đŸ‡ș🇾#14 Skills, gender and power ! Skills have no gender, but does the taste for power have a gender? cover
đŸ‡ș🇾#14 Skills, gender and power ! Skills have no gender, but does the taste for power have a gender? cover
Happy Men & Women Share More

đŸ‡ș🇾#14 Skills, gender and power ! Skills have no gender, but does the taste for power have a gender?

đŸ‡ș🇾#14 Skills, gender and power ! Skills have no gender, but does the taste for power have a gender?

16min |03/02/2022
đŸ‡ș🇾#14 Skills, gender and power ! Skills have no gender, but does the taste for power have a gender? cover
đŸ‡ș🇾#14 Skills, gender and power ! Skills have no gender, but does the taste for power have a gender? cover
Happy Men & Women Share More

đŸ‡ș🇾#14 Skills, gender and power ! Skills have no gender, but does the taste for power have a gender?

đŸ‡ș🇾#14 Skills, gender and power ! Skills have no gender, but does the taste for power have a gender?

16min |03/02/2022


The question of power, and specifically the quest for power, is a multifactorial reality, where nature and culture, the conscious and the unconscious are inextricably intertwined.

One thing is certain: the quotas provided for in the "Rixain" Law of the 24th December 2021 (named after the MP Marie-Pierre Rixain), a law aiming at accelerating economic and professional equality, are intended to respond to a factual difference in access, between men and women, to the highest levels of power in the economic world. 


Questioning this difference in order to better understand the human and cultural complexity of the subject should make it possible to adjust gender equality action plans and the education that should be done. 


Happy Men Share more proposes to place this reflection within the very classic Nature/Culture duality, at the risk of stirring up some controversy. But in doing so we are faithful to Happy Men Share more’s editorial line of openness to the human complexity of the subject of professional equality between men and women.

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


The question of power, and specifically the quest for power, is a multifactorial reality, where nature and culture, the conscious and the unconscious are inextricably intertwined.

One thing is certain: the quotas provided for in the "Rixain" Law of the 24th December 2021 (named after the MP Marie-Pierre Rixain), a law aiming at accelerating economic and professional equality, are intended to respond to a factual difference in access, between men and women, to the highest levels of power in the economic world. 


Questioning this difference in order to better understand the human and cultural complexity of the subject should make it possible to adjust gender equality action plans and the education that should be done. 


Happy Men Share more proposes to place this reflection within the very classic Nature/Culture duality, at the risk of stirring up some controversy. But in doing so we are faithful to Happy Men Share more’s editorial line of openness to the human complexity of the subject of professional equality between men and women.

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.



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The question of power, and specifically the quest for power, is a multifactorial reality, where nature and culture, the conscious and the unconscious are inextricably intertwined.

One thing is certain: the quotas provided for in the "Rixain" Law of the 24th December 2021 (named after the MP Marie-Pierre Rixain), a law aiming at accelerating economic and professional equality, are intended to respond to a factual difference in access, between men and women, to the highest levels of power in the economic world. 


Questioning this difference in order to better understand the human and cultural complexity of the subject should make it possible to adjust gender equality action plans and the education that should be done. 


Happy Men Share more proposes to place this reflection within the very classic Nature/Culture duality, at the risk of stirring up some controversy. But in doing so we are faithful to Happy Men Share more’s editorial line of openness to the human complexity of the subject of professional equality between men and women.

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.


The question of power, and specifically the quest for power, is a multifactorial reality, where nature and culture, the conscious and the unconscious are inextricably intertwined.

One thing is certain: the quotas provided for in the "Rixain" Law of the 24th December 2021 (named after the MP Marie-Pierre Rixain), a law aiming at accelerating economic and professional equality, are intended to respond to a factual difference in access, between men and women, to the highest levels of power in the economic world. 


Questioning this difference in order to better understand the human and cultural complexity of the subject should make it possible to adjust gender equality action plans and the education that should be done. 


Happy Men Share more proposes to place this reflection within the very classic Nature/Culture duality, at the risk of stirring up some controversy. But in doing so we are faithful to Happy Men Share more’s editorial line of openness to the human complexity of the subject of professional equality between men and women.

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.



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