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Daredevil: Born Again - Episodes 1 & 2 Review cover
Daredevil: Born Again - Episodes 1 & 2 Review cover
The K.B. Radio Network

Daredevil: Born Again - Episodes 1 & 2 Review

Daredevil: Born Again - Episodes 1 & 2 Review

18min |05/03/2025
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Daredevil: Born Again - Episodes 1 & 2 Review cover
Daredevil: Born Again - Episodes 1 & 2 Review cover
The K.B. Radio Network

Daredevil: Born Again - Episodes 1 & 2 Review

Daredevil: Born Again - Episodes 1 & 2 Review

18min |05/03/2025


Reviewing the first two episodes of the highly anticipated revival of Daredevil Born Again, streaming on Disney+

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Hello everyone and welcome to the concession stand here on the KB radio network. I am your host Kevin Reed and this is the review of the first two. episodes of daredevil born again this latest addition into the marvel cinematic universe this is the 13th television show to drop on disney plus coming from marvel studios under its marvel television banner and it shares continuity with the films in the franchise so this is officially a part of the mcu unlike when it was over on Netflix from 2015 to 2018. It was, but it wasn't. You know, it was, it was, they hinted to a lot of things that happened in the MCU, but never directly connected to it. But this go around, we are definitely in the MCU. This show, we have returning from that Netflix series as Matt Murdock, Daredevil himself. charlie cox we have vincent diafilo deborah ann wald eldon henson and many others this show uh picks up basically right after the netflix show and i give a shout out to the showrunners and writers of this show to whereas it picks up after that series but still feels brand new and fresh in the mcu over it on disney plus i thought that was cool it just felt like we was back back on that train again you know what wasn't much introduction to a lot of characters um hopefully you've seen the daredevil show on netflix and know a little bit about the character but at the same time if this is your first foray into the daredevil universe you can you can ride along with it you know it really It really did a good job for that. I really enjoyed these first two episodes. I thought they were, like I said, a continuation of the show that we have grown in love from 10 years ago. It is hard to believe 10 years since that show first premiered on Netflix and it still has that same vibe. It was that fear of it coming over to Disney+, it being Disney-fied and... Marvel Studios wouldn't allow it to go there, but it went there. This show is bloody, is violent, it has the language, all of that. It's real, it's gritty, and I appreciate it for that. This is a comic book character for me personally that I have grown to love over time. And that love started years ago. really started to dive into daredevil and his story and what he was all about because at first i was like a blind superhero i'm really not getting on board with that and it took me a while to really get on board with it and when i did i loved it and if anybody knows me i am a huge batman fan and over at dc of course but i'm a huge batman fan my favorite comic book character superhero of all time And if we're going to compare superheroes, you know, crossover wise, DC to Marvel, the closest thing I have would be Daredevil. Now, Matt Murdock is not a millionaire. He's not a billionaire. He doesn't have the gadgets. He does, you know, the Batmobiles and all this other good stuff. It wasn't that. It was his intelligence. It's his fighting style. Everything to bottom end, he's. he's raw he's real you know and he's an he's a normal human being now his superpowers and i put that in heavy quotation superpowers is due to the fact that he was blinded as a child and his other four senses are amplified so he has super hearing and you know he can tell if somebody is lying by their heartbeat the rhythm of the heartbeat changing because he can hear it you know things like that i i I love that about the character, but besides all that, he's a normal person. You know, he's not bulletproof. He's not invulnerable. He can't fly. He doesn't regenerate. He's a normal person. And that's what I love about Batman. Batman is a normal person. But back to this character. I know y'all clicked on this episode just to hear me rant about comparisons between Daredevil and Batman. But I just wanted to throw that out there why I love this character so much. But when we got the movie with Ben Affleck in the early 2000s, I thought it was all right as time has gone on. Not so much. The show, when it premiered on Netflix, I absolutely loved it because it was so different and so original from what we have grown accustomed to around that time. And even still now, to this day, we don't get these dark, gritty comic book properties done justice. Man, this show really did not disappoint in that aspect. If you're looking for Guardians of the Galaxy... uh, uh, Avengers, you know, bubbly, happy, jokey comic book property. This isn't your show. I'm going to say this isn't your show, but if you are a grounded superhero lover, this is for you. If you are into procedurals like the, uh, law and orders of the world and stuff like that, this is the show for you. You know, I just love the story behind it i know what the big complaint will probably be for a lot of people who watch these first two episodes there's no daredevil we get daredevil in the first what five minutes of the first episode and we don't see daredevil no more for the rest of that episode in and in episode two as well but i didn't care because i was into the story you You know, the story is what drove it, but I know a lot of people want to see Matt Murdock in his suit hopping on rooftops and fighting criminals every single episode. We don't need that, and that gets boring real quick when you really sit down and think about it. I want to see why is he fighting, you know, and it's shown in episode two, you know, and if you watch episode one, you see why we haven't gotten, and it's going to make you a appreciate it when he does put on the suit later on this season whether it's next episode or a couple episodes down the line because it's earned and so i'm i'm really loving this journey that we're going on here uh spoilers if you have not seen the first two episodes i'm going to talk about it uh the big opening i guess you could say the big the big like shock of this series um Froggy died. Froggy, man. I mean, it was a big, well, I should have known. I should have known because they made a big deal with the fact that they have brought back Froggy and Paige from the Netflix show, uh, uh, Debra Ann Wall and, um, Aiden Hanson, uh, Henson. And the only one you heard about was deborah you know she was the only one they really interviewed but they never really talked about it and so i should have known that he wasn't going to be on this show very long and boy he was not it was basically a cameo the first five minutes of this show he was taken out and it was it was kind of like oh man and it was heartbreaking it really was heartbreaking kudos to the performances of charlie cox in that scene uh deborah ann wall in that scene it was impactful i felt it it was very well done um it was good to see that opening fight sequence between daredevil and bullseye it was brutal and i love the camera work here i love i love the cinematography in these first two episodes i hope it continues throughout the rest of the series but you I love the cinematography, especially in that opening fight scene, because it was shot from one, it was like a lockdown camera, and these two are going at it, one single take almost, and you follow them up the stairs, and they're on the rooftop and whatnot, and this lasted for about five minutes. They're throwing knives and utensils at each other and beating each other down and all this. It was brutal, and you get that in the first five minutes. And you don't see nothing like that no more for those two episodes. But that was enough to hold me over. for these two episodes that was a fight of fights and i'm so glad that once again spoilers that it appeared that daredevil killed bullseye after bullseye had killed froggy but he survived so that story can still continue we can still see more bullseye later on down the line i'm hoping so because i I love, I can't think of the actor who portrays him on the show, but I love his portrayal from the Netflix series. I think it was the last season, the third season over there when they focused on Bullseye. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. Wilson Fisk, Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, portrayed by Vincent D'Olofalo, man. this dude was born to play this dude uh i mean he lost weight and i love the fact that they uh acknowledged that in the show you know when uh wilson fist and matt murdoch are sitting at that diner talking and matt murdoch tells him like yeah your your steps aren't as heavy you know i could tell you lost weight but you gained muscle you know so because the first time you see Vincent on string he's like man he's not he's not as big now he wasn't big as uh Kingpin is depicted in the comics he never was that big you know I don't think they can ever get an actor unless they put him in a suit you know a fat suit but he wasn't humongous a humongous on the Netflix series but uh he's even smaller now but still a big guy you know he's still a towering you intimidating figure uh the way he you know holds itself and that's that's vincent doing his thing vincent is one of the most uh slept on actors in hollywood and this been for years i would say for about 40 years this dude has been doing god's work on the big screen and on the small screen i absolutely love vincent diafilo and everything that he does and his portrayal of wilson fist is just astonishing it is beautiful how he can hold on to this character after all these years keep that same energy and still have that intimidating presence this dude did such a good job for these first two episodes until the second episode when you really you know know for certain that he's up to some nefarious stuff of course it's kingpin you know he's up to something it was moments in there once again just me and i'm gullible so maybe that's why but there was moments in there where i was like maybe he turned the corner you know because he was so convincing in his performance it but it all it all came tumbling down as the as the uh uh uh two episodes went along but uh loved his portrayal as this character this story this uh case i should say that matt murdoch is on with this new client it appears that this is going to be the storyline the through line throughout this uh first season here and i'm cool with it uh it involves the white tiger if you don't know anything about the white tiger i implore you to look them up uh the character from marvel comics really cool character glad that they included him here in in this show um I was expecting something else when they announced that he was going to be in the show. And I'm pretty sure it's just the first two episodes. I'm pretty sure we're going to get more from this character moving forward. But for him to be locked up behind bars, you know, it was kind of like jarring for me at first. I'm like, oh, OK, so Matt Murdock's going to defend him for the entire season, I guess, you know. And. In case you don't know, if you never read the comics, that's what Matt Murdock do. This is what he does. Yeah, by night, he's Daredevil. He's defending the city. He's fighting criminals and beating the living snot out of them and all that other good stuff. But during the day, he's an attorney, you know, and he's defending mostly superheroes, believe it or not. He'll defend, you know, Spider-Man and all this other stuff. That's what makes him so intriguing. But like I said, overall, very good start to the season. I'm hyped going forward. I am excited. And... As much as this show didn't bother me, as much as I'm over the moon excited by these first two episodes, I can clearly see if people have a problem. And I'm not saying like they look at it and it's like, oh, this is high garbage. I mean, adding to the fact that there's no daredevil. You know, there's no Matt Murdock dressing up in a suit and doing his superhero stuff. i i get it because you signed on to see a superhero show and you basically got a law procedural so i i can understand the discord i can understand where people would be kind of like ah this ain't what i don't i don't want to see this is boring it might be boring to some people but for me this is my type of show this is my cup of tea and i am definitely sipping it i'm not going to grade these first two episodes as you all know if you yeah you are a continued listener to the show and i appreciate it and if you're new to the show welcome but i don't review episode by episode i wait till the end of the season and then we do it all in one chunk but so far so good i am definitely on board tuesday night viewing daredevil born again on disney plus i am all in on this i want to know your feelings of daredevil born again were you a fan of the netflix series and are you excited that it's back in a new shinier paint because the first uh episode i immediately said yep they have a budget now because there were some shots in here like the shot in the beginning when daredevil is running along the rooftop and the camera is following him you know it's like a tracking shot i like okay they got money now because Netflix you wouldn't you wouldn't have seen that shot on the Netflix but regardless of that I still enjoyed it but I want to know your thoughts did you like it did you not like it are you waiting to see this season as a whole before you make a judgment about it and once again I understand that as well Let me know by email. Email the show kbradiopodcast at gmail.com. You can also search for the show on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB Radio Network. Also, don't forget about YouTube. Subscribe to the KB Radio Network channel and like this video if you don't mind. Also, don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show. If you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening. to the concession stand here on the kb radio network everybody thank you for joining me for these reviews of the first two episodes of their double born again we're not going to do the week to week we will come back to review after the season has wrapped up but you can rest assured i will be planted in front of my television every tuesday to watch this show Want you all to know that I love you. Continue to love everyone. And until we speak again, you all be blessed.


Reviewing the first two episodes of the highly anticipated revival of Daredevil Born Again, streaming on Disney+

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Hello everyone and welcome to the concession stand here on the KB radio network. I am your host Kevin Reed and this is the review of the first two. episodes of daredevil born again this latest addition into the marvel cinematic universe this is the 13th television show to drop on disney plus coming from marvel studios under its marvel television banner and it shares continuity with the films in the franchise so this is officially a part of the mcu unlike when it was over on Netflix from 2015 to 2018. It was, but it wasn't. You know, it was, it was, they hinted to a lot of things that happened in the MCU, but never directly connected to it. But this go around, we are definitely in the MCU. This show, we have returning from that Netflix series as Matt Murdock, Daredevil himself. charlie cox we have vincent diafilo deborah ann wald eldon henson and many others this show uh picks up basically right after the netflix show and i give a shout out to the showrunners and writers of this show to whereas it picks up after that series but still feels brand new and fresh in the mcu over it on disney plus i thought that was cool it just felt like we was back back on that train again you know what wasn't much introduction to a lot of characters um hopefully you've seen the daredevil show on netflix and know a little bit about the character but at the same time if this is your first foray into the daredevil universe you can you can ride along with it you know it really It really did a good job for that. I really enjoyed these first two episodes. I thought they were, like I said, a continuation of the show that we have grown in love from 10 years ago. It is hard to believe 10 years since that show first premiered on Netflix and it still has that same vibe. It was that fear of it coming over to Disney+, it being Disney-fied and... Marvel Studios wouldn't allow it to go there, but it went there. This show is bloody, is violent, it has the language, all of that. It's real, it's gritty, and I appreciate it for that. This is a comic book character for me personally that I have grown to love over time. And that love started years ago. really started to dive into daredevil and his story and what he was all about because at first i was like a blind superhero i'm really not getting on board with that and it took me a while to really get on board with it and when i did i loved it and if anybody knows me i am a huge batman fan and over at dc of course but i'm a huge batman fan my favorite comic book character superhero of all time And if we're going to compare superheroes, you know, crossover wise, DC to Marvel, the closest thing I have would be Daredevil. Now, Matt Murdock is not a millionaire. He's not a billionaire. He doesn't have the gadgets. He does, you know, the Batmobiles and all this other good stuff. It wasn't that. It was his intelligence. It's his fighting style. Everything to bottom end, he's. he's raw he's real you know and he's an he's a normal human being now his superpowers and i put that in heavy quotation superpowers is due to the fact that he was blinded as a child and his other four senses are amplified so he has super hearing and you know he can tell if somebody is lying by their heartbeat the rhythm of the heartbeat changing because he can hear it you know things like that i i I love that about the character, but besides all that, he's a normal person. You know, he's not bulletproof. He's not invulnerable. He can't fly. He doesn't regenerate. He's a normal person. And that's what I love about Batman. Batman is a normal person. But back to this character. I know y'all clicked on this episode just to hear me rant about comparisons between Daredevil and Batman. But I just wanted to throw that out there why I love this character so much. But when we got the movie with Ben Affleck in the early 2000s, I thought it was all right as time has gone on. Not so much. The show, when it premiered on Netflix, I absolutely loved it because it was so different and so original from what we have grown accustomed to around that time. And even still now, to this day, we don't get these dark, gritty comic book properties done justice. Man, this show really did not disappoint in that aspect. If you're looking for Guardians of the Galaxy... uh, uh, Avengers, you know, bubbly, happy, jokey comic book property. This isn't your show. I'm going to say this isn't your show, but if you are a grounded superhero lover, this is for you. If you are into procedurals like the, uh, law and orders of the world and stuff like that, this is the show for you. You know, I just love the story behind it i know what the big complaint will probably be for a lot of people who watch these first two episodes there's no daredevil we get daredevil in the first what five minutes of the first episode and we don't see daredevil no more for the rest of that episode in and in episode two as well but i didn't care because i was into the story you You know, the story is what drove it, but I know a lot of people want to see Matt Murdock in his suit hopping on rooftops and fighting criminals every single episode. We don't need that, and that gets boring real quick when you really sit down and think about it. I want to see why is he fighting, you know, and it's shown in episode two, you know, and if you watch episode one, you see why we haven't gotten, and it's going to make you a appreciate it when he does put on the suit later on this season whether it's next episode or a couple episodes down the line because it's earned and so i'm i'm really loving this journey that we're going on here uh spoilers if you have not seen the first two episodes i'm going to talk about it uh the big opening i guess you could say the big the big like shock of this series um Froggy died. Froggy, man. I mean, it was a big, well, I should have known. I should have known because they made a big deal with the fact that they have brought back Froggy and Paige from the Netflix show, uh, uh, Debra Ann Wall and, um, Aiden Hanson, uh, Henson. And the only one you heard about was deborah you know she was the only one they really interviewed but they never really talked about it and so i should have known that he wasn't going to be on this show very long and boy he was not it was basically a cameo the first five minutes of this show he was taken out and it was it was kind of like oh man and it was heartbreaking it really was heartbreaking kudos to the performances of charlie cox in that scene uh deborah ann wall in that scene it was impactful i felt it it was very well done um it was good to see that opening fight sequence between daredevil and bullseye it was brutal and i love the camera work here i love i love the cinematography in these first two episodes i hope it continues throughout the rest of the series but you I love the cinematography, especially in that opening fight scene, because it was shot from one, it was like a lockdown camera, and these two are going at it, one single take almost, and you follow them up the stairs, and they're on the rooftop and whatnot, and this lasted for about five minutes. They're throwing knives and utensils at each other and beating each other down and all this. It was brutal, and you get that in the first five minutes. And you don't see nothing like that no more for those two episodes. But that was enough to hold me over. for these two episodes that was a fight of fights and i'm so glad that once again spoilers that it appeared that daredevil killed bullseye after bullseye had killed froggy but he survived so that story can still continue we can still see more bullseye later on down the line i'm hoping so because i I love, I can't think of the actor who portrays him on the show, but I love his portrayal from the Netflix series. I think it was the last season, the third season over there when they focused on Bullseye. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. Wilson Fisk, Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, portrayed by Vincent D'Olofalo, man. this dude was born to play this dude uh i mean he lost weight and i love the fact that they uh acknowledged that in the show you know when uh wilson fist and matt murdoch are sitting at that diner talking and matt murdoch tells him like yeah your your steps aren't as heavy you know i could tell you lost weight but you gained muscle you know so because the first time you see Vincent on string he's like man he's not he's not as big now he wasn't big as uh Kingpin is depicted in the comics he never was that big you know I don't think they can ever get an actor unless they put him in a suit you know a fat suit but he wasn't humongous a humongous on the Netflix series but uh he's even smaller now but still a big guy you know he's still a towering you intimidating figure uh the way he you know holds itself and that's that's vincent doing his thing vincent is one of the most uh slept on actors in hollywood and this been for years i would say for about 40 years this dude has been doing god's work on the big screen and on the small screen i absolutely love vincent diafilo and everything that he does and his portrayal of wilson fist is just astonishing it is beautiful how he can hold on to this character after all these years keep that same energy and still have that intimidating presence this dude did such a good job for these first two episodes until the second episode when you really you know know for certain that he's up to some nefarious stuff of course it's kingpin you know he's up to something it was moments in there once again just me and i'm gullible so maybe that's why but there was moments in there where i was like maybe he turned the corner you know because he was so convincing in his performance it but it all it all came tumbling down as the as the uh uh uh two episodes went along but uh loved his portrayal as this character this story this uh case i should say that matt murdoch is on with this new client it appears that this is going to be the storyline the through line throughout this uh first season here and i'm cool with it uh it involves the white tiger if you don't know anything about the white tiger i implore you to look them up uh the character from marvel comics really cool character glad that they included him here in in this show um I was expecting something else when they announced that he was going to be in the show. And I'm pretty sure it's just the first two episodes. I'm pretty sure we're going to get more from this character moving forward. But for him to be locked up behind bars, you know, it was kind of like jarring for me at first. I'm like, oh, OK, so Matt Murdock's going to defend him for the entire season, I guess, you know. And. In case you don't know, if you never read the comics, that's what Matt Murdock do. This is what he does. Yeah, by night, he's Daredevil. He's defending the city. He's fighting criminals and beating the living snot out of them and all that other good stuff. But during the day, he's an attorney, you know, and he's defending mostly superheroes, believe it or not. He'll defend, you know, Spider-Man and all this other stuff. That's what makes him so intriguing. But like I said, overall, very good start to the season. I'm hyped going forward. I am excited. And... As much as this show didn't bother me, as much as I'm over the moon excited by these first two episodes, I can clearly see if people have a problem. And I'm not saying like they look at it and it's like, oh, this is high garbage. I mean, adding to the fact that there's no daredevil. You know, there's no Matt Murdock dressing up in a suit and doing his superhero stuff. i i get it because you signed on to see a superhero show and you basically got a law procedural so i i can understand the discord i can understand where people would be kind of like ah this ain't what i don't i don't want to see this is boring it might be boring to some people but for me this is my type of show this is my cup of tea and i am definitely sipping it i'm not going to grade these first two episodes as you all know if you yeah you are a continued listener to the show and i appreciate it and if you're new to the show welcome but i don't review episode by episode i wait till the end of the season and then we do it all in one chunk but so far so good i am definitely on board tuesday night viewing daredevil born again on disney plus i am all in on this i want to know your feelings of daredevil born again were you a fan of the netflix series and are you excited that it's back in a new shinier paint because the first uh episode i immediately said yep they have a budget now because there were some shots in here like the shot in the beginning when daredevil is running along the rooftop and the camera is following him you know it's like a tracking shot i like okay they got money now because Netflix you wouldn't you wouldn't have seen that shot on the Netflix but regardless of that I still enjoyed it but I want to know your thoughts did you like it did you not like it are you waiting to see this season as a whole before you make a judgment about it and once again I understand that as well Let me know by email. Email the show kbradiopodcast at gmail.com. You can also search for the show on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB Radio Network. Also, don't forget about YouTube. Subscribe to the KB Radio Network channel and like this video if you don't mind. Also, don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show. If you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening. to the concession stand here on the kb radio network everybody thank you for joining me for these reviews of the first two episodes of their double born again we're not going to do the week to week we will come back to review after the season has wrapped up but you can rest assured i will be planted in front of my television every tuesday to watch this show Want you all to know that I love you. Continue to love everyone. And until we speak again, you all be blessed.



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Reviewing the first two episodes of the highly anticipated revival of Daredevil Born Again, streaming on Disney+

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Hello everyone and welcome to the concession stand here on the KB radio network. I am your host Kevin Reed and this is the review of the first two. episodes of daredevil born again this latest addition into the marvel cinematic universe this is the 13th television show to drop on disney plus coming from marvel studios under its marvel television banner and it shares continuity with the films in the franchise so this is officially a part of the mcu unlike when it was over on Netflix from 2015 to 2018. It was, but it wasn't. You know, it was, it was, they hinted to a lot of things that happened in the MCU, but never directly connected to it. But this go around, we are definitely in the MCU. This show, we have returning from that Netflix series as Matt Murdock, Daredevil himself. charlie cox we have vincent diafilo deborah ann wald eldon henson and many others this show uh picks up basically right after the netflix show and i give a shout out to the showrunners and writers of this show to whereas it picks up after that series but still feels brand new and fresh in the mcu over it on disney plus i thought that was cool it just felt like we was back back on that train again you know what wasn't much introduction to a lot of characters um hopefully you've seen the daredevil show on netflix and know a little bit about the character but at the same time if this is your first foray into the daredevil universe you can you can ride along with it you know it really It really did a good job for that. I really enjoyed these first two episodes. I thought they were, like I said, a continuation of the show that we have grown in love from 10 years ago. It is hard to believe 10 years since that show first premiered on Netflix and it still has that same vibe. It was that fear of it coming over to Disney+, it being Disney-fied and... Marvel Studios wouldn't allow it to go there, but it went there. This show is bloody, is violent, it has the language, all of that. It's real, it's gritty, and I appreciate it for that. This is a comic book character for me personally that I have grown to love over time. And that love started years ago. really started to dive into daredevil and his story and what he was all about because at first i was like a blind superhero i'm really not getting on board with that and it took me a while to really get on board with it and when i did i loved it and if anybody knows me i am a huge batman fan and over at dc of course but i'm a huge batman fan my favorite comic book character superhero of all time And if we're going to compare superheroes, you know, crossover wise, DC to Marvel, the closest thing I have would be Daredevil. Now, Matt Murdock is not a millionaire. He's not a billionaire. He doesn't have the gadgets. He does, you know, the Batmobiles and all this other good stuff. It wasn't that. It was his intelligence. It's his fighting style. Everything to bottom end, he's. he's raw he's real you know and he's an he's a normal human being now his superpowers and i put that in heavy quotation superpowers is due to the fact that he was blinded as a child and his other four senses are amplified so he has super hearing and you know he can tell if somebody is lying by their heartbeat the rhythm of the heartbeat changing because he can hear it you know things like that i i I love that about the character, but besides all that, he's a normal person. You know, he's not bulletproof. He's not invulnerable. He can't fly. He doesn't regenerate. He's a normal person. And that's what I love about Batman. Batman is a normal person. But back to this character. I know y'all clicked on this episode just to hear me rant about comparisons between Daredevil and Batman. But I just wanted to throw that out there why I love this character so much. But when we got the movie with Ben Affleck in the early 2000s, I thought it was all right as time has gone on. Not so much. The show, when it premiered on Netflix, I absolutely loved it because it was so different and so original from what we have grown accustomed to around that time. And even still now, to this day, we don't get these dark, gritty comic book properties done justice. Man, this show really did not disappoint in that aspect. If you're looking for Guardians of the Galaxy... uh, uh, Avengers, you know, bubbly, happy, jokey comic book property. This isn't your show. I'm going to say this isn't your show, but if you are a grounded superhero lover, this is for you. If you are into procedurals like the, uh, law and orders of the world and stuff like that, this is the show for you. You know, I just love the story behind it i know what the big complaint will probably be for a lot of people who watch these first two episodes there's no daredevil we get daredevil in the first what five minutes of the first episode and we don't see daredevil no more for the rest of that episode in and in episode two as well but i didn't care because i was into the story you You know, the story is what drove it, but I know a lot of people want to see Matt Murdock in his suit hopping on rooftops and fighting criminals every single episode. We don't need that, and that gets boring real quick when you really sit down and think about it. I want to see why is he fighting, you know, and it's shown in episode two, you know, and if you watch episode one, you see why we haven't gotten, and it's going to make you a appreciate it when he does put on the suit later on this season whether it's next episode or a couple episodes down the line because it's earned and so i'm i'm really loving this journey that we're going on here uh spoilers if you have not seen the first two episodes i'm going to talk about it uh the big opening i guess you could say the big the big like shock of this series um Froggy died. Froggy, man. I mean, it was a big, well, I should have known. I should have known because they made a big deal with the fact that they have brought back Froggy and Paige from the Netflix show, uh, uh, Debra Ann Wall and, um, Aiden Hanson, uh, Henson. And the only one you heard about was deborah you know she was the only one they really interviewed but they never really talked about it and so i should have known that he wasn't going to be on this show very long and boy he was not it was basically a cameo the first five minutes of this show he was taken out and it was it was kind of like oh man and it was heartbreaking it really was heartbreaking kudos to the performances of charlie cox in that scene uh deborah ann wall in that scene it was impactful i felt it it was very well done um it was good to see that opening fight sequence between daredevil and bullseye it was brutal and i love the camera work here i love i love the cinematography in these first two episodes i hope it continues throughout the rest of the series but you I love the cinematography, especially in that opening fight scene, because it was shot from one, it was like a lockdown camera, and these two are going at it, one single take almost, and you follow them up the stairs, and they're on the rooftop and whatnot, and this lasted for about five minutes. They're throwing knives and utensils at each other and beating each other down and all this. It was brutal, and you get that in the first five minutes. And you don't see nothing like that no more for those two episodes. But that was enough to hold me over. for these two episodes that was a fight of fights and i'm so glad that once again spoilers that it appeared that daredevil killed bullseye after bullseye had killed froggy but he survived so that story can still continue we can still see more bullseye later on down the line i'm hoping so because i I love, I can't think of the actor who portrays him on the show, but I love his portrayal from the Netflix series. I think it was the last season, the third season over there when they focused on Bullseye. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. Wilson Fisk, Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, portrayed by Vincent D'Olofalo, man. this dude was born to play this dude uh i mean he lost weight and i love the fact that they uh acknowledged that in the show you know when uh wilson fist and matt murdoch are sitting at that diner talking and matt murdoch tells him like yeah your your steps aren't as heavy you know i could tell you lost weight but you gained muscle you know so because the first time you see Vincent on string he's like man he's not he's not as big now he wasn't big as uh Kingpin is depicted in the comics he never was that big you know I don't think they can ever get an actor unless they put him in a suit you know a fat suit but he wasn't humongous a humongous on the Netflix series but uh he's even smaller now but still a big guy you know he's still a towering you intimidating figure uh the way he you know holds itself and that's that's vincent doing his thing vincent is one of the most uh slept on actors in hollywood and this been for years i would say for about 40 years this dude has been doing god's work on the big screen and on the small screen i absolutely love vincent diafilo and everything that he does and his portrayal of wilson fist is just astonishing it is beautiful how he can hold on to this character after all these years keep that same energy and still have that intimidating presence this dude did such a good job for these first two episodes until the second episode when you really you know know for certain that he's up to some nefarious stuff of course it's kingpin you know he's up to something it was moments in there once again just me and i'm gullible so maybe that's why but there was moments in there where i was like maybe he turned the corner you know because he was so convincing in his performance it but it all it all came tumbling down as the as the uh uh uh two episodes went along but uh loved his portrayal as this character this story this uh case i should say that matt murdoch is on with this new client it appears that this is going to be the storyline the through line throughout this uh first season here and i'm cool with it uh it involves the white tiger if you don't know anything about the white tiger i implore you to look them up uh the character from marvel comics really cool character glad that they included him here in in this show um I was expecting something else when they announced that he was going to be in the show. And I'm pretty sure it's just the first two episodes. I'm pretty sure we're going to get more from this character moving forward. But for him to be locked up behind bars, you know, it was kind of like jarring for me at first. I'm like, oh, OK, so Matt Murdock's going to defend him for the entire season, I guess, you know. And. In case you don't know, if you never read the comics, that's what Matt Murdock do. This is what he does. Yeah, by night, he's Daredevil. He's defending the city. He's fighting criminals and beating the living snot out of them and all that other good stuff. But during the day, he's an attorney, you know, and he's defending mostly superheroes, believe it or not. He'll defend, you know, Spider-Man and all this other stuff. That's what makes him so intriguing. But like I said, overall, very good start to the season. I'm hyped going forward. I am excited. And... As much as this show didn't bother me, as much as I'm over the moon excited by these first two episodes, I can clearly see if people have a problem. And I'm not saying like they look at it and it's like, oh, this is high garbage. I mean, adding to the fact that there's no daredevil. You know, there's no Matt Murdock dressing up in a suit and doing his superhero stuff. i i get it because you signed on to see a superhero show and you basically got a law procedural so i i can understand the discord i can understand where people would be kind of like ah this ain't what i don't i don't want to see this is boring it might be boring to some people but for me this is my type of show this is my cup of tea and i am definitely sipping it i'm not going to grade these first two episodes as you all know if you yeah you are a continued listener to the show and i appreciate it and if you're new to the show welcome but i don't review episode by episode i wait till the end of the season and then we do it all in one chunk but so far so good i am definitely on board tuesday night viewing daredevil born again on disney plus i am all in on this i want to know your feelings of daredevil born again were you a fan of the netflix series and are you excited that it's back in a new shinier paint because the first uh episode i immediately said yep they have a budget now because there were some shots in here like the shot in the beginning when daredevil is running along the rooftop and the camera is following him you know it's like a tracking shot i like okay they got money now because Netflix you wouldn't you wouldn't have seen that shot on the Netflix but regardless of that I still enjoyed it but I want to know your thoughts did you like it did you not like it are you waiting to see this season as a whole before you make a judgment about it and once again I understand that as well Let me know by email. Email the show kbradiopodcast at gmail.com. You can also search for the show on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB Radio Network. Also, don't forget about YouTube. Subscribe to the KB Radio Network channel and like this video if you don't mind. Also, don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show. If you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening. to the concession stand here on the kb radio network everybody thank you for joining me for these reviews of the first two episodes of their double born again we're not going to do the week to week we will come back to review after the season has wrapped up but you can rest assured i will be planted in front of my television every tuesday to watch this show Want you all to know that I love you. Continue to love everyone. And until we speak again, you all be blessed.


Reviewing the first two episodes of the highly anticipated revival of Daredevil Born Again, streaming on Disney+

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  • Speaker #0

    Hello everyone and welcome to the concession stand here on the KB radio network. I am your host Kevin Reed and this is the review of the first two. episodes of daredevil born again this latest addition into the marvel cinematic universe this is the 13th television show to drop on disney plus coming from marvel studios under its marvel television banner and it shares continuity with the films in the franchise so this is officially a part of the mcu unlike when it was over on Netflix from 2015 to 2018. It was, but it wasn't. You know, it was, it was, they hinted to a lot of things that happened in the MCU, but never directly connected to it. But this go around, we are definitely in the MCU. This show, we have returning from that Netflix series as Matt Murdock, Daredevil himself. charlie cox we have vincent diafilo deborah ann wald eldon henson and many others this show uh picks up basically right after the netflix show and i give a shout out to the showrunners and writers of this show to whereas it picks up after that series but still feels brand new and fresh in the mcu over it on disney plus i thought that was cool it just felt like we was back back on that train again you know what wasn't much introduction to a lot of characters um hopefully you've seen the daredevil show on netflix and know a little bit about the character but at the same time if this is your first foray into the daredevil universe you can you can ride along with it you know it really It really did a good job for that. I really enjoyed these first two episodes. I thought they were, like I said, a continuation of the show that we have grown in love from 10 years ago. It is hard to believe 10 years since that show first premiered on Netflix and it still has that same vibe. It was that fear of it coming over to Disney+, it being Disney-fied and... Marvel Studios wouldn't allow it to go there, but it went there. This show is bloody, is violent, it has the language, all of that. It's real, it's gritty, and I appreciate it for that. This is a comic book character for me personally that I have grown to love over time. And that love started years ago. really started to dive into daredevil and his story and what he was all about because at first i was like a blind superhero i'm really not getting on board with that and it took me a while to really get on board with it and when i did i loved it and if anybody knows me i am a huge batman fan and over at dc of course but i'm a huge batman fan my favorite comic book character superhero of all time And if we're going to compare superheroes, you know, crossover wise, DC to Marvel, the closest thing I have would be Daredevil. Now, Matt Murdock is not a millionaire. He's not a billionaire. He doesn't have the gadgets. He does, you know, the Batmobiles and all this other good stuff. It wasn't that. It was his intelligence. It's his fighting style. Everything to bottom end, he's. he's raw he's real you know and he's an he's a normal human being now his superpowers and i put that in heavy quotation superpowers is due to the fact that he was blinded as a child and his other four senses are amplified so he has super hearing and you know he can tell if somebody is lying by their heartbeat the rhythm of the heartbeat changing because he can hear it you know things like that i i I love that about the character, but besides all that, he's a normal person. You know, he's not bulletproof. He's not invulnerable. He can't fly. He doesn't regenerate. He's a normal person. And that's what I love about Batman. Batman is a normal person. But back to this character. I know y'all clicked on this episode just to hear me rant about comparisons between Daredevil and Batman. But I just wanted to throw that out there why I love this character so much. But when we got the movie with Ben Affleck in the early 2000s, I thought it was all right as time has gone on. Not so much. The show, when it premiered on Netflix, I absolutely loved it because it was so different and so original from what we have grown accustomed to around that time. And even still now, to this day, we don't get these dark, gritty comic book properties done justice. Man, this show really did not disappoint in that aspect. If you're looking for Guardians of the Galaxy... uh, uh, Avengers, you know, bubbly, happy, jokey comic book property. This isn't your show. I'm going to say this isn't your show, but if you are a grounded superhero lover, this is for you. If you are into procedurals like the, uh, law and orders of the world and stuff like that, this is the show for you. You know, I just love the story behind it i know what the big complaint will probably be for a lot of people who watch these first two episodes there's no daredevil we get daredevil in the first what five minutes of the first episode and we don't see daredevil no more for the rest of that episode in and in episode two as well but i didn't care because i was into the story you You know, the story is what drove it, but I know a lot of people want to see Matt Murdock in his suit hopping on rooftops and fighting criminals every single episode. We don't need that, and that gets boring real quick when you really sit down and think about it. I want to see why is he fighting, you know, and it's shown in episode two, you know, and if you watch episode one, you see why we haven't gotten, and it's going to make you a appreciate it when he does put on the suit later on this season whether it's next episode or a couple episodes down the line because it's earned and so i'm i'm really loving this journey that we're going on here uh spoilers if you have not seen the first two episodes i'm going to talk about it uh the big opening i guess you could say the big the big like shock of this series um Froggy died. Froggy, man. I mean, it was a big, well, I should have known. I should have known because they made a big deal with the fact that they have brought back Froggy and Paige from the Netflix show, uh, uh, Debra Ann Wall and, um, Aiden Hanson, uh, Henson. And the only one you heard about was deborah you know she was the only one they really interviewed but they never really talked about it and so i should have known that he wasn't going to be on this show very long and boy he was not it was basically a cameo the first five minutes of this show he was taken out and it was it was kind of like oh man and it was heartbreaking it really was heartbreaking kudos to the performances of charlie cox in that scene uh deborah ann wall in that scene it was impactful i felt it it was very well done um it was good to see that opening fight sequence between daredevil and bullseye it was brutal and i love the camera work here i love i love the cinematography in these first two episodes i hope it continues throughout the rest of the series but you I love the cinematography, especially in that opening fight scene, because it was shot from one, it was like a lockdown camera, and these two are going at it, one single take almost, and you follow them up the stairs, and they're on the rooftop and whatnot, and this lasted for about five minutes. They're throwing knives and utensils at each other and beating each other down and all this. It was brutal, and you get that in the first five minutes. And you don't see nothing like that no more for those two episodes. But that was enough to hold me over. for these two episodes that was a fight of fights and i'm so glad that once again spoilers that it appeared that daredevil killed bullseye after bullseye had killed froggy but he survived so that story can still continue we can still see more bullseye later on down the line i'm hoping so because i I love, I can't think of the actor who portrays him on the show, but I love his portrayal from the Netflix series. I think it was the last season, the third season over there when they focused on Bullseye. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. Wilson Fisk, Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin, portrayed by Vincent D'Olofalo, man. this dude was born to play this dude uh i mean he lost weight and i love the fact that they uh acknowledged that in the show you know when uh wilson fist and matt murdoch are sitting at that diner talking and matt murdoch tells him like yeah your your steps aren't as heavy you know i could tell you lost weight but you gained muscle you know so because the first time you see Vincent on string he's like man he's not he's not as big now he wasn't big as uh Kingpin is depicted in the comics he never was that big you know I don't think they can ever get an actor unless they put him in a suit you know a fat suit but he wasn't humongous a humongous on the Netflix series but uh he's even smaller now but still a big guy you know he's still a towering you intimidating figure uh the way he you know holds itself and that's that's vincent doing his thing vincent is one of the most uh slept on actors in hollywood and this been for years i would say for about 40 years this dude has been doing god's work on the big screen and on the small screen i absolutely love vincent diafilo and everything that he does and his portrayal of wilson fist is just astonishing it is beautiful how he can hold on to this character after all these years keep that same energy and still have that intimidating presence this dude did such a good job for these first two episodes until the second episode when you really you know know for certain that he's up to some nefarious stuff of course it's kingpin you know he's up to something it was moments in there once again just me and i'm gullible so maybe that's why but there was moments in there where i was like maybe he turned the corner you know because he was so convincing in his performance it but it all it all came tumbling down as the as the uh uh uh two episodes went along but uh loved his portrayal as this character this story this uh case i should say that matt murdoch is on with this new client it appears that this is going to be the storyline the through line throughout this uh first season here and i'm cool with it uh it involves the white tiger if you don't know anything about the white tiger i implore you to look them up uh the character from marvel comics really cool character glad that they included him here in in this show um I was expecting something else when they announced that he was going to be in the show. And I'm pretty sure it's just the first two episodes. I'm pretty sure we're going to get more from this character moving forward. But for him to be locked up behind bars, you know, it was kind of like jarring for me at first. I'm like, oh, OK, so Matt Murdock's going to defend him for the entire season, I guess, you know. And. In case you don't know, if you never read the comics, that's what Matt Murdock do. This is what he does. Yeah, by night, he's Daredevil. He's defending the city. He's fighting criminals and beating the living snot out of them and all that other good stuff. But during the day, he's an attorney, you know, and he's defending mostly superheroes, believe it or not. He'll defend, you know, Spider-Man and all this other stuff. That's what makes him so intriguing. But like I said, overall, very good start to the season. I'm hyped going forward. I am excited. And... As much as this show didn't bother me, as much as I'm over the moon excited by these first two episodes, I can clearly see if people have a problem. And I'm not saying like they look at it and it's like, oh, this is high garbage. I mean, adding to the fact that there's no daredevil. You know, there's no Matt Murdock dressing up in a suit and doing his superhero stuff. i i get it because you signed on to see a superhero show and you basically got a law procedural so i i can understand the discord i can understand where people would be kind of like ah this ain't what i don't i don't want to see this is boring it might be boring to some people but for me this is my type of show this is my cup of tea and i am definitely sipping it i'm not going to grade these first two episodes as you all know if you yeah you are a continued listener to the show and i appreciate it and if you're new to the show welcome but i don't review episode by episode i wait till the end of the season and then we do it all in one chunk but so far so good i am definitely on board tuesday night viewing daredevil born again on disney plus i am all in on this i want to know your feelings of daredevil born again were you a fan of the netflix series and are you excited that it's back in a new shinier paint because the first uh episode i immediately said yep they have a budget now because there were some shots in here like the shot in the beginning when daredevil is running along the rooftop and the camera is following him you know it's like a tracking shot i like okay they got money now because Netflix you wouldn't you wouldn't have seen that shot on the Netflix but regardless of that I still enjoyed it but I want to know your thoughts did you like it did you not like it are you waiting to see this season as a whole before you make a judgment about it and once again I understand that as well Let me know by email. Email the show kbradiopodcast at gmail.com. You can also search for the show on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB Radio Network. Also, don't forget about YouTube. Subscribe to the KB Radio Network channel and like this video if you don't mind. Also, don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show. If you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening. to the concession stand here on the kb radio network everybody thank you for joining me for these reviews of the first two episodes of their double born again we're not going to do the week to week we will come back to review after the season has wrapped up but you can rest assured i will be planted in front of my television every tuesday to watch this show Want you all to know that I love you. Continue to love everyone. And until we speak again, you all be blessed.



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