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Operational Intelligence solution in the industry: build vs. buy strategy cover
Operational Intelligence solution in the industry: build vs. buy strategy cover
Voice of Industries

Operational Intelligence solution in the industry: build vs. buy strategy

Operational Intelligence solution in the industry: build vs. buy strategy

21min |21/11/2023
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Operational Intelligence solution in the industry: build vs. buy strategy cover
Operational Intelligence solution in the industry: build vs. buy strategy cover
Voice of Industries

Operational Intelligence solution in the industry: build vs. buy strategy

Operational Intelligence solution in the industry: build vs. buy strategy

21min |21/11/2023


With Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant at ARC Advisory Group, discover what is an Operational Intelligence solution in process manufacturing, its difference from MES or historians, implementation strategies, and pros and cons of licensing and subscription. He also discusses future trends in Operational Intelligence implementation.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


With Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant at ARC Advisory Group, discover what is an Operational Intelligence solution in process manufacturing, its difference from MES or historians, implementation strategies, and pros and cons of licensing and subscription. He also discusses future trends in Operational Intelligence implementation.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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With Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant at ARC Advisory Group, discover what is an Operational Intelligence solution in process manufacturing, its difference from MES or historians, implementation strategies, and pros and cons of licensing and subscription. He also discusses future trends in Operational Intelligence implementation.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.


With Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant at ARC Advisory Group, discover what is an Operational Intelligence solution in process manufacturing, its difference from MES or historians, implementation strategies, and pros and cons of licensing and subscription. He also discusses future trends in Operational Intelligence implementation.

Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.



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