undefined cover
undefined cover
Cuddling in a blanket fort to wait out the storm [cozy] [fireplace] [snow] [windy] [play with my hair] [ASMR] cover
Cuddling in a blanket fort to wait out the storm [cozy] [fireplace] [snow] [windy] [play with my hair] [ASMR] cover
Mint Tea ASMR

Cuddling in a blanket fort to wait out the storm [cozy] [fireplace] [snow] [windy] [play with my hair] [ASMR]

Cuddling in a blanket fort to wait out the storm [cozy] [fireplace] [snow] [windy] [play with my hair] [ASMR]

11min |07/01/2025|


undefined cover
undefined cover
Cuddling in a blanket fort to wait out the storm [cozy] [fireplace] [snow] [windy] [play with my hair] [ASMR] cover
Cuddling in a blanket fort to wait out the storm [cozy] [fireplace] [snow] [windy] [play with my hair] [ASMR] cover
Mint Tea ASMR

Cuddling in a blanket fort to wait out the storm [cozy] [fireplace] [snow] [windy] [play with my hair] [ASMR]

Cuddling in a blanket fort to wait out the storm [cozy] [fireplace] [snow] [windy] [play with my hair] [ASMR]

11min |07/01/2025|




Your girlfriend makes you a blanket fort during a weekend snow storm #asmrgirlfriend #asmrroleplay #asmr

Join my patreon to vote on new audios and access all audios ad-free and one week early!

All audios are also available on my youtube

You wake up to a snow storm ruining your weekend plans, so instead your girlfriend cuddles with you in a cozy blanket fort by the fireplace while you run your hands through her hair.

Mint Tea ASMR audios are made to be enjoyed with headphones in a relaxing environment. So, get comfortable, clear your mind and get immersed in the ambience and soothing roleplay audio I've put a lot of work into making!

This is an improv work of fiction for entertainment purposes

Production, editing, voice by: Mint Tea ASMR

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Sweetie, honey, wake up. It's Saturday. Yeah, we have the whole day to ourselves. However, we're kinda snowed in. Yeah, look outside. Yes, it snowed all last night, and it's still snowing, and it's also windy. I know, I know we were going to go do shopping and get errands done, but I guess we can't. So I was thinking, what if we hang out and have a chill day in and we drink hot cocoa and we make a blanket fort and we just relax. Come on, come on, it would be so much fun. What do you say? Hot cocoa with a fireplace while we relax? Yes. Okay. So I have a confession. I figured you'd give in to me and I already made a blanket for it. Yeah. Come here and let me show you. Okay. This is the entrance and then I put up some lights I know, I know, it's a little small and cramped in here, but I like it. Okay, do you want me to go get some hot cocoa? All right, I made this little corner just for you. So here's the pillows. There we go. And some hot cocoa. Cheers to not having to do errands. Oh, it's kind of cold. Do you want to cuddle up next to me? Yay. Mmm. Ah, this is nice. I am honestly so glad we don't have to do all those errands, and I don't even have to feel bad about it, because we just can't. Oh, yeah, it sounds cold out there. Mmm, could you play with my hair? Ah, thank you. Ah, feels so nice to be near you. You smell good, too. What is that? Are you wearing something? Really? I mean, yeah, I guess you did just wake up. Can't be wearing much. You still smell nice, though. Hey, no, don't worry. Just stay in your pajamas. Yeah, it's a jammies day. I'm gonna stay in mine. It feels nice when you play with my hair. Yeah. I like just being near you. You know what I think? I think we don't cuddle enough. I'm gonna say it, yes. We don't cuddle enough. It's so nice being near you. Feeling your chest under my head. Hearing your heartbeat. Feeling your hand moving through my hair. it's just relaxing comforting you're just the person i want to be near all the time i know we just woke up but It's making me sleepy. I'm hearing your heartbeat. So steady. You make me so comfortable. Not just by being here physically, but also just... by being who you are, you know? Yeah, like, of course I mean it. Why would I say it if I didn't mean it? What? You're not an ordinary person. You're not plain or boring. That's crazy. No. I'm with you because you're special, and I like who you are. You're a good person. You're strong. You're caring. You're independent. You've been through a lot of stuff too. Yeah, but you've always come out of it. You've always bounced back. You've always become a better person for it. And there's nothing you've ever been through that you didn't figure out how to deal with. Or that you didn't Find a creative solution to. Yeah, you're the type of person I want to be. You're the type of person everyone wants to be. I cannot believe you're surprised by me saying that. I clearly don't tell you this type of stuff enough. I'm sorry, I just... I thought you knew. I thought you knew how amazing you are. It's kind of wild to me that you don't. Yes, you're also humble. I'll add it to the list of all of the amazing things about you. Yeah, well, all of those things are why I like being around you. So it wouldn't make sense if they weren't true, right? Hmm. I'm sorry that you don't feel that way sometimes. I think you should always feel confident in what an amazing person you are. Maybe today should be about appreciating you. I know that sounds a little bit silly, but... I also think it's important. I think that's what I'm going to do all day. Every time I think of a compliment about you, I'm just going to say it out loud. How about that? Yep. Every time I remember something awesome that you did, I'm going to tell you. And every time I think about a new way to word how amazing you are, I'm going to do it. And every time I see you blush like that, I'm gonna give you a kiss on the cheek. You're silly. You're silly for thinking you're anything less than extraordinary. You don't deserve just one day of crazy appreciation. You deserve all the days. I can't believe that you're lacking in this area. It's nice in here. It's finally getting warm. It's so cozy. Our body heat is just heating this thing up. No, I like it. Don't vent it out. You know, with my head on your chest. I felt your heartbeat faster when I started complimenting you. No, it's fine. It's cute. I like that you react to me. Yeah. I like that I can make your heartbeat faster. Because that's what you do to me all the time. Every time you look at me... That way you do, where I know that you're thinking I'm pretty, I get little butterflies. I do. I like knowing that you like me. That's silly, right? But it's true. Thanks for doing this with me. I like being holed up in this little blanket fort as the winds pick up and the snow falls around us. It's just so nice, and I'm just with the perfect person to do this. Yep. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Let's relax. You want to turn on a movie? Yeah? Okay, what do you want to watch? Do you want to watch something good or something so bad that it's good? Ooh, something schlocky. I like that. Okay, let's search around and see what we can find, okay? Thanks for being here with me. I mean it. Ah, let's find that movie and relax, okay? Mm, okay.


  • Waking Up to a Snowy Saturday


  • Cozy Blanket Fort


  • Hot Cocoa and Cuddles


  • Compliments and Affirmations


  • What movie do you want to watch



Your girlfriend makes you a blanket fort during a weekend snow storm #asmrgirlfriend #asmrroleplay #asmr

Join my patreon to vote on new audios and access all audios ad-free and one week early!

All audios are also available on my youtube

You wake up to a snow storm ruining your weekend plans, so instead your girlfriend cuddles with you in a cozy blanket fort by the fireplace while you run your hands through her hair.

Mint Tea ASMR audios are made to be enjoyed with headphones in a relaxing environment. So, get comfortable, clear your mind and get immersed in the ambience and soothing roleplay audio I've put a lot of work into making!

This is an improv work of fiction for entertainment purposes

Production, editing, voice by: Mint Tea ASMR

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Sweetie, honey, wake up. It's Saturday. Yeah, we have the whole day to ourselves. However, we're kinda snowed in. Yeah, look outside. Yes, it snowed all last night, and it's still snowing, and it's also windy. I know, I know we were going to go do shopping and get errands done, but I guess we can't. So I was thinking, what if we hang out and have a chill day in and we drink hot cocoa and we make a blanket fort and we just relax. Come on, come on, it would be so much fun. What do you say? Hot cocoa with a fireplace while we relax? Yes. Okay. So I have a confession. I figured you'd give in to me and I already made a blanket for it. Yeah. Come here and let me show you. Okay. This is the entrance and then I put up some lights I know, I know, it's a little small and cramped in here, but I like it. Okay, do you want me to go get some hot cocoa? All right, I made this little corner just for you. So here's the pillows. There we go. And some hot cocoa. Cheers to not having to do errands. Oh, it's kind of cold. Do you want to cuddle up next to me? Yay. Mmm. Ah, this is nice. I am honestly so glad we don't have to do all those errands, and I don't even have to feel bad about it, because we just can't. Oh, yeah, it sounds cold out there. Mmm, could you play with my hair? Ah, thank you. Ah, feels so nice to be near you. You smell good, too. What is that? Are you wearing something? Really? I mean, yeah, I guess you did just wake up. Can't be wearing much. You still smell nice, though. Hey, no, don't worry. Just stay in your pajamas. Yeah, it's a jammies day. I'm gonna stay in mine. It feels nice when you play with my hair. Yeah. I like just being near you. You know what I think? I think we don't cuddle enough. I'm gonna say it, yes. We don't cuddle enough. It's so nice being near you. Feeling your chest under my head. Hearing your heartbeat. Feeling your hand moving through my hair. it's just relaxing comforting you're just the person i want to be near all the time i know we just woke up but It's making me sleepy. I'm hearing your heartbeat. So steady. You make me so comfortable. Not just by being here physically, but also just... by being who you are, you know? Yeah, like, of course I mean it. Why would I say it if I didn't mean it? What? You're not an ordinary person. You're not plain or boring. That's crazy. No. I'm with you because you're special, and I like who you are. You're a good person. You're strong. You're caring. You're independent. You've been through a lot of stuff too. Yeah, but you've always come out of it. You've always bounced back. You've always become a better person for it. And there's nothing you've ever been through that you didn't figure out how to deal with. Or that you didn't Find a creative solution to. Yeah, you're the type of person I want to be. You're the type of person everyone wants to be. I cannot believe you're surprised by me saying that. I clearly don't tell you this type of stuff enough. I'm sorry, I just... I thought you knew. I thought you knew how amazing you are. It's kind of wild to me that you don't. Yes, you're also humble. I'll add it to the list of all of the amazing things about you. Yeah, well, all of those things are why I like being around you. So it wouldn't make sense if they weren't true, right? Hmm. I'm sorry that you don't feel that way sometimes. I think you should always feel confident in what an amazing person you are. Maybe today should be about appreciating you. I know that sounds a little bit silly, but... I also think it's important. I think that's what I'm going to do all day. Every time I think of a compliment about you, I'm just going to say it out loud. How about that? Yep. Every time I remember something awesome that you did, I'm going to tell you. And every time I think about a new way to word how amazing you are, I'm going to do it. And every time I see you blush like that, I'm gonna give you a kiss on the cheek. You're silly. You're silly for thinking you're anything less than extraordinary. You don't deserve just one day of crazy appreciation. You deserve all the days. I can't believe that you're lacking in this area. It's nice in here. It's finally getting warm. It's so cozy. Our body heat is just heating this thing up. No, I like it. Don't vent it out. You know, with my head on your chest. I felt your heartbeat faster when I started complimenting you. No, it's fine. It's cute. I like that you react to me. Yeah. I like that I can make your heartbeat faster. Because that's what you do to me all the time. Every time you look at me... That way you do, where I know that you're thinking I'm pretty, I get little butterflies. I do. I like knowing that you like me. That's silly, right? But it's true. Thanks for doing this with me. I like being holed up in this little blanket fort as the winds pick up and the snow falls around us. It's just so nice, and I'm just with the perfect person to do this. Yep. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Let's relax. You want to turn on a movie? Yeah? Okay, what do you want to watch? Do you want to watch something good or something so bad that it's good? Ooh, something schlocky. I like that. Okay, let's search around and see what we can find, okay? Thanks for being here with me. I mean it. Ah, let's find that movie and relax, okay? Mm, okay.


  • Waking Up to a Snowy Saturday


  • Cozy Blanket Fort


  • Hot Cocoa and Cuddles


  • Compliments and Affirmations


  • What movie do you want to watch




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Your girlfriend makes you a blanket fort during a weekend snow storm #asmrgirlfriend #asmrroleplay #asmr

Join my patreon to vote on new audios and access all audios ad-free and one week early!

All audios are also available on my youtube

You wake up to a snow storm ruining your weekend plans, so instead your girlfriend cuddles with you in a cozy blanket fort by the fireplace while you run your hands through her hair.

Mint Tea ASMR audios are made to be enjoyed with headphones in a relaxing environment. So, get comfortable, clear your mind and get immersed in the ambience and soothing roleplay audio I've put a lot of work into making!

This is an improv work of fiction for entertainment purposes

Production, editing, voice by: Mint Tea ASMR

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Sweetie, honey, wake up. It's Saturday. Yeah, we have the whole day to ourselves. However, we're kinda snowed in. Yeah, look outside. Yes, it snowed all last night, and it's still snowing, and it's also windy. I know, I know we were going to go do shopping and get errands done, but I guess we can't. So I was thinking, what if we hang out and have a chill day in and we drink hot cocoa and we make a blanket fort and we just relax. Come on, come on, it would be so much fun. What do you say? Hot cocoa with a fireplace while we relax? Yes. Okay. So I have a confession. I figured you'd give in to me and I already made a blanket for it. Yeah. Come here and let me show you. Okay. This is the entrance and then I put up some lights I know, I know, it's a little small and cramped in here, but I like it. Okay, do you want me to go get some hot cocoa? All right, I made this little corner just for you. So here's the pillows. There we go. And some hot cocoa. Cheers to not having to do errands. Oh, it's kind of cold. Do you want to cuddle up next to me? Yay. Mmm. Ah, this is nice. I am honestly so glad we don't have to do all those errands, and I don't even have to feel bad about it, because we just can't. Oh, yeah, it sounds cold out there. Mmm, could you play with my hair? Ah, thank you. Ah, feels so nice to be near you. You smell good, too. What is that? Are you wearing something? Really? I mean, yeah, I guess you did just wake up. Can't be wearing much. You still smell nice, though. Hey, no, don't worry. Just stay in your pajamas. Yeah, it's a jammies day. I'm gonna stay in mine. It feels nice when you play with my hair. Yeah. I like just being near you. You know what I think? I think we don't cuddle enough. I'm gonna say it, yes. We don't cuddle enough. It's so nice being near you. Feeling your chest under my head. Hearing your heartbeat. Feeling your hand moving through my hair. it's just relaxing comforting you're just the person i want to be near all the time i know we just woke up but It's making me sleepy. I'm hearing your heartbeat. So steady. You make me so comfortable. Not just by being here physically, but also just... by being who you are, you know? Yeah, like, of course I mean it. Why would I say it if I didn't mean it? What? You're not an ordinary person. You're not plain or boring. That's crazy. No. I'm with you because you're special, and I like who you are. You're a good person. You're strong. You're caring. You're independent. You've been through a lot of stuff too. Yeah, but you've always come out of it. You've always bounced back. You've always become a better person for it. And there's nothing you've ever been through that you didn't figure out how to deal with. Or that you didn't Find a creative solution to. Yeah, you're the type of person I want to be. You're the type of person everyone wants to be. I cannot believe you're surprised by me saying that. I clearly don't tell you this type of stuff enough. I'm sorry, I just... I thought you knew. I thought you knew how amazing you are. It's kind of wild to me that you don't. Yes, you're also humble. I'll add it to the list of all of the amazing things about you. Yeah, well, all of those things are why I like being around you. So it wouldn't make sense if they weren't true, right? Hmm. I'm sorry that you don't feel that way sometimes. I think you should always feel confident in what an amazing person you are. Maybe today should be about appreciating you. I know that sounds a little bit silly, but... I also think it's important. I think that's what I'm going to do all day. Every time I think of a compliment about you, I'm just going to say it out loud. How about that? Yep. Every time I remember something awesome that you did, I'm going to tell you. And every time I think about a new way to word how amazing you are, I'm going to do it. And every time I see you blush like that, I'm gonna give you a kiss on the cheek. You're silly. You're silly for thinking you're anything less than extraordinary. You don't deserve just one day of crazy appreciation. You deserve all the days. I can't believe that you're lacking in this area. It's nice in here. It's finally getting warm. It's so cozy. Our body heat is just heating this thing up. No, I like it. Don't vent it out. You know, with my head on your chest. I felt your heartbeat faster when I started complimenting you. No, it's fine. It's cute. I like that you react to me. Yeah. I like that I can make your heartbeat faster. Because that's what you do to me all the time. Every time you look at me... That way you do, where I know that you're thinking I'm pretty, I get little butterflies. I do. I like knowing that you like me. That's silly, right? But it's true. Thanks for doing this with me. I like being holed up in this little blanket fort as the winds pick up and the snow falls around us. It's just so nice, and I'm just with the perfect person to do this. Yep. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Let's relax. You want to turn on a movie? Yeah? Okay, what do you want to watch? Do you want to watch something good or something so bad that it's good? Ooh, something schlocky. I like that. Okay, let's search around and see what we can find, okay? Thanks for being here with me. I mean it. Ah, let's find that movie and relax, okay? Mm, okay.


  • Waking Up to a Snowy Saturday


  • Cozy Blanket Fort


  • Hot Cocoa and Cuddles


  • Compliments and Affirmations


  • What movie do you want to watch



Your girlfriend makes you a blanket fort during a weekend snow storm #asmrgirlfriend #asmrroleplay #asmr

Join my patreon to vote on new audios and access all audios ad-free and one week early!

All audios are also available on my youtube

You wake up to a snow storm ruining your weekend plans, so instead your girlfriend cuddles with you in a cozy blanket fort by the fireplace while you run your hands through her hair.

Mint Tea ASMR audios are made to be enjoyed with headphones in a relaxing environment. So, get comfortable, clear your mind and get immersed in the ambience and soothing roleplay audio I've put a lot of work into making!

This is an improv work of fiction for entertainment purposes

Production, editing, voice by: Mint Tea ASMR

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Sweetie, honey, wake up. It's Saturday. Yeah, we have the whole day to ourselves. However, we're kinda snowed in. Yeah, look outside. Yes, it snowed all last night, and it's still snowing, and it's also windy. I know, I know we were going to go do shopping and get errands done, but I guess we can't. So I was thinking, what if we hang out and have a chill day in and we drink hot cocoa and we make a blanket fort and we just relax. Come on, come on, it would be so much fun. What do you say? Hot cocoa with a fireplace while we relax? Yes. Okay. So I have a confession. I figured you'd give in to me and I already made a blanket for it. Yeah. Come here and let me show you. Okay. This is the entrance and then I put up some lights I know, I know, it's a little small and cramped in here, but I like it. Okay, do you want me to go get some hot cocoa? All right, I made this little corner just for you. So here's the pillows. There we go. And some hot cocoa. Cheers to not having to do errands. Oh, it's kind of cold. Do you want to cuddle up next to me? Yay. Mmm. Ah, this is nice. I am honestly so glad we don't have to do all those errands, and I don't even have to feel bad about it, because we just can't. Oh, yeah, it sounds cold out there. Mmm, could you play with my hair? Ah, thank you. Ah, feels so nice to be near you. You smell good, too. What is that? Are you wearing something? Really? I mean, yeah, I guess you did just wake up. Can't be wearing much. You still smell nice, though. Hey, no, don't worry. Just stay in your pajamas. Yeah, it's a jammies day. I'm gonna stay in mine. It feels nice when you play with my hair. Yeah. I like just being near you. You know what I think? I think we don't cuddle enough. I'm gonna say it, yes. We don't cuddle enough. It's so nice being near you. Feeling your chest under my head. Hearing your heartbeat. Feeling your hand moving through my hair. it's just relaxing comforting you're just the person i want to be near all the time i know we just woke up but It's making me sleepy. I'm hearing your heartbeat. So steady. You make me so comfortable. Not just by being here physically, but also just... by being who you are, you know? Yeah, like, of course I mean it. Why would I say it if I didn't mean it? What? You're not an ordinary person. You're not plain or boring. That's crazy. No. I'm with you because you're special, and I like who you are. You're a good person. You're strong. You're caring. You're independent. You've been through a lot of stuff too. Yeah, but you've always come out of it. You've always bounced back. You've always become a better person for it. And there's nothing you've ever been through that you didn't figure out how to deal with. Or that you didn't Find a creative solution to. Yeah, you're the type of person I want to be. You're the type of person everyone wants to be. I cannot believe you're surprised by me saying that. I clearly don't tell you this type of stuff enough. I'm sorry, I just... I thought you knew. I thought you knew how amazing you are. It's kind of wild to me that you don't. Yes, you're also humble. I'll add it to the list of all of the amazing things about you. Yeah, well, all of those things are why I like being around you. So it wouldn't make sense if they weren't true, right? Hmm. I'm sorry that you don't feel that way sometimes. I think you should always feel confident in what an amazing person you are. Maybe today should be about appreciating you. I know that sounds a little bit silly, but... I also think it's important. I think that's what I'm going to do all day. Every time I think of a compliment about you, I'm just going to say it out loud. How about that? Yep. Every time I remember something awesome that you did, I'm going to tell you. And every time I think about a new way to word how amazing you are, I'm going to do it. And every time I see you blush like that, I'm gonna give you a kiss on the cheek. You're silly. You're silly for thinking you're anything less than extraordinary. You don't deserve just one day of crazy appreciation. You deserve all the days. I can't believe that you're lacking in this area. It's nice in here. It's finally getting warm. It's so cozy. Our body heat is just heating this thing up. No, I like it. Don't vent it out. You know, with my head on your chest. I felt your heartbeat faster when I started complimenting you. No, it's fine. It's cute. I like that you react to me. Yeah. I like that I can make your heartbeat faster. Because that's what you do to me all the time. Every time you look at me... That way you do, where I know that you're thinking I'm pretty, I get little butterflies. I do. I like knowing that you like me. That's silly, right? But it's true. Thanks for doing this with me. I like being holed up in this little blanket fort as the winds pick up and the snow falls around us. It's just so nice, and I'm just with the perfect person to do this. Yep. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Let's relax. You want to turn on a movie? Yeah? Okay, what do you want to watch? Do you want to watch something good or something so bad that it's good? Ooh, something schlocky. I like that. Okay, let's search around and see what we can find, okay? Thanks for being here with me. I mean it. Ah, let's find that movie and relax, okay? Mm, okay.


  • Waking Up to a Snowy Saturday


  • Cozy Blanket Fort


  • Hot Cocoa and Cuddles


  • Compliments and Affirmations


  • What movie do you want to watch




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