Speaker #0and soon we'll be starting our version of the drawing. Welcome everyone to the concession stand here on the KB Radio Network. I am your host Kevin Reed and this is the review of episode one and two of Disney Plus Marvel Animation brand new animated series your friendly neighborhood spider-man which dropped on Disney Plus this past Wednesday January the 29th and this brand new show explores Peter Parker's origin story in the early days as spider-man and is set in an alternate timeline from the main films and TV shows of the MCU where Norman Osborn becomes Peter Parker's mentor instead of Tony Stark. This show, I was super excited about when they announced this at Comic-Con, I think. I think it was Comic-Con, what, about three, four years ago, if it feels longer, when they announced this show. But it was initially called Spider-Man Freshman Year, where he was supposed to pick up his freshman year. in high school which it was going to serve as a origin story and and this still stays true they just changed the title to your friendly neighborhood spider-man spider-man is one of my favorite comic book heroes of all time love spider-man been reading the comics watching the old 70s tv show that was horrible but back then it was money uh going to the toby mcguffin wire films the 90s animated show and uh uh andrew garfield and then we got blessed with tom holland in the mcu as peter parker aka spider-man and still ongoing uh apparently uh they're working on spider-man uh is it four yeah four with him but i was excited for this show because of the movie exploration into his origin story because you know in the films we didn't get it you know he he showed up in uh captain america civil war uh tony stark showed up in his apartment recruited him and we was off and running he was already spider-man uncle ben had already died and he was out doing his thing in this little makeshift shoot suit that he had made and uh that's how we got introduced to Tom Holland's Spider-Man and it was excellent and the films goes without saying have been excellent especially the last film uh Spider-Man No Way Home just bananas good and so where's that origin and and and trust me I'm not one that's like oh I need to know the origin you know I need to know uh uh how did the spider bite him and how did Uncle Ben die and all this other foolishness we've seen it we've seen it we've read it it is really unnecessary it's the same thing as watching batman's uh parents get murdered in crime alley if we've seen it time and time again if we if i see pearls getting scattered over that alley for young bruce wayne uh kneeling down and crying i'm gonna lose my mind we've been down that road we know the orge So in this regard, we know the origin of Spider-Man, but there were so many changes, subtle, but changes nonetheless, when it comes to the MCU version of Spider-Man. So I was a little curious on how they were going to approach this. And yet and still, they still managed to change the origin in a subtle way. Well, it's not really subtle. They changed the origin big time. for spider-man here and i'm not mad at it i'm not it's not like it's a betrayal of the peter parker origin story and the spider-man lore it's just some big changes here just for example and before i go any further i just want to express that there will be spoilers not so much for the first two episodes that we're going to talk about a little bit but more more so about going forward because there's a lot of characters that were introduced in these first two episodes who played major roles in these uh two episodes of the series that are going to make a impact on Spider-Man's life. So we'll see how it goes. It could flip it on his head, and the villains that were set up could end up being heroes and vice versa. So we'll see how that goes going down the line. But first and foremost, the first spoiler, we know that in comic book lore... in the toby mcguire films even in the andrew garfield film peter gets bitten by a spider he goes home he discovers that he has powers he uh gets uncle ben to bring him to this what wrestling match and this is in the comics now it's uh go to this wrestling competition i should say to win some money uh somebody robs that competition Peter Parker lets him go because he's mad at the promoter because he didn't pay him correctly. That robber who he let go end up being the one who shot Uncle Ben. And that made the transformation, or at least the, not so much transformation, but, you know, the shift in his way of thinking, especially being as though the last thing Uncle Ben told him, or one of the last things was, with great power comes. great responsibility we know the line and so we we got that but here in your friendly neighborhood spider-man that's not what happened that is not what happened starting off with episode one which was entitled amazing fantasy which is the first issue that spider-man appeared in i believe that was the title of the comic uh that spider-man appeared in but either way i thought that was a cool nod and we pick up it's peter parker and you can tell this is based in the mcu kind of a universe not so much timeline but the universe we get aunt may a younger aunt may who resembles manissa tomei we get a young peter parker who kind of resembles uh tom holland but not so much but you we know that's the Tom Holland, Peter Parker. And Uncle Ben has, once again, he's dead. We still don't know what happened to Uncle Ben. We just know that Uncle Ben has gone on to glory. So that has happened. I liked how it was set up in this episode with that. Okay, we're not getting the origin, at least for the first 10 minutes or five minutes. I was like, okay, he's already Spider-Man. You know, they did subtle little things to make it seem like he already had his powers. Then we come to find out, no, he doesn't. He's just Peter Parker. And I'm like, oh, that's cool. So we're going to see him actually get bit by the spider. Okay, that's fine. But it was awesome to see that. Well, let's jump into it. That scene where Dr. Scrain shows up, he's fighting a symbiote. and it resembles venom but it's not venom i don't know what it is but it's it's definitely a symbiote and um they come from another dimension and it's the portal that's open and inside of that portal we see a spider dangling down from that portal and peter parker is uh it's his first day at school first day at high school and they're ballerina right outside this high school and uh this symbiote is about to wreck habit about to kill somebody this this other student and peter parker steps in and stops him and keep in mind peter parker doesn't have his body he's not spider-man yet and i thought that was genius to really show that the spider the powers of the spider is not what made Peter Parker a hero. He was a hero before he even got those powers. And that's something we never saw in any rendition of Spider-Man. And because we always picked up at the origin when he gets bit by the spider. So I thought that was very, very smart and very, very cool to show that he had this hero inside of him. It didn't matter that he didn't have the powers because he was about to get dealt with. by that symbiote until dr screen saved him so i thought that was a cool nod as well um we get introduced to a few characters in this episode uh uh we see harry osborn we see uh lonnie Lincoln in his episode. We see Norman Osborn in this episode. And so it was cool that they're introducing this different take on Spider-Man. Different, but the same. We're still in the MCU. It still feels like MCU, just on a different timeline. And me being slow Kevin, I didn't pick up on the fact that it was a different timeline until the... I'd say the last five minutes of this episode. I'm like, wait, something's a little off here. You know, the way I remember things going, we see the scene where Peter Parker as Spider-Man stops the car from running into the bus and inside the car were criminals. And if you think back to Captain America Civil War, that is the exact same scene that Tony Stark shows Peter Parker. Like, this is you. this is you and we see peter parker stop that car from running into the bus it is the exact same scene almost camera angles and everything the only difference is this is animated whereas in the movie it was live action and i'm like okay this is cool it's cool so he goes back home he finds the dvd player because if you remember in captain america civil war when he returned home uh he had an old dvd player that he saw found in the trash that he told at me he was going to work on you know it's perfectly fine dvd player and he comes in and we see that at me is talking to somebody and you're like oh it's tony stark again so they're there this is where it is going to pick up from but it's not tony stark it's norman osborne and i'm like oh man what a twist so we're we're in we're in a different timeline we're going to tell a you different type of story i'm all for this because honestly i was a little worried that they were going to go down that road and just tell the story with tony stark and all this here i'm like well we we've seen up to this point why why have why are we going to do this again in animation but we're going in a different timeline i like that uh lonnie lincoln is his friend lonnie lincoln is a good guy i mean generally a good guy too good too too good if you ask me and somebody that good is not all that good and if you read the comics and this is a spoiler if you read the comics and know who Lonnie Lincoln truly is you know that is going to be a interesting encounter down the line between Spider-Man and his buddy uh Lonnie Lincoln ends up becoming Tombstone. So I want to see how this all plays out because he's such a nice guy and he takes on to Peter Parker so well. He honestly wants to be his friend. And you can tell early on, he actually has love for him. You know, as a friend, he's like, man, you're my buddy. You're my, like, he's his best friend and you follow him home. And I'm expecting for the ball to drop. Like, okay. now this is where we find out that he's a jerk no he's not he's not he's coming from a a good family and whatnot and he's so helpful around the house he's he's super smart he's he's just as smart as peter you know it's just i'm waiting for the shoe to drop i can't wait to see how they make this turn um we see that uh spider-man saves harry osborn in this show you from a group of thugs early on um i like that little encounter and so it's a lot going it was a lot going on in that first episode i was completely sold i was like man this is gonna be great we get to the second episode and i wasn't as excited the the second episode was kind of dry to be 100% honest with you we didn't get much spider-man action the title of episode two is the parker look It just didn't it didn't pop it didn't it didn't have that pop it did at the very end when it was a nice little twist But we had to wait to the very end to get that twist, but other than that. I really wasn't that Exciting we got introduced yet again to a couple of characters that are going to play a part down the line Rather is this season of the show or next season whenever it all comes together, but They're setting it up to have a Rose gallery of villains already there laid out for Peter Parker going forward we get introduced to caller conners yes not uh kurt conners who becomes or is it kurt who becomes the lizard either way uh he's a conners but in this version it's a female who's missing an arm and she is caller conners and we know that she will become the lizard down the line and right now they're working together uh at oscorp uh you on this team that Norman has put together in his little laboratory or whatever. But so that's that's going to be interesting as well to see how that relationship plays out and ultimately turns to a bad situation. But like I said, throughout this episode, this was mainly a Peter Parker episode. I guess that's why it's entitled. the Parker luck because it really wasn't much Spider-Man in here. We get a couple of scenes with him. He battles, uh, uh, Bruton and you know, the, uh, pyromaniac, uh, that's about it. Um, it wasn't the greatest of episodes, but, uh, we do get that twist at the end of this episode where he's called up to Norman Osborn's office. He's apologizing to Norman Osborn. uh, Oswald, uh, Oswald, Norman Osborn. I got the penguin on a mind as, as a completely different universe. But anyways, uh, and he's apologizing to him because he's, you know, he had to leave to go stop this pyro maniac, burn down this building and kill all these people. So as he was leaving, he was changed. He changed into his makeshift Spider-Man. outfit in the staleware unbeknownst to him there were security cameras and norman saw it so when he called him into the office norman played the video and the episode ends with norman saying so you're spider-man and it went off i like okay this is interesting because we're getting a show or with any media uh because i don't think in the comics norman finds out peter parker i don't think anybody found out until civil war when uh peter parker took off his mask in that uh comic book issue but we're getting a we're getting a version here where probably his one of his deadliest foes knows who he is you know and uh let's see how this go this is going to be interesting uh I mean, I am truly, truly, truly intrigued with this show. Even though the second episode wasn't as good as the first one, you put the two together. It's a good watch. I like it in the animation. I can't leave without talking about the animation. I love the animation. This is that 3D cell animation that it looks so clean and it just looks great. I love it. It works for this show. perfectly i i'm i'm all in i'm all in i actually was sitting down and i felt like a kid again because this show is mainly pointed towards kids um i'm gonna put it plainly it is pointed towards the kids uh to draw their man and i'm not mad at it and we all got a little kid in us and this show appealed to mine i you won't grade these first two episodes. I'll wait till after the season wraps up on February the 19th, because going forward is going to be week to week, but they're going to play, I think, two episodes a week, two or three a week until the 19th of February. And so it's going to be it's going to be quick. It's going to go by pretty quick this first season. But I'm all right with I'm cool with it. I'll just wait to the end to grade the season as a whole. I would love to know, did you check out the first two episodes of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man on Disney Plus? Did you like it? Did you, uh, shoo it off? Um, you're like, ah, another Spider-Man. No, man, you can't get enough Spider-Man. Come on, people. This is, this is great. Uh, or have you not checked it out yet? I highly recommend it. It is a. Nice, fun, quick watch. Can't wait for the rest of this season. But let me know how you feel by email. Email the show kbradiopodcast at gmail.com. You can also search for this show on all social media platforms and leave a comment there as well. Don't forget about YouTube. Subscribe to the KB Radio Network channel and like this video if you don't mind. Don't forget about the five stars, the reviews, and sharing this show if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, wherever you are currently listening to the concession stand here on the kb radio network everybody thank you for joining me for this review of disney plus brand new marvel animated series your friendly neighborhood spider-man episode one and two want you all to know that i love you continue to love everyone and until we speak again you all be blessed