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Demon City (2025) Movie Review cover
Demon City (2025) Movie Review cover
The K.B. Radio Network

Demon City (2025) Movie Review

Demon City (2025) Movie Review

11min |04/03/2025
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Demon City (2025) Movie Review cover
Demon City (2025) Movie Review cover
The K.B. Radio Network

Demon City (2025) Movie Review

Demon City (2025) Movie Review

11min |04/03/2025


The review of Netflix's new action - revenge thriller, Demon City.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    well welcome everyone to the concession stand here on a kb radio network i am your host kevin reed and you this is the review of the new Japanese action film Demon City which is currently on Netflix. I uh jumped into this film sitting at home couldn't find anything to watch well there were things to watch but I was just looking for something that that I can have on in the background while I walk around and do some chores you know and normally I click on Netflix for that type of uh atmosphere to set the vibe for my honeydew list so i decided to click on demon city it looked kind of interesting the little uh a poster that they popped up on the screen when i was scrolling i'm like okay let me check this out had no idea what it was never heard of it didn't didn't know what it was about i figured it was an action film and i was in the mood for something a little upbeat um i've been watching a i haven't watched a real good action movie in a while and it didn't dawn on me till i clicked on this movie and so i clicked on it just to see what it was about i was going to sit down for the first five ten minutes of it then you know start my honeydew list and have it on in the background i found myself sitting there for the entire film the plot of this film framed for his family's murder and left for dead an ex-hitman will stop at nothing to exact revenge on the mass quote-unquote demons who have taken over his city this um this is a guess you can say japanese john wick ripoff film and i'm saying that in the highest respect i can give it it isn't a you know, pure ripoff of John Wick. This isn't somebody killed his dog after his wife died and he goes on a rampage. No, it's not that. This is more of a homage, if you will, of that subgenre of action films. Now, to be completely fair and honest with everybody, I'm not going to attempt to say the names of the actors and the filmmakers behind all this because i will butcher it and i don't want to disrespect anybody so it's i'm just gonna say the actor the lead actor or the filmmakers and stuff like that uh if you want to know their names you can look up their names and attempt to sound them out if you will but i i don't i don't want to do it to them uh because i want to give them their respect this is a uh decent action film this is a pure turn your brain off action movie no substance there's there's there's no substance in it it's just an action film but it's fun it's very fun and the film it is packed with gruesome i mean gruesome action-packed fights very uh gory kills throughout i mean it starts off with that a huge action sequence where we see our lead actor um executing a hit on this compound and he's taking out these uh henchmen one by one each death is more gruesome than the next and it really sets up what we're in store for for this entire film at least for the rest of this film like okay we're starting off with a bang that's a plus that's what hooked me and kept me in my seat for the entire viewing of this film. I believe that this film is based on a manga. I'm not 100% sure. I know there's a manga called Demon City and I'm not familiar with it so I couldn't really connect the two. That's why I'm guessing it's an adaptation of that manga. Whether it is or it isn't, this is an enjoyable film. the fight choreography the stunts the effects are exciting you know uh very fantastical you know it it shows you pretty early on that this is kind of a heightened sense of reality type film you know with people getting punched and they're flying through doors and flying across the rooms with one punch and all this other stuff so it's kind of fantastical but that's the film that's it's set up that way and it's set up that way early so it's not you know taking you off guard when it happens in other portions of the film you know this is the type of movie that it is and for that i i accepted it what it is i suspend disbelief and i rolled with it and I had fun with it. Fans of action and revenge thrillers will likely enjoy Demon City, you know, for its intense action sequences. Anything else, if you're looking for intriguing plot lines, stellar acting, you're not so much going to get that here, especially the version I watched, you know, the English dub version. You know, you really can't get a sense of the action. because they're dubbed over the voiceovers you know how they deliver the lines you know with the passion and the fire i so i can't really judge the acting here this i can only judge it by what i see and not what i hear and unfortunately it kind of takes away from the film as far as quality is concerned but the plot is pretty basic i mean it reminded me of an old uh i think late 1980s or maybe early 90s action film starring steven seagal if you recall it uh hard to kill which is my favorite steven seagal film with kelly leblanc in it uh he's a cop and he gets undercover cop or something like that and he gets discovered and the these henchmen come to his home and uh kill his wife you and shoots him. He gets in a, he ends up being in a coma for years. And when he awakes, he exacts revenge on those who killed his family and whatnot. Pretty much the same exact plot of this film, but done in a different way, I guess you can say. Um, it didn't have the oomph of hard to kill that we got back in the, I want to say 1990, 1991, when that film came out. It didn't have the weight of that, but it still kept you interested. It was enough plot to drive this film along. And then you have a couple of twists and turns in there. Most of them you see coming because if you're a fan of the action genre, this isn't your first rodeo. We done been down this road before. We experienced it before. But you watch this movie for the action. You watch this movie for the choreography. And it has some really, really... brutal action scenes in here and some exciting ones as well. Our lead actor here, he does a really good job of carrying the weight of why he's on this revenge tour and doing it without speaking much because he didn't have many speaking lines, at least in the English dub version that I watched, but he had a tall task of conveying his emotions. through his actions and through his facial expressions and his looks and things of that nature and i thought he did an excellent job of that ultimately i i fairly enjoyed this film this was a fun film to watch you know for what it was and what more can i ask for demon city which is currently on netflix gets a letter grade of a c plus yeah it was it was a it was a decent action movie you know The reason I reviewed this film is because I haven't seen a good action movie in months. Months! And I thought about it while I was sitting there watching the movie. I'm like, man, I haven't seen any kick-butt real good action movies in a while. You know, Love Hurts kind of hurt me. You know, Flight Risk, I guess that was an action movie. I don't know. It wasn't that good. Back to action. with uh jamie foxx and cameron diaz yeah it was it was an action movie i guess but it wasn't all that but as far as an action movie i mean a turn your brain off don't care if it's good or not you just want to be entertained i haven't seen that in a while maybe the last one was another next uh netflix film uh from a couple of months ago that was uh flight not flight plan the movie with uh uh uh taryn edgerton and jason beatman well what was that movie it came out around christmas carry on carry on that that would uh that was the last really good action movie that i saw and it wasn't action-packed you know what i'm saying like this movie is but i enjoyed that film and i enjoyed this one i would love to know did you check out demon city are you into these action films these revenge thrillers if you will and coming from across the across the pond as they say over there in japan it was a good movie it was exciting I want to know your thoughts. Email the show kbradiopodcast at gmail.com. You can also search for the show on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB Radio Network. Also, don't forget about YouTube. Subscribe to the KB Radio Network channel on YouTube and like this video if you don't mind. Don't forget about the five stars and the reviews and sharing this show if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening. to the concession stand here on the kb radio network everybody thank you for joining me for this review of netflix new action-packed revenge thriller demon city want you all to know that i love you continue to love everyone and until we speak again you all be blessed


The review of Netflix's new action - revenge thriller, Demon City.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    well welcome everyone to the concession stand here on a kb radio network i am your host kevin reed and you this is the review of the new Japanese action film Demon City which is currently on Netflix. I uh jumped into this film sitting at home couldn't find anything to watch well there were things to watch but I was just looking for something that that I can have on in the background while I walk around and do some chores you know and normally I click on Netflix for that type of uh atmosphere to set the vibe for my honeydew list so i decided to click on demon city it looked kind of interesting the little uh a poster that they popped up on the screen when i was scrolling i'm like okay let me check this out had no idea what it was never heard of it didn't didn't know what it was about i figured it was an action film and i was in the mood for something a little upbeat um i've been watching a i haven't watched a real good action movie in a while and it didn't dawn on me till i clicked on this movie and so i clicked on it just to see what it was about i was going to sit down for the first five ten minutes of it then you know start my honeydew list and have it on in the background i found myself sitting there for the entire film the plot of this film framed for his family's murder and left for dead an ex-hitman will stop at nothing to exact revenge on the mass quote-unquote demons who have taken over his city this um this is a guess you can say japanese john wick ripoff film and i'm saying that in the highest respect i can give it it isn't a you know, pure ripoff of John Wick. This isn't somebody killed his dog after his wife died and he goes on a rampage. No, it's not that. This is more of a homage, if you will, of that subgenre of action films. Now, to be completely fair and honest with everybody, I'm not going to attempt to say the names of the actors and the filmmakers behind all this because i will butcher it and i don't want to disrespect anybody so it's i'm just gonna say the actor the lead actor or the filmmakers and stuff like that uh if you want to know their names you can look up their names and attempt to sound them out if you will but i i don't i don't want to do it to them uh because i want to give them their respect this is a uh decent action film this is a pure turn your brain off action movie no substance there's there's there's no substance in it it's just an action film but it's fun it's very fun and the film it is packed with gruesome i mean gruesome action-packed fights very uh gory kills throughout i mean it starts off with that a huge action sequence where we see our lead actor um executing a hit on this compound and he's taking out these uh henchmen one by one each death is more gruesome than the next and it really sets up what we're in store for for this entire film at least for the rest of this film like okay we're starting off with a bang that's a plus that's what hooked me and kept me in my seat for the entire viewing of this film. I believe that this film is based on a manga. I'm not 100% sure. I know there's a manga called Demon City and I'm not familiar with it so I couldn't really connect the two. That's why I'm guessing it's an adaptation of that manga. Whether it is or it isn't, this is an enjoyable film. the fight choreography the stunts the effects are exciting you know uh very fantastical you know it it shows you pretty early on that this is kind of a heightened sense of reality type film you know with people getting punched and they're flying through doors and flying across the rooms with one punch and all this other stuff so it's kind of fantastical but that's the film that's it's set up that way and it's set up that way early so it's not you know taking you off guard when it happens in other portions of the film you know this is the type of movie that it is and for that i i accepted it what it is i suspend disbelief and i rolled with it and I had fun with it. Fans of action and revenge thrillers will likely enjoy Demon City, you know, for its intense action sequences. Anything else, if you're looking for intriguing plot lines, stellar acting, you're not so much going to get that here, especially the version I watched, you know, the English dub version. You know, you really can't get a sense of the action. because they're dubbed over the voiceovers you know how they deliver the lines you know with the passion and the fire i so i can't really judge the acting here this i can only judge it by what i see and not what i hear and unfortunately it kind of takes away from the film as far as quality is concerned but the plot is pretty basic i mean it reminded me of an old uh i think late 1980s or maybe early 90s action film starring steven seagal if you recall it uh hard to kill which is my favorite steven seagal film with kelly leblanc in it uh he's a cop and he gets undercover cop or something like that and he gets discovered and the these henchmen come to his home and uh kill his wife you and shoots him. He gets in a, he ends up being in a coma for years. And when he awakes, he exacts revenge on those who killed his family and whatnot. Pretty much the same exact plot of this film, but done in a different way, I guess you can say. Um, it didn't have the oomph of hard to kill that we got back in the, I want to say 1990, 1991, when that film came out. It didn't have the weight of that, but it still kept you interested. It was enough plot to drive this film along. And then you have a couple of twists and turns in there. Most of them you see coming because if you're a fan of the action genre, this isn't your first rodeo. We done been down this road before. We experienced it before. But you watch this movie for the action. You watch this movie for the choreography. And it has some really, really... brutal action scenes in here and some exciting ones as well. Our lead actor here, he does a really good job of carrying the weight of why he's on this revenge tour and doing it without speaking much because he didn't have many speaking lines, at least in the English dub version that I watched, but he had a tall task of conveying his emotions. through his actions and through his facial expressions and his looks and things of that nature and i thought he did an excellent job of that ultimately i i fairly enjoyed this film this was a fun film to watch you know for what it was and what more can i ask for demon city which is currently on netflix gets a letter grade of a c plus yeah it was it was a it was a decent action movie you know The reason I reviewed this film is because I haven't seen a good action movie in months. Months! And I thought about it while I was sitting there watching the movie. I'm like, man, I haven't seen any kick-butt real good action movies in a while. You know, Love Hurts kind of hurt me. You know, Flight Risk, I guess that was an action movie. I don't know. It wasn't that good. Back to action. with uh jamie foxx and cameron diaz yeah it was it was an action movie i guess but it wasn't all that but as far as an action movie i mean a turn your brain off don't care if it's good or not you just want to be entertained i haven't seen that in a while maybe the last one was another next uh netflix film uh from a couple of months ago that was uh flight not flight plan the movie with uh uh uh taryn edgerton and jason beatman well what was that movie it came out around christmas carry on carry on that that would uh that was the last really good action movie that i saw and it wasn't action-packed you know what i'm saying like this movie is but i enjoyed that film and i enjoyed this one i would love to know did you check out demon city are you into these action films these revenge thrillers if you will and coming from across the across the pond as they say over there in japan it was a good movie it was exciting I want to know your thoughts. Email the show kbradiopodcast at gmail.com. You can also search for the show on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB Radio Network. Also, don't forget about YouTube. Subscribe to the KB Radio Network channel on YouTube and like this video if you don't mind. Don't forget about the five stars and the reviews and sharing this show if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening. to the concession stand here on the kb radio network everybody thank you for joining me for this review of netflix new action-packed revenge thriller demon city want you all to know that i love you continue to love everyone and until we speak again you all be blessed



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The review of Netflix's new action - revenge thriller, Demon City.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    well welcome everyone to the concession stand here on a kb radio network i am your host kevin reed and you this is the review of the new Japanese action film Demon City which is currently on Netflix. I uh jumped into this film sitting at home couldn't find anything to watch well there were things to watch but I was just looking for something that that I can have on in the background while I walk around and do some chores you know and normally I click on Netflix for that type of uh atmosphere to set the vibe for my honeydew list so i decided to click on demon city it looked kind of interesting the little uh a poster that they popped up on the screen when i was scrolling i'm like okay let me check this out had no idea what it was never heard of it didn't didn't know what it was about i figured it was an action film and i was in the mood for something a little upbeat um i've been watching a i haven't watched a real good action movie in a while and it didn't dawn on me till i clicked on this movie and so i clicked on it just to see what it was about i was going to sit down for the first five ten minutes of it then you know start my honeydew list and have it on in the background i found myself sitting there for the entire film the plot of this film framed for his family's murder and left for dead an ex-hitman will stop at nothing to exact revenge on the mass quote-unquote demons who have taken over his city this um this is a guess you can say japanese john wick ripoff film and i'm saying that in the highest respect i can give it it isn't a you know, pure ripoff of John Wick. This isn't somebody killed his dog after his wife died and he goes on a rampage. No, it's not that. This is more of a homage, if you will, of that subgenre of action films. Now, to be completely fair and honest with everybody, I'm not going to attempt to say the names of the actors and the filmmakers behind all this because i will butcher it and i don't want to disrespect anybody so it's i'm just gonna say the actor the lead actor or the filmmakers and stuff like that uh if you want to know their names you can look up their names and attempt to sound them out if you will but i i don't i don't want to do it to them uh because i want to give them their respect this is a uh decent action film this is a pure turn your brain off action movie no substance there's there's there's no substance in it it's just an action film but it's fun it's very fun and the film it is packed with gruesome i mean gruesome action-packed fights very uh gory kills throughout i mean it starts off with that a huge action sequence where we see our lead actor um executing a hit on this compound and he's taking out these uh henchmen one by one each death is more gruesome than the next and it really sets up what we're in store for for this entire film at least for the rest of this film like okay we're starting off with a bang that's a plus that's what hooked me and kept me in my seat for the entire viewing of this film. I believe that this film is based on a manga. I'm not 100% sure. I know there's a manga called Demon City and I'm not familiar with it so I couldn't really connect the two. That's why I'm guessing it's an adaptation of that manga. Whether it is or it isn't, this is an enjoyable film. the fight choreography the stunts the effects are exciting you know uh very fantastical you know it it shows you pretty early on that this is kind of a heightened sense of reality type film you know with people getting punched and they're flying through doors and flying across the rooms with one punch and all this other stuff so it's kind of fantastical but that's the film that's it's set up that way and it's set up that way early so it's not you know taking you off guard when it happens in other portions of the film you know this is the type of movie that it is and for that i i accepted it what it is i suspend disbelief and i rolled with it and I had fun with it. Fans of action and revenge thrillers will likely enjoy Demon City, you know, for its intense action sequences. Anything else, if you're looking for intriguing plot lines, stellar acting, you're not so much going to get that here, especially the version I watched, you know, the English dub version. You know, you really can't get a sense of the action. because they're dubbed over the voiceovers you know how they deliver the lines you know with the passion and the fire i so i can't really judge the acting here this i can only judge it by what i see and not what i hear and unfortunately it kind of takes away from the film as far as quality is concerned but the plot is pretty basic i mean it reminded me of an old uh i think late 1980s or maybe early 90s action film starring steven seagal if you recall it uh hard to kill which is my favorite steven seagal film with kelly leblanc in it uh he's a cop and he gets undercover cop or something like that and he gets discovered and the these henchmen come to his home and uh kill his wife you and shoots him. He gets in a, he ends up being in a coma for years. And when he awakes, he exacts revenge on those who killed his family and whatnot. Pretty much the same exact plot of this film, but done in a different way, I guess you can say. Um, it didn't have the oomph of hard to kill that we got back in the, I want to say 1990, 1991, when that film came out. It didn't have the weight of that, but it still kept you interested. It was enough plot to drive this film along. And then you have a couple of twists and turns in there. Most of them you see coming because if you're a fan of the action genre, this isn't your first rodeo. We done been down this road before. We experienced it before. But you watch this movie for the action. You watch this movie for the choreography. And it has some really, really... brutal action scenes in here and some exciting ones as well. Our lead actor here, he does a really good job of carrying the weight of why he's on this revenge tour and doing it without speaking much because he didn't have many speaking lines, at least in the English dub version that I watched, but he had a tall task of conveying his emotions. through his actions and through his facial expressions and his looks and things of that nature and i thought he did an excellent job of that ultimately i i fairly enjoyed this film this was a fun film to watch you know for what it was and what more can i ask for demon city which is currently on netflix gets a letter grade of a c plus yeah it was it was a it was a decent action movie you know The reason I reviewed this film is because I haven't seen a good action movie in months. Months! And I thought about it while I was sitting there watching the movie. I'm like, man, I haven't seen any kick-butt real good action movies in a while. You know, Love Hurts kind of hurt me. You know, Flight Risk, I guess that was an action movie. I don't know. It wasn't that good. Back to action. with uh jamie foxx and cameron diaz yeah it was it was an action movie i guess but it wasn't all that but as far as an action movie i mean a turn your brain off don't care if it's good or not you just want to be entertained i haven't seen that in a while maybe the last one was another next uh netflix film uh from a couple of months ago that was uh flight not flight plan the movie with uh uh uh taryn edgerton and jason beatman well what was that movie it came out around christmas carry on carry on that that would uh that was the last really good action movie that i saw and it wasn't action-packed you know what i'm saying like this movie is but i enjoyed that film and i enjoyed this one i would love to know did you check out demon city are you into these action films these revenge thrillers if you will and coming from across the across the pond as they say over there in japan it was a good movie it was exciting I want to know your thoughts. Email the show kbradiopodcast at gmail.com. You can also search for the show on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB Radio Network. Also, don't forget about YouTube. Subscribe to the KB Radio Network channel on YouTube and like this video if you don't mind. Don't forget about the five stars and the reviews and sharing this show if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening. to the concession stand here on the kb radio network everybody thank you for joining me for this review of netflix new action-packed revenge thriller demon city want you all to know that i love you continue to love everyone and until we speak again you all be blessed


The review of Netflix's new action - revenge thriller, Demon City.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    well welcome everyone to the concession stand here on a kb radio network i am your host kevin reed and you this is the review of the new Japanese action film Demon City which is currently on Netflix. I uh jumped into this film sitting at home couldn't find anything to watch well there were things to watch but I was just looking for something that that I can have on in the background while I walk around and do some chores you know and normally I click on Netflix for that type of uh atmosphere to set the vibe for my honeydew list so i decided to click on demon city it looked kind of interesting the little uh a poster that they popped up on the screen when i was scrolling i'm like okay let me check this out had no idea what it was never heard of it didn't didn't know what it was about i figured it was an action film and i was in the mood for something a little upbeat um i've been watching a i haven't watched a real good action movie in a while and it didn't dawn on me till i clicked on this movie and so i clicked on it just to see what it was about i was going to sit down for the first five ten minutes of it then you know start my honeydew list and have it on in the background i found myself sitting there for the entire film the plot of this film framed for his family's murder and left for dead an ex-hitman will stop at nothing to exact revenge on the mass quote-unquote demons who have taken over his city this um this is a guess you can say japanese john wick ripoff film and i'm saying that in the highest respect i can give it it isn't a you know, pure ripoff of John Wick. This isn't somebody killed his dog after his wife died and he goes on a rampage. No, it's not that. This is more of a homage, if you will, of that subgenre of action films. Now, to be completely fair and honest with everybody, I'm not going to attempt to say the names of the actors and the filmmakers behind all this because i will butcher it and i don't want to disrespect anybody so it's i'm just gonna say the actor the lead actor or the filmmakers and stuff like that uh if you want to know their names you can look up their names and attempt to sound them out if you will but i i don't i don't want to do it to them uh because i want to give them their respect this is a uh decent action film this is a pure turn your brain off action movie no substance there's there's there's no substance in it it's just an action film but it's fun it's very fun and the film it is packed with gruesome i mean gruesome action-packed fights very uh gory kills throughout i mean it starts off with that a huge action sequence where we see our lead actor um executing a hit on this compound and he's taking out these uh henchmen one by one each death is more gruesome than the next and it really sets up what we're in store for for this entire film at least for the rest of this film like okay we're starting off with a bang that's a plus that's what hooked me and kept me in my seat for the entire viewing of this film. I believe that this film is based on a manga. I'm not 100% sure. I know there's a manga called Demon City and I'm not familiar with it so I couldn't really connect the two. That's why I'm guessing it's an adaptation of that manga. Whether it is or it isn't, this is an enjoyable film. the fight choreography the stunts the effects are exciting you know uh very fantastical you know it it shows you pretty early on that this is kind of a heightened sense of reality type film you know with people getting punched and they're flying through doors and flying across the rooms with one punch and all this other stuff so it's kind of fantastical but that's the film that's it's set up that way and it's set up that way early so it's not you know taking you off guard when it happens in other portions of the film you know this is the type of movie that it is and for that i i accepted it what it is i suspend disbelief and i rolled with it and I had fun with it. Fans of action and revenge thrillers will likely enjoy Demon City, you know, for its intense action sequences. Anything else, if you're looking for intriguing plot lines, stellar acting, you're not so much going to get that here, especially the version I watched, you know, the English dub version. You know, you really can't get a sense of the action. because they're dubbed over the voiceovers you know how they deliver the lines you know with the passion and the fire i so i can't really judge the acting here this i can only judge it by what i see and not what i hear and unfortunately it kind of takes away from the film as far as quality is concerned but the plot is pretty basic i mean it reminded me of an old uh i think late 1980s or maybe early 90s action film starring steven seagal if you recall it uh hard to kill which is my favorite steven seagal film with kelly leblanc in it uh he's a cop and he gets undercover cop or something like that and he gets discovered and the these henchmen come to his home and uh kill his wife you and shoots him. He gets in a, he ends up being in a coma for years. And when he awakes, he exacts revenge on those who killed his family and whatnot. Pretty much the same exact plot of this film, but done in a different way, I guess you can say. Um, it didn't have the oomph of hard to kill that we got back in the, I want to say 1990, 1991, when that film came out. It didn't have the weight of that, but it still kept you interested. It was enough plot to drive this film along. And then you have a couple of twists and turns in there. Most of them you see coming because if you're a fan of the action genre, this isn't your first rodeo. We done been down this road before. We experienced it before. But you watch this movie for the action. You watch this movie for the choreography. And it has some really, really... brutal action scenes in here and some exciting ones as well. Our lead actor here, he does a really good job of carrying the weight of why he's on this revenge tour and doing it without speaking much because he didn't have many speaking lines, at least in the English dub version that I watched, but he had a tall task of conveying his emotions. through his actions and through his facial expressions and his looks and things of that nature and i thought he did an excellent job of that ultimately i i fairly enjoyed this film this was a fun film to watch you know for what it was and what more can i ask for demon city which is currently on netflix gets a letter grade of a c plus yeah it was it was a it was a decent action movie you know The reason I reviewed this film is because I haven't seen a good action movie in months. Months! And I thought about it while I was sitting there watching the movie. I'm like, man, I haven't seen any kick-butt real good action movies in a while. You know, Love Hurts kind of hurt me. You know, Flight Risk, I guess that was an action movie. I don't know. It wasn't that good. Back to action. with uh jamie foxx and cameron diaz yeah it was it was an action movie i guess but it wasn't all that but as far as an action movie i mean a turn your brain off don't care if it's good or not you just want to be entertained i haven't seen that in a while maybe the last one was another next uh netflix film uh from a couple of months ago that was uh flight not flight plan the movie with uh uh uh taryn edgerton and jason beatman well what was that movie it came out around christmas carry on carry on that that would uh that was the last really good action movie that i saw and it wasn't action-packed you know what i'm saying like this movie is but i enjoyed that film and i enjoyed this one i would love to know did you check out demon city are you into these action films these revenge thrillers if you will and coming from across the across the pond as they say over there in japan it was a good movie it was exciting I want to know your thoughts. 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