Discovering Spirituality: Kit and Nick Spade on Parastudy's Role in Enlightenment and Community Connection cover
Spiritual Dust

Discovering Spirituality: Kit and Nick Spade on Parastudy's Role in Enlightenment and Community Connection

26min |06/11/2024


In this enlightening episode of "Spiritual Dust," host Rick Wood welcomes Kit and Nick Spade from Parastudy Incorporated, a holistic and metaphysical spiritual education center that has been a beacon of enlightenment since 1959. As passionate advocates for spiritual growth, Kit and Nick share their inspiring journey as the newest members of the board of directors, shedding light on Parastudy’s mission to create a welcoming environment for all individuals seeking to expand their spiritual horizons.

Throughout the conversation, listeners are invited to explore the rich tapestry of activities offered at Parastudy, including transformative meditation sessions, rejuvenating sound baths, and engaging psychic nights. These experiences are designed to encourage participation from anyone interested in delving deeper into their spirituality, regardless of their psychic abilities. The emphasis is on community and inclusivity, making it clear that Parastudy is a sanctuary for those on a quest for personal enlightenment.

Kit and Nick also delve into the historical significance of the building that houses Parastudy, revealing its intriguing past as a way station for lost souls. This connection to the spiritual realm contributes to the vibrant energy that permeates the center, particularly within its extensive library, which serves as a treasure trove of metaphysical knowledge. Listeners will be captivated by the stories shared and the profound insights into the history that shapes the present mission of Parastudy.

As the conversation unfolds, Rick, Kit, and Nick discuss the importance of community involvement in sustaining Parastudy’s mission. They highlight upcoming events that promise to deepen the connection among members and foster a sense of belonging. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your journey, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

Join us for a compelling discussion that not only highlights the transformative power of spirituality but also invites you to become part of a thriving community dedicated to personal and collective growth. Discover the many ways Parastudy is making strides in spiritual education and outreach, and find out how you can get involved. Tune in to this episode of "Spiritual Dust" and embark on your own journey of enlightenment today!

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


  • Speaker #0

    Check one, two, three, four.

  • Speaker #1

    Getting all our levels together. This is my normal speaking voice from across the table.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah, now I have to go in and clip this all out, which I hate to do. But you're good at that. Okay, three, two, one. Thanks, everyone. We are at the social again on Wednesday. And I am here with Kit and Nick Spade. Hi there.

  • Speaker #2

    Hey there.

  • Speaker #0

    Parastudy Incorporated. I always want to say the Parastudy Organization, but Parastudy Incorporated. Now, for you guys who know a little bit about me, I'm Rick Wood on Psychic Media, and every once in a while here at the social, I have people who are involved with really interesting stuff. So, for the layman, guys, what is Parastudy Incorporated?

  • Speaker #1

    Well, first of all, thanks for having us on your show. It's super... a pleasure to hang with you again. It was a very nice chance meeting at our house the last time.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    And that's a whole other story we can get into. But ParaStudy Incorporated is a holistic and metaphysical spiritual education. center a lot of big words but we've been around since 1959 we pride ourselves in welcoming all sorts of people who are on the quest for raising their vibration and seeking enlightenment and other just periods and folks like yourself who have gifts and abilities our doors open to all those i think it was an amazing and there's such a story to this i mean i literally this is the place where the book initiative

  • Speaker #0

    appreciation i got and you know it was you were there for that i mean it was cool these people you can you can't tell through audio but guys this is a metaphysical book treasure trap thank you if you wanted to see edgar casey's little brother jeff singing in the background you guys would have it on a book or a recording yes and was edgar casey at that home at some point

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, he was there, his son was there, and Paris Study for a long time sent a contingent down to the annual ARE gathering. Many of our members and many of our past members were giving lectures.

  • Speaker #0

    we were sponsors of many things better so us and are a real tight oh okay um what now you guys took over it was owned by some other organization or someone else how did that come about well power

  • Speaker #1

    study has been controlled by a board of directors ever since 1963. oh okay so basically we're just we're i don't want to say just but we're the new the newest board of directors A year ago. Yeah, we look at ourselves as the caretakers of the property. I mean, legally, officially, my name's on everything, but it's really just blind until my time is up and it's the next person.

  • Speaker #0

    You guys got your book cut out for you, but you've gotten so much done.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, we have. For the first time, I feel like the board is all aligned in its mission. And my wife, Kit, she does a fantastic job. Her specialty is fundraising for nonprofits. and since she has a stake in this one specifically she's been very instrumental in in quite honestly keeping the doors um just the shoot when we started about 18 months ago there were maybe three events every month two of which were the psychic nights that we had um now there is something every single night and it's all over the place we have meditation we have sound baths we have drone circles channeling channeling we have psychic media it's just the list goes on and on and we're constantly constantly adding more people because we're actively searching out people who should be in our building and of our community.

  • Speaker #0

    Now, is it kind of like an association I would join? How would one be a part of Parastudy Incorporated?

  • Speaker #1

    Well, all you really have to do is fill out the membership packet. There's no abilities required. A lot of times people think, oh, I'm not a psychic, so I can't join. That's not the case.

  • Speaker #0

    You can't join.

  • Speaker #1

    All you have to be is you have to be open. to the universe and you have to be open to enhancing your perspective in the universe. So if you come with a closed mind and you say this, this is not true, that is not true. This is not the organization for both. No. Yeah. But thankfully we have not really run into anybody like that. Everyone who comes through the door and wants to be a member has either said, this is going to sound crazy, but... and then they go on a whole story about their experience they've had, or they're just open to learning more. The place runs on donations and volunteers, so whatever skill set they have is really what we can use. Even if it's something like manual labor, like gardening or painting, we need all those people. Archiving, like the list goes on.

  • Speaker #0

    I just, the place has such potential. I mean, the library itself, the energy of that library is, and I tried to explain it to people. They go, oh, is it haunted? It's a pie. It's a pie. Yes, thank you. It feels like, oh, somebody here. They got work to do. It was very peaceful, even if other people were kind of agitated. You know, it just didn't really bother me. How do you guys look for donations?

  • Speaker #2


  • Speaker #1

    absolutely we're we're acting uh a hundred percent of the money we bring in goes right to the organization to keep the lights on to keep the doors open we are a chartered

  • Speaker #2

    501c3 non-profit so any donation anybody makes is tax deductible okay um even your membership dues the membership what are your membership fees so we have two different levels uh we have a basic level um which is gets you a few things has a few membership perks um and there's different levels under that there's a single membership there's veterans and 65 and older and they're all different prices which you can find on our website um there's a couple and any children under the age of 18 there's no charge And they also have little perks, too, that we offer for any of the kids that are under 18. And we have the exclusive membership, which gets you a whole lot more free classes, discounts, stuff like that. But all that is a little bit.

  • Speaker #0

    What are the other classes that you guys are doing or getting ready to do? Because that seems very interesting.

  • Speaker #2

    So we have some repetitive events, some repetitive classes, and some monthly lectures. One of the ones that we have, which is huge, are the Journey Through the Psychic Senses. And that is one of our mediums. She teaches you how to access the different senses. You know, if you have a Claire sentience, if you're a Claire audience, Claire cognizant, whatever it might be, she's fantastic. She's a great mentor. So she does that. We have.

  • Speaker #1

    And the nice thing about that class is. You don't have to know that you have any abilities. You can just say, I think, I hear things, or I sense things, or I know things before they happen. And she helps you.

  • Speaker #2

    And she helps you. She helps you channel them.

  • Speaker #0

    Mediumship, psychic ability, intuition. You have channelers who have come in and done stuff like that.

  • Speaker #2

    They are very gifted. Very, very gifted.

  • Speaker #1

    They'll blow your mind, those channelers.

  • Speaker #0

    Well, trust me, I know. I have not done much channeling here. in, well, in Westchester 20 years ago. Takes a lot out of you. But like, what was it? When you took me through the room with all of the tapes.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    I mean, guys, when you get that done, that's going to be wild. I mean, those recordings have so much on them.

  • Speaker #1

    Yes. So if you rewind the timeline back to about nine or ten months ago, that third floor was pretty impassable. Our volunteers have done a phenomenal job uncovering a literal archive of stuff going all the way back to the 60s. We're talking lectures. We're talking ARE stuff. We're talking some of them are actually our founder and her husband. Their original work.

  • Speaker #2

    Their sessions.

  • Speaker #1

    Their sessions. Because he was a psychologist.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    So we have all these things on reel-to-reel. And we have an outreach through a film company in Connecticut to try to get their digitizer. So we're going to be able to hopefully archive all these things before they disappear.

  • Speaker #0

    Yeah. Now, real quick here, making a little left turn. As soon as I walked there and you guys started talking to me about the place, let's talk a little bit about para-history.

  • Speaker #1

    because there's some pair of history to this building yes um like give us a little history about that building i got lost in sure um the building was built in 1870 as a summer home for dr corneal this offer the land was the land that the building sits on it was gifted to him by abraham lincoln as a thank you for being a physician's assistant for him this is all This all comes from a historian from Delaware County, the Historical Society that has given us all these documents. So yeah, building built 1870, occupied by Paris Study Incorporated ever since 1958. And it is another left turn from your left turn is the whole building is set up as a way station for lost and searching souls, both on this side and on the other side of the band. There's actually a beacon that was placed years ago that has been maintained by our energy workers to draw spirits in to get them to where they need to be.

  • Speaker #2

    To help them.

  • Speaker #1

    To help them.

  • Speaker #0

    So you guys kind of did that?

  • Speaker #1

    We're torchbearers.

  • Speaker #0

    So it's something we're doing.

  • Speaker #2

    Something implemented. Wow.

  • Speaker #1

    We maintain it with our spirituality and with our psychic individuals and our mediums. We make sure it all maintains.

  • Speaker #0

    Because, like... this building we're in here now i mean the social is just haunting it's not occupied it's all what's um i have a friend you can feel the energy as soon as you walk in a friend of mine who's a healer an amazing healer she won't even step foot now she will walk over there on that side of the road wave at me and say good luck i keep right on but yeah we're um so our crystal practitioners uh in our

  • Speaker #1

    herbalists do a phenomenal job of making sure the grounds are maintained spiritually by placing certain objects and meditating we have shaman come in to bless the energy wheel that you took part in while you were there um so it's it's fortified positively so that that way spirits to make their way there and feel when you said it's a calm energy that's done intentionally to make sure everyone is nice and calm they work with our resident spirit guides that you've talked on before that And we're very grateful that they're there to help us.

  • Speaker #0

    I got to say, the thing about the book by itself, there was a book, and I'm saying this for the listeners, by Elizabeth Haith, and I hope I'm saying it right, H-A-I-C-H. The book was given to me by a Dr. Richard John Drew in Delaware 30 years ago. And people who know me and hear me say this. It'd be like, I lost it. I lost the book. No,

  • Speaker #2

    I was there.

  • Speaker #0

    So again, I was telling you that I had lost the book. And I looked online for it through the years. You couldn't find it. And I am sitting there in your building. And you guys, listen, if these guys can understand how many books were there, for that one book to be up on the third floor, not even on the floor of the library, I think. And the book is like sticking out. Everything's flushed. And that one book is sticking in my elbow. And I have the book now. So it is, it must have been part of a class or something at Temple. Because it makes sense. It's the old signature in it. And then they have the stiffer. And I think the psychologist was at Temple. Okay. So there's some wild.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah. The only thing we ask is that you put that book in your will to Power Study so it goes back.

  • Speaker #0

    Give my book back to you.

  • Speaker #1

    You won't be here.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #1

    But no, honestly, for the listeners, we have over 2,200 titles across four different rooms. Some are, obviously, some are duplicate, but we have about that many titles, and that is a result of being a, of that, of that, our members willing them. So, that's how we end up with all these books. That's why I joke about it.

  • Speaker #0

    Okay, I'll give you a book. I was all happy to find it,

  • Speaker #1

    and now I've got to give it back. Yeah, well, you can be done with it.

  • Speaker #2

    You were so excited.

  • Speaker #1

    No, just the look on your face was worth it.

  • Speaker #0


  • Speaker #2

    You have no idea. I remember because you were like kind of hesitant to go to the third floor. I'm like, no, I think we should. And that's just, but that's how the house works. It's amazing how it happens that way. It's not a coincidence. And I tell everybody, everything in that house is real.

  • Speaker #0

    What is the website? guys you really should check it out i think um if they put more and more things up you know there'll be more events to go through oh yeah and i was just with a group of humans here who you know they're like we're all starting to kind of hang out together a little bit i don't know and there really isn't anything to do right so yeah now we have four acres

  • Speaker #1

    for you all to come and sit and see a bunch of psychics are you kidding i would love it and i will say that our neighbors we have amazing neighbors because they have been in their resp they have been paris studies neighbors for a very long time yes oh so the family that's if you're looking at our house the family to the left they've been there for a hundred years and to the right is wilson's auction house which has been there since 1930. so our neighbors know what we do and they're very on board they love us so it's not like we're we don't hide between you two what do you think is the most fascinating thing that

  • Speaker #0

    has happened for you guys at that prop

  • Speaker #1

    I can say what I'm most fascinated by her, and I don't know if she's going to confirm it, but the development of her abilities since we've got there, I'm just astounded by it. Like, I've always known she's had a little something, but when we got there, it just skyrocketed because of her feeling free enough to do it, right? Yeah. I mean, that's just personal. She's like, yeah,

  • Speaker #0

    thanks, yeah, bud.

  • Speaker #1

    But you had another.

  • Speaker #0

    I can tell she's got that look on her face.

  • Speaker #1

    I can say that the most dissounding thing for me is how easily my nerves were calmed. Because, you know, being a refinement, you're always nervous about the health of the people and the health of the overall organization. Yeah,

  • Speaker #2

    the bones of the bones.

  • Speaker #1

    Yeah, and there's so many things to think about. But just how our members and our practice. practitioners bring just such a diverse group of skills it's just amazing to me how common like i don't worry about much because they they just are they just handle stuff it's just amazing sorry i didn't mean to steal your answer you're fine um

  • Speaker #2

    i would concur with both those for sure um i mean all around i think just the the number of people that that come through that building that are you know like nick said this is going to sound crazy but and then we just all sit and welcome it and and embrace it and it's you know being raised catholic it is you know it's such a shift to go from that especially when we were married in the church right next door yeah so it's a huge shift to go from

  • Speaker #0

    So Father Romali is going to come and knock that door.

  • Speaker #2


  • Speaker #1

    It's actually her cousin. Who's a monsignor.

  • Speaker #2

    Who's a monsignor. Yeah. So, but no, I would say, I would say definitely that, but also my ability is ramping up quite a bit. I am a remote viewer and it's quite fascinating and very humbling when you're asked to help someone find.

  • Speaker #0

    someone that's missing and has been missing for a while and you come pretty damn close to finding i have a friend a very very very dear friend who has taken who's in the military and has taken remote yeah viewing and and it is a much more serious craft it really is than most people realize it truly is i do something with it like once or two months like on my live on Facebook that kind of thing

  • Speaker #1

    I love the fact that you guys have guys from all over doing everything yep literally everything and we have a network of people who can't make it like they don't live in the area that we could reach out to if somebody is from a different say hey we know a guy in Colorado we know somebody you know so we're building our community we're we're doing it's just it's like meeting folks like yourself and just expanding and expanding it's just That's another astonishing thing. The amount of people, once you open the doors and say, hey, we're here, then they're like, we've been waiting.

  • Speaker #2

    My goal last year when I took a actually, when I developed event coordinator because they didn't have any such thing, was to, within five years, to be internationally known. And if I know me, I'll have to.

  • Speaker #1

    That's if I know her. Yeah.

  • Speaker #0

    Let's get like that. If you're a new kid, you're not lying.

  • Speaker #1

    she she has an amazing she has an amazing determination this is of all the things that we have done together this is the most she has thrown herself into it that's saying something so It's amazing.

  • Speaker #0

    I think I either I said it to you or somebody else there go on,

  • Speaker #1

    give her a match.

  • Speaker #0

    I think it was who?

  • Speaker #2

    The librarian.

  • Speaker #0

    The librarian. I go, could I? What's your best? What's your best? oh you can't touch that I'm like what no you gotta have gloves on that's that special book I was like oh she does run this you have so much stuff and once you get it to the point this can be here and that can be there I wish you guys a lot a lot a lot please stay in touch with me I know you guys already have another thing that you have to run off and do please oh see the website again for you?

  • Speaker #2

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, from Mitt, man. Mitt doesn't just run the place. He can do your thing. What does he do?

  • Speaker #1

    Like car diplomacy?

  • Speaker #0

    Yes, that big thing. The big thing with the business car. Yeah.

  • Speaker #1

    So, ever since I was 15 years old, I've been able to read standard deck of playing cards in a tarot fashion. So there's two readings that I do. The first one works on the energy, a relationship energy. And it deals with what's unsaid in a relationship.

  • Speaker #0

    Oh, Lord, nobody need to go see you.

  • Speaker #1

    The running joke is, it literally says it on the side.

  • Speaker #2

    I put it in your bio. It says,

  • Speaker #1

    bring tissues.

  • Speaker #2

    I put it in his bio. Not one person has walked out of there without tears coming down their face. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. But it's always what they needed to hear, not what they wanted to hear, what they needed.

  • Speaker #0

    Yes. I've noticed, too, there's a big switch going towards vibrational.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    There are two very good vibrational healers that I deal with, and it's changed. I'd rather do that than regular massage. Yeah. Absolutely.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to take my time.

  • Speaker #0

    close off and just note it was amazing and that is you guys are listening we will have jen on here week after next i won't be here next week because the halloween parades will be right now

  • Speaker #1

    No, that's too much. Too much. But yes, so we have our sound vans who show the vibration stuff, but then we're also going to be incorporating into those sound vans, so you'll have both at the same time. And chronic healing. And chronic, yep.

  • Speaker #0

    It's like you said, chronic healing. We use chronic healing. What class is that?

  • Speaker #1

    And then what's that? Micro? Is that the woman that we were talking to?

  • Speaker #2

    The micro-doser?

  • Speaker #1

    No, no, no. She does the... we have those two we don't have them no i don't giggle arizona and me just giggle um she does the um the nano healing or something like that she's there a couple times i don't know what then i can't say anything she has not gotten in touch with me since um

  • Speaker #0

    guys Thank you so much.

  • Speaker #1

    You're very welcome.

  • Speaker #0

    Once your social media person has been running, have them stay in contact with me.

  • Speaker #2

    I will absolutely do that.

  • Speaker #0

    I will love to share the stuff that you guys have going on.

  • Speaker #1

    And listen, if there's any... listeners that are local and they want to swing by and say hi to us we'd love to have them and we're there literally every night about three o'clock in the afternoon until about seven o'clock at night yep and you can just stop in and say hi and uh if you got a skill that you want to share with paris then because you want to be part of a community we'd love to have you so our doors open i will say this about you guys

  • Speaker #0

    You're open-armed about everyone, but when it comes to the work for the people who work for you, very particular.

  • Speaker #2


  • Speaker #0

    And I love you guys for that.

  • Speaker #2

    Yeah, we definitely don't. We have a very, not rigorous vetting process, but it is very serious. It is a very serious vetting process that we have. If you're not ready, I have no problem telling you you are not ready yet.

  • Speaker #0

    You're going to be all right, man.

  • Speaker #1

    I'm going to be great.

  • Speaker #0

    Are you sure, man? This is dangerous.

  • Speaker #2

    24 years. This is just...

  • Speaker #0

    Go for it. Now I know why it's being run the way it is. Guys, thank you so much.

  • Speaker #1

    Believe me, the pleasure's all mine.

  • Speaker #2

    Thank you,

  • Speaker #1

    honey. I'm so happy we got to connect again. Anytime, reach out. I'm happy to come back to talk about any specific subjects.

  • Speaker #0

    Is there anything really big coming up in the next couple weeks?

  • Speaker #2

    Actually, yes. So we do have Psychic Fair this Saturday coming up. But I am hosting a holiday market. which will have over 50 vendors. November 9th from 12 o'clock till 5 o'clock. We will have a raffle. We have a whole bunch of really great baskets. So we'll have a raffle. We have some baked goods that we're going to be selling. But our vendors are pretty fantastic.

  • Speaker #1

    And it's all things that are what your listeners are into. What are.

  • Speaker #0

    So there's a psychic fair this weekend.

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #2

    It's Saturday. 11 to 4.

  • Speaker #1

    And another thing worth noting is all the practitioners, all the psychics, they don't work for us. They work with us. So they can go out and do whatever. So if you're looking, if your listeners are looking for somebody, like a party or like a phone event, get in contact with us. We'll put you in touch with them.

  • Speaker #2

    I can help for sure.

  • Speaker #0

    It sounds like a great resource. Guys, get the heck out of here. Thank you so much. Thank you,

  • Speaker #1


  • Speaker #0

    Thank you. Thank you.



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