Reusable packaging in an all in one service cover
Reusable packaging in an all in one service cover
The Retail Influencer

Reusable packaging in an all in one service

Reusable packaging in an all in one service

18min |30/12/2022
Reusable packaging in an all in one service cover
Reusable packaging in an all in one service cover
The Retail Influencer

Reusable packaging in an all in one service

Reusable packaging in an all in one service

18min |30/12/2022


To implement reusable packaging in a sustainable system is a key challenge for catering and food retail businesses. To help companies in this sustainable transition, Jan Patzer and Lennart Heynercreated Crafting Future. The young start-up helps develop and produce sustainable packaging, but it also advises companies when it comes to develop a circular model. In this episode I chat with both cofounders about the different aspects of their vision but also recycling, deposit systems and many more. 

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


To implement reusable packaging in a sustainable system is a key challenge for catering and food retail businesses. To help companies in this sustainable transition, Jan Patzer and Lennart Heynercreated Crafting Future. The young start-up helps develop and produce sustainable packaging, but it also advises companies when it comes to develop a circular model. In this episode I chat with both cofounders about the different aspects of their vision but also recycling, deposit systems and many more. 

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.



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To implement reusable packaging in a sustainable system is a key challenge for catering and food retail businesses. To help companies in this sustainable transition, Jan Patzer and Lennart Heynercreated Crafting Future. The young start-up helps develop and produce sustainable packaging, but it also advises companies when it comes to develop a circular model. In this episode I chat with both cofounders about the different aspects of their vision but also recycling, deposit systems and many more. 

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


To implement reusable packaging in a sustainable system is a key challenge for catering and food retail businesses. To help companies in this sustainable transition, Jan Patzer and Lennart Heynercreated Crafting Future. The young start-up helps develop and produce sustainable packaging, but it also advises companies when it comes to develop a circular model. In this episode I chat with both cofounders about the different aspects of their vision but also recycling, deposit systems and many more. 

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.



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