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The Musical Commitment cover
The Musical Commitment cover

The Musical Commitment

The Musical Commitment

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The Musical Commitment cover
The Musical Commitment cover

The Musical Commitment

The Musical Commitment



🇫🇷 The Musical commitment est un podcast et multilingue où j’aurai des conversations avec des invités du secteur musical (musiciens, producteurs, DJ, programmateurs, animateurs, labels ). Je tenterai d’élucider si pour eux la musique est une forme d’activisme. Ils me raconteront leur parcours, leurs choix et leurs formes d’engagement. Sont-ils conscient du rayonnement de leur message ? ✊🌈🎺

🇬🇧 The Musical commitment is a monthly and multilingual podcast where I will have conversations with guests from the music industry (musicians, producers, DJs, programmers, radio hosts, labels...) and try to elucidate if music is a form of activism for them? Are they aware of the influence of their message?  ✊🌈🎺

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


🇫🇷 The Musical commitment est un podcast et multilingue où j’aurai des conversations avec des invités du secteur musical (musiciens, producteurs, DJ, programmateurs, animateurs, labels ). Je tenterai d’élucider si pour eux la musique est une forme d’activisme. Ils me raconteront leur parcours, leurs choix et leurs formes d’engagement. Sont-ils conscient du rayonnement de leur message ? ✊🌈🎺

🇬🇧 The Musical commitment is a monthly and multilingual podcast where I will have conversations with guests from the music industry (musicians, producers, DJs, programmers, radio hosts, labels...) and try to elucidate if music is a form of activism for them? Are they aware of the influence of their message?  ✊🌈🎺

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

6 episodes

  • Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / Second Chapter cover
    Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / Second Chapter cover
    Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / Second Chapter

    Hello Everyone! The Episode is in english 🇬🇧🎤 ⚠️This is the second part of our conversation with Mauricio about sustainable music industry! In this chapter, we will talk about some other actions in Europe studying or developing the networks and giving advice on how to implement change in sustainable music actions. We talk about the importance of famous bands when it comes to changing their production structure and inform their audience and fans about the sustainable changes. Is it possible for a band to tour without flying by plane nowadays ? How can we lower our footprint in the touring industry? And finally, is it possible to consume music in a more ecological way? We analyze the trends and share some solutions with you! So these 2 episodes are dedicated to all those who work in the music business and would like to change or improve their carbon footprint. Reminder:   Our guest from today is Mauricio Lizarazo Prada. in 2004 He created a music production in Berlin Germany named Pachamama culture (Mother earth in quechua). He brought bands from Latin America to play live music here in Europe and developed in many other areas like booking and tour management. Mauricio is now specialised in Sustainable music production and is creating Music Cares, an online platform for music industry professionals. The idea is to be able to produce events or tours lowering their carbon footprint. In this context, he has won the German prize for sustainability projects and did a Ted EX Talk about sustainable music actions. Our conversation was very very interesting and he gave me many insights and details about what we can do together to change the way we consume music nowadays and take action to face the climate emergency! ♻️🆘🌏🗻⏰⏳🌀🔥🌊🎼🗝️🔜🔚 In fact I decided to divide the episode in 2 different chapters so you can listen to the podcast in several parts. Enjoy! You can find Everything we talked about below:⤵️ Website https://www.pachamamaculture.com/  https://www.facebook.com/pachamamaculture  https://www.instagram.com/pachamama_culture/  https://www.linkedin.com/company/pachamamaculture/ Music Cares explained in German https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sMqiw1KUxI  Interview Mauricio in spanish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0UHPfmaak Tedxtalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwq6dixzFM&t=29s  Julie's bicycle https://juliesbicycle.com/ CRADLE TO CRADLE In German, initiative from Music Band Die Ärzte: https://c2c.ngo/  https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_berceau_au_berceau  https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_berceau_au_berceau#/media/Fichier:Cradle_to_Cradle_concept.png  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cradle-to-cradle_design  CHANGENCY https://www.vision2025.org.uk/reports-guides/the-changency-sustainability-study-of-german-band-seeed/ https://www.facebook.com/thechangency.berlin https://www.instagram.com/the.changency/ IN GERMAN Bericht https://www.plantaseeed.de/  https://www.the-changency.de/  FULL STUDY chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.vision2025.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2_Plant-a-Seeed_Summary_ENG_230222.pdf   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    38min | Published on August 10, 2023

  • Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / First Chapter cover
    Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / First Chapter cover
    Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / First Chapter

    Hello Everyone! The Episode is in english 🇬🇧🎤 ⚠️ This is the first part of our conversation. Our guest from today is Mauricio Lizarazo Prada. in 2004 He created a music production in Berlin Germany named Pachamama culture (Mother earth in quechua). He brought bands from Latin America to play live music here in Europe and developed in many other areas like booking and tour management. Mauricio is now specialised in Sustainable music production and is creating Music Cares, an online platform for music industry professionals. The idea is to be able to produce events or tours lowering their carbon footprint. In this context, he has won the German prize for sustainability projects and did a  Ted EX Talk about sustainable music actions. Our conversation was very very interesting and he gave me many insights and details about what we can do together to change the way we consume music nowadays and take action to face the climate emergency! ♻️🆘🌏🗻⏰⏳🌀🔥🌊🎼🗝️🔜🔚 In fact I decided to divide the episode in 2 different chapters because of our extended conversation so you can listen to the podcast in several parts. In this first chapter, Mauricio is presenting himself and explaining how he realised that there was a problem in the way we consume music and goods nowadays. What is it to be an ecological activist?  He presents his expertise on this topic explaining what ideas he is currently developing and helping to provide solutions for the touring business and music industry. We will dive into the different areas that compone music productions.  So these 2 episodes are dedicated to all those who work in the music business and would like to change or improve their carbon footprint.  Enjoy!  You can find Everything we talked about below:⤵️ Website https://www.pachamamaculture.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pachamamaculture https://www.instagram.com/pachamama_culture/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/pachamamaculture/ Music Cares explained in German https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sMqiw1KUxI Interview Mauricio in spanish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0UHPfmaak Tedxtalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwq6dixzFM&t=29s Julie's bicycle https://juliesbicycle.com/ CRADLE TO CRADLE In German, initiative from Music Band Die Ärzte https://c2c.ngo/  https://www.c2cplatform.eu/c2c-certified/?lang=fr https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_berceau_au_berceau https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cradle-to-cradle_design CHANGENCY https://www.vision2025.org.uk/reports-guides/the-changency-sustainability-study-of-german-band-seeed/ https://www.facebook.com/thechangency.berlin https://www.instagram.com/the.changency/ IN GERMAN Bericht https://www.plantaseeed.de/ https://www.the-changency.de/ FULL STUDY chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.vision2025.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2_Plant-a-Seeed_Summary_ENG_230222.pdf  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    47min | Published on July 12, 2023

  • Introduction for the Musical commitment in English - What is it all about? cover
    Introduction for the Musical commitment in English - What is it all about? cover
    Introduction for the Musical commitment in English - What is it all about?

    Hello Everyone! Here is a little intro for the Musical Commitment as I soon will begin to release conversations in english. 🇬🇧 I introduce myself and explain why I felt like recording this podcast 😊.  Looooove music, and looove the militancy 🥁! The resume: The Musical commitment is a monthly and multilingual podcast where I will have conversations with guests from the music industry (musicians, producers, DJs, programmers, radio hosts, labels...) and try to elucidate if music is a form of activism for them? Are they aware of the influence of their message? ✊🌈🏴‍☠️🎼 Intro and Outro Music: Orchestra Santiago Downbeat Ska Jazz, Title "Mr. Lee" Album "Sonido Trascendental". Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    04min | Published on June 28, 2023

  • Conversation avec Greg et Sophie du Collectif DUBAMIX cover
    Conversation avec Greg et Sophie du Collectif DUBAMIX cover
    Conversation avec Greg et Sophie du Collectif DUBAMIX

    Bonjour tout le monde!  Pour mon 2eme épisode, j'ai discuté avec Greg et Sophie du collectif de Dubamix (épisode diffusé en français) .  Il est difficile de faire mieux en matière d'engagement musical! "Dubamix délivre un message libertaire, anticapitaliste et antifasciste via des productions Dub originales".  Le collectif nous livre des compos métissées et des textes écrits par une multitude d'artistes venant des 4 coins du monde et chantés en plusieurs langues visant à encourager l'entraide, à dénoncer toute forme d'injustice sociale et environnementale et à se placer comme témoin de l'histoire des peuples. Ensemble, nous faisons un état des lieux de la situation en France et nous apprendrons d'où vient cette ferveur qui alimente leur musique. Ceci est un épisode spécial car marqué par les nombreuses manifestations en France à cause de la réforme des retraites, mais aussi parce que l'enregistrement à eu lieu à la veille du 1er Mai! ✊🏴‍☠️ Bonne écoute! 🔉📻🎧🌈 Suivez et écoutez Dubamix ici: 🔊 https://www.dubamix.net/  https://www.instagram.com/dubamix_greg/  https://www.facebook.com/dubamixofficiel  https://dubamix.bandcamp.com/?from=search&search_item_id=3568837287&search_item_type=b&search_match_part=%3F&search_page_id=2625740640&search_page_no=1&search_rank=1&search_sig=b50b8cc7f253e1181ea2feb880efd907  Autres interviews: 🎤 https://www.dubamix.net/info-actu/interview-radio-sommieres-avril-2022/  https://www.dubamix.net/info-actu/itw-ogmios-podcast/  Sources sonores du podcast: 🎺🎷🥁📢 Intro: Fanfare de la manif place Jean Macé Lyon le 1er Mai 2023: El pueblo unido jamás será vencido! Intro suite: Dubamix, Front International, Album Camarades Dubamix, La Lega, Album Camarades  Dubamix, Solidaridad, Album Camarades  Dubamix, Cagoule Zapatiste, Album Camarades  Dubamix, Sacco e Vanzetti, Album Camarades  Outro: Fanfare au CCO 30 Avril 2023 , l'état policier + discours Syndicat Manif 1er Mai place Jean Macé Lyon    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    58min | Published on June 12, 2023

  • Conversation à Lyon avec Daddy Luc'Os de l'émission radio Crucial Reggae Time cover
    Conversation à Lyon avec Daddy Luc'Os de l'émission radio Crucial Reggae Time cover
    Conversation à Lyon avec Daddy Luc'Os de l'émission radio Crucial Reggae Time

    Bonjour tout le monde!  Pour mon premier épisode, j'ai discuté avec Daddy Lucos. (épisode diffusé en français) Il anime "Crucial Reggae Time" un émission sur Radio Canut (la plus rebelle des Radios ✊), il est journaliste musical pour Reggae Vibes magazine et organise des soirées Reggae Dub avec son Crew Skankey Tunes à Lyon et dans la région Auvergne Rhône Alpes en France.  Toujours en place pour skanker et Duber 🤩🇯🇲, il va nous parler de son parcours et du militantisme dans le milieu du reggae. On parle de son évolution au sein des radios engagées mais aussi de la problématique de programmer des groupes de reggae actuellement et du fait que le public écoute plus du digital music et moins de live bands! 🌸✌️🏝️🌞🔥🎙️ Bonne écoute! 🔉📻🎧🌈 Suivez et écoutez Crucial Reggae time sur: Radio Canut 102,2 tous les Dimanches de 18h00 à 19h00! OU sur: =>>>> https://radiocanut.org/emissions/crucial-reggae-time/ =>>>> https://soundcloud.com/lu-cos =>>>> https://www.instagram.com/crucialreggaetime/ =>>>> https://www.facebook.com/CrucialReggaeTime =>>>> https://www.youtube.com/@crucialreggaetime608/videos Suivez et assistez aux soirées de Skankey Tunes: =>>>> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063511864896 =>>>> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGjvZJtmIUldrFI_fOggzMA/videos =>>>> Evenement de ce Samedi 13 Mai à la cité des Halles =>>> https://www.facebook.com/events/195818483291490 Lire et s'abonner à Reggae Vibes magazine: =>>>> https://www.facebook.com/ReggaeVibesN23 =>>>> https://www.webabo.fr/magazine-reggae-vibes/?fbclid=IwAR3kb3YTOaDpFBiutkjllocacY_iN7Bl29JM4PZvuoRcxMV-lX1aGe1AA20 PS: Nous parlons des Valseuses dans l'épisode. Ce lieu est pour le moment maheureusement fermé mais devrait pouvoir bientôt rouvrir! => Plus d'infos ici => https://www.facebook.com/Valseusesdelyon Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    40min | Published on May 11, 2023

  • Pourquoi ce podcast? Présentation! cover
    Pourquoi ce podcast? Présentation! cover
    Pourquoi ce podcast? Présentation!

    🙈 Ça y est! Nous y sommes! Je m'appelle Celia, et je vous présente mon podcast: The musical commitment!  Voici mon intro en français car, oui, il s'agira bien d'un podcast en plusieurs langues. Nous parlerons musique et engagement, alors:  Bienvenues! Willkommen! Bienvenidos! Welcome!  😀🇫🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸🇬🇧🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈 Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    13min | Published on May 11, 2023


🇫🇷 The Musical commitment est un podcast et multilingue où j’aurai des conversations avec des invités du secteur musical (musiciens, producteurs, DJ, programmateurs, animateurs, labels ). Je tenterai d’élucider si pour eux la musique est une forme d’activisme. Ils me raconteront leur parcours, leurs choix et leurs formes d’engagement. Sont-ils conscient du rayonnement de leur message ? ✊🌈🎺

🇬🇧 The Musical commitment is a monthly and multilingual podcast where I will have conversations with guests from the music industry (musicians, producers, DJs, programmers, radio hosts, labels...) and try to elucidate if music is a form of activism for them? Are they aware of the influence of their message?  ✊🌈🎺

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


🇫🇷 The Musical commitment est un podcast et multilingue où j’aurai des conversations avec des invités du secteur musical (musiciens, producteurs, DJ, programmateurs, animateurs, labels ). Je tenterai d’élucider si pour eux la musique est une forme d’activisme. Ils me raconteront leur parcours, leurs choix et leurs formes d’engagement. Sont-ils conscient du rayonnement de leur message ? ✊🌈🎺

🇬🇧 The Musical commitment is a monthly and multilingual podcast where I will have conversations with guests from the music industry (musicians, producers, DJs, programmers, radio hosts, labels...) and try to elucidate if music is a form of activism for them? Are they aware of the influence of their message?  ✊🌈🎺

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

6 episodes

  • Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / Second Chapter cover
    Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / Second Chapter cover
    Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / Second Chapter

    Hello Everyone! The Episode is in english 🇬🇧🎤 ⚠️This is the second part of our conversation with Mauricio about sustainable music industry! In this chapter, we will talk about some other actions in Europe studying or developing the networks and giving advice on how to implement change in sustainable music actions. We talk about the importance of famous bands when it comes to changing their production structure and inform their audience and fans about the sustainable changes. Is it possible for a band to tour without flying by plane nowadays ? How can we lower our footprint in the touring industry? And finally, is it possible to consume music in a more ecological way? We analyze the trends and share some solutions with you! So these 2 episodes are dedicated to all those who work in the music business and would like to change or improve their carbon footprint. Reminder:   Our guest from today is Mauricio Lizarazo Prada. in 2004 He created a music production in Berlin Germany named Pachamama culture (Mother earth in quechua). He brought bands from Latin America to play live music here in Europe and developed in many other areas like booking and tour management. Mauricio is now specialised in Sustainable music production and is creating Music Cares, an online platform for music industry professionals. The idea is to be able to produce events or tours lowering their carbon footprint. In this context, he has won the German prize for sustainability projects and did a Ted EX Talk about sustainable music actions. Our conversation was very very interesting and he gave me many insights and details about what we can do together to change the way we consume music nowadays and take action to face the climate emergency! ♻️🆘🌏🗻⏰⏳🌀🔥🌊🎼🗝️🔜🔚 In fact I decided to divide the episode in 2 different chapters so you can listen to the podcast in several parts. Enjoy! You can find Everything we talked about below:⤵️ Website https://www.pachamamaculture.com/  https://www.facebook.com/pachamamaculture  https://www.instagram.com/pachamama_culture/  https://www.linkedin.com/company/pachamamaculture/ Music Cares explained in German https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sMqiw1KUxI  Interview Mauricio in spanish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0UHPfmaak Tedxtalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwq6dixzFM&t=29s  Julie's bicycle https://juliesbicycle.com/ CRADLE TO CRADLE In German, initiative from Music Band Die Ärzte: https://c2c.ngo/  https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_berceau_au_berceau  https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_berceau_au_berceau#/media/Fichier:Cradle_to_Cradle_concept.png  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cradle-to-cradle_design  CHANGENCY https://www.vision2025.org.uk/reports-guides/the-changency-sustainability-study-of-german-band-seeed/ https://www.facebook.com/thechangency.berlin https://www.instagram.com/the.changency/ IN GERMAN Bericht https://www.plantaseeed.de/  https://www.the-changency.de/  FULL STUDY chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.vision2025.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2_Plant-a-Seeed_Summary_ENG_230222.pdf   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    38min | Published on August 10, 2023

  • Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / First Chapter cover
    Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / First Chapter cover
    Conversation in english with Mauricio from Pachamama Culture and Music Cares / First Chapter

    Hello Everyone! The Episode is in english 🇬🇧🎤 ⚠️ This is the first part of our conversation. Our guest from today is Mauricio Lizarazo Prada. in 2004 He created a music production in Berlin Germany named Pachamama culture (Mother earth in quechua). He brought bands from Latin America to play live music here in Europe and developed in many other areas like booking and tour management. Mauricio is now specialised in Sustainable music production and is creating Music Cares, an online platform for music industry professionals. The idea is to be able to produce events or tours lowering their carbon footprint. In this context, he has won the German prize for sustainability projects and did a  Ted EX Talk about sustainable music actions. Our conversation was very very interesting and he gave me many insights and details about what we can do together to change the way we consume music nowadays and take action to face the climate emergency! ♻️🆘🌏🗻⏰⏳🌀🔥🌊🎼🗝️🔜🔚 In fact I decided to divide the episode in 2 different chapters because of our extended conversation so you can listen to the podcast in several parts. In this first chapter, Mauricio is presenting himself and explaining how he realised that there was a problem in the way we consume music and goods nowadays. What is it to be an ecological activist?  He presents his expertise on this topic explaining what ideas he is currently developing and helping to provide solutions for the touring business and music industry. We will dive into the different areas that compone music productions.  So these 2 episodes are dedicated to all those who work in the music business and would like to change or improve their carbon footprint.  Enjoy!  You can find Everything we talked about below:⤵️ Website https://www.pachamamaculture.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pachamamaculture https://www.instagram.com/pachamama_culture/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/pachamamaculture/ Music Cares explained in German https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sMqiw1KUxI Interview Mauricio in spanish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0UHPfmaak Tedxtalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwq6dixzFM&t=29s Julie's bicycle https://juliesbicycle.com/ CRADLE TO CRADLE In German, initiative from Music Band Die Ärzte https://c2c.ngo/  https://www.c2cplatform.eu/c2c-certified/?lang=fr https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_berceau_au_berceau https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cradle-to-cradle_design CHANGENCY https://www.vision2025.org.uk/reports-guides/the-changency-sustainability-study-of-german-band-seeed/ https://www.facebook.com/thechangency.berlin https://www.instagram.com/the.changency/ IN GERMAN Bericht https://www.plantaseeed.de/ https://www.the-changency.de/ FULL STUDY chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.vision2025.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2_Plant-a-Seeed_Summary_ENG_230222.pdf  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    47min | Published on July 12, 2023

  • Introduction for the Musical commitment in English - What is it all about? cover
    Introduction for the Musical commitment in English - What is it all about? cover
    Introduction for the Musical commitment in English - What is it all about?

    Hello Everyone! Here is a little intro for the Musical Commitment as I soon will begin to release conversations in english. 🇬🇧 I introduce myself and explain why I felt like recording this podcast 😊.  Looooove music, and looove the militancy 🥁! The resume: The Musical commitment is a monthly and multilingual podcast where I will have conversations with guests from the music industry (musicians, producers, DJs, programmers, radio hosts, labels...) and try to elucidate if music is a form of activism for them? Are they aware of the influence of their message? ✊🌈🏴‍☠️🎼 Intro and Outro Music: Orchestra Santiago Downbeat Ska Jazz, Title "Mr. Lee" Album "Sonido Trascendental". Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    04min | Published on June 28, 2023

  • Conversation avec Greg et Sophie du Collectif DUBAMIX cover
    Conversation avec Greg et Sophie du Collectif DUBAMIX cover
    Conversation avec Greg et Sophie du Collectif DUBAMIX

    Bonjour tout le monde!  Pour mon 2eme épisode, j'ai discuté avec Greg et Sophie du collectif de Dubamix (épisode diffusé en français) .  Il est difficile de faire mieux en matière d'engagement musical! "Dubamix délivre un message libertaire, anticapitaliste et antifasciste via des productions Dub originales".  Le collectif nous livre des compos métissées et des textes écrits par une multitude d'artistes venant des 4 coins du monde et chantés en plusieurs langues visant à encourager l'entraide, à dénoncer toute forme d'injustice sociale et environnementale et à se placer comme témoin de l'histoire des peuples. Ensemble, nous faisons un état des lieux de la situation en France et nous apprendrons d'où vient cette ferveur qui alimente leur musique. Ceci est un épisode spécial car marqué par les nombreuses manifestations en France à cause de la réforme des retraites, mais aussi parce que l'enregistrement à eu lieu à la veille du 1er Mai! ✊🏴‍☠️ Bonne écoute! 🔉📻🎧🌈 Suivez et écoutez Dubamix ici: 🔊 https://www.dubamix.net/  https://www.instagram.com/dubamix_greg/  https://www.facebook.com/dubamixofficiel  https://dubamix.bandcamp.com/?from=search&search_item_id=3568837287&search_item_type=b&search_match_part=%3F&search_page_id=2625740640&search_page_no=1&search_rank=1&search_sig=b50b8cc7f253e1181ea2feb880efd907  Autres interviews: 🎤 https://www.dubamix.net/info-actu/interview-radio-sommieres-avril-2022/  https://www.dubamix.net/info-actu/itw-ogmios-podcast/  Sources sonores du podcast: 🎺🎷🥁📢 Intro: Fanfare de la manif place Jean Macé Lyon le 1er Mai 2023: El pueblo unido jamás será vencido! Intro suite: Dubamix, Front International, Album Camarades Dubamix, La Lega, Album Camarades  Dubamix, Solidaridad, Album Camarades  Dubamix, Cagoule Zapatiste, Album Camarades  Dubamix, Sacco e Vanzetti, Album Camarades  Outro: Fanfare au CCO 30 Avril 2023 , l'état policier + discours Syndicat Manif 1er Mai place Jean Macé Lyon    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    58min | Published on June 12, 2023

  • Conversation à Lyon avec Daddy Luc'Os de l'émission radio Crucial Reggae Time cover
    Conversation à Lyon avec Daddy Luc'Os de l'émission radio Crucial Reggae Time cover
    Conversation à Lyon avec Daddy Luc'Os de l'émission radio Crucial Reggae Time

    Bonjour tout le monde!  Pour mon premier épisode, j'ai discuté avec Daddy Lucos. (épisode diffusé en français) Il anime "Crucial Reggae Time" un émission sur Radio Canut (la plus rebelle des Radios ✊), il est journaliste musical pour Reggae Vibes magazine et organise des soirées Reggae Dub avec son Crew Skankey Tunes à Lyon et dans la région Auvergne Rhône Alpes en France.  Toujours en place pour skanker et Duber 🤩🇯🇲, il va nous parler de son parcours et du militantisme dans le milieu du reggae. On parle de son évolution au sein des radios engagées mais aussi de la problématique de programmer des groupes de reggae actuellement et du fait que le public écoute plus du digital music et moins de live bands! 🌸✌️🏝️🌞🔥🎙️ Bonne écoute! 🔉📻🎧🌈 Suivez et écoutez Crucial Reggae time sur: Radio Canut 102,2 tous les Dimanches de 18h00 à 19h00! OU sur: =>>>> https://radiocanut.org/emissions/crucial-reggae-time/ =>>>> https://soundcloud.com/lu-cos =>>>> https://www.instagram.com/crucialreggaetime/ =>>>> https://www.facebook.com/CrucialReggaeTime =>>>> https://www.youtube.com/@crucialreggaetime608/videos Suivez et assistez aux soirées de Skankey Tunes: =>>>> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063511864896 =>>>> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGjvZJtmIUldrFI_fOggzMA/videos =>>>> Evenement de ce Samedi 13 Mai à la cité des Halles =>>> https://www.facebook.com/events/195818483291490 Lire et s'abonner à Reggae Vibes magazine: =>>>> https://www.facebook.com/ReggaeVibesN23 =>>>> https://www.webabo.fr/magazine-reggae-vibes/?fbclid=IwAR3kb3YTOaDpFBiutkjllocacY_iN7Bl29JM4PZvuoRcxMV-lX1aGe1AA20 PS: Nous parlons des Valseuses dans l'épisode. Ce lieu est pour le moment maheureusement fermé mais devrait pouvoir bientôt rouvrir! => Plus d'infos ici => https://www.facebook.com/Valseusesdelyon Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    40min | Published on May 11, 2023

  • Pourquoi ce podcast? Présentation! cover
    Pourquoi ce podcast? Présentation! cover
    Pourquoi ce podcast? Présentation!

    🙈 Ça y est! Nous y sommes! Je m'appelle Celia, et je vous présente mon podcast: The musical commitment!  Voici mon intro en français car, oui, il s'agira bien d'un podcast en plusieurs langues. Nous parlerons musique et engagement, alors:  Bienvenues! Willkommen! Bienvenidos! Welcome!  😀🇫🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸🇬🇧🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈 Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    13min | Published on May 11, 2023