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Saints vs Chiefs Week 5 Recap & Reactions cover
The K.B. Radio Network

Saints vs Chiefs Week 5 Recap & Reactions

Saints vs Chiefs Week 5 Recap & Reactions

49min |08/10/2024
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Saints vs Chiefs Week 5 Recap & Reactions cover
Saints vs Chiefs Week 5 Recap & Reactions cover
The K.B. Radio Network

Saints vs Chiefs Week 5 Recap & Reactions

Saints vs Chiefs Week 5 Recap & Reactions

49min |08/10/2024


Going over the New Orleans Saints (2-3) Monday night showdown with the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs (5-0)

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Who dat to the who dat nation welcome to the dome patrol podcast your podcast for the new Orleans Saints here on the KB radio network I am your host Kevin Reed and week five of the NFL season is wrapped up nice and tight with a nice shiny bow on top As Monday Night Football has come to a close, when our New Orleans Saints took on the defending champs, the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs in Arrowhead Stadium. Well, it's not Arrowhead anymore, isn't it? It's called something else. But in any event, it don't matter. It could have been I-10 Stadium. It didn't matter. The New Orleans Saints have fallen yet again for the third time. consecutive week putting their record at two and three falling to the chiefs by the score of 26 to 13 let me let me just start off the show like this first and foremost this is my second take on the show and and i might be a little winded a little tired and it probably it probably won't be the best and i want to apologize for it not being the best it's not for reasons of the game or what I prepared for the show. The reason is like that I recorded about 30 minutes of the episode and didn't realize that my file was corrupted and it didn't record. And I went on a 30 minute rant, an epic 30 minute rant. And it's probably. that's probably why it stopped that's probably god reached down and hit the stop button or something because i went off i'm not gonna lie to you i went off i probably won't go off like that this go around i'm gonna try i'm gonna try i'm gonna try to stay professional for this go around but it was it was kind of upsetting you know i threw the headphones and everything almost broke the monitor here but it's all good it's all good got everything straight now and so who are ready to go but like i said the saints have lost their third consecutive game and now they sit in third place in a division at two and three uh the kansas city chiefs continued their undefeated streak they are currently five and oh on the season and their first decisive win of the season uh the previous four games were high and tight you know they Squeaked it out at the end and needed some assistance from the refs and all this other foolishness for the first month of the season. Not today. Not against the Saints. Didn't need their help. Didn't need the refs'help this quarter. The Saints helped them out enough. The game started off. The game started off. Opening drive. Saints get the ball. They're moving the ball pretty well. They're running the ball. pretty good despite the fact our depleted offensive line this makeshift offensive line the saints were actually moving the ball that first drive only to end in epic fashion and this is where my rant came in last time and i'm gonna try not to do well i can't help it i'm gonna give it to you again i mean i'm gonna do it again because it needs to be said i i want the who that nation I want everybody who is a Saints fan in some shape form or fashion to come to the realization the Saints aren't going anywhere with Dennis Allen as the head coach of this team with Derek Carr as the quarterback of this team. I just came to that realization. I already knew. I already knew. I was trying, bro. Honest to God. I went into this season optimistic. I said, you know what? Let bygones be bygones. Water under the bridge the last two seasons. Let's go into this fresh. We got a new offense. It seems like we got a new attitude, a new swag. You know, they start the season, our first two games of the season, they're molly whopping teams. Granted, it was the Carolina Panthers. Granted, it was the Dallas Cowboys, but they did what they were supposed to do. They wiped the field with those teams. Alright, they turned the corner. Even then I was skeptical. I don't like you know, we're not gonna be able to have this offensive output the entire season I don't see that happening But if as long as we're half that if we could do half that in every game offensively would be alright and You know, that's typically the drop-off, you know, you was averaging 40 what? 43 44 points a game at that point you scored 91 points in the first two games and so you're like okay if you could cut that in half to say you know you dropped off 50 understandable that's still an average of 28 points or something i don't know i'm i'm hard with math but let's just say 28 points a game that's winnable especially if you have a defense that's not allowing 20 points a game that's not allowing but one touchdown per game And so you're like, okay, we're good. Well, the defense held up their end of the bargain for the most part. But offensively, all of a sudden, we can't score 20 points. We can't put up 20 points in a game. And in one of those games, you're at home. And I'm like, man, how can this team that was just unstoppable at one point fall off like that? You can't tell me the defenses have adjusted that well. Now, they made adjustments. I know they took some things away. They're taking away that deep play with Shadiq. Of course, defenses, they can take that away. They can take the top off or at least keep the lid on the top, I should say. All right, you can contain Shadiq, but what about the run game? All right, you can make the excuse. Offensive line is banged up. blase blase blue even still you ain't even trying to run the ball now they did try at the beginning of this game but once the game got kind of out of control they run away from it and you still losing linemen excuse me in the course of this game and well we'll go through the whole chain of events but it's like man is this team truly cursed you You know what I'm saying? Is there a curse on this team for real? But going back to the Derek Carr of it all, that opening drive, you're moving the ball. They were running the ball efficiently. They were actually looking good running the ball. And then, okay, you made some passes, but you're not looking for the dinking and dunking. In the middle of the field, which was wide open, wide open, Derek Carr does one of the most boneheads. Interceptions I've ever seen thrown in an NFL game. High school kids know not to throw the ball like that. Oh, somebody's coming at me. A defensive play, and that's his problem. Every time he gets pressure, he just throws the ball. He just throws it. That's how he got the interception last week. The week before that, same thing when he threw the intercept. He's so scared to get hit. It's like, bro, you play football, you're going to get hit. But he throws the ball like a punt. It was like playing throw up tackle when we were kids. You remember that throw up tackle? That's exactly what he did. And he got picked off. And at that moment, I knew, man, we're going to lose this game. We're going to lose this game because Derek Carr does not have the mental capacity. to brush things off he doesn't brush off turnovers he doesn't brush off bad plays you know what i'm saying it's like he doesn't know how to recover from a mistake and then he blamed the flex and see he'll find a way to justify that he'll find a way to justify that pick i bet you dollars the donuts he'll find a way to do it if he don't do it dennis allen will i bet you I haven't watched the post-game interview with Dennis Allen, but he always defends Derek Carr, always, no matter what. Now, he'll call out Shadid for that muff punt last week. He'll call out Chris Olave for not running the right route or Kendrick Miller for not being healthy and all this other stuff. Yeah, he'll call them out, but he'll never say anything negative towards Derek Carr. And especially this week, he's not going to say anything because Derek Carr ended up getting hurt at the end of the game. And you know what's sad about that? I didn't care. I didn't care. he got hurt god forgive me i hope he's all right but i didn't care honestly he is like man whatever i don't care at this point he can go he can go this dude is not it he is not it he is not the one to lead us to what we ultimately covet for here in the who that nation and that is a super bowl i'm sorry i'm going too far I'm reaching too far. I'm reaching for the moon. Let's just stick with the stars or is it vice versa? Whatever the case is. The division. Let's win the division. Let's win a playoff game. Then we can talk about the Super Bowl. We can't even get out of our own way. Now, this is the first game I can clearly say the Saints lost. They got that. Somebody beat the Saints. Now, the other two games with the Eagles and the Falcons, Saints lost those games. The Eagles did not beat the Saints. Falcons did not beat the Saints. The Saints beat themselves in those two games. Tonight, Monday Night Football, primetime, world can see, Chiefs beat them. Chiefs beat the bricks off them. And that 26-13 score does not reflect what truly went on. I think, I think. the Chiefs got into the red zone, what, seven, eight times maybe? We're going to go over the numbers, but they were in the red zone like crazy. Saints and their patent infamous bend don't break, you know, they'll let you get down the field, but then they're, you know, stingy once they get in the red zone. But either way, you know, I mean, come on, man, we got to do better than this. We got to do better than this as a team. as a team i just i don't know and dennis allen he needs to stick to something be be be strong in your convictions you said you're gonna uh run man club i didn't i didn't agree with that statement that's what he was saying earlier to the week oh we're gonna stick with what we're doing with man coverage all right fine that's fine but then you see in the game they're running zone Which is it? Then they'll switch back to man. Then they'll go back into a zone. And every time they do that, every time they do that, you see Patrick Mahomes checking out. He'll check out whatever they're doing. Go back. You know, he saw everything Dennis Allen was throwing at him. Everything. Now, I'm not going to rag on the defense too much because the defense was the one shining light tonight. The one shining light. They did hold him to 26 points. which is pretty phenomenal against this team. This is, like I said, the defending champs, undefeated team. Despite the fact how they won their games in the past, they won. Now, you can make an argument. You actually can make an argument that the Chiefs really didn't beat the Saints like that. Now, and I can rock with it. A lot of this is anger that I'm saying, that I'm coming at you with. right now, but the truth is the Saints got their behind whipped, but the Saints had their opportunities. They had their opportunities. The Saints managed to make it close before halftime. They cut it to three late in the second quarter. They scored a touchdown, deep throw to Shadi. All right, it's 10 to seven. I think it was, it probably was less than two minutes left in the game. The Chiefs was able to go down, kick a field goal. All right, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. We was able to hold them. You know, we was able to hold them. It's still a one possession game going into the half. Some strange reason, Saints went three and out and gave them people another shot. They gave them one more chance. and got another field goal now it's a nine point game just that quick just like that and you're like my god man come on bro and then chiefs get the ball back first in this in in the second half so now it's like oh my god thankfully chiefs didn't score on their opening possession but that's besides the point you know but we still had a shot saints Got back into the game in the third quarter thanks to an end zone interception by the most unlikely of figures, the defensive tackle, Kalen Saunders. who coincidentally is a former Kansas City Chief. He returned to 36 yards, and quarterback Derrick Carr led the Saints to their second touchdown drive, a six-yard pass to tight end Foster Monroe. Yes, we got a tight end catching a touchdown today. Who knew? And they made it 16-13 at the start of the fourth quarter. So now you're like, okay, we're getting We're clawing our way back in this. We have a chance to do something in this game. Well, Patrick Mahomes thought differently. He led the Chiefs to a scoring drive to make it 23-13. The Saints marched back into Chiefs territory on the next possession, but Derek Carr, on the fourth down attempt, he threw the ball to Mason Tifton, the rookie, who was, he had a step on him, and actually, Derek Carr made a... pretty good throw mason tiffin they just flat out dropped flat out dropped it uh uh coincidentally that was the same play derrick all got hurt on uh they said it was an oblique injury i don't know what an oblique is i guess that's in your stomach or something or in your back a hip or something i don't know i gotta see in biology i don't i don't know what it is but in any event uh jack Jake Hayter, he came in on the final drive for the Saints offense and did nothing. He did nothing. The Saints used their makeshift offensive line. Running back Alvin Kamara could only manage 26 yards on 11 carries. Twenty-six yards. Shadid, he had a big night. He had four catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. it was i mean that was it that was the only offensive i'll put your head i mean it was saints could do nothing uh patrick holmes on the other hand he had a monster game but he didn't throw a touchdown tonight once again you want to rag on the defense but at the same time the defense they play well enough to win the new orleans saints defense they're on a new they're not elite They're not an elite defense. They're not top 10. I would say they're more middle of the pack type defense. I think they're capable of being a top 10 defense, but they're not there. They're not there. They really, they're hampered too. They were really hampered tonight as well. I mean, two-thirds of their linebackers were out. You know, they didn't play. And so they were really. It was a mass unit out there, but no excuses. That's not an excuse. But it's just, it really hurts. It really hurts to see that team squander these opportunities. Now, granted, I had figured the Saints were going to lose this game. I predicted the Saints would lose this game, but I thought I would see, you know, a little more effort, just a tad bit more effort. Better execution, better play calling. Oh, man, I don't know. Well, next week, the Saints will host the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who are 3-2 right now in the Superdome. Tampa Bay will be here this week. Actually, I think they come tomorrow, Tuesday. They're coming to New Orleans because of the hurricane that is projected to make landfall in Tampa, either Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been watching the news. you know thoughts and prayers to everybody in florida who's going to be affected by that and tampa bay buccaneers are affected by that so they're just going to stay the week here in new orleans and uh prepare to kick our butts while they're here but that's going to be the game for sunday let's go over the stats of tonight's game against the kansas city chiefs uh before i go over the numbers of the game uh Derek Carr did leave the game with an oblique injury. Safety Will Harris, he left the game earlier with a hamstring. Didn't look good when he pulled up. So I don't know what's going to come of that. And let's keep in mind, like I mentioned, we play Tampa on Sunday. Short week. Short week. So I don't know how we're going to navigate through. this but let's go over the stats uh starting with passing for the new orleans saints derrick carr was the leading passer today 18 for 28 165 yards two touchdowns and one Horrible interception. He was sacked one time tonight. Jake Hayter, like I said, he came in late. He was two for seven for 17 yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, it was Pat Mahomes. He was 28 for 39, 331 yards, no touchdowns, and one interception. He was sacked twice tonight, and he did all that with no wide receivers. I just wanted to throw that out there. Uh, rushing for the New Orleans Saints, the leading rusher tonight was, of course, Alvin Kamara, 11 carries for 26 yards. Jake Hader, two carries for 11 yards. And Jamal Williams, two carries for nine yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, Kareem Hunt, 27 carries for 102 yards and a touchdown. Patrick Mahomes, six carries for 22 yards. Uh, Carson Steele had... five carries for 12 yards, and Xavier Worthy, one carry for three yards. Leading receiver for the New Orleans Saints was Rashid Shaheed, four catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. Alvin Kamara comes in second with six catches for 40 yards. Jawan Johnson, five catches for 31 yards. Foster Monroe, two catches for 13 yards and a touchdown. Chris Olave had two catches for 10 yards. Two catch for 10 yards. Mason Tifton had one catch for two yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, their leading receiver today was Juju Smith-Schuster. Seven catches for 130 yards, which is a shock to me. It was a shock to me. A lot of that was off of one catch, though. I think he had like a 50-yard reception. But for the most part, he really... you know, average. Travis Kelsey, of course, he had nine catches for 70 yards. At one point, he was the only one getting the ball, and he was wide open every time. And it was so infuriating. It's so infuriating to watch that transpire throughout the game, at least early on in the game. I think he got hurt, but he didn't come out. But it was, I forgot where it was. I think it was on the goal line. He got kind of bent up. But after that, he really didn't get the ball after that. He was mostly in there as a decoy, I think. But on defense, the leading tackler for the New Orleans Saints was returning Demario Davis off of injury from last week. He had 11 tackles today. And for the Kansas City Chiefs, it was Nick Bolton. He had 11 tackles today. Team stats. Now... the team stats gonna tell it all this this this defines everything that happened in this game tonight first downs total first downs today saints had 14 total first down the kansas city chiefs had 28 doubled doubled that uh that tells a lot third down efficiency saints were four for 10 the chiefs were six for 14 on you fourth down efficiency saints went for it twice converted zero zero on fourth down the chiefs went for it once and uh well they had one attempt and converted it once so they were 100 on fourth down efficiency total plays now when we when we want to rag on the defense i need you to hear these numbers hear these numbers and once again this isn't an excuse you but you have to put things in perspective. Look at it in its totality. The Saints ran 51 plays on offense. The Kansas City Chiefs ran 80 plays. 80 plays. Wait till we get to the time of possession. 80 plays. Total yardage. Saints had 220 yards. The Chiefs had 460. Total drives, they both had 10 drives. That really shines a light on the total plays ran. They both had the same number of drives. Yet and still, the Kansas City Chiefs ran almost twice as many plays as the New Orleans Saints. Yards per play, Saints had 4.3 yards per play, which isn't bad. But the Chiefs had 5.8 yards per play. Passing yardage, Saints had 174. total yards to the Chiefs 321 rushing the Saints had 15 rushes 15 rushes for 46 yards as a team. The Kansas City Chiefs, 39 rushes for 139 yards. Yards per rush, Saints 3.1, Chiefs 3.6. Red zone, the Saints were 1 for 1. They only got in the red zone once, but they were 100%. The Chiefs were 2. for seven they got in the red zone seven times and only managed to score 26 points yeah i mean like i said look at the defense in its totality in its totality it is not the defense um penalties saints have five penalties for 70 yards uh chiefs had six penalties for 55 yards uh one of those penalties pausing the depot man it's starting to become a habit You start to do this at least once a game with the PIs. Granted, he's the reason why Saunders got that interception. That was a really good defensive play by him to knock the ball out of, I think that was Juju Smith-Schuster's hand. Great play, but two plays before that, that's how they got in the red zone, was the PI. I mean, come on, man. Pause the deep. You got to do better, man. You got to clean that up. Seriously, you got to clean that up. Turnovers, they were one apiece. Time of possession, Saints had the ball for 20 minutes and 4 seconds to the Kansas City Chiefs, 39 minutes and 56 seconds. Might as well round that off. They had the ball for 40 minutes. The defense was on the field for 40 minutes. the entire game this is calling what it is the entire game uh quarters uh there are four quarters in the game every quarter is 15 minutes in case you don't know they basically they basically was there for a half for one entire half plus five minutes come on did you expect you expect a team to win like that and the reason i'm saying is not so much what the chiefs were doing now chiefs were doing an excellent job of extending drives and having these long six minute drives and all this here that was great but when you have the saints offense three and out three and out three and out in it turnover and all these other foolishness man come on man yeah you gotta do better you gotta do better let's get to the grades of tonight's game against the Kansas City Chiefs. If this is your first time joining the show, welcome to the show, by the way. But how we do the grading system, I grade every unit of the New Orleans Saints for the game, offense, defense, special teams, and coaching. We round that up and come up with an overall game, overall grade, I should say. Wish it was a game. Overall grade for the New Orleans Saints. performance on Monday night against the Chiefs. Let's begin with the offense. Offense had just a horrible showing tonight. Horrible. This is probably the worst out of the three losses, in my humble opinion. I know we had a horrible showing last week against Atlanta, but this top that this they looked ejected. There was no energy from that team. They just looked ejected on that field derrick carr looked like whatever after that interception it was like a deer in headlights at that point he he was just trying to do whatever trying to make up for it and when he threw that touchdown he yelling to the sideline oh i told you i told you what told us what what what what you what you said or what have you done we can you don't have to tell me nothing You've shown me everything I needed to see. And he is not the guy. I'm sorry. Derek Carr is just not the guy. They didn't run the ball. You only ran the ball 15 times. 15 times. You're on the road. You're on the road, man. What did you see? what did you see in game film that said okay we can jack it up if you're not going to run the ball run some run some screen plays run some do some dinking and dunking you weren't trying it everything derrick hard looking deep looking deep trying to go deep trying to force it to shadid he's throwing the ball to shadid and triple coverage and all his others what are y'all doing bro the offense tonight gets a d plus i mean horrible the only thing saved them from an f they did manage to put up 13 points That's the only thing that saved him. But it was a piss poor performance by the New Orleans Saints offense tonight. Very, very disappointing. Defense. Defense. Defense. I wish I can say that Patrick Mahomes just went wild on him. You know, I can live with that. I can live with Patrick Mahomes going full Patrick Mahomes on him. Because it's Patrick Mahomes. I'm cool with that. But that wasn't really the case. It wasn't. The Saints defense did their job. It could have been better. It should have been better. A lot of those drives, there was some poor tackling. There was some poor execution, I felt, on pass rush. I've been saying this since the beginning of the season. Even when the first two weeks of the season when we were demolishing the Panthers and the Cowboys, that pass rush had question marks around it because we couldn't get to the quarterback. For some strange reason, we could not get to the quarterback, and it's starting to rear his ugly head once again. I know Patrick Mahomes is Harry Houdini Jr. in that pocket. He will escape it by any means necessary and not escape it like... Jalen Hurst or Lamar Jackson or going back to Michael Vick. That's not what he's doing. He's just extending the plate. And when you do that, you expect these cornerbacks, these safeties to cover these receivers for six, seven seconds. No, no, nobody can do that. I don't care what corner he is. That's virtually impossible. And this is how those receivers. break loose get open they break from their routes and voila that magic happens and that's what he's the master of and he did it to him on a few occasions you know so uh you have to get to him and get get him down the problem i had was they were getting back there they couldn't get to him and they this has been a problem and i i wasn't expecting it because just last week kurt cousins who is just a tad bit more mobile than the Statue of Liberty, just a tad bit more mobile than that, y'all couldn't get to him. And so, you know, it doesn't shock me they couldn't get to Patrick Mahomes. But the defense did force them to 20 field goals tonight. I don't know. How many field goals did they kick? About four? Whatever, three or four. And... Really stifled them in the red zone. I mean, got a turnover in the red zone. I mean, what more can you ask for? They held them to 26 points. Your team has proven 26 points ain't nothing for y'all. Matter of fact, y'all have scored that in halves in the first two weeks of the season. And so, theoretically, you would think, okay, the Saints should come out victorious in this. Or at least keep the game closer than what it ended up. being but no it didn't but i don't fault the defense per se but there are problems on that defense and i know we are dealing with a lot of injuries on offense as well but we have a lot on defense too it's just not being talked about as much as offense because that offensive line it has just been murderous role but the defense tonight against the kansas city chiefs gets a c plus uh yeah i mean They weren't the greatest, but I think they played well enough to win this game. They did the best they could against the best. So what more can you ask for? Special teams gets a D. I'm not going to go into a long explanation about them. I mean, Blake Grupe, he's another one I'm pretty much done with. I'm done with him. I mean, yeah, he can kick a 58-yarder straight down Bourbon Street, but... Oh, ask him to kick an extra point. A little chip shot extra point. And it's wide right. I mean, come on, bro. Are you serious? How you miss the extra point? And this is second one of the year. We didn't talk about it before because we end up winning that game. But, I mean, come on, man. And granted, that point wouldn't have made a difference tonight. But, I mean, come on. We need all the points we can get. But, yeah, man. And to add to that. Jamal Williams on that kick return. What were you doing dude? Really? What were you doing? What are you thinking? He was an inch away from the Saints starting at the inch yard line You know if he tried to kneel it he's standing there looking around like what should I do run it? What you think you you didn't messed up you could have started at the 30. You almost had us at the inch line Come on, man This is like the second week in a row we didn't have brain farts on special teams. It was Shadi last week trying to field a punt at the two-yard line and muffing it, and then he about to kill us with field position, which we ain't end up doing nothing on that drive anyway, but it's the principle of the thing. Yeah, special teams gets a D. Coaching gets a D+. They did not have this team ready to play. Dennis Allen, I mean, when is enough enough? honestly honestly i mean mickey loom has got to sit back and think and and be honest with itself when is enough enough and you know what the problem is that you know what the problem is it's the fact that dennis allen i think at in his core is a good dude all indications and this is going by players who play with them and people who know him worked with him before say he is a generally good dude and i believe that with my whole heart that he is an awesome guy i think he is he just has that he looks like a cool dude that you could sit down chat with you know throw a few beers down with or whatever y'all like to do he he just seems like a cool dude but that don't mean you're a good coach at least head coach you're a real good defensive coordinator. You can put that on Tombstone. He is an awesome defensive coordinator. Head coach? No, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just not working, man. This team, it just seems undisciplined. It's just undisciplined stuff that happens. Not completely undisciplined. It's not like the team is running wild, going rogue all over the place, but it's just... At crucial moments, they do stupid stuff that fundamentally, this is what the coach teaches you. This is what your coach shoves down your throat through training camp and practice, doing the games, all this. You're supposed to be a motivator. You're supposed to teach your team this stuff. And they keep doing it every week. I can see a team, a player doing something every now and then. once in every blue moon and you know it happens people make mistakes they're not robots but when they keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again are you teaching these dudes and even if you're teaching them and they're still doing it have the cojones to bench him to say you know what since you ain't listening listen to this bitch listen to a headset or something let's sit down stand next to me or whatever the case may be that's my problem with dennis allen and stop taking up for derrick carr you know like i think i said it on this uh version of the show i probably said it on the last one but whatever if i said it uh earlier i'm gonna repeat it again uh he ragged on poor kendra miller when he got hurt in training I mean, he went off. He went off on Shadid for muffing that pump. Rightfully so. He went off on somebody else about something a couple of weeks ago. But he never, since Derek Carr, been the quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, said one disparaging word about Derek Carr. I understand that's your boy. I get it. But you have eyes, and you have to recognize that the Who That Nation have eyes too. We can see just as well as you can see. And we can see that this dude just ain't it. Stop making excuses for him. You don't make an excuse for nobody else. Don't make an excuse for him. Coaching gets a D+. Overall, the New Orleans Saints performance tonight against the Kansas City Chiefs gets a letter grade of a D+. Yeah, this was a horrible game. this was this was a horrible game worst game of the season so far the only shining light the only light at the end of the tunnel that we can see is that this is probably the last i will say quote unquote tough opponent that we're gonna have at least playoff component uh opponent component opponent that we're gonna have you going forward yeah now there are some teams that pop up on the schedule that are doing better this year than initially thought going into this season you know you got the commanders coming up you know you have uh uh denver coming up and you know you're gonna have some tough matchups but as far as a elite top tier team i think this was it this was the last of it and so the rest are winnable how i know the rest are winnable because these games were winnable these last three weeks saints could easily be five you know maybe that's reaching too far for the moon but i know at worst the saints should be four and one at this point at worst but here we stand at two and three the mvps for tonight's game i give an mvp out every week Uh, this was tough to give an MVP out to this week. And I give one out to the offensive player and a defensive player on offense. Um, even though the offense was poo poo, I'm going to go ahead and give it to Camara, Alvin Camara, Alvin Camara played his heart out. And the reason I'm giving it to him, even though he only had 11 carries for 26 yards, Alvin Camara has a cracked rib. He's dealing with a hip injury. And that man went out. there and gave it his all he did the best he could honest to god he really went out there and played tough and i gotta give him his respect on that uh defensively gotta give it to kalen saunders uh getting that uh interception and getting that big return off of it the play before that he blew up a run play which was i mean monster i mean he blew it up boy you I think he was, no, yeah, he was the one that hit Travis Kelsey, kind of put him out the game for the remainder of the game. Even though Travis Kelsey didn't come out the game, he didn't do anything after that. He didn't. But, yeah, Kalen Saunders, he did his thing tonight against the Chiefs. Unfortunately, he didn't play offense. Yeah. Once again, the New Orleans Saints fall to the Kansas City Chiefs by the score of 26-13. The only good thing, well, not the only good thing. There are some good things to take away from this game, but the biggest thing to take away from this game that you can kind of shake off, no pun intended, Taylor Swift was at the game. You can kind of rest easy knowing that this won't affect you majorly because this was an AFC team. And being as though this is an AFC team, it doesn't hurt you playoff-wise going forward if we want to play that game, you know. But as far as how we stand in our division, trying to keep up in our division, it does hurt. It does hurt because we were trying to keep pace with everybody else. Atlanta is 3-2. Tampa is 3-2. So winning this game would have, you know, tied you with those two teams. With Tampa coming to the Dome this Sunday. And so that would have helped a little bit. But now you're a game behind. But, yeah, it's the AFC team. So maybe that will help you rest easier tonight. And so, yeah, that's the game. How do you feel about the game? Are you upset? Do you think we ought to give Derek Carr another shot? How many more shots are we gonna give him? He's been here for two years and he hasn't shown us nothing. I mean let's be honest here. Let's be real. Let's look over the tenure of Derek. Now, once again, I know the man's hurt. I don't know how severe the injury is. I think I just read he has, he's going for an MRI on Tuesday to see how serious the injury is. Yeah. He has not shown. in any facet, even in the games that we were dominant in. Can you really say Derek Carr was the reason we were dominant in those games? Derek Carr is an average quarterback at best. And I mean average. He is bland. He is straight-up vanilla ice cream. There's nothing amazing about this guy. There's nothing. in Derek Carr that tells me even if this game was close at the end that Derek Carr would lead us to a victory he hasn't done it since he's been here I know there's that super statistic that they love to throw up that Derek Carr has uh the most comeback victories or something what 36 or something I don't know um victories in his career he hasn't done it here and you gotta ask yourself Why did he have to come back in all those games? That's a question you would ask about the cause, not the effect, but the cause. So I have no faith in that dude. Now, I wish him a speedy recovery. I don't want the man to be hurt. I don't want his career to be over or nothing like that. I don't think it's that severe of an injury, but you know what I'm saying. I don't wish bad on the guy as far as health-wise. But I don't. don't want him as my quarterback i'm done when he threw that pick i was done i mean every ounce of emotion that i had was gone i i'm done i have nothing else to say to it but anyways uh that's the game uh saints are two and three uh they play tampa this sunday in the dome uh we'll see we'll prove preview that game later on this week but yeah uh that's the results monday night football prime time the world got to see this destruction of our team i would love to know your thoughts about the saints going forward do you think the saint season is in free fall do you think we can bounce back this sunday do you think we can get back on track get back to our winning weight so are we are we uh are we are what our record says we are uh sub 500 team I would like to know your thoughts, man. How do you feel about Dennis Allen? How do you feel about Derek Carr? How do you feel about Clint Kubiak now? Do you think he is the second coming of Pete Carmichael or whatever? I think Pete Carmichael called a decent game. I really do. I think he, I mean, you got to think about it. He's trying to make chicken salad out of chicken you know what. He has a depleted offensive line. Taysom Hill didn't play, and apparently that is the. engine that keeps this truck rolling. And so I'm not mad at it. You know, he actually called some decent plays that touchdown to Foster Monroe. That was a fire play. That was an awesome play call. But I would love to know your thoughts. Email the show KB radio podcast at gmail.com. You can also comment on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB radio network. Also subscribe to the KB radio network channel. on YouTube and like this video if you don't mind. Don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening to the Dome Patrol Podcast, your podcast for the New Orleans Saints here on the KB Radio Network. Everybody, thank you for joining me for this recap and reaction to the Saints'Monday night slacking. Uh, as they lose to the Kansas city chiefs by the score of 26 to 13, putting their record at two and three on a season. So far, don't forget to join me, uh, Friday, this Friday, as we re not recap, uh, you can tell his late. I'm ready to go to bed, but as we preview, uh, the upcoming matchup. against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Caesar Superdome this Sunday. Oh, man. Man, I hope I can shake it off by then. But I'm pretty sure I will because every day I'm still going to be screaming. Who dat?


Going over the New Orleans Saints (2-3) Monday night showdown with the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs (5-0)

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  • Speaker #0

    Who dat to the who dat nation welcome to the dome patrol podcast your podcast for the new Orleans Saints here on the KB radio network I am your host Kevin Reed and week five of the NFL season is wrapped up nice and tight with a nice shiny bow on top As Monday Night Football has come to a close, when our New Orleans Saints took on the defending champs, the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs in Arrowhead Stadium. Well, it's not Arrowhead anymore, isn't it? It's called something else. But in any event, it don't matter. It could have been I-10 Stadium. It didn't matter. The New Orleans Saints have fallen yet again for the third time. consecutive week putting their record at two and three falling to the chiefs by the score of 26 to 13 let me let me just start off the show like this first and foremost this is my second take on the show and and i might be a little winded a little tired and it probably it probably won't be the best and i want to apologize for it not being the best it's not for reasons of the game or what I prepared for the show. The reason is like that I recorded about 30 minutes of the episode and didn't realize that my file was corrupted and it didn't record. And I went on a 30 minute rant, an epic 30 minute rant. And it's probably. that's probably why it stopped that's probably god reached down and hit the stop button or something because i went off i'm not gonna lie to you i went off i probably won't go off like that this go around i'm gonna try i'm gonna try i'm gonna try to stay professional for this go around but it was it was kind of upsetting you know i threw the headphones and everything almost broke the monitor here but it's all good it's all good got everything straight now and so who are ready to go but like i said the saints have lost their third consecutive game and now they sit in third place in a division at two and three uh the kansas city chiefs continued their undefeated streak they are currently five and oh on the season and their first decisive win of the season uh the previous four games were high and tight you know they Squeaked it out at the end and needed some assistance from the refs and all this other foolishness for the first month of the season. Not today. Not against the Saints. Didn't need their help. Didn't need the refs'help this quarter. The Saints helped them out enough. The game started off. The game started off. Opening drive. Saints get the ball. They're moving the ball pretty well. They're running the ball. pretty good despite the fact our depleted offensive line this makeshift offensive line the saints were actually moving the ball that first drive only to end in epic fashion and this is where my rant came in last time and i'm gonna try not to do well i can't help it i'm gonna give it to you again i mean i'm gonna do it again because it needs to be said i i want the who that nation I want everybody who is a Saints fan in some shape form or fashion to come to the realization the Saints aren't going anywhere with Dennis Allen as the head coach of this team with Derek Carr as the quarterback of this team. I just came to that realization. I already knew. I already knew. I was trying, bro. Honest to God. I went into this season optimistic. I said, you know what? Let bygones be bygones. Water under the bridge the last two seasons. Let's go into this fresh. We got a new offense. It seems like we got a new attitude, a new swag. You know, they start the season, our first two games of the season, they're molly whopping teams. Granted, it was the Carolina Panthers. Granted, it was the Dallas Cowboys, but they did what they were supposed to do. They wiped the field with those teams. Alright, they turned the corner. Even then I was skeptical. I don't like you know, we're not gonna be able to have this offensive output the entire season I don't see that happening But if as long as we're half that if we could do half that in every game offensively would be alright and You know, that's typically the drop-off, you know, you was averaging 40 what? 43 44 points a game at that point you scored 91 points in the first two games and so you're like okay if you could cut that in half to say you know you dropped off 50 understandable that's still an average of 28 points or something i don't know i'm i'm hard with math but let's just say 28 points a game that's winnable especially if you have a defense that's not allowing 20 points a game that's not allowing but one touchdown per game And so you're like, okay, we're good. Well, the defense held up their end of the bargain for the most part. But offensively, all of a sudden, we can't score 20 points. We can't put up 20 points in a game. And in one of those games, you're at home. And I'm like, man, how can this team that was just unstoppable at one point fall off like that? You can't tell me the defenses have adjusted that well. Now, they made adjustments. I know they took some things away. They're taking away that deep play with Shadiq. Of course, defenses, they can take that away. They can take the top off or at least keep the lid on the top, I should say. All right, you can contain Shadiq, but what about the run game? All right, you can make the excuse. Offensive line is banged up. blase blase blue even still you ain't even trying to run the ball now they did try at the beginning of this game but once the game got kind of out of control they run away from it and you still losing linemen excuse me in the course of this game and well we'll go through the whole chain of events but it's like man is this team truly cursed you You know what I'm saying? Is there a curse on this team for real? But going back to the Derek Carr of it all, that opening drive, you're moving the ball. They were running the ball efficiently. They were actually looking good running the ball. And then, okay, you made some passes, but you're not looking for the dinking and dunking. In the middle of the field, which was wide open, wide open, Derek Carr does one of the most boneheads. Interceptions I've ever seen thrown in an NFL game. High school kids know not to throw the ball like that. Oh, somebody's coming at me. A defensive play, and that's his problem. Every time he gets pressure, he just throws the ball. He just throws it. That's how he got the interception last week. The week before that, same thing when he threw the intercept. He's so scared to get hit. It's like, bro, you play football, you're going to get hit. But he throws the ball like a punt. It was like playing throw up tackle when we were kids. You remember that throw up tackle? That's exactly what he did. And he got picked off. And at that moment, I knew, man, we're going to lose this game. We're going to lose this game because Derek Carr does not have the mental capacity. to brush things off he doesn't brush off turnovers he doesn't brush off bad plays you know what i'm saying it's like he doesn't know how to recover from a mistake and then he blamed the flex and see he'll find a way to justify that he'll find a way to justify that pick i bet you dollars the donuts he'll find a way to do it if he don't do it dennis allen will i bet you I haven't watched the post-game interview with Dennis Allen, but he always defends Derek Carr, always, no matter what. Now, he'll call out Shadid for that muff punt last week. He'll call out Chris Olave for not running the right route or Kendrick Miller for not being healthy and all this other stuff. Yeah, he'll call them out, but he'll never say anything negative towards Derek Carr. And especially this week, he's not going to say anything because Derek Carr ended up getting hurt at the end of the game. And you know what's sad about that? I didn't care. I didn't care. he got hurt god forgive me i hope he's all right but i didn't care honestly he is like man whatever i don't care at this point he can go he can go this dude is not it he is not it he is not the one to lead us to what we ultimately covet for here in the who that nation and that is a super bowl i'm sorry i'm going too far I'm reaching too far. I'm reaching for the moon. Let's just stick with the stars or is it vice versa? Whatever the case is. The division. Let's win the division. Let's win a playoff game. Then we can talk about the Super Bowl. We can't even get out of our own way. Now, this is the first game I can clearly say the Saints lost. They got that. Somebody beat the Saints. Now, the other two games with the Eagles and the Falcons, Saints lost those games. The Eagles did not beat the Saints. Falcons did not beat the Saints. The Saints beat themselves in those two games. Tonight, Monday Night Football, primetime, world can see, Chiefs beat them. Chiefs beat the bricks off them. And that 26-13 score does not reflect what truly went on. I think, I think. the Chiefs got into the red zone, what, seven, eight times maybe? We're going to go over the numbers, but they were in the red zone like crazy. Saints and their patent infamous bend don't break, you know, they'll let you get down the field, but then they're, you know, stingy once they get in the red zone. But either way, you know, I mean, come on, man, we got to do better than this. We got to do better than this as a team. as a team i just i don't know and dennis allen he needs to stick to something be be be strong in your convictions you said you're gonna uh run man club i didn't i didn't agree with that statement that's what he was saying earlier to the week oh we're gonna stick with what we're doing with man coverage all right fine that's fine but then you see in the game they're running zone Which is it? Then they'll switch back to man. Then they'll go back into a zone. And every time they do that, every time they do that, you see Patrick Mahomes checking out. He'll check out whatever they're doing. Go back. You know, he saw everything Dennis Allen was throwing at him. Everything. Now, I'm not going to rag on the defense too much because the defense was the one shining light tonight. The one shining light. They did hold him to 26 points. which is pretty phenomenal against this team. This is, like I said, the defending champs, undefeated team. Despite the fact how they won their games in the past, they won. Now, you can make an argument. You actually can make an argument that the Chiefs really didn't beat the Saints like that. Now, and I can rock with it. A lot of this is anger that I'm saying, that I'm coming at you with. right now, but the truth is the Saints got their behind whipped, but the Saints had their opportunities. They had their opportunities. The Saints managed to make it close before halftime. They cut it to three late in the second quarter. They scored a touchdown, deep throw to Shadi. All right, it's 10 to seven. I think it was, it probably was less than two minutes left in the game. The Chiefs was able to go down, kick a field goal. All right, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. We was able to hold them. You know, we was able to hold them. It's still a one possession game going into the half. Some strange reason, Saints went three and out and gave them people another shot. They gave them one more chance. and got another field goal now it's a nine point game just that quick just like that and you're like my god man come on bro and then chiefs get the ball back first in this in in the second half so now it's like oh my god thankfully chiefs didn't score on their opening possession but that's besides the point you know but we still had a shot saints Got back into the game in the third quarter thanks to an end zone interception by the most unlikely of figures, the defensive tackle, Kalen Saunders. who coincidentally is a former Kansas City Chief. He returned to 36 yards, and quarterback Derrick Carr led the Saints to their second touchdown drive, a six-yard pass to tight end Foster Monroe. Yes, we got a tight end catching a touchdown today. Who knew? And they made it 16-13 at the start of the fourth quarter. So now you're like, okay, we're getting We're clawing our way back in this. We have a chance to do something in this game. Well, Patrick Mahomes thought differently. He led the Chiefs to a scoring drive to make it 23-13. The Saints marched back into Chiefs territory on the next possession, but Derek Carr, on the fourth down attempt, he threw the ball to Mason Tifton, the rookie, who was, he had a step on him, and actually, Derek Carr made a... pretty good throw mason tiffin they just flat out dropped flat out dropped it uh uh coincidentally that was the same play derrick all got hurt on uh they said it was an oblique injury i don't know what an oblique is i guess that's in your stomach or something or in your back a hip or something i don't know i gotta see in biology i don't i don't know what it is but in any event uh jack Jake Hayter, he came in on the final drive for the Saints offense and did nothing. He did nothing. The Saints used their makeshift offensive line. Running back Alvin Kamara could only manage 26 yards on 11 carries. Twenty-six yards. Shadid, he had a big night. He had four catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. it was i mean that was it that was the only offensive i'll put your head i mean it was saints could do nothing uh patrick holmes on the other hand he had a monster game but he didn't throw a touchdown tonight once again you want to rag on the defense but at the same time the defense they play well enough to win the new orleans saints defense they're on a new they're not elite They're not an elite defense. They're not top 10. I would say they're more middle of the pack type defense. I think they're capable of being a top 10 defense, but they're not there. They're not there. They really, they're hampered too. They were really hampered tonight as well. I mean, two-thirds of their linebackers were out. You know, they didn't play. And so they were really. It was a mass unit out there, but no excuses. That's not an excuse. But it's just, it really hurts. It really hurts to see that team squander these opportunities. Now, granted, I had figured the Saints were going to lose this game. I predicted the Saints would lose this game, but I thought I would see, you know, a little more effort, just a tad bit more effort. Better execution, better play calling. Oh, man, I don't know. Well, next week, the Saints will host the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who are 3-2 right now in the Superdome. Tampa Bay will be here this week. Actually, I think they come tomorrow, Tuesday. They're coming to New Orleans because of the hurricane that is projected to make landfall in Tampa, either Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been watching the news. you know thoughts and prayers to everybody in florida who's going to be affected by that and tampa bay buccaneers are affected by that so they're just going to stay the week here in new orleans and uh prepare to kick our butts while they're here but that's going to be the game for sunday let's go over the stats of tonight's game against the kansas city chiefs uh before i go over the numbers of the game uh Derek Carr did leave the game with an oblique injury. Safety Will Harris, he left the game earlier with a hamstring. Didn't look good when he pulled up. So I don't know what's going to come of that. And let's keep in mind, like I mentioned, we play Tampa on Sunday. Short week. Short week. So I don't know how we're going to navigate through. this but let's go over the stats uh starting with passing for the new orleans saints derrick carr was the leading passer today 18 for 28 165 yards two touchdowns and one Horrible interception. He was sacked one time tonight. Jake Hayter, like I said, he came in late. He was two for seven for 17 yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, it was Pat Mahomes. He was 28 for 39, 331 yards, no touchdowns, and one interception. He was sacked twice tonight, and he did all that with no wide receivers. I just wanted to throw that out there. Uh, rushing for the New Orleans Saints, the leading rusher tonight was, of course, Alvin Kamara, 11 carries for 26 yards. Jake Hader, two carries for 11 yards. And Jamal Williams, two carries for nine yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, Kareem Hunt, 27 carries for 102 yards and a touchdown. Patrick Mahomes, six carries for 22 yards. Uh, Carson Steele had... five carries for 12 yards, and Xavier Worthy, one carry for three yards. Leading receiver for the New Orleans Saints was Rashid Shaheed, four catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. Alvin Kamara comes in second with six catches for 40 yards. Jawan Johnson, five catches for 31 yards. Foster Monroe, two catches for 13 yards and a touchdown. Chris Olave had two catches for 10 yards. Two catch for 10 yards. Mason Tifton had one catch for two yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, their leading receiver today was Juju Smith-Schuster. Seven catches for 130 yards, which is a shock to me. It was a shock to me. A lot of that was off of one catch, though. I think he had like a 50-yard reception. But for the most part, he really... you know, average. Travis Kelsey, of course, he had nine catches for 70 yards. At one point, he was the only one getting the ball, and he was wide open every time. And it was so infuriating. It's so infuriating to watch that transpire throughout the game, at least early on in the game. I think he got hurt, but he didn't come out. But it was, I forgot where it was. I think it was on the goal line. He got kind of bent up. But after that, he really didn't get the ball after that. He was mostly in there as a decoy, I think. But on defense, the leading tackler for the New Orleans Saints was returning Demario Davis off of injury from last week. He had 11 tackles today. And for the Kansas City Chiefs, it was Nick Bolton. He had 11 tackles today. Team stats. Now... the team stats gonna tell it all this this this defines everything that happened in this game tonight first downs total first downs today saints had 14 total first down the kansas city chiefs had 28 doubled doubled that uh that tells a lot third down efficiency saints were four for 10 the chiefs were six for 14 on you fourth down efficiency saints went for it twice converted zero zero on fourth down the chiefs went for it once and uh well they had one attempt and converted it once so they were 100 on fourth down efficiency total plays now when we when we want to rag on the defense i need you to hear these numbers hear these numbers and once again this isn't an excuse you but you have to put things in perspective. Look at it in its totality. The Saints ran 51 plays on offense. The Kansas City Chiefs ran 80 plays. 80 plays. Wait till we get to the time of possession. 80 plays. Total yardage. Saints had 220 yards. The Chiefs had 460. Total drives, they both had 10 drives. That really shines a light on the total plays ran. They both had the same number of drives. Yet and still, the Kansas City Chiefs ran almost twice as many plays as the New Orleans Saints. Yards per play, Saints had 4.3 yards per play, which isn't bad. But the Chiefs had 5.8 yards per play. Passing yardage, Saints had 174. total yards to the Chiefs 321 rushing the Saints had 15 rushes 15 rushes for 46 yards as a team. The Kansas City Chiefs, 39 rushes for 139 yards. Yards per rush, Saints 3.1, Chiefs 3.6. Red zone, the Saints were 1 for 1. They only got in the red zone once, but they were 100%. The Chiefs were 2. for seven they got in the red zone seven times and only managed to score 26 points yeah i mean like i said look at the defense in its totality in its totality it is not the defense um penalties saints have five penalties for 70 yards uh chiefs had six penalties for 55 yards uh one of those penalties pausing the depot man it's starting to become a habit You start to do this at least once a game with the PIs. Granted, he's the reason why Saunders got that interception. That was a really good defensive play by him to knock the ball out of, I think that was Juju Smith-Schuster's hand. Great play, but two plays before that, that's how they got in the red zone, was the PI. I mean, come on, man. Pause the deep. You got to do better, man. You got to clean that up. Seriously, you got to clean that up. Turnovers, they were one apiece. Time of possession, Saints had the ball for 20 minutes and 4 seconds to the Kansas City Chiefs, 39 minutes and 56 seconds. Might as well round that off. They had the ball for 40 minutes. The defense was on the field for 40 minutes. the entire game this is calling what it is the entire game uh quarters uh there are four quarters in the game every quarter is 15 minutes in case you don't know they basically they basically was there for a half for one entire half plus five minutes come on did you expect you expect a team to win like that and the reason i'm saying is not so much what the chiefs were doing now chiefs were doing an excellent job of extending drives and having these long six minute drives and all this here that was great but when you have the saints offense three and out three and out three and out in it turnover and all these other foolishness man come on man yeah you gotta do better you gotta do better let's get to the grades of tonight's game against the Kansas City Chiefs. If this is your first time joining the show, welcome to the show, by the way. But how we do the grading system, I grade every unit of the New Orleans Saints for the game, offense, defense, special teams, and coaching. We round that up and come up with an overall game, overall grade, I should say. Wish it was a game. Overall grade for the New Orleans Saints. performance on Monday night against the Chiefs. Let's begin with the offense. Offense had just a horrible showing tonight. Horrible. This is probably the worst out of the three losses, in my humble opinion. I know we had a horrible showing last week against Atlanta, but this top that this they looked ejected. There was no energy from that team. They just looked ejected on that field derrick carr looked like whatever after that interception it was like a deer in headlights at that point he he was just trying to do whatever trying to make up for it and when he threw that touchdown he yelling to the sideline oh i told you i told you what told us what what what what you what you said or what have you done we can you don't have to tell me nothing You've shown me everything I needed to see. And he is not the guy. I'm sorry. Derek Carr is just not the guy. They didn't run the ball. You only ran the ball 15 times. 15 times. You're on the road. You're on the road, man. What did you see? what did you see in game film that said okay we can jack it up if you're not going to run the ball run some run some screen plays run some do some dinking and dunking you weren't trying it everything derrick hard looking deep looking deep trying to go deep trying to force it to shadid he's throwing the ball to shadid and triple coverage and all his others what are y'all doing bro the offense tonight gets a d plus i mean horrible the only thing saved them from an f they did manage to put up 13 points That's the only thing that saved him. But it was a piss poor performance by the New Orleans Saints offense tonight. Very, very disappointing. Defense. Defense. Defense. I wish I can say that Patrick Mahomes just went wild on him. You know, I can live with that. I can live with Patrick Mahomes going full Patrick Mahomes on him. Because it's Patrick Mahomes. I'm cool with that. But that wasn't really the case. It wasn't. The Saints defense did their job. It could have been better. It should have been better. A lot of those drives, there was some poor tackling. There was some poor execution, I felt, on pass rush. I've been saying this since the beginning of the season. Even when the first two weeks of the season when we were demolishing the Panthers and the Cowboys, that pass rush had question marks around it because we couldn't get to the quarterback. For some strange reason, we could not get to the quarterback, and it's starting to rear his ugly head once again. I know Patrick Mahomes is Harry Houdini Jr. in that pocket. He will escape it by any means necessary and not escape it like... Jalen Hurst or Lamar Jackson or going back to Michael Vick. That's not what he's doing. He's just extending the plate. And when you do that, you expect these cornerbacks, these safeties to cover these receivers for six, seven seconds. No, no, nobody can do that. I don't care what corner he is. That's virtually impossible. And this is how those receivers. break loose get open they break from their routes and voila that magic happens and that's what he's the master of and he did it to him on a few occasions you know so uh you have to get to him and get get him down the problem i had was they were getting back there they couldn't get to him and they this has been a problem and i i wasn't expecting it because just last week kurt cousins who is just a tad bit more mobile than the Statue of Liberty, just a tad bit more mobile than that, y'all couldn't get to him. And so, you know, it doesn't shock me they couldn't get to Patrick Mahomes. But the defense did force them to 20 field goals tonight. I don't know. How many field goals did they kick? About four? Whatever, three or four. And... Really stifled them in the red zone. I mean, got a turnover in the red zone. I mean, what more can you ask for? They held them to 26 points. Your team has proven 26 points ain't nothing for y'all. Matter of fact, y'all have scored that in halves in the first two weeks of the season. And so, theoretically, you would think, okay, the Saints should come out victorious in this. Or at least keep the game closer than what it ended up. being but no it didn't but i don't fault the defense per se but there are problems on that defense and i know we are dealing with a lot of injuries on offense as well but we have a lot on defense too it's just not being talked about as much as offense because that offensive line it has just been murderous role but the defense tonight against the kansas city chiefs gets a c plus uh yeah i mean They weren't the greatest, but I think they played well enough to win this game. They did the best they could against the best. So what more can you ask for? Special teams gets a D. I'm not going to go into a long explanation about them. I mean, Blake Grupe, he's another one I'm pretty much done with. I'm done with him. I mean, yeah, he can kick a 58-yarder straight down Bourbon Street, but... Oh, ask him to kick an extra point. A little chip shot extra point. And it's wide right. I mean, come on, bro. Are you serious? How you miss the extra point? And this is second one of the year. We didn't talk about it before because we end up winning that game. But, I mean, come on, man. And granted, that point wouldn't have made a difference tonight. But, I mean, come on. We need all the points we can get. But, yeah, man. And to add to that. Jamal Williams on that kick return. What were you doing dude? Really? What were you doing? What are you thinking? He was an inch away from the Saints starting at the inch yard line You know if he tried to kneel it he's standing there looking around like what should I do run it? What you think you you didn't messed up you could have started at the 30. You almost had us at the inch line Come on, man This is like the second week in a row we didn't have brain farts on special teams. It was Shadi last week trying to field a punt at the two-yard line and muffing it, and then he about to kill us with field position, which we ain't end up doing nothing on that drive anyway, but it's the principle of the thing. Yeah, special teams gets a D. Coaching gets a D+. They did not have this team ready to play. Dennis Allen, I mean, when is enough enough? honestly honestly i mean mickey loom has got to sit back and think and and be honest with itself when is enough enough and you know what the problem is that you know what the problem is it's the fact that dennis allen i think at in his core is a good dude all indications and this is going by players who play with them and people who know him worked with him before say he is a generally good dude and i believe that with my whole heart that he is an awesome guy i think he is he just has that he looks like a cool dude that you could sit down chat with you know throw a few beers down with or whatever y'all like to do he he just seems like a cool dude but that don't mean you're a good coach at least head coach you're a real good defensive coordinator. You can put that on Tombstone. He is an awesome defensive coordinator. Head coach? No, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just not working, man. This team, it just seems undisciplined. It's just undisciplined stuff that happens. Not completely undisciplined. It's not like the team is running wild, going rogue all over the place, but it's just... At crucial moments, they do stupid stuff that fundamentally, this is what the coach teaches you. This is what your coach shoves down your throat through training camp and practice, doing the games, all this. You're supposed to be a motivator. You're supposed to teach your team this stuff. And they keep doing it every week. I can see a team, a player doing something every now and then. once in every blue moon and you know it happens people make mistakes they're not robots but when they keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again are you teaching these dudes and even if you're teaching them and they're still doing it have the cojones to bench him to say you know what since you ain't listening listen to this bitch listen to a headset or something let's sit down stand next to me or whatever the case may be that's my problem with dennis allen and stop taking up for derrick carr you know like i think i said it on this uh version of the show i probably said it on the last one but whatever if i said it uh earlier i'm gonna repeat it again uh he ragged on poor kendra miller when he got hurt in training I mean, he went off. He went off on Shadid for muffing that pump. Rightfully so. He went off on somebody else about something a couple of weeks ago. But he never, since Derek Carr, been the quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, said one disparaging word about Derek Carr. I understand that's your boy. I get it. But you have eyes, and you have to recognize that the Who That Nation have eyes too. We can see just as well as you can see. And we can see that this dude just ain't it. Stop making excuses for him. You don't make an excuse for nobody else. Don't make an excuse for him. Coaching gets a D+. Overall, the New Orleans Saints performance tonight against the Kansas City Chiefs gets a letter grade of a D+. Yeah, this was a horrible game. this was this was a horrible game worst game of the season so far the only shining light the only light at the end of the tunnel that we can see is that this is probably the last i will say quote unquote tough opponent that we're gonna have at least playoff component uh opponent component opponent that we're gonna have you going forward yeah now there are some teams that pop up on the schedule that are doing better this year than initially thought going into this season you know you got the commanders coming up you know you have uh uh denver coming up and you know you're gonna have some tough matchups but as far as a elite top tier team i think this was it this was the last of it and so the rest are winnable how i know the rest are winnable because these games were winnable these last three weeks saints could easily be five you know maybe that's reaching too far for the moon but i know at worst the saints should be four and one at this point at worst but here we stand at two and three the mvps for tonight's game i give an mvp out every week Uh, this was tough to give an MVP out to this week. And I give one out to the offensive player and a defensive player on offense. Um, even though the offense was poo poo, I'm going to go ahead and give it to Camara, Alvin Camara, Alvin Camara played his heart out. And the reason I'm giving it to him, even though he only had 11 carries for 26 yards, Alvin Camara has a cracked rib. He's dealing with a hip injury. And that man went out. there and gave it his all he did the best he could honest to god he really went out there and played tough and i gotta give him his respect on that uh defensively gotta give it to kalen saunders uh getting that uh interception and getting that big return off of it the play before that he blew up a run play which was i mean monster i mean he blew it up boy you I think he was, no, yeah, he was the one that hit Travis Kelsey, kind of put him out the game for the remainder of the game. Even though Travis Kelsey didn't come out the game, he didn't do anything after that. He didn't. But, yeah, Kalen Saunders, he did his thing tonight against the Chiefs. Unfortunately, he didn't play offense. Yeah. Once again, the New Orleans Saints fall to the Kansas City Chiefs by the score of 26-13. The only good thing, well, not the only good thing. There are some good things to take away from this game, but the biggest thing to take away from this game that you can kind of shake off, no pun intended, Taylor Swift was at the game. You can kind of rest easy knowing that this won't affect you majorly because this was an AFC team. And being as though this is an AFC team, it doesn't hurt you playoff-wise going forward if we want to play that game, you know. But as far as how we stand in our division, trying to keep up in our division, it does hurt. It does hurt because we were trying to keep pace with everybody else. Atlanta is 3-2. Tampa is 3-2. So winning this game would have, you know, tied you with those two teams. With Tampa coming to the Dome this Sunday. And so that would have helped a little bit. But now you're a game behind. But, yeah, it's the AFC team. So maybe that will help you rest easier tonight. And so, yeah, that's the game. How do you feel about the game? Are you upset? Do you think we ought to give Derek Carr another shot? How many more shots are we gonna give him? He's been here for two years and he hasn't shown us nothing. I mean let's be honest here. Let's be real. Let's look over the tenure of Derek. Now, once again, I know the man's hurt. I don't know how severe the injury is. I think I just read he has, he's going for an MRI on Tuesday to see how serious the injury is. Yeah. He has not shown. in any facet, even in the games that we were dominant in. Can you really say Derek Carr was the reason we were dominant in those games? Derek Carr is an average quarterback at best. And I mean average. He is bland. He is straight-up vanilla ice cream. There's nothing amazing about this guy. There's nothing. in Derek Carr that tells me even if this game was close at the end that Derek Carr would lead us to a victory he hasn't done it since he's been here I know there's that super statistic that they love to throw up that Derek Carr has uh the most comeback victories or something what 36 or something I don't know um victories in his career he hasn't done it here and you gotta ask yourself Why did he have to come back in all those games? That's a question you would ask about the cause, not the effect, but the cause. So I have no faith in that dude. Now, I wish him a speedy recovery. I don't want the man to be hurt. I don't want his career to be over or nothing like that. I don't think it's that severe of an injury, but you know what I'm saying. I don't wish bad on the guy as far as health-wise. But I don't. don't want him as my quarterback i'm done when he threw that pick i was done i mean every ounce of emotion that i had was gone i i'm done i have nothing else to say to it but anyways uh that's the game uh saints are two and three uh they play tampa this sunday in the dome uh we'll see we'll prove preview that game later on this week but yeah uh that's the results monday night football prime time the world got to see this destruction of our team i would love to know your thoughts about the saints going forward do you think the saint season is in free fall do you think we can bounce back this sunday do you think we can get back on track get back to our winning weight so are we are we uh are we are what our record says we are uh sub 500 team I would like to know your thoughts, man. How do you feel about Dennis Allen? How do you feel about Derek Carr? How do you feel about Clint Kubiak now? Do you think he is the second coming of Pete Carmichael or whatever? I think Pete Carmichael called a decent game. I really do. I think he, I mean, you got to think about it. He's trying to make chicken salad out of chicken you know what. He has a depleted offensive line. Taysom Hill didn't play, and apparently that is the. engine that keeps this truck rolling. And so I'm not mad at it. You know, he actually called some decent plays that touchdown to Foster Monroe. That was a fire play. That was an awesome play call. But I would love to know your thoughts. Email the show KB radio podcast at gmail.com. You can also comment on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB radio network. Also subscribe to the KB radio network channel. on YouTube and like this video if you don't mind. Don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening to the Dome Patrol Podcast, your podcast for the New Orleans Saints here on the KB Radio Network. Everybody, thank you for joining me for this recap and reaction to the Saints'Monday night slacking. Uh, as they lose to the Kansas city chiefs by the score of 26 to 13, putting their record at two and three on a season. So far, don't forget to join me, uh, Friday, this Friday, as we re not recap, uh, you can tell his late. I'm ready to go to bed, but as we preview, uh, the upcoming matchup. against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Caesar Superdome this Sunday. Oh, man. Man, I hope I can shake it off by then. But I'm pretty sure I will because every day I'm still going to be screaming. Who dat?



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Going over the New Orleans Saints (2-3) Monday night showdown with the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs (5-0)

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  • Speaker #0

    Who dat to the who dat nation welcome to the dome patrol podcast your podcast for the new Orleans Saints here on the KB radio network I am your host Kevin Reed and week five of the NFL season is wrapped up nice and tight with a nice shiny bow on top As Monday Night Football has come to a close, when our New Orleans Saints took on the defending champs, the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs in Arrowhead Stadium. Well, it's not Arrowhead anymore, isn't it? It's called something else. But in any event, it don't matter. It could have been I-10 Stadium. It didn't matter. The New Orleans Saints have fallen yet again for the third time. consecutive week putting their record at two and three falling to the chiefs by the score of 26 to 13 let me let me just start off the show like this first and foremost this is my second take on the show and and i might be a little winded a little tired and it probably it probably won't be the best and i want to apologize for it not being the best it's not for reasons of the game or what I prepared for the show. The reason is like that I recorded about 30 minutes of the episode and didn't realize that my file was corrupted and it didn't record. And I went on a 30 minute rant, an epic 30 minute rant. And it's probably. that's probably why it stopped that's probably god reached down and hit the stop button or something because i went off i'm not gonna lie to you i went off i probably won't go off like that this go around i'm gonna try i'm gonna try i'm gonna try to stay professional for this go around but it was it was kind of upsetting you know i threw the headphones and everything almost broke the monitor here but it's all good it's all good got everything straight now and so who are ready to go but like i said the saints have lost their third consecutive game and now they sit in third place in a division at two and three uh the kansas city chiefs continued their undefeated streak they are currently five and oh on the season and their first decisive win of the season uh the previous four games were high and tight you know they Squeaked it out at the end and needed some assistance from the refs and all this other foolishness for the first month of the season. Not today. Not against the Saints. Didn't need their help. Didn't need the refs'help this quarter. The Saints helped them out enough. The game started off. The game started off. Opening drive. Saints get the ball. They're moving the ball pretty well. They're running the ball. pretty good despite the fact our depleted offensive line this makeshift offensive line the saints were actually moving the ball that first drive only to end in epic fashion and this is where my rant came in last time and i'm gonna try not to do well i can't help it i'm gonna give it to you again i mean i'm gonna do it again because it needs to be said i i want the who that nation I want everybody who is a Saints fan in some shape form or fashion to come to the realization the Saints aren't going anywhere with Dennis Allen as the head coach of this team with Derek Carr as the quarterback of this team. I just came to that realization. I already knew. I already knew. I was trying, bro. Honest to God. I went into this season optimistic. I said, you know what? Let bygones be bygones. Water under the bridge the last two seasons. Let's go into this fresh. We got a new offense. It seems like we got a new attitude, a new swag. You know, they start the season, our first two games of the season, they're molly whopping teams. Granted, it was the Carolina Panthers. Granted, it was the Dallas Cowboys, but they did what they were supposed to do. They wiped the field with those teams. Alright, they turned the corner. Even then I was skeptical. I don't like you know, we're not gonna be able to have this offensive output the entire season I don't see that happening But if as long as we're half that if we could do half that in every game offensively would be alright and You know, that's typically the drop-off, you know, you was averaging 40 what? 43 44 points a game at that point you scored 91 points in the first two games and so you're like okay if you could cut that in half to say you know you dropped off 50 understandable that's still an average of 28 points or something i don't know i'm i'm hard with math but let's just say 28 points a game that's winnable especially if you have a defense that's not allowing 20 points a game that's not allowing but one touchdown per game And so you're like, okay, we're good. Well, the defense held up their end of the bargain for the most part. But offensively, all of a sudden, we can't score 20 points. We can't put up 20 points in a game. And in one of those games, you're at home. And I'm like, man, how can this team that was just unstoppable at one point fall off like that? You can't tell me the defenses have adjusted that well. Now, they made adjustments. I know they took some things away. They're taking away that deep play with Shadiq. Of course, defenses, they can take that away. They can take the top off or at least keep the lid on the top, I should say. All right, you can contain Shadiq, but what about the run game? All right, you can make the excuse. Offensive line is banged up. blase blase blue even still you ain't even trying to run the ball now they did try at the beginning of this game but once the game got kind of out of control they run away from it and you still losing linemen excuse me in the course of this game and well we'll go through the whole chain of events but it's like man is this team truly cursed you You know what I'm saying? Is there a curse on this team for real? But going back to the Derek Carr of it all, that opening drive, you're moving the ball. They were running the ball efficiently. They were actually looking good running the ball. And then, okay, you made some passes, but you're not looking for the dinking and dunking. In the middle of the field, which was wide open, wide open, Derek Carr does one of the most boneheads. Interceptions I've ever seen thrown in an NFL game. High school kids know not to throw the ball like that. Oh, somebody's coming at me. A defensive play, and that's his problem. Every time he gets pressure, he just throws the ball. He just throws it. That's how he got the interception last week. The week before that, same thing when he threw the intercept. He's so scared to get hit. It's like, bro, you play football, you're going to get hit. But he throws the ball like a punt. It was like playing throw up tackle when we were kids. You remember that throw up tackle? That's exactly what he did. And he got picked off. And at that moment, I knew, man, we're going to lose this game. We're going to lose this game because Derek Carr does not have the mental capacity. to brush things off he doesn't brush off turnovers he doesn't brush off bad plays you know what i'm saying it's like he doesn't know how to recover from a mistake and then he blamed the flex and see he'll find a way to justify that he'll find a way to justify that pick i bet you dollars the donuts he'll find a way to do it if he don't do it dennis allen will i bet you I haven't watched the post-game interview with Dennis Allen, but he always defends Derek Carr, always, no matter what. Now, he'll call out Shadid for that muff punt last week. He'll call out Chris Olave for not running the right route or Kendrick Miller for not being healthy and all this other stuff. Yeah, he'll call them out, but he'll never say anything negative towards Derek Carr. And especially this week, he's not going to say anything because Derek Carr ended up getting hurt at the end of the game. And you know what's sad about that? I didn't care. I didn't care. he got hurt god forgive me i hope he's all right but i didn't care honestly he is like man whatever i don't care at this point he can go he can go this dude is not it he is not it he is not the one to lead us to what we ultimately covet for here in the who that nation and that is a super bowl i'm sorry i'm going too far I'm reaching too far. I'm reaching for the moon. Let's just stick with the stars or is it vice versa? Whatever the case is. The division. Let's win the division. Let's win a playoff game. Then we can talk about the Super Bowl. We can't even get out of our own way. Now, this is the first game I can clearly say the Saints lost. They got that. Somebody beat the Saints. Now, the other two games with the Eagles and the Falcons, Saints lost those games. The Eagles did not beat the Saints. Falcons did not beat the Saints. The Saints beat themselves in those two games. Tonight, Monday Night Football, primetime, world can see, Chiefs beat them. Chiefs beat the bricks off them. And that 26-13 score does not reflect what truly went on. I think, I think. the Chiefs got into the red zone, what, seven, eight times maybe? We're going to go over the numbers, but they were in the red zone like crazy. Saints and their patent infamous bend don't break, you know, they'll let you get down the field, but then they're, you know, stingy once they get in the red zone. But either way, you know, I mean, come on, man, we got to do better than this. We got to do better than this as a team. as a team i just i don't know and dennis allen he needs to stick to something be be be strong in your convictions you said you're gonna uh run man club i didn't i didn't agree with that statement that's what he was saying earlier to the week oh we're gonna stick with what we're doing with man coverage all right fine that's fine but then you see in the game they're running zone Which is it? Then they'll switch back to man. Then they'll go back into a zone. And every time they do that, every time they do that, you see Patrick Mahomes checking out. He'll check out whatever they're doing. Go back. You know, he saw everything Dennis Allen was throwing at him. Everything. Now, I'm not going to rag on the defense too much because the defense was the one shining light tonight. The one shining light. They did hold him to 26 points. which is pretty phenomenal against this team. This is, like I said, the defending champs, undefeated team. Despite the fact how they won their games in the past, they won. Now, you can make an argument. You actually can make an argument that the Chiefs really didn't beat the Saints like that. Now, and I can rock with it. A lot of this is anger that I'm saying, that I'm coming at you with. right now, but the truth is the Saints got their behind whipped, but the Saints had their opportunities. They had their opportunities. The Saints managed to make it close before halftime. They cut it to three late in the second quarter. They scored a touchdown, deep throw to Shadi. All right, it's 10 to seven. I think it was, it probably was less than two minutes left in the game. The Chiefs was able to go down, kick a field goal. All right, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. We was able to hold them. You know, we was able to hold them. It's still a one possession game going into the half. Some strange reason, Saints went three and out and gave them people another shot. They gave them one more chance. and got another field goal now it's a nine point game just that quick just like that and you're like my god man come on bro and then chiefs get the ball back first in this in in the second half so now it's like oh my god thankfully chiefs didn't score on their opening possession but that's besides the point you know but we still had a shot saints Got back into the game in the third quarter thanks to an end zone interception by the most unlikely of figures, the defensive tackle, Kalen Saunders. who coincidentally is a former Kansas City Chief. He returned to 36 yards, and quarterback Derrick Carr led the Saints to their second touchdown drive, a six-yard pass to tight end Foster Monroe. Yes, we got a tight end catching a touchdown today. Who knew? And they made it 16-13 at the start of the fourth quarter. So now you're like, okay, we're getting We're clawing our way back in this. We have a chance to do something in this game. Well, Patrick Mahomes thought differently. He led the Chiefs to a scoring drive to make it 23-13. The Saints marched back into Chiefs territory on the next possession, but Derek Carr, on the fourth down attempt, he threw the ball to Mason Tifton, the rookie, who was, he had a step on him, and actually, Derek Carr made a... pretty good throw mason tiffin they just flat out dropped flat out dropped it uh uh coincidentally that was the same play derrick all got hurt on uh they said it was an oblique injury i don't know what an oblique is i guess that's in your stomach or something or in your back a hip or something i don't know i gotta see in biology i don't i don't know what it is but in any event uh jack Jake Hayter, he came in on the final drive for the Saints offense and did nothing. He did nothing. The Saints used their makeshift offensive line. Running back Alvin Kamara could only manage 26 yards on 11 carries. Twenty-six yards. Shadid, he had a big night. He had four catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. it was i mean that was it that was the only offensive i'll put your head i mean it was saints could do nothing uh patrick holmes on the other hand he had a monster game but he didn't throw a touchdown tonight once again you want to rag on the defense but at the same time the defense they play well enough to win the new orleans saints defense they're on a new they're not elite They're not an elite defense. They're not top 10. I would say they're more middle of the pack type defense. I think they're capable of being a top 10 defense, but they're not there. They're not there. They really, they're hampered too. They were really hampered tonight as well. I mean, two-thirds of their linebackers were out. You know, they didn't play. And so they were really. It was a mass unit out there, but no excuses. That's not an excuse. But it's just, it really hurts. It really hurts to see that team squander these opportunities. Now, granted, I had figured the Saints were going to lose this game. I predicted the Saints would lose this game, but I thought I would see, you know, a little more effort, just a tad bit more effort. Better execution, better play calling. Oh, man, I don't know. Well, next week, the Saints will host the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who are 3-2 right now in the Superdome. Tampa Bay will be here this week. Actually, I think they come tomorrow, Tuesday. They're coming to New Orleans because of the hurricane that is projected to make landfall in Tampa, either Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been watching the news. you know thoughts and prayers to everybody in florida who's going to be affected by that and tampa bay buccaneers are affected by that so they're just going to stay the week here in new orleans and uh prepare to kick our butts while they're here but that's going to be the game for sunday let's go over the stats of tonight's game against the kansas city chiefs uh before i go over the numbers of the game uh Derek Carr did leave the game with an oblique injury. Safety Will Harris, he left the game earlier with a hamstring. Didn't look good when he pulled up. So I don't know what's going to come of that. And let's keep in mind, like I mentioned, we play Tampa on Sunday. Short week. Short week. So I don't know how we're going to navigate through. this but let's go over the stats uh starting with passing for the new orleans saints derrick carr was the leading passer today 18 for 28 165 yards two touchdowns and one Horrible interception. He was sacked one time tonight. Jake Hayter, like I said, he came in late. He was two for seven for 17 yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, it was Pat Mahomes. He was 28 for 39, 331 yards, no touchdowns, and one interception. He was sacked twice tonight, and he did all that with no wide receivers. I just wanted to throw that out there. Uh, rushing for the New Orleans Saints, the leading rusher tonight was, of course, Alvin Kamara, 11 carries for 26 yards. Jake Hader, two carries for 11 yards. And Jamal Williams, two carries for nine yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, Kareem Hunt, 27 carries for 102 yards and a touchdown. Patrick Mahomes, six carries for 22 yards. Uh, Carson Steele had... five carries for 12 yards, and Xavier Worthy, one carry for three yards. Leading receiver for the New Orleans Saints was Rashid Shaheed, four catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. Alvin Kamara comes in second with six catches for 40 yards. Jawan Johnson, five catches for 31 yards. Foster Monroe, two catches for 13 yards and a touchdown. Chris Olave had two catches for 10 yards. Two catch for 10 yards. Mason Tifton had one catch for two yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, their leading receiver today was Juju Smith-Schuster. Seven catches for 130 yards, which is a shock to me. It was a shock to me. A lot of that was off of one catch, though. I think he had like a 50-yard reception. But for the most part, he really... you know, average. Travis Kelsey, of course, he had nine catches for 70 yards. At one point, he was the only one getting the ball, and he was wide open every time. And it was so infuriating. It's so infuriating to watch that transpire throughout the game, at least early on in the game. I think he got hurt, but he didn't come out. But it was, I forgot where it was. I think it was on the goal line. He got kind of bent up. But after that, he really didn't get the ball after that. He was mostly in there as a decoy, I think. But on defense, the leading tackler for the New Orleans Saints was returning Demario Davis off of injury from last week. He had 11 tackles today. And for the Kansas City Chiefs, it was Nick Bolton. He had 11 tackles today. Team stats. Now... the team stats gonna tell it all this this this defines everything that happened in this game tonight first downs total first downs today saints had 14 total first down the kansas city chiefs had 28 doubled doubled that uh that tells a lot third down efficiency saints were four for 10 the chiefs were six for 14 on you fourth down efficiency saints went for it twice converted zero zero on fourth down the chiefs went for it once and uh well they had one attempt and converted it once so they were 100 on fourth down efficiency total plays now when we when we want to rag on the defense i need you to hear these numbers hear these numbers and once again this isn't an excuse you but you have to put things in perspective. Look at it in its totality. The Saints ran 51 plays on offense. The Kansas City Chiefs ran 80 plays. 80 plays. Wait till we get to the time of possession. 80 plays. Total yardage. Saints had 220 yards. The Chiefs had 460. Total drives, they both had 10 drives. That really shines a light on the total plays ran. They both had the same number of drives. Yet and still, the Kansas City Chiefs ran almost twice as many plays as the New Orleans Saints. Yards per play, Saints had 4.3 yards per play, which isn't bad. But the Chiefs had 5.8 yards per play. Passing yardage, Saints had 174. total yards to the Chiefs 321 rushing the Saints had 15 rushes 15 rushes for 46 yards as a team. The Kansas City Chiefs, 39 rushes for 139 yards. Yards per rush, Saints 3.1, Chiefs 3.6. Red zone, the Saints were 1 for 1. They only got in the red zone once, but they were 100%. The Chiefs were 2. for seven they got in the red zone seven times and only managed to score 26 points yeah i mean like i said look at the defense in its totality in its totality it is not the defense um penalties saints have five penalties for 70 yards uh chiefs had six penalties for 55 yards uh one of those penalties pausing the depot man it's starting to become a habit You start to do this at least once a game with the PIs. Granted, he's the reason why Saunders got that interception. That was a really good defensive play by him to knock the ball out of, I think that was Juju Smith-Schuster's hand. Great play, but two plays before that, that's how they got in the red zone, was the PI. I mean, come on, man. Pause the deep. You got to do better, man. You got to clean that up. Seriously, you got to clean that up. Turnovers, they were one apiece. Time of possession, Saints had the ball for 20 minutes and 4 seconds to the Kansas City Chiefs, 39 minutes and 56 seconds. Might as well round that off. They had the ball for 40 minutes. The defense was on the field for 40 minutes. the entire game this is calling what it is the entire game uh quarters uh there are four quarters in the game every quarter is 15 minutes in case you don't know they basically they basically was there for a half for one entire half plus five minutes come on did you expect you expect a team to win like that and the reason i'm saying is not so much what the chiefs were doing now chiefs were doing an excellent job of extending drives and having these long six minute drives and all this here that was great but when you have the saints offense three and out three and out three and out in it turnover and all these other foolishness man come on man yeah you gotta do better you gotta do better let's get to the grades of tonight's game against the Kansas City Chiefs. If this is your first time joining the show, welcome to the show, by the way. But how we do the grading system, I grade every unit of the New Orleans Saints for the game, offense, defense, special teams, and coaching. We round that up and come up with an overall game, overall grade, I should say. Wish it was a game. Overall grade for the New Orleans Saints. performance on Monday night against the Chiefs. Let's begin with the offense. Offense had just a horrible showing tonight. Horrible. This is probably the worst out of the three losses, in my humble opinion. I know we had a horrible showing last week against Atlanta, but this top that this they looked ejected. There was no energy from that team. They just looked ejected on that field derrick carr looked like whatever after that interception it was like a deer in headlights at that point he he was just trying to do whatever trying to make up for it and when he threw that touchdown he yelling to the sideline oh i told you i told you what told us what what what what you what you said or what have you done we can you don't have to tell me nothing You've shown me everything I needed to see. And he is not the guy. I'm sorry. Derek Carr is just not the guy. They didn't run the ball. You only ran the ball 15 times. 15 times. You're on the road. You're on the road, man. What did you see? what did you see in game film that said okay we can jack it up if you're not going to run the ball run some run some screen plays run some do some dinking and dunking you weren't trying it everything derrick hard looking deep looking deep trying to go deep trying to force it to shadid he's throwing the ball to shadid and triple coverage and all his others what are y'all doing bro the offense tonight gets a d plus i mean horrible the only thing saved them from an f they did manage to put up 13 points That's the only thing that saved him. But it was a piss poor performance by the New Orleans Saints offense tonight. Very, very disappointing. Defense. Defense. Defense. I wish I can say that Patrick Mahomes just went wild on him. You know, I can live with that. I can live with Patrick Mahomes going full Patrick Mahomes on him. Because it's Patrick Mahomes. I'm cool with that. But that wasn't really the case. It wasn't. The Saints defense did their job. It could have been better. It should have been better. A lot of those drives, there was some poor tackling. There was some poor execution, I felt, on pass rush. I've been saying this since the beginning of the season. Even when the first two weeks of the season when we were demolishing the Panthers and the Cowboys, that pass rush had question marks around it because we couldn't get to the quarterback. For some strange reason, we could not get to the quarterback, and it's starting to rear his ugly head once again. I know Patrick Mahomes is Harry Houdini Jr. in that pocket. He will escape it by any means necessary and not escape it like... Jalen Hurst or Lamar Jackson or going back to Michael Vick. That's not what he's doing. He's just extending the plate. And when you do that, you expect these cornerbacks, these safeties to cover these receivers for six, seven seconds. No, no, nobody can do that. I don't care what corner he is. That's virtually impossible. And this is how those receivers. break loose get open they break from their routes and voila that magic happens and that's what he's the master of and he did it to him on a few occasions you know so uh you have to get to him and get get him down the problem i had was they were getting back there they couldn't get to him and they this has been a problem and i i wasn't expecting it because just last week kurt cousins who is just a tad bit more mobile than the Statue of Liberty, just a tad bit more mobile than that, y'all couldn't get to him. And so, you know, it doesn't shock me they couldn't get to Patrick Mahomes. But the defense did force them to 20 field goals tonight. I don't know. How many field goals did they kick? About four? Whatever, three or four. And... Really stifled them in the red zone. I mean, got a turnover in the red zone. I mean, what more can you ask for? They held them to 26 points. Your team has proven 26 points ain't nothing for y'all. Matter of fact, y'all have scored that in halves in the first two weeks of the season. And so, theoretically, you would think, okay, the Saints should come out victorious in this. Or at least keep the game closer than what it ended up. being but no it didn't but i don't fault the defense per se but there are problems on that defense and i know we are dealing with a lot of injuries on offense as well but we have a lot on defense too it's just not being talked about as much as offense because that offensive line it has just been murderous role but the defense tonight against the kansas city chiefs gets a c plus uh yeah i mean They weren't the greatest, but I think they played well enough to win this game. They did the best they could against the best. So what more can you ask for? Special teams gets a D. I'm not going to go into a long explanation about them. I mean, Blake Grupe, he's another one I'm pretty much done with. I'm done with him. I mean, yeah, he can kick a 58-yarder straight down Bourbon Street, but... Oh, ask him to kick an extra point. A little chip shot extra point. And it's wide right. I mean, come on, bro. Are you serious? How you miss the extra point? And this is second one of the year. We didn't talk about it before because we end up winning that game. But, I mean, come on, man. And granted, that point wouldn't have made a difference tonight. But, I mean, come on. We need all the points we can get. But, yeah, man. And to add to that. Jamal Williams on that kick return. What were you doing dude? Really? What were you doing? What are you thinking? He was an inch away from the Saints starting at the inch yard line You know if he tried to kneel it he's standing there looking around like what should I do run it? What you think you you didn't messed up you could have started at the 30. You almost had us at the inch line Come on, man This is like the second week in a row we didn't have brain farts on special teams. It was Shadi last week trying to field a punt at the two-yard line and muffing it, and then he about to kill us with field position, which we ain't end up doing nothing on that drive anyway, but it's the principle of the thing. Yeah, special teams gets a D. Coaching gets a D+. They did not have this team ready to play. Dennis Allen, I mean, when is enough enough? honestly honestly i mean mickey loom has got to sit back and think and and be honest with itself when is enough enough and you know what the problem is that you know what the problem is it's the fact that dennis allen i think at in his core is a good dude all indications and this is going by players who play with them and people who know him worked with him before say he is a generally good dude and i believe that with my whole heart that he is an awesome guy i think he is he just has that he looks like a cool dude that you could sit down chat with you know throw a few beers down with or whatever y'all like to do he he just seems like a cool dude but that don't mean you're a good coach at least head coach you're a real good defensive coordinator. You can put that on Tombstone. He is an awesome defensive coordinator. Head coach? No, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just not working, man. This team, it just seems undisciplined. It's just undisciplined stuff that happens. Not completely undisciplined. It's not like the team is running wild, going rogue all over the place, but it's just... At crucial moments, they do stupid stuff that fundamentally, this is what the coach teaches you. This is what your coach shoves down your throat through training camp and practice, doing the games, all this. You're supposed to be a motivator. You're supposed to teach your team this stuff. And they keep doing it every week. I can see a team, a player doing something every now and then. once in every blue moon and you know it happens people make mistakes they're not robots but when they keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again are you teaching these dudes and even if you're teaching them and they're still doing it have the cojones to bench him to say you know what since you ain't listening listen to this bitch listen to a headset or something let's sit down stand next to me or whatever the case may be that's my problem with dennis allen and stop taking up for derrick carr you know like i think i said it on this uh version of the show i probably said it on the last one but whatever if i said it uh earlier i'm gonna repeat it again uh he ragged on poor kendra miller when he got hurt in training I mean, he went off. He went off on Shadid for muffing that pump. Rightfully so. He went off on somebody else about something a couple of weeks ago. But he never, since Derek Carr, been the quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, said one disparaging word about Derek Carr. I understand that's your boy. I get it. But you have eyes, and you have to recognize that the Who That Nation have eyes too. We can see just as well as you can see. And we can see that this dude just ain't it. Stop making excuses for him. You don't make an excuse for nobody else. Don't make an excuse for him. Coaching gets a D+. Overall, the New Orleans Saints performance tonight against the Kansas City Chiefs gets a letter grade of a D+. Yeah, this was a horrible game. this was this was a horrible game worst game of the season so far the only shining light the only light at the end of the tunnel that we can see is that this is probably the last i will say quote unquote tough opponent that we're gonna have at least playoff component uh opponent component opponent that we're gonna have you going forward yeah now there are some teams that pop up on the schedule that are doing better this year than initially thought going into this season you know you got the commanders coming up you know you have uh uh denver coming up and you know you're gonna have some tough matchups but as far as a elite top tier team i think this was it this was the last of it and so the rest are winnable how i know the rest are winnable because these games were winnable these last three weeks saints could easily be five you know maybe that's reaching too far for the moon but i know at worst the saints should be four and one at this point at worst but here we stand at two and three the mvps for tonight's game i give an mvp out every week Uh, this was tough to give an MVP out to this week. And I give one out to the offensive player and a defensive player on offense. Um, even though the offense was poo poo, I'm going to go ahead and give it to Camara, Alvin Camara, Alvin Camara played his heart out. And the reason I'm giving it to him, even though he only had 11 carries for 26 yards, Alvin Camara has a cracked rib. He's dealing with a hip injury. And that man went out. there and gave it his all he did the best he could honest to god he really went out there and played tough and i gotta give him his respect on that uh defensively gotta give it to kalen saunders uh getting that uh interception and getting that big return off of it the play before that he blew up a run play which was i mean monster i mean he blew it up boy you I think he was, no, yeah, he was the one that hit Travis Kelsey, kind of put him out the game for the remainder of the game. Even though Travis Kelsey didn't come out the game, he didn't do anything after that. He didn't. But, yeah, Kalen Saunders, he did his thing tonight against the Chiefs. Unfortunately, he didn't play offense. Yeah. Once again, the New Orleans Saints fall to the Kansas City Chiefs by the score of 26-13. The only good thing, well, not the only good thing. There are some good things to take away from this game, but the biggest thing to take away from this game that you can kind of shake off, no pun intended, Taylor Swift was at the game. You can kind of rest easy knowing that this won't affect you majorly because this was an AFC team. And being as though this is an AFC team, it doesn't hurt you playoff-wise going forward if we want to play that game, you know. But as far as how we stand in our division, trying to keep up in our division, it does hurt. It does hurt because we were trying to keep pace with everybody else. Atlanta is 3-2. Tampa is 3-2. So winning this game would have, you know, tied you with those two teams. With Tampa coming to the Dome this Sunday. And so that would have helped a little bit. But now you're a game behind. But, yeah, it's the AFC team. So maybe that will help you rest easier tonight. And so, yeah, that's the game. How do you feel about the game? Are you upset? Do you think we ought to give Derek Carr another shot? How many more shots are we gonna give him? He's been here for two years and he hasn't shown us nothing. I mean let's be honest here. Let's be real. Let's look over the tenure of Derek. Now, once again, I know the man's hurt. I don't know how severe the injury is. I think I just read he has, he's going for an MRI on Tuesday to see how serious the injury is. Yeah. He has not shown. in any facet, even in the games that we were dominant in. Can you really say Derek Carr was the reason we were dominant in those games? Derek Carr is an average quarterback at best. And I mean average. He is bland. He is straight-up vanilla ice cream. There's nothing amazing about this guy. There's nothing. in Derek Carr that tells me even if this game was close at the end that Derek Carr would lead us to a victory he hasn't done it since he's been here I know there's that super statistic that they love to throw up that Derek Carr has uh the most comeback victories or something what 36 or something I don't know um victories in his career he hasn't done it here and you gotta ask yourself Why did he have to come back in all those games? That's a question you would ask about the cause, not the effect, but the cause. So I have no faith in that dude. Now, I wish him a speedy recovery. I don't want the man to be hurt. I don't want his career to be over or nothing like that. I don't think it's that severe of an injury, but you know what I'm saying. I don't wish bad on the guy as far as health-wise. But I don't. don't want him as my quarterback i'm done when he threw that pick i was done i mean every ounce of emotion that i had was gone i i'm done i have nothing else to say to it but anyways uh that's the game uh saints are two and three uh they play tampa this sunday in the dome uh we'll see we'll prove preview that game later on this week but yeah uh that's the results monday night football prime time the world got to see this destruction of our team i would love to know your thoughts about the saints going forward do you think the saint season is in free fall do you think we can bounce back this sunday do you think we can get back on track get back to our winning weight so are we are we uh are we are what our record says we are uh sub 500 team I would like to know your thoughts, man. How do you feel about Dennis Allen? How do you feel about Derek Carr? How do you feel about Clint Kubiak now? Do you think he is the second coming of Pete Carmichael or whatever? I think Pete Carmichael called a decent game. I really do. I think he, I mean, you got to think about it. He's trying to make chicken salad out of chicken you know what. He has a depleted offensive line. Taysom Hill didn't play, and apparently that is the. engine that keeps this truck rolling. And so I'm not mad at it. You know, he actually called some decent plays that touchdown to Foster Monroe. That was a fire play. That was an awesome play call. But I would love to know your thoughts. Email the show KB radio podcast at gmail.com. You can also comment on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB radio network. Also subscribe to the KB radio network channel. on YouTube and like this video if you don't mind. Don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening to the Dome Patrol Podcast, your podcast for the New Orleans Saints here on the KB Radio Network. Everybody, thank you for joining me for this recap and reaction to the Saints'Monday night slacking. Uh, as they lose to the Kansas city chiefs by the score of 26 to 13, putting their record at two and three on a season. So far, don't forget to join me, uh, Friday, this Friday, as we re not recap, uh, you can tell his late. I'm ready to go to bed, but as we preview, uh, the upcoming matchup. against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Caesar Superdome this Sunday. Oh, man. Man, I hope I can shake it off by then. But I'm pretty sure I will because every day I'm still going to be screaming. Who dat?


Going over the New Orleans Saints (2-3) Monday night showdown with the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs (5-0)

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  • Speaker #0

    Who dat to the who dat nation welcome to the dome patrol podcast your podcast for the new Orleans Saints here on the KB radio network I am your host Kevin Reed and week five of the NFL season is wrapped up nice and tight with a nice shiny bow on top As Monday Night Football has come to a close, when our New Orleans Saints took on the defending champs, the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs in Arrowhead Stadium. Well, it's not Arrowhead anymore, isn't it? It's called something else. But in any event, it don't matter. It could have been I-10 Stadium. It didn't matter. The New Orleans Saints have fallen yet again for the third time. consecutive week putting their record at two and three falling to the chiefs by the score of 26 to 13 let me let me just start off the show like this first and foremost this is my second take on the show and and i might be a little winded a little tired and it probably it probably won't be the best and i want to apologize for it not being the best it's not for reasons of the game or what I prepared for the show. The reason is like that I recorded about 30 minutes of the episode and didn't realize that my file was corrupted and it didn't record. And I went on a 30 minute rant, an epic 30 minute rant. And it's probably. that's probably why it stopped that's probably god reached down and hit the stop button or something because i went off i'm not gonna lie to you i went off i probably won't go off like that this go around i'm gonna try i'm gonna try i'm gonna try to stay professional for this go around but it was it was kind of upsetting you know i threw the headphones and everything almost broke the monitor here but it's all good it's all good got everything straight now and so who are ready to go but like i said the saints have lost their third consecutive game and now they sit in third place in a division at two and three uh the kansas city chiefs continued their undefeated streak they are currently five and oh on the season and their first decisive win of the season uh the previous four games were high and tight you know they Squeaked it out at the end and needed some assistance from the refs and all this other foolishness for the first month of the season. Not today. Not against the Saints. Didn't need their help. Didn't need the refs'help this quarter. The Saints helped them out enough. The game started off. The game started off. Opening drive. Saints get the ball. They're moving the ball pretty well. They're running the ball. pretty good despite the fact our depleted offensive line this makeshift offensive line the saints were actually moving the ball that first drive only to end in epic fashion and this is where my rant came in last time and i'm gonna try not to do well i can't help it i'm gonna give it to you again i mean i'm gonna do it again because it needs to be said i i want the who that nation I want everybody who is a Saints fan in some shape form or fashion to come to the realization the Saints aren't going anywhere with Dennis Allen as the head coach of this team with Derek Carr as the quarterback of this team. I just came to that realization. I already knew. I already knew. I was trying, bro. Honest to God. I went into this season optimistic. I said, you know what? Let bygones be bygones. Water under the bridge the last two seasons. Let's go into this fresh. We got a new offense. It seems like we got a new attitude, a new swag. You know, they start the season, our first two games of the season, they're molly whopping teams. Granted, it was the Carolina Panthers. Granted, it was the Dallas Cowboys, but they did what they were supposed to do. They wiped the field with those teams. Alright, they turned the corner. Even then I was skeptical. I don't like you know, we're not gonna be able to have this offensive output the entire season I don't see that happening But if as long as we're half that if we could do half that in every game offensively would be alright and You know, that's typically the drop-off, you know, you was averaging 40 what? 43 44 points a game at that point you scored 91 points in the first two games and so you're like okay if you could cut that in half to say you know you dropped off 50 understandable that's still an average of 28 points or something i don't know i'm i'm hard with math but let's just say 28 points a game that's winnable especially if you have a defense that's not allowing 20 points a game that's not allowing but one touchdown per game And so you're like, okay, we're good. Well, the defense held up their end of the bargain for the most part. But offensively, all of a sudden, we can't score 20 points. We can't put up 20 points in a game. And in one of those games, you're at home. And I'm like, man, how can this team that was just unstoppable at one point fall off like that? You can't tell me the defenses have adjusted that well. Now, they made adjustments. I know they took some things away. They're taking away that deep play with Shadiq. Of course, defenses, they can take that away. They can take the top off or at least keep the lid on the top, I should say. All right, you can contain Shadiq, but what about the run game? All right, you can make the excuse. Offensive line is banged up. blase blase blue even still you ain't even trying to run the ball now they did try at the beginning of this game but once the game got kind of out of control they run away from it and you still losing linemen excuse me in the course of this game and well we'll go through the whole chain of events but it's like man is this team truly cursed you You know what I'm saying? Is there a curse on this team for real? But going back to the Derek Carr of it all, that opening drive, you're moving the ball. They were running the ball efficiently. They were actually looking good running the ball. And then, okay, you made some passes, but you're not looking for the dinking and dunking. In the middle of the field, which was wide open, wide open, Derek Carr does one of the most boneheads. Interceptions I've ever seen thrown in an NFL game. High school kids know not to throw the ball like that. Oh, somebody's coming at me. A defensive play, and that's his problem. Every time he gets pressure, he just throws the ball. He just throws it. That's how he got the interception last week. The week before that, same thing when he threw the intercept. He's so scared to get hit. It's like, bro, you play football, you're going to get hit. But he throws the ball like a punt. It was like playing throw up tackle when we were kids. You remember that throw up tackle? That's exactly what he did. And he got picked off. And at that moment, I knew, man, we're going to lose this game. We're going to lose this game because Derek Carr does not have the mental capacity. to brush things off he doesn't brush off turnovers he doesn't brush off bad plays you know what i'm saying it's like he doesn't know how to recover from a mistake and then he blamed the flex and see he'll find a way to justify that he'll find a way to justify that pick i bet you dollars the donuts he'll find a way to do it if he don't do it dennis allen will i bet you I haven't watched the post-game interview with Dennis Allen, but he always defends Derek Carr, always, no matter what. Now, he'll call out Shadid for that muff punt last week. He'll call out Chris Olave for not running the right route or Kendrick Miller for not being healthy and all this other stuff. Yeah, he'll call them out, but he'll never say anything negative towards Derek Carr. And especially this week, he's not going to say anything because Derek Carr ended up getting hurt at the end of the game. And you know what's sad about that? I didn't care. I didn't care. he got hurt god forgive me i hope he's all right but i didn't care honestly he is like man whatever i don't care at this point he can go he can go this dude is not it he is not it he is not the one to lead us to what we ultimately covet for here in the who that nation and that is a super bowl i'm sorry i'm going too far I'm reaching too far. I'm reaching for the moon. Let's just stick with the stars or is it vice versa? Whatever the case is. The division. Let's win the division. Let's win a playoff game. Then we can talk about the Super Bowl. We can't even get out of our own way. Now, this is the first game I can clearly say the Saints lost. They got that. Somebody beat the Saints. Now, the other two games with the Eagles and the Falcons, Saints lost those games. The Eagles did not beat the Saints. Falcons did not beat the Saints. The Saints beat themselves in those two games. Tonight, Monday Night Football, primetime, world can see, Chiefs beat them. Chiefs beat the bricks off them. And that 26-13 score does not reflect what truly went on. I think, I think. the Chiefs got into the red zone, what, seven, eight times maybe? We're going to go over the numbers, but they were in the red zone like crazy. Saints and their patent infamous bend don't break, you know, they'll let you get down the field, but then they're, you know, stingy once they get in the red zone. But either way, you know, I mean, come on, man, we got to do better than this. We got to do better than this as a team. as a team i just i don't know and dennis allen he needs to stick to something be be be strong in your convictions you said you're gonna uh run man club i didn't i didn't agree with that statement that's what he was saying earlier to the week oh we're gonna stick with what we're doing with man coverage all right fine that's fine but then you see in the game they're running zone Which is it? Then they'll switch back to man. Then they'll go back into a zone. And every time they do that, every time they do that, you see Patrick Mahomes checking out. He'll check out whatever they're doing. Go back. You know, he saw everything Dennis Allen was throwing at him. Everything. Now, I'm not going to rag on the defense too much because the defense was the one shining light tonight. The one shining light. They did hold him to 26 points. which is pretty phenomenal against this team. This is, like I said, the defending champs, undefeated team. Despite the fact how they won their games in the past, they won. Now, you can make an argument. You actually can make an argument that the Chiefs really didn't beat the Saints like that. Now, and I can rock with it. A lot of this is anger that I'm saying, that I'm coming at you with. right now, but the truth is the Saints got their behind whipped, but the Saints had their opportunities. They had their opportunities. The Saints managed to make it close before halftime. They cut it to three late in the second quarter. They scored a touchdown, deep throw to Shadi. All right, it's 10 to seven. I think it was, it probably was less than two minutes left in the game. The Chiefs was able to go down, kick a field goal. All right, that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. We was able to hold them. You know, we was able to hold them. It's still a one possession game going into the half. Some strange reason, Saints went three and out and gave them people another shot. They gave them one more chance. and got another field goal now it's a nine point game just that quick just like that and you're like my god man come on bro and then chiefs get the ball back first in this in in the second half so now it's like oh my god thankfully chiefs didn't score on their opening possession but that's besides the point you know but we still had a shot saints Got back into the game in the third quarter thanks to an end zone interception by the most unlikely of figures, the defensive tackle, Kalen Saunders. who coincidentally is a former Kansas City Chief. He returned to 36 yards, and quarterback Derrick Carr led the Saints to their second touchdown drive, a six-yard pass to tight end Foster Monroe. Yes, we got a tight end catching a touchdown today. Who knew? And they made it 16-13 at the start of the fourth quarter. So now you're like, okay, we're getting We're clawing our way back in this. We have a chance to do something in this game. Well, Patrick Mahomes thought differently. He led the Chiefs to a scoring drive to make it 23-13. The Saints marched back into Chiefs territory on the next possession, but Derek Carr, on the fourth down attempt, he threw the ball to Mason Tifton, the rookie, who was, he had a step on him, and actually, Derek Carr made a... pretty good throw mason tiffin they just flat out dropped flat out dropped it uh uh coincidentally that was the same play derrick all got hurt on uh they said it was an oblique injury i don't know what an oblique is i guess that's in your stomach or something or in your back a hip or something i don't know i gotta see in biology i don't i don't know what it is but in any event uh jack Jake Hayter, he came in on the final drive for the Saints offense and did nothing. He did nothing. The Saints used their makeshift offensive line. Running back Alvin Kamara could only manage 26 yards on 11 carries. Twenty-six yards. Shadid, he had a big night. He had four catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. it was i mean that was it that was the only offensive i'll put your head i mean it was saints could do nothing uh patrick holmes on the other hand he had a monster game but he didn't throw a touchdown tonight once again you want to rag on the defense but at the same time the defense they play well enough to win the new orleans saints defense they're on a new they're not elite They're not an elite defense. They're not top 10. I would say they're more middle of the pack type defense. I think they're capable of being a top 10 defense, but they're not there. They're not there. They really, they're hampered too. They were really hampered tonight as well. I mean, two-thirds of their linebackers were out. You know, they didn't play. And so they were really. It was a mass unit out there, but no excuses. That's not an excuse. But it's just, it really hurts. It really hurts to see that team squander these opportunities. Now, granted, I had figured the Saints were going to lose this game. I predicted the Saints would lose this game, but I thought I would see, you know, a little more effort, just a tad bit more effort. Better execution, better play calling. Oh, man, I don't know. Well, next week, the Saints will host the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who are 3-2 right now in the Superdome. Tampa Bay will be here this week. Actually, I think they come tomorrow, Tuesday. They're coming to New Orleans because of the hurricane that is projected to make landfall in Tampa, either Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been watching the news. you know thoughts and prayers to everybody in florida who's going to be affected by that and tampa bay buccaneers are affected by that so they're just going to stay the week here in new orleans and uh prepare to kick our butts while they're here but that's going to be the game for sunday let's go over the stats of tonight's game against the kansas city chiefs uh before i go over the numbers of the game uh Derek Carr did leave the game with an oblique injury. Safety Will Harris, he left the game earlier with a hamstring. Didn't look good when he pulled up. So I don't know what's going to come of that. And let's keep in mind, like I mentioned, we play Tampa on Sunday. Short week. Short week. So I don't know how we're going to navigate through. this but let's go over the stats uh starting with passing for the new orleans saints derrick carr was the leading passer today 18 for 28 165 yards two touchdowns and one Horrible interception. He was sacked one time tonight. Jake Hayter, like I said, he came in late. He was two for seven for 17 yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, it was Pat Mahomes. He was 28 for 39, 331 yards, no touchdowns, and one interception. He was sacked twice tonight, and he did all that with no wide receivers. I just wanted to throw that out there. Uh, rushing for the New Orleans Saints, the leading rusher tonight was, of course, Alvin Kamara, 11 carries for 26 yards. Jake Hader, two carries for 11 yards. And Jamal Williams, two carries for nine yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, Kareem Hunt, 27 carries for 102 yards and a touchdown. Patrick Mahomes, six carries for 22 yards. Uh, Carson Steele had... five carries for 12 yards, and Xavier Worthy, one carry for three yards. Leading receiver for the New Orleans Saints was Rashid Shaheed, four catches for 86 yards and a touchdown. Alvin Kamara comes in second with six catches for 40 yards. Jawan Johnson, five catches for 31 yards. Foster Monroe, two catches for 13 yards and a touchdown. Chris Olave had two catches for 10 yards. Two catch for 10 yards. Mason Tifton had one catch for two yards. For the Kansas City Chiefs, their leading receiver today was Juju Smith-Schuster. Seven catches for 130 yards, which is a shock to me. It was a shock to me. A lot of that was off of one catch, though. I think he had like a 50-yard reception. But for the most part, he really... you know, average. Travis Kelsey, of course, he had nine catches for 70 yards. At one point, he was the only one getting the ball, and he was wide open every time. And it was so infuriating. It's so infuriating to watch that transpire throughout the game, at least early on in the game. I think he got hurt, but he didn't come out. But it was, I forgot where it was. I think it was on the goal line. He got kind of bent up. But after that, he really didn't get the ball after that. He was mostly in there as a decoy, I think. But on defense, the leading tackler for the New Orleans Saints was returning Demario Davis off of injury from last week. He had 11 tackles today. And for the Kansas City Chiefs, it was Nick Bolton. He had 11 tackles today. Team stats. Now... the team stats gonna tell it all this this this defines everything that happened in this game tonight first downs total first downs today saints had 14 total first down the kansas city chiefs had 28 doubled doubled that uh that tells a lot third down efficiency saints were four for 10 the chiefs were six for 14 on you fourth down efficiency saints went for it twice converted zero zero on fourth down the chiefs went for it once and uh well they had one attempt and converted it once so they were 100 on fourth down efficiency total plays now when we when we want to rag on the defense i need you to hear these numbers hear these numbers and once again this isn't an excuse you but you have to put things in perspective. Look at it in its totality. The Saints ran 51 plays on offense. The Kansas City Chiefs ran 80 plays. 80 plays. Wait till we get to the time of possession. 80 plays. Total yardage. Saints had 220 yards. The Chiefs had 460. Total drives, they both had 10 drives. That really shines a light on the total plays ran. They both had the same number of drives. Yet and still, the Kansas City Chiefs ran almost twice as many plays as the New Orleans Saints. Yards per play, Saints had 4.3 yards per play, which isn't bad. But the Chiefs had 5.8 yards per play. Passing yardage, Saints had 174. total yards to the Chiefs 321 rushing the Saints had 15 rushes 15 rushes for 46 yards as a team. The Kansas City Chiefs, 39 rushes for 139 yards. Yards per rush, Saints 3.1, Chiefs 3.6. Red zone, the Saints were 1 for 1. They only got in the red zone once, but they were 100%. The Chiefs were 2. for seven they got in the red zone seven times and only managed to score 26 points yeah i mean like i said look at the defense in its totality in its totality it is not the defense um penalties saints have five penalties for 70 yards uh chiefs had six penalties for 55 yards uh one of those penalties pausing the depot man it's starting to become a habit You start to do this at least once a game with the PIs. Granted, he's the reason why Saunders got that interception. That was a really good defensive play by him to knock the ball out of, I think that was Juju Smith-Schuster's hand. Great play, but two plays before that, that's how they got in the red zone, was the PI. I mean, come on, man. Pause the deep. You got to do better, man. You got to clean that up. Seriously, you got to clean that up. Turnovers, they were one apiece. Time of possession, Saints had the ball for 20 minutes and 4 seconds to the Kansas City Chiefs, 39 minutes and 56 seconds. Might as well round that off. They had the ball for 40 minutes. The defense was on the field for 40 minutes. the entire game this is calling what it is the entire game uh quarters uh there are four quarters in the game every quarter is 15 minutes in case you don't know they basically they basically was there for a half for one entire half plus five minutes come on did you expect you expect a team to win like that and the reason i'm saying is not so much what the chiefs were doing now chiefs were doing an excellent job of extending drives and having these long six minute drives and all this here that was great but when you have the saints offense three and out three and out three and out in it turnover and all these other foolishness man come on man yeah you gotta do better you gotta do better let's get to the grades of tonight's game against the Kansas City Chiefs. If this is your first time joining the show, welcome to the show, by the way. But how we do the grading system, I grade every unit of the New Orleans Saints for the game, offense, defense, special teams, and coaching. We round that up and come up with an overall game, overall grade, I should say. Wish it was a game. Overall grade for the New Orleans Saints. performance on Monday night against the Chiefs. Let's begin with the offense. Offense had just a horrible showing tonight. Horrible. This is probably the worst out of the three losses, in my humble opinion. I know we had a horrible showing last week against Atlanta, but this top that this they looked ejected. There was no energy from that team. They just looked ejected on that field derrick carr looked like whatever after that interception it was like a deer in headlights at that point he he was just trying to do whatever trying to make up for it and when he threw that touchdown he yelling to the sideline oh i told you i told you what told us what what what what you what you said or what have you done we can you don't have to tell me nothing You've shown me everything I needed to see. And he is not the guy. I'm sorry. Derek Carr is just not the guy. They didn't run the ball. You only ran the ball 15 times. 15 times. You're on the road. You're on the road, man. What did you see? what did you see in game film that said okay we can jack it up if you're not going to run the ball run some run some screen plays run some do some dinking and dunking you weren't trying it everything derrick hard looking deep looking deep trying to go deep trying to force it to shadid he's throwing the ball to shadid and triple coverage and all his others what are y'all doing bro the offense tonight gets a d plus i mean horrible the only thing saved them from an f they did manage to put up 13 points That's the only thing that saved him. But it was a piss poor performance by the New Orleans Saints offense tonight. Very, very disappointing. Defense. Defense. Defense. I wish I can say that Patrick Mahomes just went wild on him. You know, I can live with that. I can live with Patrick Mahomes going full Patrick Mahomes on him. Because it's Patrick Mahomes. I'm cool with that. But that wasn't really the case. It wasn't. The Saints defense did their job. It could have been better. It should have been better. A lot of those drives, there was some poor tackling. There was some poor execution, I felt, on pass rush. I've been saying this since the beginning of the season. Even when the first two weeks of the season when we were demolishing the Panthers and the Cowboys, that pass rush had question marks around it because we couldn't get to the quarterback. For some strange reason, we could not get to the quarterback, and it's starting to rear his ugly head once again. I know Patrick Mahomes is Harry Houdini Jr. in that pocket. He will escape it by any means necessary and not escape it like... Jalen Hurst or Lamar Jackson or going back to Michael Vick. That's not what he's doing. He's just extending the plate. And when you do that, you expect these cornerbacks, these safeties to cover these receivers for six, seven seconds. No, no, nobody can do that. I don't care what corner he is. That's virtually impossible. And this is how those receivers. break loose get open they break from their routes and voila that magic happens and that's what he's the master of and he did it to him on a few occasions you know so uh you have to get to him and get get him down the problem i had was they were getting back there they couldn't get to him and they this has been a problem and i i wasn't expecting it because just last week kurt cousins who is just a tad bit more mobile than the Statue of Liberty, just a tad bit more mobile than that, y'all couldn't get to him. And so, you know, it doesn't shock me they couldn't get to Patrick Mahomes. But the defense did force them to 20 field goals tonight. I don't know. How many field goals did they kick? About four? Whatever, three or four. And... Really stifled them in the red zone. I mean, got a turnover in the red zone. I mean, what more can you ask for? They held them to 26 points. Your team has proven 26 points ain't nothing for y'all. Matter of fact, y'all have scored that in halves in the first two weeks of the season. And so, theoretically, you would think, okay, the Saints should come out victorious in this. Or at least keep the game closer than what it ended up. being but no it didn't but i don't fault the defense per se but there are problems on that defense and i know we are dealing with a lot of injuries on offense as well but we have a lot on defense too it's just not being talked about as much as offense because that offensive line it has just been murderous role but the defense tonight against the kansas city chiefs gets a c plus uh yeah i mean They weren't the greatest, but I think they played well enough to win this game. They did the best they could against the best. So what more can you ask for? Special teams gets a D. I'm not going to go into a long explanation about them. I mean, Blake Grupe, he's another one I'm pretty much done with. I'm done with him. I mean, yeah, he can kick a 58-yarder straight down Bourbon Street, but... Oh, ask him to kick an extra point. A little chip shot extra point. And it's wide right. I mean, come on, bro. Are you serious? How you miss the extra point? And this is second one of the year. We didn't talk about it before because we end up winning that game. But, I mean, come on, man. And granted, that point wouldn't have made a difference tonight. But, I mean, come on. We need all the points we can get. But, yeah, man. And to add to that. Jamal Williams on that kick return. What were you doing dude? Really? What were you doing? What are you thinking? He was an inch away from the Saints starting at the inch yard line You know if he tried to kneel it he's standing there looking around like what should I do run it? What you think you you didn't messed up you could have started at the 30. You almost had us at the inch line Come on, man This is like the second week in a row we didn't have brain farts on special teams. It was Shadi last week trying to field a punt at the two-yard line and muffing it, and then he about to kill us with field position, which we ain't end up doing nothing on that drive anyway, but it's the principle of the thing. Yeah, special teams gets a D. Coaching gets a D+. They did not have this team ready to play. Dennis Allen, I mean, when is enough enough? honestly honestly i mean mickey loom has got to sit back and think and and be honest with itself when is enough enough and you know what the problem is that you know what the problem is it's the fact that dennis allen i think at in his core is a good dude all indications and this is going by players who play with them and people who know him worked with him before say he is a generally good dude and i believe that with my whole heart that he is an awesome guy i think he is he just has that he looks like a cool dude that you could sit down chat with you know throw a few beers down with or whatever y'all like to do he he just seems like a cool dude but that don't mean you're a good coach at least head coach you're a real good defensive coordinator. You can put that on Tombstone. He is an awesome defensive coordinator. Head coach? No, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just not working, man. This team, it just seems undisciplined. It's just undisciplined stuff that happens. Not completely undisciplined. It's not like the team is running wild, going rogue all over the place, but it's just... At crucial moments, they do stupid stuff that fundamentally, this is what the coach teaches you. This is what your coach shoves down your throat through training camp and practice, doing the games, all this. You're supposed to be a motivator. You're supposed to teach your team this stuff. And they keep doing it every week. I can see a team, a player doing something every now and then. once in every blue moon and you know it happens people make mistakes they're not robots but when they keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again are you teaching these dudes and even if you're teaching them and they're still doing it have the cojones to bench him to say you know what since you ain't listening listen to this bitch listen to a headset or something let's sit down stand next to me or whatever the case may be that's my problem with dennis allen and stop taking up for derrick carr you know like i think i said it on this uh version of the show i probably said it on the last one but whatever if i said it uh earlier i'm gonna repeat it again uh he ragged on poor kendra miller when he got hurt in training I mean, he went off. He went off on Shadid for muffing that pump. Rightfully so. He went off on somebody else about something a couple of weeks ago. But he never, since Derek Carr, been the quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, said one disparaging word about Derek Carr. I understand that's your boy. I get it. But you have eyes, and you have to recognize that the Who That Nation have eyes too. We can see just as well as you can see. And we can see that this dude just ain't it. Stop making excuses for him. You don't make an excuse for nobody else. Don't make an excuse for him. Coaching gets a D+. Overall, the New Orleans Saints performance tonight against the Kansas City Chiefs gets a letter grade of a D+. Yeah, this was a horrible game. this was this was a horrible game worst game of the season so far the only shining light the only light at the end of the tunnel that we can see is that this is probably the last i will say quote unquote tough opponent that we're gonna have at least playoff component uh opponent component opponent that we're gonna have you going forward yeah now there are some teams that pop up on the schedule that are doing better this year than initially thought going into this season you know you got the commanders coming up you know you have uh uh denver coming up and you know you're gonna have some tough matchups but as far as a elite top tier team i think this was it this was the last of it and so the rest are winnable how i know the rest are winnable because these games were winnable these last three weeks saints could easily be five you know maybe that's reaching too far for the moon but i know at worst the saints should be four and one at this point at worst but here we stand at two and three the mvps for tonight's game i give an mvp out every week Uh, this was tough to give an MVP out to this week. And I give one out to the offensive player and a defensive player on offense. Um, even though the offense was poo poo, I'm going to go ahead and give it to Camara, Alvin Camara, Alvin Camara played his heart out. And the reason I'm giving it to him, even though he only had 11 carries for 26 yards, Alvin Camara has a cracked rib. He's dealing with a hip injury. And that man went out. there and gave it his all he did the best he could honest to god he really went out there and played tough and i gotta give him his respect on that uh defensively gotta give it to kalen saunders uh getting that uh interception and getting that big return off of it the play before that he blew up a run play which was i mean monster i mean he blew it up boy you I think he was, no, yeah, he was the one that hit Travis Kelsey, kind of put him out the game for the remainder of the game. Even though Travis Kelsey didn't come out the game, he didn't do anything after that. He didn't. But, yeah, Kalen Saunders, he did his thing tonight against the Chiefs. Unfortunately, he didn't play offense. Yeah. Once again, the New Orleans Saints fall to the Kansas City Chiefs by the score of 26-13. The only good thing, well, not the only good thing. There are some good things to take away from this game, but the biggest thing to take away from this game that you can kind of shake off, no pun intended, Taylor Swift was at the game. You can kind of rest easy knowing that this won't affect you majorly because this was an AFC team. And being as though this is an AFC team, it doesn't hurt you playoff-wise going forward if we want to play that game, you know. But as far as how we stand in our division, trying to keep up in our division, it does hurt. It does hurt because we were trying to keep pace with everybody else. Atlanta is 3-2. Tampa is 3-2. So winning this game would have, you know, tied you with those two teams. With Tampa coming to the Dome this Sunday. And so that would have helped a little bit. But now you're a game behind. But, yeah, it's the AFC team. So maybe that will help you rest easier tonight. And so, yeah, that's the game. How do you feel about the game? Are you upset? Do you think we ought to give Derek Carr another shot? How many more shots are we gonna give him? He's been here for two years and he hasn't shown us nothing. I mean let's be honest here. Let's be real. Let's look over the tenure of Derek. Now, once again, I know the man's hurt. I don't know how severe the injury is. I think I just read he has, he's going for an MRI on Tuesday to see how serious the injury is. Yeah. He has not shown. in any facet, even in the games that we were dominant in. Can you really say Derek Carr was the reason we were dominant in those games? Derek Carr is an average quarterback at best. And I mean average. He is bland. He is straight-up vanilla ice cream. There's nothing amazing about this guy. There's nothing. in Derek Carr that tells me even if this game was close at the end that Derek Carr would lead us to a victory he hasn't done it since he's been here I know there's that super statistic that they love to throw up that Derek Carr has uh the most comeback victories or something what 36 or something I don't know um victories in his career he hasn't done it here and you gotta ask yourself Why did he have to come back in all those games? That's a question you would ask about the cause, not the effect, but the cause. So I have no faith in that dude. Now, I wish him a speedy recovery. I don't want the man to be hurt. I don't want his career to be over or nothing like that. I don't think it's that severe of an injury, but you know what I'm saying. I don't wish bad on the guy as far as health-wise. But I don't. don't want him as my quarterback i'm done when he threw that pick i was done i mean every ounce of emotion that i had was gone i i'm done i have nothing else to say to it but anyways uh that's the game uh saints are two and three uh they play tampa this sunday in the dome uh we'll see we'll prove preview that game later on this week but yeah uh that's the results monday night football prime time the world got to see this destruction of our team i would love to know your thoughts about the saints going forward do you think the saint season is in free fall do you think we can bounce back this sunday do you think we can get back on track get back to our winning weight so are we are we uh are we are what our record says we are uh sub 500 team I would like to know your thoughts, man. How do you feel about Dennis Allen? How do you feel about Derek Carr? How do you feel about Clint Kubiak now? Do you think he is the second coming of Pete Carmichael or whatever? I think Pete Carmichael called a decent game. I really do. I think he, I mean, you got to think about it. He's trying to make chicken salad out of chicken you know what. He has a depleted offensive line. Taysom Hill didn't play, and apparently that is the. engine that keeps this truck rolling. And so I'm not mad at it. You know, he actually called some decent plays that touchdown to Foster Monroe. That was a fire play. That was an awesome play call. But I would love to know your thoughts. Email the show KB radio podcast at gmail.com. You can also comment on all social media platforms. Just search for the KB radio network. Also subscribe to the KB radio network channel. on YouTube and like this video if you don't mind. Don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening to the Dome Patrol Podcast, your podcast for the New Orleans Saints here on the KB Radio Network. Everybody, thank you for joining me for this recap and reaction to the Saints'Monday night slacking. Uh, as they lose to the Kansas city chiefs by the score of 26 to 13, putting their record at two and three on a season. So far, don't forget to join me, uh, Friday, this Friday, as we re not recap, uh, you can tell his late. I'm ready to go to bed, but as we preview, uh, the upcoming matchup. against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Caesar Superdome this Sunday. Oh, man. Man, I hope I can shake it off by then. But I'm pretty sure I will because every day I'm still going to be screaming. Who dat?



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