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Trailer: Gooned cover
Trailer: Gooned cover

Trailer: Gooned

Trailer: Gooned

01min |29/11/2023
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Trailer: Gooned cover
Trailer: Gooned cover

Trailer: Gooned

Trailer: Gooned

01min |29/11/2023


Gooned is a deep dive into an industry with blood on its hands. 

The Troubled Teen Industry (TTI) is a network of profit-incentivized behavior modification facilities for youth, ranging from wilderness programs to therapeutic boarding schools. The decades-old industry uses predatory tactics to capitalize on families in crisis and victimize hundreds of thousands of children and teens every year. 

Gooned premieres December 6th, 2023.

Find Gooned at goonedpodcast.com and on TikTok @goonedpod. To support the show and its creators, see exclusive content, and get early access to episodes, head to patreon.com/goonedpodcast.  

Gooned is researched, reported, and edited by Emma Lehman. Original music for the show was created by Olivia Springberg. This trailer was produced by Grayton Newman . Episode artwork was created by Sam Doe. Sarah Lukowski and Avery Erskine copyedited and consulted on the show. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Gooned is a deep dive into an industry with blood on its hands. 

The Troubled Teen Industry (TTI) is a network of profit-incentivized behavior modification facilities for youth, ranging from wilderness programs to therapeutic boarding schools. The decades-old industry uses predatory tactics to capitalize on families in crisis and victimize hundreds of thousands of children and teens every year. 

Gooned premieres December 6th, 2023.

Find Gooned at goonedpodcast.com and on TikTok @goonedpod. To support the show and its creators, see exclusive content, and get early access to episodes, head to patreon.com/goonedpodcast.  

Gooned is researched, reported, and edited by Emma Lehman. Original music for the show was created by Olivia Springberg. This trailer was produced by Grayton Newman . Episode artwork was created by Sam Doe. Sarah Lukowski and Avery Erskine copyedited and consulted on the show. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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Gooned is a deep dive into an industry with blood on its hands. 

The Troubled Teen Industry (TTI) is a network of profit-incentivized behavior modification facilities for youth, ranging from wilderness programs to therapeutic boarding schools. The decades-old industry uses predatory tactics to capitalize on families in crisis and victimize hundreds of thousands of children and teens every year. 

Gooned premieres December 6th, 2023.

Find Gooned at goonedpodcast.com and on TikTok @goonedpod. To support the show and its creators, see exclusive content, and get early access to episodes, head to patreon.com/goonedpodcast.  

Gooned is researched, reported, and edited by Emma Lehman. Original music for the show was created by Olivia Springberg. This trailer was produced by Grayton Newman . Episode artwork was created by Sam Doe. Sarah Lukowski and Avery Erskine copyedited and consulted on the show. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


Gooned is a deep dive into an industry with blood on its hands. 

The Troubled Teen Industry (TTI) is a network of profit-incentivized behavior modification facilities for youth, ranging from wilderness programs to therapeutic boarding schools. The decades-old industry uses predatory tactics to capitalize on families in crisis and victimize hundreds of thousands of children and teens every year. 

Gooned premieres December 6th, 2023.

Find Gooned at goonedpodcast.com and on TikTok @goonedpod. To support the show and its creators, see exclusive content, and get early access to episodes, head to patreon.com/goonedpodcast.  

Gooned is researched, reported, and edited by Emma Lehman. Original music for the show was created by Olivia Springberg. This trailer was produced by Grayton Newman . Episode artwork was created by Sam Doe. Sarah Lukowski and Avery Erskine copyedited and consulted on the show. 

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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