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Gut Health and your life with Christa Lyons cover
Spiritual Dust

Gut Health and your life with Christa Lyons

Gut Health and your life with Christa Lyons

36min |01/07/2024
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Gut Health and your life with Christa Lyons cover
Gut Health and your life with Christa Lyons cover
Spiritual Dust

Gut Health and your life with Christa Lyons

Gut Health and your life with Christa Lyons

36min |01/07/2024


Functional Health Coach Christa talks gut health and how it affects everything1

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    on hi we look we look fresh and prepared chris and i could We were ready to go. Shit. What a morning. My name is Ricky Wood. Thank you for coming on to the Spiritual Dust podcast. And we are talking to Krista Lyons today. And Krista is an old friend. I mean, for years, like kind of elongated, weird family. I don't want to say your title and screw it up because I'll call you like psychopathic nutritionist or something like really weird. What is your title?

  • Speaker #1

    So I'm a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. So I shorten that to functional health practitioner.

  • Speaker #0

    what do those kind of people do?

  • Speaker #1

    So basically I use lab testing in order to get information and data directly from your body. And then we, we don't have to guess anymore. We have the answers. We know exactly where your body is out of balance.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I say this because all I have to do is say bloated, gas, everything else, and everybody knows what I'm talking about here. Gut health has become such a huge issue for people, and especially for women. I think men still have the issue. We'll just be uncomfortable all day. It's a painful way to be. What do you think is... The number one thing that is great, because I see it more in the last 10 years than I've ever seen it before. You know, people with the bloatedness, the gassiness, all of that. What is that? It's just like little gluten monsters everywhere or what?

  • Speaker #1

    I wish I could give you the one thing that it is, but this is the issue with gut health is that there's so many things that can contribute to it. So it can be food. It could definitely be gluten. Gluten is a huge issue right now. It could be You know, it could be a food sensitivity to something else that you have. Like I tell people all the time, you know, if you're thinking of doing an elimination diet, you're probably not going to eliminate things like broccoli or tomatoes or, you know, things that are healthy because they're healthy for you. But I can't tell you how many times I run a food sensitivity test and broccoli is on there or, you know, something that was something like watermelon. I had a client, she's like, don't tell me that, you know, it was summertime. But it's the, you know, it's someone.

  • Speaker #0

    it's those little things that are all adding up to creating that symptom where your body is then yelling at you something's wrong i mean my ex is addicted to chocolate i mean like i think there would be gunshots you know if somebody came to the home and took all the chocolate so you And they, you know, is there any truth to this that some of the things that we love the most may actually be some of the things we're the most allergic to?

  • Speaker #1

    So yes and no. I mean, if it's something that you love the most, then you're eating it frequently. And so if that happens to be a food that's creating inflammation in your body, then yeah, if you're eating it a lot, that is going to create more inflammation. But it's not necessarily you know, like broccoli is broccoli. If you're eating a lot of broccoli, that's one thing that's not going to create necessarily the gut issue. But if you have a food sensitivity to broccoli and you're eating it all the time, then yes, that accumulation of inflammation is going to cause an issue. Does that make sense?

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, yes, yes, it does. The other thing is like, I know that, you know, cow's milk is such a big big issue too with sensitivity but i love cheese and don't look in this screen and tell me something like soy cheese or concrete cheese or some new ass nasty cheese i gotta eat so what does how do i kind of, I guess it's different if you have a food allergy, but it seems like they don't want us to eat anything anymore.

  • Speaker #1

    So two of the top things that people have a food sensitivity to are gluten and dairy. They just seem to be the most troublesome for people. You know, some studies have said we're not really meant to drink milk after we're done, you know, nursing from our mothers. So there's lots and lots and lots of studies on gluten and dairy. I would recommend. aged cheeses, things like Parmesan cheese versus something like a triple cream, like that may be easier for you to digest. It really all depends on what's going on, but it's also may not be the cheese at all. It may be the damage that you have or the imbalance in your gut that's making you more sensitive to those foods. So sometimes we have to go in. and we have to figure out, well, what's your gut bacteria levels, the good versus the bad? You know, do you have leaky gut? Is that creating an issue? Do you have other things like gut bugs, like candida or parasites, which sounds gross, but they're very common. You know, all those things contribute to a dysfunctional gut function. And so cheese, you may not be able to tolerate cheese right now because certain other things are going on. but it may not be tolerate cheese.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll tolerate it. Even if I couldn't, I love cheese. Who doesn't love things like, I think I'm lucky because from the time I was about 10, I really stopped drinking cow's milk. I eat cheese, but I wasn't a cereal and milk kind of kid or anything like that. And, you know, I, I like cheese. it's the older I get now that the sensitivities are starting to pop up. And with the work that you do, it's almost kind of like a craft because people kind of half-ass everything. They'll go, oh, I'll just go take probiotics for a week. Well, there's some probiotics that... in some cases, you shouldn't even take if you have an issue.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. So that's what I say all the time, too. Like, you know, you're looking for that one shiny object, that one thing that's going to be the thing that is finally going to move the needle for you and finally going to help you. And so we're marketed all these things. So like tape, take probiotics, right? All you have to do is look in your Facebook feed or Instagram feed, there's going to be something about, you know, probiotics. But if your gut bacteria is already overgrown, so you have too much gut bacteria, and then you add a probiotic, which is adding more gut bacteria in, that's just going to amplify your problem.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I've known you for a long time, and when I first met you, you didn't seem like the type to really cared about, cared about, like, gut flora. Yeah. But something must have happened to you that is almost like a... What kind of religious experience for you? What happened?

  • Speaker #1

    So I've been a health coach for over 10 years. But what happened was I was two things personally, and professionally, you know, I was a health coach, and I was working basically on helping people eat clean, you know, eating more whole foods instead of processed foods. But I wasn't getting the results that I was hoping for for my clients because we were still guessing. We were still trying to figure out, well, what is the body sensitive to? What's out of balance? Like it's really hard to do that just with an elimination diet. And so I was also struggling myself with gut issues. And so as a busy mom, I was like, I can handle this. No problem. I got this. You know, this is just another thing. It happens as you get older. And so I put everything aside. I just sort of tried to sweep it under, you know, under the rug. And then one day I was driving my kids to school and they were young. They were in elementary school. And I remember getting home. I dropped them off and gotten home. And I was like, my brain was in such a fog. I could not like, and I had slept that night. But I could not focus, I could not focus. And I was having a really hard time just really being present. And so I was like, okay, something's wrong. And my own gut was, you know, I was bloated all the time, I was struggling when I would go out to eat with people what, you know, I didn't want to eat something that was going to make me run to the bathroom, or, you know, be again, be super bloated. And so I was, it was, it was really difficult. And so I got to the point where I couldn't, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was like, something has to give. And I got into this program with functional coaching, first of all, because I was able to go through all the testing myself. So as I was learning about all the tests, I was also being tested and going through the whole process. And I got my test results back. Now, I've been a health coach for 10 years, right? I should be I should have great test results. And I'm looking at my results like I am one big hot mess. and so I knew that from the wrong yeah but you knew that so then I'm looking at the results and I'm like well now this is awesome because now I know exactly what's wrong and how to fix it and then I had to help others

  • Speaker #0

    Now, I guess, how long did it take you to fix it?

  • Speaker #1

    So, right, that's also a complicated question. Oh, you're calling me.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, there's some, I still think there's some coronal sun virus thing going on because my phone is acting whack. You saw when we were talking that music just started playing.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, now I don't know where you are on my screen. Can you see me? No. Can we edit this out?

  • Speaker #0

    No, you're right in front of me. I can see you just fine.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. Well, I'm just going to pretend I can see you. I can't see you. technology.

  • Speaker #0

    I didn't touch anything.

  • Speaker #1

    No, it was when the phone came.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm wearing the same black t-shirt. I don't know why you can't see me.

  • Speaker #1

    It's alright. That's okay. We're just going to chit chat.

  • Speaker #0

    No, it says is your camera on?

  • Speaker #1

    My camera's on. Yep.

  • Speaker #0

    Shit. Oh no, man. I can hit pause and start again if you want you want to start again? no that's okay we'll keep going sorry guys you're going to watch this and you'll see I can hear Rob and Fisher going you really shouldn't break stuff up like that well it couldn't help it it was a long day so but what was like I said what was like your epiphany with all of this.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. So the epiphany was, oh my gosh, I can get this data and now I can target my solution to this. And so, oh, you had asked how long it took me to heal my gut. So of course it is a process, right? Because there's certain things that you can do quickly. Like I've learned which foods I was sensitive to. those were easy to, you know, take out for a little while and to let my gut start to heal. And so it took, you know, it took, it, I mean, honestly, almost instantly, probably two to three weeks, I was getting tremendous relief. To actually heal my gut took probably six to eight months until I really was noticing, wow, I don't even think about XYZ anymore.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. There was a friend of mine who was waking up every morning. She would try to do her meditations, get grounded, do yoga. because it wasn't until I healed my gut issues that that became the thing that I could do. Like it was just a distraction. It didn't, you know, it was like the base thing for her was her gut health. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. They say the gut, the gut is the root of everything.

  • Speaker #0

    And you also were talking about that kind of thinking and gut thing. how your brain, what is that connection you were talking about? I saw you put up a video about it.

  • Speaker #1

    So I said, well, just now I was talking about brain fog and like being able to focus. But when you're, you know, when your gut bacteria is off, you're not able to digest your food well. And when you can't digest your food well, then your body can't extract nutrients. And so then your body doesn't have the nutrients and the protein and all these building blocks that it needs to support your brain.

  • Speaker #0

    Why did you decide that you wanted to become like this functional health coach? You could have been like a life coach, you could have this or that. Why that thing?

  • Speaker #1

    Because I'm a data person, as you probably know. And when I found out that we could get data like this from the body, and it was nothing I could get at my doctor, and it was nothing I could get from Dr. Google, it was fascinating to me. And it just can shortcut your path to feeling so much better.

  • Speaker #0

    And so is there a specific test that you use or the people that you work with use to do the testing sort of thing?

  • Speaker #1

    Yep. So I really use four basic foundational tests on everybody. One is a food sensitivity test. One is called the Dutch test and it tests for hormones and cortisol. One is called the GI map and that tests all everything gut. And then I test the hair trace mineral assessment, it's called. And it comes from your hair and it tests all of your macro minerals, all of your essential minerals. And it also can give us some clues into thyroid health, blood sugar regulation, adrenal health. It gives us lots of ratios that can tell us so many clues about the body.

  • Speaker #0

    And speaking of immune health, like I have autoimmune, I'm a juvenile diabetic. So, you know, there's a big, you know, I think that my body has had a problem with, now, as my friend Danielle Pompetty would say, she goes, Rick Wood, do you know why bread tastes so good? And I went, no, she goes, wheat, damn it, not rice. It's wheat, because that's why all the substitutes taste so bad. I mean, I don't want to omit wheat altogether. Are there better choices? I mean.

  • Speaker #1

    So wheat has been shown to be very damaging to the gut, almost across the board. Some people can tolerate it better than others. So if you are eating wheat, you definitely want to be looking for things like gas, bloating. You know, unfortunately, it can sort of be that secret root cause that explodes into other things. As far as wheat, I mean, there's no safe amount of wheat to have. Like, I can't tell you, well, if you just have one piece of bread every three days, you're going to be fine. The healthier versions of wheat are things probably like Ezekiel bread that have a lot of... and seeds yeah so organic like if i'm gonna have pasta i'm gonna look for an organic pasta because at least it's not gonna have the glyphosate and pesticides on it that conventional

  • Speaker #0

    wheat will have what about sourdough

  • Speaker #1

    So sourdough, that's a very interesting topic. So sourdough is really good because it's fermented. And so that can really help your gut bacteria. So again, it's wheat. So each person is going to have to see how it is for them. But there is there is good stuff coming out about sourdough.

  • Speaker #0

    I mean, Amy back in the day, like if she was going to cheat, it would be with sourdough.

  • Speaker #1

    okay she didn't seem to have the same issues with and like with me when i eat sourdough i'll make french toast from it all kinds of stuff i don't get the bloat yeah so more and more people are actually telling me that about sourdough and so it could be the fermentation process that's giving you the pre and probiotics that your belly needs to just support it through that piece of bread the

  • Speaker #0

    other thing too is that you got to talk about the sugar thing. I mean, I don't want to, cause I think God gave us sugar to reward us from time to time. I wish there was a way I could ask it. How does one get rid of like excess sugar or, you know, whatever it's like, you know, I just, I know there's just sugar in everything. Yeah, it's in everything.

  • Speaker #1

    So this is what you just said. Now I completely forget what you just said.

  • Speaker #0

    You're about to yell at me.

  • Speaker #1

    From time to time. That's what you said. So that's the thing. Like if you're going to have some sugar from time to time, that's probably going to be fine. Right? Your body is meant to process, you know, everything, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, your body is meant to process those things. right? But the issue is when those things, or your body gets backlogged. And so then all of those things are accumulating and adding on to each other. And then there's the problem. But the other issue is that the United States is now putting sugar in everything. So there's sugar in ketchup. There's sugar in pasta sauce. There's sugar in, I mean, literally everything. and so that's what the issue is, is that now you went from like having, you know, baseline amounts of sugar to every single thing you eat has sugar in it, and now it's accumulating.

  • Speaker #0

    That is, you know, it's joint pain, I noticed, with higher levels of sugar in my body, that kind of stuff. I am not a great vegetable eater. And there are probably people who are watching this right now going, we would have to tie you down and shove vegetables in you to eat it. Yeah. I know whole foods, all of those things are the best, yada, yada. But I have a green supplement that's a powder. I have a celery, organic celery supplement that's a powder. I mix those all together in a big container. And I take that not because I think it'll substitute it, but it's called a supplement for a reason.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    So I'm trying to supplement that. The thing is when you're single and you're living alone, like you can't go buy like three cherries, a half a lemon, you know, it gets, I end up throwing away food. Um, I would love to have celery juice every day. No, I wouldn't love it. but it's good for you to have it every day. Yeah. But I can't imagine going through that juicing process every morning.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Juicing is tough because you have to go through so much, you know, quantity in order to get a little cup. But also the thing with juicing is that that, you know, juicing is great because all of those nutrients go directly into your bloodstream, right? They just go right in. But the issue is that then you're, you're missing out on the fiber. you're missing out on all the fiber that is, you know, that it's excreting the juice, but then the fiber is left over. And that fiber is so important for your body. So I'm not a huge fan of juicing. I'd rather see you put a spinach in your smoothie or something.

  • Speaker #0

    You said you would, Oh, look at you, you against juice and all these women going to be watching this. What do you mean? I juice every morning. My strawberries.

  • Speaker #1

    That's great. That's great. You know what? There is a place for juicing. Absolutely. And like I said, it's not that it's not nutritious. It's super nutritious and it goes straight into your body.

  • Speaker #0

    Now you take that pulp fiber when you're juicing and like. add it to soups or something?

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, you can. That's one of the number one recommendations is to take it and add it into soup.

  • Speaker #0

    But then again, like when it comes to gut health, if your gut's not healthy, taking in mass amount of fibers could be detrimental.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And and raw vegetables, too. It's, you know, depending on how your gut is currently will determine what your body can handle. And so eating a lot of raw vegetables can be really hard on a stomach that's struggling. so a lot of cook, you know, honestly, the soup is going to be better because it's going to be slow cooked, um, vegetables in there.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. When they thought I was suffering from GERD before I fell down the stairs and had the heart attack, um, like soups were really what I was eating most of the time. Yeah. Um, How do you feel about digestive enzymes?

  • Speaker #1

    I love digestive enzymes. I would say probably 90, well, maybe 80% of people that I do gut testing on come back deficient in digestive enzymes. And so a lot of that, you know, is things that can reduce the amount of digestive enzymes that your body naturally has are things like processed foods, sugar, alcohol, you know, all the things that we love as a treat, even all of those can really diminish your digestive enzymes. And if you're not, if you don't have enough digestive enzymes, again, your body's not breaking down your food, and then you're not getting the nutrients that your body needs.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I am. I guess we should bring this up because I'm an idiot. You know me. You probably heard me say that. You know, Pop-Tarts and stuff like that, they're not great for, I know that. But I'm one of those idiots that would walk past my ex or something with a box of Annie's original Pop-Tarts. She would shake the box and go, you know, these are still Pop-Tarts. You know, and I would look at the side of the sugar content and we'd be like. That's a big warning. It's like I tell people just because you got it out of the natural or the organic department doesn't mean that it's always great for you.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. I mean, organic cane sugar is typically what's in, you know, sort of like the all natural substitutes or alternatives, let's say. And so, I mean, large quantities of that is not going to be good for you either. I don't. Sure. Organic cane sugar is going to be better than ultra processed white sugar, but marginally.

  • Speaker #0

    Stevia or monk fruit?

  • Speaker #1

    So both are good. I personally prefer Stevia. I'll use it like if I make a mocktail or something. And I like to just put a little bit of sweetness. Monk fruit, I don't have a lot of experience with, but I know that it is a good all natural sugar substitute. I also like raw honey and real maple syrup, not Aunt Jemima, but real maple syrup.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, you had to get all races, not Aunt Jemima. I would love you to, and I'm kind of asking you to, I haven't seen them yet, but like someone making like a sugar-free or stevia sweet or monk fruit sweetened popsicle.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, yeah, that's a good idea.

  • Speaker #0

    Because I have to use the chemical-based ones here because they really are my best treat, non-caloric. Yeah. If I just like, if there was a steep, but you know, I haven't seen one in a health food store or anything.

  • Speaker #1

    Do you have a popsicle mold?

  • Speaker #0

    Listen, I was asking you to put this together. I'm trying to give you content. Why should I be making a pot of pickle?

  • Speaker #1

    I was going to give you a recipe on the spot.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, okay. Give the recipe. I'll write it down.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. So I like to make like my mocktail is I take a handful of mint leaves, like maybe five or six mint leaves. And I muddle that with the juice of a lemon. Sorry, a lime, not a lemon, a lime. And so I'll muddle that. And then I put one little teeny tiny little scoop of stevia in it with it. And then what you could do is you could take the you could take the mint leaves out and then add water. and then you're going to pour it into your popsicle molds and freeze it. It's going to be delicious, like a limeade popsicle.

  • Speaker #0

    Really? Because I know, like, a lot of people who are into health and stuff, they'll say, like, weird things like that's really good and healthy, and it'll taste like, you know, pretty much butt. But, no, that sounds actually, I would love to make ice cubes out of that.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, exactly. Yes, definitely ice cubes. That would be so refreshing. You could play around with it, right? Maybe some people like cucumber, like that refreshing cucumber taste. And so you're just going to muddle it.

  • Speaker #0

    How would you coach an idiot like me? Someone who's just really not knowledgeable. like what would you have me start to do?

  • Speaker #1

    So we're going to start with the basics. So we're going to make sure that you are drinking enough water each day. And if you're like, I can't drink another thing of water, I'm going to give you ways to make water. Put that down. water it's not sweet and I pee oh okay all right nice day I have to have a little caffeine yep yep that's okay I mean there again so there's hydration in that right there's water and ice probably that's melted in that but we want to make sure that you're getting enough water and then number two is we want to make sure you're going number two you and then number three for the foundations is eating real foods like how you know what are you eating for breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks and dessert um you know we and then but but then depending on where you're at like maybe you're like i eat 20 whole foods and i eat 80 processed foods fine so we're gonna figure out how to shift that so that you know maybe you're eating then you're eating 25 you know we're it's not going to just be like, okay, this is what you have to do, Rick. You got to go and X, Y, Z. You can never have anything again. We're going to work on it slowly so that it becomes part of your life and not like this huge, I have to sacrifice everything. And I'm going to quit as soon as I get off the phone with Krista.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, I have introduced, here's the thing. I'm finding out that I'm enjoying fish a lot more. But the problem is. I'll be fish. Now, you know, it's like fish can be some of the nastiest stuff on the planet right now. But I don't want to eat as much red meat.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    You know, I'm enjoying, you know. what's your plant-based burgers? Like back in the day, Boca was the plant-based burger I would get. Now they've got so many, but some of them are crap.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's the problem. It's the beauty and the problem now is that there's so many options. There's bound to be one that you like better, but I don't, I don't know which one that would be because there's so many options now.

  • Speaker #0

    What's your favorite?

  • Speaker #1

    So I have a black bean burger that I just bought. I wish I was closer to my fridge. I'd go find it. I have no idea what brand it was. And to be honest, I didn't love it. So it's just testing them out.

  • Speaker #0

    I rather have like grass fed organic beef than I would a plant based burger.

  • Speaker #1

    So yeah, I'm a meat. I'm a meat eater. I have tried going vegetarian. And after about six weeks, I knew my body needed some meat. I know this is going to be controversial for some people. But I definitely like for me, for myself, I do eat meat. And I feel better with some meat. I don't actually thrive on a lot of meat. but I thrive with some meat.

  • Speaker #0

    How does someone get a hold of you, contact you if they want to work with you?

  • Speaker #1

    On Instagram. Follow me on Instagram. I'm at a healthy option.

  • Speaker #0

    All right, that's right. That's how I found you. Well, I've known you forever. You're on Facebook as well, right?

  • Speaker #1

    I am on Facebook. Yep, as Krista Schooneman Lyons.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay. TikTok?

  • Speaker #1

    No, I go on TikTok because I think it's really funny, but I haven't been able to use it yet.

  • Speaker #0

    I am on TikTok, but it's like grudgingly. It's so begrudging. I'm like, I don't want to dance for anyone.

  • Speaker #1

    But apparently you can easily take your reels now and upload them to TikTok.

  • Speaker #0

    I haven't. I started to do that. Oh gosh, before I forget, you have like a little mini course or something that you have that people can like download to get for free or something. What is that?

  • Speaker #1

    I do. I have a download and it's my five things to try when you are suffering with bloating and gas. And it will be the first steps to help you banish that. And it's some of the things we talked about today. It's all about probiotics and digestive enzymes. those are definitely two of the things that I address in that download.

  • Speaker #0

    Also, too, alcohol can really wreck gut flora, too, can't it?

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Yes. I remember this one friend that she would have her like one or two glasses of wine, like at night and watch her shows or whatever. But all the work that she had been doing on her gut. was being screwed up because even though she wasn't getting drunk or blasted, it was still a daily thing of introducing that alcohol.

  • Speaker #1

    So you're right. So when you, when you drink alcohol, your body actually, or your liver prioritizes that alcohol over anything else. So before your body can even work on digesting your food, your body is trying to process that alcohol first. And so it can take a while for that to happen. And so that's then you're prolonging your digestion.

  • Speaker #0

    This has actually been really cool and interesting for me. And thank you for being so patient. Thanks for having me. We couldn't get on right away. I think more people, especially over the age of 40, need some kind of supplemental... thing when it comes to nutrition because I've got friends out there and you do too that have some really whacked out thinking um very quickly here you've heard of more what is it called moringa oh moringa yeah it's it's a I don't know what an herb a plant a vegetable something that uh people see something online about it says it'll help you lose weight I'll go not only it's just one thing and quite frankly moringa can make you not want to sleep at night it's very I can't take it some people add it to a greens drink and some of the greens powders to make you a little more just because you're losing weight because your metabolism is going up but I tell people because I was in the health food industry back in the day and it's like there's never just one thing. And people see that one thing, like, um,

  • Speaker #1

    but that's how disparate we are to feel better.

  • Speaker #0

    And, um, you eat worse when you feel worse. So it's really kind of a weird catch 22. It's like, I feel like crap. So I'm going to eat sugar. sugar makes me feel like crap.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. But I already feel like crap. So I'm just going to keep eating like crap because I already feel like crap.

  • Speaker #0

    Um, um, I really enjoyed this. This was very helpful. I can't wait to get some of the feedback. I'm going to have it up on YouTube and all the other stuff. Don't forget to follow Spiritual Dust. I'm on. Apple, Spotify, all of that stuff. And thank you guys for always supporting me in this. We just did, if you're listening to the podcast, what's really interesting is the owner of Shine Nutrition, I was supposed to interview her for a show. She turned that crap right around on me and turned it into an interview about me. But I think the universe wanted me to... do a couple of things. So please listen. The last five episodes have been great. I mean, we've had everything from African-American Rosie the Riveter. We've had a mandala artist on. I mean, it's been really fun stuff with really people with cool talents like you. I'd love to have you back on again. Maybe just an open-end thing where people can come on and just ask stuff about women's health. definitely nutrition so thank you so so much hang out here for a second but thank you everyone very quickly sean rosa and i will be live at the social next week so you're gonna have two mediums there you can even be read by two mediums at the same time so it's gonna be a lot of fun sean and i are just gonna be up there chit-chat and talking doing the podcast and then after the podcast we'll be doing um mini readings. So don't forget, it starts at 6, July the 10th, Sean Rose Over Key Woods. Thank you very much, folks, and have a wonderful day. Say goodnight, Gracie. You're Gracie.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, goodnight, everyone.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm so old, so are you. Goodbye. You never heard...


Functional Health Coach Christa talks gut health and how it affects everything1

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    on hi we look we look fresh and prepared chris and i could We were ready to go. Shit. What a morning. My name is Ricky Wood. Thank you for coming on to the Spiritual Dust podcast. And we are talking to Krista Lyons today. And Krista is an old friend. I mean, for years, like kind of elongated, weird family. I don't want to say your title and screw it up because I'll call you like psychopathic nutritionist or something like really weird. What is your title?

  • Speaker #1

    So I'm a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. So I shorten that to functional health practitioner.

  • Speaker #0

    what do those kind of people do?

  • Speaker #1

    So basically I use lab testing in order to get information and data directly from your body. And then we, we don't have to guess anymore. We have the answers. We know exactly where your body is out of balance.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I say this because all I have to do is say bloated, gas, everything else, and everybody knows what I'm talking about here. Gut health has become such a huge issue for people, and especially for women. I think men still have the issue. We'll just be uncomfortable all day. It's a painful way to be. What do you think is... The number one thing that is great, because I see it more in the last 10 years than I've ever seen it before. You know, people with the bloatedness, the gassiness, all of that. What is that? It's just like little gluten monsters everywhere or what?

  • Speaker #1

    I wish I could give you the one thing that it is, but this is the issue with gut health is that there's so many things that can contribute to it. So it can be food. It could definitely be gluten. Gluten is a huge issue right now. It could be You know, it could be a food sensitivity to something else that you have. Like I tell people all the time, you know, if you're thinking of doing an elimination diet, you're probably not going to eliminate things like broccoli or tomatoes or, you know, things that are healthy because they're healthy for you. But I can't tell you how many times I run a food sensitivity test and broccoli is on there or, you know, something that was something like watermelon. I had a client, she's like, don't tell me that, you know, it was summertime. But it's the, you know, it's someone.

  • Speaker #0

    it's those little things that are all adding up to creating that symptom where your body is then yelling at you something's wrong i mean my ex is addicted to chocolate i mean like i think there would be gunshots you know if somebody came to the home and took all the chocolate so you And they, you know, is there any truth to this that some of the things that we love the most may actually be some of the things we're the most allergic to?

  • Speaker #1

    So yes and no. I mean, if it's something that you love the most, then you're eating it frequently. And so if that happens to be a food that's creating inflammation in your body, then yeah, if you're eating it a lot, that is going to create more inflammation. But it's not necessarily you know, like broccoli is broccoli. If you're eating a lot of broccoli, that's one thing that's not going to create necessarily the gut issue. But if you have a food sensitivity to broccoli and you're eating it all the time, then yes, that accumulation of inflammation is going to cause an issue. Does that make sense?

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, yes, yes, it does. The other thing is like, I know that, you know, cow's milk is such a big big issue too with sensitivity but i love cheese and don't look in this screen and tell me something like soy cheese or concrete cheese or some new ass nasty cheese i gotta eat so what does how do i kind of, I guess it's different if you have a food allergy, but it seems like they don't want us to eat anything anymore.

  • Speaker #1

    So two of the top things that people have a food sensitivity to are gluten and dairy. They just seem to be the most troublesome for people. You know, some studies have said we're not really meant to drink milk after we're done, you know, nursing from our mothers. So there's lots and lots and lots of studies on gluten and dairy. I would recommend. aged cheeses, things like Parmesan cheese versus something like a triple cream, like that may be easier for you to digest. It really all depends on what's going on, but it's also may not be the cheese at all. It may be the damage that you have or the imbalance in your gut that's making you more sensitive to those foods. So sometimes we have to go in. and we have to figure out, well, what's your gut bacteria levels, the good versus the bad? You know, do you have leaky gut? Is that creating an issue? Do you have other things like gut bugs, like candida or parasites, which sounds gross, but they're very common. You know, all those things contribute to a dysfunctional gut function. And so cheese, you may not be able to tolerate cheese right now because certain other things are going on. but it may not be tolerate cheese.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll tolerate it. Even if I couldn't, I love cheese. Who doesn't love things like, I think I'm lucky because from the time I was about 10, I really stopped drinking cow's milk. I eat cheese, but I wasn't a cereal and milk kind of kid or anything like that. And, you know, I, I like cheese. it's the older I get now that the sensitivities are starting to pop up. And with the work that you do, it's almost kind of like a craft because people kind of half-ass everything. They'll go, oh, I'll just go take probiotics for a week. Well, there's some probiotics that... in some cases, you shouldn't even take if you have an issue.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. So that's what I say all the time, too. Like, you know, you're looking for that one shiny object, that one thing that's going to be the thing that is finally going to move the needle for you and finally going to help you. And so we're marketed all these things. So like tape, take probiotics, right? All you have to do is look in your Facebook feed or Instagram feed, there's going to be something about, you know, probiotics. But if your gut bacteria is already overgrown, so you have too much gut bacteria, and then you add a probiotic, which is adding more gut bacteria in, that's just going to amplify your problem.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I've known you for a long time, and when I first met you, you didn't seem like the type to really cared about, cared about, like, gut flora. Yeah. But something must have happened to you that is almost like a... What kind of religious experience for you? What happened?

  • Speaker #1

    So I've been a health coach for over 10 years. But what happened was I was two things personally, and professionally, you know, I was a health coach, and I was working basically on helping people eat clean, you know, eating more whole foods instead of processed foods. But I wasn't getting the results that I was hoping for for my clients because we were still guessing. We were still trying to figure out, well, what is the body sensitive to? What's out of balance? Like it's really hard to do that just with an elimination diet. And so I was also struggling myself with gut issues. And so as a busy mom, I was like, I can handle this. No problem. I got this. You know, this is just another thing. It happens as you get older. And so I put everything aside. I just sort of tried to sweep it under, you know, under the rug. And then one day I was driving my kids to school and they were young. They were in elementary school. And I remember getting home. I dropped them off and gotten home. And I was like, my brain was in such a fog. I could not like, and I had slept that night. But I could not focus, I could not focus. And I was having a really hard time just really being present. And so I was like, okay, something's wrong. And my own gut was, you know, I was bloated all the time, I was struggling when I would go out to eat with people what, you know, I didn't want to eat something that was going to make me run to the bathroom, or, you know, be again, be super bloated. And so I was, it was, it was really difficult. And so I got to the point where I couldn't, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was like, something has to give. And I got into this program with functional coaching, first of all, because I was able to go through all the testing myself. So as I was learning about all the tests, I was also being tested and going through the whole process. And I got my test results back. Now, I've been a health coach for 10 years, right? I should be I should have great test results. And I'm looking at my results like I am one big hot mess. and so I knew that from the wrong yeah but you knew that so then I'm looking at the results and I'm like well now this is awesome because now I know exactly what's wrong and how to fix it and then I had to help others

  • Speaker #0

    Now, I guess, how long did it take you to fix it?

  • Speaker #1

    So, right, that's also a complicated question. Oh, you're calling me.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, there's some, I still think there's some coronal sun virus thing going on because my phone is acting whack. You saw when we were talking that music just started playing.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, now I don't know where you are on my screen. Can you see me? No. Can we edit this out?

  • Speaker #0

    No, you're right in front of me. I can see you just fine.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. Well, I'm just going to pretend I can see you. I can't see you. technology.

  • Speaker #0

    I didn't touch anything.

  • Speaker #1

    No, it was when the phone came.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm wearing the same black t-shirt. I don't know why you can't see me.

  • Speaker #1

    It's alright. That's okay. We're just going to chit chat.

  • Speaker #0

    No, it says is your camera on?

  • Speaker #1

    My camera's on. Yep.

  • Speaker #0

    Shit. Oh no, man. I can hit pause and start again if you want you want to start again? no that's okay we'll keep going sorry guys you're going to watch this and you'll see I can hear Rob and Fisher going you really shouldn't break stuff up like that well it couldn't help it it was a long day so but what was like I said what was like your epiphany with all of this.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. So the epiphany was, oh my gosh, I can get this data and now I can target my solution to this. And so, oh, you had asked how long it took me to heal my gut. So of course it is a process, right? Because there's certain things that you can do quickly. Like I've learned which foods I was sensitive to. those were easy to, you know, take out for a little while and to let my gut start to heal. And so it took, you know, it took, it, I mean, honestly, almost instantly, probably two to three weeks, I was getting tremendous relief. To actually heal my gut took probably six to eight months until I really was noticing, wow, I don't even think about XYZ anymore.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. There was a friend of mine who was waking up every morning. She would try to do her meditations, get grounded, do yoga. because it wasn't until I healed my gut issues that that became the thing that I could do. Like it was just a distraction. It didn't, you know, it was like the base thing for her was her gut health. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. They say the gut, the gut is the root of everything.

  • Speaker #0

    And you also were talking about that kind of thinking and gut thing. how your brain, what is that connection you were talking about? I saw you put up a video about it.

  • Speaker #1

    So I said, well, just now I was talking about brain fog and like being able to focus. But when you're, you know, when your gut bacteria is off, you're not able to digest your food well. And when you can't digest your food well, then your body can't extract nutrients. And so then your body doesn't have the nutrients and the protein and all these building blocks that it needs to support your brain.

  • Speaker #0

    Why did you decide that you wanted to become like this functional health coach? You could have been like a life coach, you could have this or that. Why that thing?

  • Speaker #1

    Because I'm a data person, as you probably know. And when I found out that we could get data like this from the body, and it was nothing I could get at my doctor, and it was nothing I could get from Dr. Google, it was fascinating to me. And it just can shortcut your path to feeling so much better.

  • Speaker #0

    And so is there a specific test that you use or the people that you work with use to do the testing sort of thing?

  • Speaker #1

    Yep. So I really use four basic foundational tests on everybody. One is a food sensitivity test. One is called the Dutch test and it tests for hormones and cortisol. One is called the GI map and that tests all everything gut. And then I test the hair trace mineral assessment, it's called. And it comes from your hair and it tests all of your macro minerals, all of your essential minerals. And it also can give us some clues into thyroid health, blood sugar regulation, adrenal health. It gives us lots of ratios that can tell us so many clues about the body.

  • Speaker #0

    And speaking of immune health, like I have autoimmune, I'm a juvenile diabetic. So, you know, there's a big, you know, I think that my body has had a problem with, now, as my friend Danielle Pompetty would say, she goes, Rick Wood, do you know why bread tastes so good? And I went, no, she goes, wheat, damn it, not rice. It's wheat, because that's why all the substitutes taste so bad. I mean, I don't want to omit wheat altogether. Are there better choices? I mean.

  • Speaker #1

    So wheat has been shown to be very damaging to the gut, almost across the board. Some people can tolerate it better than others. So if you are eating wheat, you definitely want to be looking for things like gas, bloating. You know, unfortunately, it can sort of be that secret root cause that explodes into other things. As far as wheat, I mean, there's no safe amount of wheat to have. Like, I can't tell you, well, if you just have one piece of bread every three days, you're going to be fine. The healthier versions of wheat are things probably like Ezekiel bread that have a lot of... and seeds yeah so organic like if i'm gonna have pasta i'm gonna look for an organic pasta because at least it's not gonna have the glyphosate and pesticides on it that conventional

  • Speaker #0

    wheat will have what about sourdough

  • Speaker #1

    So sourdough, that's a very interesting topic. So sourdough is really good because it's fermented. And so that can really help your gut bacteria. So again, it's wheat. So each person is going to have to see how it is for them. But there is there is good stuff coming out about sourdough.

  • Speaker #0

    I mean, Amy back in the day, like if she was going to cheat, it would be with sourdough.

  • Speaker #1

    okay she didn't seem to have the same issues with and like with me when i eat sourdough i'll make french toast from it all kinds of stuff i don't get the bloat yeah so more and more people are actually telling me that about sourdough and so it could be the fermentation process that's giving you the pre and probiotics that your belly needs to just support it through that piece of bread the

  • Speaker #0

    other thing too is that you got to talk about the sugar thing. I mean, I don't want to, cause I think God gave us sugar to reward us from time to time. I wish there was a way I could ask it. How does one get rid of like excess sugar or, you know, whatever it's like, you know, I just, I know there's just sugar in everything. Yeah, it's in everything.

  • Speaker #1

    So this is what you just said. Now I completely forget what you just said.

  • Speaker #0

    You're about to yell at me.

  • Speaker #1

    From time to time. That's what you said. So that's the thing. Like if you're going to have some sugar from time to time, that's probably going to be fine. Right? Your body is meant to process, you know, everything, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, your body is meant to process those things. right? But the issue is when those things, or your body gets backlogged. And so then all of those things are accumulating and adding on to each other. And then there's the problem. But the other issue is that the United States is now putting sugar in everything. So there's sugar in ketchup. There's sugar in pasta sauce. There's sugar in, I mean, literally everything. and so that's what the issue is, is that now you went from like having, you know, baseline amounts of sugar to every single thing you eat has sugar in it, and now it's accumulating.

  • Speaker #0

    That is, you know, it's joint pain, I noticed, with higher levels of sugar in my body, that kind of stuff. I am not a great vegetable eater. And there are probably people who are watching this right now going, we would have to tie you down and shove vegetables in you to eat it. Yeah. I know whole foods, all of those things are the best, yada, yada. But I have a green supplement that's a powder. I have a celery, organic celery supplement that's a powder. I mix those all together in a big container. And I take that not because I think it'll substitute it, but it's called a supplement for a reason.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    So I'm trying to supplement that. The thing is when you're single and you're living alone, like you can't go buy like three cherries, a half a lemon, you know, it gets, I end up throwing away food. Um, I would love to have celery juice every day. No, I wouldn't love it. but it's good for you to have it every day. Yeah. But I can't imagine going through that juicing process every morning.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Juicing is tough because you have to go through so much, you know, quantity in order to get a little cup. But also the thing with juicing is that that, you know, juicing is great because all of those nutrients go directly into your bloodstream, right? They just go right in. But the issue is that then you're, you're missing out on the fiber. you're missing out on all the fiber that is, you know, that it's excreting the juice, but then the fiber is left over. And that fiber is so important for your body. So I'm not a huge fan of juicing. I'd rather see you put a spinach in your smoothie or something.

  • Speaker #0

    You said you would, Oh, look at you, you against juice and all these women going to be watching this. What do you mean? I juice every morning. My strawberries.

  • Speaker #1

    That's great. That's great. You know what? There is a place for juicing. Absolutely. And like I said, it's not that it's not nutritious. It's super nutritious and it goes straight into your body.

  • Speaker #0

    Now you take that pulp fiber when you're juicing and like. add it to soups or something?

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, you can. That's one of the number one recommendations is to take it and add it into soup.

  • Speaker #0

    But then again, like when it comes to gut health, if your gut's not healthy, taking in mass amount of fibers could be detrimental.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And and raw vegetables, too. It's, you know, depending on how your gut is currently will determine what your body can handle. And so eating a lot of raw vegetables can be really hard on a stomach that's struggling. so a lot of cook, you know, honestly, the soup is going to be better because it's going to be slow cooked, um, vegetables in there.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. When they thought I was suffering from GERD before I fell down the stairs and had the heart attack, um, like soups were really what I was eating most of the time. Yeah. Um, How do you feel about digestive enzymes?

  • Speaker #1

    I love digestive enzymes. I would say probably 90, well, maybe 80% of people that I do gut testing on come back deficient in digestive enzymes. And so a lot of that, you know, is things that can reduce the amount of digestive enzymes that your body naturally has are things like processed foods, sugar, alcohol, you know, all the things that we love as a treat, even all of those can really diminish your digestive enzymes. And if you're not, if you don't have enough digestive enzymes, again, your body's not breaking down your food, and then you're not getting the nutrients that your body needs.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I am. I guess we should bring this up because I'm an idiot. You know me. You probably heard me say that. You know, Pop-Tarts and stuff like that, they're not great for, I know that. But I'm one of those idiots that would walk past my ex or something with a box of Annie's original Pop-Tarts. She would shake the box and go, you know, these are still Pop-Tarts. You know, and I would look at the side of the sugar content and we'd be like. That's a big warning. It's like I tell people just because you got it out of the natural or the organic department doesn't mean that it's always great for you.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. I mean, organic cane sugar is typically what's in, you know, sort of like the all natural substitutes or alternatives, let's say. And so, I mean, large quantities of that is not going to be good for you either. I don't. Sure. Organic cane sugar is going to be better than ultra processed white sugar, but marginally.

  • Speaker #0

    Stevia or monk fruit?

  • Speaker #1

    So both are good. I personally prefer Stevia. I'll use it like if I make a mocktail or something. And I like to just put a little bit of sweetness. Monk fruit, I don't have a lot of experience with, but I know that it is a good all natural sugar substitute. I also like raw honey and real maple syrup, not Aunt Jemima, but real maple syrup.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, you had to get all races, not Aunt Jemima. I would love you to, and I'm kind of asking you to, I haven't seen them yet, but like someone making like a sugar-free or stevia sweet or monk fruit sweetened popsicle.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, yeah, that's a good idea.

  • Speaker #0

    Because I have to use the chemical-based ones here because they really are my best treat, non-caloric. Yeah. If I just like, if there was a steep, but you know, I haven't seen one in a health food store or anything.

  • Speaker #1

    Do you have a popsicle mold?

  • Speaker #0

    Listen, I was asking you to put this together. I'm trying to give you content. Why should I be making a pot of pickle?

  • Speaker #1

    I was going to give you a recipe on the spot.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, okay. Give the recipe. I'll write it down.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. So I like to make like my mocktail is I take a handful of mint leaves, like maybe five or six mint leaves. And I muddle that with the juice of a lemon. Sorry, a lime, not a lemon, a lime. And so I'll muddle that. And then I put one little teeny tiny little scoop of stevia in it with it. And then what you could do is you could take the you could take the mint leaves out and then add water. and then you're going to pour it into your popsicle molds and freeze it. It's going to be delicious, like a limeade popsicle.

  • Speaker #0

    Really? Because I know, like, a lot of people who are into health and stuff, they'll say, like, weird things like that's really good and healthy, and it'll taste like, you know, pretty much butt. But, no, that sounds actually, I would love to make ice cubes out of that.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, exactly. Yes, definitely ice cubes. That would be so refreshing. You could play around with it, right? Maybe some people like cucumber, like that refreshing cucumber taste. And so you're just going to muddle it.

  • Speaker #0

    How would you coach an idiot like me? Someone who's just really not knowledgeable. like what would you have me start to do?

  • Speaker #1

    So we're going to start with the basics. So we're going to make sure that you are drinking enough water each day. And if you're like, I can't drink another thing of water, I'm going to give you ways to make water. Put that down. water it's not sweet and I pee oh okay all right nice day I have to have a little caffeine yep yep that's okay I mean there again so there's hydration in that right there's water and ice probably that's melted in that but we want to make sure that you're getting enough water and then number two is we want to make sure you're going number two you and then number three for the foundations is eating real foods like how you know what are you eating for breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks and dessert um you know we and then but but then depending on where you're at like maybe you're like i eat 20 whole foods and i eat 80 processed foods fine so we're gonna figure out how to shift that so that you know maybe you're eating then you're eating 25 you know we're it's not going to just be like, okay, this is what you have to do, Rick. You got to go and X, Y, Z. You can never have anything again. We're going to work on it slowly so that it becomes part of your life and not like this huge, I have to sacrifice everything. And I'm going to quit as soon as I get off the phone with Krista.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, I have introduced, here's the thing. I'm finding out that I'm enjoying fish a lot more. But the problem is. I'll be fish. Now, you know, it's like fish can be some of the nastiest stuff on the planet right now. But I don't want to eat as much red meat.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    You know, I'm enjoying, you know. what's your plant-based burgers? Like back in the day, Boca was the plant-based burger I would get. Now they've got so many, but some of them are crap.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's the problem. It's the beauty and the problem now is that there's so many options. There's bound to be one that you like better, but I don't, I don't know which one that would be because there's so many options now.

  • Speaker #0

    What's your favorite?

  • Speaker #1

    So I have a black bean burger that I just bought. I wish I was closer to my fridge. I'd go find it. I have no idea what brand it was. And to be honest, I didn't love it. So it's just testing them out.

  • Speaker #0

    I rather have like grass fed organic beef than I would a plant based burger.

  • Speaker #1

    So yeah, I'm a meat. I'm a meat eater. I have tried going vegetarian. And after about six weeks, I knew my body needed some meat. I know this is going to be controversial for some people. But I definitely like for me, for myself, I do eat meat. And I feel better with some meat. I don't actually thrive on a lot of meat. but I thrive with some meat.

  • Speaker #0

    How does someone get a hold of you, contact you if they want to work with you?

  • Speaker #1

    On Instagram. Follow me on Instagram. I'm at a healthy option.

  • Speaker #0

    All right, that's right. That's how I found you. Well, I've known you forever. You're on Facebook as well, right?

  • Speaker #1

    I am on Facebook. Yep, as Krista Schooneman Lyons.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay. TikTok?

  • Speaker #1

    No, I go on TikTok because I think it's really funny, but I haven't been able to use it yet.

  • Speaker #0

    I am on TikTok, but it's like grudgingly. It's so begrudging. I'm like, I don't want to dance for anyone.

  • Speaker #1

    But apparently you can easily take your reels now and upload them to TikTok.

  • Speaker #0

    I haven't. I started to do that. Oh gosh, before I forget, you have like a little mini course or something that you have that people can like download to get for free or something. What is that?

  • Speaker #1

    I do. I have a download and it's my five things to try when you are suffering with bloating and gas. And it will be the first steps to help you banish that. And it's some of the things we talked about today. It's all about probiotics and digestive enzymes. those are definitely two of the things that I address in that download.

  • Speaker #0

    Also, too, alcohol can really wreck gut flora, too, can't it?

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Yes. I remember this one friend that she would have her like one or two glasses of wine, like at night and watch her shows or whatever. But all the work that she had been doing on her gut. was being screwed up because even though she wasn't getting drunk or blasted, it was still a daily thing of introducing that alcohol.

  • Speaker #1

    So you're right. So when you, when you drink alcohol, your body actually, or your liver prioritizes that alcohol over anything else. So before your body can even work on digesting your food, your body is trying to process that alcohol first. And so it can take a while for that to happen. And so that's then you're prolonging your digestion.

  • Speaker #0

    This has actually been really cool and interesting for me. And thank you for being so patient. Thanks for having me. We couldn't get on right away. I think more people, especially over the age of 40, need some kind of supplemental... thing when it comes to nutrition because I've got friends out there and you do too that have some really whacked out thinking um very quickly here you've heard of more what is it called moringa oh moringa yeah it's it's a I don't know what an herb a plant a vegetable something that uh people see something online about it says it'll help you lose weight I'll go not only it's just one thing and quite frankly moringa can make you not want to sleep at night it's very I can't take it some people add it to a greens drink and some of the greens powders to make you a little more just because you're losing weight because your metabolism is going up but I tell people because I was in the health food industry back in the day and it's like there's never just one thing. And people see that one thing, like, um,

  • Speaker #1

    but that's how disparate we are to feel better.

  • Speaker #0

    And, um, you eat worse when you feel worse. So it's really kind of a weird catch 22. It's like, I feel like crap. So I'm going to eat sugar. sugar makes me feel like crap.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. But I already feel like crap. So I'm just going to keep eating like crap because I already feel like crap.

  • Speaker #0

    Um, um, I really enjoyed this. This was very helpful. I can't wait to get some of the feedback. I'm going to have it up on YouTube and all the other stuff. Don't forget to follow Spiritual Dust. I'm on. Apple, Spotify, all of that stuff. And thank you guys for always supporting me in this. We just did, if you're listening to the podcast, what's really interesting is the owner of Shine Nutrition, I was supposed to interview her for a show. She turned that crap right around on me and turned it into an interview about me. But I think the universe wanted me to... do a couple of things. So please listen. The last five episodes have been great. I mean, we've had everything from African-American Rosie the Riveter. We've had a mandala artist on. I mean, it's been really fun stuff with really people with cool talents like you. I'd love to have you back on again. Maybe just an open-end thing where people can come on and just ask stuff about women's health. definitely nutrition so thank you so so much hang out here for a second but thank you everyone very quickly sean rosa and i will be live at the social next week so you're gonna have two mediums there you can even be read by two mediums at the same time so it's gonna be a lot of fun sean and i are just gonna be up there chit-chat and talking doing the podcast and then after the podcast we'll be doing um mini readings. So don't forget, it starts at 6, July the 10th, Sean Rose Over Key Woods. Thank you very much, folks, and have a wonderful day. Say goodnight, Gracie. You're Gracie.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, goodnight, everyone.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm so old, so are you. Goodbye. You never heard...



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Functional Health Coach Christa talks gut health and how it affects everything1

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  • Speaker #0

    on hi we look we look fresh and prepared chris and i could We were ready to go. Shit. What a morning. My name is Ricky Wood. Thank you for coming on to the Spiritual Dust podcast. And we are talking to Krista Lyons today. And Krista is an old friend. I mean, for years, like kind of elongated, weird family. I don't want to say your title and screw it up because I'll call you like psychopathic nutritionist or something like really weird. What is your title?

  • Speaker #1

    So I'm a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. So I shorten that to functional health practitioner.

  • Speaker #0

    what do those kind of people do?

  • Speaker #1

    So basically I use lab testing in order to get information and data directly from your body. And then we, we don't have to guess anymore. We have the answers. We know exactly where your body is out of balance.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I say this because all I have to do is say bloated, gas, everything else, and everybody knows what I'm talking about here. Gut health has become such a huge issue for people, and especially for women. I think men still have the issue. We'll just be uncomfortable all day. It's a painful way to be. What do you think is... The number one thing that is great, because I see it more in the last 10 years than I've ever seen it before. You know, people with the bloatedness, the gassiness, all of that. What is that? It's just like little gluten monsters everywhere or what?

  • Speaker #1

    I wish I could give you the one thing that it is, but this is the issue with gut health is that there's so many things that can contribute to it. So it can be food. It could definitely be gluten. Gluten is a huge issue right now. It could be You know, it could be a food sensitivity to something else that you have. Like I tell people all the time, you know, if you're thinking of doing an elimination diet, you're probably not going to eliminate things like broccoli or tomatoes or, you know, things that are healthy because they're healthy for you. But I can't tell you how many times I run a food sensitivity test and broccoli is on there or, you know, something that was something like watermelon. I had a client, she's like, don't tell me that, you know, it was summertime. But it's the, you know, it's someone.

  • Speaker #0

    it's those little things that are all adding up to creating that symptom where your body is then yelling at you something's wrong i mean my ex is addicted to chocolate i mean like i think there would be gunshots you know if somebody came to the home and took all the chocolate so you And they, you know, is there any truth to this that some of the things that we love the most may actually be some of the things we're the most allergic to?

  • Speaker #1

    So yes and no. I mean, if it's something that you love the most, then you're eating it frequently. And so if that happens to be a food that's creating inflammation in your body, then yeah, if you're eating it a lot, that is going to create more inflammation. But it's not necessarily you know, like broccoli is broccoli. If you're eating a lot of broccoli, that's one thing that's not going to create necessarily the gut issue. But if you have a food sensitivity to broccoli and you're eating it all the time, then yes, that accumulation of inflammation is going to cause an issue. Does that make sense?

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, yes, yes, it does. The other thing is like, I know that, you know, cow's milk is such a big big issue too with sensitivity but i love cheese and don't look in this screen and tell me something like soy cheese or concrete cheese or some new ass nasty cheese i gotta eat so what does how do i kind of, I guess it's different if you have a food allergy, but it seems like they don't want us to eat anything anymore.

  • Speaker #1

    So two of the top things that people have a food sensitivity to are gluten and dairy. They just seem to be the most troublesome for people. You know, some studies have said we're not really meant to drink milk after we're done, you know, nursing from our mothers. So there's lots and lots and lots of studies on gluten and dairy. I would recommend. aged cheeses, things like Parmesan cheese versus something like a triple cream, like that may be easier for you to digest. It really all depends on what's going on, but it's also may not be the cheese at all. It may be the damage that you have or the imbalance in your gut that's making you more sensitive to those foods. So sometimes we have to go in. and we have to figure out, well, what's your gut bacteria levels, the good versus the bad? You know, do you have leaky gut? Is that creating an issue? Do you have other things like gut bugs, like candida or parasites, which sounds gross, but they're very common. You know, all those things contribute to a dysfunctional gut function. And so cheese, you may not be able to tolerate cheese right now because certain other things are going on. but it may not be tolerate cheese.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll tolerate it. Even if I couldn't, I love cheese. Who doesn't love things like, I think I'm lucky because from the time I was about 10, I really stopped drinking cow's milk. I eat cheese, but I wasn't a cereal and milk kind of kid or anything like that. And, you know, I, I like cheese. it's the older I get now that the sensitivities are starting to pop up. And with the work that you do, it's almost kind of like a craft because people kind of half-ass everything. They'll go, oh, I'll just go take probiotics for a week. Well, there's some probiotics that... in some cases, you shouldn't even take if you have an issue.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. So that's what I say all the time, too. Like, you know, you're looking for that one shiny object, that one thing that's going to be the thing that is finally going to move the needle for you and finally going to help you. And so we're marketed all these things. So like tape, take probiotics, right? All you have to do is look in your Facebook feed or Instagram feed, there's going to be something about, you know, probiotics. But if your gut bacteria is already overgrown, so you have too much gut bacteria, and then you add a probiotic, which is adding more gut bacteria in, that's just going to amplify your problem.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I've known you for a long time, and when I first met you, you didn't seem like the type to really cared about, cared about, like, gut flora. Yeah. But something must have happened to you that is almost like a... What kind of religious experience for you? What happened?

  • Speaker #1

    So I've been a health coach for over 10 years. But what happened was I was two things personally, and professionally, you know, I was a health coach, and I was working basically on helping people eat clean, you know, eating more whole foods instead of processed foods. But I wasn't getting the results that I was hoping for for my clients because we were still guessing. We were still trying to figure out, well, what is the body sensitive to? What's out of balance? Like it's really hard to do that just with an elimination diet. And so I was also struggling myself with gut issues. And so as a busy mom, I was like, I can handle this. No problem. I got this. You know, this is just another thing. It happens as you get older. And so I put everything aside. I just sort of tried to sweep it under, you know, under the rug. And then one day I was driving my kids to school and they were young. They were in elementary school. And I remember getting home. I dropped them off and gotten home. And I was like, my brain was in such a fog. I could not like, and I had slept that night. But I could not focus, I could not focus. And I was having a really hard time just really being present. And so I was like, okay, something's wrong. And my own gut was, you know, I was bloated all the time, I was struggling when I would go out to eat with people what, you know, I didn't want to eat something that was going to make me run to the bathroom, or, you know, be again, be super bloated. And so I was, it was, it was really difficult. And so I got to the point where I couldn't, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was like, something has to give. And I got into this program with functional coaching, first of all, because I was able to go through all the testing myself. So as I was learning about all the tests, I was also being tested and going through the whole process. And I got my test results back. Now, I've been a health coach for 10 years, right? I should be I should have great test results. And I'm looking at my results like I am one big hot mess. and so I knew that from the wrong yeah but you knew that so then I'm looking at the results and I'm like well now this is awesome because now I know exactly what's wrong and how to fix it and then I had to help others

  • Speaker #0

    Now, I guess, how long did it take you to fix it?

  • Speaker #1

    So, right, that's also a complicated question. Oh, you're calling me.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, there's some, I still think there's some coronal sun virus thing going on because my phone is acting whack. You saw when we were talking that music just started playing.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, now I don't know where you are on my screen. Can you see me? No. Can we edit this out?

  • Speaker #0

    No, you're right in front of me. I can see you just fine.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. Well, I'm just going to pretend I can see you. I can't see you. technology.

  • Speaker #0

    I didn't touch anything.

  • Speaker #1

    No, it was when the phone came.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm wearing the same black t-shirt. I don't know why you can't see me.

  • Speaker #1

    It's alright. That's okay. We're just going to chit chat.

  • Speaker #0

    No, it says is your camera on?

  • Speaker #1

    My camera's on. Yep.

  • Speaker #0

    Shit. Oh no, man. I can hit pause and start again if you want you want to start again? no that's okay we'll keep going sorry guys you're going to watch this and you'll see I can hear Rob and Fisher going you really shouldn't break stuff up like that well it couldn't help it it was a long day so but what was like I said what was like your epiphany with all of this.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. So the epiphany was, oh my gosh, I can get this data and now I can target my solution to this. And so, oh, you had asked how long it took me to heal my gut. So of course it is a process, right? Because there's certain things that you can do quickly. Like I've learned which foods I was sensitive to. those were easy to, you know, take out for a little while and to let my gut start to heal. And so it took, you know, it took, it, I mean, honestly, almost instantly, probably two to three weeks, I was getting tremendous relief. To actually heal my gut took probably six to eight months until I really was noticing, wow, I don't even think about XYZ anymore.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. There was a friend of mine who was waking up every morning. She would try to do her meditations, get grounded, do yoga. because it wasn't until I healed my gut issues that that became the thing that I could do. Like it was just a distraction. It didn't, you know, it was like the base thing for her was her gut health. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. They say the gut, the gut is the root of everything.

  • Speaker #0

    And you also were talking about that kind of thinking and gut thing. how your brain, what is that connection you were talking about? I saw you put up a video about it.

  • Speaker #1

    So I said, well, just now I was talking about brain fog and like being able to focus. But when you're, you know, when your gut bacteria is off, you're not able to digest your food well. And when you can't digest your food well, then your body can't extract nutrients. And so then your body doesn't have the nutrients and the protein and all these building blocks that it needs to support your brain.

  • Speaker #0

    Why did you decide that you wanted to become like this functional health coach? You could have been like a life coach, you could have this or that. Why that thing?

  • Speaker #1

    Because I'm a data person, as you probably know. And when I found out that we could get data like this from the body, and it was nothing I could get at my doctor, and it was nothing I could get from Dr. Google, it was fascinating to me. And it just can shortcut your path to feeling so much better.

  • Speaker #0

    And so is there a specific test that you use or the people that you work with use to do the testing sort of thing?

  • Speaker #1

    Yep. So I really use four basic foundational tests on everybody. One is a food sensitivity test. One is called the Dutch test and it tests for hormones and cortisol. One is called the GI map and that tests all everything gut. And then I test the hair trace mineral assessment, it's called. And it comes from your hair and it tests all of your macro minerals, all of your essential minerals. And it also can give us some clues into thyroid health, blood sugar regulation, adrenal health. It gives us lots of ratios that can tell us so many clues about the body.

  • Speaker #0

    And speaking of immune health, like I have autoimmune, I'm a juvenile diabetic. So, you know, there's a big, you know, I think that my body has had a problem with, now, as my friend Danielle Pompetty would say, she goes, Rick Wood, do you know why bread tastes so good? And I went, no, she goes, wheat, damn it, not rice. It's wheat, because that's why all the substitutes taste so bad. I mean, I don't want to omit wheat altogether. Are there better choices? I mean.

  • Speaker #1

    So wheat has been shown to be very damaging to the gut, almost across the board. Some people can tolerate it better than others. So if you are eating wheat, you definitely want to be looking for things like gas, bloating. You know, unfortunately, it can sort of be that secret root cause that explodes into other things. As far as wheat, I mean, there's no safe amount of wheat to have. Like, I can't tell you, well, if you just have one piece of bread every three days, you're going to be fine. The healthier versions of wheat are things probably like Ezekiel bread that have a lot of... and seeds yeah so organic like if i'm gonna have pasta i'm gonna look for an organic pasta because at least it's not gonna have the glyphosate and pesticides on it that conventional

  • Speaker #0

    wheat will have what about sourdough

  • Speaker #1

    So sourdough, that's a very interesting topic. So sourdough is really good because it's fermented. And so that can really help your gut bacteria. So again, it's wheat. So each person is going to have to see how it is for them. But there is there is good stuff coming out about sourdough.

  • Speaker #0

    I mean, Amy back in the day, like if she was going to cheat, it would be with sourdough.

  • Speaker #1

    okay she didn't seem to have the same issues with and like with me when i eat sourdough i'll make french toast from it all kinds of stuff i don't get the bloat yeah so more and more people are actually telling me that about sourdough and so it could be the fermentation process that's giving you the pre and probiotics that your belly needs to just support it through that piece of bread the

  • Speaker #0

    other thing too is that you got to talk about the sugar thing. I mean, I don't want to, cause I think God gave us sugar to reward us from time to time. I wish there was a way I could ask it. How does one get rid of like excess sugar or, you know, whatever it's like, you know, I just, I know there's just sugar in everything. Yeah, it's in everything.

  • Speaker #1

    So this is what you just said. Now I completely forget what you just said.

  • Speaker #0

    You're about to yell at me.

  • Speaker #1

    From time to time. That's what you said. So that's the thing. Like if you're going to have some sugar from time to time, that's probably going to be fine. Right? Your body is meant to process, you know, everything, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, your body is meant to process those things. right? But the issue is when those things, or your body gets backlogged. And so then all of those things are accumulating and adding on to each other. And then there's the problem. But the other issue is that the United States is now putting sugar in everything. So there's sugar in ketchup. There's sugar in pasta sauce. There's sugar in, I mean, literally everything. and so that's what the issue is, is that now you went from like having, you know, baseline amounts of sugar to every single thing you eat has sugar in it, and now it's accumulating.

  • Speaker #0

    That is, you know, it's joint pain, I noticed, with higher levels of sugar in my body, that kind of stuff. I am not a great vegetable eater. And there are probably people who are watching this right now going, we would have to tie you down and shove vegetables in you to eat it. Yeah. I know whole foods, all of those things are the best, yada, yada. But I have a green supplement that's a powder. I have a celery, organic celery supplement that's a powder. I mix those all together in a big container. And I take that not because I think it'll substitute it, but it's called a supplement for a reason.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    So I'm trying to supplement that. The thing is when you're single and you're living alone, like you can't go buy like three cherries, a half a lemon, you know, it gets, I end up throwing away food. Um, I would love to have celery juice every day. No, I wouldn't love it. but it's good for you to have it every day. Yeah. But I can't imagine going through that juicing process every morning.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Juicing is tough because you have to go through so much, you know, quantity in order to get a little cup. But also the thing with juicing is that that, you know, juicing is great because all of those nutrients go directly into your bloodstream, right? They just go right in. But the issue is that then you're, you're missing out on the fiber. you're missing out on all the fiber that is, you know, that it's excreting the juice, but then the fiber is left over. And that fiber is so important for your body. So I'm not a huge fan of juicing. I'd rather see you put a spinach in your smoothie or something.

  • Speaker #0

    You said you would, Oh, look at you, you against juice and all these women going to be watching this. What do you mean? I juice every morning. My strawberries.

  • Speaker #1

    That's great. That's great. You know what? There is a place for juicing. Absolutely. And like I said, it's not that it's not nutritious. It's super nutritious and it goes straight into your body.

  • Speaker #0

    Now you take that pulp fiber when you're juicing and like. add it to soups or something?

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, you can. That's one of the number one recommendations is to take it and add it into soup.

  • Speaker #0

    But then again, like when it comes to gut health, if your gut's not healthy, taking in mass amount of fibers could be detrimental.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And and raw vegetables, too. It's, you know, depending on how your gut is currently will determine what your body can handle. And so eating a lot of raw vegetables can be really hard on a stomach that's struggling. so a lot of cook, you know, honestly, the soup is going to be better because it's going to be slow cooked, um, vegetables in there.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. When they thought I was suffering from GERD before I fell down the stairs and had the heart attack, um, like soups were really what I was eating most of the time. Yeah. Um, How do you feel about digestive enzymes?

  • Speaker #1

    I love digestive enzymes. I would say probably 90, well, maybe 80% of people that I do gut testing on come back deficient in digestive enzymes. And so a lot of that, you know, is things that can reduce the amount of digestive enzymes that your body naturally has are things like processed foods, sugar, alcohol, you know, all the things that we love as a treat, even all of those can really diminish your digestive enzymes. And if you're not, if you don't have enough digestive enzymes, again, your body's not breaking down your food, and then you're not getting the nutrients that your body needs.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I am. I guess we should bring this up because I'm an idiot. You know me. You probably heard me say that. You know, Pop-Tarts and stuff like that, they're not great for, I know that. But I'm one of those idiots that would walk past my ex or something with a box of Annie's original Pop-Tarts. She would shake the box and go, you know, these are still Pop-Tarts. You know, and I would look at the side of the sugar content and we'd be like. That's a big warning. It's like I tell people just because you got it out of the natural or the organic department doesn't mean that it's always great for you.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. I mean, organic cane sugar is typically what's in, you know, sort of like the all natural substitutes or alternatives, let's say. And so, I mean, large quantities of that is not going to be good for you either. I don't. Sure. Organic cane sugar is going to be better than ultra processed white sugar, but marginally.

  • Speaker #0

    Stevia or monk fruit?

  • Speaker #1

    So both are good. I personally prefer Stevia. I'll use it like if I make a mocktail or something. And I like to just put a little bit of sweetness. Monk fruit, I don't have a lot of experience with, but I know that it is a good all natural sugar substitute. I also like raw honey and real maple syrup, not Aunt Jemima, but real maple syrup.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, you had to get all races, not Aunt Jemima. I would love you to, and I'm kind of asking you to, I haven't seen them yet, but like someone making like a sugar-free or stevia sweet or monk fruit sweetened popsicle.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, yeah, that's a good idea.

  • Speaker #0

    Because I have to use the chemical-based ones here because they really are my best treat, non-caloric. Yeah. If I just like, if there was a steep, but you know, I haven't seen one in a health food store or anything.

  • Speaker #1

    Do you have a popsicle mold?

  • Speaker #0

    Listen, I was asking you to put this together. I'm trying to give you content. Why should I be making a pot of pickle?

  • Speaker #1

    I was going to give you a recipe on the spot.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, okay. Give the recipe. I'll write it down.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. So I like to make like my mocktail is I take a handful of mint leaves, like maybe five or six mint leaves. And I muddle that with the juice of a lemon. Sorry, a lime, not a lemon, a lime. And so I'll muddle that. And then I put one little teeny tiny little scoop of stevia in it with it. And then what you could do is you could take the you could take the mint leaves out and then add water. and then you're going to pour it into your popsicle molds and freeze it. It's going to be delicious, like a limeade popsicle.

  • Speaker #0

    Really? Because I know, like, a lot of people who are into health and stuff, they'll say, like, weird things like that's really good and healthy, and it'll taste like, you know, pretty much butt. But, no, that sounds actually, I would love to make ice cubes out of that.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, exactly. Yes, definitely ice cubes. That would be so refreshing. You could play around with it, right? Maybe some people like cucumber, like that refreshing cucumber taste. And so you're just going to muddle it.

  • Speaker #0

    How would you coach an idiot like me? Someone who's just really not knowledgeable. like what would you have me start to do?

  • Speaker #1

    So we're going to start with the basics. So we're going to make sure that you are drinking enough water each day. And if you're like, I can't drink another thing of water, I'm going to give you ways to make water. Put that down. water it's not sweet and I pee oh okay all right nice day I have to have a little caffeine yep yep that's okay I mean there again so there's hydration in that right there's water and ice probably that's melted in that but we want to make sure that you're getting enough water and then number two is we want to make sure you're going number two you and then number three for the foundations is eating real foods like how you know what are you eating for breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks and dessert um you know we and then but but then depending on where you're at like maybe you're like i eat 20 whole foods and i eat 80 processed foods fine so we're gonna figure out how to shift that so that you know maybe you're eating then you're eating 25 you know we're it's not going to just be like, okay, this is what you have to do, Rick. You got to go and X, Y, Z. You can never have anything again. We're going to work on it slowly so that it becomes part of your life and not like this huge, I have to sacrifice everything. And I'm going to quit as soon as I get off the phone with Krista.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, I have introduced, here's the thing. I'm finding out that I'm enjoying fish a lot more. But the problem is. I'll be fish. Now, you know, it's like fish can be some of the nastiest stuff on the planet right now. But I don't want to eat as much red meat.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    You know, I'm enjoying, you know. what's your plant-based burgers? Like back in the day, Boca was the plant-based burger I would get. Now they've got so many, but some of them are crap.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's the problem. It's the beauty and the problem now is that there's so many options. There's bound to be one that you like better, but I don't, I don't know which one that would be because there's so many options now.

  • Speaker #0

    What's your favorite?

  • Speaker #1

    So I have a black bean burger that I just bought. I wish I was closer to my fridge. I'd go find it. I have no idea what brand it was. And to be honest, I didn't love it. So it's just testing them out.

  • Speaker #0

    I rather have like grass fed organic beef than I would a plant based burger.

  • Speaker #1

    So yeah, I'm a meat. I'm a meat eater. I have tried going vegetarian. And after about six weeks, I knew my body needed some meat. I know this is going to be controversial for some people. But I definitely like for me, for myself, I do eat meat. And I feel better with some meat. I don't actually thrive on a lot of meat. but I thrive with some meat.

  • Speaker #0

    How does someone get a hold of you, contact you if they want to work with you?

  • Speaker #1

    On Instagram. Follow me on Instagram. I'm at a healthy option.

  • Speaker #0

    All right, that's right. That's how I found you. Well, I've known you forever. You're on Facebook as well, right?

  • Speaker #1

    I am on Facebook. Yep, as Krista Schooneman Lyons.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay. TikTok?

  • Speaker #1

    No, I go on TikTok because I think it's really funny, but I haven't been able to use it yet.

  • Speaker #0

    I am on TikTok, but it's like grudgingly. It's so begrudging. I'm like, I don't want to dance for anyone.

  • Speaker #1

    But apparently you can easily take your reels now and upload them to TikTok.

  • Speaker #0

    I haven't. I started to do that. Oh gosh, before I forget, you have like a little mini course or something that you have that people can like download to get for free or something. What is that?

  • Speaker #1

    I do. I have a download and it's my five things to try when you are suffering with bloating and gas. And it will be the first steps to help you banish that. And it's some of the things we talked about today. It's all about probiotics and digestive enzymes. those are definitely two of the things that I address in that download.

  • Speaker #0

    Also, too, alcohol can really wreck gut flora, too, can't it?

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Yes. I remember this one friend that she would have her like one or two glasses of wine, like at night and watch her shows or whatever. But all the work that she had been doing on her gut. was being screwed up because even though she wasn't getting drunk or blasted, it was still a daily thing of introducing that alcohol.

  • Speaker #1

    So you're right. So when you, when you drink alcohol, your body actually, or your liver prioritizes that alcohol over anything else. So before your body can even work on digesting your food, your body is trying to process that alcohol first. And so it can take a while for that to happen. And so that's then you're prolonging your digestion.

  • Speaker #0

    This has actually been really cool and interesting for me. And thank you for being so patient. Thanks for having me. We couldn't get on right away. I think more people, especially over the age of 40, need some kind of supplemental... thing when it comes to nutrition because I've got friends out there and you do too that have some really whacked out thinking um very quickly here you've heard of more what is it called moringa oh moringa yeah it's it's a I don't know what an herb a plant a vegetable something that uh people see something online about it says it'll help you lose weight I'll go not only it's just one thing and quite frankly moringa can make you not want to sleep at night it's very I can't take it some people add it to a greens drink and some of the greens powders to make you a little more just because you're losing weight because your metabolism is going up but I tell people because I was in the health food industry back in the day and it's like there's never just one thing. And people see that one thing, like, um,

  • Speaker #1

    but that's how disparate we are to feel better.

  • Speaker #0

    And, um, you eat worse when you feel worse. So it's really kind of a weird catch 22. It's like, I feel like crap. So I'm going to eat sugar. sugar makes me feel like crap.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. But I already feel like crap. So I'm just going to keep eating like crap because I already feel like crap.

  • Speaker #0

    Um, um, I really enjoyed this. This was very helpful. I can't wait to get some of the feedback. I'm going to have it up on YouTube and all the other stuff. Don't forget to follow Spiritual Dust. I'm on. Apple, Spotify, all of that stuff. And thank you guys for always supporting me in this. We just did, if you're listening to the podcast, what's really interesting is the owner of Shine Nutrition, I was supposed to interview her for a show. She turned that crap right around on me and turned it into an interview about me. But I think the universe wanted me to... do a couple of things. So please listen. The last five episodes have been great. I mean, we've had everything from African-American Rosie the Riveter. We've had a mandala artist on. I mean, it's been really fun stuff with really people with cool talents like you. I'd love to have you back on again. Maybe just an open-end thing where people can come on and just ask stuff about women's health. definitely nutrition so thank you so so much hang out here for a second but thank you everyone very quickly sean rosa and i will be live at the social next week so you're gonna have two mediums there you can even be read by two mediums at the same time so it's gonna be a lot of fun sean and i are just gonna be up there chit-chat and talking doing the podcast and then after the podcast we'll be doing um mini readings. So don't forget, it starts at 6, July the 10th, Sean Rose Over Key Woods. Thank you very much, folks, and have a wonderful day. Say goodnight, Gracie. You're Gracie.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, goodnight, everyone.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm so old, so are you. Goodbye. You never heard...


Functional Health Coach Christa talks gut health and how it affects everything1

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    on hi we look we look fresh and prepared chris and i could We were ready to go. Shit. What a morning. My name is Ricky Wood. Thank you for coming on to the Spiritual Dust podcast. And we are talking to Krista Lyons today. And Krista is an old friend. I mean, for years, like kind of elongated, weird family. I don't want to say your title and screw it up because I'll call you like psychopathic nutritionist or something like really weird. What is your title?

  • Speaker #1

    So I'm a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. So I shorten that to functional health practitioner.

  • Speaker #0

    what do those kind of people do?

  • Speaker #1

    So basically I use lab testing in order to get information and data directly from your body. And then we, we don't have to guess anymore. We have the answers. We know exactly where your body is out of balance.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I say this because all I have to do is say bloated, gas, everything else, and everybody knows what I'm talking about here. Gut health has become such a huge issue for people, and especially for women. I think men still have the issue. We'll just be uncomfortable all day. It's a painful way to be. What do you think is... The number one thing that is great, because I see it more in the last 10 years than I've ever seen it before. You know, people with the bloatedness, the gassiness, all of that. What is that? It's just like little gluten monsters everywhere or what?

  • Speaker #1

    I wish I could give you the one thing that it is, but this is the issue with gut health is that there's so many things that can contribute to it. So it can be food. It could definitely be gluten. Gluten is a huge issue right now. It could be You know, it could be a food sensitivity to something else that you have. Like I tell people all the time, you know, if you're thinking of doing an elimination diet, you're probably not going to eliminate things like broccoli or tomatoes or, you know, things that are healthy because they're healthy for you. But I can't tell you how many times I run a food sensitivity test and broccoli is on there or, you know, something that was something like watermelon. I had a client, she's like, don't tell me that, you know, it was summertime. But it's the, you know, it's someone.

  • Speaker #0

    it's those little things that are all adding up to creating that symptom where your body is then yelling at you something's wrong i mean my ex is addicted to chocolate i mean like i think there would be gunshots you know if somebody came to the home and took all the chocolate so you And they, you know, is there any truth to this that some of the things that we love the most may actually be some of the things we're the most allergic to?

  • Speaker #1

    So yes and no. I mean, if it's something that you love the most, then you're eating it frequently. And so if that happens to be a food that's creating inflammation in your body, then yeah, if you're eating it a lot, that is going to create more inflammation. But it's not necessarily you know, like broccoli is broccoli. If you're eating a lot of broccoli, that's one thing that's not going to create necessarily the gut issue. But if you have a food sensitivity to broccoli and you're eating it all the time, then yes, that accumulation of inflammation is going to cause an issue. Does that make sense?

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, yes, yes, it does. The other thing is like, I know that, you know, cow's milk is such a big big issue too with sensitivity but i love cheese and don't look in this screen and tell me something like soy cheese or concrete cheese or some new ass nasty cheese i gotta eat so what does how do i kind of, I guess it's different if you have a food allergy, but it seems like they don't want us to eat anything anymore.

  • Speaker #1

    So two of the top things that people have a food sensitivity to are gluten and dairy. They just seem to be the most troublesome for people. You know, some studies have said we're not really meant to drink milk after we're done, you know, nursing from our mothers. So there's lots and lots and lots of studies on gluten and dairy. I would recommend. aged cheeses, things like Parmesan cheese versus something like a triple cream, like that may be easier for you to digest. It really all depends on what's going on, but it's also may not be the cheese at all. It may be the damage that you have or the imbalance in your gut that's making you more sensitive to those foods. So sometimes we have to go in. and we have to figure out, well, what's your gut bacteria levels, the good versus the bad? You know, do you have leaky gut? Is that creating an issue? Do you have other things like gut bugs, like candida or parasites, which sounds gross, but they're very common. You know, all those things contribute to a dysfunctional gut function. And so cheese, you may not be able to tolerate cheese right now because certain other things are going on. but it may not be tolerate cheese.

  • Speaker #0

    I'll tolerate it. Even if I couldn't, I love cheese. Who doesn't love things like, I think I'm lucky because from the time I was about 10, I really stopped drinking cow's milk. I eat cheese, but I wasn't a cereal and milk kind of kid or anything like that. And, you know, I, I like cheese. it's the older I get now that the sensitivities are starting to pop up. And with the work that you do, it's almost kind of like a craft because people kind of half-ass everything. They'll go, oh, I'll just go take probiotics for a week. Well, there's some probiotics that... in some cases, you shouldn't even take if you have an issue.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. So that's what I say all the time, too. Like, you know, you're looking for that one shiny object, that one thing that's going to be the thing that is finally going to move the needle for you and finally going to help you. And so we're marketed all these things. So like tape, take probiotics, right? All you have to do is look in your Facebook feed or Instagram feed, there's going to be something about, you know, probiotics. But if your gut bacteria is already overgrown, so you have too much gut bacteria, and then you add a probiotic, which is adding more gut bacteria in, that's just going to amplify your problem.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I've known you for a long time, and when I first met you, you didn't seem like the type to really cared about, cared about, like, gut flora. Yeah. But something must have happened to you that is almost like a... What kind of religious experience for you? What happened?

  • Speaker #1

    So I've been a health coach for over 10 years. But what happened was I was two things personally, and professionally, you know, I was a health coach, and I was working basically on helping people eat clean, you know, eating more whole foods instead of processed foods. But I wasn't getting the results that I was hoping for for my clients because we were still guessing. We were still trying to figure out, well, what is the body sensitive to? What's out of balance? Like it's really hard to do that just with an elimination diet. And so I was also struggling myself with gut issues. And so as a busy mom, I was like, I can handle this. No problem. I got this. You know, this is just another thing. It happens as you get older. And so I put everything aside. I just sort of tried to sweep it under, you know, under the rug. And then one day I was driving my kids to school and they were young. They were in elementary school. And I remember getting home. I dropped them off and gotten home. And I was like, my brain was in such a fog. I could not like, and I had slept that night. But I could not focus, I could not focus. And I was having a really hard time just really being present. And so I was like, okay, something's wrong. And my own gut was, you know, I was bloated all the time, I was struggling when I would go out to eat with people what, you know, I didn't want to eat something that was going to make me run to the bathroom, or, you know, be again, be super bloated. And so I was, it was, it was really difficult. And so I got to the point where I couldn't, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was like, something has to give. And I got into this program with functional coaching, first of all, because I was able to go through all the testing myself. So as I was learning about all the tests, I was also being tested and going through the whole process. And I got my test results back. Now, I've been a health coach for 10 years, right? I should be I should have great test results. And I'm looking at my results like I am one big hot mess. and so I knew that from the wrong yeah but you knew that so then I'm looking at the results and I'm like well now this is awesome because now I know exactly what's wrong and how to fix it and then I had to help others

  • Speaker #0

    Now, I guess, how long did it take you to fix it?

  • Speaker #1

    So, right, that's also a complicated question. Oh, you're calling me.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, there's some, I still think there's some coronal sun virus thing going on because my phone is acting whack. You saw when we were talking that music just started playing.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, now I don't know where you are on my screen. Can you see me? No. Can we edit this out?

  • Speaker #0

    No, you're right in front of me. I can see you just fine.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. Well, I'm just going to pretend I can see you. I can't see you. technology.

  • Speaker #0

    I didn't touch anything.

  • Speaker #1

    No, it was when the phone came.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm wearing the same black t-shirt. I don't know why you can't see me.

  • Speaker #1

    It's alright. That's okay. We're just going to chit chat.

  • Speaker #0

    No, it says is your camera on?

  • Speaker #1

    My camera's on. Yep.

  • Speaker #0

    Shit. Oh no, man. I can hit pause and start again if you want you want to start again? no that's okay we'll keep going sorry guys you're going to watch this and you'll see I can hear Rob and Fisher going you really shouldn't break stuff up like that well it couldn't help it it was a long day so but what was like I said what was like your epiphany with all of this.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. So the epiphany was, oh my gosh, I can get this data and now I can target my solution to this. And so, oh, you had asked how long it took me to heal my gut. So of course it is a process, right? Because there's certain things that you can do quickly. Like I've learned which foods I was sensitive to. those were easy to, you know, take out for a little while and to let my gut start to heal. And so it took, you know, it took, it, I mean, honestly, almost instantly, probably two to three weeks, I was getting tremendous relief. To actually heal my gut took probably six to eight months until I really was noticing, wow, I don't even think about XYZ anymore.

  • Speaker #0

    Wow. There was a friend of mine who was waking up every morning. She would try to do her meditations, get grounded, do yoga. because it wasn't until I healed my gut issues that that became the thing that I could do. Like it was just a distraction. It didn't, you know, it was like the base thing for her was her gut health. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. They say the gut, the gut is the root of everything.

  • Speaker #0

    And you also were talking about that kind of thinking and gut thing. how your brain, what is that connection you were talking about? I saw you put up a video about it.

  • Speaker #1

    So I said, well, just now I was talking about brain fog and like being able to focus. But when you're, you know, when your gut bacteria is off, you're not able to digest your food well. And when you can't digest your food well, then your body can't extract nutrients. And so then your body doesn't have the nutrients and the protein and all these building blocks that it needs to support your brain.

  • Speaker #0

    Why did you decide that you wanted to become like this functional health coach? You could have been like a life coach, you could have this or that. Why that thing?

  • Speaker #1

    Because I'm a data person, as you probably know. And when I found out that we could get data like this from the body, and it was nothing I could get at my doctor, and it was nothing I could get from Dr. Google, it was fascinating to me. And it just can shortcut your path to feeling so much better.

  • Speaker #0

    And so is there a specific test that you use or the people that you work with use to do the testing sort of thing?

  • Speaker #1

    Yep. So I really use four basic foundational tests on everybody. One is a food sensitivity test. One is called the Dutch test and it tests for hormones and cortisol. One is called the GI map and that tests all everything gut. And then I test the hair trace mineral assessment, it's called. And it comes from your hair and it tests all of your macro minerals, all of your essential minerals. And it also can give us some clues into thyroid health, blood sugar regulation, adrenal health. It gives us lots of ratios that can tell us so many clues about the body.

  • Speaker #0

    And speaking of immune health, like I have autoimmune, I'm a juvenile diabetic. So, you know, there's a big, you know, I think that my body has had a problem with, now, as my friend Danielle Pompetty would say, she goes, Rick Wood, do you know why bread tastes so good? And I went, no, she goes, wheat, damn it, not rice. It's wheat, because that's why all the substitutes taste so bad. I mean, I don't want to omit wheat altogether. Are there better choices? I mean.

  • Speaker #1

    So wheat has been shown to be very damaging to the gut, almost across the board. Some people can tolerate it better than others. So if you are eating wheat, you definitely want to be looking for things like gas, bloating. You know, unfortunately, it can sort of be that secret root cause that explodes into other things. As far as wheat, I mean, there's no safe amount of wheat to have. Like, I can't tell you, well, if you just have one piece of bread every three days, you're going to be fine. The healthier versions of wheat are things probably like Ezekiel bread that have a lot of... and seeds yeah so organic like if i'm gonna have pasta i'm gonna look for an organic pasta because at least it's not gonna have the glyphosate and pesticides on it that conventional

  • Speaker #0

    wheat will have what about sourdough

  • Speaker #1

    So sourdough, that's a very interesting topic. So sourdough is really good because it's fermented. And so that can really help your gut bacteria. So again, it's wheat. So each person is going to have to see how it is for them. But there is there is good stuff coming out about sourdough.

  • Speaker #0

    I mean, Amy back in the day, like if she was going to cheat, it would be with sourdough.

  • Speaker #1

    okay she didn't seem to have the same issues with and like with me when i eat sourdough i'll make french toast from it all kinds of stuff i don't get the bloat yeah so more and more people are actually telling me that about sourdough and so it could be the fermentation process that's giving you the pre and probiotics that your belly needs to just support it through that piece of bread the

  • Speaker #0

    other thing too is that you got to talk about the sugar thing. I mean, I don't want to, cause I think God gave us sugar to reward us from time to time. I wish there was a way I could ask it. How does one get rid of like excess sugar or, you know, whatever it's like, you know, I just, I know there's just sugar in everything. Yeah, it's in everything.

  • Speaker #1

    So this is what you just said. Now I completely forget what you just said.

  • Speaker #0

    You're about to yell at me.

  • Speaker #1

    From time to time. That's what you said. So that's the thing. Like if you're going to have some sugar from time to time, that's probably going to be fine. Right? Your body is meant to process, you know, everything, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, your body is meant to process those things. right? But the issue is when those things, or your body gets backlogged. And so then all of those things are accumulating and adding on to each other. And then there's the problem. But the other issue is that the United States is now putting sugar in everything. So there's sugar in ketchup. There's sugar in pasta sauce. There's sugar in, I mean, literally everything. and so that's what the issue is, is that now you went from like having, you know, baseline amounts of sugar to every single thing you eat has sugar in it, and now it's accumulating.

  • Speaker #0

    That is, you know, it's joint pain, I noticed, with higher levels of sugar in my body, that kind of stuff. I am not a great vegetable eater. And there are probably people who are watching this right now going, we would have to tie you down and shove vegetables in you to eat it. Yeah. I know whole foods, all of those things are the best, yada, yada. But I have a green supplement that's a powder. I have a celery, organic celery supplement that's a powder. I mix those all together in a big container. And I take that not because I think it'll substitute it, but it's called a supplement for a reason.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    So I'm trying to supplement that. The thing is when you're single and you're living alone, like you can't go buy like three cherries, a half a lemon, you know, it gets, I end up throwing away food. Um, I would love to have celery juice every day. No, I wouldn't love it. but it's good for you to have it every day. Yeah. But I can't imagine going through that juicing process every morning.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Juicing is tough because you have to go through so much, you know, quantity in order to get a little cup. But also the thing with juicing is that that, you know, juicing is great because all of those nutrients go directly into your bloodstream, right? They just go right in. But the issue is that then you're, you're missing out on the fiber. you're missing out on all the fiber that is, you know, that it's excreting the juice, but then the fiber is left over. And that fiber is so important for your body. So I'm not a huge fan of juicing. I'd rather see you put a spinach in your smoothie or something.

  • Speaker #0

    You said you would, Oh, look at you, you against juice and all these women going to be watching this. What do you mean? I juice every morning. My strawberries.

  • Speaker #1

    That's great. That's great. You know what? There is a place for juicing. Absolutely. And like I said, it's not that it's not nutritious. It's super nutritious and it goes straight into your body.

  • Speaker #0

    Now you take that pulp fiber when you're juicing and like. add it to soups or something?

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, you can. That's one of the number one recommendations is to take it and add it into soup.

  • Speaker #0

    But then again, like when it comes to gut health, if your gut's not healthy, taking in mass amount of fibers could be detrimental.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. And and raw vegetables, too. It's, you know, depending on how your gut is currently will determine what your body can handle. And so eating a lot of raw vegetables can be really hard on a stomach that's struggling. so a lot of cook, you know, honestly, the soup is going to be better because it's going to be slow cooked, um, vegetables in there.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. When they thought I was suffering from GERD before I fell down the stairs and had the heart attack, um, like soups were really what I was eating most of the time. Yeah. Um, How do you feel about digestive enzymes?

  • Speaker #1

    I love digestive enzymes. I would say probably 90, well, maybe 80% of people that I do gut testing on come back deficient in digestive enzymes. And so a lot of that, you know, is things that can reduce the amount of digestive enzymes that your body naturally has are things like processed foods, sugar, alcohol, you know, all the things that we love as a treat, even all of those can really diminish your digestive enzymes. And if you're not, if you don't have enough digestive enzymes, again, your body's not breaking down your food, and then you're not getting the nutrients that your body needs.

  • Speaker #0

    You know, I am. I guess we should bring this up because I'm an idiot. You know me. You probably heard me say that. You know, Pop-Tarts and stuff like that, they're not great for, I know that. But I'm one of those idiots that would walk past my ex or something with a box of Annie's original Pop-Tarts. She would shake the box and go, you know, these are still Pop-Tarts. You know, and I would look at the side of the sugar content and we'd be like. That's a big warning. It's like I tell people just because you got it out of the natural or the organic department doesn't mean that it's always great for you.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. I mean, organic cane sugar is typically what's in, you know, sort of like the all natural substitutes or alternatives, let's say. And so, I mean, large quantities of that is not going to be good for you either. I don't. Sure. Organic cane sugar is going to be better than ultra processed white sugar, but marginally.

  • Speaker #0

    Stevia or monk fruit?

  • Speaker #1

    So both are good. I personally prefer Stevia. I'll use it like if I make a mocktail or something. And I like to just put a little bit of sweetness. Monk fruit, I don't have a lot of experience with, but I know that it is a good all natural sugar substitute. I also like raw honey and real maple syrup, not Aunt Jemima, but real maple syrup.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, you had to get all races, not Aunt Jemima. I would love you to, and I'm kind of asking you to, I haven't seen them yet, but like someone making like a sugar-free or stevia sweet or monk fruit sweetened popsicle.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, yeah, that's a good idea.

  • Speaker #0

    Because I have to use the chemical-based ones here because they really are my best treat, non-caloric. Yeah. If I just like, if there was a steep, but you know, I haven't seen one in a health food store or anything.

  • Speaker #1

    Do you have a popsicle mold?

  • Speaker #0

    Listen, I was asking you to put this together. I'm trying to give you content. Why should I be making a pot of pickle?

  • Speaker #1

    I was going to give you a recipe on the spot.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, okay. Give the recipe. I'll write it down.

  • Speaker #1

    All right. So I like to make like my mocktail is I take a handful of mint leaves, like maybe five or six mint leaves. And I muddle that with the juice of a lemon. Sorry, a lime, not a lemon, a lime. And so I'll muddle that. And then I put one little teeny tiny little scoop of stevia in it with it. And then what you could do is you could take the you could take the mint leaves out and then add water. and then you're going to pour it into your popsicle molds and freeze it. It's going to be delicious, like a limeade popsicle.

  • Speaker #0

    Really? Because I know, like, a lot of people who are into health and stuff, they'll say, like, weird things like that's really good and healthy, and it'll taste like, you know, pretty much butt. But, no, that sounds actually, I would love to make ice cubes out of that.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, exactly. Yes, definitely ice cubes. That would be so refreshing. You could play around with it, right? Maybe some people like cucumber, like that refreshing cucumber taste. And so you're just going to muddle it.

  • Speaker #0

    How would you coach an idiot like me? Someone who's just really not knowledgeable. like what would you have me start to do?

  • Speaker #1

    So we're going to start with the basics. So we're going to make sure that you are drinking enough water each day. And if you're like, I can't drink another thing of water, I'm going to give you ways to make water. Put that down. water it's not sweet and I pee oh okay all right nice day I have to have a little caffeine yep yep that's okay I mean there again so there's hydration in that right there's water and ice probably that's melted in that but we want to make sure that you're getting enough water and then number two is we want to make sure you're going number two you and then number three for the foundations is eating real foods like how you know what are you eating for breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks and dessert um you know we and then but but then depending on where you're at like maybe you're like i eat 20 whole foods and i eat 80 processed foods fine so we're gonna figure out how to shift that so that you know maybe you're eating then you're eating 25 you know we're it's not going to just be like, okay, this is what you have to do, Rick. You got to go and X, Y, Z. You can never have anything again. We're going to work on it slowly so that it becomes part of your life and not like this huge, I have to sacrifice everything. And I'm going to quit as soon as I get off the phone with Krista.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, I have introduced, here's the thing. I'm finding out that I'm enjoying fish a lot more. But the problem is. I'll be fish. Now, you know, it's like fish can be some of the nastiest stuff on the planet right now. But I don't want to eat as much red meat.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    You know, I'm enjoying, you know. what's your plant-based burgers? Like back in the day, Boca was the plant-based burger I would get. Now they've got so many, but some of them are crap.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's the problem. It's the beauty and the problem now is that there's so many options. There's bound to be one that you like better, but I don't, I don't know which one that would be because there's so many options now.

  • Speaker #0

    What's your favorite?

  • Speaker #1

    So I have a black bean burger that I just bought. I wish I was closer to my fridge. I'd go find it. I have no idea what brand it was. And to be honest, I didn't love it. So it's just testing them out.

  • Speaker #0

    I rather have like grass fed organic beef than I would a plant based burger.

  • Speaker #1

    So yeah, I'm a meat. I'm a meat eater. I have tried going vegetarian. And after about six weeks, I knew my body needed some meat. I know this is going to be controversial for some people. But I definitely like for me, for myself, I do eat meat. And I feel better with some meat. I don't actually thrive on a lot of meat. but I thrive with some meat.

  • Speaker #0

    How does someone get a hold of you, contact you if they want to work with you?

  • Speaker #1

    On Instagram. Follow me on Instagram. I'm at a healthy option.

  • Speaker #0

    All right, that's right. That's how I found you. Well, I've known you forever. You're on Facebook as well, right?

  • Speaker #1

    I am on Facebook. Yep, as Krista Schooneman Lyons.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay. TikTok?

  • Speaker #1

    No, I go on TikTok because I think it's really funny, but I haven't been able to use it yet.

  • Speaker #0

    I am on TikTok, but it's like grudgingly. It's so begrudging. I'm like, I don't want to dance for anyone.

  • Speaker #1

    But apparently you can easily take your reels now and upload them to TikTok.

  • Speaker #0

    I haven't. I started to do that. Oh gosh, before I forget, you have like a little mini course or something that you have that people can like download to get for free or something. What is that?

  • Speaker #1

    I do. I have a download and it's my five things to try when you are suffering with bloating and gas. And it will be the first steps to help you banish that. And it's some of the things we talked about today. It's all about probiotics and digestive enzymes. those are definitely two of the things that I address in that download.

  • Speaker #0

    Also, too, alcohol can really wreck gut flora, too, can't it?

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Yes. I remember this one friend that she would have her like one or two glasses of wine, like at night and watch her shows or whatever. But all the work that she had been doing on her gut. was being screwed up because even though she wasn't getting drunk or blasted, it was still a daily thing of introducing that alcohol.

  • Speaker #1

    So you're right. So when you, when you drink alcohol, your body actually, or your liver prioritizes that alcohol over anything else. So before your body can even work on digesting your food, your body is trying to process that alcohol first. And so it can take a while for that to happen. And so that's then you're prolonging your digestion.

  • Speaker #0

    This has actually been really cool and interesting for me. And thank you for being so patient. Thanks for having me. We couldn't get on right away. I think more people, especially over the age of 40, need some kind of supplemental... thing when it comes to nutrition because I've got friends out there and you do too that have some really whacked out thinking um very quickly here you've heard of more what is it called moringa oh moringa yeah it's it's a I don't know what an herb a plant a vegetable something that uh people see something online about it says it'll help you lose weight I'll go not only it's just one thing and quite frankly moringa can make you not want to sleep at night it's very I can't take it some people add it to a greens drink and some of the greens powders to make you a little more just because you're losing weight because your metabolism is going up but I tell people because I was in the health food industry back in the day and it's like there's never just one thing. And people see that one thing, like, um,

  • Speaker #1

    but that's how disparate we are to feel better.

  • Speaker #0

    And, um, you eat worse when you feel worse. So it's really kind of a weird catch 22. It's like, I feel like crap. So I'm going to eat sugar. sugar makes me feel like crap.

  • Speaker #1

    Right. But I already feel like crap. So I'm just going to keep eating like crap because I already feel like crap.

  • Speaker #0

    Um, um, I really enjoyed this. This was very helpful. I can't wait to get some of the feedback. I'm going to have it up on YouTube and all the other stuff. Don't forget to follow Spiritual Dust. I'm on. Apple, Spotify, all of that stuff. And thank you guys for always supporting me in this. We just did, if you're listening to the podcast, what's really interesting is the owner of Shine Nutrition, I was supposed to interview her for a show. She turned that crap right around on me and turned it into an interview about me. But I think the universe wanted me to... do a couple of things. So please listen. The last five episodes have been great. I mean, we've had everything from African-American Rosie the Riveter. We've had a mandala artist on. I mean, it's been really fun stuff with really people with cool talents like you. I'd love to have you back on again. Maybe just an open-end thing where people can come on and just ask stuff about women's health. definitely nutrition so thank you so so much hang out here for a second but thank you everyone very quickly sean rosa and i will be live at the social next week so you're gonna have two mediums there you can even be read by two mediums at the same time so it's gonna be a lot of fun sean and i are just gonna be up there chit-chat and talking doing the podcast and then after the podcast we'll be doing um mini readings. So don't forget, it starts at 6, July the 10th, Sean Rose Over Key Woods. Thank you very much, folks, and have a wonderful day. Say goodnight, Gracie. You're Gracie.

  • Speaker #1

    Oh, goodnight, everyone.

  • Speaker #0

    I'm so old, so are you. Goodbye. You never heard...



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