Speaker #0hello guys welcome back to the podcast that i'm really sure if you guys enjoy watching or just put up with so i've had quite a hectic day honestly a lot of people coming over to the house to fix things that have been broken for way too long i mean we haven't had access to our kitchen for like the longest time which is insane um but slowly all this stuff is like starting to be fixed but you have to obviously have people to come over to do that so that was like the start of the day which was fun um and then i so much shit was just happening today literally um full-blown meltdown and i'm trying to breathe and calm down and actually film this no matter what the product is going to look like um but um oh my god do a freaking drinking game on how many times i say but um uh okay so there's uh i'll a lot of stuff i wanted to talk about today one of them i was gonna do this i'm gonna just stick skip to this because it's something that you know i feel like everyone is not everyone a lot of people are talking about right now it's something i have a very i just like talking about i might not be uh well i don't even know how you can be i guess you could be a psychologist and be well versed on this but i will try my best um one of the things i want to talk about was like the big difference between um trauma and jealousy i know this is a big one like oh my god but i feel like there's so many one completely like different things like 100 completely different things they both like invoke the same emotions like they have like this intense feeling that causes you to like lash out in like actions or words or really intense situations that maybe some people shouldn't be but um they literally both make you act that way i feel like Jealousy is so shamed in our society. Like, no one's gonna be, usually, no one's gonna even come up to someone and be like, yeah, I'm jealous. That's not gonna come out of their mouth. One, because people are not gonna receive it the best. Like, I don't think there's space for people to literally walk up to someone and be like, I'm jealous of XYZ without them thinking a certain way. But if you don't. if you don't communicate which in my opinion is the only way to help jealousy it just makes you lash out in the most unhealthiest ways ever and i don't think anyone wants that to happen but i feel like no one's going to be the first one to be like hey i'm jealous this is what i'm feeling this is how i'm feeling this is why i'm feeling this way i know it's irrational but at the same time it's completely normal to have these feelings like it's come you there's nothing wrong with being jealous obviously the level which you lash out when you have these feelings can be controlled or tried to be controlled like i don't someone like if someone like bricks someone and kills them or something that's such a weird way to say that you know i mean if someone like murders someone out of jealousy that's obviously not something that's let's understand no but i feel like you it's understandable to have jealousy it just literally means that you you just intensely want something or in most cases society has made you intensely want something but that's all that it means and um there's nothing wrong with it you can't talk about it and you can't accuse people or assume someone's jealous because that just ends up in a situation where it's just rude honestly um unless you're trying to be rude god i'm so um i the best thing that i would do were my advice uh i would literally just ask them uh what's making them feel that way you notice someone is or you suspect that someone's jealous and sort of be like why are you jealous who would do that just literally go up to them and be like why are you feeling this way what is making you feel like this I know you're upset. What is making you upset? because i feel like when you come up to someone and be like you're jealous it automatically shuts down any conversation or any any way of healthy communication that's possible i don't think you can just like accuse someone of that i feel like that conversation has to be done by them and again i don't think someone's gonna use that word like it's so shamed and like uh and then it's so conceited to accuse some of it to accuse someone of it right uh it's such a tricky road but i feel like it's a lot of the problems that people have is jealousy and it's normal reaction to have i'm gonna say again the problem comes when people can't communicate when it's not easy for someone to disclose or be vulnerable with someone and say this is what's happening this is what i'm feeling no judgment a lot of the times that's not going to happen and when that doesn't happen it's like pushing something underneath the water and hoping it doesn't pop up in your face which it does and honestly i think trauma has the same reaction the big difference that i would say is that there's usually like a wound there's usually you Something really damaging that has happened that has made you feel this way. And instead of getting jealous, you end up getting triggered. and it makes you feel these intense emotions that you don't want to feel and you do actions or you say words that you regret later because your feelings are literally out of control that's what's happening i feel like a lot of people have more sympathy for trauma i tend to have more sympathy for trauma i don't judge jealousy it's just because it's jealousy and not trauma people don't disclose it like even when people are traumatized people don't a lot of people are aware they're traumatized so they're like acting out or they're they're getting irrationally angry it's not irrationally but someone's like what's happening right they're not even aware of themselves other I think I just turned my mic off they're not even aware of themselves that oh they're traumatized like there's no way that they're gonna say oh let me seek some advice for how to get out of the situation if they're not even they're not even realizing that's why they're having this reaction and i feel like it's so much more complicated the trauma with trauma it literally rewires your brain it changes how you think like everything is so different i feel like that's why there's so much sympathy or that's why there's so much help for it um honestly there is the the pat the point of no return god where people start to judge you because they're like okay well you should have been a therapy by right now you should have gone to therapy by now you you could have fixed this this is fixable and you're not fixing it like i don't think that's gonna ever make someone want to seek help i feel like we all know that um with like sobriety or anything like that obviously i've never done anything not obviously i've never gone through anything that extreme with sobriety but i think we all are aware that you can't shame or you can't force someone into it someone has to be like okay this is a serious problem in my life right now I have to there's I'm at a fucking rock bottom I have to fix this or my life is not going to exist anymore and I feel like that that kind of has to happen not that it's like blaming themselves but blaming themselves but I think with trauma um people have to be the one to seek help people have to be the one to want or realize that there's something that needs not needs to be helped not that it's your fault but you know someone is basically like made just made your brain sick in some way and it would be helpful if it could be not sick anymore that sounds so fucked up but i mean it's not your fault that you're traumatized i know people try to shame people for not seeking help if you are traumatized even like i think that's ridiculous you I think we've all lashed out at people at some point and be like, get therapy! No, I've never done that. I mean, I think, again, it's so judged for jealousy because of the reactions that happen afterwards. Like, who has ever known someone who's actually been jealous to have a good reaction? no one like when that happens it's like the past of no return so people are so scorned by their treatment of being jealous not being jealous being around people that are jealous that they're just like i have no no tolerance for this this is not something i'm going to put up with at all which i don't know i feel i respect but i don't Because I'm just like, it's an emotion that they can't control. I know communication is the issue, not the jealousy. But I always feel like they can't control this feeling. I feel so bad. Especially when you're not that close with someone, again, where you could just sit down and have such a vulnerable conversation with them. It's hard when you're so surface level to be like, I'm going to get real gritty with you. basically like show myself naked and hope you don't mock me like people are not really gonna do that and it's hard as i said it's it's real hard uh i think i think we should hold space for both people i think we should hold space for people trying to uh trying to find space or find find the ability to get help even if they've made that decision getting the help is hard as hell everyone's not at the same economic status how long it takes you to find someone it's literally like finding a husband right you gotta the length the length it takes you to actually find someone that you that works with you and is literally like perfect for you again that's not gonna always last and how many people do you know that are married like it's not something that's like okay this person has done it so this person can do it it's not always that easy obviously and i don't think someone should obviously people get judged for not being married which is weird but i don't think people should be judged for not being able to fix something that they didn't even break i know it becomes their responsibility because they're an adult but i feel like we should give grace to both of these people there's not one person on this world that's never been jealous i i hope people aren't traumatized but most people have dealt with trauma on some level in some form even if they don't realize it like there's always that phrase i don't know why it's like that i can't think of you would treat someone of treating someone how you would want to be treated and i know like there's so many psychologists things like i like that phrase of like I'm gonna treat this person how I want to be treated. I know it's like kind of manipulation. I don't know. It's just if I want this respect given to me and I'm gonna complain when you don't give me this respect, there's no way I'm not gonna give that to you. Like that makes no sense to me. If I want this level of human decency and I'm not gonna give it to other people, there's no reason for me to get it. Like that's insane. that's not gonna happen i'm sorry i just i honestly think that we should hold space for both of these people i know some people are unfairly judged and i know some people go way too far and it's hard to come back from that ever it's literally when you cross a certain line like murder you There's nothing that you can come back from. Maybe you can repent. I don't know. But, like, you're always, that's always going to be something you did. That's literally never going away. That's a line that you literally cannot uncross. It cannot be undone. And I feel like when that level of stuff happens, it's hard. It's hard to be like, okay, this person is not responsible. when they're fully responsible i'm gonna stop talking about this because i could go on for days but um another thing i wanted to talk i know smooth trenches like talking uh i want to talk about you know that girl or unhealthy beauty standards in america the world i don't really know i feel like we've all heard about this You know, you see these girls in magazines where there's this unhealthy beauty standard that you can't keep up with and that you're constantly being compared to. of there's this billboard of the supermodel who the person who hired them said they had to lose another 30 pounds or they wouldn't get hired and now the whole world is comparing their body to it and you're honestly a horrible person or there's something fucked up with you if you don't have that body or hair or makeup or outfit or house or aesthetic like all of this lifestyle of oh this is what i aspire to be or this is it's not real i think we all know it's not real and not to say that people who live like this are fake people it's just this is not going to be the average american experience like if you go to middle america this is not going to be how everyone is it's it's not how it is and when people compare themselves to a lifestyle that they're that they shouldn't even even if you could achieve it's not something that you should want to achieve by destroying your whole i don't know who said this but they're just like um don't go broke trying to prove i don't know how to say it it was basically like don't go broke trying to prove you're not broke it was the same basically and that's so much of like if you look at all the people who have like name brand stuff or you know things that are meant for flexing like cars or purses or shoes or designer things a lot of the people cannot even afford the things that they have like they're just like okay i'm not gonna eat so that i can have this one thing that i don't really want but i want it because everyone in society has it and then i'm not fitting in if i don't get it like that's such an unhealthy standard to live up to i don't know how anyone can live up to that you It literally twists your brain. Not that I think, there's this thing of like, they're like, this is not in reality. It's not how people live. Obviously, this is how some people live, but this is not how the average American lives. And this is not how most people, most people are not going to be exposed to even getting this. Like, it's not going to be an ability for them. And I feel like it's unhealthy. It's so unhealthy. but at the same time which which one do we stop do we stop showcasing these lifestyles that are like so unattainable or do we stop trying trying to compare ourselves to a lifestyle that is not ours like i don't know which one like who's the one in in the fault like obviously if your boyfriend is like saying you're not hot because you don't look like this playboy bunny that's ridiculous No one should literally be like, no. No one should be comparing themselves to something that is super unrealistic and not something that means... Most everyone is so freaking beautiful, but then they compare themselves to something that is literally never going to be achieved by anyone and somehow they're literally, they feel the worst about themselves. Now their self-worth is literally non-existent. Because they wanted to compare themselves to something or something is in the same room as them that they're never going to achieve. I know this sounds crazy, but it's so I think it's unhealthy. I'm not sure how we fix it. Like, I don't know who's in the wrong. I hate, you know, when you see someone and they're like, oh, my God, this person is like, it's so naturally attractive. It's angry, angry. I don't know. you're literally just like you're never going to look like this person ever like ever somehow um this person is not real like i don't like that narrative i know i just went off on a weird tangent but somehow this person doesn't am is not a real person i know that's literally what i'm just saying but you we put them on a pedestal because we're just like we're not going to be like this person no one's going to be this person ever so then this person is not normal this person is a freak this person is blah blah blah i don't like that narrative because i'm just like just because i'm not going to be attractive as this person doesn't mean this person is attractive i'm aware of that i know that this person was literally just born like this i don't think it's i don't think it's realistic for me to compare someone like this what I mean by compare is if you sat yourself in a room by yourself and you were 100% happy with how you looked, but the second you went in the room with someone else, you literally started feeling, like, horrible about yourself, that's what I mean compare. Not that you're literally, you have a low self-worth, or you're insecure. I mean, you're happy with yourself until society is forcing you to compare to some unrealistic, unrealistic, uh, unrealistic standard that's not going to happen. And I- It upsets me because I feel like there's so many girls with complexes that are so insecure and their self-worth is so low that literally the worst person can come into their life and show them that the smallest amount of attention or love or infection or noticing them and it literally sends them into this whirlwind of like you're my world you're my everything no one's ever talked to me like that because their self-worth is so low mostly caused by society that anyone showing any type of affection to them is like end of the world this is the best thing ever it it can end up with a lot of people getting taken advantage of in my opinion where this dude doesn't really care about this person and is taking a You know, they like the ego stroke. They like that this person is fawning over them. And they don't really care the damage that they do in the meantime. A lot of people actually lean into it. Literally trying to get these people who are so insecure to have this crazy infatuation with them. So that they can use whatever they want from them. Like, whatever. It's... kind of sickening when you think about it just because i'm like these girls are or boys or people are so insecure it's it was me i've been so i'm insecure right now like there's never been a point in my life where i was not insecure it took me the long well the longest time to not need validation from others it's so long to not be like okay if this if this boy does not like me that means that there's something wrong with me Like when you leave that level is so dangerous. Like learning to love yourself and learning to say, oh, I do have value. I do have worth. Just because Joe Blow wants to say X, Y, Z about me does not mean it's true. It doesn't mean I believe it about myself. It doesn't mean that I need validation from this person to feel good about myself because I know, I know who I am without them. And I know a lot of people can get, I'll say, conceited, a little bit conceited with that. But I feel like most of the time when someone's like reassuring, they're like, okay, I'm the best. I'm the best. It's usually because someone's said they're the worst and they're just trying to make themselves feel better, which is not a horrible thing to do. It's actually really smart considering the fact that people can really take advantage of you if you are. getting validation from people that don't actually care about you going on the internet and hearing someone call Beyonce unattractive which is crazy oh my god like that's insane that's literally insane you're like you're just trying to stir up shit we all know she's fucking hot like that's literally insane I see that shit all the time and I'm just like you can you not you can't but you say this to people who are a little bit older and they're not gonna fall down because it takes a while to build up your self-esteem but there's so many there's so many young people that you guys are just crippling their self-esteem like just completely destroying it and i know there's this crazy narrative of like well you should have just watched more fucked up shows as a kid like south park or family guy like you just literally got raised by your other your older brother who told you all this shit is okay to say which it's not like somehow because you guys were all raised around this you've turned into little assholes i'm sorry i can't be swearing as much you've turned into horrible dick monsters okay i'm sorry you've turned into horrible people like literally horrible people i know i'm going too far but i mean it's everyone it's so toxic everyone because everyone thinks it's okay you say that this is not okay behavior and some suddenly you're the one that can't put up with this you're the one that's too sensitive you're the issue instead of the person actually causing the problems because they have no empathy and they were not raised with any empathy like it really gets me it really does okay welcome back from a break where you saw no ads how was that guys my creepy radio voice okay so i've been watching oh god that's so loud i've been watching undercover boss is that show over if it is they need to bring it back it literally made me think of what I've one of the things I literally wanted to get it tattooed on me which was like surviving versus thriving and I think I want to thrive versus survive and I feel like so many people are caught in this never-ending cycle of okay I'm gonna make my living I'm going to attend to the household chores I'm gonna make sure that I'm still breathing and about that that's it then we repeat and I feel like that's a lot like majority of america how they're living their life literally just surviving of like okay all the bills are paid but you know nothing extra this month for me and you can't they're just like well you can't complain about this but it's the fact of i feel like people want the ability to earn the same luxuries that other people earn i feel like that's the issue It comes to a really sad point, not sad, it's just really disheartening. I don't know if I know what that word means. Um, it's really upsetting when, um, it's all getting cut out. It's really disheartening, um... what the fuck was i going to say jesus christ i hate uh okay that's what i was gonna say it's really disheartening um oh jesus christ when you realize that even if you work the hardest at whatever career or job you have you're not going to necessarily earn the same amount of things which is hard work does not equal success just doesn't in the society we live in we think of like that's the the thing that we're literally telling everyone of like you just gotta work hard you must not be working hard enough you must be lazy we're not talking about well not everyone has the same abilities or opportunities in front of them like obviously they have to work once they have gotten the opportunity but not everyone is going to get that nor everyone has the same ability like if someone's born with a 50 iq and someone's born with like a 180 iq there's it's supposed to be fair that they have the same life no one's has a leg up in that what i've every time we do anything where we're gonna be like you so they're not going to hire people of color so we're going to hire them just because you guys won't hire them then that becomes the whole issue besides like the fact is these people are not going to have the same opportunities as someone over something they cannot control if you're not going to consider someone if you're literally going to force someone to do manual labor you because they cannot do any other job that's crazy to me i don't think i don't think that should be that should be a thing if literally if if someone only option is to be literally their body used for manual labor i don't know i feel like we should have some sort of programs built in where where we can actually get people careers that they can earn money for themselves like no one wants a government handout dude No one wants something- no one- they just want the same goddamn opportunity. Literally, that's all anyone wants is the ability to earn the same shit that everyone can earn. You freaking see this person with a 40 million dollar mansion. Do you think that's ever going to be a possibility someone earns that? Do you think that's ever going to be a thing that can be earned? Ever? No. And somehow we're going to judge someone on that? that's ridiculous you're well you must not be working hard enough you you don't have a yacht you must not be working hard enough you're so lazy like no i hate that narrative so much of if you don't have what you want in society you must not be working hard enough that's not how it works sorry bud maybe for you but you got the goddamn opportunity that's what happened i need a break i can't be yelling i'm literally yelling i'm sorry pisses me off it literally pisses me off because you literally you try to create these programs or incentives or jobs for people that deserve the same opportunity and somehow now they're getting blamed now they're the problem now you're literally doing a pity hire what the what the no one's talking they did they did this comparison in superstore which oh my god if anyone has never seen super shorts one of my favorite shows of all time i i think the first time i started vlogging i was i literally had it playing non-stop it's it's so good especially oh my god if you if you come from um basically you you're in a low income position it's so relatable it's so funny i love it so much um but when one of the scenes they have is literally that he she hires her son that has literally no he knows nothing about the job other than the fact that it's her son and she was just like is no one gonna is is literally no one gonna talk about this this is not a problem this is not someone literally getting a handout no one's giving this person a hundred and twenty thousand dollar job with no experience no education that's not happening pisses me off because all all the people who have these have the opportunity are not saying like oh let's make it equal they're literally saying you're not working hard enough yes we know that you're the one that is responsible for this and you're the one that's probably built up your company from maybe scratch but at the at the end of the day you have to realize not everyone is you not everyone has the same opportunities as you and if you can't help them the least you can do is not shame someone for something they can't control and i'm not talking about your someone who's literally has i don't know 10 million dollars given to them and they're sitting on their ass no one gives a shit no one gives a Suddenly there's someone that is literally getting paid by the government to perform a job. And now these people are like employed by you. The logic is not making sense. It literally just reads, I don't want people to have the same opportunity as me. It's like there's a level of certain people where it feels like no one wants them to exist. No matter what I do, no matter what route I try. people are literally going to hate me for purely existing there's nothing i can do about it literally literally nothing and it pisses me off it really does because it's there's so much shame like okay you can't help now you're gonna degrade these people for for something they can't control no pass i'm good I'm so good. Oh, sorry. Oh my god. I gotta stop guns. Getting so loud. Another thing I wanted to talk about. This one's so hard. I think I've touched upon this one before. And it's literally, it's you trying to keep it equal between two vulnerable. is community is the right word like it's the the what's the uh have you ever heard the phrase don't yuck someone's yum i don't i know that's a little too broad let me try to make an example i have i get really uncomfortable i get anxiety which is linked and caused by my autism and um I've had I have a really hard time communicating with people like really hard time and um If I saw someone, I don't know, just talking, it's not going to agitate me. You know, just because I'm not able to do that comfortably or even at all at certain points, it's not going to agitate me. It's not going to piss me off because I can see someone doing something that I'm not comfortable doing. It's not going to piss me off. What's going to piss me off is when someone is clearly trying to agitate you. I think we all know what you mean. what we mean what the fuck so i tell this girl that i don't like pink right and so now she's trying to wear pink 24 7 just to piss me off because i don't like it that's the point that's gonna literally make me hate you literally hate you and there's like this shaky ground of like you can't tell if someone is doing this to agitate you or you can't tell if someone is just doing this because it's it's something that brings them comfort and i feel like that's the problem where you know um the classic hair toss or i can't even do it i don't curl my hair when someone's like touching their hair and you're just like okay she's just nervous is she trying to flirt is she or is she literally trying to like flaunt her hair in front of you like which one is it the the first two i'm not really gonna give a shit about but the last one's gonna piss me off severely like very much but at the same time it pisses me off when someone's not letting someone do something just because it makes them uncomfortable when they do it like i don't like to do if you're not traumatized by this and it's literally just making you uncomfortable like there's so much of it like just mind your business go about your day and even if this person is trying to like purposely agitate you you prove them what you're going to do prove them right have whatever they want come to fruition they literally are trying to make you upset and you're just going to give it to them i know it's not a choice but if if if your goal is to upset this person the number one thing you're going to do is nothing even if your goal isn't to upset someone and it's to stop the situation It's to not participate into it. To not continue into a cycle where everyone's justified for some reason on why they're doing it, but it's never going to end until someone says, I'm the bigger person and I'm no longer going to participate in this. That's how all these toxic cycles exist. Both sides feel justified. Both sides continue until one person is strong enough to say, no, I'm not going to do this anymore. It's hard. I'm totally justified to attack you right now, but I'm not going to do that and I'm going to be the bigger person. It's the hardest fucking thing to do and if you can do it, props on you. But it's, in my opinion, it's never going to end until it escalates to a point that you can never take back. And I think, I hope no one wants that. I just, it pisses me off. I'm like, I can tell that this person is uncomfortable. I can tell. I can tell whatever this person is doing is bringing them comfort. And just because I'm uncomfortable with talking, this person talking is bringing them comfort. That's not going to be something that I'm just like, you need to shut up. Did you hear what I said? Um, oh my god, do I know how to hold a microphone? i don't know it piss it kind of pisses me off it does i understand it but gets to a point of like but if you're not traumatized by this then it's kind of pissing me off i don't know how do you uh other way to explain this of um yeah we just need to respect other people this person can literally be in a situation that's worse than what i'm experiencing experiencing I'm not going to judge them like no I'm good should we go to something less serious I wanted to talk you know like I want to talk a little bit girly I know that's stereotypical I want to just start this thing where I just we ask a conversation question I basically ask you guys something and we just have a conversation hopefully in the comments that would be awesome This one I decided But you guys could always like write in a question or topic that we could talk about. That would be pretty cool. I wanted to talk about what do you do if the person, I was going to say guy, but then I'm just like, why? What do you do when someone doesn't call? Like we've all, I know, I'm not judging someone. We've all been in that, you know, like butterfly feeling early stages of like. oh my god i like this person do they like me or i think they like me where is this going like yeah it's such the it's amazing feeling like it's so euphoric oh my god there's problems i don't know i have problems on both sides here's the main thing is like the dating climate right there's obviously a time where if you wanted to date you would literally you would have to get married you know what i mean like it's not like everyone's like dating 20 dudes at once that's not a thing it's like here's some ox so you can have my daughter it's not a thing where it's just the dating climate honestly and the dating climate we are in right now is very casual like i feel like not that i've been in any other time but i feel like right now it's It's so common, like, it's so common for people to be in a casual relationship rather than to be in a, like, committed, exclusive relationship. I feel like it's way more common. Like, it's all, it's assumed instead of, like, someone courting someone and be like, I'm gonna go out on a date, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's usually, let's Netflix and chill or let's hang out and then you hook up and then that's a lot of experiences of. younger people while dating which leads a lot of problems let me tell you why multiple reasons one there's multiple different relationships you could have like you could be in a poly relationship it could be open it could be exclusive those are two different things obviously like open relationship just means not that you guys don't know this but open relationship just literally means that you are dating other people your relationship is not closed with just you guys and then exclusive i think that's did you say the same word i'm sorry i meant committed okay exclusive and open are the same it's just reversed um i meant there's exclusive which literally just means it's just you two and open is the opposite of that so that's that's everyone i'm horrible at explaining this oh my god and then there's the committed so that's literally when someone's just like i'm gonna be with you for the rest of my rest of our life right you could be dating other people and be casual you could be dating other people like dating two people at once and be committed Like, there's so many different ways on what relationship you want when you guys have both agreed on it. The problem comes before that conversation has happened. Before someone's been like, let's define the relationship. Which we all know there's usually one person in the relationship ducking that conversation because they have some commitment issues and that may have been me. But I feel like, I feel like, uh, it's literally the problem. The biggest of all problems is because someone's assuming someone's committed to a certain level or someone is assuming someone's not committed to a certain level and then someone feels betrayed when there's no actual betrayal happening, which is horrible. And it's not a good feeling. I think people should have more respect for a relationship. At the same time, you have to be, I feel like you have to be aware of the daily climb. you have to be aware that most people nowadays are going to start in a casual relationship unless you know you're chatting online and you're literally like i'm looking for blah blah blah blah blah this is what i'm looking for i don't want anything else that's usually what could be but that's usually not how it's going and when that conversation doesn't happen it it just so many people like i feel like when no one's calling back which was this the question on what do you do if a guy not guy guy girl person does not call what do you do and i feel like a lot of people have it creates you're like in the shame spiral of well if this person because you usually a lot of people at this point are very very low self-worth as well so when someone's not validating them or it looks like someone is literally like rejecting them rejection then it literally makes their self-worth even lower Which is sucks. It does. So then you have so many people who are like, but I thought this person liked me. And you have a lot of people who are literally just scumbags, let me be real, which is literally just using someone without even realizing that this person is a person or someone that's playing you who makes it appear that they want a committed relationship, but then actually just wants to fucking stick it in and leave. It's a little gross. but you know what i mean they don't actually care about anything you know like barney from how i met you my learn like that there's there's always people um there's always people that are going to try to take advantage of you and there's always there's always people where it's just literally a communication issue no one is communicating this properly and it's causing so many issues because of that And I feel like we're such a society where it's like uncool. It's uncool if I just slept with this person and asked them, okay, do you actually, do you see a future with us? Do you see, where is this going? What are we? Without seeming like I'm this clingy person that is not mature or grown, which is ridiculous, completely ridiculous. I feel like it's not going to happen though. We have this whole generation that thinks treating people a specific way is okay and if you're not okay with it then you're the sensitive one and I'm not sure how to fix that other than exposing people to empathy and just realizing yeah it's annoying and yeah it's tedious thing to do but we have to think about other people besides ourselves we have to think about how people are going to feel when we do these things maybe we don't really want to do because it it would honestly be easier but we live in a society we have to look out for each other wow okay so i was gonna end it here but uh oh god it's about to die should i try to okay let me give you the outro in case my camera dies so hopefully these will be posted um thursday at 2 a.m you can go to my instagram camara johnson and it has all the links you will need you can also put on um in the camera wind okay so this will be the end of it um thank you guys for listening sorry it's my only voice now i know my voice is amazing but uh i'll see you guys next week um turn on notifications for the podcast uh on asha or youtube and i will see you guys next week bye