S6E15 - Is Turquoise Greener than Green? cover
S6E15 - Is Turquoise Greener than Green? cover
(don't) Waste Water! | Water Tech to Solve the World

S6E15 - Is Turquoise Greener than Green?

S6E15 - Is Turquoise Greener than Green?

01min |15/08/2022
S6E15 - Is Turquoise Greener than Green? cover
S6E15 - Is Turquoise Greener than Green? cover
(don't) Waste Water! | Water Tech to Solve the World

S6E15 - Is Turquoise Greener than Green?

S6E15 - Is Turquoise Greener than Green?

01min |15/08/2022


The greenest Hydrogen is Turquoise.

Hydrogen is not the sustainable gas you probably think it is. Today, 98.7% of the hydrogen used in the World is produced from fossil fuels without carbon capture.

This means it would have exactly the same carbon impact as the coal or gas it's made of... Well if production processes were 100% sealed and reliable, which they're not.

In fact, today, hydrogen is not a decarbonization tool; it's a decarbonization problem!

To solve it, a colorful array of hydrogens intend to replace the traditional blackish one. 

We have, for instance, blue, which captures the carbon, or green which removes carbon from the equation by producing hydrogen from water. 

The problem is that thermodynamics is quite bitchy, and it decided that this process would always be more expensive. 

Bad, bad physics!

But there's a last color that could save the day: turquoise. It leverages pyrolysis of methane to produce hydrogen and graphite and can even be conducted directly on wastewater treatment plants.

See, I'm not colorblind, in fact, the greenest hydrogen is turquoise!

Wanna dive deeper into the topic? I prepared you a deep dive on hydrogen from a water industry perspective right here!


Website: https://dww.show/podcast/

Smartlink: https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoinewalter1/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dwwpodcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntoineWalter7

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Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


The greenest Hydrogen is Turquoise.

Hydrogen is not the sustainable gas you probably think it is. Today, 98.7% of the hydrogen used in the World is produced from fossil fuels without carbon capture.

This means it would have exactly the same carbon impact as the coal or gas it's made of... Well if production processes were 100% sealed and reliable, which they're not.

In fact, today, hydrogen is not a decarbonization tool; it's a decarbonization problem!

To solve it, a colorful array of hydrogens intend to replace the traditional blackish one. 

We have, for instance, blue, which captures the carbon, or green which removes carbon from the equation by producing hydrogen from water. 

The problem is that thermodynamics is quite bitchy, and it decided that this process would always be more expensive. 

Bad, bad physics!

But there's a last color that could save the day: turquoise. It leverages pyrolysis of methane to produce hydrogen and graphite and can even be conducted directly on wastewater treatment plants.

See, I'm not colorblind, in fact, the greenest hydrogen is turquoise!

Wanna dive deeper into the topic? I prepared you a deep dive on hydrogen from a water industry perspective right here!


Website: https://dww.show/podcast/

Smartlink: https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoinewalter1/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dwwpodcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntoineWalter7

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DontWasteWaterPodcast

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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The greenest Hydrogen is Turquoise.

Hydrogen is not the sustainable gas you probably think it is. Today, 98.7% of the hydrogen used in the World is produced from fossil fuels without carbon capture.

This means it would have exactly the same carbon impact as the coal or gas it's made of... Well if production processes were 100% sealed and reliable, which they're not.

In fact, today, hydrogen is not a decarbonization tool; it's a decarbonization problem!

To solve it, a colorful array of hydrogens intend to replace the traditional blackish one. 

We have, for instance, blue, which captures the carbon, or green which removes carbon from the equation by producing hydrogen from water. 

The problem is that thermodynamics is quite bitchy, and it decided that this process would always be more expensive. 

Bad, bad physics!

But there's a last color that could save the day: turquoise. It leverages pyrolysis of methane to produce hydrogen and graphite and can even be conducted directly on wastewater treatment plants.

See, I'm not colorblind, in fact, the greenest hydrogen is turquoise!

Wanna dive deeper into the topic? I prepared you a deep dive on hydrogen from a water industry perspective right here!


Website: https://dww.show/podcast/

Smartlink: https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoinewalter1/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dwwpodcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntoineWalter7

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DontWasteWaterPodcast

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


The greenest Hydrogen is Turquoise.

Hydrogen is not the sustainable gas you probably think it is. Today, 98.7% of the hydrogen used in the World is produced from fossil fuels without carbon capture.

This means it would have exactly the same carbon impact as the coal or gas it's made of... Well if production processes were 100% sealed and reliable, which they're not.

In fact, today, hydrogen is not a decarbonization tool; it's a decarbonization problem!

To solve it, a colorful array of hydrogens intend to replace the traditional blackish one. 

We have, for instance, blue, which captures the carbon, or green which removes carbon from the equation by producing hydrogen from water. 

The problem is that thermodynamics is quite bitchy, and it decided that this process would always be more expensive. 

Bad, bad physics!

But there's a last color that could save the day: turquoise. It leverages pyrolysis of methane to produce hydrogen and graphite and can even be conducted directly on wastewater treatment plants.

See, I'm not colorblind, in fact, the greenest hydrogen is turquoise!

Wanna dive deeper into the topic? I prepared you a deep dive on hydrogen from a water industry perspective right here!


Website: https://dww.show/podcast/

Smartlink: https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoinewalter1/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dwwpodcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntoineWalter7

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DontWasteWaterPodcast

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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