- Speaker #0
Hello and welcome back to House of Gossip with me, Sophie Lyons. The stunning Clara Kavner is coming into me live, both in London town. We are just excited to give you our weekly dose of pop culture nourishment. Pop, pop, pop culture nourishment. That is a tongue twister, isn't it Gaza? How are you today?
- Speaker #1
Sorry. Cock-pulture nourishment. I am very well, thank you. Loving all the white lotus messages we've been getting in. We hope you enjoyed that special episode. There will be more.
- Speaker #0
And it was my favourite artwork to do so far.
- Speaker #1
It was your finest work yet. I didn't think you could beat the Wicked one that you did.
- Speaker #0
I didn't think I could either.
- Speaker #1
But lo and behold,
- Speaker #0
you have. That Wicked one took a while.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
And we love talking about it. We love talking about the MILF trio, the cranky boyfriend. The Weird Brother.
- Speaker #1
The Ratliffs. The Southern Males.
- Speaker #0
So we're going to be doing that again and we'll drop it when you least expect it. So make sure you keep up to date with White Lotus. I've actually been watching a lot of short series lately. More on that later, Clara. No. Let's kick it off quickly. What are you loving or hating this week?
- Speaker #1
I am loving this morning. I thought I was doing really well. Friday morning, 8am Pilates class. Like, who the fuck am I?
- Speaker #0
Oh my God.
- Speaker #1
I know. I took one of those. Yeah, you are. And I get to the door. and rattle rattle no one's there they cancelled it at 11 p.m last night and I just obviously didn't check my emails.
- Speaker #0
Why would you check your emails before 8am?
- Speaker #1
Exactly it was actually you'll be so proud of me I was in bed at like 11.02 last night it was very early for me so anyway like my phone's on do not disturb anyway so I didn't see it and then I was like all right I'm gonna take myself to my local park and I did the trick that you do which is don't listen to headphones when you're out for a walk. Remember you were commuting for a while? Oh,
- Speaker #0
when you do your thinking.
- Speaker #1
I was doing so much cogging.
- Speaker #0
Oh, yeah.
- Speaker #1
The sun was rising. The grass was defrosting. There was about 1,500 dogs in the park. Everybody was out smiling. The bird song was deafening. I honestly felt like I was in a movie montage of like, you know...
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Enchanted, yeah. I felt like if I held my finger out, a little parrot or... hopefully not a pigeon would have landed on my hand. It was just the most like amazing start. That sounds great. It was way better than a Pilates class.
- Speaker #0
Because spring, it's a foot.
- Speaker #1
It's a foot that stretch in the evenings.
- Speaker #0
That sounds lovely, Yaser.
- Speaker #1
I honestly felt like breaking into song.
- Speaker #0
Very Good Morning Baltimore from Hairspray. Ah,
- Speaker #1
that's exactly it. Sky eye. It's a great start to the day. Anyway, so what are you doing? What are you testing?
- Speaker #0
Just before I do my one, side note, when you said something nicer than a pigeon will lay on your hand, my sister's boyfriend was saying they went for a nice lunch. Yeah. And he said he got pigeon and something terrine.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
I was like, did you just say pigeon? He was like, it's not like a city pigeon. And I was like, no. Yeah.
- Speaker #1
It's one of those pigeons. They look like vickers. Those posher pigeons. Sorry,
- Speaker #0
Tureen. Tureen. I was at a dinner once and someone was like, oh, we can share that. And it got to the table and I was like, who put that on a plate and decided to charge for it? It is gross. Sorry, that was just a caveat. I'm going to go for a test. Go for it. I am looking for some advice from some shiny-faced women. I get a shiny face. Every day. When I come home, I'm so shiny and I've done everything anyone tells me, translucent powder, pressed powder, etc, etc. I have a shiny moon face and nothing will cure it. And it's so shiny that like if I wear eyeliner, the eyeliner drops down below my eyes. I need someone to give me some advice. Any moos out there? Please let me know what else I can do. Like I put a lot of translucent powder on. It doesn't do anything. And I'm sick of being shiny. I'm shiny now.
- Speaker #1
Do you think it's your cleanser or your moisturizer? Do you think you're using too thick a product? Or like say you could get like a oil controlling cleanser.
- Speaker #0
I like my cleanser. Like it works for me.
- Speaker #1
What is it?
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Oh, they're fine.
- Speaker #0
and every dermatologist I tell is like yeah use that one yeah yeah look it's not that big of an issue and do you use any oils or serums? I currently know I just ordered some new ones but no Anyway, so if anyone knows anything about fixing a shiny moon face, please let me know.
- Speaker #1
You've got that donut glaze, though. Totally. Which is nice.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, I'd rather that than dry. But just sometimes when I see my reflection, I'm like, whoa. It's like I can see my reflection in my face. Do you know what I mean? Oh,
- Speaker #1
stop. Do you know?
- Speaker #0
Like a load of, it's very shiny.
- Speaker #1
Oh, no, that's annoying. Oh, well. Just a side little bit of news. Did you see Lizzo's really, has her come back today?
- Speaker #0
Yeah. First thing in two years.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. New album.
- Speaker #0
I didn't read anything about it.
- Speaker #1
I watched the video and it is a total rip off of my, not rip off, sorry. It's an homage to Michael Jackson Thriller. Well, that was like such an amazing album and song of the time. And they kind of copy the dance moves like it's it's quite cool. But I think for your comeback after being cancelled to channel an accused paedophile, I just think it's an unusual way to go down. And I just think out of all of the people you could have. of paid homage to was Michael Jackson is it very much an homage like is it very close to it oh yeah especially the last bit like there's zombies moving the same way is that a play on like coming back from the dead because she was cancelled good take hot take I can nearly say it is as great and as big as an icon like there's a show with him on the west end
- Speaker #0
I saw it oh did you oh yeah you did I got taken on a second date to that and oh yeah there was no you obviously they're not going to acknowledge it it's just so funny because everyone in there obviously just loved Michael Jackson and they were like people just bypass all that stuff are they ever going to mention the fact that stuff happened in the latter years and they did miss out a few songs it was actually very good though sorry it was really good as
- Speaker #1
comebacks go I think that's an unusual something to channel it's definitely calculated though yeah I just think like I don't really listen to Michael Jackson anymore or like I feel icky when listening to it and similar to Lizzo I feel icky by listening to her music now because I feel like it was a total betrayal of trust so now it's like implosion of ick I'm going to google it after I feel like that definitely has yeah it is quite catchy but yeah I don't know I think it's an unusual usual route Lizzo interesting Hello there, dear, sweet, lovely hoglet. Before we get into this topic, I just want to preface this that the rumour that we go through has been widely panned and disproven by the person's mum. So we still don't really include it because we thought it was kind of a good chat on internet, culture, rumour mills, Gen Alpha, Gen Z. internet language fake instas how rumors can spread the popularity the craze that was going on on the internet at the end of last week so yeah we hope you enjoy it's only a little shorty and it's probably a bit of a lesson to not get too sucked into internet into wild internet rumors and i direct that comment personally at me and a few of my uh harebrained tinfoil hat rumors that i like to believe in so i suppose it's a lesson to all of us to not gobble up every TikTok you see but just something to keep in mind as you are listening on your merry day. Thank you.
- Speaker #0
Gazza, you have something to discuss which I actually ruined for myself this morning. Apologies. Clara found this reel that was like whoa tinfoil hat situation. And she was like, did you see what I sent you? And I was like, no. And then you were like, oh, my God. And then you were like, don't look in capitals. I thought you were being like,
- Speaker #1
don't look.
- Speaker #0
Do you know what I mean? So I went straight away and was like looking for it. And then, oh, my God. So Clara is going to talk about it now. It's juicy.
- Speaker #1
Sorry, big thanks to Madeline, one of our listeners who sent this to me and it blew my actual head off.
- Speaker #0
Madeline's messaging is so supportive.
- Speaker #1
Oh, I think she should be part of the production team by now.
- Speaker #0
She also sent me a message being like, you know, I'm so invested in you and the guy you live with, James. You know, you know, everyone's dying for you to get together. I didn't say anything. I just said, ah, and then I told James and he was like, eh. You wish, James. James doesn't listen.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Sorry, go on. So thank you, Madeline.
- Speaker #1
Oh, yeah. So the reason why we probably haven't heard about this is because Chris Jenner is probably working in overtime, giving lots of brown envelopes to certain publications.
- Speaker #0
Did Madeline send this to you? Yeah. Madeline, you totally could be part of the crew.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. Join the hogs. Come down to our trough. I'm still on the fence about this. Now, when I first saw this, I was like, oh my God, I totally believe it. But then digging a bit more, I'm like, surely it's not in any major publication. But anyway.
- Speaker #0
But like, it's so possible.
- Speaker #1
It's so possible. So on Mason Disick, the oldest Kardashian grandchild, was on his Finsta account. So bear with me. We're doing a lot of like, is it even, is he even Gen Z or is it Gen Alpha? There's some language here that is beyond my understanding. But he has a Finsta, which is what loads of the youth these days do. And it's a fake Insta. So their parents can't catch what they're actually doing.
- Speaker #0
And because he's like famous adjacent. Exactly.
- Speaker #1
And like, say with our Instagrams, I look at mine and I'm like, this is the story of your life. Where it's like, and like, here's every monumental moment tracking now to here and here to now. And it's a beautiful retrospective, right? Whereas I think the youth of today love like having loads of different accounts. They're in, they're out, they're deleting all their photos, they're posting it again. It's not as like mantelpiece shrine to your life.
- Speaker #0
And like, won't they like archive loads of stuff after a while and they'll reinvent it or like the captions.
- Speaker #1
They use a language. I'm like.
- Speaker #0
What was this in? Was this in good material with Dolly Alderton? I think it was. And she's like. I think the character is saying that. Oh, is it the girl he's seeing maybe?
- Speaker #1
He scores a younger girl.
- Speaker #0
And it was like a carousel of all these random photos. And then the caption would be like.
- Speaker #1
Something totally unrelated.
- Speaker #0
Something totally unrelated and obscure that made no sense.
- Speaker #1
That's the vibe. Yeah. That's the energy. Yeah, it's way more cryptic, I would say. So let's take it to be true, right? So Mason gets onto his Finstagram account and he says, I'm bored out of my mind. Let's do a Q&A. but stop asking me about my family and Piper. So obviously then everyone starts asking questions and they go, did you have a baby girl? And he goes, yeah, I did. Are you, and then the next question, are you involved? Yeah, I see her sometimes. Who is Piper? And then he goes, a failed protection. Then he posts photos and the photos, the little baby girl is so cute and she looks just like how Mason did when he was that small. And he said, the older she gets, the more she looks like me. Then he snapshots, he shows his like Snapchat location. And it is in the, now these could have easily been faked. But if we take it as real, his Snapchat location, which is over all the Kardashians, like Hidden Hills mansions. And another question goes, did they not kick you out? And he goes, Piper doesn't count. I was forced to do that. So it's not my fault she was created. So apparently Mason, who is 15 now, was 14 at the time, got a girl pregnant who he met in art class and left her, broke up with her because he didn't want the baby. And then another person asked him, like, why do you look so sad? You have everything that could make you happy. And he goes, I can't buy new parents, though. So dot, It's like, I have everything in the world, but I can't buy myself any parents. Anyway, this has all been deleted. It's been deactivated and completely like wiped from the internet. It's only like...
- Speaker #0
He is so rogue.
- Speaker #1
So rogue. So Perez Hilton was saying like, if this was a year ago and this baby is a year old, we would have found out by now, like TMZ would be posting about this and they're not. So just to balance the thing. But on the other crazy side is, who had a baby last year? A year ago?
- Speaker #0
Oh, yeah, but that's...
- Speaker #1
Travis and Courtney. Imagine...
- Speaker #0
No, that's too far. That's too far.
- Speaker #1
No, no, no, no, no. I don't think that baby Rocky is Piper. No, no, I don't think they've done a, oh, I'll swap the baby. But, but... I think maybe, though, in the Kardashian, like, rumor mill, or no, in the Kardashian, like, business house, they can't have the news headlines of, like, little baby Rocky being born with Travis and Kourtney. And then also Kourtney's son having a baby. So she's become a new mother and a new grandmother at the exact same time. So they obviously want to keep it secret. And they love keeping pregnancy secret. Hello, Kylie, Khloe.
- Speaker #0
I was going to say, you know, with Kylie, like, that was done very well. No one knew.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. I'm like hello Courtney doesn't like gluten in her household do you think she has like underage sex like crazy but he has two houses to go to yeah I don't know I don't think it's that far fetched the videos now that are are getting like millions of views and it's been since like say Thursday Friday so this will build so you would think I think how maybe the Kardashians would be like pay no just pay the story no attention it'll die off or they would have to come out and deny it if it isn't true like if this does get momentum you They're going to have to come out and if it isn't true, deny it and just say that.
- Speaker #0
Do they ever deny stuff?
- Speaker #1
I don't know, but I just think this is OK. I appreciate it's like none of our business. It's like two teenagers. But at the other end of it, it is a bit like this will attract a lot of media attention to Mason as well. So I don't know. And apparently so from this Finsta account, his friends, Finstas, were all reposting it. So. I don't know, if somebody did fake this, what a sad little life, Jane. Like, that's a really weird thing to fabricate.
- Speaker #0
Wait, why would his friends repost it?
- Speaker #1
I don't know. That's the thing. And I just think if you can fake one...
- Speaker #0
Oh, that's a bit strange, is it?
- Speaker #1
And then the other thing is, finally, this isn't little old Mason's first time spilling the tea on his famous family. Let me just read you out this lovely little quote he said about Kendall. I think he was 10 at the time. So he went on.
- Speaker #0
Was this when he went on during COVID?
- Speaker #1
Yes. And he was 10, right? So it was in 2020. And he goes, OK, I'm being honest. Don't come at me. Might delete this right away, lol. But I'm genuinely curious. Do you people actually like my Aunt Kendall? Like, do people really look up to her, etc.? I find her so, so boring. Like, nothing fun about her life. OK, I walk, I guess. But that is like so average.
- Speaker #0
I walk. Oh, like as a model?
- Speaker #1
Like a model. Yeah. Love you, Kenny.
- Speaker #0
I think all his stuff got taken away from him then, didn't it?
- Speaker #1
I know. Well, sure, he shouldn't have been on. He was only 10. Then he said, he was talking about like Travis and Kylie, because there's rumours that they were back together and he was like, no, they're still broken up. And at the time, Courtney and Chloe came out being like, that's a fake account, a fake account. So it's interesting that they're not doing that now, considering this has way more momentum than...
- Speaker #0
him to it's like way more serious than him commenting on his auntie's breakup they're also um protesting for the aftermath of the wildfires they're saying is going to be dumped near their neighborhood and there's all these protests saying like don't dump it here by our skills there's this video of courtney and they're like courtney um well you know why are you here today she's like or what would you say to the governor and she's like just that it's not cool you And don't dump it near us. She says, it's not cool. It's not cool. And then one person she was standing next to was like, don't dump it here. Dump it near X and Y. And there's just two other neighborhoods.
- Speaker #1
You can't just go. It's basically just not in my backyard. So, yeah, I don't know. He is somebody who, you know, you're growing up in the public eye for just being the spawn of. famous people but I feel sorry for him and he has had fake accounts for years now so it's hard to tell it's really hard to tell what's true and what's not it's just no smoke without fire and also like with him and all his little leaks and you know like being a bit gossipy how fun would it be if him and North had a show or maybe it's like two egomaniacs who would like implode maybe him and like
- Speaker #0
North I think is just a bit overexposed isn't she
- Speaker #1
Yeah, I know. She doesn't need it anymore. But like, I don't know.
- Speaker #0
Just putting it out there, kids.
- Speaker #1
Just putting it out there. Like, there's that other rumor that Rain Disick is actually Justin Bieber's kid. And the Kardashians love just being very cloak and daggery about all the babies that have come into the world via them. So like all that shit Khloe's dealt with with Tristan.
- Speaker #0
I don't know. Also, have you seen like what's happening with Justin Bieber?
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
It's really sad.
- Speaker #1
He looks strung out.
- Speaker #0
That thing of him on the private plane.
- Speaker #1
yeah it's really scary and him smiling at a fan and all the baggy clothes it's those big black like Barbet Simpson shoes that are yeah it's really scary and then there was another video and he was like I'm fine and he's smoking like such a big what looks like a joint is that there's a new one out yeah it didn't look great doesn't look good doesn't look good anyway let's see out of all my tinfoil hat theories how many do you think you have Oh, too many to count.
- Speaker #0
I'd say you have close. You have upwards of 30.
- Speaker #1
Yes. There should be like a big wall behind me. Like, you know, those police walls.
- Speaker #0
But then when one is proven, you take that hat off.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. So order is restored. So we'll see. We'll see where that one goes.
- Speaker #0
Let's start counting your hats.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. Okay, so hit us up.
- Speaker #0
I find it really difficult this week. There was like some bits and I was like, do I want to talk about that? Do I not want to talk about that? I was going to talk about the AJ Simpson documentary about...
- Speaker #1
The relevations.
- Speaker #0
What he said at the end to the sports agent and that. And then I was like, I haven't watched it all, so I didn't want to do that. It's very good that people should watch it. And then I was looking at a few other things anyway. Something that has always interested me, and we have spoken about it before, the new... a reality series, The Baldwins, just came out. Now, very difficult to watch because I would have tried to put my peepers on it. But it's on Discovery Plus, which I think is via Amazon. Anyway, I couldn't find it easily and it's been a busy week, girls. White Lotus.
- Speaker #1
White Lotus.
- Speaker #0
Podcast. Talking, socialising, working.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Arnie. Business, pleasure, leisure. So, I was doing a bit of Googling and I was like, oh, I wonder what it's like. Why are you laughing?
- Speaker #1
I don't know. Arnie, this is pleasure, leisure.
- Speaker #0
Sausage ham.
- Speaker #1
Sorry, focus.
- Speaker #0
And the reviews are coming in on the first episode. They're not good anyway, but I'm not one to not do something because I've seen a bad review, but I'm just going to take a bit of what I read and maybe we could piece together if I should watch it. Maybe I could do a review on it. I don't know. I'm just putting it out there. Okay, so these people have seven kids and eight pets. She met him when she was 27 and he was 53. She was a yoga instructor. We know this. And the first episode apparently starts with the, like, the lawsuit he was involved in, where it was, like, involuntary manslaughter on the set of that film. He did with, like, a prop gun where it went off and it killed... Was it the photographer?
- Speaker #1
The cinematographer.
- Speaker #0
The cinematographer, and it killed her. And Alec Baldwin was subsequently involved in it, and she... She's basically like hilarious, like he has PTSD. And Alec Baldwin's like, I feel happier when I'm asleep than I do awake. Like, obviously, it would be very stressful. But people were saying this is like kind of the introducing them into society as he's kind of trying to come back from this lawsuit that was subsequently dismissed. Yeah. And the main thing I want to know about, again, is the accent.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
She doesn't really go into it. But as we've discussed before, she has a, I say Spanish, you know, and she does that. She says she's bilingual, which I don't think she is.
- Speaker #1
I think she just went on holiday to Spain.
- Speaker #0
Her parents live in me working out, Mallorca.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
And her nuclear family lives in Spain. She's like, yes, I was raised bilingual. I want my kids to be bilingual. And she's speaking to them in Spanish and stuff like that, which, you know what, fair play to her. So she kind of dances around, but doesn't really. say anything because that was really embarrassing. Like there's loads of clips of like montages of her not knowing the word for cucumber slipping in yeah slipping in and out of the accent.
- Speaker #1
What is this? It's an onion. Oh you say Cucumber Sorry I can't say my accent.
- Speaker #0
Aye perdón. That's kind of skirted around so it's not really pinpointed which was my main thing and I feel like they're not going to talk about it again after episode one which is a bit annoying. I'm on the fence whether to watch it. It looks quite chaotic. He's 66 now and he's seven kids. And I think the eldest is nine. And he's just like, I just want to tell my kids like I love them every day. That's like my mission, blah, blah, blah. He looks very tired.
- Speaker #1
Yeah, I'd say it's been a stressful year. Of course it has. But hang on, he has other kids. So does he have seven with Eladia or five?
- Speaker #0
Seven. And then he has Arlen Baldwin with Kimbae Singer.
- Speaker #1
Yes, who he called a fat little pig.
- Speaker #0
Little pig, yeah, or fat pig.
- Speaker #1
And does he have any other kids?
- Speaker #0
No, not from my research. Seven. children. So they split their time between Manhattan East Hampton as their summer home and they have two nannies. I don't think two nannies is enough for seven children.
- Speaker #1
You'd need two nannies just to look after the pets.
- Speaker #0
- Speaker #1
Why do people get pets when they have that many kids? I don't get it. You're just adding to the mess.
- Speaker #0
I don't know. You know when you see the women and they have the newborn baby and then the dog. Yeah. And the dog's always gasping for breath attached to the buggy. It's like he was your favourite before you had the kid.
- Speaker #1
Yeah. It's hard. Yeah. But... yeah it's really difficult because they were your yeah they were your first baby and then you have a real baby but then also like with seven kids how could you look after nine pets or like what is it sorry side note i was minding irony yesterday
- Speaker #0
And I had him in work and it was a full time job. I couldn't get anything done. I was like, sorry, he's great. But like I was bouncing him and then he's like so curious. So like if he hears something, totters in, totters out. He was doing like circles, looking for Han.
- Speaker #1
Work in the room. Oh,
- Speaker #0
he totally was. He's great. But I just don't know how you do that. I think the pets is an irresponsible thing.
- Speaker #1
It just adds to the mess. Like they're just pooing and weeing everywhere. Adds to the chaos. I think with them, I think it's just such a dark thing to hook your series on the death of a woman. I appreciate and realise that they have their own reaction to what happened because what happened was an accident.
- Speaker #0
Well, yeah, like he's just an actor.
- Speaker #1
Like it's not like he set out to murder.
- Speaker #0
Why would he think a gun wasn't a fake gun?
- Speaker #1
Yeah, exactly. Like it was a workplace accident. And like, I think maybe they were like, the production team were like, OK, we're going to deal with this head on. first episode acknowledge it all and that will kind of silence everyone going like we have dealt with this and we're not hiding away from it and we're showing like the actual impact of it which is good but it's also like I don't know it was when somebody died it's a bit different to like a big scandal totally and the woman had a child yeah like she was a mother yeah I've nothing to to back this up but I remember what it was after her this is just my memory after her Spanish accent scandal It was like we got really excited because the show was being announced, but then the accident happened. So it felt to me like it was going to be a bit more of a lighthearted TV show about seven kids, fake accents. Let's just do this PR reality TV show. Show everyone how lovely and great we are. And I can just kind of phase out the accent. That's what I thought the show was going to be. But then obviously this terrible accident happened in the middle. And then now the... the format of the show has totally changed because they're trying to deal with this like really serious topic while also being on TLC which does other crazy shows like Pimple Popper and all that stuff so it's jarring.
- Speaker #0
Yeah I mean I think from a production point of view it's like drama.
- Speaker #1
It's quite sad it's like very sad.
- Speaker #0
But I think also they were saying he could be in prison when it started airing as well. Yeah. Like if he was convicted or whatever which didn't happen. Yeah, I have to say it's not what I would want out of reality TV. I watch reality TV to escape.
- Speaker #1
It's a bit too serious. Like if that hadn't happened and then you were just watching someone trying to pretend to do a Spanish accent while trying to also corral a million kids.
- Speaker #0
Yeah, it's just not what I would want out of reality TV personally. Whenever Real Housewives would get serious. really serious, which was only once, and that was about a suicide. Right. And it was very early on in Beverly Hills. It's just what I use to switch off. I don't know. I nearly want to watch it, to be honest. So I'd like to see how the season goes. If anyone has watched it or can tell me where to access it, please let me know because I can't find it.
- Speaker #1
- Speaker #0
Yeah. Also, just side note, there is a scanner that's been bought by the Irish government. for 120 000 in 2017.
- Speaker #1
Oh we forgot your news.
- Speaker #0
I forgot my news bulletin and it's never been used.
- Speaker #1
So what scanner?
- Speaker #0
It was...
- Speaker #1
I wanted to get an MRI scan with that.
- Speaker #0
It was a scanner for like, I think it was to scan, I could be totally wrong here, pieces of art for education, I could be totally wrong but 120 000 and I think the whole thing was it couldn't actually fit in physically anywhere. I mean, where is the Karen? Where is she?
- Speaker #1
Let Karen in.
- Speaker #0
Let me in.
- Speaker #1
Let me in.
- Speaker #0
I just need a commercial director to get, but like, I mean, what else is going to come out? It's mortifying.
- Speaker #1
It's not great.
- Speaker #0
No, it's not.
- Speaker #1
Dear me.
- Speaker #0
I forgot to say that up top in the newsroom, so I just thought I'd finish off with it.
- Speaker #1
Oh, end on a scandal. Right, before we go, Sophs, I believe you have a little recommend us the omne. for us.
- Speaker #0
I do. This only got uploaded yesterday so it's still fresh when this episode comes out on Tuesday. Sentimental Garbage has come out with a He's Just Not That Into You episode.
- Speaker #1
I have it downloaded.
- Speaker #0
And I started listening to a bit of it last night and I was like I love this movie.
- Speaker #1
Oh it's great.
- Speaker #0
And it's good so far. I'd highly recommend.
- Speaker #1
Oh. I like she's doing the like 90s teen flicks like she did 10 Things I Had About You Sublima.
- Speaker #0
sublime that was really good Save the Last Dance obviously what was the other one she did she had Hook that episode was really good
- Speaker #1
I didn't listen to that one yet it wasn't really too much of a Hook girly me neither but she goes into the meanings and like how big Mrs Doubtfire was and how big like Childhood Divorce was and how much 90s movies played into it it was very interesting oh I want to listen to that great record and
- Speaker #0
it's a great movie an ensemble cast once again it is what god
- Speaker #1
I only watch things with an ensemble cast now.
- Speaker #0
Me too. It's all I care about. Thank you so much, guys, for listening, for tuning in once again. We hope you liked our latest White Lotus episode. We'll be continuing on with that when you least expect it. If you have any cure for my shiny face, please let me know. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at classycabana at soap underscore lions. Any topics you want us to talk about, get in touch because we love a conspiracy theory and Clara needs a new tinfoil hat.
- Speaker #1
That's my collection. Oh, that was very businesslike. Loved it.
- Speaker #0