Teaser - Lyle King - Influx Search cover
Teaser - Lyle King - Influx Search cover
(don't) Waste Water! | Water Tech to Solve the World

Teaser - Lyle King - Influx Search

Teaser - Lyle King - Influx Search

03min |17/01/2024
Teaser - Lyle King - Influx Search cover
Teaser - Lyle King - Influx Search cover
(don't) Waste Water! | Water Tech to Solve the World

Teaser - Lyle King - Influx Search

Teaser - Lyle King - Influx Search

03min |17/01/2024


Happy New Year! With a new year comes statistically, for one-third of us, the urge to make good resolutions. If you're under 30, it's even more than half the people who make these good resolutions. In maybe or maybe not related news, 50% of people contemplate changing their careers, and two-fifths of them even contemplate so very openly.

What does that mean. Well, if you're in a super sexy working field, that's great news: more people will want to join you. But the other side of that same coin is that if you're on the maybe less sexy end of the market, you better be prepared to struggle.

Where's the water sector on that scale? Well, despite its promising landscape for job seekers, its competitive wages, especially on the lower end of the qualification ladder, its lower educational barriers to entry, and its tremendous opportunities in a variety of roles that are critical to the infrastructure and environmental sustainability, hence I'd say, despite its high purpose, unfortunately, you guessed it right, we the water professionals are not that sexy.

But once we've said that, what do we do about it? Well, this week, I'm releasing two twin episodes. The one you're currently listening to, with Lyle King, and another one you'll find in your hopefully favorite feed, with Kendra Morris. While the latter deals with training more people to water jobs, the former you're again currently listening to, so this one looks in depth at a few key aspects of the job market and its best practices.

If you belong to the people actively or passively looking for new endeavors, you'll learn what skills are the most in-demand right now, what techniques yield the best mid and long-term results in interview processes, and what water field is the hottest.

If you're looking to recruit the best water professionals out there, you'll learn how and where to find the right fits, how Lyle and his peers might be able to help you out, and what to absolutely avoid if you don't want to experience crazy churn rates amongst your candidates.

But what if you're neither recruiting nor seeking to recruit, shall you skip this episode? Of course I'm biased, but in my humble opinion, you really shouldn't. Because as Lyle will explain, the most efficient use of your HR resources is to ensure you retain and optimize your talents. Which involves employer branding, and efficiently articulating company culture and values.

That's a packed schedule, so let's cut to the chase and without further due, let me open the mic' to Lyle King. Remember, if you like this episode, share it with a friend, a colleague your boss or your team, that's the only way I can spread the message and I'll see you on the other side!

Full Episode: https://dww.show/new-year-new-you-new-water-job/

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Happy New Year! With a new year comes statistically, for one-third of us, the urge to make good resolutions. If you're under 30, it's even more than half the people who make these good resolutions. In maybe or maybe not related news, 50% of people contemplate changing their careers, and two-fifths of them even contemplate so very openly.

What does that mean. Well, if you're in a super sexy working field, that's great news: more people will want to join you. But the other side of that same coin is that if you're on the maybe less sexy end of the market, you better be prepared to struggle.

Where's the water sector on that scale? Well, despite its promising landscape for job seekers, its competitive wages, especially on the lower end of the qualification ladder, its lower educational barriers to entry, and its tremendous opportunities in a variety of roles that are critical to the infrastructure and environmental sustainability, hence I'd say, despite its high purpose, unfortunately, you guessed it right, we the water professionals are not that sexy.

But once we've said that, what do we do about it? Well, this week, I'm releasing two twin episodes. The one you're currently listening to, with Lyle King, and another one you'll find in your hopefully favorite feed, with Kendra Morris. While the latter deals with training more people to water jobs, the former you're again currently listening to, so this one looks in depth at a few key aspects of the job market and its best practices.

If you belong to the people actively or passively looking for new endeavors, you'll learn what skills are the most in-demand right now, what techniques yield the best mid and long-term results in interview processes, and what water field is the hottest.

If you're looking to recruit the best water professionals out there, you'll learn how and where to find the right fits, how Lyle and his peers might be able to help you out, and what to absolutely avoid if you don't want to experience crazy churn rates amongst your candidates.

But what if you're neither recruiting nor seeking to recruit, shall you skip this episode? Of course I'm biased, but in my humble opinion, you really shouldn't. Because as Lyle will explain, the most efficient use of your HR resources is to ensure you retain and optimize your talents. Which involves employer branding, and efficiently articulating company culture and values.

That's a packed schedule, so let's cut to the chase and without further due, let me open the mic' to Lyle King. Remember, if you like this episode, share it with a friend, a colleague your boss or your team, that's the only way I can spread the message and I'll see you on the other side!

Full Episode: https://dww.show/new-year-new-you-new-water-job/

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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Happy New Year! With a new year comes statistically, for one-third of us, the urge to make good resolutions. If you're under 30, it's even more than half the people who make these good resolutions. In maybe or maybe not related news, 50% of people contemplate changing their careers, and two-fifths of them even contemplate so very openly.

What does that mean. Well, if you're in a super sexy working field, that's great news: more people will want to join you. But the other side of that same coin is that if you're on the maybe less sexy end of the market, you better be prepared to struggle.

Where's the water sector on that scale? Well, despite its promising landscape for job seekers, its competitive wages, especially on the lower end of the qualification ladder, its lower educational barriers to entry, and its tremendous opportunities in a variety of roles that are critical to the infrastructure and environmental sustainability, hence I'd say, despite its high purpose, unfortunately, you guessed it right, we the water professionals are not that sexy.

But once we've said that, what do we do about it? Well, this week, I'm releasing two twin episodes. The one you're currently listening to, with Lyle King, and another one you'll find in your hopefully favorite feed, with Kendra Morris. While the latter deals with training more people to water jobs, the former you're again currently listening to, so this one looks in depth at a few key aspects of the job market and its best practices.

If you belong to the people actively or passively looking for new endeavors, you'll learn what skills are the most in-demand right now, what techniques yield the best mid and long-term results in interview processes, and what water field is the hottest.

If you're looking to recruit the best water professionals out there, you'll learn how and where to find the right fits, how Lyle and his peers might be able to help you out, and what to absolutely avoid if you don't want to experience crazy churn rates amongst your candidates.

But what if you're neither recruiting nor seeking to recruit, shall you skip this episode? Of course I'm biased, but in my humble opinion, you really shouldn't. Because as Lyle will explain, the most efficient use of your HR resources is to ensure you retain and optimize your talents. Which involves employer branding, and efficiently articulating company culture and values.

That's a packed schedule, so let's cut to the chase and without further due, let me open the mic' to Lyle King. Remember, if you like this episode, share it with a friend, a colleague your boss or your team, that's the only way I can spread the message and I'll see you on the other side!

Full Episode: https://dww.show/new-year-new-you-new-water-job/

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Happy New Year! With a new year comes statistically, for one-third of us, the urge to make good resolutions. If you're under 30, it's even more than half the people who make these good resolutions. In maybe or maybe not related news, 50% of people contemplate changing their careers, and two-fifths of them even contemplate so very openly.

What does that mean. Well, if you're in a super sexy working field, that's great news: more people will want to join you. But the other side of that same coin is that if you're on the maybe less sexy end of the market, you better be prepared to struggle.

Where's the water sector on that scale? Well, despite its promising landscape for job seekers, its competitive wages, especially on the lower end of the qualification ladder, its lower educational barriers to entry, and its tremendous opportunities in a variety of roles that are critical to the infrastructure and environmental sustainability, hence I'd say, despite its high purpose, unfortunately, you guessed it right, we the water professionals are not that sexy.

But once we've said that, what do we do about it? Well, this week, I'm releasing two twin episodes. The one you're currently listening to, with Lyle King, and another one you'll find in your hopefully favorite feed, with Kendra Morris. While the latter deals with training more people to water jobs, the former you're again currently listening to, so this one looks in depth at a few key aspects of the job market and its best practices.

If you belong to the people actively or passively looking for new endeavors, you'll learn what skills are the most in-demand right now, what techniques yield the best mid and long-term results in interview processes, and what water field is the hottest.

If you're looking to recruit the best water professionals out there, you'll learn how and where to find the right fits, how Lyle and his peers might be able to help you out, and what to absolutely avoid if you don't want to experience crazy churn rates amongst your candidates.

But what if you're neither recruiting nor seeking to recruit, shall you skip this episode? Of course I'm biased, but in my humble opinion, you really shouldn't. Because as Lyle will explain, the most efficient use of your HR resources is to ensure you retain and optimize your talents. Which involves employer branding, and efficiently articulating company culture and values.

That's a packed schedule, so let's cut to the chase and without further due, let me open the mic' to Lyle King. Remember, if you like this episode, share it with a friend, a colleague your boss or your team, that's the only way I can spread the message and I'll see you on the other side!

Full Episode: https://dww.show/new-year-new-you-new-water-job/

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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