- Speaker #0
I'm still recording here. I just think an alarm is going to go off that might affect the recording. So let me just turn that off and hope we're still recording. And we are. Okay, great. We're fine. Roger that.
- Speaker #1
Hello and welcome back to House of Gossip. It's me, Sophie Lyons, with this stunning icon herself, Clara Kavner. We're here with your weekly dose of pop culture nourishment. We've people to bitch about. We've celebs to talk about. Salacious, salacious secret scandals. Clara, how are you this week?
- Speaker #0
I am so very well, thank you. Look how bright it is. I was just about to say,
- Speaker #1
can we note the sun?
- Speaker #0
It's so clear. It's freezing, but it is. The evenings are longer.
- Speaker #1
I can deal with that.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
It's cold and bright. I can deal. Yeah.
- Speaker #0
Do you know what I heard? It's the cloud that really gets you down.
- Speaker #1
What did you hear?
- Speaker #0
I heard that from Liz Earle, you know, the skincare goddess. Of course. Light is a nutrient.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
We are little flowers. We need food and water, but we also need light to grow. And I am, that's the most profound thing I've heard in donkeys. So I'm literally living for life. Of course. Arcadian rhythms in sync, girlies.
- Speaker #1
That's very what, like that's what we want to hear from a guru.
- Speaker #0
Exactly. That's why she's as great as she is.
- Speaker #1
Unlike Jay Shetty. Oh. Clara and I just, before we started recording, we're saying, this guy's advice is recycled from like Bliss magazine 20 years ago.
- Speaker #0
It is.
- Speaker #1
I'm really delighted that you sparked that curiosity in my brain because whoever is into him needs to re-evaluate. Yeah. I'm telling you girls, it's not right.
- Speaker #0
No, it's regurgitated crap. I mean, it's not even done well.
- Speaker #1
But it's also so generic.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, it could be anything.
- Speaker #1
Don't make someone stay if they want to leave. Why would we?
- Speaker #0
That's not good advice. It's just like not anything.
- Speaker #1
Making them stay is hurting you. We know that.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, it's so vanilla. No,
- Speaker #1
I really am glad. I think that was a real hog deep dive. Any other gossip before we hit back into J'adore and J'attest for this week Gazza?
- Speaker #0
No let's crack on
- Speaker #1
Let's kick it off Gazza what are you J'adore-ing or J'attesting?
- Speaker #0
I know it was like a week ago But the Grammys are still giving me life I just think they were just such a good performance It's such a good show I read a tweet that said It felt like Kamala Harris had won That was the kind of energy It was like Order is restored. Everybody who's winning has won. The performances were incredible. I'm still getting goosebumps from the Doce performance. Chapel Roan was unreal. Sabrina Carpenter was a lull.
- Speaker #1
I love that she put a bit of fun, like kind of geekiness into it.
- Speaker #0
Great sense of humor. She's just gas.
- Speaker #1
She's gas. But did you watch the whole thing?
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
How did you do that?
- Speaker #0
Oh, sorry. No, I lied. Is it on YouTube?
- Speaker #1
The whole thing.
- Speaker #0
I watched Doge's. She posted the whole thing on her Instagram.
- Speaker #1
Because like I love stuff like that. I always think the BAFTAs are so good. The Golden Globes are really good.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
And like the Grammys always have really good performances. And there's always really good buzz. But you can never watch them fully through anywhere.
- Speaker #0
And it's weird because that's all they want to do is be relevant and go viral. And I just love no disrespect to any Swifties. I was like, if Taylor Swift wins another fucking Grammy, I'm going to scream. And I'm so glad that like, you know, because everyone kind of was saying like her album, that Dead Poets Society, like, you know, I don't think it was one of her best. So I'm Billy Eilish shouldn't win either. And I just think it's like, well, they always win. They always, always, always win. That it was just nice to finally see like, well, Beyonce to win the country album and the best album. Her face was amazing.
- Speaker #1
I'd like to talk about that with you as a Beehive member.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
What are your thoughts? You know, she's never won one.
- Speaker #0
She's never won Best Album, but she's been nominated for a Grammy 99 times. She's won like 35, but she's never won the Best Album. And I think to win it, I think it was definitely worth the wait because to win it for the Best Country Album when she's been shunned by the Country Music Awards, the country music industry in America, for that album to win the Best Album Award is just amazing because it's a real two fingers up to the music industry, the country music industry. Particularly when she was being so shunned.
- Speaker #1
Because didn't Jay-Z last year win something and he called them out? He called him out.
- Speaker #0
He won like a Lifetime Achievement Award or something and he called them out. And they also changed their judging panel. It's gone to like 13,000 people. So it was a wider panel because they were saying that like the same people are winning. It's whitewashing Drake. boycotts because of the voting. So they did do a lot this year to switch up the voting. That's why maybe more of the like Doce winning best rap album. She was like the only woman nominated in that category. She's the third woman since 1989 to win that award. So I think that the voting seemed a bit fairer this year and less white, more diverse.
- Speaker #1
And what are your thoughts on your one getting naked with Kanye West on the red carpet?
- Speaker #0
I think that it's very hard to speak on behalf of Bianca because she says nothing. It's hard to know her agency in the whole situation. Like, is a course of control? Because he's wearing like black slacks and a black T-shirt and she's in this invisible dress. There is footage of her from a few years ago before she met Kanye. She was working in some fashion company and she's in. a similar dress. And then her sister was retweeting a lot of the content. She seems to be speaking with her clothes and not with her voice. And it's very hard, considering Kanye's history in dictating women's wardrobes, i.e. Julia Fox and Kim Kardashian, it seems like he's gone to the extreme with Bianca, but it's hard when she's not, Bianca isn't vocal. And he was saying that they, we did it, or like we...
- Speaker #1
Oh, he said something, she's the most Googled person. We beat the Grammys or something, wasn't it?
- Speaker #0
And we beat the Grammys. And apparently they weren't kicked out. They voluntarily left. And then they were like being very intimate at the after parties.
- Speaker #1
I know this isn't part of the conversation, but I feel like they have a fire sex life.
- Speaker #0
Well, they want everyone to know that they have a fire sex life.
- Speaker #1
But just by looking at them, do you not think so?
- Speaker #0
I don't know. Yeah.
- Speaker #1
Like, let's just, let's forget about all the control, et cetera. Do you not think they look like they have a really fire sex life?
- Speaker #0
Yeah, there's definitely a connection, but it's just hard when you're only going off body language, you're not going off what they're saying. No. No.
- Speaker #1
But I just feel like they're having sex like a lot. Like Courtney and Travis.
- Speaker #0
Remember they were caught in Venice and she was giving him a blow drop in one of those water taxis.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, it's hard to defend, but like what a rock star.
- Speaker #0
Sometimes though when it... But sometimes when it's so on display, you're like, is this for show? You know, sometimes I think like, you know, when there's couples that are all over social media and like, we're doing this, we're doing that. You're like, how much fun are you actually?
- Speaker #1
Show, don't tell.
- Speaker #0
You should be just having so much fun with each other that you don't feel the need to show it all the time. You know, you're not even thinking about that. Sometimes I think when it's too showy, it's like, this is the narrative you want to still see.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, what are you covering up?
- Speaker #0
Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. It's a... bit of a tricky one.
- Speaker #1
I've also never heard her talk. Like, isn't she Australian? Yeah. Yeah, I'd love to hear her voice.
- Speaker #0
She was head of architecture for Ye. Yeezy. That's how they met. Since when did they need architecture?
- Speaker #1
I was just about to say, what does Yeezy need an architecture wing for?
- Speaker #0
That's so strange. There was also a porn division. It's very peculiar. Going back to Beyonce. Beyonce was sitting with Blue beside her, Jay-Z behind. They love bringing blue around. I know, but I think it was definitely, regardless of where Beyonce stands on the whole Jay-Z thing, it was definitely a good PR move that like, they weren't photographed beside each other because then all her press then gets tied in with Jay-Z's. Like, she never kissed him on the lips. She went up with blue to accept, I think it was the country album awards. I thought it was noticeable that they weren't fit as like, that's what they're, they're no Bianca and Kanye, but.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, they're not at all.
- Speaker #0
They were quite notably, and I'd say regardless of where they are as a couple, I think that was definitely a planned move. But one thing I did see was that, so Taylor was sitting near them and I love how they don't really have a feud because they were really, the media tried to pit them against each other with their big tours last year. But Taylor, everyone obviously is watching every single move Taylor makes. And she was cheersing Jay-Z, spent a lot of time talking to him. So. I don't know. I feel like that's like an intentional move. So you just wonder, you know, I thought that was interesting.
- Speaker #1
That's very interesting.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Also, apparently Taylor and Miley, there was something awkward between them.
- Speaker #0
Oh, really? I saw that Sabrina Carpenter and Olivia Rodrigo made up their feud. Yeah. And Taylor was like,
- Speaker #1
yeah. Yeah, I'm into that.
- Speaker #0
It felt like a very healing time.
- Speaker #1
Very healing.
- Speaker #0
You lose faith sometimes in a worried show because you're like, oh. fucking Billie Eilish has won again for best album or like Taylor whereas like obviously me as such a Beyonce stan it's like what more does she have to do and then I'm just so glad she won for that album because it is great I knew you'd be delighted I know although I'm devastated because her world tour is when I'm away so I'm just
- Speaker #1
What's the world tour? The country world tour?
- Speaker #0
It's kind of just doing like America, London and Paris. It's a bit shorter, but I think it'll be all Cowboy Carter. It doesn't seem like it.
- Speaker #1
So would that be like that halftime show we saw Christmas? That kind of? Yeah,
- Speaker #0
I know. I'm devastated.
- Speaker #1
I was telling someone about that yesterday and they were like, what? And I was like, you haven't seen that. It didn't get enough press. It was so good.
- Speaker #0
So good. They're saying now that that will be like the halftime show on the Christmas day will be a new Super Bowl type. performance for musical acts.
- Speaker #1
Oh, really? Yeah.
- Speaker #0
Sorry, what are you? Je darling, je teste dingue?
- Speaker #1
Mine's a je teste. I've definitely done something like this earlier. Poly politico, if you will. Joe.ie just put this thing up and it's, I think it's a tweet. And it's this person saying, enjoying skiing is an ick. I understand you were raised that way, but I'd prefer not to be part of that lifestyle. And then Joe.ie put it up as a grid. And then underneath it said, sorry, you're from South Dublin. I don't like this. If this was done the other way around with some other activity and some other side of another county, people wouldn't be going for it. And I can't stand the double standards. It needs to stop. It's not OK.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Why are they allowed to say stuff about South Dublin? And now if someone from South Dublin said something about some other side of some other county, they would be absolutely slaughtered. nor would Joe.ie post it.
- Speaker #0
You're dead right.
- Speaker #1
They're putting us as the bot of jokes. It's not right. We should be supporting each other.
- Speaker #0
I know.
- Speaker #1
If I said something about like, I'm trying to think of the equivalent, I wouldn't say it anyway.
- Speaker #0
Yeah. Just Joe trying to have a sense of you.
- Speaker #1
But you're one posting, you shouldn't be posting it.
- Speaker #0
Just trying to rile you up.
- Speaker #1
But I didn't like it. That's my detest.
- Speaker #0
Boo Joe.
- Speaker #1
Enough's enough.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Irish supporting Irish. get over yourself but you know loads of counties just don't get any heat at all I know
- Speaker #0
I think that South German trope is such an easy target it's just really good but like it's so boring but also the tweet itself like just don't go skiing then no one's forcing you to do that or stop talking to the people who are giving you an A yeah that the person who wrote it needs to go to therapy so
- Speaker #1
there you are that's it Now, Gazza, on to the last political items.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
I am tearing down, not tearing down, I am doing a touch of a deep dive like I did on Jay Shetty with another questionable male in our sphere.
- Speaker #0
Another expose.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, and I don't want it to become a pattern, but I actually saw this and I thought...
- Speaker #0
If the shoe fits.
- Speaker #1
And I stand on what I said about Jay Shetty. It just shouldn't be as glorified as it is, a monk in adverted commas.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
So. Stephen Bartlett, loads of people listen to Diary of a CEO. And again, like Joe Shetty, I just keep kind of seeing him and I'm like, what's the buzz with him? Why is he so successful? Like these numbers sound bizarre. And then I saw a few bits being like he stepped down as the, was it director? Yeah, I think he's something high up in Huel, which is, you know, that meal, you add water.
- Speaker #0
AI food.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, it's like spaceship food.
- Speaker #0
Just eat an orange.
- Speaker #1
I know. Meal replacements, etc.
- Speaker #0
That makes me so scared about the future. But anyway, go on.
- Speaker #1
Oh, yeah. The dried packets. It's very sort of bomb shelter. You know, those kind of when you go in, there's an Armageddon. Yeah. The Huel mac and cheese will be in there.
- Speaker #0
Just go outside and eat an apple.
- Speaker #1
Get some light.
- Speaker #0
Get some light.
- Speaker #1
Stop listening to Joe Jette. Anyway, so I saw a few bits. And. His diary of a CEO has, I've listened to it. I think this stuff is good. Your man doesn't have enough personality for me, Stephen Bartlett. It's very robotic.
- Speaker #0
But it's so successful. I think it was the biggest podcast on Apple podcast last year, or one of the biggest.
- Speaker #1
And I get why. There are long episodes of really successful people talking about their trade of whatever. They were saying he's branching out now. So it's not just founders of these massive companies now. It's like a sex expert. talking about how you'll have the best orgasm of your life. But there's also some like controversial people saying that you can diet your way out of autism. It was one of the controversial things which.
- Speaker #0
Oh no.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. And that's kind of dangerous territory. There was another one saying that you can prevent cancer by doing certain things with your diet. And they were saying it's very misleading for. cancer patients etc so he's gotten to a bit of a muddy territory where he's bringing new people kind of controversially in and then apparently he doesn't combat them in the conversation like he just lets them kind of talk and he doesn't really interject provide any kind of balance like hello lawyer up man you can't say things like that but again Jay Shetty yeah um I think people get used to being like oh wait no but he's really he knows everything So they're saying a lot of the information is dubious and disproven and it can create kind of a dangerous legacy where people are trusting what they're saying and a lot of it's not really founded.
- Speaker #0
Especially when it's so popular, you know, you've got such a big audience.
- Speaker #1
But it is, it's top. It's not responsible. On everything. And anyway, some of the numbers he definitely inflates. But then going back a la Jay Shetty, he depicts his life as a rags to riches story. which apparently isn't really the case, allegedly. He was raised in Plymstock, which is a leafy middle-class suburb. And his neighbours say that he grew up in a five-bedroom detached house. Properties are on the market there today for half a million.
- Speaker #0
Okay. Sorry, so he's saying that he's like came from nothing.
- Speaker #1
He's saying it's rides to riches. And he said that I realised growing up that, you know, if I wanted anything, I was going to have to get it myself. Perfect. Apparently that's not really the case.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
There's other things saying his dad, when Stephen Bartle was eight, his dad was an associate for a civil engineering company and today he runs his own consultancy company. So a bit of inconsistency there.
- Speaker #0
We're on to you.
- Speaker #1
And then apparently he dropped out of college after only one lecture. He created one business that didn't go anywhere and then he set up another one with a fellow dropout student called Social Chain. I think this is the one where that got him noticed. and it's connecting people with brands through social media and it's like a marketing agency. Then there was some weird stuff going on about paid advertising on this. Is it an app? And they weren't saying it was paid for, so that wasn't great. Then recently he was doing work with that, you know, that nutrition service, Zoe.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Zoe and Hugh and two sets of the campaigns were removed from Stephen Bartlett's content saying like, give it a try, it will change your life. But they weren't saying he was an investor in it. So the advertising watchdog got complaints and that was removed.
- Speaker #0
Every bloody influencer knows that, let alone celebrities that you have to put in.
- Speaker #1
But they brought in those laws. Laws for even micro-influencers being micro-packed to say that this is an ad.
- Speaker #0
Exactly. That's so stupid.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, it sounds a bit weird.
- Speaker #0
That is really tick.
- Speaker #1
I don't know. because I think he seemed untouchable for a while, but now people are starting to look into stuff. And then apparently there's a video that's come out of him. I think he's maybe in his 20s and he's a rapper in it. And I think his name is like Lyricist. Like that's his rap name. And it's resurfaced. He's rapping about the Irish famine, which I think we'll all know won't go too well with you, right?
- Speaker #0
Excuse me?
- Speaker #1
And apparently, yeah. and apparently some of the lyrics are You're Ireland's only last hope when it comes to rapping. Consider the fact you're such a blatant cabbage. Ireland are going to lose another precious vegetable like the potato famine.
- Speaker #0
Oh my god.
- Speaker #1
Featured lyrics about the potato famine. I don't really get who that's aimed at. No I don't really understand it but it resurfaced anyway and apparently it's quite embarrassing. I'll try and find the clip. Anyway, and then he stepped down from Hugh, which was another bit of a red flag. And they released a statement saying like, oh, he's moved to LA. So like, it's not really, he can't really do as much as he could. Oh, okay. Yeah. And then also there was a thing in Dragon's Den, because his whole thing about Dragon's Den is that he's the youngest dragon ever. Which is very impressive. But there was this girl who was on it and it's these like ear seats.
- Speaker #0
Yes. Yeah, I remember that episode.
- Speaker #1
The target was... I think it was like some chronic fatigue syndrome and anxiety and something else. And the claim was. Yeah,
- Speaker #0
the pressure points in your ears.
- Speaker #1
Acupuncture seeds or something. And the claim was like, it can cure this. I think he put in like half a million, I think. But then a week after that aired, because I saw it on stuff being like, have you heard about these? Like it's obviously paid for content. But I saw the thing and I was like, wow, that looks bizarre slash interesting. And then apparently a week after that episode aired on Companies House, Stephen Bartlett wasn't on it as part owner or whatever. He was removed from it. And then I think the whole thing was his brother was going to replace him, but he hasn't.
- Speaker #0
So did he invest at all?
- Speaker #1
Ditto. We're not sure. But there's all these like little red flags coming up.
- Speaker #0
That's weird.
- Speaker #1
I'm hoping more is going to come out. It's all just little red flags that might lead up to much, but apparently as well, he inflates all like what he's worth. And as we said, the backstory, but the valuation of his companies and, you know, calls himself a billionaire, but like isn't a billionaire, et cetera.
- Speaker #0
Oh my God.
- Speaker #1
You know, watch this space. I'm not sure. I'm just saying something to look at.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, because I'd heard bits and bobs about, I heard, I saw a few headlines about the dubious and dangerous claims on the podcast. But I didn't know to this degree. Oh, my God. I know his podcast grew really quickly, but you have to be really careful and responsible with your audience. Like, hello, the internet is full of TikTok people who can fact check everything. So you'd want to be pretty, make sure you're pretty bulletproof before you go.
- Speaker #1
Also, just from like, like legality perspective, when you're putting up claims and stuff, you have to be so careful. And apparently for...
- Speaker #0
Nobody knows that.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, but apparently for the Huel thing, the Advertising Standards Agency last year pulled the campaign for misleading claims about the products. And apparently it was suggesting that a portion of its daily greens powder worked out cheaper than fresh green vegetables.
- Speaker #0
Oh my God.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, just kind of bizarre claims.
- Speaker #0
It's a weird thing. He seems to be really into the diet industry. Like Huel and Zoe are two big health startups.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, I mean, good for him. He's very successful. Now, a bit robotic, I would say, but I'm not trying to tear him down because of that. I was just looking at the information.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, just putting it out. I think it's important to know who all these people are and what they're about. And then you can kind of make your own call on them because, you know, no one's perfect.
- Speaker #1
Totally. I'm not trying to sway either side.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, yeah.
- Speaker #1
You do you, Stephen Barclay.
- Speaker #0
Yeah. And then you make up your own mind. what you want to do with them totally now
- Speaker #1
Gazer what do you have this week
- Speaker #0
I have a bit of a harebrained idea that sent me on a real cul de sac on the internet and I want to have a rant about it Roger so this shower of thought has been rattling around in my noggin since Christmas and I got wind of and I missed it but apparently or in December time, Kanye West posted a video, or like a clip anyway, of Kim Kardashian walking into a freak off. He deleted it. Then he posted on his stories, or they've wiped it. The word wipe was used. And some kind of joke, it was like, oh, that's gone now, wiped forever. Some kind of like, they've wiped it, was definitely the thing. So then I was obviously got into my Googling and I was like, what the fuck is this? And any time you Google this, Kim Kardashian walking into a freak off, Kim Kardashian freak off Diddy, the articles that you will see are nine months, eight months, three months old. The only story you will find with like Kim freak off is like the only real one with a bit of substance is Kim unfollows Diddy 24 hours before he got arrested last year. That's the only substantiated claim I can say.
- Speaker #1
Which is wild anyway. Like that's bizarre.
- Speaker #0
Exactly. And it's like, hello, you obviously got a tip off. There's the rumors as well that, do you remember when Kim fell off the motorbike and was wearing a cast? I remember she was like scooting around in New York on her little.
- Speaker #1
Is that how she did it?
- Speaker #0
Oh. Apparently that was to hide a tag because she was rumored to be leaving the country.
- Speaker #1
I saw something. Did you send that to me?
- Speaker #0
Yeah. I'm just saying, similar to Stephen Bartlett, I'm just saying, I want to just watch this. Because we've spoken on the show before about how the Kardashian church that Kris Jenner founded and the woman who, oh I forget her name, but she was the woman behind putting Britney Spears in conservatorship. She worked with Diddy, they fell out, she's a big PR manager, she also worked with the Kardashians. And they apparently were, this is all just like tinfoil hat stuff, conspiracies, wink wink. But the rumour is that they were using the Kardashian church to... move money through to pay off victims because you don't really need to, when you're giving money to a church, you don't need to say how you're spending the money. So you pay less tax, you can donate to this church, but what the church does with that money, you don't have to be too clear.
- Speaker #1
A loophole.
- Speaker #0
A loophole, thank you. So I just feel like I've got a sense.
- Speaker #1
I think you're usually right with your sense.
- Speaker #0
I appreciate this isn't hard evidence. I just think sometimes I just love entertaining, sorry, all the time, I love entertaining conspiracy.
- Speaker #1
But a lot of yours are correct. You said when Ben and Jen got back together from like week one, you were like, no.
- Speaker #0
No. So in this one, apparently Diddy gave Kim her break or was involved in a lot of the deals that kept the Kardashians kind of on a trajectory to like global domination. And they were always protected. So how they paid him back was by working for him and like being involved in the free coughs. bringing men to parties, drugging them, and then Diddy being able to blackmail them. Shit like that. Look, that could be completely untrue. We don't know. It's all alleged. It's all kind of like... people on YouTube talking about this kind of stuff. But similar to what we were saying about Jay-Z, like there's no way everyone's noses are clean. You know, Diddy is going down. One of his charges is he's being charged for being in a mob, but he's the only person being charged. And the beauty of being in a mob is it's more than one person. So, you know, there has to be more people, whether it's famous people or not, whether it's Jay-Z, the Kardashians, the Jenners, but there has to be more people in this mob. And so because... Kim is so lawyered up now because she's studying the law for herself. You just wonder, like, the intentions behind any of that stuff.
- Speaker #1
What do you think about the bracelet or the ankle thing? I'd love if that was true.
- Speaker #0
I'd love if that was true. Now, this is true. Let me just pull up the...
- Speaker #1
The receipts.
- Speaker #0
The receipts. This is completely unrelated, but I just think it's a fun fact. In the beginning of her career, Kim stole $120,000 from the singer Brandy. when she worked as her closet assistant. Brandy's mother, Sonia Norwood, sued Kim and her siblings for charging over $120,000 in unauthorized purchases on her Amex in their own clothing stores. So in the Dash stores. And that did happen. That lawsuit was filed and settled out of court in 2009. Kim would then go on to date Brandy's brother, Ray J, with whom she made the sex tape. We now know that there were several tapes to choose from and her mother made that choice based on which, this is where it gets a bit tinfoil hat, her mother made that choice based on which one she felt Kim looked best in.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
So, so, which harks back to, you know that scene in the Kardashians when Kanye comes over, she's in the old pink suit and he comes over with the suitcase of the sex tape.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Speaker #0
And it's like everyone then was like, obviously the sex tape is online. You can get that on. You know, that's gone digital. So you just wonder, you know, like there's more TikTok videos that came out about that being like, maybe they're ditty tapes, maybe they're freak off tapes because they haven't been released yet. What does it matter her having the physical Ray J sex tape when it's on the internet anyway?
- Speaker #1
Didn't they say it was loads of out, not outtakes, but just loads of the rest of that trip?
- Speaker #0
Yeah. How can you be sure that they're the only copies? It's already gone on the internet. I don't know.
- Speaker #1
That episode was so weird.
- Speaker #0
Why would you put it in the show?
- Speaker #1
She's like he flew all night to get these dicks. Yeah. And then all of her in the room is crying.
- Speaker #0
And I agree if that is just what it is, it's a lovely moment, but it's hard not in light of all these videos, the Diddy parties and the Kardashian connection, it's hard not to connect.
- Speaker #1
You know that stylist they used for years, Monica Rose. They all were working with her and then Kim stopped. And then they all subsequently dropped her and it was never spoken about. Apparently it was Chloe's, I don't know where she said or what she said, but it was something to do about your one stealing from them, like almost overcharging or charging them for clothes maybe that they didn't have or anything.
- Speaker #0
Interesting. That's weird because Kim did the same thing. She stole from Bradley.
- Speaker #1
That's what I'm saying. I'm like, is this a thing?
- Speaker #0
You just rock. Like, ouch. 120 heads of dollars on an Amex. Fucking hell.
- Speaker #1
What a limit they had.
- Speaker #0
Yeah. I suppose that was probably in the height of Brandy's fame. Like Moesha, she had her solo career. Just to maintain balance, in the YouTube videos that I was watching today, there was also connections with Beyonce being at these parties and they're saying, this interview that, was it Babyface? I think it was. Babyface did. And he's saying like, oh, I was at the party. Beyonce introduced herself to me. Diddy cleared it out. There was only 15 of us left and shit went down. So there are other celebrities that are going to get pulled into this. Whether or not they'll do deals with the FBI before Diddy's trial is another thing. I just don't know. I just feel like there's way more.
- Speaker #1
When are we going to find out?
- Speaker #0
I don't know because I wonder when it all come out in the Diddy trial in May. But then that.
- Speaker #1
That's definitely going to get pushed though now.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, especially if minors are involved, I think the case has to get rewritten. Because isn't the Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively one not till next March, isn't it? Yeah. Like I'd argue that should get pushed forward just for our entertainment.
- Speaker #1
Sorry, exactly. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Thank you for mentioning them. Because the reason I'm entertaining these internet theories is because when the Baldoni and Blake Lively case came out, the way he employed a Crisis PR team to change algorithms and to get us all. thinking badly of Blake Lively, be it true or not, that's not the thing. They turned the dial to make everybody see Blake Lively in a bad light. Whether she's good or bad is beyond the point. The algorithms shifted, right? So then when I heard this news that there's a video of Kim going into a freak off, I'm just like, well, celebrities might be able to puppeteer. God, I said absolutely batch it. But celebrities might be able to puppeteer our algorithms, the stories, especially when Kanye said like. they've wiped it. And when you go in and try to Google anything, like the Kardashians were friends with Diddy the whole time, but now you can't find much stories about it. It's just, it's too squeaky clean. It's like somebody's covered up a murder and it's just too clean. There's not even normal fingerprints around this. The Baldoni thing for me, it's that exposed, like celebrities play a far bigger part in what we consume. We're so malleable by our algorithms. They shape how we think. So if the celebrities can control the source, control those algorithms, control what websites are there. I don't know. It just seems like censorship, censorship, like some one, this one TikToker, he had said he had gotten a like cease and desist for saying all this stuff. So there are legal letters going out to content creators who are posting about this stuff. And it's kind of weird that there's nothing like literally nothing. There should be something like, you know, by their two huge, massive celebrities, there should be articles about them together, but there is nothing. It's like from May last year to now, there is like shreds. And it's all like the weird YouTube videos I was watching today. And I just think that's too clean. It's too fucking clean. That's it. Rant over.
- Speaker #0
Ooh. I mean, it makes sense.
- Speaker #1
And I realize it's all alleged. It's all claims. I'm just saying there has to be a connection. is my rant for the day. Done.
- Speaker #0
That was really thought-provoking.
- Speaker #1
I know, it could all be shit. I don't know who to believe anymore. You know, there's, I feel like it's hard to know. There's so much crazy shit going on that it's like, oh, anything could be true. Everything could be false. Yeah,
- Speaker #0
who to believe. I mean, watch this space for a lot of those bits. If anyone has any more Clara-type info, please send it to us. Please. I love that. Gazza, it's your turn for a record this week. What are you serving the queens with?
- Speaker #1
So I found this recipe. It came up. Speaking of algorithms, it came up. Now, I know you're a veggie, but do you eat tuna?
- Speaker #0
No, but that doesn't mean anything. Lots of people do.
- Speaker #1
No, right. Okay. I thought you might be like a pesky. This recipe came to me and you know, you're always saving them and you never bother cooking them. I cooked this one on Sunday because me and Mick are doing this. We started in January. It's called. Make and Clara's Magic Cuisine Sundays, MCMCS. We were a bit hungover. I had the most violent hangover on Saturday that had many stages. We had migraines, vomiting, crying at the national anthems at the Irish-English rugby game. And then a... That one's very fair. A fresh... Yeah, exactly. It was just so incredible. I was bawling. And then I finished it all for the walk, so completed that. But then on Sunday, it was like, oh God, that was crazy. So I was like, we need an easy, gentle pasta dish. It's a tuna, spicy tuna, tomato, ragout. We're going to post in the show notes and I'll post in the recipe because it was a bit hard to find for the ingredients. It's so easy to cook. You put all the ingredients in a pan, tuna, olive oil, loads of tomatoes, loads of spices, curry powder. Oh. Mix that all in, cook your pasta, mix in the pasta, bit of double cream. Oh. Bit of cheese, melt that in. And it is. Tuna, spicy, surprise, gorgeousness. I'm starving. I'd eat it at this hour.
- Speaker #0
I'm so hungry and I don't eat tuna, but I'd eat that now.
- Speaker #1
You could do it veggie. Like it's such a nice spicy tomato sauce. It is gorgeous. I had enough for lunch the next day.
- Speaker #0
I think food tastes better the next day. Like hot food.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, more time to like percolate. So MCMCS was a total hit on Sunday.
- Speaker #0
It's great. MCMCS.
- Speaker #1
MCMCS, yeah.
- Speaker #0
So sorry, just make do it next week. Sorry, this week.
- Speaker #1
Well, we usually do it together, but this time I do solo because he had had a big night out on the Saturday. So... I flew solo, but he's going to do... Yeah,
- Speaker #0
anyway. I flew the saucepan solo. I can't wait to hear what else is on MCMCS. Thank you so much for tuning in and for listening to our wild, but probably true conspiracy theories and some deep dive on some people that we think maybe aren't who they say they are. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at Soph underscore lines at Classic Cabana. Send us anything you find gossipy that you'd like us to talk about. Rate, review, subscribe, tell your friends, and we'll see you next week, girlies. Spring is coming. Yippee! Are we in spring?
- Speaker #1
I think February is spring.
- Speaker #0
I thought so too, but then someone told me in the office it wasn't.