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The Frontline cover
The Frontline cover

The Frontline

The Frontline

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The Frontline cover
The Frontline cover

The Frontline

The Frontline



Presented by ILGA-Europe, an umbrella organisation for over 600 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) organisations across 54 countries, The Frontline is a podcast about LGBTI activism and lives in Europe and Central Asia. Deep-diving and analysing from a unique and informed perspective, The Frontline aims to bring you to the core of queer activism and give you an understanding on the complexities of what's happening, why it's happening, the wins and the losses, the challenges and commonalities, and the extraordinary ways in which the work of those on the frontlines continues in a rapidly changing world.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Presented by ILGA-Europe, an umbrella organisation for over 600 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) organisations across 54 countries, The Frontline is a podcast about LGBTI activism and lives in Europe and Central Asia. Deep-diving and analysing from a unique and informed perspective, The Frontline aims to bring you to the core of queer activism and give you an understanding on the complexities of what's happening, why it's happening, the wins and the losses, the challenges and commonalities, and the extraordinary ways in which the work of those on the frontlines continues in a rapidly changing world.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

38 episodes

6 playlists

    Season 1

  • Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 2: Fostering a Healthy Environment cover
    Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 2: Fostering a Healthy Environment cover
    Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 2: Fostering a Healthy Environment

    In the second of a two-episode mini-series, we dive further into an important topic for LGBTI activists: what happens when concerns around wellbeing shift from the individual to the collective in our organisations.Joining us are three expert guests who bring diverse perspectives and deep experience in this field: Nino Kharchilava from WISG, Georgia (https://wisg.org/en), who will share her insights on wholistic security and care management; Suranee Abesurya, the Executive Director of Rainbow Mind, UK (https://rainbowmind.org/), bringing the perspective of clinical professionals; and Elvira Meliksetyan, a wellbeing trainer from FrontLine Defenders (https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/), who brings hands-on professional knowledge in fostering organisational health.In this part we discuss the solutions and strategies that can be implemented to foster a supportive and healthy environment for everyone in our organisations. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    28min | Published on July 31, 2024

  • Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 1: Understanding Organisational Health cover
    Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 1: Understanding Organisational Health cover
    Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 1: Understanding Organisational Health

    In the first of a two-episode mini-series, we’re dive into a super important topic for LGBTI activists: what happens when concerns around wellbeing shift from the individual to the collective in our organisations.Joining us are three expert guests who bring diverse perspectives and deep experience in this field: Nino Kharchilava from WISG, Georgia (https://wisg.org/en), who will share her insights on wholistic security and care management; Suranee Abesurya, the Executive Director of Rainbow Mind, UK (https://rainbowmind.org/), bringing the perspective of clinical professionals; and Elvira Meliksetyan, a wellbeing trainer from FrontLine Defenders (https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/), who brings hands-on professional knowledge in fostering organisational health.In this episode, we start at the very beginning, by looking at what organisational wellbeing actually means, and exploring how we identify group wellbeing needs. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    36min | Published on July 31, 2024

  • Intersectionality and the LGBTI Activist Movement cover
    Intersectionality and the LGBTI Activist Movement cover
    Intersectionality and the LGBTI Activist Movement

    Intersectionality is a buzz word that’s often used in the LGBTI activist movement, but what is true intersectionality and how do we fold it into the work we do? How do create the change we want to see in society, so that the less privileged within our communities are recognised, valued, included and heard, and where the specific issues that affect those on the intersections are addressed?Over the past decade, ILGA-Europe’s staff has gone on a learning journey on how to be an organisation that truly adopts an intersectional approach in all our work. In this episode of The Frontline, we’re talking about that journey in real terms. What actually is intersectionality? How do we learn about being truly intersectional and practically put it to use? How do we open ourselves to take on board and learn from critique? And how do we learn from the mistakes we often make?These are some of the questions in this special episode, presented by Valeria Santostefano, a former team member with ILGA-Europe who was active in the intersectionality portfolio, and who has recently joined the team to support internal learning. Valeria is joined by the former Executive Director, Evelyne Paradis, who has been part of the learning for 15 years, and the new Executive Director, Chaber who is taking the work, and the continual learning, forward. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    44min | Published on June 21, 2024

  • What the EU Election Results Will Mean for LGBTI Human Rights cover
    What the EU Election Results Will Mean for LGBTI Human Rights cover
    What the EU Election Results Will Mean for LGBTI Human Rights

    Although the swing to the far right predicted in the European elections hasn’t been as radical as expected, with the progressive and centre-right still holding a majority of seats, there have been seismic shifts to the right in a number of member states, including Germany, France and Austria.  (https://x.com/ILGAEurope/status/1800096443752989099)In this episode of The Frontline we take a look at that this might all mean for LGBTI human rights in the EU over the coming years. Joining our Advocacy Director, Katrin Hugendubel to discuss the election results, the campaigns that led to them, and what the way forward might be are are co-chairs of the LGBTI Intergroup at the European parliament, freshly re-elected MEP’s Marc Angel (https://www.marcangel.lu/) from the Socialists & Democrats in Luxembourg and Kim van Sparrentak (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197870/KIM_VAN+SPARRENTAK/home) from the Greens/EFA in The Netherlands, alongside activists Luca Dudits (https://en.hatter.hu/about-us/staff/luca-dudits) from Hatter Society in Hungary and Roberto Muzetta from Arcigay (https://www.arcigay.it/en/) in Italy. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    39min | Published on June 14, 2024

  • Changing Leadership, Changing Times cover
    Changing Leadership, Changing Times cover
    Changing Leadership, Changing Times

    In the almost 14 years since Evelyne Paradis became the Executive Director of ILGA-Europe it has grown to become the largest umbrella organisation for LGBTI activism in Europe and Central Asia, playing a key and essential role in resourcing and fostering the LGBTI movement, and influencing political systems towards ever greater consideration of LGBTI people’s equality, freedom and safety in decision making and legislation. The past two years in particular have been a time of unprecedented expansion for ILGA-Europe, both in terms of staff and funding, and in our capacity to support, represent and help build a strong and strategic LGBTI movement in the region.     In this episode of The Frontline, as Evelyne Paradis hands over the reins of leadership to our new Executive Director, Chaber, we sit down with them both to talk about how ILGA-Europe has evolved as an organisation alongside the LGBTI movement over the past decades, and what’s just around the corner, both for the organisation and for the queer activist movement.    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    28min | Published on October 23, 2023

  • The Evelyne Paradis Interviews: LGBTI Activism Now cover
    The Evelyne Paradis Interviews: LGBTI Activism Now cover
    The Evelyne Paradis Interviews: LGBTI Activism Now

    For the past 18 years with ILGA-Europe, 15 of which she spent as the organisation’s Executive Director, Evelyne Paradis has worked closely alongside hundreds of LGBTI activists and organisations across Europe and Central Asia. As she gets ready to hand over the reins to our new Executive Director, in this episode of The Frontline, Evelyne talks about how the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central Asia has evolved over her time leading ILGA-Europe, and how ILGA-Europe’s work to build and enhance the movement has evolved and grown too.  What have been the rising priorities in queer activism, and how has ILGA-Europe been both supporting and helping lead the charge? What have been the pitfalls along the way and what are the challenges ahead? And as LGBTI communities and activists face growing opposition from powerful right wing forces across the region, how can the movement further harness is own power to push forward?   Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    27min | Published on September 21, 2023

  • LGBTI Rights and Politics Now, with Evelyne Paradis cover
    LGBTI Rights and Politics Now, with Evelyne Paradis cover
    LGBTI Rights and Politics Now, with Evelyne Paradis

    This is the first of three interviews with ILGA-Europe’s Executive Director, Evelyne Paradis as she departs the organisation, after 18 years, nearly 14 of which she spent as its leader. With a decade and half of experience leading Europe’s largest LGBTI umbrella organisation, which is a driving force for political, legal and social change in Europe and Central Asia, Evelyne has had a helicopter view of the growing place of LGBTI rights on political agendas and how all of this has filtered down in the everyday lives of LGBTI people across the regions.   In this episode, Evelyne talks about how politics have evolved over her time leading ILGA-Europe, which included the dawn and global spreading of social media, and how Europe’s political institutions have progressed to include LGBTI people across a broad range of portfolios and initiatives. Is the current EU political system working well to shore up and promote LGBTI equality, or are rainbow rights a victim to an advancing populism across the political spectrum? And what does it take to be a great politician at this time in the world? All these questions and more are answered in this, the first of the Evelyne Paradis exit interviews for The Frontline.   Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    26min | Published on August 31, 2023

  • Behind the Rainbow Map: LGBTI Activism in the Lowest Ranking Countries cover
    Behind the Rainbow Map: LGBTI Activism in the Lowest Ranking Countries cover
    Behind the Rainbow Map: LGBTI Activism in the Lowest Ranking Countries

    Every year since 2009, ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map has been ranking the 49 countries that make up Europe based on the legal and policy situations of LGBTI people.  While during this time there has been much movement at the top of the map, with Spain, Finland, Greece and Moldova making big jumps this year, the countries at the bottom have largely been the same since the very first map, namely Russia, Armenia, Turkey, and at the very bottom Azerbaijan. In this episode of The Frontline, we ask the question, if a country stays at the bottom of the Rainbow Map ranking, does it mean there's no queer activism happening there? In countries where advocacy is not possible, and where daily life for LGBTI people is often extremely challenging, what's happening in the work towards LGBTI rights and equality? And is this mostly invisible activism bringing about change for LGBTI people in the countries where it seems life is getting worse rather than better?  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    34min | Published on August 17, 2023

  • The Rainbow Map - Behind the Rankings cover
    The Rainbow Map - Behind the Rankings cover
    The Rainbow Map - Behind the Rankings

    Released every May since 2009, the ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map ranks the legal and policy situation for LGBTI people in all 49 European countries, on a scale between 0% (gross violations of human rights, discrimination) and 100% (respect of human rights, full equality).   This year there was much movement on the map, with Malta holding the top spot and several countries entering the top ten. All of this has been reported across the world, but what truths lie behind the Rainbow Map rankings? Malta has been number one for eight years now, but is it a utopia for LGBTI people, or are there issues in the country that might be pinkwashed by its Rainbow ranking? Are small movements up the chart really representative of what’s happening on the ground for LGBTI people? And what’s happening in the countries that used to be at the top but are now lagging very much behind?  In this episode of The Frontline, exploring the complexities behind the rankings in the annual Rainbow Map, we are joined by guests Robert Attard from the Malta Gay Rights Movement (https://maltagayrights.org/), Simona Mursec from Ljubljana Pride Association (https://ljubljanapride.org/en/) in Slovenia and Sophie Schers from Transgender Network (https://www.transgendernetwerk.nl/) in The Netherlands. We’re also joined by Mehmet Akin from the ILGA Europe team, who oversees the collection of data and rankings on the Rainbow Map and Index, and our Advocacy Director, Katrin Hugendubel, to talk about what we see happening now and in the future.   Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    48min | Published on June 1, 2023

  • Trans Inclusion in the Women's Movement cover
    Trans Inclusion in the Women's Movement cover
    Trans Inclusion in the Women's Movement

    All too often we hearabout exclusionary forces, or the voices of forces who seek to exclude trans women from the women’s movement, but does this adequately represent the truth? This episode focuses on the ways in which actors in the women’s movement are actively inclusive of trans women, questions the exclusionary narrative that dominates much of the media, and how this dominant narrative is both being driven by and playing into the hands of anti-democratic forces.    We ask what it means for feminism to be inclusive in practical terms and how does inclusiveness impact the work? We explore how inclusionary women’s rights organisations and trans activists are responding to the efforts of exclusionary actors to narrow the frame for feminism, and the lessons learned so far.  With us to investigate the exclusionary narrative and look at it from the more prevalent inclusionary perspective, are Caroline Hickson, Regional Director of International Planned Parenthood Federation (https://europe.ippf.org/) European Network; Tanya von Knorring, Executive Director of  Transfeminiinit, Finland (https://transfeminiinit.fi/wordpress/) and Federal Vice Chair of National LGBTI Finland; and Marion Böker from the German NGO, Deutsche Frauenring (https://deutscher-frauenring.de/), who is also on the board of the International Alliance of Women and the European Women’s Lobby.   Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    50min | Published on March 30, 2023

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Presented by ILGA-Europe, an umbrella organisation for over 600 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) organisations across 54 countries, The Frontline is a podcast about LGBTI activism and lives in Europe and Central Asia. Deep-diving and analysing from a unique and informed perspective, The Frontline aims to bring you to the core of queer activism and give you an understanding on the complexities of what's happening, why it's happening, the wins and the losses, the challenges and commonalities, and the extraordinary ways in which the work of those on the frontlines continues in a rapidly changing world.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Presented by ILGA-Europe, an umbrella organisation for over 600 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) organisations across 54 countries, The Frontline is a podcast about LGBTI activism and lives in Europe and Central Asia. Deep-diving and analysing from a unique and informed perspective, The Frontline aims to bring you to the core of queer activism and give you an understanding on the complexities of what's happening, why it's happening, the wins and the losses, the challenges and commonalities, and the extraordinary ways in which the work of those on the frontlines continues in a rapidly changing world.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

38 episodes

6 playlists

    Season 1

  • Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 2: Fostering a Healthy Environment cover
    Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 2: Fostering a Healthy Environment cover
    Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 2: Fostering a Healthy Environment

    In the second of a two-episode mini-series, we dive further into an important topic for LGBTI activists: what happens when concerns around wellbeing shift from the individual to the collective in our organisations.Joining us are three expert guests who bring diverse perspectives and deep experience in this field: Nino Kharchilava from WISG, Georgia (https://wisg.org/en), who will share her insights on wholistic security and care management; Suranee Abesurya, the Executive Director of Rainbow Mind, UK (https://rainbowmind.org/), bringing the perspective of clinical professionals; and Elvira Meliksetyan, a wellbeing trainer from FrontLine Defenders (https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/), who brings hands-on professional knowledge in fostering organisational health.In this part we discuss the solutions and strategies that can be implemented to foster a supportive and healthy environment for everyone in our organisations. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    28min | Published on July 31, 2024

  • Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 1: Understanding Organisational Health cover
    Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 1: Understanding Organisational Health cover
    Navigating Team Wellbeing Part 1: Understanding Organisational Health

    In the first of a two-episode mini-series, we’re dive into a super important topic for LGBTI activists: what happens when concerns around wellbeing shift from the individual to the collective in our organisations.Joining us are three expert guests who bring diverse perspectives and deep experience in this field: Nino Kharchilava from WISG, Georgia (https://wisg.org/en), who will share her insights on wholistic security and care management; Suranee Abesurya, the Executive Director of Rainbow Mind, UK (https://rainbowmind.org/), bringing the perspective of clinical professionals; and Elvira Meliksetyan, a wellbeing trainer from FrontLine Defenders (https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/), who brings hands-on professional knowledge in fostering organisational health.In this episode, we start at the very beginning, by looking at what organisational wellbeing actually means, and exploring how we identify group wellbeing needs. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    36min | Published on July 31, 2024

  • Intersectionality and the LGBTI Activist Movement cover
    Intersectionality and the LGBTI Activist Movement cover
    Intersectionality and the LGBTI Activist Movement

    Intersectionality is a buzz word that’s often used in the LGBTI activist movement, but what is true intersectionality and how do we fold it into the work we do? How do create the change we want to see in society, so that the less privileged within our communities are recognised, valued, included and heard, and where the specific issues that affect those on the intersections are addressed?Over the past decade, ILGA-Europe’s staff has gone on a learning journey on how to be an organisation that truly adopts an intersectional approach in all our work. In this episode of The Frontline, we’re talking about that journey in real terms. What actually is intersectionality? How do we learn about being truly intersectional and practically put it to use? How do we open ourselves to take on board and learn from critique? And how do we learn from the mistakes we often make?These are some of the questions in this special episode, presented by Valeria Santostefano, a former team member with ILGA-Europe who was active in the intersectionality portfolio, and who has recently joined the team to support internal learning. Valeria is joined by the former Executive Director, Evelyne Paradis, who has been part of the learning for 15 years, and the new Executive Director, Chaber who is taking the work, and the continual learning, forward. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    44min | Published on June 21, 2024

  • What the EU Election Results Will Mean for LGBTI Human Rights cover
    What the EU Election Results Will Mean for LGBTI Human Rights cover
    What the EU Election Results Will Mean for LGBTI Human Rights

    Although the swing to the far right predicted in the European elections hasn’t been as radical as expected, with the progressive and centre-right still holding a majority of seats, there have been seismic shifts to the right in a number of member states, including Germany, France and Austria.  (https://x.com/ILGAEurope/status/1800096443752989099)In this episode of The Frontline we take a look at that this might all mean for LGBTI human rights in the EU over the coming years. Joining our Advocacy Director, Katrin Hugendubel to discuss the election results, the campaigns that led to them, and what the way forward might be are are co-chairs of the LGBTI Intergroup at the European parliament, freshly re-elected MEP’s Marc Angel (https://www.marcangel.lu/) from the Socialists & Democrats in Luxembourg and Kim van Sparrentak (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197870/KIM_VAN+SPARRENTAK/home) from the Greens/EFA in The Netherlands, alongside activists Luca Dudits (https://en.hatter.hu/about-us/staff/luca-dudits) from Hatter Society in Hungary and Roberto Muzetta from Arcigay (https://www.arcigay.it/en/) in Italy. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    39min | Published on June 14, 2024

  • Changing Leadership, Changing Times cover
    Changing Leadership, Changing Times cover
    Changing Leadership, Changing Times

    In the almost 14 years since Evelyne Paradis became the Executive Director of ILGA-Europe it has grown to become the largest umbrella organisation for LGBTI activism in Europe and Central Asia, playing a key and essential role in resourcing and fostering the LGBTI movement, and influencing political systems towards ever greater consideration of LGBTI people’s equality, freedom and safety in decision making and legislation. The past two years in particular have been a time of unprecedented expansion for ILGA-Europe, both in terms of staff and funding, and in our capacity to support, represent and help build a strong and strategic LGBTI movement in the region.     In this episode of The Frontline, as Evelyne Paradis hands over the reins of leadership to our new Executive Director, Chaber, we sit down with them both to talk about how ILGA-Europe has evolved as an organisation alongside the LGBTI movement over the past decades, and what’s just around the corner, both for the organisation and for the queer activist movement.    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    28min | Published on October 23, 2023

  • The Evelyne Paradis Interviews: LGBTI Activism Now cover
    The Evelyne Paradis Interviews: LGBTI Activism Now cover
    The Evelyne Paradis Interviews: LGBTI Activism Now

    For the past 18 years with ILGA-Europe, 15 of which she spent as the organisation’s Executive Director, Evelyne Paradis has worked closely alongside hundreds of LGBTI activists and organisations across Europe and Central Asia. As she gets ready to hand over the reins to our new Executive Director, in this episode of The Frontline, Evelyne talks about how the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central Asia has evolved over her time leading ILGA-Europe, and how ILGA-Europe’s work to build and enhance the movement has evolved and grown too.  What have been the rising priorities in queer activism, and how has ILGA-Europe been both supporting and helping lead the charge? What have been the pitfalls along the way and what are the challenges ahead? And as LGBTI communities and activists face growing opposition from powerful right wing forces across the region, how can the movement further harness is own power to push forward?   Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    27min | Published on September 21, 2023

  • LGBTI Rights and Politics Now, with Evelyne Paradis cover
    LGBTI Rights and Politics Now, with Evelyne Paradis cover
    LGBTI Rights and Politics Now, with Evelyne Paradis

    This is the first of three interviews with ILGA-Europe’s Executive Director, Evelyne Paradis as she departs the organisation, after 18 years, nearly 14 of which she spent as its leader. With a decade and half of experience leading Europe’s largest LGBTI umbrella organisation, which is a driving force for political, legal and social change in Europe and Central Asia, Evelyne has had a helicopter view of the growing place of LGBTI rights on political agendas and how all of this has filtered down in the everyday lives of LGBTI people across the regions.   In this episode, Evelyne talks about how politics have evolved over her time leading ILGA-Europe, which included the dawn and global spreading of social media, and how Europe’s political institutions have progressed to include LGBTI people across a broad range of portfolios and initiatives. Is the current EU political system working well to shore up and promote LGBTI equality, or are rainbow rights a victim to an advancing populism across the political spectrum? And what does it take to be a great politician at this time in the world? All these questions and more are answered in this, the first of the Evelyne Paradis exit interviews for The Frontline.   Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    26min | Published on August 31, 2023

  • Behind the Rainbow Map: LGBTI Activism in the Lowest Ranking Countries cover
    Behind the Rainbow Map: LGBTI Activism in the Lowest Ranking Countries cover
    Behind the Rainbow Map: LGBTI Activism in the Lowest Ranking Countries

    Every year since 2009, ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map has been ranking the 49 countries that make up Europe based on the legal and policy situations of LGBTI people.  While during this time there has been much movement at the top of the map, with Spain, Finland, Greece and Moldova making big jumps this year, the countries at the bottom have largely been the same since the very first map, namely Russia, Armenia, Turkey, and at the very bottom Azerbaijan. In this episode of The Frontline, we ask the question, if a country stays at the bottom of the Rainbow Map ranking, does it mean there's no queer activism happening there? In countries where advocacy is not possible, and where daily life for LGBTI people is often extremely challenging, what's happening in the work towards LGBTI rights and equality? And is this mostly invisible activism bringing about change for LGBTI people in the countries where it seems life is getting worse rather than better?  Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    34min | Published on August 17, 2023

  • The Rainbow Map - Behind the Rankings cover
    The Rainbow Map - Behind the Rankings cover
    The Rainbow Map - Behind the Rankings

    Released every May since 2009, the ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map ranks the legal and policy situation for LGBTI people in all 49 European countries, on a scale between 0% (gross violations of human rights, discrimination) and 100% (respect of human rights, full equality).   This year there was much movement on the map, with Malta holding the top spot and several countries entering the top ten. All of this has been reported across the world, but what truths lie behind the Rainbow Map rankings? Malta has been number one for eight years now, but is it a utopia for LGBTI people, or are there issues in the country that might be pinkwashed by its Rainbow ranking? Are small movements up the chart really representative of what’s happening on the ground for LGBTI people? And what’s happening in the countries that used to be at the top but are now lagging very much behind?  In this episode of The Frontline, exploring the complexities behind the rankings in the annual Rainbow Map, we are joined by guests Robert Attard from the Malta Gay Rights Movement (https://maltagayrights.org/), Simona Mursec from Ljubljana Pride Association (https://ljubljanapride.org/en/) in Slovenia and Sophie Schers from Transgender Network (https://www.transgendernetwerk.nl/) in The Netherlands. We’re also joined by Mehmet Akin from the ILGA Europe team, who oversees the collection of data and rankings on the Rainbow Map and Index, and our Advocacy Director, Katrin Hugendubel, to talk about what we see happening now and in the future.   Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    48min | Published on June 1, 2023

  • Trans Inclusion in the Women's Movement cover
    Trans Inclusion in the Women's Movement cover
    Trans Inclusion in the Women's Movement

    All too often we hearabout exclusionary forces, or the voices of forces who seek to exclude trans women from the women’s movement, but does this adequately represent the truth? This episode focuses on the ways in which actors in the women’s movement are actively inclusive of trans women, questions the exclusionary narrative that dominates much of the media, and how this dominant narrative is both being driven by and playing into the hands of anti-democratic forces.    We ask what it means for feminism to be inclusive in practical terms and how does inclusiveness impact the work? We explore how inclusionary women’s rights organisations and trans activists are responding to the efforts of exclusionary actors to narrow the frame for feminism, and the lessons learned so far.  With us to investigate the exclusionary narrative and look at it from the more prevalent inclusionary perspective, are Caroline Hickson, Regional Director of International Planned Parenthood Federation (https://europe.ippf.org/) European Network; Tanya von Knorring, Executive Director of  Transfeminiinit, Finland (https://transfeminiinit.fi/wordpress/) and Federal Vice Chair of National LGBTI Finland; and Marion Böker from the German NGO, Deutsche Frauenring (https://deutscher-frauenring.de/), who is also on the board of the International Alliance of Women and the European Women’s Lobby.   Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    50min | Published on March 30, 2023

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