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Armie Hammer's Mum Bought Him a Birthday Vasectomy cover
Armie Hammer's Mum Bought Him a Birthday Vasectomy cover
House of Gossip

Armie Hammer's Mum Bought Him a Birthday Vasectomy

Armie Hammer's Mum Bought Him a Birthday Vasectomy

38min |18/02/2025
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Armie Hammer's Mum Bought Him a Birthday Vasectomy cover
Armie Hammer's Mum Bought Him a Birthday Vasectomy cover
House of Gossip

Armie Hammer's Mum Bought Him a Birthday Vasectomy

Armie Hammer's Mum Bought Him a Birthday Vasectomy

38min |18/02/2025


It's Valentine's week ladies... The girls are talking about Armie Hammer's appearance on Louis Theroux's podcast. The ladies do suggest listening to the episode first so you can get a full picture... it's a fairly heavy listen. Then Keeping Up with the Kardashians is back and episode 2 was very healing for Sophie... Lamar Odom paid a visit after 10 years.

Recco: For Real Housewives fans, Lisa Rinna & Harry Hamlin are on The Skinny Confidential podcast

Follow these gossip girls on insta: @soph_lyons & @clazzykabana

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Oink, oink, bitches! House of Goss is here for you. We are your weekly dose of pop culture nourishment. We really hoped you enjoyed our maize-anette of Goss for the Super Bowl. If you like those little mini episodes, let us know how we're going, how you're feeling. Maybe they're good. Everything seems to happen on a Sunday in Hollywood. So these little mini episodes, expect more of them. My name is Clara Kavna. The darling, dashing, beauty smiling down at me is Sophie Lyles. How are you?

  • Speaker #1

    I'm fantastic. It's Valentine's Day. Woo! I love Valentine's Day.

  • Speaker #0

    It is. I did a yoga class this morning and it was all about like opening your heart chakra. And I feel very open. It's a great way to start the day. I did a walk in the park and I was like, self-love.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, and it's sunny today, which is lovely. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite random holidays.

  • Speaker #0

    It is. Yeah, it's great.

  • Speaker #1

    Like a calendar day. I think it's so sweet especially on a Friday. I know. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    It's great. Little Armie is going to be your Valentine.

  • Speaker #1

    Armie's going to be my Valentine,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah. Armie.

  • Speaker #1

    I know you did but I thought we would just brush over it.

  • Speaker #0

    Sorry that's because we have Armie Hammer on the brain. More on him later.

  • Speaker #1

    But Armie, yes.

  • Speaker #0

    Armie the little sausage dog.

  • Speaker #1

    And myself.

  • Speaker #0

    And your dog, of course. And so let's kick things off. What are you loving or hating? J'adore or j'attest from the week?

  • Speaker #1

    My j'adore is Valentine's Day. Yesterday I saw like a few guys like on the train or like, you know, walking on the street and they had like flowers or chocolate and stuff in their hand. And I just, the colours of red and pink.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    I just think it's such a nice day. It's random. It comes out of the blue. Really nice time to tell anyone that you love them and that you mean something to them. I love romance and I just think it's so nice when you see a guy with flowers.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my God. I always try to catch their eye and I'm like, aren't you great?

  • Speaker #1

    I want to give them like a hug.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Pat on the back because that's a bit like, aren't you doing well?

  • Speaker #0

    That's nice.

  • Speaker #1

    But I want to just smile at them being like.

  • Speaker #0

    You go, Glenn, go, go.

  • Speaker #1

    I think it's so sweet.

  • Speaker #0

    It is.

  • Speaker #1

    And like when I have boyfriend flowers, they're really big for me. I love them. I have one boyfriend who is like excellent with flowers. Like I got them every week. and like really good ones like from like Broadway Market and stuff and like yeah they were stunning and then I had another one who wouldn't even give me a shave of grass yeah so I've had both and I know which one I prefer obviously you know Sprouts is there I wonder just the the guy who wouldn't even give me a piece of grass listen to this I'm sure he does I hope he's squirming like a little worm I wonder, does he even know it's him? I don't think he does. Anyway, enough about these losers. I love Valentine's Day. This will be coming out on Tuesday, but I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day and got to show everyone that they love that they love them. Oh,

  • Speaker #0

    I also love Galentine's Day. That's cute. On the 13th.

  • Speaker #1

    Anything to do with like the red and pink and the chocolate and the roses.

  • Speaker #0

    And just telling people that you love them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, it's just like a fuzzy day.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. And all the heart-shaped chocolates.

  • Speaker #1

    with the caramel inside. Oh, she door.

  • Speaker #0

    That's made me feel very fuzzy. Thank you.

  • Speaker #1

    I love it. My mom used to put Valentine's Day cards and chocolates in our lunchbox. And so they were handmade cards. Classic. Glitter. Classic. Oh, maybe that's why I like it so much. Yeah,

  • Speaker #0

    that's amazing. I didn't get that.

  • Speaker #1

    It's really cute. I know. Kazza, what about you?

  • Speaker #0

    I I I'm loving myself and my friend Craig and his partner, Chris, went to see Bob the Drag Queen, who was the winner of one of the seasons of Drag Race. They played on Tuesday and it was three hours of nonstop lols. I wasn't really too sure what to expect because like, you know, you think it's a drag show. So you think you're going to be getting like lip syncing and it's the house down lols. But it was actually just. Loads of stand up. Like my cheeks, even on the next day on the Wednesday, were still sore from laughing. Bob's Drag Queen was an hour and 45 minutes on stage. No break. And it was like this whole journey of millennials versus Gen Z's. I thought of you throughout the entire performance. Unfortunately, they were only playing one day because they were on tour. Why? Because it was like. Bob picked out someone in the crowd and was like, OK, you look like a Gen Z. How old are you? And she's like, I'm 20. It's like, what's your name? Saffron. I was like, of course, of course you're called Saffron. So then Bob did like a whole show to Saffron explaining like how weird, like the weird things millennials have had to go through, like Sims, like the movie Shallow Hal. It was like Diddy's in jail, like why the fuck isn't Tyra Banks for America's Next Top Model? And just like, wow, it was so hilarious. Then they did a Q&A at the end and my people from the crowd got to go up and ask questions of like life advice. It was hilarious. I just, I love to lol. And that was just, there was one point I was like, stop. Just can we have a break? Because my face is sore. You know, and he's like, actually, this is painful. An hour and 45. I know. It was incredible.

  • Speaker #1

    A headliner. In the O2 wouldn't do that, would they? No. Because I went to the London Comedy, is it the London Comedy Store? I don't know. That one in Soho. It's like really famous.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. I went on that. I feel like the New York one.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And it's like supposed to be really good or something. But I went on a date to it and I was so not into it.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. But it wasn't a drag queen. See, they're just the best.

  • Speaker #1

    That's really awkward being with someone like I didn't really know that well at a comedy show.

  • Speaker #0

    No. And that should be good. I do think for like first dates, it's like going to a show or the cinema or like a stand up. It's a bit like, hi, I've just met you. And then now we have to sit beside each other and not talk. I think that's better like a few dates in.

  • Speaker #1

    Especially because I think if you're going to like a show or a cinema or something, half the fun of... being on a date is that you're semi-comfortable. So like your hands and stuff, like you could hold hands or a little bit of brushing.

  • Speaker #0

    The leg.

  • Speaker #1

    Do you know what I mean?

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And you're not at that point yet.

  • Speaker #0

    I remember I went on a date and I thought I was being so fucking grown up. The guy was like, I think he was a teacher or something. And we went to go, literally just met. And then we went to see The Importance of Being Earnest in the Gate Theatre in Dublin. And it's a three hour play with an interval two hours in. And it was awful because it was like, oh, OK, I've just met you.

  • Speaker #1

    Are we not exhausted?

  • Speaker #0

    It's so tired. And then just being like, I can't concentrate because you're so nervous about the other person. Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    yeah, you're half listening. Was he a thespian?

  • Speaker #0

    No, I think he was an English. There was definitely some kind of English in his. And I thought I was like being so fancy and like 26 being like, I'm going to the theatre. On a first date.

  • Speaker #1

    On a first date. On a date. Yeah. Did you wear a long skirt? No,

  • Speaker #0

    I can't remember.

  • Speaker #1

    Jazz shoes.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. That didn't last very long. He was too snooty. And had a secret child that never told me about. Lol.

  • Speaker #1

    What age? Was he the same age as you?

  • Speaker #0

    No, he was a few years older. But like.

  • Speaker #1

    And had a secret. That's not something you hear every day in Ireland.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Like, fair enough, it's not my business, but was like openly lying. And he was a little bit older, so it was like, you're supposed to be. mature one here. Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    let me tell you, age does not ensure maturity,

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    That's happened to me a few times.

  • Speaker #0

    Sorry, that was a real segue.

  • Speaker #1

    They were both two very positive starts. Now, our main topic. We don't want to get too heavy into it because it was a heavy subject when all this stuff was coming out about it. So we're not going to go through it bit by bit and say everything that happened. Like if you want to listen to it, listen to it. But these are like our takeaway points from it. And it's Armie Hammer on Luther's podcast.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    You have taken a very, what would I call it? The nuances.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And then I'm aware of just like, I took out some things that I was like, whoa. So I'm dying to hear your thoughts. And I'm assuming some will match up with mine. And then we can transverse.

  • Speaker #0

    Can't flab. I think you're right. Like, we don't go too heavy into what was said because they do touch on a lot of... But it was depressing. It's a hard listen. And you want to be really in the mood for it.

  • Speaker #1

    I did it in two parts because it was actually making me upset.

  • Speaker #0

    when he was in it was affecting my mood and I think the reason it was affecting my mood was because it was such a dog whistle to right wing incel men and by incel I mean involuntary celibate but there's a portion of the internet called incels of like men who they might be Joe Rogan listeners they might be like very right wing basically involuntary celebrate like nobody wants to sleep with you and you're just really angry at women because of it oh and they're like a real identity online it's a dog whistle to insult men a lot of trolling like I think he's I mean now the stance that he took and we both spoke about this it was like the way he's sitting in the chair even in the videos he's taking this very like aggressive approach it was so aggressive it's very like commanding and alpha he he is so fucking jacked on therapy speak that it was a masterclass in gaslighting and I appreciate in fairness like this whole story broke in like 2020 and 2021 all these pecs were released which Louis goes through with them they're all released and we only it's all very one-sided and it did lack a lot of context and I do appreciate hearing it from his side that it like adds the context The media training that he has had is a masterclass in gaslighting and how to change and turn the narrative in your direction. The language that he used and he, I watch now as snippets. I couldn't, I put myself through enough listening to that podcast twice.

  • Speaker #1

    I can't believe you did it twice. I had to do it in two parts.

  • Speaker #0

    I couldn't. I know. And my Valentine's walk around the park.

  • Speaker #1

    That's not right on a V-Day.

  • Speaker #0

    I know, I know. But I felt like, yeah, I wanted to give it another go because. My prejudice against him is so, I'm so anti him that I was like, maybe I listen to with that lens on and I try to listen to again. And obviously I feel the exact same way. But I flicked through a few clips of Armie Hammer on Piers Morgan and like his answers are the same.

  • Speaker #1

    Are they? I remember seeing clips of that.

  • Speaker #0

    What he does is a great thing is creates reasonable doubt constantly. He would say a lot of the language that he used. And it's only in the second listen that I heard it. So if you do want to go and listen to it, just keep an ear out for it. Because he would go, he'd say things like, oh, I'm sure like everyone has. Everyone has. I'm just like you. It's my affair.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, yeah. He kept being like, I'm sure you would do the same. I'm sure you've, I'm sure you've watched this kind of stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    Yep. Sure. Was I an asshole? Sure. But everybody would be if they were.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, you're so.

  • Speaker #0

    He said another thing that was like, oh. My affair was just a classic tale of a marriage gone bad.

  • Speaker #1

    I wasn't happy.

  • Speaker #0

    Happy people don't have affairs. And it's like that one that puts it back on your wife and the relationship. And that's fair. And that definitely does play a part. But number two is you also say down the interview that you were like, or you've said it in the Piers Morgan one anyway. And one of them, he said, oh, like when you're the best things by being famous, you always get a... table at a restaurant, you get free stuff, you get free drugs, you get people want to have sex with you. So it's like happily, happy people don't cheat on their wives.

  • Speaker #1

    Hurt people hurt people.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's also like you could be the happiest man in the world, but then get swept up in the Hollywood thing. And then just all these women are throwing themselves at you and you resist temptation. Yeah. You could have a really happy, happy marriage, but you just made a mistake.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. They're not mutually exclusive.

  • Speaker #0

    Exactly. And I just think it's pushed the blame away. I was in a bad place. So now I'm, I was kind of a victim of circumstance rather than.

  • Speaker #1

    That's me as a person.

  • Speaker #0

    And exactly. And he's taking accountability, but he's taking it in a very specific way that it's like, I was the asshole. So he was saying like, I was treating people badly. I was, I was picking them up. I was dropping them down. I was standing girls up. I was, you know, stringing them along. And, and then they get really angry at me. And then. they were angry. So hell, he says this, hell has no fury than a woman scorned.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my God, sorry. All the like, the people he brought in being like, this old Jamaican man once said to me.

  • Speaker #0

    That made up, absolutely made up.

  • Speaker #1

    But he kept using all these examples of these like prophets like that he spoke to.

  • Speaker #0

    The classic tale of Icarus. I flew too close.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, Jebediah said, 1412, thou shalt not love by thyself. Like, It was all this made up stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's all shit to validate himself. And his behaviors are like kind of justified a little bit.

  • Speaker #1

    But he just like, he didn't want to talk about it. And like, that's the main reason he was on there.

  • Speaker #0

    He was like, the water's still on that now. And you bringing it up annoys me because then it shakes the water again. And why do we have to go back there?

  • Speaker #1

    Towards the end, he's like, oh, you know, is there anything you... you know I want to add and he was like well I'll be honest like I don't like the way the start went and he was like I think you were just bringing up old stuff and you know that's a while ago I was like but you haven't spoken about it but it's not old and you're on this like he's not talking to you about a movie you're working on yeah

  • Speaker #0

    I thought Louis did a really great job of pushing him on things.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he's always very good at that.

  • Speaker #0

    He didn't let him get away with too many things. Sometimes with Louis, like, he is kind of platforming someone who's accused of allegedly doing, like, pretty horrible things. And there's providing no real balance, but, like, it doesn't suit that star-loving tree. But Louis, yeah, was good at kind of holding him back accountable to things that he was kind of wiggling out of.

  • Speaker #1

    Nothing was answered. It was always just like, you know, I'm sure you would understand that, like,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah I do this do you do that you you must do that like when's the last time you did this yeah all that kind of stuff it was really um yeah what was a robotic it was that's where I think the media training comes into it because it's like deflect so he would say things like well like give me your phone for 45 minutes and I'm sure you wouldn't want me to see what's on there I'm sure I'd find yeah oh telly what I don't like about it is it's like he says he's like found peace This was his like ego death.

  • Speaker #1

    He certainly hasn't.

  • Speaker #0

    But he's still really angry because anytime...

  • Speaker #1

    An ego doesn't die a death.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, and it's also like, but you've got this huge, ginormous ego sitting there that's getting annoyed.

  • Speaker #1

    Because there's a video that's on the Spotify thing and his presence is like, it's a lot to look at.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Kind of guerrilla energy.

  • Speaker #0

    It's very guerrilla energy. What I don't like about it is he doesn't seem that sorry.

  • Speaker #1

    No, I didn't get any remorse.

  • Speaker #0

    He feels like he has nothing to apologize for. Yes, OK, he could be really angry because they go through in the interview, but like the LAPD dropped the case because there was no evidence. They saw the two sides of the messaging, whereas we only saw the one side of like, I want to smoke your rib and put your baby toe in my pocket and all this stuff. But what I don't like is that he never fully acknowledged his role as a Hollywood actor, like a not a household name, like he's no... like Ryan Gosling or whatever. But like, he doesn't acknowledge his role. Sorry, I appreciate that he's really angry at the women because in his eyes, loads of women lied and made up all these things that he was a rapist and blah, blah. And like they saying it wasn't consensual and he's saying it was. So I can appreciate he's really angry at women, but there's no like, I'm sorry how I made women feel. And I think if he went in with a bit more tenderness into, I... I acknowledge my role as somebody who might have been selling it you could be Mrs. Hammer but now you feel violated I made you feel violated like he didn't he never once was like I'm sorry for making women feel like that it was very much like hell hath no fury like a woman's gourd

  • Speaker #1

    I like I don't actually think he is remorseful no because he's so aggressive in the whole thing yeah also just some of the stuff like he has a chaos tattoo yeah and he said boredom is serenity unappreciated and he said But he loves his chaos tattoo.

  • Speaker #0

    But he loves selling this lifestyle of like, you know, I'm eat, pray, love now, you know, that's selling the vision.

  • Speaker #1

    His manner is awful. He also said his wife said he has a frontal lobe issue.

  • Speaker #0

    As does every 26-year-old.

  • Speaker #1

    Don't we all?

  • Speaker #0

    Don't you?

  • Speaker #1

    And he also says he doesn't get drunk now. Right. And he said it's not like I'm afraid that as an addict I'll be sucking dick for a crack in an alley.

  • Speaker #0

    Some of his lines. But like, don't say like you're going to be gobbling loads of cocktail and I'll leave for crack.

  • Speaker #1

    It was all, it was just very aggressive. And like, it was a lot for my little head. I just thought it was, it's very bleak.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And then he asked him, do you remember? People are like, is he selling something in the Cayman Islands? He was in like his hotel workers and stuff. Yeah. And he said he loved his first desk job. He was selling timeshares in Cayman Islands. He was also a greenskeeper. And he helped manage an apartment building. And he was like, I loved wearing my khaki pants.

  • Speaker #0

    Imagine if you were going to the Cayman Islands and he was selling you the real estate. And then you were like, oh my God, this cannibal is showing me this property.

  • Speaker #1

    But I'd say he would just be so forceful. He also said, Louis is like, oh, like, would it be fair to say you were like cancelled from Hollywood? He was like, I wouldn't say cancelled. I would say forcefully removed from the system.

  • Speaker #0

    How else would you describe a counsellor?

  • Speaker #1

    And then his mum paid for his vasectomy for his birthday. And he was like, did you ask your mum for that? And he was like, I don't know. I think it kind of came from a conversation, like as you would have. And, you know, I don't have the money to pay for that. She says she'd pay for it.

  • Speaker #0

    It's so weird.

  • Speaker #1

    He did also say like he has loads of work coming up.

  • Speaker #0

    Then I don't know, is it like painting this picture of success?

  • Speaker #1

    That's what I was thinking because like... Mmm. Like he's such a spoofer.

  • Speaker #0

    The director seems a bit controversial and kind of probably wants that media attention on his film. You just don't know how big these things are going to be.

  • Speaker #1

    It's always a bit sad,

  • Speaker #0

    isn't it? Yeah. So he gets annoyed at Louis for conflating the cannibalism bits and the text messages with the language that was being used. He was like, that's out of context. It doesn't mean I'm a cannibal. Sorry, he's annoyed at Louis for conflating the two. Just because I said this doesn't mean I'm a cannibal. Even though it's like, but you're writing like... pretty aggressive and like no disrespect to anyone in the BGSM community but like you know they're for people who aren't in that you know it is kind of a an out of context they're horrible messages to read you know there's like blood fantasies and BGSM but this is like eating fantasies so I think there's like quite a line there but then like when he was going on talking about like oh you know when you watch you start watching porn and at the end like do you watch porn Louis And he was like, nobody needs the image of me watching porn in their minds. And I thought that was an excellent, don't ask me that question, like avoid. But he goes like, where you start at the beginning of the hour is very different to where you end up. So like, you know, my fantasies just got like more and more and more. And he was like, it's like two. So when I was texting these girls these messages, it's like two comedians just riffing.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my gosh.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't think you can conflate that. With telling someone you have like a knife to their throat. Like it's very strange. And I also think like no accountability, like blaming it on COVID, blaming it on the Me Too movement, blaming it also on being really drunk or high all the time. And I'm just like, how can you be so sure that you're like innocent in this? Like if he's, he said, he said he did everything bar heroin.

  • Speaker #1

    Also like the way he answered that when he's like, what drugs do you do? And he's like, oh, sure. A lot of them.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, sure. And then he's like.

  • Speaker #0

    coke and he's like uh sure and he just keeps going yeah sure and you're like for god's sake like you're here now how can you be so sure though that you didn't if you were completely out of it for those couple of years doing it how can you be so sure that you didn't write that or you like that you're aware of the how that behavior is making other people feel yes you're kind of out of body and you're high or drunk or whatever but how can you not you see like he could have done stuff that he can't remember and then people are accusing it and he's like no I didn't do that but it's like well you might have been out of it you know so people you know he could have done just just to throw his vagueness back at him how could he remember everything he did if he was like out of it for so long yeah

  • Speaker #1

    my like as in you didn't really get any answers and also just my closing thing is like he's just really unlikable like there's no warm warmth to him no Or like, like whatever about anything that he's talking about, just like him, his presence is like not a nice presence.

  • Speaker #0

    No, it's very like, um. Robot. Like aggressive. And it's like, I don't need to prove, I don't need to prove myself to anyone. Like, I don't need your approval. It's like, well, you're on a fucking podcast tour, mate. So, and you're back acting. I really appreciate the way you started off. Yeah. I just find that really like, well, if you don't care about anyone's opinions, maybe. don't go back into acting.

  • Speaker #1

    And he does his own podcast now.

  • Speaker #0

    So I looked it up on YouTube. There is like the biggest star as he is, like the views are so low. Say they're getting like 10 to maybe 45,000 views an episode. They filmed it in his like apartment, right? And they've made it look it's almost like a stage. They've made it look so he's like, this is me. I've been ripped to nothing. And it's like a couch they got on Facebook Marketplace. this sad little stool and like a plant. And like as the, I flicked through a few episodes, there's a bit more to it now. And he has like two hammers in the, so they've decorated it. But like they really, just with this media training, I think they really want him to be perceived as this like, you, I've no money now and I have nothing. And you know, it's.

  • Speaker #1

    And isn't he from like an oil dynasty?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I suppose to close out. Because he is doing a bit of a podcast tour, like with his own podcast and he's coming back. coming back out, like I wonder do these kind of, by virtue of him doing his own podcast, if he does it right, people get to know him again and see that there might be more to him than these claims and this story that's followed him around. Or like, I just wonder, does this move the dial for him as a like actor?

  • Speaker #1

    I didn't get any of that.

  • Speaker #0

    No. He's not going to be able to do like a family film like ever again. You know, he has to go down like a bit more of a like. But like

  • Speaker #1

    Tom Cruise is like. I know it's not cannibalism, but like Tom Cruise, everyone knows what Tom Cruise has done to his ex-wives. Yeah. You know, his daughter with Katie Holmes, what he did to her. Everyone knows that. And he's still, people are like, Tom Cruise is one of the nicest guys when they interview him.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    It's like, but we all know the other stories.

  • Speaker #0

    Maybe because he, Tom Cruise, one, he's a leading man. I don't think Armie Hammer is a leading man. He's a bit of a best supporting actor, if anything.

  • Speaker #1

    I don't get the Tom Cruise.

  • Speaker #0

    The Tom Cruise, but he had way more like in the bank of trust before all this shit came out. And he's like a much older following. He's been around much longer. And I think you get forgiven a lot when you make an amazing Top Gun film.

  • Speaker #1

    With Brooke Shields, that was like 20 years ago.

  • Speaker #0

    I think he has more gravitas as a celebrity. Like we've more, like with Armie Hammer, we only just got to know him. He wasn't leading in any film. Like he's, yes, he's good looking, but I don't, he's not like Ben Affleck to an extent, like a, yeah, like a Gosling or a Chris Hemsworth. Like he doesn't have much presence.

  • Speaker #1

    He has no presence.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, he keeps saying stuff like, you know, the court of public opinion, like the jury's still out on you and he gets really annoyed by that. But I think what we can do as... innocent bystanders and all this is we can vote for him with our bums on cinema seats and like if you don't like what he's done the only reason Hollywood might take a second chance at him but if he's if he doesn't get people into cinemas they'll drop him so you know he might get a second chance at Hollywood but if he can't sell tickets you know I don't even think he was in a good enough position when he was free cannibalism scandal I don't think the work coming up is that much they're kind of weird films as well they're like spooky kind of Westerns.

  • Speaker #1

    But he's so, like he's such a hot potato.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, like you're not going to get him on fucking Good Morning America I don't think. No,

  • Speaker #1

    like a studio I don't think, no.

  • Speaker #0

    No. What I didn't like about that whole thing was he makes you feel like you've put him in this position. It's gaslighting. There's no, yeah exactly and there's no accountability and it just makes me so irrationally angry that men like this are given a platform or are being let back in. We'll close on this actually. It is the story that he said because Louis goes like Well, like you worked, you were in films with Julia Roberts, Timothee Chalamet, loads of other people. So when shit hit the fan, like, did you hear from anyone? And then he says no twice, like no one reached out. But then he was like, oh, I changed my number. And oh, I was, I was giving out about friendship to this old Jamaican man. Made up, not true. And he was like, and he told me, like, don't give out about your friends, because if your house was on fire, you wouldn't ask your friends to go in. stupid metaphor. You're protecting them. And then he patted me on the knee and he walked off. It was like, that never happened. You've said, he says under his breath like twice, like nobody reached out to me. Which you so wouldn't. Which you wouldn't. Why would Julia Roberts step in? You obviously didn't have relationships with these people. And he was like, I'd be the best friend ever.

  • Speaker #1

    It's like, you know, the way Philip Schofield feels, like everyone's like disowned him.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. And it's just like, And like people did warn him and he says that people warned him being like, you're doing this with a lot of different people. They can use this against you. And he just did like the Icarus metaphor didn't seem to affect him. But it's just annoying when people, I just think, stop playing the victim. Yes, something should happen to you, but you played a role in that. And then you can't just go, oh, it happened to me.

  • Speaker #1

    I just have no time for a gas lighter in 2025.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, and also, sorry, sorry. final final point can you imagine his agent and the squirming that would have gone on on both sides of the the microphone when he goes like I used people I used them they were like they were like bags of dope with skin on them look don't talk about skin on a bag of dope when people are accusing you of being a cannibal just don't oh I didn't hear that but thank god they were just my bags of dope with skin on them. And I was like, stop talking about body parts.

  • Speaker #1

    Imagine him walking into his first therapy session. I'd say the therapist was like, oh, jeepers.

  • Speaker #0

    And sorry, just, I know we said this on the pod and it's been corrected by him. Robert Downey Jr. didn't pay for his rehab facility. It was, but he did get in touch with him because I think we said previously on the pod that he was paying for it, but he kind of danced around that. That was her and I.

  • Speaker #1

    He's such a weasel.

  • Speaker #0

    Woo! That really, really, really got me going. So angry. No, I need more love.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, the closing bit's the love. I texted her last night because I was like, oh, I just watched the new episode of the Kardashians. Lamar and Khloe reunite after 10 years. 10 years. I know. And we've like, we definitely speak about them. But like, I think majority of the stuff is like, they're just kind of on a bit looper. Like they're really out of touch with reality. And like the episodes are just like a bit, oh, but like, you know, we'll watch them anyway. Yeah. That episode two of the new season was really something. It had like the. The perfect mix of like heartfelt love and then the Met Gala. So there was a balance. But Chloe and Amari Knight and he was just like, I'm just like so sorry I didn't appreciate you when I had you. And he was like, you know, and I really, he was like, I just really appreciate you for trying your hardest with me. And like, I know it wasn't easy. And he like, he doesn't remember a lot of the stuff. And she was like, do you not remember me? And he was like, not really. And it's like, like their love when they got married was. I said it before, I'll say it again. The wedding special. Actually, it's a Valentine's Day watch.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, good.

  • Speaker #1

    It's so good and he's so in love with her and it's just really sad. Like, she just doesn't deserve it. It's like, it's really nice to watch. Like, it's like a bit of closure, I think, even though I kind of would like them to get back together. But at the end, it's like Grace, Kim and Chloe and they're like talking. She's like, God, like the trauma you've had with like Lamar and then Dresden. And she's like, I know. And then Kim's like. but like a good one is on the way. And it ended really positively for Chloe. It's a really good episode. You haven't watched it,

  • Speaker #0

    have you? No, I watched that over the weekend.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a nice watch. There was something very like warm about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Or like full circle. Because I suppose she's getting the closure that she was owed probably like 10, 5, 10 years ago. It's mad that he can't remember. Like, that's sad. Similar to like Armie Hammer, like you just don't remember the toxic shit you were doing. You know, it's like.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh sure, he was in the cow, am I right?

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, sorry, sorry. But like what she was saying to Mel Robbins on her podcast, Chloe was, it was like, oh, he was high all the time, especially in the off season. He was high like all the time.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    really? Yeah. And then so she wanted him to keep playing basketball. And he was like, I have to play because I want to play, not because you want me to be clean.

  • Speaker #1

    What episode is this? I have to listen to it.

  • Speaker #0

    It's episode, Chloe in Wonderland, episode number two. The first one's Jay Shetty, yours truly. I mean, I... And then the second one's Mel Robbins. It's a really good...

  • Speaker #1

    I think we can tell everyone to skip that. Yeah. I was just saying my algorithm is completely messed up because of the Jay Shetty stuff. And it's literally like...

  • Speaker #0

    I love that you're just getting all these inspirational minutes.

  • Speaker #1

    Two birds in a hand is worth one in the bush.

  • Speaker #0

    Pleasure eyes once again, Jane.

  • Speaker #1

    But it's like, it's not even like profaned. It's actually like... Yeah. When someone's right for you, you know.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. That's it.

  • Speaker #1

    Shocking. But it's a lovely warm-out to watch. And then, of course, the theatricality of the Met Gala. Together, it's like nice relief.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. God, you get those episodes so late. Like, that's May and we're getting them like...

  • Speaker #1

    Way too late.

  • Speaker #0

    They should really do what Towie does. Obviously, the Kardashians would never approve that, but like get the episodes out like within a week. do they do that? Well I don't I haven't watched Serene Agents but like definitely a few years ago Sorry just coming back like it is such a lovely like cosy like full circle moment for Chloe like say with ex-boyfriends or like exes that you're like I wish that maybe that might happen one day

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Not reuniting sorry but like you know getting that closure it's always Oh sorry getting the apology Getting the apology. I think that's something that we all kind of wish for.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Fantasize. That's just one day. And sometimes it's like the ghost has always come back or to haunt you or whatever. But like sometimes with exes, you wonder like, even though you're not like waiting for it, but there might ever be a moment where it's like, oh, they've come back and they've realized and they've not acknowledged with me. It's something deep down there where it's like, oh, I've got a little bit of... of peace. So I hope Chloe has peace from that now because she definitely deserves a nice man who's just kind to her.

  • Speaker #1

    I actually know like a good few people who've gotten something like a few years later randomly and like they didn't need it but like when they got it they were like oh my Oh my God. Like it was always worked out better for them. Yeah. So here's hoping ladies.

  • Speaker #0

    Here's hoping. He's on his way. He's on his way. Not where is he? Ladies, it's he's on his way. That's a mantra my mum told me and I think it's great. And I say it to everyone.

  • Speaker #1

    I feel very, that was very therapeutic.

  • Speaker #0

    Woo! That was a journey. I do. I feel very, my heart chakra is so open and I am.

  • Speaker #1

    My, yeah, mine's floating. above but I also like it was really hard to feel love and you're hating Armie Hammer but still loving yourself on Valentine's Day and not being dragged down by toxic people yes

  • Speaker #0

    and as RuPaul says if you can't love yourself how the hell are you going to love somebody else can I get an amen oh my god yes amen now so before we go you

  • Speaker #1

    you've got a recco for us you're not gonna vibe off this but it's great well I gave you tuna last time the ragu sounded delicious oh my god spicy ragu for any like real housewives people Lisa Rinna left Beverly Hills like last year and like there's a hole or is it two it's two seasons ago I think there's a Lisa Rinna shaped hole in it anyway but she's gone on this podcast called The Skinny Confidential now it's very American so yeah you know But she gives some nice behind the scenes details about like production and stuff like that. And she's on it with her husband, Harry Hamlin. They actually have a podcast coming out themselves, but it's a very good lesson. So it's the Skinny Confidential. And she doesn't normally do podcast interviews. I listened to it and it was she was just saying, you know, a few of the iconic episodes she was saying about certain things that went down. And yeah, very, very juicy for Sophie.

  • Speaker #0

    And she's one of the like queens of. Real eyes wise isn't she? She's the short hair.

  • Speaker #1

    She's like a high fashion queen now. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Short hair and the big lips.

  • Speaker #1

    Very big lips.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. To get her to dish. That's kind of like a bit like if Lauren Conrad did a expose. I'm just putting it into my language.

  • Speaker #1

    There's like. And there is an LC shaped hole in society isn't there?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. I know but I don't know if she realised or if she copped on that like. I don't think she's a very nice person. She's weirdly private. I think she's. Yeah I don't know. I'm way more Whitney now than I...

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, well, yeah, but she's like a bit more open. Yeah. I hate that they're not friends and I see very upset.

  • Speaker #0

    I know, but I don't know if they ever really were friends.

  • Speaker #1

    No, I don't think they were.

  • Speaker #0

    Might be. Okay, well, sorry, Lisa Remini... Rena. Sorry, that's a mother lady. Sorry.

  • Speaker #1

    She's the Scientologist lady. Also, she was on Louis Theroux's podcast, like, pre-COVID, during COVID. Oh. Whoa, there's a part one and part two on Scientology and she gives all. The Skeletons.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Brought up in Scientology. And she talks about Tom Cruise.

  • Speaker #0

    She had that book.

  • Speaker #1

    It's really good. And then, you know, the founder's wife who went missing. She talks about him. She was one of the girls that, one of the women that raised the alarm on that. It's a very good listen. I'm actually going to listen to it again. I've definitely listened to it a few times. Very likeable lady.

  • Speaker #0

    She had that thing of like when Suri was screaming at the wedding that Tom Cruise and yeah, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes was wedding and no one could attend to her.

  • Speaker #1

    They wouldn't let her or Leah Remini and Jayla sit together. And it was this big deal. I'm going to relisten to it. So good.

  • Speaker #0

    We hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day and giving yourself lots of crystals and self-love and hugs and joy and smiles. And maybe a rainbow. Oh, sorry. Follow us on Instagram at selfs of the scorelines and at classic cabana. Please rate, review and subscribe and follow all that juicy good stuff so we can. Soar high to the sky on our rainbow float.

  • Speaker #1

    I think my Valentine's Day chat made you a bit...

  • Speaker #0

    A bit drunk in love.


It's Valentine's week ladies... The girls are talking about Armie Hammer's appearance on Louis Theroux's podcast. The ladies do suggest listening to the episode first so you can get a full picture... it's a fairly heavy listen. Then Keeping Up with the Kardashians is back and episode 2 was very healing for Sophie... Lamar Odom paid a visit after 10 years.

Recco: For Real Housewives fans, Lisa Rinna & Harry Hamlin are on The Skinny Confidential podcast

Follow these gossip girls on insta: @soph_lyons & @clazzykabana

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Oink, oink, bitches! House of Goss is here for you. We are your weekly dose of pop culture nourishment. We really hoped you enjoyed our maize-anette of Goss for the Super Bowl. If you like those little mini episodes, let us know how we're going, how you're feeling. Maybe they're good. Everything seems to happen on a Sunday in Hollywood. So these little mini episodes, expect more of them. My name is Clara Kavna. The darling, dashing, beauty smiling down at me is Sophie Lyles. How are you?

  • Speaker #1

    I'm fantastic. It's Valentine's Day. Woo! I love Valentine's Day.

  • Speaker #0

    It is. I did a yoga class this morning and it was all about like opening your heart chakra. And I feel very open. It's a great way to start the day. I did a walk in the park and I was like, self-love.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, and it's sunny today, which is lovely. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite random holidays.

  • Speaker #0

    It is. Yeah, it's great.

  • Speaker #1

    Like a calendar day. I think it's so sweet especially on a Friday. I know. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    It's great. Little Armie is going to be your Valentine.

  • Speaker #1

    Armie's going to be my Valentine,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah. Armie.

  • Speaker #1

    I know you did but I thought we would just brush over it.

  • Speaker #0

    Sorry that's because we have Armie Hammer on the brain. More on him later.

  • Speaker #1

    But Armie, yes.

  • Speaker #0

    Armie the little sausage dog.

  • Speaker #1

    And myself.

  • Speaker #0

    And your dog, of course. And so let's kick things off. What are you loving or hating? J'adore or j'attest from the week?

  • Speaker #1

    My j'adore is Valentine's Day. Yesterday I saw like a few guys like on the train or like, you know, walking on the street and they had like flowers or chocolate and stuff in their hand. And I just, the colours of red and pink.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    I just think it's such a nice day. It's random. It comes out of the blue. Really nice time to tell anyone that you love them and that you mean something to them. I love romance and I just think it's so nice when you see a guy with flowers.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my God. I always try to catch their eye and I'm like, aren't you great?

  • Speaker #1

    I want to give them like a hug.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Pat on the back because that's a bit like, aren't you doing well?

  • Speaker #0

    That's nice.

  • Speaker #1

    But I want to just smile at them being like.

  • Speaker #0

    You go, Glenn, go, go.

  • Speaker #1

    I think it's so sweet.

  • Speaker #0

    It is.

  • Speaker #1

    And like when I have boyfriend flowers, they're really big for me. I love them. I have one boyfriend who is like excellent with flowers. Like I got them every week. and like really good ones like from like Broadway Market and stuff and like yeah they were stunning and then I had another one who wouldn't even give me a shave of grass yeah so I've had both and I know which one I prefer obviously you know Sprouts is there I wonder just the the guy who wouldn't even give me a piece of grass listen to this I'm sure he does I hope he's squirming like a little worm I wonder, does he even know it's him? I don't think he does. Anyway, enough about these losers. I love Valentine's Day. This will be coming out on Tuesday, but I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day and got to show everyone that they love that they love them. Oh,

  • Speaker #0

    I also love Galentine's Day. That's cute. On the 13th.

  • Speaker #1

    Anything to do with like the red and pink and the chocolate and the roses.

  • Speaker #0

    And just telling people that you love them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, it's just like a fuzzy day.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. And all the heart-shaped chocolates.

  • Speaker #1

    with the caramel inside. Oh, she door.

  • Speaker #0

    That's made me feel very fuzzy. Thank you.

  • Speaker #1

    I love it. My mom used to put Valentine's Day cards and chocolates in our lunchbox. And so they were handmade cards. Classic. Glitter. Classic. Oh, maybe that's why I like it so much. Yeah,

  • Speaker #0

    that's amazing. I didn't get that.

  • Speaker #1

    It's really cute. I know. Kazza, what about you?

  • Speaker #0

    I I I'm loving myself and my friend Craig and his partner, Chris, went to see Bob the Drag Queen, who was the winner of one of the seasons of Drag Race. They played on Tuesday and it was three hours of nonstop lols. I wasn't really too sure what to expect because like, you know, you think it's a drag show. So you think you're going to be getting like lip syncing and it's the house down lols. But it was actually just. Loads of stand up. Like my cheeks, even on the next day on the Wednesday, were still sore from laughing. Bob's Drag Queen was an hour and 45 minutes on stage. No break. And it was like this whole journey of millennials versus Gen Z's. I thought of you throughout the entire performance. Unfortunately, they were only playing one day because they were on tour. Why? Because it was like. Bob picked out someone in the crowd and was like, OK, you look like a Gen Z. How old are you? And she's like, I'm 20. It's like, what's your name? Saffron. I was like, of course, of course you're called Saffron. So then Bob did like a whole show to Saffron explaining like how weird, like the weird things millennials have had to go through, like Sims, like the movie Shallow Hal. It was like Diddy's in jail, like why the fuck isn't Tyra Banks for America's Next Top Model? And just like, wow, it was so hilarious. Then they did a Q&A at the end and my people from the crowd got to go up and ask questions of like life advice. It was hilarious. I just, I love to lol. And that was just, there was one point I was like, stop. Just can we have a break? Because my face is sore. You know, and he's like, actually, this is painful. An hour and 45. I know. It was incredible.

  • Speaker #1

    A headliner. In the O2 wouldn't do that, would they? No. Because I went to the London Comedy, is it the London Comedy Store? I don't know. That one in Soho. It's like really famous.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. I went on that. I feel like the New York one.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And it's like supposed to be really good or something. But I went on a date to it and I was so not into it.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. But it wasn't a drag queen. See, they're just the best.

  • Speaker #1

    That's really awkward being with someone like I didn't really know that well at a comedy show.

  • Speaker #0

    No. And that should be good. I do think for like first dates, it's like going to a show or the cinema or like a stand up. It's a bit like, hi, I've just met you. And then now we have to sit beside each other and not talk. I think that's better like a few dates in.

  • Speaker #1

    Especially because I think if you're going to like a show or a cinema or something, half the fun of... being on a date is that you're semi-comfortable. So like your hands and stuff, like you could hold hands or a little bit of brushing.

  • Speaker #0

    The leg.

  • Speaker #1

    Do you know what I mean?

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And you're not at that point yet.

  • Speaker #0

    I remember I went on a date and I thought I was being so fucking grown up. The guy was like, I think he was a teacher or something. And we went to go, literally just met. And then we went to see The Importance of Being Earnest in the Gate Theatre in Dublin. And it's a three hour play with an interval two hours in. And it was awful because it was like, oh, OK, I've just met you.

  • Speaker #1

    Are we not exhausted?

  • Speaker #0

    It's so tired. And then just being like, I can't concentrate because you're so nervous about the other person. Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    yeah, you're half listening. Was he a thespian?

  • Speaker #0

    No, I think he was an English. There was definitely some kind of English in his. And I thought I was like being so fancy and like 26 being like, I'm going to the theatre. On a first date.

  • Speaker #1

    On a first date. On a date. Yeah. Did you wear a long skirt? No,

  • Speaker #0

    I can't remember.

  • Speaker #1

    Jazz shoes.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. That didn't last very long. He was too snooty. And had a secret child that never told me about. Lol.

  • Speaker #1

    What age? Was he the same age as you?

  • Speaker #0

    No, he was a few years older. But like.

  • Speaker #1

    And had a secret. That's not something you hear every day in Ireland.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Like, fair enough, it's not my business, but was like openly lying. And he was a little bit older, so it was like, you're supposed to be. mature one here. Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    let me tell you, age does not ensure maturity,

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    That's happened to me a few times.

  • Speaker #0

    Sorry, that was a real segue.

  • Speaker #1

    They were both two very positive starts. Now, our main topic. We don't want to get too heavy into it because it was a heavy subject when all this stuff was coming out about it. So we're not going to go through it bit by bit and say everything that happened. Like if you want to listen to it, listen to it. But these are like our takeaway points from it. And it's Armie Hammer on Luther's podcast.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    You have taken a very, what would I call it? The nuances.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And then I'm aware of just like, I took out some things that I was like, whoa. So I'm dying to hear your thoughts. And I'm assuming some will match up with mine. And then we can transverse.

  • Speaker #0

    Can't flab. I think you're right. Like, we don't go too heavy into what was said because they do touch on a lot of... But it was depressing. It's a hard listen. And you want to be really in the mood for it.

  • Speaker #1

    I did it in two parts because it was actually making me upset.

  • Speaker #0

    when he was in it was affecting my mood and I think the reason it was affecting my mood was because it was such a dog whistle to right wing incel men and by incel I mean involuntary celibate but there's a portion of the internet called incels of like men who they might be Joe Rogan listeners they might be like very right wing basically involuntary celebrate like nobody wants to sleep with you and you're just really angry at women because of it oh and they're like a real identity online it's a dog whistle to insult men a lot of trolling like I think he's I mean now the stance that he took and we both spoke about this it was like the way he's sitting in the chair even in the videos he's taking this very like aggressive approach it was so aggressive it's very like commanding and alpha he he is so fucking jacked on therapy speak that it was a masterclass in gaslighting and I appreciate in fairness like this whole story broke in like 2020 and 2021 all these pecs were released which Louis goes through with them they're all released and we only it's all very one-sided and it did lack a lot of context and I do appreciate hearing it from his side that it like adds the context The media training that he has had is a masterclass in gaslighting and how to change and turn the narrative in your direction. The language that he used and he, I watch now as snippets. I couldn't, I put myself through enough listening to that podcast twice.

  • Speaker #1

    I can't believe you did it twice. I had to do it in two parts.

  • Speaker #0

    I couldn't. I know. And my Valentine's walk around the park.

  • Speaker #1

    That's not right on a V-Day.

  • Speaker #0

    I know, I know. But I felt like, yeah, I wanted to give it another go because. My prejudice against him is so, I'm so anti him that I was like, maybe I listen to with that lens on and I try to listen to again. And obviously I feel the exact same way. But I flicked through a few clips of Armie Hammer on Piers Morgan and like his answers are the same.

  • Speaker #1

    Are they? I remember seeing clips of that.

  • Speaker #0

    What he does is a great thing is creates reasonable doubt constantly. He would say a lot of the language that he used. And it's only in the second listen that I heard it. So if you do want to go and listen to it, just keep an ear out for it. Because he would go, he'd say things like, oh, I'm sure like everyone has. Everyone has. I'm just like you. It's my affair.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, yeah. He kept being like, I'm sure you would do the same. I'm sure you've, I'm sure you've watched this kind of stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    Yep. Sure. Was I an asshole? Sure. But everybody would be if they were.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, you're so.

  • Speaker #0

    He said another thing that was like, oh. My affair was just a classic tale of a marriage gone bad.

  • Speaker #1

    I wasn't happy.

  • Speaker #0

    Happy people don't have affairs. And it's like that one that puts it back on your wife and the relationship. And that's fair. And that definitely does play a part. But number two is you also say down the interview that you were like, or you've said it in the Piers Morgan one anyway. And one of them, he said, oh, like when you're the best things by being famous, you always get a... table at a restaurant, you get free stuff, you get free drugs, you get people want to have sex with you. So it's like happily, happy people don't cheat on their wives.

  • Speaker #1

    Hurt people hurt people.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's also like you could be the happiest man in the world, but then get swept up in the Hollywood thing. And then just all these women are throwing themselves at you and you resist temptation. Yeah. You could have a really happy, happy marriage, but you just made a mistake.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. They're not mutually exclusive.

  • Speaker #0

    Exactly. And I just think it's pushed the blame away. I was in a bad place. So now I'm, I was kind of a victim of circumstance rather than.

  • Speaker #1

    That's me as a person.

  • Speaker #0

    And exactly. And he's taking accountability, but he's taking it in a very specific way that it's like, I was the asshole. So he was saying like, I was treating people badly. I was, I was picking them up. I was dropping them down. I was standing girls up. I was, you know, stringing them along. And, and then they get really angry at me. And then. they were angry. So hell, he says this, hell has no fury than a woman scorned.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my God, sorry. All the like, the people he brought in being like, this old Jamaican man once said to me.

  • Speaker #0

    That made up, absolutely made up.

  • Speaker #1

    But he kept using all these examples of these like prophets like that he spoke to.

  • Speaker #0

    The classic tale of Icarus. I flew too close.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, Jebediah said, 1412, thou shalt not love by thyself. Like, It was all this made up stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's all shit to validate himself. And his behaviors are like kind of justified a little bit.

  • Speaker #1

    But he just like, he didn't want to talk about it. And like, that's the main reason he was on there.

  • Speaker #0

    He was like, the water's still on that now. And you bringing it up annoys me because then it shakes the water again. And why do we have to go back there?

  • Speaker #1

    Towards the end, he's like, oh, you know, is there anything you... you know I want to add and he was like well I'll be honest like I don't like the way the start went and he was like I think you were just bringing up old stuff and you know that's a while ago I was like but you haven't spoken about it but it's not old and you're on this like he's not talking to you about a movie you're working on yeah

  • Speaker #0

    I thought Louis did a really great job of pushing him on things.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he's always very good at that.

  • Speaker #0

    He didn't let him get away with too many things. Sometimes with Louis, like, he is kind of platforming someone who's accused of allegedly doing, like, pretty horrible things. And there's providing no real balance, but, like, it doesn't suit that star-loving tree. But Louis, yeah, was good at kind of holding him back accountable to things that he was kind of wiggling out of.

  • Speaker #1

    Nothing was answered. It was always just like, you know, I'm sure you would understand that, like,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah I do this do you do that you you must do that like when's the last time you did this yeah all that kind of stuff it was really um yeah what was a robotic it was that's where I think the media training comes into it because it's like deflect so he would say things like well like give me your phone for 45 minutes and I'm sure you wouldn't want me to see what's on there I'm sure I'd find yeah oh telly what I don't like about it is it's like he says he's like found peace This was his like ego death.

  • Speaker #1

    He certainly hasn't.

  • Speaker #0

    But he's still really angry because anytime...

  • Speaker #1

    An ego doesn't die a death.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, and it's also like, but you've got this huge, ginormous ego sitting there that's getting annoyed.

  • Speaker #1

    Because there's a video that's on the Spotify thing and his presence is like, it's a lot to look at.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Kind of guerrilla energy.

  • Speaker #0

    It's very guerrilla energy. What I don't like about it is he doesn't seem that sorry.

  • Speaker #1

    No, I didn't get any remorse.

  • Speaker #0

    He feels like he has nothing to apologize for. Yes, OK, he could be really angry because they go through in the interview, but like the LAPD dropped the case because there was no evidence. They saw the two sides of the messaging, whereas we only saw the one side of like, I want to smoke your rib and put your baby toe in my pocket and all this stuff. But what I don't like is that he never fully acknowledged his role as a Hollywood actor, like a not a household name, like he's no... like Ryan Gosling or whatever. But like, he doesn't acknowledge his role. Sorry, I appreciate that he's really angry at the women because in his eyes, loads of women lied and made up all these things that he was a rapist and blah, blah. And like they saying it wasn't consensual and he's saying it was. So I can appreciate he's really angry at women, but there's no like, I'm sorry how I made women feel. And I think if he went in with a bit more tenderness into, I... I acknowledge my role as somebody who might have been selling it you could be Mrs. Hammer but now you feel violated I made you feel violated like he didn't he never once was like I'm sorry for making women feel like that it was very much like hell hath no fury like a woman's gourd

  • Speaker #1

    I like I don't actually think he is remorseful no because he's so aggressive in the whole thing yeah also just some of the stuff like he has a chaos tattoo yeah and he said boredom is serenity unappreciated and he said But he loves his chaos tattoo.

  • Speaker #0

    But he loves selling this lifestyle of like, you know, I'm eat, pray, love now, you know, that's selling the vision.

  • Speaker #1

    His manner is awful. He also said his wife said he has a frontal lobe issue.

  • Speaker #0

    As does every 26-year-old.

  • Speaker #1

    Don't we all?

  • Speaker #0

    Don't you?

  • Speaker #1

    And he also says he doesn't get drunk now. Right. And he said it's not like I'm afraid that as an addict I'll be sucking dick for a crack in an alley.

  • Speaker #0

    Some of his lines. But like, don't say like you're going to be gobbling loads of cocktail and I'll leave for crack.

  • Speaker #1

    It was all, it was just very aggressive. And like, it was a lot for my little head. I just thought it was, it's very bleak.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And then he asked him, do you remember? People are like, is he selling something in the Cayman Islands? He was in like his hotel workers and stuff. Yeah. And he said he loved his first desk job. He was selling timeshares in Cayman Islands. He was also a greenskeeper. And he helped manage an apartment building. And he was like, I loved wearing my khaki pants.

  • Speaker #0

    Imagine if you were going to the Cayman Islands and he was selling you the real estate. And then you were like, oh my God, this cannibal is showing me this property.

  • Speaker #1

    But I'd say he would just be so forceful. He also said, Louis is like, oh, like, would it be fair to say you were like cancelled from Hollywood? He was like, I wouldn't say cancelled. I would say forcefully removed from the system.

  • Speaker #0

    How else would you describe a counsellor?

  • Speaker #1

    And then his mum paid for his vasectomy for his birthday. And he was like, did you ask your mum for that? And he was like, I don't know. I think it kind of came from a conversation, like as you would have. And, you know, I don't have the money to pay for that. She says she'd pay for it.

  • Speaker #0

    It's so weird.

  • Speaker #1

    He did also say like he has loads of work coming up.

  • Speaker #0

    Then I don't know, is it like painting this picture of success?

  • Speaker #1

    That's what I was thinking because like... Mmm. Like he's such a spoofer.

  • Speaker #0

    The director seems a bit controversial and kind of probably wants that media attention on his film. You just don't know how big these things are going to be.

  • Speaker #1

    It's always a bit sad,

  • Speaker #0

    isn't it? Yeah. So he gets annoyed at Louis for conflating the cannibalism bits and the text messages with the language that was being used. He was like, that's out of context. It doesn't mean I'm a cannibal. Sorry, he's annoyed at Louis for conflating the two. Just because I said this doesn't mean I'm a cannibal. Even though it's like, but you're writing like... pretty aggressive and like no disrespect to anyone in the BGSM community but like you know they're for people who aren't in that you know it is kind of a an out of context they're horrible messages to read you know there's like blood fantasies and BGSM but this is like eating fantasies so I think there's like quite a line there but then like when he was going on talking about like oh you know when you watch you start watching porn and at the end like do you watch porn Louis And he was like, nobody needs the image of me watching porn in their minds. And I thought that was an excellent, don't ask me that question, like avoid. But he goes like, where you start at the beginning of the hour is very different to where you end up. So like, you know, my fantasies just got like more and more and more. And he was like, it's like two. So when I was texting these girls these messages, it's like two comedians just riffing.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my gosh.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't think you can conflate that. With telling someone you have like a knife to their throat. Like it's very strange. And I also think like no accountability, like blaming it on COVID, blaming it on the Me Too movement, blaming it also on being really drunk or high all the time. And I'm just like, how can you be so sure that you're like innocent in this? Like if he's, he said, he said he did everything bar heroin.

  • Speaker #1

    Also like the way he answered that when he's like, what drugs do you do? And he's like, oh, sure. A lot of them.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, sure. And then he's like.

  • Speaker #0

    coke and he's like uh sure and he just keeps going yeah sure and you're like for god's sake like you're here now how can you be so sure though that you didn't if you were completely out of it for those couple of years doing it how can you be so sure that you didn't write that or you like that you're aware of the how that behavior is making other people feel yes you're kind of out of body and you're high or drunk or whatever but how can you not you see like he could have done stuff that he can't remember and then people are accusing it and he's like no I didn't do that but it's like well you might have been out of it you know so people you know he could have done just just to throw his vagueness back at him how could he remember everything he did if he was like out of it for so long yeah

  • Speaker #1

    my like as in you didn't really get any answers and also just my closing thing is like he's just really unlikable like there's no warm warmth to him no Or like, like whatever about anything that he's talking about, just like him, his presence is like not a nice presence.

  • Speaker #0

    No, it's very like, um. Robot. Like aggressive. And it's like, I don't need to prove, I don't need to prove myself to anyone. Like, I don't need your approval. It's like, well, you're on a fucking podcast tour, mate. So, and you're back acting. I really appreciate the way you started off. Yeah. I just find that really like, well, if you don't care about anyone's opinions, maybe. don't go back into acting.

  • Speaker #1

    And he does his own podcast now.

  • Speaker #0

    So I looked it up on YouTube. There is like the biggest star as he is, like the views are so low. Say they're getting like 10 to maybe 45,000 views an episode. They filmed it in his like apartment, right? And they've made it look it's almost like a stage. They've made it look so he's like, this is me. I've been ripped to nothing. And it's like a couch they got on Facebook Marketplace. this sad little stool and like a plant. And like as the, I flicked through a few episodes, there's a bit more to it now. And he has like two hammers in the, so they've decorated it. But like they really, just with this media training, I think they really want him to be perceived as this like, you, I've no money now and I have nothing. And you know, it's.

  • Speaker #1

    And isn't he from like an oil dynasty?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I suppose to close out. Because he is doing a bit of a podcast tour, like with his own podcast and he's coming back. coming back out, like I wonder do these kind of, by virtue of him doing his own podcast, if he does it right, people get to know him again and see that there might be more to him than these claims and this story that's followed him around. Or like, I just wonder, does this move the dial for him as a like actor?

  • Speaker #1

    I didn't get any of that.

  • Speaker #0

    No. He's not going to be able to do like a family film like ever again. You know, he has to go down like a bit more of a like. But like

  • Speaker #1

    Tom Cruise is like. I know it's not cannibalism, but like Tom Cruise, everyone knows what Tom Cruise has done to his ex-wives. Yeah. You know, his daughter with Katie Holmes, what he did to her. Everyone knows that. And he's still, people are like, Tom Cruise is one of the nicest guys when they interview him.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    It's like, but we all know the other stories.

  • Speaker #0

    Maybe because he, Tom Cruise, one, he's a leading man. I don't think Armie Hammer is a leading man. He's a bit of a best supporting actor, if anything.

  • Speaker #1

    I don't get the Tom Cruise.

  • Speaker #0

    The Tom Cruise, but he had way more like in the bank of trust before all this shit came out. And he's like a much older following. He's been around much longer. And I think you get forgiven a lot when you make an amazing Top Gun film.

  • Speaker #1

    With Brooke Shields, that was like 20 years ago.

  • Speaker #0

    I think he has more gravitas as a celebrity. Like we've more, like with Armie Hammer, we only just got to know him. He wasn't leading in any film. Like he's, yes, he's good looking, but I don't, he's not like Ben Affleck to an extent, like a, yeah, like a Gosling or a Chris Hemsworth. Like he doesn't have much presence.

  • Speaker #1

    He has no presence.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, he keeps saying stuff like, you know, the court of public opinion, like the jury's still out on you and he gets really annoyed by that. But I think what we can do as... innocent bystanders and all this is we can vote for him with our bums on cinema seats and like if you don't like what he's done the only reason Hollywood might take a second chance at him but if he's if he doesn't get people into cinemas they'll drop him so you know he might get a second chance at Hollywood but if he can't sell tickets you know I don't even think he was in a good enough position when he was free cannibalism scandal I don't think the work coming up is that much they're kind of weird films as well they're like spooky kind of Westerns.

  • Speaker #1

    But he's so, like he's such a hot potato.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, like you're not going to get him on fucking Good Morning America I don't think. No,

  • Speaker #1

    like a studio I don't think, no.

  • Speaker #0

    No. What I didn't like about that whole thing was he makes you feel like you've put him in this position. It's gaslighting. There's no, yeah exactly and there's no accountability and it just makes me so irrationally angry that men like this are given a platform or are being let back in. We'll close on this actually. It is the story that he said because Louis goes like Well, like you worked, you were in films with Julia Roberts, Timothee Chalamet, loads of other people. So when shit hit the fan, like, did you hear from anyone? And then he says no twice, like no one reached out. But then he was like, oh, I changed my number. And oh, I was, I was giving out about friendship to this old Jamaican man. Made up, not true. And he was like, and he told me, like, don't give out about your friends, because if your house was on fire, you wouldn't ask your friends to go in. stupid metaphor. You're protecting them. And then he patted me on the knee and he walked off. It was like, that never happened. You've said, he says under his breath like twice, like nobody reached out to me. Which you so wouldn't. Which you wouldn't. Why would Julia Roberts step in? You obviously didn't have relationships with these people. And he was like, I'd be the best friend ever.

  • Speaker #1

    It's like, you know, the way Philip Schofield feels, like everyone's like disowned him.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. And it's just like, And like people did warn him and he says that people warned him being like, you're doing this with a lot of different people. They can use this against you. And he just did like the Icarus metaphor didn't seem to affect him. But it's just annoying when people, I just think, stop playing the victim. Yes, something should happen to you, but you played a role in that. And then you can't just go, oh, it happened to me.

  • Speaker #1

    I just have no time for a gas lighter in 2025.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, and also, sorry, sorry. final final point can you imagine his agent and the squirming that would have gone on on both sides of the the microphone when he goes like I used people I used them they were like they were like bags of dope with skin on them look don't talk about skin on a bag of dope when people are accusing you of being a cannibal just don't oh I didn't hear that but thank god they were just my bags of dope with skin on them. And I was like, stop talking about body parts.

  • Speaker #1

    Imagine him walking into his first therapy session. I'd say the therapist was like, oh, jeepers.

  • Speaker #0

    And sorry, just, I know we said this on the pod and it's been corrected by him. Robert Downey Jr. didn't pay for his rehab facility. It was, but he did get in touch with him because I think we said previously on the pod that he was paying for it, but he kind of danced around that. That was her and I.

  • Speaker #1

    He's such a weasel.

  • Speaker #0

    Woo! That really, really, really got me going. So angry. No, I need more love.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, the closing bit's the love. I texted her last night because I was like, oh, I just watched the new episode of the Kardashians. Lamar and Khloe reunite after 10 years. 10 years. I know. And we've like, we definitely speak about them. But like, I think majority of the stuff is like, they're just kind of on a bit looper. Like they're really out of touch with reality. And like the episodes are just like a bit, oh, but like, you know, we'll watch them anyway. Yeah. That episode two of the new season was really something. It had like the. The perfect mix of like heartfelt love and then the Met Gala. So there was a balance. But Chloe and Amari Knight and he was just like, I'm just like so sorry I didn't appreciate you when I had you. And he was like, you know, and I really, he was like, I just really appreciate you for trying your hardest with me. And like, I know it wasn't easy. And he like, he doesn't remember a lot of the stuff. And she was like, do you not remember me? And he was like, not really. And it's like, like their love when they got married was. I said it before, I'll say it again. The wedding special. Actually, it's a Valentine's Day watch.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, good.

  • Speaker #1

    It's so good and he's so in love with her and it's just really sad. Like, she just doesn't deserve it. It's like, it's really nice to watch. Like, it's like a bit of closure, I think, even though I kind of would like them to get back together. But at the end, it's like Grace, Kim and Chloe and they're like talking. She's like, God, like the trauma you've had with like Lamar and then Dresden. And she's like, I know. And then Kim's like. but like a good one is on the way. And it ended really positively for Chloe. It's a really good episode. You haven't watched it,

  • Speaker #0

    have you? No, I watched that over the weekend.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a nice watch. There was something very like warm about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Or like full circle. Because I suppose she's getting the closure that she was owed probably like 10, 5, 10 years ago. It's mad that he can't remember. Like, that's sad. Similar to like Armie Hammer, like you just don't remember the toxic shit you were doing. You know, it's like.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh sure, he was in the cow, am I right?

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, sorry, sorry. But like what she was saying to Mel Robbins on her podcast, Chloe was, it was like, oh, he was high all the time, especially in the off season. He was high like all the time.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    really? Yeah. And then so she wanted him to keep playing basketball. And he was like, I have to play because I want to play, not because you want me to be clean.

  • Speaker #1

    What episode is this? I have to listen to it.

  • Speaker #0

    It's episode, Chloe in Wonderland, episode number two. The first one's Jay Shetty, yours truly. I mean, I... And then the second one's Mel Robbins. It's a really good...

  • Speaker #1

    I think we can tell everyone to skip that. Yeah. I was just saying my algorithm is completely messed up because of the Jay Shetty stuff. And it's literally like...

  • Speaker #0

    I love that you're just getting all these inspirational minutes.

  • Speaker #1

    Two birds in a hand is worth one in the bush.

  • Speaker #0

    Pleasure eyes once again, Jane.

  • Speaker #1

    But it's like, it's not even like profaned. It's actually like... Yeah. When someone's right for you, you know.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. That's it.

  • Speaker #1

    Shocking. But it's a lovely warm-out to watch. And then, of course, the theatricality of the Met Gala. Together, it's like nice relief.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. God, you get those episodes so late. Like, that's May and we're getting them like...

  • Speaker #1

    Way too late.

  • Speaker #0

    They should really do what Towie does. Obviously, the Kardashians would never approve that, but like get the episodes out like within a week. do they do that? Well I don't I haven't watched Serene Agents but like definitely a few years ago Sorry just coming back like it is such a lovely like cosy like full circle moment for Chloe like say with ex-boyfriends or like exes that you're like I wish that maybe that might happen one day

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Not reuniting sorry but like you know getting that closure it's always Oh sorry getting the apology Getting the apology. I think that's something that we all kind of wish for.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Fantasize. That's just one day. And sometimes it's like the ghost has always come back or to haunt you or whatever. But like sometimes with exes, you wonder like, even though you're not like waiting for it, but there might ever be a moment where it's like, oh, they've come back and they've realized and they've not acknowledged with me. It's something deep down there where it's like, oh, I've got a little bit of... of peace. So I hope Chloe has peace from that now because she definitely deserves a nice man who's just kind to her.

  • Speaker #1

    I actually know like a good few people who've gotten something like a few years later randomly and like they didn't need it but like when they got it they were like oh my Oh my God. Like it was always worked out better for them. Yeah. So here's hoping ladies.

  • Speaker #0

    Here's hoping. He's on his way. He's on his way. Not where is he? Ladies, it's he's on his way. That's a mantra my mum told me and I think it's great. And I say it to everyone.

  • Speaker #1

    I feel very, that was very therapeutic.

  • Speaker #0

    Woo! That was a journey. I do. I feel very, my heart chakra is so open and I am.

  • Speaker #1

    My, yeah, mine's floating. above but I also like it was really hard to feel love and you're hating Armie Hammer but still loving yourself on Valentine's Day and not being dragged down by toxic people yes

  • Speaker #0

    and as RuPaul says if you can't love yourself how the hell are you going to love somebody else can I get an amen oh my god yes amen now so before we go you

  • Speaker #1

    you've got a recco for us you're not gonna vibe off this but it's great well I gave you tuna last time the ragu sounded delicious oh my god spicy ragu for any like real housewives people Lisa Rinna left Beverly Hills like last year and like there's a hole or is it two it's two seasons ago I think there's a Lisa Rinna shaped hole in it anyway but she's gone on this podcast called The Skinny Confidential now it's very American so yeah you know But she gives some nice behind the scenes details about like production and stuff like that. And she's on it with her husband, Harry Hamlin. They actually have a podcast coming out themselves, but it's a very good lesson. So it's the Skinny Confidential. And she doesn't normally do podcast interviews. I listened to it and it was she was just saying, you know, a few of the iconic episodes she was saying about certain things that went down. And yeah, very, very juicy for Sophie.

  • Speaker #0

    And she's one of the like queens of. Real eyes wise isn't she? She's the short hair.

  • Speaker #1

    She's like a high fashion queen now. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Short hair and the big lips.

  • Speaker #1

    Very big lips.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. To get her to dish. That's kind of like a bit like if Lauren Conrad did a expose. I'm just putting it into my language.

  • Speaker #1

    There's like. And there is an LC shaped hole in society isn't there?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. I know but I don't know if she realised or if she copped on that like. I don't think she's a very nice person. She's weirdly private. I think she's. Yeah I don't know. I'm way more Whitney now than I...

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, well, yeah, but she's like a bit more open. Yeah. I hate that they're not friends and I see very upset.

  • Speaker #0

    I know, but I don't know if they ever really were friends.

  • Speaker #1

    No, I don't think they were.

  • Speaker #0

    Might be. Okay, well, sorry, Lisa Remini... Rena. Sorry, that's a mother lady. Sorry.

  • Speaker #1

    She's the Scientologist lady. Also, she was on Louis Theroux's podcast, like, pre-COVID, during COVID. Oh. Whoa, there's a part one and part two on Scientology and she gives all. The Skeletons.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Brought up in Scientology. And she talks about Tom Cruise.

  • Speaker #0

    She had that book.

  • Speaker #1

    It's really good. And then, you know, the founder's wife who went missing. She talks about him. She was one of the girls that, one of the women that raised the alarm on that. It's a very good listen. I'm actually going to listen to it again. I've definitely listened to it a few times. Very likeable lady.

  • Speaker #0

    She had that thing of like when Suri was screaming at the wedding that Tom Cruise and yeah, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes was wedding and no one could attend to her.

  • Speaker #1

    They wouldn't let her or Leah Remini and Jayla sit together. And it was this big deal. I'm going to relisten to it. So good.

  • Speaker #0

    We hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day and giving yourself lots of crystals and self-love and hugs and joy and smiles. And maybe a rainbow. Oh, sorry. Follow us on Instagram at selfs of the scorelines and at classic cabana. Please rate, review and subscribe and follow all that juicy good stuff so we can. Soar high to the sky on our rainbow float.

  • Speaker #1

    I think my Valentine's Day chat made you a bit...

  • Speaker #0

    A bit drunk in love.



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It's Valentine's week ladies... The girls are talking about Armie Hammer's appearance on Louis Theroux's podcast. The ladies do suggest listening to the episode first so you can get a full picture... it's a fairly heavy listen. Then Keeping Up with the Kardashians is back and episode 2 was very healing for Sophie... Lamar Odom paid a visit after 10 years.

Recco: For Real Housewives fans, Lisa Rinna & Harry Hamlin are on The Skinny Confidential podcast

Follow these gossip girls on insta: @soph_lyons & @clazzykabana

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Oink, oink, bitches! House of Goss is here for you. We are your weekly dose of pop culture nourishment. We really hoped you enjoyed our maize-anette of Goss for the Super Bowl. If you like those little mini episodes, let us know how we're going, how you're feeling. Maybe they're good. Everything seems to happen on a Sunday in Hollywood. So these little mini episodes, expect more of them. My name is Clara Kavna. The darling, dashing, beauty smiling down at me is Sophie Lyles. How are you?

  • Speaker #1

    I'm fantastic. It's Valentine's Day. Woo! I love Valentine's Day.

  • Speaker #0

    It is. I did a yoga class this morning and it was all about like opening your heart chakra. And I feel very open. It's a great way to start the day. I did a walk in the park and I was like, self-love.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, and it's sunny today, which is lovely. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite random holidays.

  • Speaker #0

    It is. Yeah, it's great.

  • Speaker #1

    Like a calendar day. I think it's so sweet especially on a Friday. I know. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    It's great. Little Armie is going to be your Valentine.

  • Speaker #1

    Armie's going to be my Valentine,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah. Armie.

  • Speaker #1

    I know you did but I thought we would just brush over it.

  • Speaker #0

    Sorry that's because we have Armie Hammer on the brain. More on him later.

  • Speaker #1

    But Armie, yes.

  • Speaker #0

    Armie the little sausage dog.

  • Speaker #1

    And myself.

  • Speaker #0

    And your dog, of course. And so let's kick things off. What are you loving or hating? J'adore or j'attest from the week?

  • Speaker #1

    My j'adore is Valentine's Day. Yesterday I saw like a few guys like on the train or like, you know, walking on the street and they had like flowers or chocolate and stuff in their hand. And I just, the colours of red and pink.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    I just think it's such a nice day. It's random. It comes out of the blue. Really nice time to tell anyone that you love them and that you mean something to them. I love romance and I just think it's so nice when you see a guy with flowers.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my God. I always try to catch their eye and I'm like, aren't you great?

  • Speaker #1

    I want to give them like a hug.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Pat on the back because that's a bit like, aren't you doing well?

  • Speaker #0

    That's nice.

  • Speaker #1

    But I want to just smile at them being like.

  • Speaker #0

    You go, Glenn, go, go.

  • Speaker #1

    I think it's so sweet.

  • Speaker #0

    It is.

  • Speaker #1

    And like when I have boyfriend flowers, they're really big for me. I love them. I have one boyfriend who is like excellent with flowers. Like I got them every week. and like really good ones like from like Broadway Market and stuff and like yeah they were stunning and then I had another one who wouldn't even give me a shave of grass yeah so I've had both and I know which one I prefer obviously you know Sprouts is there I wonder just the the guy who wouldn't even give me a piece of grass listen to this I'm sure he does I hope he's squirming like a little worm I wonder, does he even know it's him? I don't think he does. Anyway, enough about these losers. I love Valentine's Day. This will be coming out on Tuesday, but I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day and got to show everyone that they love that they love them. Oh,

  • Speaker #0

    I also love Galentine's Day. That's cute. On the 13th.

  • Speaker #1

    Anything to do with like the red and pink and the chocolate and the roses.

  • Speaker #0

    And just telling people that you love them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, it's just like a fuzzy day.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. And all the heart-shaped chocolates.

  • Speaker #1

    with the caramel inside. Oh, she door.

  • Speaker #0

    That's made me feel very fuzzy. Thank you.

  • Speaker #1

    I love it. My mom used to put Valentine's Day cards and chocolates in our lunchbox. And so they were handmade cards. Classic. Glitter. Classic. Oh, maybe that's why I like it so much. Yeah,

  • Speaker #0

    that's amazing. I didn't get that.

  • Speaker #1

    It's really cute. I know. Kazza, what about you?

  • Speaker #0

    I I I'm loving myself and my friend Craig and his partner, Chris, went to see Bob the Drag Queen, who was the winner of one of the seasons of Drag Race. They played on Tuesday and it was three hours of nonstop lols. I wasn't really too sure what to expect because like, you know, you think it's a drag show. So you think you're going to be getting like lip syncing and it's the house down lols. But it was actually just. Loads of stand up. Like my cheeks, even on the next day on the Wednesday, were still sore from laughing. Bob's Drag Queen was an hour and 45 minutes on stage. No break. And it was like this whole journey of millennials versus Gen Z's. I thought of you throughout the entire performance. Unfortunately, they were only playing one day because they were on tour. Why? Because it was like. Bob picked out someone in the crowd and was like, OK, you look like a Gen Z. How old are you? And she's like, I'm 20. It's like, what's your name? Saffron. I was like, of course, of course you're called Saffron. So then Bob did like a whole show to Saffron explaining like how weird, like the weird things millennials have had to go through, like Sims, like the movie Shallow Hal. It was like Diddy's in jail, like why the fuck isn't Tyra Banks for America's Next Top Model? And just like, wow, it was so hilarious. Then they did a Q&A at the end and my people from the crowd got to go up and ask questions of like life advice. It was hilarious. I just, I love to lol. And that was just, there was one point I was like, stop. Just can we have a break? Because my face is sore. You know, and he's like, actually, this is painful. An hour and 45. I know. It was incredible.

  • Speaker #1

    A headliner. In the O2 wouldn't do that, would they? No. Because I went to the London Comedy, is it the London Comedy Store? I don't know. That one in Soho. It's like really famous.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. I went on that. I feel like the New York one.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And it's like supposed to be really good or something. But I went on a date to it and I was so not into it.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. But it wasn't a drag queen. See, they're just the best.

  • Speaker #1

    That's really awkward being with someone like I didn't really know that well at a comedy show.

  • Speaker #0

    No. And that should be good. I do think for like first dates, it's like going to a show or the cinema or like a stand up. It's a bit like, hi, I've just met you. And then now we have to sit beside each other and not talk. I think that's better like a few dates in.

  • Speaker #1

    Especially because I think if you're going to like a show or a cinema or something, half the fun of... being on a date is that you're semi-comfortable. So like your hands and stuff, like you could hold hands or a little bit of brushing.

  • Speaker #0

    The leg.

  • Speaker #1

    Do you know what I mean?

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And you're not at that point yet.

  • Speaker #0

    I remember I went on a date and I thought I was being so fucking grown up. The guy was like, I think he was a teacher or something. And we went to go, literally just met. And then we went to see The Importance of Being Earnest in the Gate Theatre in Dublin. And it's a three hour play with an interval two hours in. And it was awful because it was like, oh, OK, I've just met you.

  • Speaker #1

    Are we not exhausted?

  • Speaker #0

    It's so tired. And then just being like, I can't concentrate because you're so nervous about the other person. Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    yeah, you're half listening. Was he a thespian?

  • Speaker #0

    No, I think he was an English. There was definitely some kind of English in his. And I thought I was like being so fancy and like 26 being like, I'm going to the theatre. On a first date.

  • Speaker #1

    On a first date. On a date. Yeah. Did you wear a long skirt? No,

  • Speaker #0

    I can't remember.

  • Speaker #1

    Jazz shoes.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. That didn't last very long. He was too snooty. And had a secret child that never told me about. Lol.

  • Speaker #1

    What age? Was he the same age as you?

  • Speaker #0

    No, he was a few years older. But like.

  • Speaker #1

    And had a secret. That's not something you hear every day in Ireland.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Like, fair enough, it's not my business, but was like openly lying. And he was a little bit older, so it was like, you're supposed to be. mature one here. Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    let me tell you, age does not ensure maturity,

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    That's happened to me a few times.

  • Speaker #0

    Sorry, that was a real segue.

  • Speaker #1

    They were both two very positive starts. Now, our main topic. We don't want to get too heavy into it because it was a heavy subject when all this stuff was coming out about it. So we're not going to go through it bit by bit and say everything that happened. Like if you want to listen to it, listen to it. But these are like our takeaway points from it. And it's Armie Hammer on Luther's podcast.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    You have taken a very, what would I call it? The nuances.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And then I'm aware of just like, I took out some things that I was like, whoa. So I'm dying to hear your thoughts. And I'm assuming some will match up with mine. And then we can transverse.

  • Speaker #0

    Can't flab. I think you're right. Like, we don't go too heavy into what was said because they do touch on a lot of... But it was depressing. It's a hard listen. And you want to be really in the mood for it.

  • Speaker #1

    I did it in two parts because it was actually making me upset.

  • Speaker #0

    when he was in it was affecting my mood and I think the reason it was affecting my mood was because it was such a dog whistle to right wing incel men and by incel I mean involuntary celibate but there's a portion of the internet called incels of like men who they might be Joe Rogan listeners they might be like very right wing basically involuntary celebrate like nobody wants to sleep with you and you're just really angry at women because of it oh and they're like a real identity online it's a dog whistle to insult men a lot of trolling like I think he's I mean now the stance that he took and we both spoke about this it was like the way he's sitting in the chair even in the videos he's taking this very like aggressive approach it was so aggressive it's very like commanding and alpha he he is so fucking jacked on therapy speak that it was a masterclass in gaslighting and I appreciate in fairness like this whole story broke in like 2020 and 2021 all these pecs were released which Louis goes through with them they're all released and we only it's all very one-sided and it did lack a lot of context and I do appreciate hearing it from his side that it like adds the context The media training that he has had is a masterclass in gaslighting and how to change and turn the narrative in your direction. The language that he used and he, I watch now as snippets. I couldn't, I put myself through enough listening to that podcast twice.

  • Speaker #1

    I can't believe you did it twice. I had to do it in two parts.

  • Speaker #0

    I couldn't. I know. And my Valentine's walk around the park.

  • Speaker #1

    That's not right on a V-Day.

  • Speaker #0

    I know, I know. But I felt like, yeah, I wanted to give it another go because. My prejudice against him is so, I'm so anti him that I was like, maybe I listen to with that lens on and I try to listen to again. And obviously I feel the exact same way. But I flicked through a few clips of Armie Hammer on Piers Morgan and like his answers are the same.

  • Speaker #1

    Are they? I remember seeing clips of that.

  • Speaker #0

    What he does is a great thing is creates reasonable doubt constantly. He would say a lot of the language that he used. And it's only in the second listen that I heard it. So if you do want to go and listen to it, just keep an ear out for it. Because he would go, he'd say things like, oh, I'm sure like everyone has. Everyone has. I'm just like you. It's my affair.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, yeah. He kept being like, I'm sure you would do the same. I'm sure you've, I'm sure you've watched this kind of stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    Yep. Sure. Was I an asshole? Sure. But everybody would be if they were.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, you're so.

  • Speaker #0

    He said another thing that was like, oh. My affair was just a classic tale of a marriage gone bad.

  • Speaker #1

    I wasn't happy.

  • Speaker #0

    Happy people don't have affairs. And it's like that one that puts it back on your wife and the relationship. And that's fair. And that definitely does play a part. But number two is you also say down the interview that you were like, or you've said it in the Piers Morgan one anyway. And one of them, he said, oh, like when you're the best things by being famous, you always get a... table at a restaurant, you get free stuff, you get free drugs, you get people want to have sex with you. So it's like happily, happy people don't cheat on their wives.

  • Speaker #1

    Hurt people hurt people.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's also like you could be the happiest man in the world, but then get swept up in the Hollywood thing. And then just all these women are throwing themselves at you and you resist temptation. Yeah. You could have a really happy, happy marriage, but you just made a mistake.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. They're not mutually exclusive.

  • Speaker #0

    Exactly. And I just think it's pushed the blame away. I was in a bad place. So now I'm, I was kind of a victim of circumstance rather than.

  • Speaker #1

    That's me as a person.

  • Speaker #0

    And exactly. And he's taking accountability, but he's taking it in a very specific way that it's like, I was the asshole. So he was saying like, I was treating people badly. I was, I was picking them up. I was dropping them down. I was standing girls up. I was, you know, stringing them along. And, and then they get really angry at me. And then. they were angry. So hell, he says this, hell has no fury than a woman scorned.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my God, sorry. All the like, the people he brought in being like, this old Jamaican man once said to me.

  • Speaker #0

    That made up, absolutely made up.

  • Speaker #1

    But he kept using all these examples of these like prophets like that he spoke to.

  • Speaker #0

    The classic tale of Icarus. I flew too close.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, Jebediah said, 1412, thou shalt not love by thyself. Like, It was all this made up stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's all shit to validate himself. And his behaviors are like kind of justified a little bit.

  • Speaker #1

    But he just like, he didn't want to talk about it. And like, that's the main reason he was on there.

  • Speaker #0

    He was like, the water's still on that now. And you bringing it up annoys me because then it shakes the water again. And why do we have to go back there?

  • Speaker #1

    Towards the end, he's like, oh, you know, is there anything you... you know I want to add and he was like well I'll be honest like I don't like the way the start went and he was like I think you were just bringing up old stuff and you know that's a while ago I was like but you haven't spoken about it but it's not old and you're on this like he's not talking to you about a movie you're working on yeah

  • Speaker #0

    I thought Louis did a really great job of pushing him on things.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he's always very good at that.

  • Speaker #0

    He didn't let him get away with too many things. Sometimes with Louis, like, he is kind of platforming someone who's accused of allegedly doing, like, pretty horrible things. And there's providing no real balance, but, like, it doesn't suit that star-loving tree. But Louis, yeah, was good at kind of holding him back accountable to things that he was kind of wiggling out of.

  • Speaker #1

    Nothing was answered. It was always just like, you know, I'm sure you would understand that, like,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah I do this do you do that you you must do that like when's the last time you did this yeah all that kind of stuff it was really um yeah what was a robotic it was that's where I think the media training comes into it because it's like deflect so he would say things like well like give me your phone for 45 minutes and I'm sure you wouldn't want me to see what's on there I'm sure I'd find yeah oh telly what I don't like about it is it's like he says he's like found peace This was his like ego death.

  • Speaker #1

    He certainly hasn't.

  • Speaker #0

    But he's still really angry because anytime...

  • Speaker #1

    An ego doesn't die a death.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, and it's also like, but you've got this huge, ginormous ego sitting there that's getting annoyed.

  • Speaker #1

    Because there's a video that's on the Spotify thing and his presence is like, it's a lot to look at.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Kind of guerrilla energy.

  • Speaker #0

    It's very guerrilla energy. What I don't like about it is he doesn't seem that sorry.

  • Speaker #1

    No, I didn't get any remorse.

  • Speaker #0

    He feels like he has nothing to apologize for. Yes, OK, he could be really angry because they go through in the interview, but like the LAPD dropped the case because there was no evidence. They saw the two sides of the messaging, whereas we only saw the one side of like, I want to smoke your rib and put your baby toe in my pocket and all this stuff. But what I don't like is that he never fully acknowledged his role as a Hollywood actor, like a not a household name, like he's no... like Ryan Gosling or whatever. But like, he doesn't acknowledge his role. Sorry, I appreciate that he's really angry at the women because in his eyes, loads of women lied and made up all these things that he was a rapist and blah, blah. And like they saying it wasn't consensual and he's saying it was. So I can appreciate he's really angry at women, but there's no like, I'm sorry how I made women feel. And I think if he went in with a bit more tenderness into, I... I acknowledge my role as somebody who might have been selling it you could be Mrs. Hammer but now you feel violated I made you feel violated like he didn't he never once was like I'm sorry for making women feel like that it was very much like hell hath no fury like a woman's gourd

  • Speaker #1

    I like I don't actually think he is remorseful no because he's so aggressive in the whole thing yeah also just some of the stuff like he has a chaos tattoo yeah and he said boredom is serenity unappreciated and he said But he loves his chaos tattoo.

  • Speaker #0

    But he loves selling this lifestyle of like, you know, I'm eat, pray, love now, you know, that's selling the vision.

  • Speaker #1

    His manner is awful. He also said his wife said he has a frontal lobe issue.

  • Speaker #0

    As does every 26-year-old.

  • Speaker #1

    Don't we all?

  • Speaker #0

    Don't you?

  • Speaker #1

    And he also says he doesn't get drunk now. Right. And he said it's not like I'm afraid that as an addict I'll be sucking dick for a crack in an alley.

  • Speaker #0

    Some of his lines. But like, don't say like you're going to be gobbling loads of cocktail and I'll leave for crack.

  • Speaker #1

    It was all, it was just very aggressive. And like, it was a lot for my little head. I just thought it was, it's very bleak.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And then he asked him, do you remember? People are like, is he selling something in the Cayman Islands? He was in like his hotel workers and stuff. Yeah. And he said he loved his first desk job. He was selling timeshares in Cayman Islands. He was also a greenskeeper. And he helped manage an apartment building. And he was like, I loved wearing my khaki pants.

  • Speaker #0

    Imagine if you were going to the Cayman Islands and he was selling you the real estate. And then you were like, oh my God, this cannibal is showing me this property.

  • Speaker #1

    But I'd say he would just be so forceful. He also said, Louis is like, oh, like, would it be fair to say you were like cancelled from Hollywood? He was like, I wouldn't say cancelled. I would say forcefully removed from the system.

  • Speaker #0

    How else would you describe a counsellor?

  • Speaker #1

    And then his mum paid for his vasectomy for his birthday. And he was like, did you ask your mum for that? And he was like, I don't know. I think it kind of came from a conversation, like as you would have. And, you know, I don't have the money to pay for that. She says she'd pay for it.

  • Speaker #0

    It's so weird.

  • Speaker #1

    He did also say like he has loads of work coming up.

  • Speaker #0

    Then I don't know, is it like painting this picture of success?

  • Speaker #1

    That's what I was thinking because like... Mmm. Like he's such a spoofer.

  • Speaker #0

    The director seems a bit controversial and kind of probably wants that media attention on his film. You just don't know how big these things are going to be.

  • Speaker #1

    It's always a bit sad,

  • Speaker #0

    isn't it? Yeah. So he gets annoyed at Louis for conflating the cannibalism bits and the text messages with the language that was being used. He was like, that's out of context. It doesn't mean I'm a cannibal. Sorry, he's annoyed at Louis for conflating the two. Just because I said this doesn't mean I'm a cannibal. Even though it's like, but you're writing like... pretty aggressive and like no disrespect to anyone in the BGSM community but like you know they're for people who aren't in that you know it is kind of a an out of context they're horrible messages to read you know there's like blood fantasies and BGSM but this is like eating fantasies so I think there's like quite a line there but then like when he was going on talking about like oh you know when you watch you start watching porn and at the end like do you watch porn Louis And he was like, nobody needs the image of me watching porn in their minds. And I thought that was an excellent, don't ask me that question, like avoid. But he goes like, where you start at the beginning of the hour is very different to where you end up. So like, you know, my fantasies just got like more and more and more. And he was like, it's like two. So when I was texting these girls these messages, it's like two comedians just riffing.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my gosh.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't think you can conflate that. With telling someone you have like a knife to their throat. Like it's very strange. And I also think like no accountability, like blaming it on COVID, blaming it on the Me Too movement, blaming it also on being really drunk or high all the time. And I'm just like, how can you be so sure that you're like innocent in this? Like if he's, he said, he said he did everything bar heroin.

  • Speaker #1

    Also like the way he answered that when he's like, what drugs do you do? And he's like, oh, sure. A lot of them.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, sure. And then he's like.

  • Speaker #0

    coke and he's like uh sure and he just keeps going yeah sure and you're like for god's sake like you're here now how can you be so sure though that you didn't if you were completely out of it for those couple of years doing it how can you be so sure that you didn't write that or you like that you're aware of the how that behavior is making other people feel yes you're kind of out of body and you're high or drunk or whatever but how can you not you see like he could have done stuff that he can't remember and then people are accusing it and he's like no I didn't do that but it's like well you might have been out of it you know so people you know he could have done just just to throw his vagueness back at him how could he remember everything he did if he was like out of it for so long yeah

  • Speaker #1

    my like as in you didn't really get any answers and also just my closing thing is like he's just really unlikable like there's no warm warmth to him no Or like, like whatever about anything that he's talking about, just like him, his presence is like not a nice presence.

  • Speaker #0

    No, it's very like, um. Robot. Like aggressive. And it's like, I don't need to prove, I don't need to prove myself to anyone. Like, I don't need your approval. It's like, well, you're on a fucking podcast tour, mate. So, and you're back acting. I really appreciate the way you started off. Yeah. I just find that really like, well, if you don't care about anyone's opinions, maybe. don't go back into acting.

  • Speaker #1

    And he does his own podcast now.

  • Speaker #0

    So I looked it up on YouTube. There is like the biggest star as he is, like the views are so low. Say they're getting like 10 to maybe 45,000 views an episode. They filmed it in his like apartment, right? And they've made it look it's almost like a stage. They've made it look so he's like, this is me. I've been ripped to nothing. And it's like a couch they got on Facebook Marketplace. this sad little stool and like a plant. And like as the, I flicked through a few episodes, there's a bit more to it now. And he has like two hammers in the, so they've decorated it. But like they really, just with this media training, I think they really want him to be perceived as this like, you, I've no money now and I have nothing. And you know, it's.

  • Speaker #1

    And isn't he from like an oil dynasty?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I suppose to close out. Because he is doing a bit of a podcast tour, like with his own podcast and he's coming back. coming back out, like I wonder do these kind of, by virtue of him doing his own podcast, if he does it right, people get to know him again and see that there might be more to him than these claims and this story that's followed him around. Or like, I just wonder, does this move the dial for him as a like actor?

  • Speaker #1

    I didn't get any of that.

  • Speaker #0

    No. He's not going to be able to do like a family film like ever again. You know, he has to go down like a bit more of a like. But like

  • Speaker #1

    Tom Cruise is like. I know it's not cannibalism, but like Tom Cruise, everyone knows what Tom Cruise has done to his ex-wives. Yeah. You know, his daughter with Katie Holmes, what he did to her. Everyone knows that. And he's still, people are like, Tom Cruise is one of the nicest guys when they interview him.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    It's like, but we all know the other stories.

  • Speaker #0

    Maybe because he, Tom Cruise, one, he's a leading man. I don't think Armie Hammer is a leading man. He's a bit of a best supporting actor, if anything.

  • Speaker #1

    I don't get the Tom Cruise.

  • Speaker #0

    The Tom Cruise, but he had way more like in the bank of trust before all this shit came out. And he's like a much older following. He's been around much longer. And I think you get forgiven a lot when you make an amazing Top Gun film.

  • Speaker #1

    With Brooke Shields, that was like 20 years ago.

  • Speaker #0

    I think he has more gravitas as a celebrity. Like we've more, like with Armie Hammer, we only just got to know him. He wasn't leading in any film. Like he's, yes, he's good looking, but I don't, he's not like Ben Affleck to an extent, like a, yeah, like a Gosling or a Chris Hemsworth. Like he doesn't have much presence.

  • Speaker #1

    He has no presence.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, he keeps saying stuff like, you know, the court of public opinion, like the jury's still out on you and he gets really annoyed by that. But I think what we can do as... innocent bystanders and all this is we can vote for him with our bums on cinema seats and like if you don't like what he's done the only reason Hollywood might take a second chance at him but if he's if he doesn't get people into cinemas they'll drop him so you know he might get a second chance at Hollywood but if he can't sell tickets you know I don't even think he was in a good enough position when he was free cannibalism scandal I don't think the work coming up is that much they're kind of weird films as well they're like spooky kind of Westerns.

  • Speaker #1

    But he's so, like he's such a hot potato.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, like you're not going to get him on fucking Good Morning America I don't think. No,

  • Speaker #1

    like a studio I don't think, no.

  • Speaker #0

    No. What I didn't like about that whole thing was he makes you feel like you've put him in this position. It's gaslighting. There's no, yeah exactly and there's no accountability and it just makes me so irrationally angry that men like this are given a platform or are being let back in. We'll close on this actually. It is the story that he said because Louis goes like Well, like you worked, you were in films with Julia Roberts, Timothee Chalamet, loads of other people. So when shit hit the fan, like, did you hear from anyone? And then he says no twice, like no one reached out. But then he was like, oh, I changed my number. And oh, I was, I was giving out about friendship to this old Jamaican man. Made up, not true. And he was like, and he told me, like, don't give out about your friends, because if your house was on fire, you wouldn't ask your friends to go in. stupid metaphor. You're protecting them. And then he patted me on the knee and he walked off. It was like, that never happened. You've said, he says under his breath like twice, like nobody reached out to me. Which you so wouldn't. Which you wouldn't. Why would Julia Roberts step in? You obviously didn't have relationships with these people. And he was like, I'd be the best friend ever.

  • Speaker #1

    It's like, you know, the way Philip Schofield feels, like everyone's like disowned him.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. And it's just like, And like people did warn him and he says that people warned him being like, you're doing this with a lot of different people. They can use this against you. And he just did like the Icarus metaphor didn't seem to affect him. But it's just annoying when people, I just think, stop playing the victim. Yes, something should happen to you, but you played a role in that. And then you can't just go, oh, it happened to me.

  • Speaker #1

    I just have no time for a gas lighter in 2025.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, and also, sorry, sorry. final final point can you imagine his agent and the squirming that would have gone on on both sides of the the microphone when he goes like I used people I used them they were like they were like bags of dope with skin on them look don't talk about skin on a bag of dope when people are accusing you of being a cannibal just don't oh I didn't hear that but thank god they were just my bags of dope with skin on them. And I was like, stop talking about body parts.

  • Speaker #1

    Imagine him walking into his first therapy session. I'd say the therapist was like, oh, jeepers.

  • Speaker #0

    And sorry, just, I know we said this on the pod and it's been corrected by him. Robert Downey Jr. didn't pay for his rehab facility. It was, but he did get in touch with him because I think we said previously on the pod that he was paying for it, but he kind of danced around that. That was her and I.

  • Speaker #1

    He's such a weasel.

  • Speaker #0

    Woo! That really, really, really got me going. So angry. No, I need more love.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, the closing bit's the love. I texted her last night because I was like, oh, I just watched the new episode of the Kardashians. Lamar and Khloe reunite after 10 years. 10 years. I know. And we've like, we definitely speak about them. But like, I think majority of the stuff is like, they're just kind of on a bit looper. Like they're really out of touch with reality. And like the episodes are just like a bit, oh, but like, you know, we'll watch them anyway. Yeah. That episode two of the new season was really something. It had like the. The perfect mix of like heartfelt love and then the Met Gala. So there was a balance. But Chloe and Amari Knight and he was just like, I'm just like so sorry I didn't appreciate you when I had you. And he was like, you know, and I really, he was like, I just really appreciate you for trying your hardest with me. And like, I know it wasn't easy. And he like, he doesn't remember a lot of the stuff. And she was like, do you not remember me? And he was like, not really. And it's like, like their love when they got married was. I said it before, I'll say it again. The wedding special. Actually, it's a Valentine's Day watch.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, good.

  • Speaker #1

    It's so good and he's so in love with her and it's just really sad. Like, she just doesn't deserve it. It's like, it's really nice to watch. Like, it's like a bit of closure, I think, even though I kind of would like them to get back together. But at the end, it's like Grace, Kim and Chloe and they're like talking. She's like, God, like the trauma you've had with like Lamar and then Dresden. And she's like, I know. And then Kim's like. but like a good one is on the way. And it ended really positively for Chloe. It's a really good episode. You haven't watched it,

  • Speaker #0

    have you? No, I watched that over the weekend.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a nice watch. There was something very like warm about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Or like full circle. Because I suppose she's getting the closure that she was owed probably like 10, 5, 10 years ago. It's mad that he can't remember. Like, that's sad. Similar to like Armie Hammer, like you just don't remember the toxic shit you were doing. You know, it's like.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh sure, he was in the cow, am I right?

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, sorry, sorry. But like what she was saying to Mel Robbins on her podcast, Chloe was, it was like, oh, he was high all the time, especially in the off season. He was high like all the time.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    really? Yeah. And then so she wanted him to keep playing basketball. And he was like, I have to play because I want to play, not because you want me to be clean.

  • Speaker #1

    What episode is this? I have to listen to it.

  • Speaker #0

    It's episode, Chloe in Wonderland, episode number two. The first one's Jay Shetty, yours truly. I mean, I... And then the second one's Mel Robbins. It's a really good...

  • Speaker #1

    I think we can tell everyone to skip that. Yeah. I was just saying my algorithm is completely messed up because of the Jay Shetty stuff. And it's literally like...

  • Speaker #0

    I love that you're just getting all these inspirational minutes.

  • Speaker #1

    Two birds in a hand is worth one in the bush.

  • Speaker #0

    Pleasure eyes once again, Jane.

  • Speaker #1

    But it's like, it's not even like profaned. It's actually like... Yeah. When someone's right for you, you know.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. That's it.

  • Speaker #1

    Shocking. But it's a lovely warm-out to watch. And then, of course, the theatricality of the Met Gala. Together, it's like nice relief.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. God, you get those episodes so late. Like, that's May and we're getting them like...

  • Speaker #1

    Way too late.

  • Speaker #0

    They should really do what Towie does. Obviously, the Kardashians would never approve that, but like get the episodes out like within a week. do they do that? Well I don't I haven't watched Serene Agents but like definitely a few years ago Sorry just coming back like it is such a lovely like cosy like full circle moment for Chloe like say with ex-boyfriends or like exes that you're like I wish that maybe that might happen one day

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Not reuniting sorry but like you know getting that closure it's always Oh sorry getting the apology Getting the apology. I think that's something that we all kind of wish for.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Fantasize. That's just one day. And sometimes it's like the ghost has always come back or to haunt you or whatever. But like sometimes with exes, you wonder like, even though you're not like waiting for it, but there might ever be a moment where it's like, oh, they've come back and they've realized and they've not acknowledged with me. It's something deep down there where it's like, oh, I've got a little bit of... of peace. So I hope Chloe has peace from that now because she definitely deserves a nice man who's just kind to her.

  • Speaker #1

    I actually know like a good few people who've gotten something like a few years later randomly and like they didn't need it but like when they got it they were like oh my Oh my God. Like it was always worked out better for them. Yeah. So here's hoping ladies.

  • Speaker #0

    Here's hoping. He's on his way. He's on his way. Not where is he? Ladies, it's he's on his way. That's a mantra my mum told me and I think it's great. And I say it to everyone.

  • Speaker #1

    I feel very, that was very therapeutic.

  • Speaker #0

    Woo! That was a journey. I do. I feel very, my heart chakra is so open and I am.

  • Speaker #1

    My, yeah, mine's floating. above but I also like it was really hard to feel love and you're hating Armie Hammer but still loving yourself on Valentine's Day and not being dragged down by toxic people yes

  • Speaker #0

    and as RuPaul says if you can't love yourself how the hell are you going to love somebody else can I get an amen oh my god yes amen now so before we go you

  • Speaker #1

    you've got a recco for us you're not gonna vibe off this but it's great well I gave you tuna last time the ragu sounded delicious oh my god spicy ragu for any like real housewives people Lisa Rinna left Beverly Hills like last year and like there's a hole or is it two it's two seasons ago I think there's a Lisa Rinna shaped hole in it anyway but she's gone on this podcast called The Skinny Confidential now it's very American so yeah you know But she gives some nice behind the scenes details about like production and stuff like that. And she's on it with her husband, Harry Hamlin. They actually have a podcast coming out themselves, but it's a very good lesson. So it's the Skinny Confidential. And she doesn't normally do podcast interviews. I listened to it and it was she was just saying, you know, a few of the iconic episodes she was saying about certain things that went down. And yeah, very, very juicy for Sophie.

  • Speaker #0

    And she's one of the like queens of. Real eyes wise isn't she? She's the short hair.

  • Speaker #1

    She's like a high fashion queen now. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Short hair and the big lips.

  • Speaker #1

    Very big lips.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. To get her to dish. That's kind of like a bit like if Lauren Conrad did a expose. I'm just putting it into my language.

  • Speaker #1

    There's like. And there is an LC shaped hole in society isn't there?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. I know but I don't know if she realised or if she copped on that like. I don't think she's a very nice person. She's weirdly private. I think she's. Yeah I don't know. I'm way more Whitney now than I...

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, well, yeah, but she's like a bit more open. Yeah. I hate that they're not friends and I see very upset.

  • Speaker #0

    I know, but I don't know if they ever really were friends.

  • Speaker #1

    No, I don't think they were.

  • Speaker #0

    Might be. Okay, well, sorry, Lisa Remini... Rena. Sorry, that's a mother lady. Sorry.

  • Speaker #1

    She's the Scientologist lady. Also, she was on Louis Theroux's podcast, like, pre-COVID, during COVID. Oh. Whoa, there's a part one and part two on Scientology and she gives all. The Skeletons.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Brought up in Scientology. And she talks about Tom Cruise.

  • Speaker #0

    She had that book.

  • Speaker #1

    It's really good. And then, you know, the founder's wife who went missing. She talks about him. She was one of the girls that, one of the women that raised the alarm on that. It's a very good listen. I'm actually going to listen to it again. I've definitely listened to it a few times. Very likeable lady.

  • Speaker #0

    She had that thing of like when Suri was screaming at the wedding that Tom Cruise and yeah, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes was wedding and no one could attend to her.

  • Speaker #1

    They wouldn't let her or Leah Remini and Jayla sit together. And it was this big deal. I'm going to relisten to it. So good.

  • Speaker #0

    We hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day and giving yourself lots of crystals and self-love and hugs and joy and smiles. And maybe a rainbow. Oh, sorry. Follow us on Instagram at selfs of the scorelines and at classic cabana. Please rate, review and subscribe and follow all that juicy good stuff so we can. Soar high to the sky on our rainbow float.

  • Speaker #1

    I think my Valentine's Day chat made you a bit...

  • Speaker #0

    A bit drunk in love.


It's Valentine's week ladies... The girls are talking about Armie Hammer's appearance on Louis Theroux's podcast. The ladies do suggest listening to the episode first so you can get a full picture... it's a fairly heavy listen. Then Keeping Up with the Kardashians is back and episode 2 was very healing for Sophie... Lamar Odom paid a visit after 10 years.

Recco: For Real Housewives fans, Lisa Rinna & Harry Hamlin are on The Skinny Confidential podcast

Follow these gossip girls on insta: @soph_lyons & @clazzykabana

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Oink, oink, bitches! House of Goss is here for you. We are your weekly dose of pop culture nourishment. We really hoped you enjoyed our maize-anette of Goss for the Super Bowl. If you like those little mini episodes, let us know how we're going, how you're feeling. Maybe they're good. Everything seems to happen on a Sunday in Hollywood. So these little mini episodes, expect more of them. My name is Clara Kavna. The darling, dashing, beauty smiling down at me is Sophie Lyles. How are you?

  • Speaker #1

    I'm fantastic. It's Valentine's Day. Woo! I love Valentine's Day.

  • Speaker #0

    It is. I did a yoga class this morning and it was all about like opening your heart chakra. And I feel very open. It's a great way to start the day. I did a walk in the park and I was like, self-love.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, and it's sunny today, which is lovely. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite random holidays.

  • Speaker #0

    It is. Yeah, it's great.

  • Speaker #1

    Like a calendar day. I think it's so sweet especially on a Friday. I know. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    It's great. Little Armie is going to be your Valentine.

  • Speaker #1

    Armie's going to be my Valentine,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah. Armie.

  • Speaker #1

    I know you did but I thought we would just brush over it.

  • Speaker #0

    Sorry that's because we have Armie Hammer on the brain. More on him later.

  • Speaker #1

    But Armie, yes.

  • Speaker #0

    Armie the little sausage dog.

  • Speaker #1

    And myself.

  • Speaker #0

    And your dog, of course. And so let's kick things off. What are you loving or hating? J'adore or j'attest from the week?

  • Speaker #1

    My j'adore is Valentine's Day. Yesterday I saw like a few guys like on the train or like, you know, walking on the street and they had like flowers or chocolate and stuff in their hand. And I just, the colours of red and pink.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    I just think it's such a nice day. It's random. It comes out of the blue. Really nice time to tell anyone that you love them and that you mean something to them. I love romance and I just think it's so nice when you see a guy with flowers.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh my God. I always try to catch their eye and I'm like, aren't you great?

  • Speaker #1

    I want to give them like a hug.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Pat on the back because that's a bit like, aren't you doing well?

  • Speaker #0

    That's nice.

  • Speaker #1

    But I want to just smile at them being like.

  • Speaker #0

    You go, Glenn, go, go.

  • Speaker #1

    I think it's so sweet.

  • Speaker #0

    It is.

  • Speaker #1

    And like when I have boyfriend flowers, they're really big for me. I love them. I have one boyfriend who is like excellent with flowers. Like I got them every week. and like really good ones like from like Broadway Market and stuff and like yeah they were stunning and then I had another one who wouldn't even give me a shave of grass yeah so I've had both and I know which one I prefer obviously you know Sprouts is there I wonder just the the guy who wouldn't even give me a piece of grass listen to this I'm sure he does I hope he's squirming like a little worm I wonder, does he even know it's him? I don't think he does. Anyway, enough about these losers. I love Valentine's Day. This will be coming out on Tuesday, but I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day and got to show everyone that they love that they love them. Oh,

  • Speaker #0

    I also love Galentine's Day. That's cute. On the 13th.

  • Speaker #1

    Anything to do with like the red and pink and the chocolate and the roses.

  • Speaker #0

    And just telling people that you love them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, it's just like a fuzzy day.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. And all the heart-shaped chocolates.

  • Speaker #1

    with the caramel inside. Oh, she door.

  • Speaker #0

    That's made me feel very fuzzy. Thank you.

  • Speaker #1

    I love it. My mom used to put Valentine's Day cards and chocolates in our lunchbox. And so they were handmade cards. Classic. Glitter. Classic. Oh, maybe that's why I like it so much. Yeah,

  • Speaker #0

    that's amazing. I didn't get that.

  • Speaker #1

    It's really cute. I know. Kazza, what about you?

  • Speaker #0

    I I I'm loving myself and my friend Craig and his partner, Chris, went to see Bob the Drag Queen, who was the winner of one of the seasons of Drag Race. They played on Tuesday and it was three hours of nonstop lols. I wasn't really too sure what to expect because like, you know, you think it's a drag show. So you think you're going to be getting like lip syncing and it's the house down lols. But it was actually just. Loads of stand up. Like my cheeks, even on the next day on the Wednesday, were still sore from laughing. Bob's Drag Queen was an hour and 45 minutes on stage. No break. And it was like this whole journey of millennials versus Gen Z's. I thought of you throughout the entire performance. Unfortunately, they were only playing one day because they were on tour. Why? Because it was like. Bob picked out someone in the crowd and was like, OK, you look like a Gen Z. How old are you? And she's like, I'm 20. It's like, what's your name? Saffron. I was like, of course, of course you're called Saffron. So then Bob did like a whole show to Saffron explaining like how weird, like the weird things millennials have had to go through, like Sims, like the movie Shallow Hal. It was like Diddy's in jail, like why the fuck isn't Tyra Banks for America's Next Top Model? And just like, wow, it was so hilarious. Then they did a Q&A at the end and my people from the crowd got to go up and ask questions of like life advice. It was hilarious. I just, I love to lol. And that was just, there was one point I was like, stop. Just can we have a break? Because my face is sore. You know, and he's like, actually, this is painful. An hour and 45. I know. It was incredible.

  • Speaker #1

    A headliner. In the O2 wouldn't do that, would they? No. Because I went to the London Comedy, is it the London Comedy Store? I don't know. That one in Soho. It's like really famous.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. I went on that. I feel like the New York one.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And it's like supposed to be really good or something. But I went on a date to it and I was so not into it.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. But it wasn't a drag queen. See, they're just the best.

  • Speaker #1

    That's really awkward being with someone like I didn't really know that well at a comedy show.

  • Speaker #0

    No. And that should be good. I do think for like first dates, it's like going to a show or the cinema or like a stand up. It's a bit like, hi, I've just met you. And then now we have to sit beside each other and not talk. I think that's better like a few dates in.

  • Speaker #1

    Especially because I think if you're going to like a show or a cinema or something, half the fun of... being on a date is that you're semi-comfortable. So like your hands and stuff, like you could hold hands or a little bit of brushing.

  • Speaker #0

    The leg.

  • Speaker #1

    Do you know what I mean?

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And you're not at that point yet.

  • Speaker #0

    I remember I went on a date and I thought I was being so fucking grown up. The guy was like, I think he was a teacher or something. And we went to go, literally just met. And then we went to see The Importance of Being Earnest in the Gate Theatre in Dublin. And it's a three hour play with an interval two hours in. And it was awful because it was like, oh, OK, I've just met you.

  • Speaker #1

    Are we not exhausted?

  • Speaker #0

    It's so tired. And then just being like, I can't concentrate because you're so nervous about the other person. Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    yeah, you're half listening. Was he a thespian?

  • Speaker #0

    No, I think he was an English. There was definitely some kind of English in his. And I thought I was like being so fancy and like 26 being like, I'm going to the theatre. On a first date.

  • Speaker #1

    On a first date. On a date. Yeah. Did you wear a long skirt? No,

  • Speaker #0

    I can't remember.

  • Speaker #1

    Jazz shoes.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, yeah. That didn't last very long. He was too snooty. And had a secret child that never told me about. Lol.

  • Speaker #1

    What age? Was he the same age as you?

  • Speaker #0

    No, he was a few years older. But like.

  • Speaker #1

    And had a secret. That's not something you hear every day in Ireland.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Like, fair enough, it's not my business, but was like openly lying. And he was a little bit older, so it was like, you're supposed to be. mature one here. Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    let me tell you, age does not ensure maturity,

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    That's happened to me a few times.

  • Speaker #0

    Sorry, that was a real segue.

  • Speaker #1

    They were both two very positive starts. Now, our main topic. We don't want to get too heavy into it because it was a heavy subject when all this stuff was coming out about it. So we're not going to go through it bit by bit and say everything that happened. Like if you want to listen to it, listen to it. But these are like our takeaway points from it. And it's Armie Hammer on Luther's podcast.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    You have taken a very, what would I call it? The nuances.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And then I'm aware of just like, I took out some things that I was like, whoa. So I'm dying to hear your thoughts. And I'm assuming some will match up with mine. And then we can transverse.

  • Speaker #0

    Can't flab. I think you're right. Like, we don't go too heavy into what was said because they do touch on a lot of... But it was depressing. It's a hard listen. And you want to be really in the mood for it.

  • Speaker #1

    I did it in two parts because it was actually making me upset.

  • Speaker #0

    when he was in it was affecting my mood and I think the reason it was affecting my mood was because it was such a dog whistle to right wing incel men and by incel I mean involuntary celibate but there's a portion of the internet called incels of like men who they might be Joe Rogan listeners they might be like very right wing basically involuntary celebrate like nobody wants to sleep with you and you're just really angry at women because of it oh and they're like a real identity online it's a dog whistle to insult men a lot of trolling like I think he's I mean now the stance that he took and we both spoke about this it was like the way he's sitting in the chair even in the videos he's taking this very like aggressive approach it was so aggressive it's very like commanding and alpha he he is so fucking jacked on therapy speak that it was a masterclass in gaslighting and I appreciate in fairness like this whole story broke in like 2020 and 2021 all these pecs were released which Louis goes through with them they're all released and we only it's all very one-sided and it did lack a lot of context and I do appreciate hearing it from his side that it like adds the context The media training that he has had is a masterclass in gaslighting and how to change and turn the narrative in your direction. The language that he used and he, I watch now as snippets. I couldn't, I put myself through enough listening to that podcast twice.

  • Speaker #1

    I can't believe you did it twice. I had to do it in two parts.

  • Speaker #0

    I couldn't. I know. And my Valentine's walk around the park.

  • Speaker #1

    That's not right on a V-Day.

  • Speaker #0

    I know, I know. But I felt like, yeah, I wanted to give it another go because. My prejudice against him is so, I'm so anti him that I was like, maybe I listen to with that lens on and I try to listen to again. And obviously I feel the exact same way. But I flicked through a few clips of Armie Hammer on Piers Morgan and like his answers are the same.

  • Speaker #1

    Are they? I remember seeing clips of that.

  • Speaker #0

    What he does is a great thing is creates reasonable doubt constantly. He would say a lot of the language that he used. And it's only in the second listen that I heard it. So if you do want to go and listen to it, just keep an ear out for it. Because he would go, he'd say things like, oh, I'm sure like everyone has. Everyone has. I'm just like you. It's my affair.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, yeah. He kept being like, I'm sure you would do the same. I'm sure you've, I'm sure you've watched this kind of stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    Yep. Sure. Was I an asshole? Sure. But everybody would be if they were.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, you're so.

  • Speaker #0

    He said another thing that was like, oh. My affair was just a classic tale of a marriage gone bad.

  • Speaker #1

    I wasn't happy.

  • Speaker #0

    Happy people don't have affairs. And it's like that one that puts it back on your wife and the relationship. And that's fair. And that definitely does play a part. But number two is you also say down the interview that you were like, or you've said it in the Piers Morgan one anyway. And one of them, he said, oh, like when you're the best things by being famous, you always get a... table at a restaurant, you get free stuff, you get free drugs, you get people want to have sex with you. So it's like happily, happy people don't cheat on their wives.

  • Speaker #1

    Hurt people hurt people.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's also like you could be the happiest man in the world, but then get swept up in the Hollywood thing. And then just all these women are throwing themselves at you and you resist temptation. Yeah. You could have a really happy, happy marriage, but you just made a mistake.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. They're not mutually exclusive.

  • Speaker #0

    Exactly. And I just think it's pushed the blame away. I was in a bad place. So now I'm, I was kind of a victim of circumstance rather than.

  • Speaker #1

    That's me as a person.

  • Speaker #0

    And exactly. And he's taking accountability, but he's taking it in a very specific way that it's like, I was the asshole. So he was saying like, I was treating people badly. I was, I was picking them up. I was dropping them down. I was standing girls up. I was, you know, stringing them along. And, and then they get really angry at me. And then. they were angry. So hell, he says this, hell has no fury than a woman scorned.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my God, sorry. All the like, the people he brought in being like, this old Jamaican man once said to me.

  • Speaker #0

    That made up, absolutely made up.

  • Speaker #1

    But he kept using all these examples of these like prophets like that he spoke to.

  • Speaker #0

    The classic tale of Icarus. I flew too close.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, Jebediah said, 1412, thou shalt not love by thyself. Like, It was all this made up stuff.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's all shit to validate himself. And his behaviors are like kind of justified a little bit.

  • Speaker #1

    But he just like, he didn't want to talk about it. And like, that's the main reason he was on there.

  • Speaker #0

    He was like, the water's still on that now. And you bringing it up annoys me because then it shakes the water again. And why do we have to go back there?

  • Speaker #1

    Towards the end, he's like, oh, you know, is there anything you... you know I want to add and he was like well I'll be honest like I don't like the way the start went and he was like I think you were just bringing up old stuff and you know that's a while ago I was like but you haven't spoken about it but it's not old and you're on this like he's not talking to you about a movie you're working on yeah

  • Speaker #0

    I thought Louis did a really great job of pushing him on things.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he's always very good at that.

  • Speaker #0

    He didn't let him get away with too many things. Sometimes with Louis, like, he is kind of platforming someone who's accused of allegedly doing, like, pretty horrible things. And there's providing no real balance, but, like, it doesn't suit that star-loving tree. But Louis, yeah, was good at kind of holding him back accountable to things that he was kind of wiggling out of.

  • Speaker #1

    Nothing was answered. It was always just like, you know, I'm sure you would understand that, like,

  • Speaker #0

    yeah I do this do you do that you you must do that like when's the last time you did this yeah all that kind of stuff it was really um yeah what was a robotic it was that's where I think the media training comes into it because it's like deflect so he would say things like well like give me your phone for 45 minutes and I'm sure you wouldn't want me to see what's on there I'm sure I'd find yeah oh telly what I don't like about it is it's like he says he's like found peace This was his like ego death.

  • Speaker #1

    He certainly hasn't.

  • Speaker #0

    But he's still really angry because anytime...

  • Speaker #1

    An ego doesn't die a death.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, and it's also like, but you've got this huge, ginormous ego sitting there that's getting annoyed.

  • Speaker #1

    Because there's a video that's on the Spotify thing and his presence is like, it's a lot to look at.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Kind of guerrilla energy.

  • Speaker #0

    It's very guerrilla energy. What I don't like about it is he doesn't seem that sorry.

  • Speaker #1

    No, I didn't get any remorse.

  • Speaker #0

    He feels like he has nothing to apologize for. Yes, OK, he could be really angry because they go through in the interview, but like the LAPD dropped the case because there was no evidence. They saw the two sides of the messaging, whereas we only saw the one side of like, I want to smoke your rib and put your baby toe in my pocket and all this stuff. But what I don't like is that he never fully acknowledged his role as a Hollywood actor, like a not a household name, like he's no... like Ryan Gosling or whatever. But like, he doesn't acknowledge his role. Sorry, I appreciate that he's really angry at the women because in his eyes, loads of women lied and made up all these things that he was a rapist and blah, blah. And like they saying it wasn't consensual and he's saying it was. So I can appreciate he's really angry at women, but there's no like, I'm sorry how I made women feel. And I think if he went in with a bit more tenderness into, I... I acknowledge my role as somebody who might have been selling it you could be Mrs. Hammer but now you feel violated I made you feel violated like he didn't he never once was like I'm sorry for making women feel like that it was very much like hell hath no fury like a woman's gourd

  • Speaker #1

    I like I don't actually think he is remorseful no because he's so aggressive in the whole thing yeah also just some of the stuff like he has a chaos tattoo yeah and he said boredom is serenity unappreciated and he said But he loves his chaos tattoo.

  • Speaker #0

    But he loves selling this lifestyle of like, you know, I'm eat, pray, love now, you know, that's selling the vision.

  • Speaker #1

    His manner is awful. He also said his wife said he has a frontal lobe issue.

  • Speaker #0

    As does every 26-year-old.

  • Speaker #1

    Don't we all?

  • Speaker #0

    Don't you?

  • Speaker #1

    And he also says he doesn't get drunk now. Right. And he said it's not like I'm afraid that as an addict I'll be sucking dick for a crack in an alley.

  • Speaker #0

    Some of his lines. But like, don't say like you're going to be gobbling loads of cocktail and I'll leave for crack.

  • Speaker #1

    It was all, it was just very aggressive. And like, it was a lot for my little head. I just thought it was, it's very bleak.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And then he asked him, do you remember? People are like, is he selling something in the Cayman Islands? He was in like his hotel workers and stuff. Yeah. And he said he loved his first desk job. He was selling timeshares in Cayman Islands. He was also a greenskeeper. And he helped manage an apartment building. And he was like, I loved wearing my khaki pants.

  • Speaker #0

    Imagine if you were going to the Cayman Islands and he was selling you the real estate. And then you were like, oh my God, this cannibal is showing me this property.

  • Speaker #1

    But I'd say he would just be so forceful. He also said, Louis is like, oh, like, would it be fair to say you were like cancelled from Hollywood? He was like, I wouldn't say cancelled. I would say forcefully removed from the system.

  • Speaker #0

    How else would you describe a counsellor?

  • Speaker #1

    And then his mum paid for his vasectomy for his birthday. And he was like, did you ask your mum for that? And he was like, I don't know. I think it kind of came from a conversation, like as you would have. And, you know, I don't have the money to pay for that. She says she'd pay for it.

  • Speaker #0

    It's so weird.

  • Speaker #1

    He did also say like he has loads of work coming up.

  • Speaker #0

    Then I don't know, is it like painting this picture of success?

  • Speaker #1

    That's what I was thinking because like... Mmm. Like he's such a spoofer.

  • Speaker #0

    The director seems a bit controversial and kind of probably wants that media attention on his film. You just don't know how big these things are going to be.

  • Speaker #1

    It's always a bit sad,

  • Speaker #0

    isn't it? Yeah. So he gets annoyed at Louis for conflating the cannibalism bits and the text messages with the language that was being used. He was like, that's out of context. It doesn't mean I'm a cannibal. Sorry, he's annoyed at Louis for conflating the two. Just because I said this doesn't mean I'm a cannibal. Even though it's like, but you're writing like... pretty aggressive and like no disrespect to anyone in the BGSM community but like you know they're for people who aren't in that you know it is kind of a an out of context they're horrible messages to read you know there's like blood fantasies and BGSM but this is like eating fantasies so I think there's like quite a line there but then like when he was going on talking about like oh you know when you watch you start watching porn and at the end like do you watch porn Louis And he was like, nobody needs the image of me watching porn in their minds. And I thought that was an excellent, don't ask me that question, like avoid. But he goes like, where you start at the beginning of the hour is very different to where you end up. So like, you know, my fantasies just got like more and more and more. And he was like, it's like two. So when I was texting these girls these messages, it's like two comedians just riffing.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh my gosh.

  • Speaker #0

    I don't think you can conflate that. With telling someone you have like a knife to their throat. Like it's very strange. And I also think like no accountability, like blaming it on COVID, blaming it on the Me Too movement, blaming it also on being really drunk or high all the time. And I'm just like, how can you be so sure that you're like innocent in this? Like if he's, he said, he said he did everything bar heroin.

  • Speaker #1

    Also like the way he answered that when he's like, what drugs do you do? And he's like, oh, sure. A lot of them.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, sure. And then he's like.

  • Speaker #0

    coke and he's like uh sure and he just keeps going yeah sure and you're like for god's sake like you're here now how can you be so sure though that you didn't if you were completely out of it for those couple of years doing it how can you be so sure that you didn't write that or you like that you're aware of the how that behavior is making other people feel yes you're kind of out of body and you're high or drunk or whatever but how can you not you see like he could have done stuff that he can't remember and then people are accusing it and he's like no I didn't do that but it's like well you might have been out of it you know so people you know he could have done just just to throw his vagueness back at him how could he remember everything he did if he was like out of it for so long yeah

  • Speaker #1

    my like as in you didn't really get any answers and also just my closing thing is like he's just really unlikable like there's no warm warmth to him no Or like, like whatever about anything that he's talking about, just like him, his presence is like not a nice presence.

  • Speaker #0

    No, it's very like, um. Robot. Like aggressive. And it's like, I don't need to prove, I don't need to prove myself to anyone. Like, I don't need your approval. It's like, well, you're on a fucking podcast tour, mate. So, and you're back acting. I really appreciate the way you started off. Yeah. I just find that really like, well, if you don't care about anyone's opinions, maybe. don't go back into acting.

  • Speaker #1

    And he does his own podcast now.

  • Speaker #0

    So I looked it up on YouTube. There is like the biggest star as he is, like the views are so low. Say they're getting like 10 to maybe 45,000 views an episode. They filmed it in his like apartment, right? And they've made it look it's almost like a stage. They've made it look so he's like, this is me. I've been ripped to nothing. And it's like a couch they got on Facebook Marketplace. this sad little stool and like a plant. And like as the, I flicked through a few episodes, there's a bit more to it now. And he has like two hammers in the, so they've decorated it. But like they really, just with this media training, I think they really want him to be perceived as this like, you, I've no money now and I have nothing. And you know, it's.

  • Speaker #1

    And isn't he from like an oil dynasty?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I suppose to close out. Because he is doing a bit of a podcast tour, like with his own podcast and he's coming back. coming back out, like I wonder do these kind of, by virtue of him doing his own podcast, if he does it right, people get to know him again and see that there might be more to him than these claims and this story that's followed him around. Or like, I just wonder, does this move the dial for him as a like actor?

  • Speaker #1

    I didn't get any of that.

  • Speaker #0

    No. He's not going to be able to do like a family film like ever again. You know, he has to go down like a bit more of a like. But like

  • Speaker #1

    Tom Cruise is like. I know it's not cannibalism, but like Tom Cruise, everyone knows what Tom Cruise has done to his ex-wives. Yeah. You know, his daughter with Katie Holmes, what he did to her. Everyone knows that. And he's still, people are like, Tom Cruise is one of the nicest guys when they interview him.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    It's like, but we all know the other stories.

  • Speaker #0

    Maybe because he, Tom Cruise, one, he's a leading man. I don't think Armie Hammer is a leading man. He's a bit of a best supporting actor, if anything.

  • Speaker #1

    I don't get the Tom Cruise.

  • Speaker #0

    The Tom Cruise, but he had way more like in the bank of trust before all this shit came out. And he's like a much older following. He's been around much longer. And I think you get forgiven a lot when you make an amazing Top Gun film.

  • Speaker #1

    With Brooke Shields, that was like 20 years ago.

  • Speaker #0

    I think he has more gravitas as a celebrity. Like we've more, like with Armie Hammer, we only just got to know him. He wasn't leading in any film. Like he's, yes, he's good looking, but I don't, he's not like Ben Affleck to an extent, like a, yeah, like a Gosling or a Chris Hemsworth. Like he doesn't have much presence.

  • Speaker #1

    He has no presence.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, he keeps saying stuff like, you know, the court of public opinion, like the jury's still out on you and he gets really annoyed by that. But I think what we can do as... innocent bystanders and all this is we can vote for him with our bums on cinema seats and like if you don't like what he's done the only reason Hollywood might take a second chance at him but if he's if he doesn't get people into cinemas they'll drop him so you know he might get a second chance at Hollywood but if he can't sell tickets you know I don't even think he was in a good enough position when he was free cannibalism scandal I don't think the work coming up is that much they're kind of weird films as well they're like spooky kind of Westerns.

  • Speaker #1

    But he's so, like he's such a hot potato.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, like you're not going to get him on fucking Good Morning America I don't think. No,

  • Speaker #1

    like a studio I don't think, no.

  • Speaker #0

    No. What I didn't like about that whole thing was he makes you feel like you've put him in this position. It's gaslighting. There's no, yeah exactly and there's no accountability and it just makes me so irrationally angry that men like this are given a platform or are being let back in. We'll close on this actually. It is the story that he said because Louis goes like Well, like you worked, you were in films with Julia Roberts, Timothee Chalamet, loads of other people. So when shit hit the fan, like, did you hear from anyone? And then he says no twice, like no one reached out. But then he was like, oh, I changed my number. And oh, I was, I was giving out about friendship to this old Jamaican man. Made up, not true. And he was like, and he told me, like, don't give out about your friends, because if your house was on fire, you wouldn't ask your friends to go in. stupid metaphor. You're protecting them. And then he patted me on the knee and he walked off. It was like, that never happened. You've said, he says under his breath like twice, like nobody reached out to me. Which you so wouldn't. Which you wouldn't. Why would Julia Roberts step in? You obviously didn't have relationships with these people. And he was like, I'd be the best friend ever.

  • Speaker #1

    It's like, you know, the way Philip Schofield feels, like everyone's like disowned him.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. And it's just like, And like people did warn him and he says that people warned him being like, you're doing this with a lot of different people. They can use this against you. And he just did like the Icarus metaphor didn't seem to affect him. But it's just annoying when people, I just think, stop playing the victim. Yes, something should happen to you, but you played a role in that. And then you can't just go, oh, it happened to me.

  • Speaker #1

    I just have no time for a gas lighter in 2025.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, and also, sorry, sorry. final final point can you imagine his agent and the squirming that would have gone on on both sides of the the microphone when he goes like I used people I used them they were like they were like bags of dope with skin on them look don't talk about skin on a bag of dope when people are accusing you of being a cannibal just don't oh I didn't hear that but thank god they were just my bags of dope with skin on them. And I was like, stop talking about body parts.

  • Speaker #1

    Imagine him walking into his first therapy session. I'd say the therapist was like, oh, jeepers.

  • Speaker #0

    And sorry, just, I know we said this on the pod and it's been corrected by him. Robert Downey Jr. didn't pay for his rehab facility. It was, but he did get in touch with him because I think we said previously on the pod that he was paying for it, but he kind of danced around that. That was her and I.

  • Speaker #1

    He's such a weasel.

  • Speaker #0

    Woo! That really, really, really got me going. So angry. No, I need more love.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, the closing bit's the love. I texted her last night because I was like, oh, I just watched the new episode of the Kardashians. Lamar and Khloe reunite after 10 years. 10 years. I know. And we've like, we definitely speak about them. But like, I think majority of the stuff is like, they're just kind of on a bit looper. Like they're really out of touch with reality. And like the episodes are just like a bit, oh, but like, you know, we'll watch them anyway. Yeah. That episode two of the new season was really something. It had like the. The perfect mix of like heartfelt love and then the Met Gala. So there was a balance. But Chloe and Amari Knight and he was just like, I'm just like so sorry I didn't appreciate you when I had you. And he was like, you know, and I really, he was like, I just really appreciate you for trying your hardest with me. And like, I know it wasn't easy. And he like, he doesn't remember a lot of the stuff. And she was like, do you not remember me? And he was like, not really. And it's like, like their love when they got married was. I said it before, I'll say it again. The wedding special. Actually, it's a Valentine's Day watch.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, good.

  • Speaker #1

    It's so good and he's so in love with her and it's just really sad. Like, she just doesn't deserve it. It's like, it's really nice to watch. Like, it's like a bit of closure, I think, even though I kind of would like them to get back together. But at the end, it's like Grace, Kim and Chloe and they're like talking. She's like, God, like the trauma you've had with like Lamar and then Dresden. And she's like, I know. And then Kim's like. but like a good one is on the way. And it ended really positively for Chloe. It's a really good episode. You haven't watched it,

  • Speaker #0

    have you? No, I watched that over the weekend.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a nice watch. There was something very like warm about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Or like full circle. Because I suppose she's getting the closure that she was owed probably like 10, 5, 10 years ago. It's mad that he can't remember. Like, that's sad. Similar to like Armie Hammer, like you just don't remember the toxic shit you were doing. You know, it's like.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh sure, he was in the cow, am I right?

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, sorry, sorry. But like what she was saying to Mel Robbins on her podcast, Chloe was, it was like, oh, he was high all the time, especially in the off season. He was high like all the time.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    really? Yeah. And then so she wanted him to keep playing basketball. And he was like, I have to play because I want to play, not because you want me to be clean.

  • Speaker #1

    What episode is this? I have to listen to it.

  • Speaker #0

    It's episode, Chloe in Wonderland, episode number two. The first one's Jay Shetty, yours truly. I mean, I... And then the second one's Mel Robbins. It's a really good...

  • Speaker #1

    I think we can tell everyone to skip that. Yeah. I was just saying my algorithm is completely messed up because of the Jay Shetty stuff. And it's literally like...

  • Speaker #0

    I love that you're just getting all these inspirational minutes.

  • Speaker #1

    Two birds in a hand is worth one in the bush.

  • Speaker #0

    Pleasure eyes once again, Jane.

  • Speaker #1

    But it's like, it's not even like profaned. It's actually like... Yeah. When someone's right for you, you know.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. That's it.

  • Speaker #1

    Shocking. But it's a lovely warm-out to watch. And then, of course, the theatricality of the Met Gala. Together, it's like nice relief.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. God, you get those episodes so late. Like, that's May and we're getting them like...

  • Speaker #1

    Way too late.

  • Speaker #0

    They should really do what Towie does. Obviously, the Kardashians would never approve that, but like get the episodes out like within a week. do they do that? Well I don't I haven't watched Serene Agents but like definitely a few years ago Sorry just coming back like it is such a lovely like cosy like full circle moment for Chloe like say with ex-boyfriends or like exes that you're like I wish that maybe that might happen one day

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Not reuniting sorry but like you know getting that closure it's always Oh sorry getting the apology Getting the apology. I think that's something that we all kind of wish for.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Fantasize. That's just one day. And sometimes it's like the ghost has always come back or to haunt you or whatever. But like sometimes with exes, you wonder like, even though you're not like waiting for it, but there might ever be a moment where it's like, oh, they've come back and they've realized and they've not acknowledged with me. It's something deep down there where it's like, oh, I've got a little bit of... of peace. So I hope Chloe has peace from that now because she definitely deserves a nice man who's just kind to her.

  • Speaker #1

    I actually know like a good few people who've gotten something like a few years later randomly and like they didn't need it but like when they got it they were like oh my Oh my God. Like it was always worked out better for them. Yeah. So here's hoping ladies.

  • Speaker #0

    Here's hoping. He's on his way. He's on his way. Not where is he? Ladies, it's he's on his way. That's a mantra my mum told me and I think it's great. And I say it to everyone.

  • Speaker #1

    I feel very, that was very therapeutic.

  • Speaker #0

    Woo! That was a journey. I do. I feel very, my heart chakra is so open and I am.

  • Speaker #1

    My, yeah, mine's floating. above but I also like it was really hard to feel love and you're hating Armie Hammer but still loving yourself on Valentine's Day and not being dragged down by toxic people yes

  • Speaker #0

    and as RuPaul says if you can't love yourself how the hell are you going to love somebody else can I get an amen oh my god yes amen now so before we go you

  • Speaker #1

    you've got a recco for us you're not gonna vibe off this but it's great well I gave you tuna last time the ragu sounded delicious oh my god spicy ragu for any like real housewives people Lisa Rinna left Beverly Hills like last year and like there's a hole or is it two it's two seasons ago I think there's a Lisa Rinna shaped hole in it anyway but she's gone on this podcast called The Skinny Confidential now it's very American so yeah you know But she gives some nice behind the scenes details about like production and stuff like that. And she's on it with her husband, Harry Hamlin. They actually have a podcast coming out themselves, but it's a very good lesson. So it's the Skinny Confidential. And she doesn't normally do podcast interviews. I listened to it and it was she was just saying, you know, a few of the iconic episodes she was saying about certain things that went down. And yeah, very, very juicy for Sophie.

  • Speaker #0

    And she's one of the like queens of. Real eyes wise isn't she? She's the short hair.

  • Speaker #1

    She's like a high fashion queen now. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Short hair and the big lips.

  • Speaker #1

    Very big lips.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. To get her to dish. That's kind of like a bit like if Lauren Conrad did a expose. I'm just putting it into my language.

  • Speaker #1

    There's like. And there is an LC shaped hole in society isn't there?

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. I know but I don't know if she realised or if she copped on that like. I don't think she's a very nice person. She's weirdly private. I think she's. Yeah I don't know. I'm way more Whitney now than I...

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, well, yeah, but she's like a bit more open. Yeah. I hate that they're not friends and I see very upset.

  • Speaker #0

    I know, but I don't know if they ever really were friends.

  • Speaker #1

    No, I don't think they were.

  • Speaker #0

    Might be. Okay, well, sorry, Lisa Remini... Rena. Sorry, that's a mother lady. Sorry.

  • Speaker #1

    She's the Scientologist lady. Also, she was on Louis Theroux's podcast, like, pre-COVID, during COVID. Oh. Whoa, there's a part one and part two on Scientology and she gives all. The Skeletons.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    Brought up in Scientology. And she talks about Tom Cruise.

  • Speaker #0

    She had that book.

  • Speaker #1

    It's really good. And then, you know, the founder's wife who went missing. She talks about him. She was one of the girls that, one of the women that raised the alarm on that. It's a very good listen. I'm actually going to listen to it again. I've definitely listened to it a few times. Very likeable lady.

  • Speaker #0

    She had that thing of like when Suri was screaming at the wedding that Tom Cruise and yeah, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes was wedding and no one could attend to her.

  • Speaker #1

    They wouldn't let her or Leah Remini and Jayla sit together. And it was this big deal. I'm going to relisten to it. So good.

  • Speaker #0

    We hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day and giving yourself lots of crystals and self-love and hugs and joy and smiles. And maybe a rainbow. Oh, sorry. Follow us on Instagram at selfs of the scorelines and at classic cabana. Please rate, review and subscribe and follow all that juicy good stuff so we can. Soar high to the sky on our rainbow float.

  • Speaker #1

    I think my Valentine's Day chat made you a bit...

  • Speaker #0

    A bit drunk in love.



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