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Getting Signs with Rebecca Pedicone cover
Getting Signs with Rebecca Pedicone cover
Spiritual Dust

Getting Signs with Rebecca Pedicone

Getting Signs with Rebecca Pedicone

17min |08/08/2024
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Getting Signs with Rebecca Pedicone cover
Getting Signs with Rebecca Pedicone cover
Spiritual Dust

Getting Signs with Rebecca Pedicone

Getting Signs with Rebecca Pedicone

17min |08/08/2024


Rebecca talks about her contibous signs from loved ones!

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Hi everyone, welcome to The Social. This is Little Ricky Wood. We're at the Spiritual Desk Podcast in beautiful downtown Westchester. I'm really, really happy about today's show. I am with Rebecca Petticoat and her lovely sister is off in the distance. She didn't want to sit here for this, but she was a part of all of it. Today's topic, really quickly, we're going to talk about... signs. Signs from heaven, signs from God, signs from the angels, wherever you get your signs from. And the reason why I'm doing this now is because Rebecca has had a serious amount of the same sign keep showing up for you. Now, what is that sign for you?

  • Speaker #1

    The sign for me is hearts.

  • Speaker #0

    And you've seen them everywhere.

  • Speaker #1

    I have seen them in the most unusual places. It's not like Valentine's Day, or anything like that.

  • Speaker #0

    I find them in the most unusual ways. Now, to give a little history, your mother and your father, who I've never met them, but I've felt them through session, they're amazing people. I mean... I've done a lot of mediumship, but when working with you, working with your sister, even working when Matt was there for Christmas, there's a very strong connection between you and your family. Your mother, your father, very kind of loving with strong will, if I'm saying that right. Now, not to make it sad, but when did you start to notice the signs? That we think were coming from your parents. How long after death? So, I mean,

  • Speaker #1

    it was in February when my mother died. And that's when I started seeing hers.

  • Speaker #0

    Right. Wow, they're partying in here. Thank God I have this software that will turn the noise down in the background.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Shut up over there.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a good time tonight.

  • Speaker #0

    It is a good time. So it started pretty much 10 years in or right away?

  • Speaker #1

    Maybe two months after my mom passed. She did pass in February.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay. And then probably a little bit,

  • Speaker #1

    maybe two or three months after that, it was being hard, and I just knew it was hard.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's always been hard.

  • Speaker #1

    It's been hard.

  • Speaker #0

    When I was at your home, I think you had made cookies or something like that. But Christ, I mean, it wasn't like kind of a heart. It wasn't like it could be a heart. It was a burn mark of a heart. You have sent me picture after picture after picture of these hearts that keep, and I don't think it's random, but coming into your life every single day. Have you noticed any other signs for other loved ones that have passed? Or is it more stronger with your mother and father?

  • Speaker #1

    I think it's just more strong with my mother and father. As you mentioned, I know you've never met them, but you probably feel you met them in spirit. We hit the jackpot with parents. They were the most loving people in the world. I just had a really strong relationship with all of them.

  • Speaker #0

    It feels like it. I mean, Tricia has felt some things. Now, she doesn't necessarily get the sign, but why do you think that they chose the heart sign for you? Like smiley faces,

  • Speaker #1

    like my mom would write, like, have a good day. for the smiley face like my lunches and things like that she'd leave you some kind of insignia both my mom and dad so i'm the youngest of three and i've only had maybe a different type of relationship with them are you the baby i'm a baby you're the baby all right for all of us and i think that they have a very good way of treating us the same exact love in ways that we would accept it. Because we're all different,

  • Speaker #0

    right? And it's kind of weird because I know the three of you, and you do have very distinct personalities. Mom could not come across to you. the same way she would to Trisha. Right. You know, of course, Frankie can do no wrong. So, you know, over in heaven, they're all just going, Frankie's okay. Frankie's fine. So do getting those signs help you feel more connected still? Yes. It's a valid thing.

  • Speaker #1

    But it's interesting because I won't call upon them whether I'm Going into, say, from work, going into a media stressful meeting, just trying to figure out what my hook today was. Whatever. Even though this is one of my most aggressive years, it's just become what I've become really open to, and I talk to them a lot.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you for bringing that up. Yeah, we have to holler at Tricia in this huge restaurant. That's the voice I hear.

  • Speaker #1

    The older sister, what can I say?

  • Speaker #0

    The older sister, she's wonderful. I skipped around. What was I saying? Thank you for just saying,

  • Speaker #1

    hey, mom, I love you. I'm going to make. When it was over recipe, she would make a phenomenal cook. She'd help mom helping me with this dinner,

  • Speaker #0

    so it's great, it's special. I also think that's very important because through all the mediumship I've done, you kind of have to call them in. You know, you just can't, like, you know, you're having that conversation, and I think that's why you get responses back. You know, also at your home, Matt, I think it was his dad? Yeah. Now, his dad was friends with the Secret Service. The Secret Service.

  • Speaker #1

    He took care of John F. Kennedy Jr. So the Secret Service after he was president, they continued to follow that service that they provide.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I remember that day. I mean, I could feel his dad. I could feel your mom and dad. So we have, like, Matt's side of the family, and we have you and Trisha's side of the family. And it was weird because it felt like I was talking to both sides, back and forth, back and forth. When's the last time you got a star? Was that the star you sent me in the text?

  • Speaker #1

    The heart? Yes. The last heart I received, actually, because I won it. Trish and I were talking about last night. I got the last night. Trish and I, my sister and I, went out to dinner. We had sissy dinner. I was saying I wanted to do a really good job for you. Oh, yeah. And I said, Mom, can you show me a sign that you will be around?

  • Speaker #0

    i can't move this up i have a picture of it when walk out next to the car was a heart oh wow do you get any other signs from them or is it usually the heart

  • Speaker #1

    It's usually the heart. I'm trying to think with my dad. With my dad, it has to be two years. It will be three in March. Not too much a sign. I feel like I can feel his presence. But no sign. But he knew about the heart. So he and my mom were so, like, I don't think he would take that from my mom. Okay. Knowing that. You see what I'm saying? So he and my mom knew. put together for such a long time and they were close i mean very close they were they were good they they said that like a high mark of a relationship um what is the thing you miss most about them oh my gosh that's a great question thank you I don't know if they were asking that. Thank you for asking that. I really appreciate that. Just being with them. If I could, I would do anything just to hang out with them. We don't have to be in... They're present. They made you feel so special. I think that's what, okay. I miss telling them, like, hey, I'm going down the shore. They would be so happy for me. Maybe, oh, my gosh, you're going to the shore? That's so wonderful. Are you going to the springers? That's the ice cream shop in Stone Harbor. You know, just, that's the one thing with, you know, your mom and dad, they were always the most proud. And just was happy for you. I was telling them, hey, guess what? I crushed this meeting. And they were generally happy for me. And that is exactly what I miss from both of them. They were the most encouraging human beings ever. We had this red plate. Did I ever tell you the red plate?

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    My mom told me this when my sister was born. We had this red plate. And it comes out on any special occasion, whether it's your birthday or if you're going to be, like, in a recital. You are in the swimming meet or you're in the school play. That play would come out. It's special. Like, it's not like, you know, let us, you know, wedgie mood or any other play set that my mom bought. And it's special.

  • Speaker #0

    So when something big would happen for you, wow. So your family had their own traditions.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    I have to say this to whoever's listening. I can feel your mom and dad's presence because of... Basically, you guys taking care of me for two months. So, yes, they were my nurses for two months. I could feel them. They're definitely there. I would say this, too. More people have to, if you want to communicate with the dead, kind of got to talk to them. People are always going, send me a sign. It's like, talk to them. Now. People who are listening, we're in Pennsylvania right now, so for us to see a cardinal is not a big deal. We see cardinals everywhere. So I usually ask for them to send us a sign that we can understand. Like, anybody could see a cardinal here. Be like seeing a crow. But I always ask for signs. What would you want your parents to know about you right now?

  • Speaker #1

    They should be confused. And the lucky people. We are the lucky, like my sister and my brother, lucky to have a new family. You know, you don't say that when they're there. When you're a kid, you're like, Mom is always right. Dad is always right. Always right. No, I'm just really proud to be their daughter. I was really proud to be, you know, part of that. They were just amazing people. And I know a couple of them don't think I'm, you know, but they were. And I can validate that just by seeing it on their cameras. Everybody has told me, like, oh, your daughter saved my life. Your mother saved my life. It was just so.

  • Speaker #0

    and you'll get tired i don't carry them well and to give you some backup on that you know within the community your mom and dad were known i mean they were known everybody liked them i mean i could feel it i can feel it now um i can almost put your dad with his sitting back here going well this is interesting and your mother Every time I see her mother, she always wants to stand up. She always wants to stand up and let you know she's okay. No pain, nothing, just standing up.

  • Speaker #1

    She had some issues, as you know. She was in a fire when she was 20. Yes. And she had really bad legs, you know, for such a long time.

  • Speaker #0

    Not to be able to really take a deep breath. So I'm glad to hear that she could. Oh, she's standing up.

  • Speaker #2

    She's fine.

  • Speaker #0

    If there was one thing that you could tell them right now and they could hear it, what would it be? Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    I love you.

  • Speaker #0

    Everyone says that.

  • Speaker #1

    Love you. We love you so much.

  • Speaker #0

    How have they helped you with your relationships with people now?

  • Speaker #1

    I know. As you said, it is important. If you just want, you know, to have some courage, if you will, whether you have a big meeting and you're doing public speaking, or if you have anxiety and trying to go into a... sort of store it away. My colleagues are the ones that are trying to help me and give me the strength to get to me that help others. Anytime I do that, I feel like the conversation that goes I do a lot of, you know, meeting rooms. I feel that I have a just a normal feel good about that meeting when I'm gone.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, okay.

  • Speaker #1

    I notice more and more things.

  • Speaker #0

    especially with the leadership right so if you ever i do i call upon like a my angela my grandmother we're getting our food served to us now i got crawfish and um some crawfish and mashed potatoes and this looks awesome i'm stealing one of your fries Now, before we wrap this up, I did want to say thank you so much for coming. Anyone else who's listening, you don't have to be in Westchester, but if you're nearby and you've got an interesting story to tell, please, please contact me, and we'll do this. On behalf of myself, the wonderful social restaurant, Westchester. And all of you who come in here tonight, thank you very much. And until next week, thank you very much.

  • Speaker #1

    Keep going.


Rebecca talks about her contibous signs from loved ones!

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Hi everyone, welcome to The Social. This is Little Ricky Wood. We're at the Spiritual Desk Podcast in beautiful downtown Westchester. I'm really, really happy about today's show. I am with Rebecca Petticoat and her lovely sister is off in the distance. She didn't want to sit here for this, but she was a part of all of it. Today's topic, really quickly, we're going to talk about... signs. Signs from heaven, signs from God, signs from the angels, wherever you get your signs from. And the reason why I'm doing this now is because Rebecca has had a serious amount of the same sign keep showing up for you. Now, what is that sign for you?

  • Speaker #1

    The sign for me is hearts.

  • Speaker #0

    And you've seen them everywhere.

  • Speaker #1

    I have seen them in the most unusual places. It's not like Valentine's Day, or anything like that.

  • Speaker #0

    I find them in the most unusual ways. Now, to give a little history, your mother and your father, who I've never met them, but I've felt them through session, they're amazing people. I mean... I've done a lot of mediumship, but when working with you, working with your sister, even working when Matt was there for Christmas, there's a very strong connection between you and your family. Your mother, your father, very kind of loving with strong will, if I'm saying that right. Now, not to make it sad, but when did you start to notice the signs? That we think were coming from your parents. How long after death? So, I mean,

  • Speaker #1

    it was in February when my mother died. And that's when I started seeing hers.

  • Speaker #0

    Right. Wow, they're partying in here. Thank God I have this software that will turn the noise down in the background.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Shut up over there.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a good time tonight.

  • Speaker #0

    It is a good time. So it started pretty much 10 years in or right away?

  • Speaker #1

    Maybe two months after my mom passed. She did pass in February.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay. And then probably a little bit,

  • Speaker #1

    maybe two or three months after that, it was being hard, and I just knew it was hard.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's always been hard.

  • Speaker #1

    It's been hard.

  • Speaker #0

    When I was at your home, I think you had made cookies or something like that. But Christ, I mean, it wasn't like kind of a heart. It wasn't like it could be a heart. It was a burn mark of a heart. You have sent me picture after picture after picture of these hearts that keep, and I don't think it's random, but coming into your life every single day. Have you noticed any other signs for other loved ones that have passed? Or is it more stronger with your mother and father?

  • Speaker #1

    I think it's just more strong with my mother and father. As you mentioned, I know you've never met them, but you probably feel you met them in spirit. We hit the jackpot with parents. They were the most loving people in the world. I just had a really strong relationship with all of them.

  • Speaker #0

    It feels like it. I mean, Tricia has felt some things. Now, she doesn't necessarily get the sign, but why do you think that they chose the heart sign for you? Like smiley faces,

  • Speaker #1

    like my mom would write, like, have a good day. for the smiley face like my lunches and things like that she'd leave you some kind of insignia both my mom and dad so i'm the youngest of three and i've only had maybe a different type of relationship with them are you the baby i'm a baby you're the baby all right for all of us and i think that they have a very good way of treating us the same exact love in ways that we would accept it. Because we're all different,

  • Speaker #0

    right? And it's kind of weird because I know the three of you, and you do have very distinct personalities. Mom could not come across to you. the same way she would to Trisha. Right. You know, of course, Frankie can do no wrong. So, you know, over in heaven, they're all just going, Frankie's okay. Frankie's fine. So do getting those signs help you feel more connected still? Yes. It's a valid thing.

  • Speaker #1

    But it's interesting because I won't call upon them whether I'm Going into, say, from work, going into a media stressful meeting, just trying to figure out what my hook today was. Whatever. Even though this is one of my most aggressive years, it's just become what I've become really open to, and I talk to them a lot.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you for bringing that up. Yeah, we have to holler at Tricia in this huge restaurant. That's the voice I hear.

  • Speaker #1

    The older sister, what can I say?

  • Speaker #0

    The older sister, she's wonderful. I skipped around. What was I saying? Thank you for just saying,

  • Speaker #1

    hey, mom, I love you. I'm going to make. When it was over recipe, she would make a phenomenal cook. She'd help mom helping me with this dinner,

  • Speaker #0

    so it's great, it's special. I also think that's very important because through all the mediumship I've done, you kind of have to call them in. You know, you just can't, like, you know, you're having that conversation, and I think that's why you get responses back. You know, also at your home, Matt, I think it was his dad? Yeah. Now, his dad was friends with the Secret Service. The Secret Service.

  • Speaker #1

    He took care of John F. Kennedy Jr. So the Secret Service after he was president, they continued to follow that service that they provide.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I remember that day. I mean, I could feel his dad. I could feel your mom and dad. So we have, like, Matt's side of the family, and we have you and Trisha's side of the family. And it was weird because it felt like I was talking to both sides, back and forth, back and forth. When's the last time you got a star? Was that the star you sent me in the text?

  • Speaker #1

    The heart? Yes. The last heart I received, actually, because I won it. Trish and I were talking about last night. I got the last night. Trish and I, my sister and I, went out to dinner. We had sissy dinner. I was saying I wanted to do a really good job for you. Oh, yeah. And I said, Mom, can you show me a sign that you will be around?

  • Speaker #0

    i can't move this up i have a picture of it when walk out next to the car was a heart oh wow do you get any other signs from them or is it usually the heart

  • Speaker #1

    It's usually the heart. I'm trying to think with my dad. With my dad, it has to be two years. It will be three in March. Not too much a sign. I feel like I can feel his presence. But no sign. But he knew about the heart. So he and my mom were so, like, I don't think he would take that from my mom. Okay. Knowing that. You see what I'm saying? So he and my mom knew. put together for such a long time and they were close i mean very close they were they were good they they said that like a high mark of a relationship um what is the thing you miss most about them oh my gosh that's a great question thank you I don't know if they were asking that. Thank you for asking that. I really appreciate that. Just being with them. If I could, I would do anything just to hang out with them. We don't have to be in... They're present. They made you feel so special. I think that's what, okay. I miss telling them, like, hey, I'm going down the shore. They would be so happy for me. Maybe, oh, my gosh, you're going to the shore? That's so wonderful. Are you going to the springers? That's the ice cream shop in Stone Harbor. You know, just, that's the one thing with, you know, your mom and dad, they were always the most proud. And just was happy for you. I was telling them, hey, guess what? I crushed this meeting. And they were generally happy for me. And that is exactly what I miss from both of them. They were the most encouraging human beings ever. We had this red plate. Did I ever tell you the red plate?

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    My mom told me this when my sister was born. We had this red plate. And it comes out on any special occasion, whether it's your birthday or if you're going to be, like, in a recital. You are in the swimming meet or you're in the school play. That play would come out. It's special. Like, it's not like, you know, let us, you know, wedgie mood or any other play set that my mom bought. And it's special.

  • Speaker #0

    So when something big would happen for you, wow. So your family had their own traditions.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    I have to say this to whoever's listening. I can feel your mom and dad's presence because of... Basically, you guys taking care of me for two months. So, yes, they were my nurses for two months. I could feel them. They're definitely there. I would say this, too. More people have to, if you want to communicate with the dead, kind of got to talk to them. People are always going, send me a sign. It's like, talk to them. Now. People who are listening, we're in Pennsylvania right now, so for us to see a cardinal is not a big deal. We see cardinals everywhere. So I usually ask for them to send us a sign that we can understand. Like, anybody could see a cardinal here. Be like seeing a crow. But I always ask for signs. What would you want your parents to know about you right now?

  • Speaker #1

    They should be confused. And the lucky people. We are the lucky, like my sister and my brother, lucky to have a new family. You know, you don't say that when they're there. When you're a kid, you're like, Mom is always right. Dad is always right. Always right. No, I'm just really proud to be their daughter. I was really proud to be, you know, part of that. They were just amazing people. And I know a couple of them don't think I'm, you know, but they were. And I can validate that just by seeing it on their cameras. Everybody has told me, like, oh, your daughter saved my life. Your mother saved my life. It was just so.

  • Speaker #0

    and you'll get tired i don't carry them well and to give you some backup on that you know within the community your mom and dad were known i mean they were known everybody liked them i mean i could feel it i can feel it now um i can almost put your dad with his sitting back here going well this is interesting and your mother Every time I see her mother, she always wants to stand up. She always wants to stand up and let you know she's okay. No pain, nothing, just standing up.

  • Speaker #1

    She had some issues, as you know. She was in a fire when she was 20. Yes. And she had really bad legs, you know, for such a long time.

  • Speaker #0

    Not to be able to really take a deep breath. So I'm glad to hear that she could. Oh, she's standing up.

  • Speaker #2

    She's fine.

  • Speaker #0

    If there was one thing that you could tell them right now and they could hear it, what would it be? Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    I love you.

  • Speaker #0

    Everyone says that.

  • Speaker #1

    Love you. We love you so much.

  • Speaker #0

    How have they helped you with your relationships with people now?

  • Speaker #1

    I know. As you said, it is important. If you just want, you know, to have some courage, if you will, whether you have a big meeting and you're doing public speaking, or if you have anxiety and trying to go into a... sort of store it away. My colleagues are the ones that are trying to help me and give me the strength to get to me that help others. Anytime I do that, I feel like the conversation that goes I do a lot of, you know, meeting rooms. I feel that I have a just a normal feel good about that meeting when I'm gone.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, okay.

  • Speaker #1

    I notice more and more things.

  • Speaker #0

    especially with the leadership right so if you ever i do i call upon like a my angela my grandmother we're getting our food served to us now i got crawfish and um some crawfish and mashed potatoes and this looks awesome i'm stealing one of your fries Now, before we wrap this up, I did want to say thank you so much for coming. Anyone else who's listening, you don't have to be in Westchester, but if you're nearby and you've got an interesting story to tell, please, please contact me, and we'll do this. On behalf of myself, the wonderful social restaurant, Westchester. And all of you who come in here tonight, thank you very much. And until next week, thank you very much.

  • Speaker #1

    Keep going.



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Rebecca talks about her contibous signs from loved ones!

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Hi everyone, welcome to The Social. This is Little Ricky Wood. We're at the Spiritual Desk Podcast in beautiful downtown Westchester. I'm really, really happy about today's show. I am with Rebecca Petticoat and her lovely sister is off in the distance. She didn't want to sit here for this, but she was a part of all of it. Today's topic, really quickly, we're going to talk about... signs. Signs from heaven, signs from God, signs from the angels, wherever you get your signs from. And the reason why I'm doing this now is because Rebecca has had a serious amount of the same sign keep showing up for you. Now, what is that sign for you?

  • Speaker #1

    The sign for me is hearts.

  • Speaker #0

    And you've seen them everywhere.

  • Speaker #1

    I have seen them in the most unusual places. It's not like Valentine's Day, or anything like that.

  • Speaker #0

    I find them in the most unusual ways. Now, to give a little history, your mother and your father, who I've never met them, but I've felt them through session, they're amazing people. I mean... I've done a lot of mediumship, but when working with you, working with your sister, even working when Matt was there for Christmas, there's a very strong connection between you and your family. Your mother, your father, very kind of loving with strong will, if I'm saying that right. Now, not to make it sad, but when did you start to notice the signs? That we think were coming from your parents. How long after death? So, I mean,

  • Speaker #1

    it was in February when my mother died. And that's when I started seeing hers.

  • Speaker #0

    Right. Wow, they're partying in here. Thank God I have this software that will turn the noise down in the background.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Shut up over there.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a good time tonight.

  • Speaker #0

    It is a good time. So it started pretty much 10 years in or right away?

  • Speaker #1

    Maybe two months after my mom passed. She did pass in February.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay. And then probably a little bit,

  • Speaker #1

    maybe two or three months after that, it was being hard, and I just knew it was hard.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's always been hard.

  • Speaker #1

    It's been hard.

  • Speaker #0

    When I was at your home, I think you had made cookies or something like that. But Christ, I mean, it wasn't like kind of a heart. It wasn't like it could be a heart. It was a burn mark of a heart. You have sent me picture after picture after picture of these hearts that keep, and I don't think it's random, but coming into your life every single day. Have you noticed any other signs for other loved ones that have passed? Or is it more stronger with your mother and father?

  • Speaker #1

    I think it's just more strong with my mother and father. As you mentioned, I know you've never met them, but you probably feel you met them in spirit. We hit the jackpot with parents. They were the most loving people in the world. I just had a really strong relationship with all of them.

  • Speaker #0

    It feels like it. I mean, Tricia has felt some things. Now, she doesn't necessarily get the sign, but why do you think that they chose the heart sign for you? Like smiley faces,

  • Speaker #1

    like my mom would write, like, have a good day. for the smiley face like my lunches and things like that she'd leave you some kind of insignia both my mom and dad so i'm the youngest of three and i've only had maybe a different type of relationship with them are you the baby i'm a baby you're the baby all right for all of us and i think that they have a very good way of treating us the same exact love in ways that we would accept it. Because we're all different,

  • Speaker #0

    right? And it's kind of weird because I know the three of you, and you do have very distinct personalities. Mom could not come across to you. the same way she would to Trisha. Right. You know, of course, Frankie can do no wrong. So, you know, over in heaven, they're all just going, Frankie's okay. Frankie's fine. So do getting those signs help you feel more connected still? Yes. It's a valid thing.

  • Speaker #1

    But it's interesting because I won't call upon them whether I'm Going into, say, from work, going into a media stressful meeting, just trying to figure out what my hook today was. Whatever. Even though this is one of my most aggressive years, it's just become what I've become really open to, and I talk to them a lot.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you for bringing that up. Yeah, we have to holler at Tricia in this huge restaurant. That's the voice I hear.

  • Speaker #1

    The older sister, what can I say?

  • Speaker #0

    The older sister, she's wonderful. I skipped around. What was I saying? Thank you for just saying,

  • Speaker #1

    hey, mom, I love you. I'm going to make. When it was over recipe, she would make a phenomenal cook. She'd help mom helping me with this dinner,

  • Speaker #0

    so it's great, it's special. I also think that's very important because through all the mediumship I've done, you kind of have to call them in. You know, you just can't, like, you know, you're having that conversation, and I think that's why you get responses back. You know, also at your home, Matt, I think it was his dad? Yeah. Now, his dad was friends with the Secret Service. The Secret Service.

  • Speaker #1

    He took care of John F. Kennedy Jr. So the Secret Service after he was president, they continued to follow that service that they provide.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I remember that day. I mean, I could feel his dad. I could feel your mom and dad. So we have, like, Matt's side of the family, and we have you and Trisha's side of the family. And it was weird because it felt like I was talking to both sides, back and forth, back and forth. When's the last time you got a star? Was that the star you sent me in the text?

  • Speaker #1

    The heart? Yes. The last heart I received, actually, because I won it. Trish and I were talking about last night. I got the last night. Trish and I, my sister and I, went out to dinner. We had sissy dinner. I was saying I wanted to do a really good job for you. Oh, yeah. And I said, Mom, can you show me a sign that you will be around?

  • Speaker #0

    i can't move this up i have a picture of it when walk out next to the car was a heart oh wow do you get any other signs from them or is it usually the heart

  • Speaker #1

    It's usually the heart. I'm trying to think with my dad. With my dad, it has to be two years. It will be three in March. Not too much a sign. I feel like I can feel his presence. But no sign. But he knew about the heart. So he and my mom were so, like, I don't think he would take that from my mom. Okay. Knowing that. You see what I'm saying? So he and my mom knew. put together for such a long time and they were close i mean very close they were they were good they they said that like a high mark of a relationship um what is the thing you miss most about them oh my gosh that's a great question thank you I don't know if they were asking that. Thank you for asking that. I really appreciate that. Just being with them. If I could, I would do anything just to hang out with them. We don't have to be in... They're present. They made you feel so special. I think that's what, okay. I miss telling them, like, hey, I'm going down the shore. They would be so happy for me. Maybe, oh, my gosh, you're going to the shore? That's so wonderful. Are you going to the springers? That's the ice cream shop in Stone Harbor. You know, just, that's the one thing with, you know, your mom and dad, they were always the most proud. And just was happy for you. I was telling them, hey, guess what? I crushed this meeting. And they were generally happy for me. And that is exactly what I miss from both of them. They were the most encouraging human beings ever. We had this red plate. Did I ever tell you the red plate?

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    My mom told me this when my sister was born. We had this red plate. And it comes out on any special occasion, whether it's your birthday or if you're going to be, like, in a recital. You are in the swimming meet or you're in the school play. That play would come out. It's special. Like, it's not like, you know, let us, you know, wedgie mood or any other play set that my mom bought. And it's special.

  • Speaker #0

    So when something big would happen for you, wow. So your family had their own traditions.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    I have to say this to whoever's listening. I can feel your mom and dad's presence because of... Basically, you guys taking care of me for two months. So, yes, they were my nurses for two months. I could feel them. They're definitely there. I would say this, too. More people have to, if you want to communicate with the dead, kind of got to talk to them. People are always going, send me a sign. It's like, talk to them. Now. People who are listening, we're in Pennsylvania right now, so for us to see a cardinal is not a big deal. We see cardinals everywhere. So I usually ask for them to send us a sign that we can understand. Like, anybody could see a cardinal here. Be like seeing a crow. But I always ask for signs. What would you want your parents to know about you right now?

  • Speaker #1

    They should be confused. And the lucky people. We are the lucky, like my sister and my brother, lucky to have a new family. You know, you don't say that when they're there. When you're a kid, you're like, Mom is always right. Dad is always right. Always right. No, I'm just really proud to be their daughter. I was really proud to be, you know, part of that. They were just amazing people. And I know a couple of them don't think I'm, you know, but they were. And I can validate that just by seeing it on their cameras. Everybody has told me, like, oh, your daughter saved my life. Your mother saved my life. It was just so.

  • Speaker #0

    and you'll get tired i don't carry them well and to give you some backup on that you know within the community your mom and dad were known i mean they were known everybody liked them i mean i could feel it i can feel it now um i can almost put your dad with his sitting back here going well this is interesting and your mother Every time I see her mother, she always wants to stand up. She always wants to stand up and let you know she's okay. No pain, nothing, just standing up.

  • Speaker #1

    She had some issues, as you know. She was in a fire when she was 20. Yes. And she had really bad legs, you know, for such a long time.

  • Speaker #0

    Not to be able to really take a deep breath. So I'm glad to hear that she could. Oh, she's standing up.

  • Speaker #2

    She's fine.

  • Speaker #0

    If there was one thing that you could tell them right now and they could hear it, what would it be? Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    I love you.

  • Speaker #0

    Everyone says that.

  • Speaker #1

    Love you. We love you so much.

  • Speaker #0

    How have they helped you with your relationships with people now?

  • Speaker #1

    I know. As you said, it is important. If you just want, you know, to have some courage, if you will, whether you have a big meeting and you're doing public speaking, or if you have anxiety and trying to go into a... sort of store it away. My colleagues are the ones that are trying to help me and give me the strength to get to me that help others. Anytime I do that, I feel like the conversation that goes I do a lot of, you know, meeting rooms. I feel that I have a just a normal feel good about that meeting when I'm gone.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, okay.

  • Speaker #1

    I notice more and more things.

  • Speaker #0

    especially with the leadership right so if you ever i do i call upon like a my angela my grandmother we're getting our food served to us now i got crawfish and um some crawfish and mashed potatoes and this looks awesome i'm stealing one of your fries Now, before we wrap this up, I did want to say thank you so much for coming. Anyone else who's listening, you don't have to be in Westchester, but if you're nearby and you've got an interesting story to tell, please, please contact me, and we'll do this. On behalf of myself, the wonderful social restaurant, Westchester. And all of you who come in here tonight, thank you very much. And until next week, thank you very much.

  • Speaker #1

    Keep going.


Rebecca talks about her contibous signs from loved ones!

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  • Speaker #0

    Hi everyone, welcome to The Social. This is Little Ricky Wood. We're at the Spiritual Desk Podcast in beautiful downtown Westchester. I'm really, really happy about today's show. I am with Rebecca Petticoat and her lovely sister is off in the distance. She didn't want to sit here for this, but she was a part of all of it. Today's topic, really quickly, we're going to talk about... signs. Signs from heaven, signs from God, signs from the angels, wherever you get your signs from. And the reason why I'm doing this now is because Rebecca has had a serious amount of the same sign keep showing up for you. Now, what is that sign for you?

  • Speaker #1

    The sign for me is hearts.

  • Speaker #0

    And you've seen them everywhere.

  • Speaker #1

    I have seen them in the most unusual places. It's not like Valentine's Day, or anything like that.

  • Speaker #0

    I find them in the most unusual ways. Now, to give a little history, your mother and your father, who I've never met them, but I've felt them through session, they're amazing people. I mean... I've done a lot of mediumship, but when working with you, working with your sister, even working when Matt was there for Christmas, there's a very strong connection between you and your family. Your mother, your father, very kind of loving with strong will, if I'm saying that right. Now, not to make it sad, but when did you start to notice the signs? That we think were coming from your parents. How long after death? So, I mean,

  • Speaker #1

    it was in February when my mother died. And that's when I started seeing hers.

  • Speaker #0

    Right. Wow, they're partying in here. Thank God I have this software that will turn the noise down in the background.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Shut up over there.

  • Speaker #1

    It's a good time tonight.

  • Speaker #0

    It is a good time. So it started pretty much 10 years in or right away?

  • Speaker #1

    Maybe two months after my mom passed. She did pass in February.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay. And then probably a little bit,

  • Speaker #1

    maybe two or three months after that, it was being hard, and I just knew it was hard.

  • Speaker #0

    And it's always been hard.

  • Speaker #1

    It's been hard.

  • Speaker #0

    When I was at your home, I think you had made cookies or something like that. But Christ, I mean, it wasn't like kind of a heart. It wasn't like it could be a heart. It was a burn mark of a heart. You have sent me picture after picture after picture of these hearts that keep, and I don't think it's random, but coming into your life every single day. Have you noticed any other signs for other loved ones that have passed? Or is it more stronger with your mother and father?

  • Speaker #1

    I think it's just more strong with my mother and father. As you mentioned, I know you've never met them, but you probably feel you met them in spirit. We hit the jackpot with parents. They were the most loving people in the world. I just had a really strong relationship with all of them.

  • Speaker #0

    It feels like it. I mean, Tricia has felt some things. Now, she doesn't necessarily get the sign, but why do you think that they chose the heart sign for you? Like smiley faces,

  • Speaker #1

    like my mom would write, like, have a good day. for the smiley face like my lunches and things like that she'd leave you some kind of insignia both my mom and dad so i'm the youngest of three and i've only had maybe a different type of relationship with them are you the baby i'm a baby you're the baby all right for all of us and i think that they have a very good way of treating us the same exact love in ways that we would accept it. Because we're all different,

  • Speaker #0

    right? And it's kind of weird because I know the three of you, and you do have very distinct personalities. Mom could not come across to you. the same way she would to Trisha. Right. You know, of course, Frankie can do no wrong. So, you know, over in heaven, they're all just going, Frankie's okay. Frankie's fine. So do getting those signs help you feel more connected still? Yes. It's a valid thing.

  • Speaker #1

    But it's interesting because I won't call upon them whether I'm Going into, say, from work, going into a media stressful meeting, just trying to figure out what my hook today was. Whatever. Even though this is one of my most aggressive years, it's just become what I've become really open to, and I talk to them a lot.

  • Speaker #0

    Thank you for bringing that up. Yeah, we have to holler at Tricia in this huge restaurant. That's the voice I hear.

  • Speaker #1

    The older sister, what can I say?

  • Speaker #0

    The older sister, she's wonderful. I skipped around. What was I saying? Thank you for just saying,

  • Speaker #1

    hey, mom, I love you. I'm going to make. When it was over recipe, she would make a phenomenal cook. She'd help mom helping me with this dinner,

  • Speaker #0

    so it's great, it's special. I also think that's very important because through all the mediumship I've done, you kind of have to call them in. You know, you just can't, like, you know, you're having that conversation, and I think that's why you get responses back. You know, also at your home, Matt, I think it was his dad? Yeah. Now, his dad was friends with the Secret Service. The Secret Service.

  • Speaker #1

    He took care of John F. Kennedy Jr. So the Secret Service after he was president, they continued to follow that service that they provide.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, I remember that day. I mean, I could feel his dad. I could feel your mom and dad. So we have, like, Matt's side of the family, and we have you and Trisha's side of the family. And it was weird because it felt like I was talking to both sides, back and forth, back and forth. When's the last time you got a star? Was that the star you sent me in the text?

  • Speaker #1

    The heart? Yes. The last heart I received, actually, because I won it. Trish and I were talking about last night. I got the last night. Trish and I, my sister and I, went out to dinner. We had sissy dinner. I was saying I wanted to do a really good job for you. Oh, yeah. And I said, Mom, can you show me a sign that you will be around?

  • Speaker #0

    i can't move this up i have a picture of it when walk out next to the car was a heart oh wow do you get any other signs from them or is it usually the heart

  • Speaker #1

    It's usually the heart. I'm trying to think with my dad. With my dad, it has to be two years. It will be three in March. Not too much a sign. I feel like I can feel his presence. But no sign. But he knew about the heart. So he and my mom were so, like, I don't think he would take that from my mom. Okay. Knowing that. You see what I'm saying? So he and my mom knew. put together for such a long time and they were close i mean very close they were they were good they they said that like a high mark of a relationship um what is the thing you miss most about them oh my gosh that's a great question thank you I don't know if they were asking that. Thank you for asking that. I really appreciate that. Just being with them. If I could, I would do anything just to hang out with them. We don't have to be in... They're present. They made you feel so special. I think that's what, okay. I miss telling them, like, hey, I'm going down the shore. They would be so happy for me. Maybe, oh, my gosh, you're going to the shore? That's so wonderful. Are you going to the springers? That's the ice cream shop in Stone Harbor. You know, just, that's the one thing with, you know, your mom and dad, they were always the most proud. And just was happy for you. I was telling them, hey, guess what? I crushed this meeting. And they were generally happy for me. And that is exactly what I miss from both of them. They were the most encouraging human beings ever. We had this red plate. Did I ever tell you the red plate?

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    My mom told me this when my sister was born. We had this red plate. And it comes out on any special occasion, whether it's your birthday or if you're going to be, like, in a recital. You are in the swimming meet or you're in the school play. That play would come out. It's special. Like, it's not like, you know, let us, you know, wedgie mood or any other play set that my mom bought. And it's special.

  • Speaker #0

    So when something big would happen for you, wow. So your family had their own traditions.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    I have to say this to whoever's listening. I can feel your mom and dad's presence because of... Basically, you guys taking care of me for two months. So, yes, they were my nurses for two months. I could feel them. They're definitely there. I would say this, too. More people have to, if you want to communicate with the dead, kind of got to talk to them. People are always going, send me a sign. It's like, talk to them. Now. People who are listening, we're in Pennsylvania right now, so for us to see a cardinal is not a big deal. We see cardinals everywhere. So I usually ask for them to send us a sign that we can understand. Like, anybody could see a cardinal here. Be like seeing a crow. But I always ask for signs. What would you want your parents to know about you right now?

  • Speaker #1

    They should be confused. And the lucky people. We are the lucky, like my sister and my brother, lucky to have a new family. You know, you don't say that when they're there. When you're a kid, you're like, Mom is always right. Dad is always right. Always right. No, I'm just really proud to be their daughter. I was really proud to be, you know, part of that. They were just amazing people. And I know a couple of them don't think I'm, you know, but they were. And I can validate that just by seeing it on their cameras. Everybody has told me, like, oh, your daughter saved my life. Your mother saved my life. It was just so.

  • Speaker #0

    and you'll get tired i don't carry them well and to give you some backup on that you know within the community your mom and dad were known i mean they were known everybody liked them i mean i could feel it i can feel it now um i can almost put your dad with his sitting back here going well this is interesting and your mother Every time I see her mother, she always wants to stand up. She always wants to stand up and let you know she's okay. No pain, nothing, just standing up.

  • Speaker #1

    She had some issues, as you know. She was in a fire when she was 20. Yes. And she had really bad legs, you know, for such a long time.

  • Speaker #0

    Not to be able to really take a deep breath. So I'm glad to hear that she could. Oh, she's standing up.

  • Speaker #2

    She's fine.

  • Speaker #0

    If there was one thing that you could tell them right now and they could hear it, what would it be? Oh,

  • Speaker #1

    I love you.

  • Speaker #0

    Everyone says that.

  • Speaker #1

    Love you. We love you so much.

  • Speaker #0

    How have they helped you with your relationships with people now?

  • Speaker #1

    I know. As you said, it is important. If you just want, you know, to have some courage, if you will, whether you have a big meeting and you're doing public speaking, or if you have anxiety and trying to go into a... sort of store it away. My colleagues are the ones that are trying to help me and give me the strength to get to me that help others. Anytime I do that, I feel like the conversation that goes I do a lot of, you know, meeting rooms. I feel that I have a just a normal feel good about that meeting when I'm gone.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, okay.

  • Speaker #1

    I notice more and more things.

  • Speaker #0

    especially with the leadership right so if you ever i do i call upon like a my angela my grandmother we're getting our food served to us now i got crawfish and um some crawfish and mashed potatoes and this looks awesome i'm stealing one of your fries Now, before we wrap this up, I did want to say thank you so much for coming. Anyone else who's listening, you don't have to be in Westchester, but if you're nearby and you've got an interesting story to tell, please, please contact me, and we'll do this. On behalf of myself, the wonderful social restaurant, Westchester. And all of you who come in here tonight, thank you very much. And until next week, thank you very much.

  • Speaker #1

    Keep going.



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