heard about this, how it has changed depending on where you're from in the world. I mean, this is, too, you're getting a perspective from just, you know, someone inside the U.S. Like, in other countries, I'm sure that this tale has been embellished and changed and given so many different details just to fit the area and the region and the culture. So... I'm excited. I want to hear more about it. I hope you guys enjoyed my version and retelling of this today because it really is truly one of my personal favorites that I have held on to my entire life. And so being able to share it and pass it along this cursed knowledge to you, I just, I'm really happy. And I'm hoping that you get a chance to share this troubling tale with a friend or a foe of your choosing soon as well.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes. You know, my family is not safe for this story, family. I'm coming for you. Thank you, foe.

  • Speaker #0

    you have to do the scary voice am I not scary enough should I go just like that yes okay yeah you nailed it okay

  • Speaker #1

    I did practice my scary voice it was great I loved your scary voice I curled up into my blanket a little bit like so like that that's a no from me but ma'am thank you for telling your little slice of of personal cryptid folklore because man what a cool little story and and i'm i think you told it so well and just man thank you thank you for the little slice of

  • Speaker #0

    yeah like you said it not only is a folklore from history but it is a little bit a little bit more personal about me which we haven't really got personal on the podcast yet so you're learning about us learning about the hosts of what you listen to yes maybe it's cool maybe it's not maybe you don't care but now

  • Speaker #1

    you know it either way i care so you as an audience don't have a say no i'm kidding that's true it's it's kind of nice and of course you know i know i think i said before we have different you backgrounds, different childhoods. So we'll always interpret and process information differently. And it's this really cool thing where you can share the story and we can just expand upon it together and look at it like in a completely new light. And I just, I love it. I love it how cool, this book is such a cool place to be, guys.

  • Speaker #0

    It really is. And I really am just like, I'm so honored. Thank you for listening. Thank you for just being here for this. This was a great episode. I loved it. It means a lot to me.

  • Speaker #1

    No, of course. No, this was awesome. This is, I guess this was, yeah, this was a cryptid I didn't know. It was a cryptid I've... It awoke a core memory in me, but I didn't know this one. And like the fact that you told it so well that I was able to draw it and get it kind of accurate to what you were thinking. That just goes to show how cool you told that story.

  • Speaker #0

    That's such a compliment. I'm just so glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad I was able to pick yet another thing that you just hadn't heard about because I love being able to surprise you with things. That's kind of like always my secret cycle with the spookery is picking things that not only I get to surprise our listeners to, but that I get to surprise you with, lady, because your reaction to things is just the best. that's why we're here i i just i love getting to tell you stories i think you're three for three ma'am i didn't know about the fires i didn't know about the cult i didn't know about the taily po and whatever the spookery wheel gives you i won't know about either i know yes i was just about to say i think we are finally around that time where it is time to spin that

  • Speaker #1

    wheel so bookery wheel tm yes spookery wheel tm spookery wheel spookery wheel oh ma'am

  • Speaker #0

    These Spookery Spirits have done right by me so far So I'm really excited Don't do me dirty now Give me something good Come on Spookery Spirits Mama's gotta get a new pair of shoes

  • Speaker #1

    You already got your new pair of shoes You already got your cryptic

  • Speaker #0

    I did I got what I wanted I don't even know what I'm hoping for at this point Because I got what I wanted Alright well I've set up the wheel

  • Speaker #1

    It's ready for us Alright I'm gonna spin In 3, 2, 1, go Woo There it goes Ooh it's really spinning ma'am what did i get your category for your next episode is conspiracy theories are you kidding that is such a fun category too why do the smokers like you so much it's

  • Speaker #0

    been such a good topic to get i'm i cannot only figure out why after after levine is fake that she's gone We're gonna figure it out. We're gonna get to the bottom. Is she really Avril Lavigne or did they replace her? I don't know.

  • Speaker #1

    Find out in two weeks.

  • Speaker #0

    Find out in two weeks. We'll see. I mean, you never know. But that one has always haunted me.

  • Speaker #1

    That one's a good one. God, you got all the cool ones. I mean, that's not true. I also got cursed objects. I got mass murder. So I guess I can't complain.

  • Speaker #0

    Dude, and you did Body and Clyde. You did a three-parter sitting here off the cusp of a three-parter. You're like, man, can I get a good one? I'm like, you got the best one. What the heck are you talking about?

  • Speaker #1

    Man, it's crazy. You know, it's true. I can't complain. I've got some really cool categories. I think I just, I'm not getting the specific one that I want. And I'm just salty about it. But no, the Spooker Wheel has been kind to both of us, I think, just to different degrees. I think it's played really well into our strengths. Absolutely. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, this has been a good foot to start out. The season one, you know, really get to just dive into stuff that we're passionate about, that we want to talk about. And we're just going to keep getting better and learning. And the research is going to get better. The stories are going to get deeper. I'm just excited. I'm excited to continue this.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Well, speaking of continuing, I guess it's my turn to tease next week's episode, huh?

  • Speaker #0

    It sure is. Give us a little bit of that teaser.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, teaser. Okay, so my category that I'm complaining about slash. I'm dealing with mass murder coming off the tailcoats of Bonnie and Clyde. So I guess my teaser, I have two. So my first teaser is that I have gone the polar opposite of Bonnie and Clyde.

  • Speaker #0

    The polar opposite.

  • Speaker #1

    The polar opposite. So,

  • Speaker #0

    Donnie and Lice. No,

  • Speaker #1

    that's not the polar opposite. That's adjacent. We're going perpendicular.

  • Speaker #0

    I didn't understand the assignment.

  • Speaker #1

    Okay, and then I guess my second teaser is I have had to learn an entirely new language to understand my case. Yes, I have had to learn another language. It's been an adventure. So when you hear my case next week, you'll know that I had to Google translate so much of it. And if I say things funny, that's why.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, my gosh. No, that is some true dedication to the craft, madame. I am so excited to hear your tale. And yeah, no judgment. You're going to do the best that you can and we'll learn. It'll be a great experience. I'm excited.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, there you go. There is. There's my teaser. It's the polar opposite of Bonnie and Clyde. And I had to learn a new language for this one.

  • Speaker #0

    So, wow.

  • Speaker #1

    Good luck. I hope you guys give it a guess. If you guys want, send us an email. What do you think it is? If you've got cases that you would like to discover, please send us a Gmail. I guess that's segueing straight into our socials.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, absolutely. Yeah. If you want to find us, you can find us pretty much anywhere at Spookery Podcast.

  • Speaker #1

    Yep. You can send us a Gmail at Spookery Podcast at gmail.com. We're on YouTube now. How cool. We are.

  • Speaker #0

    We're officially on YouTube. So go subscribe.

  • Speaker #1

    Go subscribe to that. It's pretty much all of our episodes are available there. You can go subscribe to the channel. It's got a little cute little thing that our beautiful distributor gave to us. so yeah you've got a little visual wave line where you can I guess watch while you're listening to us but we're all on there so you can go say that it's literally Spookery Podcast you'll find us it's got our same logo as our cover art and yeah check us out.

  • Speaker #0

    And yeah, uh, we just appreciate you listening. We appreciate any feedback. Uh, we definitely have some recap notes for you for that sweet, sweet recap episode, which we're very excited about. If anyone has anything else to add to that, please just send us an email. We really appreciate it. Everyone has been so kind and so nice so far, even, you know, the few emails we've gotten, we just, we really do appreciate them. So just thank you for taking the time. Yeah. Just being so kind about it.

  • Speaker #1

    And if you guys have extra questions that you want to ask, if we, I mean, Alana missed something that you want us to talk about, if you, had a question that we didn't get to please please please let us know like we will 100% add it to our recap notes and we will try and address as many as we can I have my own questions like because I edit all of the episodes and going back I'm like why didn't I ask this question at that time

  • Speaker #0

    so yeah feel free to let us know we've got plenty of time before the recap is finalized so please send us a gmail and if you guys are enjoying the journey so far please think about leaving us a five star review absolutely it means so much it helps the algorithm make us more discoverable and other people other spooky lovers you know find our podcast and give

  • Speaker #1

    us a more things to talk about so yeah we just appreciate you we appreciate you I appreciate you ma'am thank you so much for telling this amazing story thank you for telling me about the daily pow

  • Speaker #0

    thank you for being the best audience ever as usual uh i'm gonna have night terrors tonight i can feel it

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to be like cozy at 2 a.m. And I'm just going to hear like, I'm going to hear my demon in my wall that knocks and I'm going to be like,

  • Speaker #0

    I genuinely, after hearing this story, I feel like your eyes do like, you know how your eyes play tricks on you and you kind of imagine things in the dark when they're not there. And you will start to see the taily poe in the little corners of your eye as you're laying there in the dark. And you think, wait, what is, is that just nothing in the corner of my room? Or is that maybe the taily-po?

  • Speaker #1

    Yes, is that shadow slithering at the bottom of your bed? Is that little rustling inside your closet? Is it perhaps something with sharp teeth and a Cheshire grin? And it's coming for you. It's coming for you, taily-po.

  • Speaker #0

    It's a taily-po. Oh.

  • Speaker #1

    such a fun episode today man it really was thank you so much for telling it thank you guys for coming until next time stay spooky bye bye bye bye bye Tell me about your black fairy. I'm not screaming. Don't tell me your story.



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