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Topic: ASD Market Week 2025 - Join Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton at this March's ASD 2025 Market Week cover
Topic: ASD Market Week 2025 - Join Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton at this March's ASD 2025 Market Week cover
Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton, and the Cajun Contractor, Michael King, Founder of HomeTalkUSA

Topic: ASD Market Week 2025 - Join Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton at this March's ASD 2025 Market Week

Topic: ASD Market Week 2025 - Join Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton at this March's ASD 2025 Market Week

09min |28/01/2025|


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Topic: ASD Market Week 2025 - Join Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton at this March's ASD 2025 Market Week cover
Topic: ASD Market Week 2025 - Join Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton at this March's ASD 2025 Market Week cover
Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton, and the Cajun Contractor, Michael King, Founder of HomeTalkUSA

Topic: ASD Market Week 2025 - Join Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton at this March's ASD 2025 Market Week

Topic: ASD Market Week 2025 - Join Invent America Radio with America's Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton at this March's ASD 2025 Market Week

09min |28/01/2025|




Come and join Rita Crompton, America's Inventor Lady at the Invent America Radio booth at this year's ASD Market Week. Come and meet distributors, licensees and future customers for your new idea or invention. Networking galore and the best way possible to introduce your new product idea to the larger World. Las Vegas, March 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th.

Come and learn everything you need to know to become a successful inventor by the steps required to get an idea out of your head and into the marketplace.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    The show's been absolutely phenomenal. We've made a lot of different connections with distributors, with manufacturers overseas. It's a huge show. It's mammoth. The innovative products that are coming out new are mostly featured here. Being here at ASD has allowed us to put ourselves out on the map. We have a few folks who have come by with the interest to pursue distribution opportunities, retail purchases. ASD to me embodies networking perfectly. ASD is off the hook. ASD is amazing. Amazing. We're so glad we came.

  • Speaker #1

    Thank you. Hi everyone, thanks so much for being with us this afternoon. We are talking to our very favorite ASD Market Week person. Stephanie is our VP of Buyer Relations and holy cow, does that make life easier, more fun, and more successful for all of our inventors. So Stephanie, thanks so much for being with us and tell everybody about yourself, how you got into that role. I mean, nobody in kindergarten says I'm going to grow up and be, you know, VP of Buyer Relations. So give us some of your background.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, I'm so happy to be here. And Rita, to be honest, nobody decides if they're going to go into the trade show business. So a very funny thing that happened was my sister conned me into this type of industry. I used to be a nanny for the CEO of Sony Entertainment. I looked over three beautiful kids, and then I decided it's just not for me because I want to have my own kids one day. And my sister said, you should come do this thing called trade shows. I'm like,

  • Speaker #1

    what? How close is that?

  • Speaker #0

    And she goes, you can meet with people and connect them. So lo and behold, 15 years later, I am now at Emerald Expositions. I specifically work in the department of ASD Market Week. And it's one of my favorite shows because it's so diverse. And we really do cater to some of the most amazing people in the business. So my title, I work with retailers, big and small. I make sure that they understand, A, we have a show. B, why they need to be there. and then just make sure that they're guided so that they can be successful and pick up new product lines for their stores.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, and like you said, you know, they already know what's out there. They want to see what's new. What can they put on their shelves that's new for their consumers and their buyers? And so for a lot of our inventors, you know, going to ASD Market Week is just a wonderful opportunity because a lot of them didn't know it was an option. So what makes ASD Market Week different?

  • Speaker #0

    We're different in the aspect that we're the most comprehensive in terms of the range of products. So we don't frown upon anything. All merchandise is accepted because you're right. Buyers today, they usually know where to go to get their core product line, and they have those vendors established. They've worked really well with them. But what they don't have are what inventors are, and that's them exploring and creating solves for issues that are out in the world. And they have this amazing product line. product that it really excites people because it's one of those, I've always thought of it, couldn't find it on the market, and I certainly am not going to do it myself. So thank you for bringing it to the market. So that's why we're so excited to have inventors at the show. And I think what you provide is a safe home for everyone to really be able to have that peer group of saying, maybe you do this, and did you talk to that person? And you cannot pay any money for that kind of peer support group that wants you to be successful. So we're stoked.

  • Speaker #1

    That's, you know, and you're exactly right because the inventors, you know, they get to this point, you know, and they just, most of them, they're not marketing experts. They don't even know what to say. So we teach them what to say, what questions to ask, how to engage somebody, you know, the short sweet speech of, you know, what did you solve and how did you solve it? Because, you know, a buyer looks at something and they don't always see exactly what it is. It's like, oh, that looks cool, but what does it do? and it's like all the inventors then they start really getting excited and they start talking about their product and you know for some of them they went back and filed additional intellectual property because now they'd have people asking questions and making suggestions and saying oh what about this and now they know what price range are they shooting for because the buyers are saying our consumers are going to pay this much and inventors they don't always know what they're shooting for and so it it makes such a difference and then they can grow up and they can you know they can go by themselves to you know i've been to the national asphalt show so they're trying to show for everything and so sometimes they'll look for the specific pet show or the specific you know um otc for for drugs and cosmetics and stuff but here they get to learn they get to participate and and have some fun have some fun and also it's the ultimate boot camp so you can't be offended because you really you just said it it's all

  • Speaker #0

    of a sudden your marketing you're going to learn some things about what you did right what you could do better you're going to learn that some buyers your product just isn't for them and that's okay they just don't have that market yet But I think the biggest picture and the biggest advantage is if you've invented it, you've got a passionate overview of what that product is and what it can do for consumers. So you're the ultimate salesperson to say, this is, come on in, let me show you what I can do with this. So that's the exciting part.

  • Speaker #1

    It is. We've got one gentleman. All he's got is a couple of prototypes. So I couldn't submit him for some of that early review. And he's really pretty good at it. But his product is just awesome. And. people just you just don't get it it looks like an overstuffed pillow but when you realize that you can climb it now instead of having your furnace on all night long you could use this to heat your bed up you can cuddle to it so you know if instead of it's it's safer than a cat because you know while the cat might purr it this is not going to leave any kind of bugs back um and it's just it's so cool so for kids and you know widows and widowers and you know people who are ill and it is just When we talk about it, it's like, holy cow, there are so many more places that we can use this. And so we're excited to have Scott with us and his only functioning prototype. And they're going after licensing. And the inventors don't realize that the place they go to sell their product is a trade show where there's buyers, because now we can say, oh, but who would make this kind of product for you, Mr. Buyer? And they say, oh, yeah, let me introduce you to John over here, because that's where we get all of our pillows from. And so it really helps the inventors a lot. By the time they get this far, spending $50,000 on manufacturing, you know. Yes. Life isn't real happy when they put the house up for a second mortgage so they can go and manufacture something.

  • Speaker #0

    And you know,

  • Speaker #1

    for buyers,

  • Speaker #0

    I recommend all buyers, they have to stop at your pavilion because it is one of those places that you have a gal who does deodorant that's healthier for you, that processes. Yes, I want to learn more about that because it's right on trend with people and health and that trajectory that's going forward within the market. And then you had a gentleman that has, I was just thinking about him because my son is starting baseball season, but his coaches are trying to teach him agility drills. And so he had said he had cones that he could go back and forth. And I just, for any buyer, it's, you get a scope of all these cool things. They're going to tell you how it works and it's just, your mind is going to be blown, but it's going to be such a fun.

  • Speaker #1

    fun pavilion to just get lost in and say what what's next what's next this thing and we want everybody to come because they get to vote on their favorite new product and the innovation awards is only given there and so we are so grateful that you guys are co-sponsors with us and you know the prizes are different levels of advertising and marketing which at that point you know the inventors think how am i going to pay for this well you know what you come to asd market week you show off and if you win the innovation award

  • Speaker #0

    that's six months of free advertising right there yeah it's almost even better than shark tank because you're having real buyers and retailers from again all avenues of the industry who are going to be assessing it and voting for you so i mean if i won i would be like guess what i was at asd and i won this award which means there's merit and my product definitely uh should be on the shelves on multiple retail shelves what's up

  • Speaker #1

    That is exactly right. So, Stephanie, we are going to have you back on again to do another radio and to do another podcast probably in a couple of weeks because there are so many cool products to talk about. And at that point, I will have a few of them that we can show and talk about.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, I'm so excited. I know, right?

  • Speaker #1

    Go ASD. Affordable shopping destination or America stands determined. Depends on your point of view, right? I will talk to you again soon, my dear. You take care.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you so much, Rita.


Come and join Rita Crompton, America's Inventor Lady at the Invent America Radio booth at this year's ASD Market Week. Come and meet distributors, licensees and future customers for your new idea or invention. Networking galore and the best way possible to introduce your new product idea to the larger World. Las Vegas, March 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th.

Come and learn everything you need to know to become a successful inventor by the steps required to get an idea out of your head and into the marketplace.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    The show's been absolutely phenomenal. We've made a lot of different connections with distributors, with manufacturers overseas. It's a huge show. It's mammoth. The innovative products that are coming out new are mostly featured here. Being here at ASD has allowed us to put ourselves out on the map. We have a few folks who have come by with the interest to pursue distribution opportunities, retail purchases. ASD to me embodies networking perfectly. ASD is off the hook. ASD is amazing. Amazing. We're so glad we came.

  • Speaker #1

    Thank you. Hi everyone, thanks so much for being with us this afternoon. We are talking to our very favorite ASD Market Week person. Stephanie is our VP of Buyer Relations and holy cow, does that make life easier, more fun, and more successful for all of our inventors. So Stephanie, thanks so much for being with us and tell everybody about yourself, how you got into that role. I mean, nobody in kindergarten says I'm going to grow up and be, you know, VP of Buyer Relations. So give us some of your background.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, I'm so happy to be here. And Rita, to be honest, nobody decides if they're going to go into the trade show business. So a very funny thing that happened was my sister conned me into this type of industry. I used to be a nanny for the CEO of Sony Entertainment. I looked over three beautiful kids, and then I decided it's just not for me because I want to have my own kids one day. And my sister said, you should come do this thing called trade shows. I'm like,

  • Speaker #1

    what? How close is that?

  • Speaker #0

    And she goes, you can meet with people and connect them. So lo and behold, 15 years later, I am now at Emerald Expositions. I specifically work in the department of ASD Market Week. And it's one of my favorite shows because it's so diverse. And we really do cater to some of the most amazing people in the business. So my title, I work with retailers, big and small. I make sure that they understand, A, we have a show. B, why they need to be there. and then just make sure that they're guided so that they can be successful and pick up new product lines for their stores.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, and like you said, you know, they already know what's out there. They want to see what's new. What can they put on their shelves that's new for their consumers and their buyers? And so for a lot of our inventors, you know, going to ASD Market Week is just a wonderful opportunity because a lot of them didn't know it was an option. So what makes ASD Market Week different?

  • Speaker #0

    We're different in the aspect that we're the most comprehensive in terms of the range of products. So we don't frown upon anything. All merchandise is accepted because you're right. Buyers today, they usually know where to go to get their core product line, and they have those vendors established. They've worked really well with them. But what they don't have are what inventors are, and that's them exploring and creating solves for issues that are out in the world. And they have this amazing product line. product that it really excites people because it's one of those, I've always thought of it, couldn't find it on the market, and I certainly am not going to do it myself. So thank you for bringing it to the market. So that's why we're so excited to have inventors at the show. And I think what you provide is a safe home for everyone to really be able to have that peer group of saying, maybe you do this, and did you talk to that person? And you cannot pay any money for that kind of peer support group that wants you to be successful. So we're stoked.

  • Speaker #1

    That's, you know, and you're exactly right because the inventors, you know, they get to this point, you know, and they just, most of them, they're not marketing experts. They don't even know what to say. So we teach them what to say, what questions to ask, how to engage somebody, you know, the short sweet speech of, you know, what did you solve and how did you solve it? Because, you know, a buyer looks at something and they don't always see exactly what it is. It's like, oh, that looks cool, but what does it do? and it's like all the inventors then they start really getting excited and they start talking about their product and you know for some of them they went back and filed additional intellectual property because now they'd have people asking questions and making suggestions and saying oh what about this and now they know what price range are they shooting for because the buyers are saying our consumers are going to pay this much and inventors they don't always know what they're shooting for and so it it makes such a difference and then they can grow up and they can you know they can go by themselves to you know i've been to the national asphalt show so they're trying to show for everything and so sometimes they'll look for the specific pet show or the specific you know um otc for for drugs and cosmetics and stuff but here they get to learn they get to participate and and have some fun have some fun and also it's the ultimate boot camp so you can't be offended because you really you just said it it's all

  • Speaker #0

    of a sudden your marketing you're going to learn some things about what you did right what you could do better you're going to learn that some buyers your product just isn't for them and that's okay they just don't have that market yet But I think the biggest picture and the biggest advantage is if you've invented it, you've got a passionate overview of what that product is and what it can do for consumers. So you're the ultimate salesperson to say, this is, come on in, let me show you what I can do with this. So that's the exciting part.

  • Speaker #1

    It is. We've got one gentleman. All he's got is a couple of prototypes. So I couldn't submit him for some of that early review. And he's really pretty good at it. But his product is just awesome. And. people just you just don't get it it looks like an overstuffed pillow but when you realize that you can climb it now instead of having your furnace on all night long you could use this to heat your bed up you can cuddle to it so you know if instead of it's it's safer than a cat because you know while the cat might purr it this is not going to leave any kind of bugs back um and it's just it's so cool so for kids and you know widows and widowers and you know people who are ill and it is just When we talk about it, it's like, holy cow, there are so many more places that we can use this. And so we're excited to have Scott with us and his only functioning prototype. And they're going after licensing. And the inventors don't realize that the place they go to sell their product is a trade show where there's buyers, because now we can say, oh, but who would make this kind of product for you, Mr. Buyer? And they say, oh, yeah, let me introduce you to John over here, because that's where we get all of our pillows from. And so it really helps the inventors a lot. By the time they get this far, spending $50,000 on manufacturing, you know. Yes. Life isn't real happy when they put the house up for a second mortgage so they can go and manufacture something.

  • Speaker #0

    And you know,

  • Speaker #1

    for buyers,

  • Speaker #0

    I recommend all buyers, they have to stop at your pavilion because it is one of those places that you have a gal who does deodorant that's healthier for you, that processes. Yes, I want to learn more about that because it's right on trend with people and health and that trajectory that's going forward within the market. And then you had a gentleman that has, I was just thinking about him because my son is starting baseball season, but his coaches are trying to teach him agility drills. And so he had said he had cones that he could go back and forth. And I just, for any buyer, it's, you get a scope of all these cool things. They're going to tell you how it works and it's just, your mind is going to be blown, but it's going to be such a fun.

  • Speaker #1

    fun pavilion to just get lost in and say what what's next what's next this thing and we want everybody to come because they get to vote on their favorite new product and the innovation awards is only given there and so we are so grateful that you guys are co-sponsors with us and you know the prizes are different levels of advertising and marketing which at that point you know the inventors think how am i going to pay for this well you know what you come to asd market week you show off and if you win the innovation award

  • Speaker #0

    that's six months of free advertising right there yeah it's almost even better than shark tank because you're having real buyers and retailers from again all avenues of the industry who are going to be assessing it and voting for you so i mean if i won i would be like guess what i was at asd and i won this award which means there's merit and my product definitely uh should be on the shelves on multiple retail shelves what's up

  • Speaker #1

    That is exactly right. So, Stephanie, we are going to have you back on again to do another radio and to do another podcast probably in a couple of weeks because there are so many cool products to talk about. And at that point, I will have a few of them that we can show and talk about.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, I'm so excited. I know, right?

  • Speaker #1

    Go ASD. Affordable shopping destination or America stands determined. Depends on your point of view, right? I will talk to you again soon, my dear. You take care.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you so much, Rita.



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Come and join Rita Crompton, America's Inventor Lady at the Invent America Radio booth at this year's ASD Market Week. Come and meet distributors, licensees and future customers for your new idea or invention. Networking galore and the best way possible to introduce your new product idea to the larger World. Las Vegas, March 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th.

Come and learn everything you need to know to become a successful inventor by the steps required to get an idea out of your head and into the marketplace.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    The show's been absolutely phenomenal. We've made a lot of different connections with distributors, with manufacturers overseas. It's a huge show. It's mammoth. The innovative products that are coming out new are mostly featured here. Being here at ASD has allowed us to put ourselves out on the map. We have a few folks who have come by with the interest to pursue distribution opportunities, retail purchases. ASD to me embodies networking perfectly. ASD is off the hook. ASD is amazing. Amazing. We're so glad we came.

  • Speaker #1

    Thank you. Hi everyone, thanks so much for being with us this afternoon. We are talking to our very favorite ASD Market Week person. Stephanie is our VP of Buyer Relations and holy cow, does that make life easier, more fun, and more successful for all of our inventors. So Stephanie, thanks so much for being with us and tell everybody about yourself, how you got into that role. I mean, nobody in kindergarten says I'm going to grow up and be, you know, VP of Buyer Relations. So give us some of your background.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, I'm so happy to be here. And Rita, to be honest, nobody decides if they're going to go into the trade show business. So a very funny thing that happened was my sister conned me into this type of industry. I used to be a nanny for the CEO of Sony Entertainment. I looked over three beautiful kids, and then I decided it's just not for me because I want to have my own kids one day. And my sister said, you should come do this thing called trade shows. I'm like,

  • Speaker #1

    what? How close is that?

  • Speaker #0

    And she goes, you can meet with people and connect them. So lo and behold, 15 years later, I am now at Emerald Expositions. I specifically work in the department of ASD Market Week. And it's one of my favorite shows because it's so diverse. And we really do cater to some of the most amazing people in the business. So my title, I work with retailers, big and small. I make sure that they understand, A, we have a show. B, why they need to be there. and then just make sure that they're guided so that they can be successful and pick up new product lines for their stores.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, and like you said, you know, they already know what's out there. They want to see what's new. What can they put on their shelves that's new for their consumers and their buyers? And so for a lot of our inventors, you know, going to ASD Market Week is just a wonderful opportunity because a lot of them didn't know it was an option. So what makes ASD Market Week different?

  • Speaker #0

    We're different in the aspect that we're the most comprehensive in terms of the range of products. So we don't frown upon anything. All merchandise is accepted because you're right. Buyers today, they usually know where to go to get their core product line, and they have those vendors established. They've worked really well with them. But what they don't have are what inventors are, and that's them exploring and creating solves for issues that are out in the world. And they have this amazing product line. product that it really excites people because it's one of those, I've always thought of it, couldn't find it on the market, and I certainly am not going to do it myself. So thank you for bringing it to the market. So that's why we're so excited to have inventors at the show. And I think what you provide is a safe home for everyone to really be able to have that peer group of saying, maybe you do this, and did you talk to that person? And you cannot pay any money for that kind of peer support group that wants you to be successful. So we're stoked.

  • Speaker #1

    That's, you know, and you're exactly right because the inventors, you know, they get to this point, you know, and they just, most of them, they're not marketing experts. They don't even know what to say. So we teach them what to say, what questions to ask, how to engage somebody, you know, the short sweet speech of, you know, what did you solve and how did you solve it? Because, you know, a buyer looks at something and they don't always see exactly what it is. It's like, oh, that looks cool, but what does it do? and it's like all the inventors then they start really getting excited and they start talking about their product and you know for some of them they went back and filed additional intellectual property because now they'd have people asking questions and making suggestions and saying oh what about this and now they know what price range are they shooting for because the buyers are saying our consumers are going to pay this much and inventors they don't always know what they're shooting for and so it it makes such a difference and then they can grow up and they can you know they can go by themselves to you know i've been to the national asphalt show so they're trying to show for everything and so sometimes they'll look for the specific pet show or the specific you know um otc for for drugs and cosmetics and stuff but here they get to learn they get to participate and and have some fun have some fun and also it's the ultimate boot camp so you can't be offended because you really you just said it it's all

  • Speaker #0

    of a sudden your marketing you're going to learn some things about what you did right what you could do better you're going to learn that some buyers your product just isn't for them and that's okay they just don't have that market yet But I think the biggest picture and the biggest advantage is if you've invented it, you've got a passionate overview of what that product is and what it can do for consumers. So you're the ultimate salesperson to say, this is, come on in, let me show you what I can do with this. So that's the exciting part.

  • Speaker #1

    It is. We've got one gentleman. All he's got is a couple of prototypes. So I couldn't submit him for some of that early review. And he's really pretty good at it. But his product is just awesome. And. people just you just don't get it it looks like an overstuffed pillow but when you realize that you can climb it now instead of having your furnace on all night long you could use this to heat your bed up you can cuddle to it so you know if instead of it's it's safer than a cat because you know while the cat might purr it this is not going to leave any kind of bugs back um and it's just it's so cool so for kids and you know widows and widowers and you know people who are ill and it is just When we talk about it, it's like, holy cow, there are so many more places that we can use this. And so we're excited to have Scott with us and his only functioning prototype. And they're going after licensing. And the inventors don't realize that the place they go to sell their product is a trade show where there's buyers, because now we can say, oh, but who would make this kind of product for you, Mr. Buyer? And they say, oh, yeah, let me introduce you to John over here, because that's where we get all of our pillows from. And so it really helps the inventors a lot. By the time they get this far, spending $50,000 on manufacturing, you know. Yes. Life isn't real happy when they put the house up for a second mortgage so they can go and manufacture something.

  • Speaker #0

    And you know,

  • Speaker #1

    for buyers,

  • Speaker #0

    I recommend all buyers, they have to stop at your pavilion because it is one of those places that you have a gal who does deodorant that's healthier for you, that processes. Yes, I want to learn more about that because it's right on trend with people and health and that trajectory that's going forward within the market. And then you had a gentleman that has, I was just thinking about him because my son is starting baseball season, but his coaches are trying to teach him agility drills. And so he had said he had cones that he could go back and forth. And I just, for any buyer, it's, you get a scope of all these cool things. They're going to tell you how it works and it's just, your mind is going to be blown, but it's going to be such a fun.

  • Speaker #1

    fun pavilion to just get lost in and say what what's next what's next this thing and we want everybody to come because they get to vote on their favorite new product and the innovation awards is only given there and so we are so grateful that you guys are co-sponsors with us and you know the prizes are different levels of advertising and marketing which at that point you know the inventors think how am i going to pay for this well you know what you come to asd market week you show off and if you win the innovation award

  • Speaker #0

    that's six months of free advertising right there yeah it's almost even better than shark tank because you're having real buyers and retailers from again all avenues of the industry who are going to be assessing it and voting for you so i mean if i won i would be like guess what i was at asd and i won this award which means there's merit and my product definitely uh should be on the shelves on multiple retail shelves what's up

  • Speaker #1

    That is exactly right. So, Stephanie, we are going to have you back on again to do another radio and to do another podcast probably in a couple of weeks because there are so many cool products to talk about. And at that point, I will have a few of them that we can show and talk about.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, I'm so excited. I know, right?

  • Speaker #1

    Go ASD. Affordable shopping destination or America stands determined. Depends on your point of view, right? I will talk to you again soon, my dear. You take care.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you so much, Rita.


Come and join Rita Crompton, America's Inventor Lady at the Invent America Radio booth at this year's ASD Market Week. Come and meet distributors, licensees and future customers for your new idea or invention. Networking galore and the best way possible to introduce your new product idea to the larger World. Las Vegas, March 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th.

Come and learn everything you need to know to become a successful inventor by the steps required to get an idea out of your head and into the marketplace.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    The show's been absolutely phenomenal. We've made a lot of different connections with distributors, with manufacturers overseas. It's a huge show. It's mammoth. The innovative products that are coming out new are mostly featured here. Being here at ASD has allowed us to put ourselves out on the map. We have a few folks who have come by with the interest to pursue distribution opportunities, retail purchases. ASD to me embodies networking perfectly. ASD is off the hook. ASD is amazing. Amazing. We're so glad we came.

  • Speaker #1

    Thank you. Hi everyone, thanks so much for being with us this afternoon. We are talking to our very favorite ASD Market Week person. Stephanie is our VP of Buyer Relations and holy cow, does that make life easier, more fun, and more successful for all of our inventors. So Stephanie, thanks so much for being with us and tell everybody about yourself, how you got into that role. I mean, nobody in kindergarten says I'm going to grow up and be, you know, VP of Buyer Relations. So give us some of your background.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, I'm so happy to be here. And Rita, to be honest, nobody decides if they're going to go into the trade show business. So a very funny thing that happened was my sister conned me into this type of industry. I used to be a nanny for the CEO of Sony Entertainment. I looked over three beautiful kids, and then I decided it's just not for me because I want to have my own kids one day. And my sister said, you should come do this thing called trade shows. I'm like,

  • Speaker #1

    what? How close is that?

  • Speaker #0

    And she goes, you can meet with people and connect them. So lo and behold, 15 years later, I am now at Emerald Expositions. I specifically work in the department of ASD Market Week. And it's one of my favorite shows because it's so diverse. And we really do cater to some of the most amazing people in the business. So my title, I work with retailers, big and small. I make sure that they understand, A, we have a show. B, why they need to be there. and then just make sure that they're guided so that they can be successful and pick up new product lines for their stores.

  • Speaker #1

    Well, and like you said, you know, they already know what's out there. They want to see what's new. What can they put on their shelves that's new for their consumers and their buyers? And so for a lot of our inventors, you know, going to ASD Market Week is just a wonderful opportunity because a lot of them didn't know it was an option. So what makes ASD Market Week different?

  • Speaker #0

    We're different in the aspect that we're the most comprehensive in terms of the range of products. So we don't frown upon anything. All merchandise is accepted because you're right. Buyers today, they usually know where to go to get their core product line, and they have those vendors established. They've worked really well with them. But what they don't have are what inventors are, and that's them exploring and creating solves for issues that are out in the world. And they have this amazing product line. product that it really excites people because it's one of those, I've always thought of it, couldn't find it on the market, and I certainly am not going to do it myself. So thank you for bringing it to the market. So that's why we're so excited to have inventors at the show. And I think what you provide is a safe home for everyone to really be able to have that peer group of saying, maybe you do this, and did you talk to that person? And you cannot pay any money for that kind of peer support group that wants you to be successful. So we're stoked.

  • Speaker #1

    That's, you know, and you're exactly right because the inventors, you know, they get to this point, you know, and they just, most of them, they're not marketing experts. They don't even know what to say. So we teach them what to say, what questions to ask, how to engage somebody, you know, the short sweet speech of, you know, what did you solve and how did you solve it? Because, you know, a buyer looks at something and they don't always see exactly what it is. It's like, oh, that looks cool, but what does it do? and it's like all the inventors then they start really getting excited and they start talking about their product and you know for some of them they went back and filed additional intellectual property because now they'd have people asking questions and making suggestions and saying oh what about this and now they know what price range are they shooting for because the buyers are saying our consumers are going to pay this much and inventors they don't always know what they're shooting for and so it it makes such a difference and then they can grow up and they can you know they can go by themselves to you know i've been to the national asphalt show so they're trying to show for everything and so sometimes they'll look for the specific pet show or the specific you know um otc for for drugs and cosmetics and stuff but here they get to learn they get to participate and and have some fun have some fun and also it's the ultimate boot camp so you can't be offended because you really you just said it it's all

  • Speaker #0

    of a sudden your marketing you're going to learn some things about what you did right what you could do better you're going to learn that some buyers your product just isn't for them and that's okay they just don't have that market yet But I think the biggest picture and the biggest advantage is if you've invented it, you've got a passionate overview of what that product is and what it can do for consumers. So you're the ultimate salesperson to say, this is, come on in, let me show you what I can do with this. So that's the exciting part.

  • Speaker #1

    It is. We've got one gentleman. All he's got is a couple of prototypes. So I couldn't submit him for some of that early review. And he's really pretty good at it. But his product is just awesome. And. people just you just don't get it it looks like an overstuffed pillow but when you realize that you can climb it now instead of having your furnace on all night long you could use this to heat your bed up you can cuddle to it so you know if instead of it's it's safer than a cat because you know while the cat might purr it this is not going to leave any kind of bugs back um and it's just it's so cool so for kids and you know widows and widowers and you know people who are ill and it is just When we talk about it, it's like, holy cow, there are so many more places that we can use this. And so we're excited to have Scott with us and his only functioning prototype. And they're going after licensing. And the inventors don't realize that the place they go to sell their product is a trade show where there's buyers, because now we can say, oh, but who would make this kind of product for you, Mr. Buyer? And they say, oh, yeah, let me introduce you to John over here, because that's where we get all of our pillows from. And so it really helps the inventors a lot. By the time they get this far, spending $50,000 on manufacturing, you know. Yes. Life isn't real happy when they put the house up for a second mortgage so they can go and manufacture something.

  • Speaker #0

    And you know,

  • Speaker #1

    for buyers,

  • Speaker #0

    I recommend all buyers, they have to stop at your pavilion because it is one of those places that you have a gal who does deodorant that's healthier for you, that processes. Yes, I want to learn more about that because it's right on trend with people and health and that trajectory that's going forward within the market. And then you had a gentleman that has, I was just thinking about him because my son is starting baseball season, but his coaches are trying to teach him agility drills. And so he had said he had cones that he could go back and forth. And I just, for any buyer, it's, you get a scope of all these cool things. They're going to tell you how it works and it's just, your mind is going to be blown, but it's going to be such a fun.

  • Speaker #1

    fun pavilion to just get lost in and say what what's next what's next this thing and we want everybody to come because they get to vote on their favorite new product and the innovation awards is only given there and so we are so grateful that you guys are co-sponsors with us and you know the prizes are different levels of advertising and marketing which at that point you know the inventors think how am i going to pay for this well you know what you come to asd market week you show off and if you win the innovation award

  • Speaker #0

    that's six months of free advertising right there yeah it's almost even better than shark tank because you're having real buyers and retailers from again all avenues of the industry who are going to be assessing it and voting for you so i mean if i won i would be like guess what i was at asd and i won this award which means there's merit and my product definitely uh should be on the shelves on multiple retail shelves what's up

  • Speaker #1

    That is exactly right. So, Stephanie, we are going to have you back on again to do another radio and to do another podcast probably in a couple of weeks because there are so many cool products to talk about. And at that point, I will have a few of them that we can show and talk about.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, I'm so excited. I know, right?

  • Speaker #1

    Go ASD. Affordable shopping destination or America stands determined. Depends on your point of view, right? I will talk to you again soon, my dear. You take care.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you so much, Rita.



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