Ryan Englin truly understands how challenging it can be to recruit qualified people. He knows that if business owners want someone to look at them as their next potential employer, they need to make sure that the company appeals to them and meets them where they’re at.
They also need to understand what resonates with the different generations out there in the market who are actively looking for a career and adjust their approach and messaging accordingly.
As the CEO of Core Matters, Ryan and his team are on a mission to help companies in the trades hire the right talent faster and in a way that’s mutually beneficial. He stops by to share his experiences with us, discuss what business owners should be mindful of when recruiting, and talk about how to appeal to candidates from different generations.
Join us as we discuss:
[04:19] The different generations of talent and what resonates with them
[12:35] How to appeal to the younger generation
[21:11] The importance of being seen and heard within the company
Check out these resources we mentioned during the podcast:
Save $150 On Your “Early Bird” Ignite Admission
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Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.