Why B Corp™ creates value cover
Why B Corp™ creates value cover
Value(s) – Inside the Food Revolution

Why B Corp™ creates value

Why B Corp™ creates value

38min |19/06/2020
Why B Corp™ creates value cover
Why B Corp™ creates value cover
Value(s) – Inside the Food Revolution

Why B Corp™ creates value

Why B Corp™ creates value

38min |19/06/2020


This episode is about B Corp certification, why it helps to drive sustainable shareholder value and why it matters for a company like Danone to be the first very large company to achieve this global status in the next five years. 

To do so, we are hosting three speakers: Katie HILL, Executive Chair of Management Board of B-LabTM Europe; Adam GRANT, General Manager of Danone Essential Dairy and Plant-based UK; and Cécile CABANIS, CFO of Danone.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


This episode is about B Corp certification, why it helps to drive sustainable shareholder value and why it matters for a company like Danone to be the first very large company to achieve this global status in the next five years. 

To do so, we are hosting three speakers: Katie HILL, Executive Chair of Management Board of B-LabTM Europe; Adam GRANT, General Manager of Danone Essential Dairy and Plant-based UK; and Cécile CABANIS, CFO of Danone.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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This episode is about B Corp certification, why it helps to drive sustainable shareholder value and why it matters for a company like Danone to be the first very large company to achieve this global status in the next five years. 

To do so, we are hosting three speakers: Katie HILL, Executive Chair of Management Board of B-LabTM Europe; Adam GRANT, General Manager of Danone Essential Dairy and Plant-based UK; and Cécile CABANIS, CFO of Danone.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


This episode is about B Corp certification, why it helps to drive sustainable shareholder value and why it matters for a company like Danone to be the first very large company to achieve this global status in the next five years. 

To do so, we are hosting three speakers: Katie HILL, Executive Chair of Management Board of B-LabTM Europe; Adam GRANT, General Manager of Danone Essential Dairy and Plant-based UK; and Cécile CABANIS, CFO of Danone.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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