undefined cover
undefined cover
Meet cute with the local baker [flirty] strangers yo more] [let me spend my break with you] [banter] [new in town] cover
Meet cute with the local baker [flirty] strangers yo more] [let me spend my break with you] [banter] [new in town] cover
Mint Tea ASMR

Meet cute with the local baker [flirty] strangers yo more] [let me spend my break with you] [banter] [new in town]

Meet cute with the local baker [flirty] strangers yo more] [let me spend my break with you] [banter] [new in town]

15min |11/01/2025|


undefined cover
undefined cover
Meet cute with the local baker [flirty] strangers yo more] [let me spend my break with you] [banter] [new in town] cover
Meet cute with the local baker [flirty] strangers yo more] [let me spend my break with you] [banter] [new in town] cover
Mint Tea ASMR

Meet cute with the local baker [flirty] strangers yo more] [let me spend my break with you] [banter] [new in town]

Meet cute with the local baker [flirty] strangers yo more] [let me spend my break with you] [banter] [new in town]

15min |11/01/2025|




You meet the local baker and she takes a liking to you #asmrroleplay #asmr

Join my patreon to vote on new audios and access all audios ad-free and one week early!

All audios are also available on my youtube

You go to the local bakery and meet a cute, snarky baker who takes a liking to you after some flirty banter. She ends up telling you to ask her out and sets up a mysterious date.

Mint Tea ASMR audios are made to be enjoyed with headphones in a relaxing environment. So, get comfortable, clear your mind and get immersed in the ambience and soothing roleplay audio I've put a lot of work into making!

This is an improv work of fiction for entertainment purposes

Production, editing, voice by: Mint Tea ASMR

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    What can I get for you today? Hmm, you don't look familiar. Is this your first time into the bakery? Ah, well, welcome in. We have the best sweet treats in the entire town. If I do say so myself. And I do. So, what can I get you? Ah, wow. Asking me which one is the best on the menu is kind of like asking someone to pick their favorite kid. Yeah, they're all good. Okay, but, um, okay, let me think. I guess it depends on what your mood is and what kind of treats you like. Anything, really? As a baker, that's insulting. Not all sweets are made equal. You're really saying that if I were to tell you the best thing on our menu is a sugar cookie, you'd be okay with that? No. Don't tell me you like sugar cookies. That's not real. You shouldn't be in a bakery where we make real sweets. Because it's chalky, sweet, nasty. I don't... It's an insult to the art of baking. All right, I'll let it slide because you're cute, but you are on thin ice. Okay, so you really think anything is okay and you like sugar cookies. I don't even really know. how to suggest something to a monster like that. Um, well, since I'm not even 100% sure you have taste buds, how about I just give you a list of our specials, okay? Okay, so we have an apple crumble. Oh, no. Oh, you do have an opinion. You don't like apple. Wow. Wow. I don't know what to say to this. Okay, no, that's fine. I'm not taking insult to this. No, I'm going to survive this. You are testing me. You were sent by a competing bakery to test me, weren't you? Yes. I definitely believe that. You come in here saying that you like everything and then... Saying that you don't like apple and then saying that you do like sugar cookies. Like, I don't know what's happening. Okay, let's get back to your order. No apple. Fine. All right. We have a lemon lime donut. I know, I know, it sounds weird, but it's really good. The whole vibe here is like quirky and different, but like not nasty. Okay, okay. Lemon lime donut is a maybe. I know you said no, but I'm saying it's a maybe because you didn't say no as hard as you said no to the apple. So I'm considering it a maybe. Okay, okay. I think I'm figuring you out. Fruit isn't your thing. Yes. Okay. Okay. Oh, all right. We have got something for you. We have got mini chocolate cheesecake bites. Yes. Now we're talking. Okay. These are some of my favorites. And well, I know I said I don't have any favorites, but that's just because the other sweets are listening. Okay. The cheesecake is fantastic. So how many do you think you want? Well, they really are kind of bite-sized, so plan accordingly. Okay, five it is. No, I'm not judging. I'm not judging how many sweets you get at this bakery. That's ridiculous. That is literally what we're here for. Yes. Okay. So five chocolate cheesecake bites. Is there anything else I can get you? Okay. You are a little bit of a charmer. I see that now. Anything other than the cheesecake bites and my winning smile? Nothing? Okay. Here you go. No, it's okay. It's on the house. Yes, tell me how you like them. Well, I'm just curious to see if you do have taste buds. Um, it's actually my break in, well, whenever I want it to be because I own the shop. Yes, I do. Would you, um, well, I don't want to be too forward, but would you like some company eating those cheesecake bites? Yeah? All right, here, I'm just gonna turn the sign, and voila, we are closed. All right. So it actually tastes pretty good with some milk. Do you want a fresh glass? I might keep some in the back because, you know, it's a bakery. Right. Yep. I feel like you keep forgetting the main thing that this is. Okay. Here you go. And cheers. So. What do you think? They're pretty good, right? Yes. Okay. Okay, you do have one correct opinion. I was worried we wouldn't find one. Well, I find that you can always find one common ground with crazy people. So, why haven't I seen you in my shop before? Just curious. Are you not a dessert person, or maybe you're new in town? Yep, that's what I figured. I haven't seen you around town either, so figured you must be new. Oh, okay. Cool, cool. Me? Oh yeah, I've lived here for way too long. Basically as long as I can remember, which is something I'm not wanting to think about right now. Oh, I mean, you know, everyone dreams of getting out of the town they were born in. Yeah, I know. There's nothing wrong with it here. It's honestly really quaint and just like a nice town. It's got a nice vibe. There are nice people. It's just, I don't know. I had this dream of getting away from here and proving that I was independent and that I could be successful in a different environment or... I don't even really know what it was, but whatever it was, or is, it's still there, you know? No, yeah, I'm literally doing exactly what I wanted to do. I've always wanted to be a baker, and I own my own shop now. It's amazing, but we all have that one thing, right? That thing that... Makes us want more. Grass is always greener on the other side, or whatever. I think, too, it's just, like, I know everyone here. You know, when you walked in, I knew that you weren't from here immediately. Yeah, and that's not a bad thing. No, it's just... We have a specific vibe and I just, I literally have met every single person who lives here. Yeah. I know most of their names, but if I don't know their name, then I have at least seen them. Yeah, and when you live in a town where you literally know everyone, it just feels like you're stagnating. Like your identity is, I don't know, it's what it always has been, that people can't update how they see you. You know, I'm a baker and... I've accomplished all these things, but I feel like when people look at me, they see that really awkward teenage girl I used to be. Oh, you don't see an awkward teenage girl, huh? Oh, you see an awkward adult. Awesome. Great. No, I walked into that one. No, I like you. You have a good sense of humor. You know, it's also hard to meet interesting people in a town where you know everyone. Yeah, we all have the same crazy stories. The mayor's house got lit on fire once. Yeah, that's like the topic of conversation for every person you'll meet who's lived in this town. for a long time. It gets really boring really, really fast. Yep. So it's kind of hard to, you know, to date people. I am not blushing. I am not. Stop saying that. Now you're making me blush. Stop. Stop. Stop. Okay. Yes, I was hinting. I was actually. Yep. Well, I wasn't asking you on a date. No, I wasn't. I was hoping you would ask me on one, obviously. I'm very clever. Sorry, threw that one, though, pretty much immediately, so. Really? Wow. I just had to butter you up with some tasty treats. That is like my signature move. Okay, where do you want to go? Oh, it's up to me. Mmm, right, because I know this town. Okay, I'm thinking, I'm thinking. Yeah, okay. I've got a place. Oh, no, no, no, no. I am not going to tell you where. Mm-mm. You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow night. Yep. That's when we're having our date. Tomorrow night. Well, I mean, unless you're doing something. But you're not, right? Okay, yes. Then tomorrow night. Okay, here, let me just put my number in your phone. Oh yeah, my name's Mint. But if you want, I can just put it in there as cute baker girl. Okay, well then I will text you my address. And we can go to my very secret first date spot. No, it's not the bakery. How boring would that be? Okay, you gotta stop guessing. You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow. Hopefully the intrigue will stop you from flaking on me. Okay, I have far exceeded my break, so I'm going to have to open the shop back up, right? But if you could tell everyone how awesome my chocolate cheesecake bites were, that would be really great coming from a new face. Yeah, because I kind of have a rival baker. Yes, and he's doing really well. No, it's really frustrating. Yeah, so if you could just spread the word that my sweets are awesome, I would really appreciate that. And I will see you tomorrow night. Oh, oh, oh, right. Wear some running shoes. Maybe. Maybe we're running somewhere. Maybe I'm just keeping you on your toes. Bye. See you tomorrow.


  • Welcome to the Bakery - A Sweet Introduction


  • Choosing the Right Treat - A Comedic Debate


  • Chocolate Cheesecake Bites - The Baker's Favorite


  • Personal Reflections - Life in a Small Town


  • A Date Invitation - Sweet Connections



You meet the local baker and she takes a liking to you #asmrroleplay #asmr

Join my patreon to vote on new audios and access all audios ad-free and one week early!

All audios are also available on my youtube

You go to the local bakery and meet a cute, snarky baker who takes a liking to you after some flirty banter. She ends up telling you to ask her out and sets up a mysterious date.

Mint Tea ASMR audios are made to be enjoyed with headphones in a relaxing environment. So, get comfortable, clear your mind and get immersed in the ambience and soothing roleplay audio I've put a lot of work into making!

This is an improv work of fiction for entertainment purposes

Production, editing, voice by: Mint Tea ASMR

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    What can I get for you today? Hmm, you don't look familiar. Is this your first time into the bakery? Ah, well, welcome in. We have the best sweet treats in the entire town. If I do say so myself. And I do. So, what can I get you? Ah, wow. Asking me which one is the best on the menu is kind of like asking someone to pick their favorite kid. Yeah, they're all good. Okay, but, um, okay, let me think. I guess it depends on what your mood is and what kind of treats you like. Anything, really? As a baker, that's insulting. Not all sweets are made equal. You're really saying that if I were to tell you the best thing on our menu is a sugar cookie, you'd be okay with that? No. Don't tell me you like sugar cookies. That's not real. You shouldn't be in a bakery where we make real sweets. Because it's chalky, sweet, nasty. I don't... It's an insult to the art of baking. All right, I'll let it slide because you're cute, but you are on thin ice. Okay, so you really think anything is okay and you like sugar cookies. I don't even really know. how to suggest something to a monster like that. Um, well, since I'm not even 100% sure you have taste buds, how about I just give you a list of our specials, okay? Okay, so we have an apple crumble. Oh, no. Oh, you do have an opinion. You don't like apple. Wow. Wow. I don't know what to say to this. Okay, no, that's fine. I'm not taking insult to this. No, I'm going to survive this. You are testing me. You were sent by a competing bakery to test me, weren't you? Yes. I definitely believe that. You come in here saying that you like everything and then... Saying that you don't like apple and then saying that you do like sugar cookies. Like, I don't know what's happening. Okay, let's get back to your order. No apple. Fine. All right. We have a lemon lime donut. I know, I know, it sounds weird, but it's really good. The whole vibe here is like quirky and different, but like not nasty. Okay, okay. Lemon lime donut is a maybe. I know you said no, but I'm saying it's a maybe because you didn't say no as hard as you said no to the apple. So I'm considering it a maybe. Okay, okay. I think I'm figuring you out. Fruit isn't your thing. Yes. Okay. Okay. Oh, all right. We have got something for you. We have got mini chocolate cheesecake bites. Yes. Now we're talking. Okay. These are some of my favorites. And well, I know I said I don't have any favorites, but that's just because the other sweets are listening. Okay. The cheesecake is fantastic. So how many do you think you want? Well, they really are kind of bite-sized, so plan accordingly. Okay, five it is. No, I'm not judging. I'm not judging how many sweets you get at this bakery. That's ridiculous. That is literally what we're here for. Yes. Okay. So five chocolate cheesecake bites. Is there anything else I can get you? Okay. You are a little bit of a charmer. I see that now. Anything other than the cheesecake bites and my winning smile? Nothing? Okay. Here you go. No, it's okay. It's on the house. Yes, tell me how you like them. Well, I'm just curious to see if you do have taste buds. Um, it's actually my break in, well, whenever I want it to be because I own the shop. Yes, I do. Would you, um, well, I don't want to be too forward, but would you like some company eating those cheesecake bites? Yeah? All right, here, I'm just gonna turn the sign, and voila, we are closed. All right. So it actually tastes pretty good with some milk. Do you want a fresh glass? I might keep some in the back because, you know, it's a bakery. Right. Yep. I feel like you keep forgetting the main thing that this is. Okay. Here you go. And cheers. So. What do you think? They're pretty good, right? Yes. Okay. Okay, you do have one correct opinion. I was worried we wouldn't find one. Well, I find that you can always find one common ground with crazy people. So, why haven't I seen you in my shop before? Just curious. Are you not a dessert person, or maybe you're new in town? Yep, that's what I figured. I haven't seen you around town either, so figured you must be new. Oh, okay. Cool, cool. Me? Oh yeah, I've lived here for way too long. Basically as long as I can remember, which is something I'm not wanting to think about right now. Oh, I mean, you know, everyone dreams of getting out of the town they were born in. Yeah, I know. There's nothing wrong with it here. It's honestly really quaint and just like a nice town. It's got a nice vibe. There are nice people. It's just, I don't know. I had this dream of getting away from here and proving that I was independent and that I could be successful in a different environment or... I don't even really know what it was, but whatever it was, or is, it's still there, you know? No, yeah, I'm literally doing exactly what I wanted to do. I've always wanted to be a baker, and I own my own shop now. It's amazing, but we all have that one thing, right? That thing that... Makes us want more. Grass is always greener on the other side, or whatever. I think, too, it's just, like, I know everyone here. You know, when you walked in, I knew that you weren't from here immediately. Yeah, and that's not a bad thing. No, it's just... We have a specific vibe and I just, I literally have met every single person who lives here. Yeah. I know most of their names, but if I don't know their name, then I have at least seen them. Yeah, and when you live in a town where you literally know everyone, it just feels like you're stagnating. Like your identity is, I don't know, it's what it always has been, that people can't update how they see you. You know, I'm a baker and... I've accomplished all these things, but I feel like when people look at me, they see that really awkward teenage girl I used to be. Oh, you don't see an awkward teenage girl, huh? Oh, you see an awkward adult. Awesome. Great. No, I walked into that one. No, I like you. You have a good sense of humor. You know, it's also hard to meet interesting people in a town where you know everyone. Yeah, we all have the same crazy stories. The mayor's house got lit on fire once. Yeah, that's like the topic of conversation for every person you'll meet who's lived in this town. for a long time. It gets really boring really, really fast. Yep. So it's kind of hard to, you know, to date people. I am not blushing. I am not. Stop saying that. Now you're making me blush. Stop. Stop. Stop. Okay. Yes, I was hinting. I was actually. Yep. Well, I wasn't asking you on a date. No, I wasn't. I was hoping you would ask me on one, obviously. I'm very clever. Sorry, threw that one, though, pretty much immediately, so. Really? Wow. I just had to butter you up with some tasty treats. That is like my signature move. Okay, where do you want to go? Oh, it's up to me. Mmm, right, because I know this town. Okay, I'm thinking, I'm thinking. Yeah, okay. I've got a place. Oh, no, no, no, no. I am not going to tell you where. Mm-mm. You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow night. Yep. That's when we're having our date. Tomorrow night. Well, I mean, unless you're doing something. But you're not, right? Okay, yes. Then tomorrow night. Okay, here, let me just put my number in your phone. Oh yeah, my name's Mint. But if you want, I can just put it in there as cute baker girl. Okay, well then I will text you my address. And we can go to my very secret first date spot. No, it's not the bakery. How boring would that be? Okay, you gotta stop guessing. You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow. Hopefully the intrigue will stop you from flaking on me. Okay, I have far exceeded my break, so I'm going to have to open the shop back up, right? But if you could tell everyone how awesome my chocolate cheesecake bites were, that would be really great coming from a new face. Yeah, because I kind of have a rival baker. Yes, and he's doing really well. No, it's really frustrating. Yeah, so if you could just spread the word that my sweets are awesome, I would really appreciate that. And I will see you tomorrow night. Oh, oh, oh, right. Wear some running shoes. Maybe. Maybe we're running somewhere. Maybe I'm just keeping you on your toes. Bye. See you tomorrow.


  • Welcome to the Bakery - A Sweet Introduction


  • Choosing the Right Treat - A Comedic Debate


  • Chocolate Cheesecake Bites - The Baker's Favorite


  • Personal Reflections - Life in a Small Town


  • A Date Invitation - Sweet Connections




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You meet the local baker and she takes a liking to you #asmrroleplay #asmr

Join my patreon to vote on new audios and access all audios ad-free and one week early!

All audios are also available on my youtube

You go to the local bakery and meet a cute, snarky baker who takes a liking to you after some flirty banter. She ends up telling you to ask her out and sets up a mysterious date.

Mint Tea ASMR audios are made to be enjoyed with headphones in a relaxing environment. So, get comfortable, clear your mind and get immersed in the ambience and soothing roleplay audio I've put a lot of work into making!

This is an improv work of fiction for entertainment purposes

Production, editing, voice by: Mint Tea ASMR

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    What can I get for you today? Hmm, you don't look familiar. Is this your first time into the bakery? Ah, well, welcome in. We have the best sweet treats in the entire town. If I do say so myself. And I do. So, what can I get you? Ah, wow. Asking me which one is the best on the menu is kind of like asking someone to pick their favorite kid. Yeah, they're all good. Okay, but, um, okay, let me think. I guess it depends on what your mood is and what kind of treats you like. Anything, really? As a baker, that's insulting. Not all sweets are made equal. You're really saying that if I were to tell you the best thing on our menu is a sugar cookie, you'd be okay with that? No. Don't tell me you like sugar cookies. That's not real. You shouldn't be in a bakery where we make real sweets. Because it's chalky, sweet, nasty. I don't... It's an insult to the art of baking. All right, I'll let it slide because you're cute, but you are on thin ice. Okay, so you really think anything is okay and you like sugar cookies. I don't even really know. how to suggest something to a monster like that. Um, well, since I'm not even 100% sure you have taste buds, how about I just give you a list of our specials, okay? Okay, so we have an apple crumble. Oh, no. Oh, you do have an opinion. You don't like apple. Wow. Wow. I don't know what to say to this. Okay, no, that's fine. I'm not taking insult to this. No, I'm going to survive this. You are testing me. You were sent by a competing bakery to test me, weren't you? Yes. I definitely believe that. You come in here saying that you like everything and then... Saying that you don't like apple and then saying that you do like sugar cookies. Like, I don't know what's happening. Okay, let's get back to your order. No apple. Fine. All right. We have a lemon lime donut. I know, I know, it sounds weird, but it's really good. The whole vibe here is like quirky and different, but like not nasty. Okay, okay. Lemon lime donut is a maybe. I know you said no, but I'm saying it's a maybe because you didn't say no as hard as you said no to the apple. So I'm considering it a maybe. Okay, okay. I think I'm figuring you out. Fruit isn't your thing. Yes. Okay. Okay. Oh, all right. We have got something for you. We have got mini chocolate cheesecake bites. Yes. Now we're talking. Okay. These are some of my favorites. And well, I know I said I don't have any favorites, but that's just because the other sweets are listening. Okay. The cheesecake is fantastic. So how many do you think you want? Well, they really are kind of bite-sized, so plan accordingly. Okay, five it is. No, I'm not judging. I'm not judging how many sweets you get at this bakery. That's ridiculous. That is literally what we're here for. Yes. Okay. So five chocolate cheesecake bites. Is there anything else I can get you? Okay. You are a little bit of a charmer. I see that now. Anything other than the cheesecake bites and my winning smile? Nothing? Okay. Here you go. No, it's okay. It's on the house. Yes, tell me how you like them. Well, I'm just curious to see if you do have taste buds. Um, it's actually my break in, well, whenever I want it to be because I own the shop. Yes, I do. Would you, um, well, I don't want to be too forward, but would you like some company eating those cheesecake bites? Yeah? All right, here, I'm just gonna turn the sign, and voila, we are closed. All right. So it actually tastes pretty good with some milk. Do you want a fresh glass? I might keep some in the back because, you know, it's a bakery. Right. Yep. I feel like you keep forgetting the main thing that this is. Okay. Here you go. And cheers. So. What do you think? They're pretty good, right? Yes. Okay. Okay, you do have one correct opinion. I was worried we wouldn't find one. Well, I find that you can always find one common ground with crazy people. So, why haven't I seen you in my shop before? Just curious. Are you not a dessert person, or maybe you're new in town? Yep, that's what I figured. I haven't seen you around town either, so figured you must be new. Oh, okay. Cool, cool. Me? Oh yeah, I've lived here for way too long. Basically as long as I can remember, which is something I'm not wanting to think about right now. Oh, I mean, you know, everyone dreams of getting out of the town they were born in. Yeah, I know. There's nothing wrong with it here. It's honestly really quaint and just like a nice town. It's got a nice vibe. There are nice people. It's just, I don't know. I had this dream of getting away from here and proving that I was independent and that I could be successful in a different environment or... I don't even really know what it was, but whatever it was, or is, it's still there, you know? No, yeah, I'm literally doing exactly what I wanted to do. I've always wanted to be a baker, and I own my own shop now. It's amazing, but we all have that one thing, right? That thing that... Makes us want more. Grass is always greener on the other side, or whatever. I think, too, it's just, like, I know everyone here. You know, when you walked in, I knew that you weren't from here immediately. Yeah, and that's not a bad thing. No, it's just... We have a specific vibe and I just, I literally have met every single person who lives here. Yeah. I know most of their names, but if I don't know their name, then I have at least seen them. Yeah, and when you live in a town where you literally know everyone, it just feels like you're stagnating. Like your identity is, I don't know, it's what it always has been, that people can't update how they see you. You know, I'm a baker and... I've accomplished all these things, but I feel like when people look at me, they see that really awkward teenage girl I used to be. Oh, you don't see an awkward teenage girl, huh? Oh, you see an awkward adult. Awesome. Great. No, I walked into that one. No, I like you. You have a good sense of humor. You know, it's also hard to meet interesting people in a town where you know everyone. Yeah, we all have the same crazy stories. The mayor's house got lit on fire once. Yeah, that's like the topic of conversation for every person you'll meet who's lived in this town. for a long time. It gets really boring really, really fast. Yep. So it's kind of hard to, you know, to date people. I am not blushing. I am not. Stop saying that. Now you're making me blush. Stop. Stop. Stop. Okay. Yes, I was hinting. I was actually. Yep. Well, I wasn't asking you on a date. No, I wasn't. I was hoping you would ask me on one, obviously. I'm very clever. Sorry, threw that one, though, pretty much immediately, so. Really? Wow. I just had to butter you up with some tasty treats. That is like my signature move. Okay, where do you want to go? Oh, it's up to me. Mmm, right, because I know this town. Okay, I'm thinking, I'm thinking. Yeah, okay. I've got a place. Oh, no, no, no, no. I am not going to tell you where. Mm-mm. You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow night. Yep. That's when we're having our date. Tomorrow night. Well, I mean, unless you're doing something. But you're not, right? Okay, yes. Then tomorrow night. Okay, here, let me just put my number in your phone. Oh yeah, my name's Mint. But if you want, I can just put it in there as cute baker girl. Okay, well then I will text you my address. And we can go to my very secret first date spot. No, it's not the bakery. How boring would that be? Okay, you gotta stop guessing. You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow. Hopefully the intrigue will stop you from flaking on me. Okay, I have far exceeded my break, so I'm going to have to open the shop back up, right? But if you could tell everyone how awesome my chocolate cheesecake bites were, that would be really great coming from a new face. Yeah, because I kind of have a rival baker. Yes, and he's doing really well. No, it's really frustrating. Yeah, so if you could just spread the word that my sweets are awesome, I would really appreciate that. And I will see you tomorrow night. Oh, oh, oh, right. Wear some running shoes. Maybe. Maybe we're running somewhere. Maybe I'm just keeping you on your toes. Bye. See you tomorrow.


  • Welcome to the Bakery - A Sweet Introduction


  • Choosing the Right Treat - A Comedic Debate


  • Chocolate Cheesecake Bites - The Baker's Favorite


  • Personal Reflections - Life in a Small Town


  • A Date Invitation - Sweet Connections



You meet the local baker and she takes a liking to you #asmrroleplay #asmr

Join my patreon to vote on new audios and access all audios ad-free and one week early!

All audios are also available on my youtube

You go to the local bakery and meet a cute, snarky baker who takes a liking to you after some flirty banter. She ends up telling you to ask her out and sets up a mysterious date.

Mint Tea ASMR audios are made to be enjoyed with headphones in a relaxing environment. So, get comfortable, clear your mind and get immersed in the ambience and soothing roleplay audio I've put a lot of work into making!

This is an improv work of fiction for entertainment purposes

Production, editing, voice by: Mint Tea ASMR

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    What can I get for you today? Hmm, you don't look familiar. Is this your first time into the bakery? Ah, well, welcome in. We have the best sweet treats in the entire town. If I do say so myself. And I do. So, what can I get you? Ah, wow. Asking me which one is the best on the menu is kind of like asking someone to pick their favorite kid. Yeah, they're all good. Okay, but, um, okay, let me think. I guess it depends on what your mood is and what kind of treats you like. Anything, really? As a baker, that's insulting. Not all sweets are made equal. You're really saying that if I were to tell you the best thing on our menu is a sugar cookie, you'd be okay with that? No. Don't tell me you like sugar cookies. That's not real. You shouldn't be in a bakery where we make real sweets. Because it's chalky, sweet, nasty. I don't... It's an insult to the art of baking. All right, I'll let it slide because you're cute, but you are on thin ice. Okay, so you really think anything is okay and you like sugar cookies. I don't even really know. how to suggest something to a monster like that. Um, well, since I'm not even 100% sure you have taste buds, how about I just give you a list of our specials, okay? Okay, so we have an apple crumble. Oh, no. Oh, you do have an opinion. You don't like apple. Wow. Wow. I don't know what to say to this. Okay, no, that's fine. I'm not taking insult to this. No, I'm going to survive this. You are testing me. You were sent by a competing bakery to test me, weren't you? Yes. I definitely believe that. You come in here saying that you like everything and then... Saying that you don't like apple and then saying that you do like sugar cookies. Like, I don't know what's happening. Okay, let's get back to your order. No apple. Fine. All right. We have a lemon lime donut. I know, I know, it sounds weird, but it's really good. The whole vibe here is like quirky and different, but like not nasty. Okay, okay. Lemon lime donut is a maybe. I know you said no, but I'm saying it's a maybe because you didn't say no as hard as you said no to the apple. So I'm considering it a maybe. Okay, okay. I think I'm figuring you out. Fruit isn't your thing. Yes. Okay. Okay. Oh, all right. We have got something for you. We have got mini chocolate cheesecake bites. Yes. Now we're talking. Okay. These are some of my favorites. And well, I know I said I don't have any favorites, but that's just because the other sweets are listening. Okay. The cheesecake is fantastic. So how many do you think you want? Well, they really are kind of bite-sized, so plan accordingly. Okay, five it is. No, I'm not judging. I'm not judging how many sweets you get at this bakery. That's ridiculous. That is literally what we're here for. Yes. Okay. So five chocolate cheesecake bites. Is there anything else I can get you? Okay. You are a little bit of a charmer. I see that now. Anything other than the cheesecake bites and my winning smile? Nothing? Okay. Here you go. No, it's okay. It's on the house. Yes, tell me how you like them. Well, I'm just curious to see if you do have taste buds. Um, it's actually my break in, well, whenever I want it to be because I own the shop. Yes, I do. Would you, um, well, I don't want to be too forward, but would you like some company eating those cheesecake bites? Yeah? All right, here, I'm just gonna turn the sign, and voila, we are closed. All right. So it actually tastes pretty good with some milk. Do you want a fresh glass? I might keep some in the back because, you know, it's a bakery. Right. Yep. I feel like you keep forgetting the main thing that this is. Okay. Here you go. And cheers. So. What do you think? They're pretty good, right? Yes. Okay. Okay, you do have one correct opinion. I was worried we wouldn't find one. Well, I find that you can always find one common ground with crazy people. So, why haven't I seen you in my shop before? Just curious. Are you not a dessert person, or maybe you're new in town? Yep, that's what I figured. I haven't seen you around town either, so figured you must be new. Oh, okay. Cool, cool. Me? Oh yeah, I've lived here for way too long. Basically as long as I can remember, which is something I'm not wanting to think about right now. Oh, I mean, you know, everyone dreams of getting out of the town they were born in. Yeah, I know. There's nothing wrong with it here. It's honestly really quaint and just like a nice town. It's got a nice vibe. There are nice people. It's just, I don't know. I had this dream of getting away from here and proving that I was independent and that I could be successful in a different environment or... I don't even really know what it was, but whatever it was, or is, it's still there, you know? No, yeah, I'm literally doing exactly what I wanted to do. I've always wanted to be a baker, and I own my own shop now. It's amazing, but we all have that one thing, right? That thing that... Makes us want more. Grass is always greener on the other side, or whatever. I think, too, it's just, like, I know everyone here. You know, when you walked in, I knew that you weren't from here immediately. Yeah, and that's not a bad thing. No, it's just... We have a specific vibe and I just, I literally have met every single person who lives here. Yeah. I know most of their names, but if I don't know their name, then I have at least seen them. Yeah, and when you live in a town where you literally know everyone, it just feels like you're stagnating. Like your identity is, I don't know, it's what it always has been, that people can't update how they see you. You know, I'm a baker and... I've accomplished all these things, but I feel like when people look at me, they see that really awkward teenage girl I used to be. Oh, you don't see an awkward teenage girl, huh? Oh, you see an awkward adult. Awesome. Great. No, I walked into that one. No, I like you. You have a good sense of humor. You know, it's also hard to meet interesting people in a town where you know everyone. Yeah, we all have the same crazy stories. The mayor's house got lit on fire once. Yeah, that's like the topic of conversation for every person you'll meet who's lived in this town. for a long time. It gets really boring really, really fast. Yep. So it's kind of hard to, you know, to date people. I am not blushing. I am not. Stop saying that. Now you're making me blush. Stop. Stop. Stop. Okay. Yes, I was hinting. I was actually. Yep. Well, I wasn't asking you on a date. No, I wasn't. I was hoping you would ask me on one, obviously. I'm very clever. Sorry, threw that one, though, pretty much immediately, so. Really? Wow. I just had to butter you up with some tasty treats. That is like my signature move. Okay, where do you want to go? Oh, it's up to me. Mmm, right, because I know this town. Okay, I'm thinking, I'm thinking. Yeah, okay. I've got a place. Oh, no, no, no, no. I am not going to tell you where. Mm-mm. You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow night. Yep. That's when we're having our date. Tomorrow night. Well, I mean, unless you're doing something. But you're not, right? Okay, yes. Then tomorrow night. Okay, here, let me just put my number in your phone. Oh yeah, my name's Mint. But if you want, I can just put it in there as cute baker girl. Okay, well then I will text you my address. And we can go to my very secret first date spot. No, it's not the bakery. How boring would that be? Okay, you gotta stop guessing. You're just gonna have to find out tomorrow. Hopefully the intrigue will stop you from flaking on me. Okay, I have far exceeded my break, so I'm going to have to open the shop back up, right? But if you could tell everyone how awesome my chocolate cheesecake bites were, that would be really great coming from a new face. Yeah, because I kind of have a rival baker. Yes, and he's doing really well. No, it's really frustrating. Yeah, so if you could just spread the word that my sweets are awesome, I would really appreciate that. And I will see you tomorrow night. Oh, oh, oh, right. Wear some running shoes. Maybe. Maybe we're running somewhere. Maybe I'm just keeping you on your toes. Bye. See you tomorrow.


  • Welcome to the Bakery - A Sweet Introduction


  • Choosing the Right Treat - A Comedic Debate


  • Chocolate Cheesecake Bites - The Baker's Favorite


  • Personal Reflections - Life in a Small Town


  • A Date Invitation - Sweet Connections




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