- Speaker #0
Ladies and gentlemen, hoglets, we made it. It's February. Happy days. We hope you're all keeping very well. It is Clara and Sophie for this week's episode of House of Gossip. I am coming to you live from a very cold apartment, but Sophie's coming to you from a very jazzy hotel room. No, sorry, hotel lobby.
- Speaker #1
Hotel room would have been great. This hotel reception is so... jazzy. It's like elevator, like sexy elevator music. So if someone can hear it, I don't apologize.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, I wish I had those kind of tunes.
- Speaker #1
It's very sexy elevator.
- Speaker #0
We have a lot to get through on this episode. We are feeling feisty and ready for calling people on their BS, really. Thank you to everyone who got in touch about last week's episode, unpacking the Baldoni versus Lively lawsuit. I think everyone, just the general consensus is people are really fed up, but then also quite sucked in by the algorithm and all the news that's going on there. One interesting development in that is the theory, which I love to entertain, is that the whole pursuit of this and the start, the root cause of all the drama is Ryan Reynolds. What do you think?
- Speaker #1
You're one.
- Speaker #0
Candice Owens.
- Speaker #1
Is she a politician?
- Speaker #0
She is very right wing, very anti everything. good and glorious in the world. So I actually followed her without knowing that and then I had to unfollow her.
- Speaker #1
But she's very controversial. I've seen her in the Senate. You know, when they do, YouTube do like, I don't know, 30 minute stuff of the Senate talking about certain things.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Like they do here in, or in the UK with Parliament.
- Speaker #0
And the Oireachtas. You love watching that.
- Speaker #1
I love the Oireachtas. I can't wait to get involved in that. And she's so controversial, but you sent me that video and it set a light.
- Speaker #0
Mm hmm. Yeah, light went off.
- Speaker #1
But she's so like the way she's she's serving it with such conviction.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Isn't she? It's like she's like, yeah, no, this is the case.
- Speaker #0
She's very convincing. But see, that's a problem sometimes because she has no proof. All she has is like people center, almost like blind items. But I would really entertain it because it. does seem like there's way more at play and this whole, somebody had to have been really driving this. And I feel kind of in a way bad for Blake Lively that she's caught in the middle, but he fell in love with Scarlett Johansson on set of a film. She fell in love and married Blake Lively when they were on the set of a film. So his probably green-eyed monster is going, you're falling in love with Justin Baldoni. So I don't know. I'm not opposed to that.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, he's identifying what he's done in another. I felt bad for Justin Baldoni during the week. Yeah. Like, he's very, like, sincere with his stuff.
- Speaker #0
I know. It's so hard to know. I can't see the wood from the trees. On this one, I really can't. And I just don't know if I can care anymore. But, like, if you want to hate him, you could hear in those voicemails that come out. If you want to. not believe him you're like oh he sounds so smarmy but then if you do believe him and feel sorry for him you're like oh yeah this is great you can't gauge like emotion by text no because you just read the words yeah yeah exactly so i don't i don't really know yeah i'm interested in that opinion um and it's been fun chatting to people about in the dm so keep them coming and yeah it's they've set the court date for march 2026 that's
- Speaker #1
could they figure out the court system?
- Speaker #0
The thing about the American legal system is the laws are so different because of their like First Amendment rights or something they can mudsling and the way like libel works is so different because of freedom of speech. Yeah. I just don't know how you get any maybe because there's 350 million people but like how would you get any neutral jury because so much is in the press.
- Speaker #1
But they also get to pick the jury. Like all that thing's so weird. Like you interview the jury. Yeah.
- Speaker #0
So like, I'm not saying I would do this. Okay. But if I got called for jury duty to be on that trial, I would pretend like I don't know anything because I want to be involved in the trial.
- Speaker #1
Can you imagine how much tea you'd get?
- Speaker #0
So much extra special evidence. I mean, of the Baldoni Blake thing. Yeah.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. You'd get all the like unedited bits.
- Speaker #0
Hmm. Yeah, we're going to get on to more legal issues later. But before we do that, Soph, what are you enjoying or testing from your beloved week?
- Speaker #1
I'm loving the English language.
- Speaker #0
Oh, wow.
- Speaker #1
I love nothing. Good experience. I know. I love the thespian. I love nothing more than learning new words and embellishing my vocabulary to make a simple sentence that bit nicer or theatrical. And two words, one word I heard like a good bit and I never really knew what it meant. Machiavellian.
- Speaker #0
Oh, that's a good one.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Very good.
- Speaker #1
Cunning, scheming and unscrupulous.
- Speaker #0
Yes. So somebody like does, does you over.
- Speaker #1
Does you dirty. I know so many Machiavellian people.
- Speaker #0
Snooker's you, yeah.
- Speaker #1
I know many Machiavellian men. I just love it. I think it's something like, how much better to say than like sly. Yeah. Machiavellian. And then the other one, circumvent. Just sounds nice and Latin. And it means find a way around. As in. Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni should circumvent going to court.
- Speaker #0
Circumvent always reminds me of the Conquistadors. They circumnavigated the world. Yeah. Yep.
- Speaker #1
What about you, Gazza? What's on your hit list?
- Speaker #0
Judoring. Sometimes judesting. Carpentry.
- Speaker #1
I see that for you.
- Speaker #0
I've assembled. Well, I couldn't complete it because... parts of what we have to finish aren't in the instruction manual hence the mileage of testing me and Mick put together a bookshelf I've put together a well almost completed a little under desk storage now none of them are Ikea's that's way too like next level for me they're just like normal instruction manuals but there's nothing like a sense of achievement when you've gotten out your screwdriver and your hammer and your bag of nails and you put together something all with your bare hands I feel like Tim the Toolman Taylor
- Speaker #1
I think it's, there's, that has really high up on my shelf of like self-actualization.
- Speaker #0
Quite literally a shelf. Now, not going to lie.
- Speaker #1
Shelf actualization.
- Speaker #0
Honestly, now me and Mick, we had a few marital woes while putting it together. We did one shelf back to front and it was like basically the backbone. So now there's all this exposed wood that shouldn't be there. Then we nailed on the back. but we nailed it on the wrong way round. So now this is like, it looks so bad. But anyway, I think we're just going to have to paint about the problem. But we were like arguing over who got the screwdriver and we nicknamed the screwdriver Sabrina Carpenter. So we were like fighting over...
- Speaker #1
Sabrina Carpenter.
- Speaker #0
Yeah. So call me Sabrina Carpenter because I have a chisel now.
- Speaker #1
I know that it's like a dying breed for a man who can assemble things. Just like, you know, like as a people, like the stats of men who can assemble stuff has definitely gone down in the last 20 years.
- Speaker #0
There's actually an amazing book by an Irish author called Laura de Barra. It's called Gaff Goddess.
- Speaker #1
I've heard about her.
- Speaker #0
She's great. Great Instagram follow. She's a new book called Garment Goddess. I have her Decor Galore book. She's all about the interiors and she has been helping us along. And it's all like lipstick, high heels, get your hammer girlies. It's very good.
- Speaker #1
Lipstick high heels get your hammer. That sounds great.
- Speaker #0
Amidst all the Blake Lively and Baldoni shit show that it is, I think a lot of the Diddy stuff was kind of washed by the wayside. And because all the allegations are really serious and there's already so much crap going on in the world, it's not the best trial to follow. No. Because it's quite depressing. There is an amazing podcast. from BBC called Diddy on Trial. We spoke about it over Christmas. Yeah. So a while ago, I put in a question to them and didn't they answer it on the 16th of January?
- Speaker #1
Wait, what? The podcast did?
- Speaker #0
Yeah. I only listened to the episode yesterday because I was like, I really need to catch up on this Diddy stuff. And there I heard my own voice on the podcast. So January 16th episode, I feature on it.
- Speaker #1
What timestamp?
- Speaker #0
Oh yeah, we'll link it in the show notes. But it's a really good podcast. I started listening to it over Christmas, kind of binged it because now they are very BBC in parts because they're very like neutral, neutral. They don't go down much conspiracy theories or like if they do, they balance it all with rebuttals from Diddy. Because the Diddy stuff is like so big and dark and all the crap that's coming out is very heavy. I thought it would be good to focus in on Where are we at with the Jay-Z stuff? So before we get to that, though, I would like to just give you a few tidbits of some of the stuff that has arose in the Diddy trial as of late. OK, number one, there's loads of documentaries that are coming out now. I think Rolling Stones have one and Peacock have done one. I think they're kind of associated with Sky. So in the Peacock documentary, it's come out that Puff Daddy's mum, when he was growing up, had naked parties at their house. So like they interview a neighbour and the neighbour comes over to the house and was like, there was always just naked people walking around.
- Speaker #1
Oh, my God.
- Speaker #0
Which is very strange. Another thing that's come out is that. They used to drug people with the baby oil. So they put drugs in the baby oil. So you might not have drank something. There'd be drugs in the baby oil. The drugs like seep in. That's what the one of the claims is. Very strange. Oh,
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Then going into the Kim Porter of Raw. So this is what my question was about. Well, they didn't really answer my question, but I really appreciate them answering my questions. Mine was on like the conspiracy of. all this pneumonia stuff you see on social media. So like, why are we seeing all the associates of Kim Porter dying of pneumonia, his ex-wife, Kim Porter dying of pneumonia, like all these people. And you don't know, sometimes with these videos, like they're so like unproven. It's just people talking and over a green screen. It's kind of hard to figure out. When they were answering my question, they mentioned Kim Porter. And then because the documentary goes into it as well, because Kim Porter was married to a guy called I'll be sure. And he was fully married to her, had a baby with her. Diddy came along, was like, no, you're mine. Took Kim and the son and then just adopted that son and just kind of took him in as his own. I was like, you're mine now. So effectively, like, stole the child. So in the documentary, I'll be sure, hence it foul play. He calls it a murder at one point and then goes, oh, no, sorry. How she died. And that's which is so like, you know. It's just amazing in America what they can all say. So he's kind of hinting at a bit of a foul play. And then he was like, I spoke to her two weeks before she died and she was absolutely fine. The Diddy on Trial podcast was saying that like people do die of pneumonia. Between three and five thousand people die a year of pneumonia in America, which is actually there's 350 million people. Like it's quite small.
- Speaker #1
Didn't they say, though, that it was like a chemical thing and it mimics the symptoms of pneumonia?
- Speaker #0
It's obviously like a drug that can't be proven or. It makes you look as if you die. Because she sent these texts going like, he got me.
- Speaker #1
They got me.
- Speaker #0
Okay, this is just like my Grey's Anatomy medical experience coming in here. But you know the way cyclists and sports people can take steroids that like, there's not even tests for them yet. They're so advanced. Yeah. You wonder is, are these kind of, if these drugs exist, that they're just so ahead and black market-y that there isn't really tests for them. That just looks like another disease. It looks like pneumonia. It looks like another.
- Speaker #1
Oh my. Oh,
- Speaker #0
God. I don't know. Just to add to the conspiracy. But I suppose you have to listen to the family, but maybe they've been scared into it. But they're saying she did definitely die of pneumonia and there was never a plan for her to release this book.
- Speaker #1
The kids said that, didn't they?
- Speaker #0
The kids said there was definitely no book. So I don't know. Yeah. Because that's the conspiracy that she might have been wanted dead because of the book. Moving on now to Jay-Z, because I was only thinking last week, I was like, we've heard nothing as of late. Tiny background on the case is, and... The year 2000 VMAs, a 13-year-old girl snuck in, was kind of spotted by some of the bodyguards of Diddy, taken to the party, took the same thing everybody says, took a little drink, felt woozy, kind of came to. She claims that Diddy and Jay-Z raped her and there was a female celebrity watching or in the room. She punches Diddy in the neck and like breaks free. gets out of the party and then walks to a petrol station where she says her dad collected her and drove her home. There's been a few like inconsistencies in that story because her dad came out and saying, I can't be 100% sure. That was so many years ago. I can't testify that I was actually, I actually did that. Now you think you might remember driving five or six hours to go collect your daughter, 13 year old in the middle of the night, but it was like 25 years ago. So, you know, I can't remember what I was doing yesterday. So fair. Where Jay-Z is fighting the claims on, she claims it was like four or five hours away from New York where the VMAs were. And it was a big white house with a horseshoe shaped driveway. Jay-Z's team have been all over that being like, there's absolutely no place in New York that looks like that or anywhere nearby. Yada, yada, yada. So he's trying to like push it out. And then it was like, there's pictures of Jay-Z at all these different parties. So there's like this 38 minute window that. This could have happened to the girl. But where do you find the house where it could have happened? And there's none because we've all like whoever's been to New York knows that there's definitely no driveways to any of the homes. What Jay-Z has done is so, you know, the way he came out then with his claim and he's like, I'm not giving you a red penny. You're an ambulance chaser to Mr. Tony Busby, who is the lawyer acting on behalf of the woman. Now, it seems like what happened was. Tony Busby approaches Jay-Z for this unofficial mediation. And Jay-Z says, like, fuck off. I'm not doing that. But and he was like, oh, it was never about the money. We didn't want any money. And Jay-Z was like, no, I'm not meeting with you. Then Jay-Z sues Tony Busby for extortion. This all happens before it's broken.
- Speaker #1
OK. So then
- Speaker #0
Tony Busby then gets annoyed and exposes Jay-Z. So that's why we know it's Jay-Z because. The two fellas are going, legally going head to head. And now what's happening is it's been discovered that Tony Busby didn't meet the woman before the filing. And basically, it feels like Jay-Z is trying to pull at any string to get the case thrown out. So because she wasn't appropriately vetted, they're saying it was a huge lapse in ethical responsibility. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see where that goes, because now it seems like it's gone down the lawyers. But. Now Jay-Z has filed a claim for her to go public because while she was underage when it happened, he's saying it's like a blackmail extortion plot to get money out of me. But Jay-Z says he needs to fight the case by knowing who the victim is. How can you go to court with someone when you don't even know who they are? Because she's staying anonymous.
- Speaker #1
That is a thing though, isn't it? When you're underage, you can stay anonymous.
- Speaker #0
Yes, exactly. And Jay-Z and his lawyer have gotten in trouble for... their language about Tony Busby.
- Speaker #1
What do you mean?
- Speaker #0
What did the judge say? So the judge said that Jay-Z's lawyer said that Jay-Z and his team are using combative motions and inflammatory language towards Busby. But the judge also said that he still hasn't decided whether or not the victim needs to reveal who she is. Now, I think that's pretty fucking rich from Jay-Z. You're a billionaire. You have security. If this woman reveals who she is, you'd be... setting like the whole internet on you.
- Speaker #1
But she has a right to privacy.
- Speaker #0
Yeah. And then the like public, public safety, like what do you, how would you manage that when the whole world turns on you and wants to know who you are and question you and get you on TV and everything. But like the crime is still the crime, whether you're anonymous or not.
- Speaker #1
I know. Yeah, I agree.
- Speaker #0
So it seems like Jay-Z and his team are using very aggressive and sharp tactics to get this. case thrown out no matter what way is possible. I feel like if you're going down the route of trying to get it thrown out on like technicalities like Busby not meeting the victim in person before the case was filed, I feel like, you know, if you're innocent, you're innocent. Why are you fighting every single turn of this case? So, yeah, what do you think?
- Speaker #1
If he was guilty, why would he just not just play her out?
- Speaker #0
Yeah, exactly. But then maybe if he's innocent. He doesn't want his name dragged in with the risk of it publicly getting out, which it now has.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. You know, that video I sent you there with him and Rihanna and she's accepting her first Grammy. We have to post that. It's it's it's very chilling. It's like, oh, dad, you know, I said this was I'll give you my first Grammy to you, but you'll have to fight for it. And then Jay-Z interrupts her twice being like. saying the Grammys, he's going to keep the Grammy. And then he says, do it properly. Yeah, it's fair. I'm going to link it. It's very creepy.
- Speaker #0
It's very unusual because I do think like you can't be friends with Diddy or know him in whatever capacity, be it business or not, to not know what Diddy was up to and be friends with him for 30 years and not think that you're ever going to, it'll ever come out any kind of connection. Like it just seems like the writing's a little bit on the wall for Jay-Z.
- Speaker #1
but um he's so powerful though although so is so is P. Diddy or was P.
- Speaker #0
Diddy yeah but like Jay-Z's like a billionaire now but what I don't understand is like the Beyonce thing like obviously it's extremely hard for me to stay neutral on this but um like she's staying with him and also like you know we weren't at these parties I was 13 in the year 2000 so what I wonder is like with Jay-Z I'm just putting words and thoughts in his head. For something that happened 25 years ago, and now that he's gone through this like quite literal renaissance with Beyonce and everything, and he has this billion dollar image to protect, you can fully convince yourself that you didn't do something and wipe that memory. Do you know?
- Speaker #1
Oh God, yeah.
- Speaker #0
If this was like the only bad thing he ever did, which I find extremely hard to believe. So, do you know, I think you'd be fighting like this viciously. Is he trying to convince himself that he's innocent? I don't know.
- Speaker #1
Well, you know, they say, like, please, insanity, or, you know, they weren't of sound mind, like they were drinking or whatever.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
I don't know.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, because like his language towards Busby is quite, is quite combative. It's like in December, he was like, he was saying that, just a quote from what Jay-Z specifically said. He's like, today's investigative report proves this attorney, in quote marks, Busby, filed a false complaint against me in the pursuit of money and fame.
- Speaker #1
An attorney, in quote marks.
- Speaker #0
because in fairness this guy Busby he is quite a controversial man he is quite a controversial character he supported Travis Scott when he had that um uh all that overcrowding at one of his gigs and like a lot of people died from crushing he's ran for public office he has like all these crazy cars in his driveway he's very like okay loves a spotlight so he's not you know he loves being in the take of it like he's not the savior Mr. Tony Billsby from Texas that you'd imagine. Like he's quite, you know, I think he likes being in the spotlight. And Jay-Z goes on to say this incident didn't happen. And yet he filed it in court and doubled down in the press. I.e. you never met the victim before you filed this claim. You just filed it. And which I can see if it is true, I can see why Jay-Z would be annoyed. True justice is coming. We fight from victory, not for victory. This was over before it began. This 1-800 lawyer doesn't realise it yet, but soon.
- Speaker #1
Wow. This attorney, that's very funny.
- Speaker #0
Attorney. So yeah, we'll see where it goes, but I just feel like there's no smoke without fire and like Jay-Z could get away with it, but I don't think it means he's an angel.
- Speaker #1
No, the clip we're going to link is very scary. I got nervous.
- Speaker #0
So we'll see what happens with Jay-Z and Beyonce, but like Yeah, it's such a heinous, heinous crime. If that happens, like...
- Speaker #1
Heinous, that's a great word, Catherine.
- Speaker #0
There we go. It's so sad and scary. And I think like if you were him and he was accusing you of this, you would be... That's the thing. It's so hard. It's the same with Baldoni. If you were accused of all this stuff, whether you're guilty or innocent, you're going to react like this. When you're denying it, when you know you've done it wrong. You act like you're innocent, so you have the same reaction as an innocent person, even though you might have done it. Where it's like, deny, push back, I'm actually the victim.
- Speaker #1
We spoke about him briefly last week. I don't know, like I always just come across him. I don't listen to any of his stuff. And I just know there's kind of like a pop culture phenomenon with him. But I don't know why. And then you were like, oh, I think he's a bit of a Mickey Mouse. We're talking about a second Jay today, Jay Shetty. So after what Clara said, and then I also had, I had one of my friends message me being like, oh my God, Jay Shetty definitely like pulling the wool over our eyes, et cetera. I was like, okay, so this is definitely what I want to look up. So it turns out there's a Guardian article that was written in February, 29th, February, 2024. And this article is kind of a deep dive on him and the inconsistencies about his starting and all that kind of stuff. And it's the subject of a legal letter of complaint made on behalf of Jay Shetty now. So the article is still there, but it's the subject of a complaint made for Jay Shetty. This guy's bonkers. He did Ben and Jen's reunion nuptials. She didn't know.
- Speaker #0
The ceremony?
- Speaker #1
Yeah. He was also in, do you remember we covered her movie music video? Yes. He was also in that. But like, he just seems to have completely captivated Hollywood. And they're calling him like the Tom Cruise of this.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
So he grew up in North London, but he's now in all these like celebrity circles. He has two bestsellers, blah, blah, blah. His meditation startup is worth a reported $2 billion. And calls himself his chief inspiration officer.
- Speaker #0
Oh God.
- Speaker #1
He also has a life coach business. He has loads of podcasts.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, he does.
- Speaker #1
The Jay Shetty Certification School, where students pay thousands of dollars to learn about his discipline. 14 million followers on Instagram, 6 million on YouTube. He was also featured in J-Lo's movie thing that we covered that time. And him and his wife were also recently in a Gap campaign. It's just not adding up.
- Speaker #0
Oh my God.
- Speaker #1
Also, you know those smoothies you'll see from that insane Californian supermarket, Air One?
- Speaker #0
Oh, no.
- Speaker #1
And they're like the Hailey Bieber and the Kendall Jenner. Oh,
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
And I'll show you a picture, but they have one for him called Jay Shetty's Love Potion Smoothie. And they're like $25.
- Speaker #0
For one smoothie? Yeah. Oh my God.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, so they're saying it's like a remarkable rise to fame for a man who says that just 13 years ago, he was living as a penniless monk in India. So he said that he was a business student and then his friend brought him to some, not sermon, what do you call them? Session? I don't know. It's just like an evening talk, basically. And he was captivated. So after business school, he forgo a life of material success to live as a monk. And he said that his purpose in life is to be a monk, also share his wisdom with the world, basically. And then he said he went to an ashram in a village near Mumbai. But then his girlfriend at the time was like, no, like he he like set up shop in an ashram in Watford and went to India maybe once. Like in Watford. Yeah, which is like northwest London. Watford is where the Harry Potter world is.
- Speaker #0
It's just all from Harry Potter.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
It's like, oh, my spiritual awakening.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. But then they're also saying, you know, at this whole time he's speaking about this time that he was meditating and becoming this monk and studying. He was also blogging and hosting lectures at City University in London. Nothing saying like you can't do the two. His life coaching skill is seven and a half grand for a postgraduate diploma qualification. And then apparently they say they have these links with all these really prestigious skills. And then this reporter went and was called to skills and they're like, we've no association with him. That's not a recognised partnership. Yeah, his former girlfriend said he went to India probably once during that year and a half when I was in a relationship. with him and that was probably for two weeks and that's the period where he's saying he lived as a for three years oh stop what a scammer no one seems to care like as in like hollywood once he's in that a-list i think they're like oh you're fine like alan jenner's love some former like devotee i think was it also no i think it was another just like um it's not a churchgoer but like devotee of that religion that he doesn't really know what it is like he won't say what it is because he doesn't know he keeps it very vague this devotee said i saw him in sweatpants more than i saw him in robes
- Speaker #0
And they're calling him what Tom Cruise is to Scientology. A magnetic, media-friendly ambassador for an otherwise controversial religious institution. His fame serves as a recruitment tool. And then there's all this whole thing about plagiarizing. Much of his content is plagiarized. Apparently there was some blogger called Nicole Arbor, and she put this video up in 2019. And it was entitled, Jay Shetty is full of shit. Exhibiting.
- Speaker #1
Jay Shitty.
- Speaker #0
Joe Shetty is full of shooting how he built his social media presence by lifting content from other people his inspirational quotes loads of them have been copied apparently and often times verbatim from accounts with smaller followings looking like original content and when she came out with this then loads of the creators apparently got on to her and was like please help us like sort this essentially yeah take this scammer down I'll link the article because it's very long it's a full deep dive yeah it's just mad how like because loads of people are like, I love Jay Shetty's podcast. Oh my God, he's so this and he's so that. But it's also very murky water. It's a really good article. It's quite long and it's by The Guardian, so I'll link it.
- Speaker #1
What a phony.
- Speaker #0
Because everyone's always saying how much they love his podcast and he's this and he's that. But what do we really know about Jay Shetty, folks?
- Speaker #1
No. I think he must be hypnotising people with those green, green eyes.
- Speaker #0
The eyes are piercing. They're like wolves'eyes.
- Speaker #1
I don't want to look at them for too long in case I try to like... Derek is so stunning.
- Speaker #0
I agree.
- Speaker #1
Extremely gorgeous.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, I'm glad you brought that to my attention because I've never really known anything about you.
- Speaker #1
And I follow his podcast, but I never listen to them because they're all like productivity listens and I'm just like, oh, I just kind of want a bit of... I'm never really in the mood for them.
- Speaker #0
They're also very serious.
- Speaker #1
And they're really American in their structure. Five ways you can totally uphold your whole brain in these four minute listens.
- Speaker #0
Or something I just found there was like, the wrong person will hold your hand, but not push you forward. I don't know. But it's, yeah, it's just quite commercial, I would say.
- Speaker #1
His book is called like A Year of Being a Monk. And I just love that he was just in Watford.
- Speaker #0
Oh, yeah, it was in Watford.
- Speaker #1
But why didn't he cover up his tracks?
- Speaker #0
And they're saying like just some of the timelines. Like I say just it's probably just a bit romanticized. Like you kind of do have to romanticize certain things, you know, when you're building like this story.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, but like at least genuinely go and do it, you know, like or like at least more than two weeks. You know, it feels like at every point there's like, no, he didn't do that. No, he didn't do that. And then like robbing other people's content.
- Speaker #0
Because there's nothing really to pin him down as being a fake. It's just like all these kind of inconsistencies. You're just a bit like,
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Jay shitty. Jay shitty.
- Speaker #1
I've heard bits on that for a while now and it didn't make any waves. You know, it's like people just didn't want to believe it. Or maybe it was like oversaturation of cancel culture or something. Maybe he hit it at the right time that people were like, no, not Jay shitty. You know, it's just the timing is really interesting.
- Speaker #0
But there's also it's nothing. No one thing. it's just a load of little things it's a load of little bits that you're a bit like oh that's probably a bit of an exaggeration yeah and he seems to have an amazing team behind him yeah like he's a marketing guru more than that more than just a regular monk yeah he's not a regular monk he's a cool monk he's
- Speaker #1
J-Lo's monk interesting thank you very much Sophie I am going to delete all those episodes of Jay Shetty from my iPhone because who needs a sham in our lives. We've got enough of them going on.
- Speaker #0
You're a shaman.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. And so before we go, so you've got a record for us.
- Speaker #0
Oh, yes, I do. So I saw the trailer for it last, no, during the week. And it's my plan to watch it, but it looks really good. It's called Paradise. It's on Disney Plus. Yes. So a secret service agent is charged with protecting former president, played by James Marsden.
- Speaker #1
You know Prince Charming? Oh, Prince Charming. He's such, if ever there was a role for that man.
- Speaker #0
From what I can see up top, he dies. It's in the trailer. Okay. And then they're basically trying to pin it on the secret service agent.
- Speaker #1
Ooh, what channel is that?
- Speaker #0
It's pretty good. Disney Plus.
- Speaker #1
Disney Plus.
- Speaker #0
And they're doing it in sets. So three have been released.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Already. And then they're going to do three and two, I think.
- Speaker #1
Speaking of Disney Plus, I saw the trailer today for... The Lion King at the Hollywood Bowl, you know the one where...
- Speaker #0
Clara, I just saw that last night.
- Speaker #1
They're releasing it, the footage, like a show.
- Speaker #0
He is mad.
- Speaker #1
On the 7th of February, but it includes Northwest. Like, why would you sign off on that? Don't let the whole world see. Like, that moment's been and gone. She was trolled enough.
- Speaker #0
But everything looks so magical.
- Speaker #1
And they have a lot of Jennifer Hudson and Elton John. I know, but I just don't want, like, her to be trolled again. Like, you know, it's just rehashing.
- Speaker #0
We don't think she will be trolled again.
- Speaker #1
But we're going to see it in HD. Like, we only saw it on phones before.
- Speaker #0
I'd say it's quite edited. Like, I can't wait to see, like, Timon and Pumbaa and, like...
- Speaker #1
Yeah, it's the two casts, old and new.
- Speaker #0
Yeah. It looks amazing. I kind of got goosebumps.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. It's the circle.
- Speaker #0
And I think I can hit those notes.
- Speaker #1
I obviously can't. Well, thank you very much for listening to us. We hope you enjoyed our dulcet tones and Sophie's jazzy, jazzy background music.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
we hope you have a great week you can follow us on Instagram you can chat in our DMs let's discuss Diddy on Trial let's discuss Peltoni Blake Lion King Northwest it's at Soph underscore Lions at Klazzy Cabana
- Speaker #0
February girlies we did it we've made it to February ladies everything's fine and Bridget Jones 4 is coming out in like a week
- Speaker #1
Oh my God, did you see the press photos with the guy?
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
And he was in a brown corduroy suit that was way too big for him. It looked very toilet heavy. What? Like very mono brown. Sorry, it was like this brown corduroy suit that was too big for him. He looked like a giant shit. I'm not like, he's the most beautiful man ever. He was stunning in white lotus. He looked very toilet. Very toilet.
- Speaker #0
As in like he had gone to the bathroom?
- Speaker #1
No, he just looked like a giant, like Mr. Hankey the Christmas Pit. Like it was just not the one. It might have photographed, it just didn't photograph well. It might have looked good in person.
- Speaker #0
I know a queen goddess who was at the premiere of it the other night. And she had, he like walked right by her. And she put it up on Instagram and I almost died. She said it's brilliant.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Yeah, she said it's brilliant.
- Speaker #1
Yes, okay. Yeah. Oh, I'm sailing into my weekend now after that.
- Speaker #0
Life is good, girls.
- Speaker #1
spinning on my chair not too far